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Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín

Centro de Idiomas

Speaking task – Level 7

Summative assessment (20%)

Task: To talk about your food preferences using the grammar already learned ( some and any,
quantifiers and constables and uncountable nouns).

Purpose: Be able to talk about your favorite food and describe it.
Situation: In pairs, you are going to talk about your favorite food, and them you are going to describe
it, talking about their flavor, texture, quantity and variety. In order to have a good communication you
must say at least three or more words of each category.
Use the following questions in order to guide your dialogue

1. Hey, would you like to aet __________?

2. what are the ingredients that you like and dislike about eating _______________How does it
3. How is the texture of a ______, do you like it?
4. how much of this food do you consume?
5. Is that food a healthy, say why yes or why not?
6. what food would you prefer to eat?

Criteria to assess students:

Name: Date:
Grade 1.0 – 2.0 2.0 – 3.0 3.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 5.0
Does not seem Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Users
to know any that is not which is quite vocabulary
vocabulary appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for
Vocabulary related to food the purpose. the purpose. the purpose.
and how to
describe it.
Rarely speaks in Sometimes Mostly speaks in Always speaks
Uses complete complete speaks in complete in complete
sentences sentences. complete sentences. sentences.
Student is Student is able
Student is able Student is able
unable to to accurately
to answer most to accurately
accurately answer a few
questions posed answer almost
Comprehension answer almost questions posed
by the teacher all question
questions posed by the teacher
about the posed by the
by the teacher about the
information teacher about the
about the information
contained in the information
information contained in the
chart. contained it
contained in the chart. chart.
There are not Introduces some Introduces a Introduces
evidence of elements of variety element elements of
Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín
Centro de Idiomas

elements of interaction like of interaction interaction like

interaction like greetings, like greetings, greetings,
greetings, farewells, farewells, farewells,
farewells, apologizing, apologizing, apologizing,
apologizing, giving details, giving details, giving details,
giving details, finding solutions finding solutions finding solutions
finding solutions and sequence and sequence and sequence
Interaction and sequence markers with markers with markers with
markers with awareness of the awareness of the awareness of the
awareness of the audience. The audience. The audience. The
audience. The speech is fluent speech is fluent speech is fluent
speech is fluent and coherent and coherent and coherent
and coherent with the task, with the task, with the task,
with the task, listening to the listening to the listening to the
listening to the partners and partners and partners and
partners and answering answering answering
answering accordingly accordingly accordingly
Uses basic Uses a variety T Uses a variety of Uses a variety of
structures, of structures grammar structures
makes with frequent structures, but perfectly without
Grammar elementary mistakes, or uses makes some grammatical
mistakes. For basic structures errors. mistakes.
example, with only
“people is”. occasional
Fluency Fluency is not Fluency is Fluency is Fluency is
up to the level, acceptable, decent, a few smooth,
most sentences although sentences had conversation is
have long pauses in small pauses or fluent and
pauses, sentences are fluency issues. easygoing.
interruptions frequent and Conversation is
and the still fluent.
conversations conversation
is not fluent at was not very
all. fluent.
Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín
Centro de Idiomas

Type of restaurants
Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín
Centro de Idiomas

the happy lobster

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