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Princess Sparkle Heart

Once upon a time in land not so far away, there’s a girl named Celestine Lopez who sells food
and loves to read fairy tales. She wants to go to Nangkashire to find her dream prince charming because
she believes that fairy tales dream do come true.

One day Celestine woke up, and started her day by helping her mother to cook breakfast since
that’s their source of livelihood. They cooked macaroni soup, champorado and goto in the morning, and
then banana que and turon in the afternoon. Celestine really wanted to save money because of her
ambition to go to Nangkashire and to be able to buy more books.

When Celestine started to sell their banana que

and turon, she saw an old lady sitting alone at sidewalk
and remembered her grandmother who passed away
two years ago. She approached the old lady and gave
her banana que and turon as a gift. When she was about
to leave, the old lady stopped her and gave her a little
book. She was about to say something when suddenly
the lady disappeared. She kept wondering why the old
lady suddenly disappeared however, she was even more
surprised when she opened the book. The book only had
a title and nothing else.

All day long, Celestine focused in selling their turon and banana que but she couldn’t stop
wondering what happened earlier. When Celestine went home, she had dinner right away to
immediately rest and inspect the book further. Celestine was very scared because the contents of the
book are the exact events that happened earlier but was written as if one was reading a fairy tale book.
She left the book at her vanity and fell asleep.
While Celestine was sleeping, the book sparkled and released a magical spirit which appeared to
be a tiny and mysterious fairy godmother. Her name is Miguella Teaton wearing a bright red and hot
pink dress with multi-colored curly hair and a yellow bow on her beautiful hair. This creature has the
ability to cast magical spells. When Celestine woke up after her short nap, she saw Miguella and freaked
out. She hid under her blanket hoping that it was just a dream. She slowly removed the blanket and
slowly opened her eyes but still saw the fairy. After a while, she was no longer afraid of Miguella and
became happy that the fairy tales she read were true.
Miguella told her, “I am the old lady you saw earlier and you are the one I chose to give the
book because you have a good will.” Celestine asked, “But why was the book empty and writings started
to appear based on what happened earlier?”

Miguella answered, “A dream is a wish that your heart makes.” and then she disappeared.
Celestine was even more confused by what Miguella said.

One evening, Celestine was reading the book and it was written there that she will go to a party
and will meet a handsome man. Suddenly her mother called her and said, “Celestine, get ready. Your
aunt has invited us to her party” Celestine was nervous because it might have been written in the book.
That’s why Celestine looked for her best dress and put make up on her face.
In the middle of the party, women suddenly had a partner and her aunt told her to look for a
partner for the traditional dance. Celestine was looking for a partner when suddenly someone pushed
her and she bumped onto someone. All of a sudden, everything around slowed down their eyes and
locked on each other. Her heart went beating so fast then the man walked away. When she chased him
people were already dancing so the man in front of her was covered and everyone already had a mask.

She did not give up and still kept searching for the man. It looked like she can no longer find the
man because everyone was already wearing a mask though she still remembered his chocolate-colored
eyes. After the party, she immediately went home because she thought it was the prince charming she’s
been waiting for. She fell asleep thinking about him.
Since then, she had been focusing on selling food and never opened the book. Despite having a
number of suitors, Celestine rejected them as she still had her prince charming in her mind and she was
convinced that he was the one for her. She still pursued her dream of going to Nangkashire. During her
first three weeks in Nangkashire, she has already toured the magnificent place but only had one that she
has never been to. The place was called Khisfire Castle and when you go there, a wishing well will be
awaiting where all your hearts deepest desires will magically come true. Even with doubts in her mind,
she still was thinking to go there.

Celestine entered her hotel room and was surprised to see Miguella. She asked Miguella, “What
are you doing in here?” Miguella answered, “I thought you believe in fairy tales?” Celestine grabbed the
book and gave it to Miguella. “Not anymore. Thanks for giving me this book,” Celestine answered with a
sad tone. Miguella replied, “Are you giving up on your dream and what you believe in?” Celestine
answred, “My only dream was to get here.”

Miguella kept explaining, “You went here because you believe in fairy tales.” Celestine
responded, “I fear that what I have believed and dream may not come true.” Miguella replied, “Don’t
downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.” Then
Celestine asked, “Why are you saying this to me?” Miguella answered, “I came into your life for a reason
but I can’t tell you the reason why.” Celestine questioned, “But why?” Miguella responded, “If you can’t
get someone out of your head and heart, maybe they are supposed to be there.” then Miguella gave the
book to Celestine. “Who better to share your dreams with than the person you’re dreaming about?”
Miguella remarked and then disappeared.

When Celestine opened the book, she read it and it was written here what happened in her life
was also written in the book but without an ending. Suddenly there was a pink dress shining in her bed
and a white glittery heels. This is what she has been waiting for. She got the dress and quickly went to
Khisfire Castle. She went immediately to the wishing well and took a coin, closed her eyes and wished.
She then felt someone beside her. She heard a man’s voice. “What are you wishing for?” asked the man.
“How about you?” she replied. “Let’s say it out loud” said Celestine. “Let’s count to three” 1 2 3….” said
the man. And Celestine wished, “I wish the man I met at the party is beside me.” The man wished, “I
wish the girl I met at the party is beside me.”

They were both surprised because they had same the same wishes. When they looked at each
other they got even more surprised. They hugged each other. “You are the man?” Celestine asked. The
man nodded and said, “You are the girl.” Celestine nodded and they lived happily ever after.

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