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Clinical Chemistry 46:6 Lipids, Lipoproteins,

829 – 836 (2000) and Cardiovascular

Risk Factors

HPLC Analysis of Lipid-derived Polyunsaturated

Fatty Acid Peroxidation Products in Oxidatively
Modified Human Plasma
Richard W. Browne1,2* and Donald Armstrong1

Background: Lipid peroxidation is a prominent mani- The oxidative modification of lipids has been implicated
festation of free radical activity and oxidative stress in in the pathogenesis of many diseases (1 ), particularly
biological systems. Diverse methodologies have been atherosclerosis and coronary vascular disease (2 ). Oxida-
developed that measure a variety of lipid peroxidation tive lipid modifications occur through lipid peroxidation
products used as markers of lipid peroxidation processes. mechanisms in which free radicals and reactive oxygen
Methods: Hydroxy and hydroperoxy polyunsaturated species abstract a methylene hydrogen atom from poly-
fatty acid (PUFA) peroxidation products were analyzed unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs),3 producing a carbon-
in human blood plasma by reversed-phase HPLC after centered lipid radical. Spontaneous rearrangement of the
liquid-liquid extraction of total lipids and alkaline hy- 1,4-pentadiene yields a conjugated diene, which reacts
drolysis of lipid esters to liberate free PUFAs. An with molecular oxygen to form a lipid peroxyl radical.
isocratic mobile phase containing 1 g/L acetic acid- Abstraction of a proton from a neighboring PUFA pro-
acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran (52:30:18, by volume) over duces a lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) and regeneration of
60 min duration, with ultraviolet absorbance detection a carbon-centered lipid radical, thereby propagating the
at 236 nm by photodiode array, enabled the resolution radical reaction. The hydroperoxide moiety of LOOH can
and quantification of 13 regioisomeric hydroxy and be reduced by glutathione-dependent peroxidases (phos-
hydroperoxy PUFAs. pholipid glutathione peroxidase or, after hydrolysis to
Results: As little as 250 ␮L of human plasma was free fatty acids, glutathione peroxidase) to an alcohol,
utilized with an analytical range of 0.033–1.6 ␮mol/L for yielding a hydroxy derivative (LOH). LOOH and LOH
each compound. Intra- and interassay CVs for all com- represent the primary stable end products of lipid peroxi-
pounds detected in normal or oxidatively modified dation (3 ).
human plasma were 3.2–11% and 4.7–12%, respectively. Measurement of lipid peroxidation has most often
Analytical recoveries were 87–103%. Analysis of human been accomplished through semiquantitative analysis of
plasma exposed to artificial oxidation with Cu2ⴙ ion and total hydroperoxide content, total conjugated dienes, or
hydrogen peroxide, a free radical-generating reaction, through measurement of LOOH breakdown products
showed marked increases in hydroxy and hydroperoxy
PUFA concentrations.
Conclusion: Lipid-derived hydroxy and hydroperoxy 3
Nonstandard abbreviations: PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; LOOH,
PUFAs may be useful as clinical markers of lipid peroxi- lipid hydroperoxide; LOH, lipid hydroxy derivative; MDA, malondialdehyde;
dation and oxidative stress in the peripheral circulation. UV, ultraviolet; FAOOH, fatty acid hydroperoxide; FAOH, hydroxy fatty acid;
© 2000 American Association for Clinical Chemistry 9-HpODE, 9S-hydroperoxy-10Z,12E-octadecadienoic acid; 13-HpODE, 13S-
hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid; 9-HODE, 9S-10Z,12E-hydroxy-
octadecadienoic acid; 13-HODE, 13S-hydroxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid;
13-HpOTE, 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid; 15-HpETE, 15-
hydroperoxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid; 12-HpETE, 12-hydroper-
Departments of 1 Clinical Laboratory Science and 2 Social and Preventive oxy-5Z,8Z,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid; 5-HpETE, 5-hydroperoxy-6E,8Z,
Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214. 11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid; 15-HETE, 15-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E-eicosate-
This work was carried out as part of the doctoral dissertation of Richard W. traenoic acid; 12-HETE, 12-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid;
Browne. 5-HETE, 5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic; 5-HETE-ME, (⫾)5-hy-
*Address correspondence to this author at: Department of Social and droxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid-methyl ester; 13(R)HODE, 13R-hy-
Preventive Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, 270 Farber Hall, droxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid; HDHE, hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid;
3435 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14214. Fax 716-829-2979; e-mail rwbrowne@ HpDHE, hydroperoxy-docosahexaenoic acid; HIP, hexane/isopropanol (3:2, by volume); TLC, thin layer chromatography; and MDQ, minimum detectable
Received December 20, 1999; accepted March 28, 2000. quantity.

830 Browne and Armstrong: HPLC Analysis of Lipid Peroxides

(4, 5 ). Each of these techniques has shortcomings. Total FAOOH and FAOH species found in biological mate-
hydroperoxide methods such as iodometry and the ferric rial can vary in carbon chain length from 18 to 22 carbons
iron oxidation/xylenol orange technique do not measure and degree of unsaturation (2 to 6 double bonds). The
the hydroxy derivative, which has been shown to be the position of the oxygenation site relative to the carbon
predominant form (6 ), and are subject to interference chain also varies because each pair of double bonds
from non-lipid peroxides present in either the sample or allows for two theoretical peroxidation sites (17 ). In the
the reagents. Total conjugated diene measurements are case of linoleic acid, the major PUFA in biological
not specific for lipid peroxidation because conjugated systems, this produces two possible FAOOH and two
dienes are found in compounds such as isolinoleic acid, possible FAOH regioisomers (i.e., 9- and 13-hydroperoxy-
which usually is present in human plasma in much higher octadecadienoic acid and 9- and 13-hydroxy-octadecadi-
concentrations than oxidatively generated conjugated enoic acid). As the number of double bonds increases so
dienes (7 ). Lipid peroxidation byproduct analyses, such does the number of possible regioisomers. Increasing
as the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances test, mea- complexity is added in possible cis, trans (Z, E) isomers
sure malondialdehyde (MDA). MDA is a small three- and enantiomers (R, S). Each of the above mentioned
carbon aldehyde generated from the hydrolysis of certain regioisomers can exist in cis-trans or trans-trans configu-
LOOHs. However, MDA is not generated exclusively by ration, and normal phase HPLC systems have been de-
breakdown of LOOHs, nor does the thiobarbituric acid scribed that resolve these isomeric forms (18 ) as well as
reactive substances test measure MDA exclusively (8 ). chiral phase systems that resolve enantiomers (19 ).
The test is therefore nonspecific. The most detailed anal- We have described a method for the separation and
yses achieved to date have been through use of gas analysis of mixtures of synthetic hydroxy and hydroper-
chromatography–mass spectrometry (9 –12 ). However, oxy PUFAs by reversed-phase HPLC (20 ). The present
the hydroperoxide group of LOOH is not stable at the report improves this methodology to achieve resolution of
temperatures required for gas chromatographic analyses; regioisomers of linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic, and doco-
therefore, direct measurement is impossible. The typical sahexaenoic acid FAOOHs and FAOHs. The method is
strategy has been to analyze the trimethylsilyl derivative applied to the analysis of FAOOHs and FAOHs generated
of LOH before and after reduction of the sample with a by in vitro oxidation of human plasma by metal-catalyzed
strong reducing agent such as sodium borohydride or oxidation with the Cu2⫹ ion and hydrogen peroxide. Cu2⫹
triphenylphosphine (9 ). The LOOH concentration is then has been shown to react with any LOOH already present
calculated as the difference between pre- and postreduc- in a sample to cleave the LOOH:
tion LOH concentrations. HPLC offers the advantage of
Cu2⫹ ⫹ LOOH 3 Cu⫹ ⫹ LOO 䡠 ⫹ H⫹ ⫹ Cu⫹
separating LOOHs and LOHs without derivatization.
After HPLC separation, detection schemes that include The Cu⫹ product could then cleave the LOOH or H2O2 in
ultraviolet (UV) absorbance of the conjugated diene at 234 a reaction analogous to the Fenton reaction:
nm, postcolumn chemiluminescence, and electrochemical
reduction have been described (13–16 ). Although chemi- Cu⫹ ⫹ HOOH 3 Cu2⫹ ⫹ OH 䡠 ⫹ OH⫺
luminescence and electrochemical techniques detect
Cu⫹ ⫹ LOOH 3 Cu2⫹ ⫹ LO 䡠 ⫹ ⫺OH
LOOHs at much lower concentrations than UV absor-
bance, they do not detect to LOHs. This is a drawback The peroxyl radical (LOO䡠), alkoxyl radical (LO䡠), and
because it has been shown that the major lipid peroxida- hydroxyl radical (OH䡠) have all been shown to be capable
tion products in human plasma are the more stable LOHs of initiating and propagating lipid peroxidation (16 ).
(6 ). UV absorbance is able to identify both LOOHs and
LOHs because they both possess a conjugated diene that Materials and Methods
absorbs strongly (⑀ ⫽ 23 000 –27 000) near 234 nm. A Unless otherwise indicated, reagents were obtained from
general difficulty of chromatography applied to total lipid Sigma. All organic solvents were HPLC grade and were
peroxidation measurements is that LOOHs and LOHs obtained from J.T. Baker. To prevent autooxidation dur-
occur predominantly esterified in cholesterol esters, phos- ing sample processing, dissolved oxygen was removed
pholipids, and triglycerides, which are difficult to resolve from all solvents by ultrasonication under reduced pres-
in a single chromatographic system. To overcome this and sure followed by 15 min of sparging with helium. Helium,
to provide a more accurate estimation of total lipid oxygen, argon, and prepurified nitrogen were obtained
peroxidation, alkaline hydrolysis of lipid esters to yield from Strate Welding Supply.
free fatty acid hydroperoxides (FAOOHs) and hydroxy Bulk quantities of FAOOHs for stability and recovery
fatty acids (FAOHs), followed by HPLC separation and studies were synthesized using type 1 soybean lipoxidase
direct UV detection of the conjugated dienes has been to generate FAOOHs from pure linoleic, linolenic, arachi-
described (16 ). This method provides a substantial donic, and docosahexaenoic acid (20 ). Bulk FAOHs were
amount of information regarding the amount of total synthesized by reduction of FAOOHs with sodium boro-
lipid peroxidation, as well as the identity of the PUFA hydride in ice-cold methanol followed by chloroform
precursor. re-extraction. The isomeric identity of bulk FAOOH and
Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 6, 2000 831

FAOH preparations was confirmed against retention time hydrolysis of total dried lipid extracts was performed by
and absorbance spectra of FAOOHs and FAOHs of dissolving the extracts in 0.95 mL of degassed, absolute
known regioisomeric composition: 9S-hydroperoxy-10Z,12E- ethanol. NaOH (50 ␮L of a10 mol/L solution) was added,
octadecadienoic acid (9-HpODE), 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E- and the sample was perfused with nitrogen, capped,
octadecadienoic acid (13-HpODE), 9S-10Z,12E-hydroxy- heated at 60 °C for 20 min, and neutralized with 30 ␮L of
octadecadienoic acid (9-HODE), 13S-hydroxy-9Z,11E- glacial acetic acid. 5-HETE-ME (100 ␮L of a 1.0 ␮mol/L
octadecadienoic acid (13-HODE), 9S-hydroperoxy-10E, solution) was added as internal standard. After the etha-
12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid, 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E, nol was evaporated under nitrogen, the sample was
15Z-octadecatrienoic acid (13-HpOTE), 9S-hydroxy-10E, dissolved in 1.0 mL of water and extracted twice with 2.0
12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid, 13S-hydroxy-9Z,11E,15Z- mL of n-heptane. The upper phase was collected, pooled,
octadecatrienoic acid, 15-hydroperoxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E-eico- and evaporated under nitrogen, and the residue resus-
satetraenoic acid (15-HpETE), 12-hydroperoxy-5Z,8Z,10E, pended in 250 ␮L of ethanol. Completeness of the alkaline
14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HpETE), 5-hydroperoxy- hydrolysis was assessed by TLC as described above.
6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-HpETE), 15-hy- Immediately before HPLC injection, 250 ␮L of water was
droxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE), 12- added to the samples to ensure efficient mass transfer to
hydroxy-5Z,8Z,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), the stationary phase.
and 5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-
HETE). These compounds as well as an internal standard hplc analysis
of (⫾)5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid- Sample (150 ␮L) was injected into the HPLC system,
methyl ester (5-HETE-ME) and the R-enantiomer of 13- eluted isocratically with a mobile phase containing 1 g/L
HODE (13R-hydroxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid) were acetic acid-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran (52:30:18, by vol-
obtained as pure solutions in ethanol and used as received ume) over 60 min and monitored at 200 –300 nm by the
(Caymen Chemical). photodiode array. It should be noted that a photodiode
array is not necessary for this methodology; a simple UV
instrumentation detector could be used. Integration of peak areas was
The equipment used was as follows: a UV-visible record- performed at 236 nm with an 8-nm bandwidth. This
ing spectrophotometer (Model 160 U) and HPLC system wavelength and bandwidth were chosen to encompass
were from Shimadzu. The HPLC system consisted of an the wavelength of maximum absorbance (␭max) of the
LC-7A solvent delivery system, an LPM-600 low-pressure octadecadienoic acids at 234 nm and the eicosatetraenoic
mixing proportioning valve, a SIL-9A automatic sample acids at 237 nm. Quantification was based on an external
injector, an SPD/M6A UV/VIS photodiode array, and an calibration curve using ethanolic calibrators prepared on
online IBM personal computer with Shimadzu Class-VP a Shimadzu 160 UV scanning spectrophotometer apply-
chromatograph data processing software. The mobile ing the ␭max and absorptivity coefficients provided by the
phase reservoirs were continuously sparged from a he- manufacturer. Serial dilutions were made in ethanol-
lium degassing system (Kontes Glassware). The reversed- water (50:50, by volume), and calibration curves were
phase analytical HPLC column was a Supelcosil LC-18 generated by triplicate injections of each calibrator. Sam-
(4.6 mm ⫻ 25.0 cm; 5.0-␮m particle size; 100Å pore size), ple concentrations were interpolated from calibration
with a Supelcoguard LC-18 guard column (4.6 mm ⫻ 2.0 curves and corrected for recovery of 5-HETE-ME internal
cm; 5-␮m particle size; 100Å pore size; Supelco). standard.
FAOH recovery experiments were performed by add-
sample preparation ing known amounts of calibrators into human plasma.
Hexane-isopropanol (HIP) total lipid extracts (21 ) were FAOOH recovery experiments were performed by adding
prepared by adding 1.0 mL of isopropanol containing 0.1 calibrators into isopropyl alcohol-precipitated plasma.
g/L butylated hydroxytoluene to 0.5 mL of EDTA plasma. Reproducibility experiments were carried out on a pool of
After 2 mL of hexane was added, the vial was perfused normal human EDTA plasma as a low-concentration
with nitrogen, capped, vortex-mixed for 1 min, and cen- control. A separate high-concentration pool was oxidized
trifuged for 3 min at 3000g; the upper hexane phase was with 100 ␮mol/L Cu2⫹ ion for 12 h at 37 °C and then
collected by aspiration. The extraction was repeated three stabilized by addition of 250 ␮mol/L EDTA followed by
times, and the hexane layers were pooled and evaporated portioning and freezing at ⫺80 °C. Intraassay reproduc-
to dryness under nitrogen. To analyze the total lipid ibility was estimated by 20 replicates of each control pool
extraction efficiency, the aqueous layer was re-extracted in one batch. Interassay reproducibility was estimated by
three times with chloroform-methanol (2:1, by volume). duplicate, daily analysis of control pools over a period of
Total lipids were analyzed on adsorption thin-layer chro- 20 days.
matography (TLC) plates (20 ⫻ 20 cm) precoated with
0.25 mm of silica gel G without fluorescent indicator (EM Results
Laboratories); the plates were developed with hexane- Pure bulk preparations of FAOOHs and FAOHs were
diethyl ether-acetic acid (80:20:1, by volume). Alkaline obtained by reaction with lipoxidase followed by reduc-
832 Browne and Armstrong: HPLC Analysis of Lipid Peroxides

tion with sodium borohydride. Linoleic and linolenic acid small amounts of FAOOHs to FAOHs during alkaline
FAOOHs synthesized in this manner consisted of ⬃95% hydrolysis of lipid esters, and the reaction of FAOOHs
13-hydroperoxy isomer, 3– 4% 13-hydroxy isomer, and with strong alkali has been described in detail by Gar-
1–2% 9-hydroperoxy and -hydroxy isomers. Subsequent dener et al. (22 ). To account for possible artifacts in our
reduction of these preparations produced 95–97% of the analysis, we studied the effect of alkaline hydrolysis on
13-hydroxy isomers and small amounts of 9-hydroxy the stability of FAOOH calibrators. A mixture of FAOOH
isomers. The addition of 9-HODE, 13-HODE, 9-HpODE, calibrators in ethanol (13-HpODE, 13-HpOTE, 15-HpETE,
and 13-HpODE calibrators confirmed the identity of these and HpDHE) was split into two equal parts. One was
peaks as the cis-trans isomers of these oxidation products. analyzed directly by HPLC, whereas the other was sapon-
Pure 13(R)HODE was not resolved from 13(S)HODE, and ified as described above, neutralized, and then analyzed.
the alkaline hydrolysis product of the internal standard Fig. 2 shows a comparison of these two chromatograms.
(⫾)5-HETE-ME, which was a mixture of R and S enanti- Alkaline hydrolysis produces an 8 –12% loss of each
omers, gave only one peak on analysis, indicating that FAOOH, which was recovered as the corresponding
there was no resolution of enantiomers. Arachidonic acid FAOH. Three-dimensional diode array analysis showed
preparations consisted of comparable purity of the 15- no change in the absorbance spectra of the FAOOHs or
hydroperoxy and -hydroxy isomers. There were no other the FAOHs after alkaline hydrolysis.
detectable eicosanoid isomers present in lipoxidase prep- Autooxidation of PUFAs during processing or analysis
arations. The regioisomer identity of docosahexaenoate of biological samples is a concern with all lipid peroxida-
preparations could not be confirmed because of a lack of tion methodologies. To assess possible lipid peroxidation
commercial calibrators. However, the hydroperoxy doco- during sample processing, we prepared a mixture con-
sahexaenoic acid lipoxidase product (HpDHE) as well as taining 12.5 mg each of linoleic, arachidonic, linolenic,
the subsequent hydroxy reduction product (HDHE) each and docosahexaenoic acids in 1.0 mL of ethanol. 5-HETE-
generated only one chromatographically resolved peak. ME was added to the solution. The solution was then
These bulk calibrators showed no change in UV absor- split, and half was diluted 1:2 in water and immediately
bance or chromatographic characteristics for at least 6 subjected to HPLC using a mobile phase of 1 g/L acetic
months when stored in degassed ethanol under argon at acid-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran (41:41:18, by volume).
⫺80 °C. The photodiode array monitored the PUFAs at 215 nm
Chloroform-methanol extracts of the remaining aque- and the LOOHs and LOHs at 236 nm. The second split
ous layer after HIP extraction showed no detectable spots was evaporated to dryness under nitrogen to remove the
on TLC, indicating complete extraction of total lipids. Fig. ethanol, redissolved in 1.5 mL of 0.1 g/L butylated
1 shows the results of TLC analysis of lipid extracts after
alkaline hydrolysis. The lipid esters were completely
hydrolyzed in 20 min in NaOH at a concentration of 0.5
Thomas and Jackson (16 ) reported the conversion of

Fig. 1. Adsorption thin layer chromatogram of total lipid extracts from

human plasma developed with chloroform-ether-acetic acid (80:20:1,
by volume) and visualized by charring with 5 mL/L sulfuric acid
saturated with ceric ammonium sulfate.
Extracts were subjected to alkaline hydrolysis for 20 min at 60 °C at varying Fig. 2. Comparison of HPLC chromatograms of FAOOH calibrators
concentrations of NaOH. Lane 1, no NaOH; lane 2, 0.03 mol/L NaOH; lane 3, before (A) and after (B) alkaline hydrolysis in 0.5 mol/L ethanolic
0.06 mol/L NaOH; lane 4, 0.125 mol/L NaOH; lane 5, 0.25 mol/L NaOH; lane
6, 0.5 mol/L NaOH; lane 7, calibration mixture of cholesterol linoleate (CE), NaOH.
␣-tocopherol (VIT E), triolein (TRIG), linoleic and arachidonic acids (FFA), choles- Peaks: 1, 13-HpOTE; 2, 13-HpODE; 3, 15-HpETE; 4, HpDHE; 5, 13S-hydroxy-
terol (CHOL), phosphatidyl choline (PC), and monoglycerides (MG). 9Z,11E,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid; 6, 13-HODE; 7, 15-HETE; 8, HDHE.
Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 6, 2000 833

hydroxytoluene in isopropyl alcohol-water (2:1, by vol- cation. 9-HpODE was the first increased FAOOH and was
ume), processed as described for plasma, and analyzed quantifiable at 30 min, 13(S)HpODE was quantifiable by
under the same HPLC conditions. Fig. 3 shows a compar- 60 min as were the arachidonic acid products
ison of these two chromatograms. This mobile phase 15(S)HpETE, 12(S)HETE, and 5(S)HETE. These products
allowed the simultaneous determination of native PUFAs, continued to rise in proportion to each other as oxidation
FAOOHs, and FAOHs within 60 min, although there was continued.
considerable loss of resolution of the FAOOH and FAOH After systematic changes in the mobile phase, the
regioisomers. We noted that there were substantial maximum resolution of all calibrators with acceptable
amounts of LOOHs and LOHs in pure commercial prep- elution time was achieved using an isocratic mobile phase
arations of PUFAs. Approximately 90% of the PUFAs, consisting of 1 g/L acetic acid-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofu-
FAOOHs, and FAOHs were recovered after sample pro- ran (52:30:18, by volume). A chromatogram of all of the
cessing, and there was no significant increase in any commercial calibrators is shown in Fig. 5. Of the 15
FAOOH or FAOH relative to the corresponding PUFA. FAOOH and FAOH isomers that we synthesized or
The most notable difference was the presence of a sizeable purchased, 13 peaks were resolved by the HPLC condi-
peak at 17.5 min, which corresponded to 5-HETE and was tions described above. Among the calibrators, co-elution
attributable to alkaline hydrolysis of the 5-HETE-ME occurred between 12-HETE and HpDHE (peak 11) and
internal standard during processing. between 12-HpETE and 5-HETE (peak 12). 15-HpETE and
To estimate the possible complexity of chromatograms 15-HETE (peaks 6 and 10), which were not fully resolved
generated from biological samples and to assess the from the down slope of 9-HpODE and 9-HODE, respec-
ability of the method to respond to a known mechanism tively, were integrated by a manual peak splitting func-
of induced oxidative damage, plasma was exposed to tion of the chromatography software.
CuSO4-H2O2. Normal human plasma was obtained, and The method performance characteristics for all ana-
baseline FAOOH and FAOH concentrations were deter- lytes detected in the high- and low-concentration plasma
mined. The specimens were incubated with 100 ␮mol/L pools are shown in Table 1. The minimum detectable
CuSO4 and 0.3 mL/L H2O2 at 37 °C for 2 h, and aliquots quantity (MDQ) was defined as a peak signal greater that
removed at 30, 60, and 120 min for FAOOH/FAOH 3 SD above the baseline noise. For all linoleic acid- and
analysis. Fig. 4 shows the increase of plasma FAOOH and linolenic acid-derived FAOOHs and FAOHs, which gave
FAOH concentrations as a function of time. The linoleic sharp peaks and were well resolved, the MDQ was 5–7
acid oxidation products 13-HODE and 9-HODE were the pmol on column. The MDQs of the arachidonic acid-
only quantifiable compounds in normal plasma and con- derived FAOOHs and FAOHs were lower because they
stituted the major peaks in all analyses. 9-HpODE was absorb more strongly at 236 nm (⑀ ⫽ 27 000) than the
detected at baseline but was below the limit of quantifi- linoleates or linolenates (⑀ ⫽ 23 000). The MDQs of

Fig. 3. Comparison of HPLC scans of PUFA calibration mixtures before and after sample processing.
(A), PUFAs before processing at 215 nm; (B), FAOOH and FAOH before processing at 236 nm; (C), PUFAs after processing at 215 nm; (D), FAOOHs and FAOHs after
processing at 236 nm. See text for HPLC conditions. ⴱ indicates 5-HETE derived from alkaline hydrolysis of 5-HETE-ME [internal standard (I.S.)].
834 Browne and Armstrong: HPLC Analysis of Lipid Peroxides

Fig. 4. HPLC scans of FAOOH and FAOH compounds generated during incubation of human plasma with 100 mmol/L Cu2⫹-0.3 mL/L H2O2 at 37 °C.

15-HpETE and 15-HETE were 5.1 and 5.2 pmol in pure Discussion
solution but were three times higher in a mixture with PUFA oxidation is the most extensively studied compo-
9-HpODE and 9-HODE, which if present in higher con- nent of oxidative damage to biological systems, and many
centrations, mask these peaks. Each analyte produced a studies have been conducted that suggest a role for lipid
linear response between the MDQ and 250 pmol, where peroxidation in the pathogenesis of many diseases (1 ).
the peak width began to overlap adjacent peaks. Linear Most analytical measurements of lipid peroxidation have
regression of all calibration curves produced correlation used nonspecific methods for total FAOOH breakdown
coefficients (r) ⬎0.99. products and have not directly measured the primary
The CVs were ⬍5% for 9- and 13-HODE, which were oxidized metabolites, i.e., FAOOH and FAOH. The
the only peaks detected in the low-concentration control method described here represents the first direct isomeric
pool. The high-concentration pool was inherently more analysis of FAOOHs and FAOHs in human plasma.
complex, and the CVs for all peaks were between 8.4% Furthermore, seven distinct isomers of linoleic and ara-
and 12%, with most of the variability arising from the chidonic acid FAOOHs and FAOHs were measured,
extraction process because replicate injections of a single thereby defining the major plasma components of total
extract showed CVs ⬍1%. The moderate reproducibility is lipid peroxidation measurements.
also likely to be a function of the reduction of FAOOHs to Once isolated, plasma total lipids were completely ex-
FAOHs during alkaline hydrolysis, which was evident in tracted by the HIP extraction system. We have compared
the low recovery of the FAOOH compounds (87–93%). HIP extraction with chloroform-methanol and ether-eth-

Fig. 5. HPLC chromatogram of FAOOH and FAOH

Peaks: 1, 13S-hydroxy-9Z,11E,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid;
2, 13S-hydroxy-6Z,9Z,11E-octadecatrienoic acid; 3, 9S-
hydroxy-10E,12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid; 4, 13-HODE;
5, 9-HODE; 6, 15-HETE; 7, HDHE; 8, 13-HpODE; 9,
9-HpODE; 10, 15-HpETE; 11, 12-HETE and HpDHE; 12,
12-HpETE and 5-HETE; 13, 5-HpETE; 14, internal standard
Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 6, 2000 835

Table 1. Method performance characteristics for individual FAOOH and FAOH isomers.
CV, %

Intraassay Interassay
Retention Linear
Pead IDa time, min range, pmol MDQ, pmol Recovery, % Highb Lowc High Low
I3(S)HODE 22.15 5–250 6.7 98–102 9.6 3.4 11 5.0
9(S)HODE 24.95 5–250 6.2 97–102 8.6 3.2 10 4.7
15(S)HETE 25.64 15–250 15.3 98–103 10 ND 12 ND
13(S)HpODE 29.56 5–250 6.5 92–96 10 ND 12 ND
9(S)HpODE 31.25 5–250 6.7 93–97 9.0 ND 9.9 ND
15(S)HpETE 31.94 15–250 14.9 87–95 11 ND 12 ND
12(S)HETE 33.52 5–250 5.1 97–101 8.1 ND 8.3 ND
5(S)HETE 38.41 5–250 5.2 92–99 7.1 ND 8.1 ND
ID, identification; ND, not detected.
High-concentration pool.
Low-concentration pool.

anol methodologies. Ether-ethanol was found to be un- depending on the time between addition of the FAOOH
suitable because of the epoxides that form in ether and solution and alcohol precipitation. This phenomenon is
catalyze in vitro peroxidation of the sample. Chloroform- most likely attributable to the activity of endogenous
methanol-extracted lipids are partitioned into the lower peroxidases such as glutathione peroxidase. Precipitation
phase, are difficult to aspirate, and contain considerable of the sample before the addition of exogenous FAOOH
water after drying. HIP extraction is favorable because no inactivates these enzymes and prevents the reduction of
water is present after drying and the degree of toxicity of the FAOOH.
the solvents is much lower (19 ). The addition of butylated The in vitro oxidation of plasma demonstrated small
hydroxytoluene and the removal of dissolved oxygen but detectable FAOH concentrations at baseline and mea-
from the solvents by sonication under reduced pressure surable increases in FAOOH and FAOH concentrations
and helium sparging prevents any detectable autooxida- with time. The linoleic acid oxidation products 13-HODE
tion of lipids during processing. and 9-HODE constituted the major peaks in all analyses.
Total esterified PUFAs were completely hydrolyzed in 9-HpODE was the only FAOOH visible at baseline but
20 min by the alkaline hydrolysis procedure described, was below the MDQ. 9-HpODE and 13-HpODE were
which produces an 8 –12% conversion of FAOOHs to the quantifiable by 60 min of oxidation. Teng and Smith (18 )
corresponding FAOHs. This reduction of FAOOH to reported the inability to separate the cis-trans, trans-trans
FAOH is higher than that reported by Thomas and regioisomeric HODEs (13ZE, 13EE, 9EZ, and 9EE), the
Jackson (16 ), who described a 6 – 8% conversion. This cis-trans HpODES (9EZ and 13ZE), and trans-trans
reduction becomes less significant at lower concentrations HpODEs (9EE and 13EE) under similar chromatographic
of base, but as the base concentration is decreased, the conditions. We have clearly demonstrated the separation
amount of time required to completely hydrolyze the of the four cis-trans regioisomers 9-EZ-HODE, 13-ZE-
sample increases, leading to the potential for autooxida- HODE, 9-EZ-HpODE, and 13-ZE-HpODE, with each cal-
tion. ibrator giving a single resolve peak. This improvement
The HPLC technique described can identify up to 13 may be attributable to the longer analytical column (25
distinct regioisomers of FAOOHs and FAOHs, constitut- cm), slightly higher tetrahydrofuran concentration, five-
ing the most detailed HPLC separation of these com- fold lower acetic acid concentration, or a combination of
pounds reported to date. The method has a low detection all these factors. However, because of the lack of suitable
limit, detecting as little as 5 pmol, and is linear up to 250 calibrators, we were unable to confirm the presence or
pmol. Based on the procedure described, this converts to absence of all trans (EE) regioisomers in Cu2⫹-H2O2-
a linear range of 0.033–1.6 ␮mol/L, which encompasses oxidized plasma. This is an acknowledged limitation of
the range of concentrations reported in normal human the method.
plasma by Wilson et al. (12 ). Analysis of the method The arachidonic acid products 15-HpETE, 12-HETE,
performance characteristics indicated acceptable impreci- and 5-HETE were detectable by 60 min of oxidation.
sion, with CVs of 7–12%, and recoveries ⬎90%. It should These products continued to rise in proportion to each
be noted that FAOOH recovery experiments require that other as oxidation continued. Nonenzymatic oxidation of
the FAOOH solution be added to the sample only after arachidonic acid can also give rise to 8-, 9-, and 11-
the sample is precipitated with isopropyl alcohol. Direct hydroperoxy and -hydroxy regioisomers in addition to
addition of FAOOH to intact plasma leads to a reduction the ones discussed here. Based on the elution pattern of
of 25–50% of the FAOOH to the corresponding FAOH, 15-, 12-, and 5-HpETE and -HETE, we observed that the
836 Browne and Armstrong: HPLC Analysis of Lipid Peroxides

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