Unit 1 BFSI Projectv4

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End of Module Project

© NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009 Project Booklet 1

Project Execution

This project aims to give students an idea about the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance
products and services available in their city. The students are expected to identify the key
organizations operating in the above space in their city (part of the city in case of Metro locations like
Mumbai/ Delhi/ Kolkatta/ Chennai/ Bangalore). Specifically the students are expected to study and
report on the following for the top three key players in Banking, Life Insurance and General Insurance

• The key players and their products and services

• The customer segment to which the product is positioned.
• The 4 Ps Strategy carried out by the organization
• The selling strategy adopted by the organization.

Phases in Project Execution

The project will be carried out in the following phases:
• Data collection: The student is expected to list out the organizations which have branches in the
city (part of the city in case of Metro locations like Mumbai/ Delhi/ Kolkatta/ Chennai/ Bangalore).
This can be obtained by talking to people in the industry/ web search/ observation and other
sources. The student is expected to collect information on the products and services offered by
these player through both primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources means that
the student meets people and collects information from them. Secondary sources would include
directories, web, media reports etc.

• Analysis: This stage requires students to analyze the information they have collected and decide
on the salient points. Students are expected to be able to classify the data collected into relevant
parts and analyse the comparative offering of different providers

• Documentation: This stage requires the student to prepare the project as per project format
provided and submit it to the coordinator. Students are free to add additional sections and must
provide interview templates, questionnaire used, promotional literature collected etc as part of the

Project Evaluation Guideline

The project is to be evaluated on the following parameters:
• Quality: Conformance to the requirements specified – 30 marks.
Depth and accuracy of details in the project report and the presentation.
• Timeliness: completion of project within the specified timelines – 20 marks.
• Quality of documentation: Adherence to specified standards – 20 marks.
Completion of all formats.
Adherence to standards and guidelines.
Appropriate explanatory notes and comments.
• Query handling during project presentation: Coordinators may ask students for clarifications
during the project presentation. Students are expected to answer these queries satisfactorily - 30

2 Project Booklet BFSI © NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009

Project Standards and Guidelines

The following standards and guidelines are to be followed while creating the project. Following these
standards and guidelines is one of the evaluation criteria for the project:
• Mention all information sources and references. For instance, mention names of books, URLs,
names of company personnel and consumers with whom the students have interacted etc.
• Insert explanatory notes and comments wherever necessary.

Project Activities

The student has a total of fifteen days to work on the project and deliver the presentation. The
activities to be carried out by the student during this period are:
• Collect the necessary information.
• Analyze the data and information and come up with insights.
• Document the project using the formats given in the later section.
• Submit the documentation to the coordinator.
• The students will deliver a presentation on the project. The coordinator will assign marks based
on the specified evaluation format.

© NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009 Project Booklet 3

Sample Project Documentation: BFSI

Project on
BFSI Product and Services available in <<City>>

Developed by

Name: Reg. No.:

4 Project Booklet BFSI © NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009

BFSI Products and Services available in <<City>>
A comparative analysis
(Project Title)

Batch code :

Start date: : End date:

Name of coordinator :

Name of student :

Date of submission :

© NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009 Project Booklet 5


I have benefited a lot from the feedback and suggestions given to us by …

Mention names and designations of people you have interacted with.

(you may provide contact details of these people as part of the annexure)

6 Project Booklet BFSI © NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009

BFSI Key Players in <<City>>

In this section, the student is expected to mention:

• A description of the industry at the national/ global level. (introductory – need not be very
• The key players in the BFSI space in the City – these need to be classified into various heads (e.g.
Banks may be classified into Nationalized, Cooperative, Private and MNC)

The student is expected to attach all the relevant documents collected such as pamphlets, process
formats, process flow sheet etc.

© NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009 Project Booklet 7

Products and Services offered

In this section, the student is expected to mention for at least top 5 key players in each segment
• The company’s product/s and services
• Its target market/s.
• Its strategy.
• Comments on the strategy, and do a comparative analysis of the products and services offered by
each one

Key Players in Banking in <<City>>

Key Players in Financial Services in <<City>>

Key Players in Life Insurance in <<City>>

Key Players in General Insurance in <<City>>

Products offered by each

Comparative analysis of products in Banking

Comparative analysis of products in Financial Services

Comparative analysis of products in Life Insurance

Comparative analysis of products in General Insurance

8 Project Booklet BFSI © NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009

Marketing Mix Strategy

In this section, the student is expected to analyse and comment on the marketing strategy followed by
each player in brief. They must use the 4Ps – Product details, Pricing, Promotion, Placement and
distribution model. Students are free to use the 7P’s model also and comment on the People, Physical
Environment and Processes if they wish to differentiate their project from others.

© NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009 Project Booklet 9


In this section, the student is expected to attach any templates, questionnaires, product literature,
articles, etc that the student has used/ collected as part of this project.

Also include a list of books/ magazines/ urls you have referred to for making this project.

10 Project Booklet BFSI © NIS SPARTA LTD. 2009

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