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Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301

A method for identifying rear-end collision risks using

inductive loop detectors
Cheol Oh a,∗ , Seri Park b,1 , Stephen G. Ritchie b,2
a Center for Advanced Transportation Technology, Korea Transport Institute, 2311 Daewha-dong,
Ilsan-gu, Koyang-shi, Kyunggi-do 411-701, Republic of Korea
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Transportation Studies,

University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3600, USA

Received 7 June 2005

An innovative feature of this study is to firstly attempt to capture rear-end collision potentials from the analysis of inductive loop detector
data. Signals collected from loops are applied for monitoring individual vehicle information on freeways to estimate safe stopping distances in
car-following situations. An index to quantify the potential of rear-end collisions is derived, and further employed for developing criteria to evaluate
levels of rear-end collision risks. The proposed methodology based on loop detector data enables to identify collision potentials in real time. It is
believed that the index would be a valuable tool for operating agencies in developing various strategies and policies toward enhancements of traffic
© 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rear-end collision; Risk analysis; Loop detectors

1. Introduction observable situation in which two or more road users approach

each other in time and space to such an extent that there is a risk of
A first step for tackling complex transportation problems is collision if their movements remain unchanged (Leur and Sayed,
to identify and evaluate the current status of dynamic traffic con- 2002). Various studies related to traffic conflict techniques can
ditions. Measuring traffic performance can be conducted from be found in the literature. Existing studies are classified into
two different perspectives such as ‘mobility’ and ‘safety’. A vari- two groups. The first group deals with the traffic conflict for
ety of studies have focused on assessing transportation systems off-line decision making and safety policy derivation at the plan-
based on mobility by utilizing travel time, speed, and other fun- ning level (Hyden, 1987; Fazio et al., 1993; Ha and Berg, 1995;
damental traffic parameters. Such mobility-based evaluations Tarrall and Dixon, 1998; Lee and Berg, 1998). Another approach
support advanced traffic control strategies including route guid- includes analyses of traffic conflicts for both identifying safety
ance, ramp metering, and signal control, etc. However, less indicators and assessing traffic safety at the microscopic level,
efforts have been devoted to develop methodologies for real- which focused on the analysis of time to collision (TTC) (Heijer
time safety evaluation, although research subjects on safety are et al., 1997; Minderhoud and Bovy, 2001; Vogel, 2003; Kiefer et
often regarded as more important ones because of direct impacts al., 2005). TTC has been considered as an effective indicator to
on human lives. evaluate traffic safety in the field of the traffic conflict. However,
One of the promising methods for evaluating traffic safety we are not aware of any study analyzing rear-end collision risks
is the traffic conflict technique. A conflict can be defined as an using the ubiquitous traffic surveillance system, inductive loop
detectors, in the context of the traffic conflict.
Two traffic conflicts can be observed on freeways. One is
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 31 910 3097; fax: +82 31 910 3228. a lane change conflict occurring when a vehicle attempts to
E-mail addresses: (C. Oh), (S. Park), (S.G. Ritchie).
change lanes. The rest one is rear-end conflict resulting poten-
1 Tel.: +1 949 824 5623; fax: +1 949 824 8385. tially in rear-end crash. Rear-end collisions have been identified
2 Tel.: +1 949 824 4214; fax: +1 949 824 8385. in the literature as one of the main crash types on freeways.

0001-4575/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
296 C. Oh et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301

For example, Golob et al. (2002) have analyzed freeway acci-

dent data in Southern California and found rear-end collisions
occupied about 31.2% of total accidents (sideswipe: 43.0%, hit
object: 11.7%, others: 14.1%). From this perspective, identifying
rear-end conflicts which can lead to rear-end collisions would be
the first step toward devising viable solutions to safety related
problems in transportation networks.
This study focuses on developing method to capture rear-end
collision potentials. Signals collected from loops are utilized in
a smart way for monitoring individual vehicle information on
freeways to estimate safe stopping distances in car-following
situations. A risk index to quantify the potential of rear-end col-
lisions is derived, and further employed for developing criteria
to evaluate levels of rear-end collision risks. A fuzzy c-means
algorithm is applied to categorize the index, which can be used in
identifying hazardous traffic conditions in a more systematical Fig. 1. Research framework.
way. The outcomes of this study that measure and quantify the
potential of rear-end collisions in real time could be an invaluable
tool for traffic operators in evaluating traffic systems in terms of of a leading vehicle should be always greater than that of a
safety. Furthermore, the approach can support the development following vehicle to prevent an accident. In order to use the
of effective countermeasures to prevent rear-end traffic accidents proposed risk index more effectively, a clustering technique
on freeways. It should be noted that the purpose of this study was further applied to categorize the index resulting in various
is to develop a methodology to quantitatively evaluate relative levels of collision risks. Fig. 1 shows the framework for identi-
hazard traffic conditions. fying rear-end collision risks on freeways based on the proposed
This paper consists of four sections, including this introduc- methodology. More detailed descriptions for each element are
tion. The proposed methodology for evaluating freeway safety is presented in the following subsections.
presented in Section 2. Section 3 describes the data used in this
study, and presents both results and their application. The final 2.1. Monitoring individual vehicle information from
section is dedicated to describing findings and further studies. inductive loop detectors

2. Proposed methodology The proposed methodology utilizes inductive loop detectors

(ILDs) that are the most dominant traffic surveillance infrastruc-
To develop a methodology for identifying collision poten- ture in practice currently. Traditional loop detectors are able to
tials on freeways, this study uses individual vehicle information provide fundamental traffic parameters such as volume, occu-
and traffic conflict techniques. Advanced inductive loop detector pancy, and speed. Conventional ILDs are usually in bivalent in
technology that produces unique inductive vehicle signatures for nature, when the detector card output is either “0” or “1”. Here
each vehicle passing over a loop detector station is employed to “1” denotes the presence of a vehicle passing over the detec-
monitor detailed individual vehicle information. Use of induc- tor. The aggregated outputs are obtained over a pre-determined
tive vehicle signatures also allows us to classify vehicle types aggregation interval, for example 20 or 30 s. With the advance in
in real time based on the analysis of vehicle features extracted detector technology, it is possible to obtain disaggregated infor-
from the inductive vehicle signatures. This vehicle classification mation for individual vehicles by using advanced high speed
information is highly valuable for identifying unsafe car follow- scanning loop detector cards that capture more detailed induc-
ing situations since the performance of large vehicles and their tance changes over the loops, vehicle signature.
effects on neighboring vehicles are obviously different from A variety of useful information including vehicle length, sym-
relatively small vehicles. Large vehicles involved in accidents metry, and clearance between the bottom of vehicle and the
usually show higher severity of injury due to the operating char- ground, can be extracted from the inductive vehicle signatures.
acteristics of large vehicles, such as long vehicle length, heavy Those represent the unique physical characteristics of individual
weight, and longer stopping distance. In addition, large vehicles vehicles. In addition, other information including arrival time,
limit the capability of following vehicles to identify traffic con- duration, lane, and speed for individual vehicles can be collected.
ditions ahead, which could increase the possibility of rear-end The disaggregated information of each vehicle was utilized to
collisions. classify vehicle types, and to derive the safety index for eval-
A new risk index based on rear-end conflicts derived from uating real-time safety performance. Fig. 2 shows examples of
advanced inductive loop detector technology is utilized to eval- inductive vehicle signatures.
uate traffic safety on a freeway in real time. The basis of the Maximum magnitude, electronic vehicle length, shape
proposed index is obtained from the computation of the safety parameter (SP), degree of symmetry (DOS), and number of
distance defined by the difference between a leading and follow- samples of high magnitudes (NHM) are examples of vehicle fea-
ing vehicles’ safe stopping distances. The safe stopping distance tures derived from inductive vehicle signatures. The scheme of
C. Oh et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301 297

Fig. 2. Inductive vehicle signatures for different vehicle types.

processing vehicle signature and detailed descriptions on vehicle evaluation of real-time traffic safety in terms of indicating acci-
features are presented in Table 1. dent severity in unsafe car-following situations, because large
vehicle-involved accidents show more severe damage, as found
2.2. Vehicle classification in many previous studies (Jackson, 1986; Golob et al., 1987;
Duncan et al., 1998; Chang and Mannering, 1999; Kockelman
The proposed risk index that will be introduced in the next and Kweon, 2002). In addition, vehicle classification informa-
section is based on safety distances of the lead and following tion can be also used in traffic flow modeling and simulation as
vehicles in each car-following situation. Vehicle performance is well as in highway maintenance.
one of the major factors in computing safety distance. There- Vehicle features obtained by processing raw signatures can be
fore, identifying vehicle types enables to apply various vehicle utilized for identifying vehicle classes since the vehicle signature
deceleration performances, resulting in more accurate safety dis- is a unique function of each vehicle type. In this study, vehi-
tances. The vehicle classification capability also supports the cle classification consists of two parts: feature extraction from

Table 1
Vehicle signature and feature vector
Vehicle signature processing

Feature vector Feature description

Maximum magnitude Maximum absolute magnitude value (a)

Electronic vehicle length d
Shape parameter (SP) b/(b + c)
Degree of symmetry (DOS) Sum of the distances from median (e), to each point that is above “0.5” y-value
Number of high magnitude (NHM) Number of samples above “0.5” y-value after x, y normalization
298 C. Oh et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301

the inductive vehicle signatures and development of a heuristic This study employs the maximum possible number of car-
discriminant algorithm. Vehicle feature vectors obtained from following situations over a certain time interval as an exposure.
inductive vehicle signatures were applied as an inputs of heuris- The proposed RCRI, which is a surrogate measure for rear-end
tic discriminant algorithm. collision, is defined as the ratio of the number of unsafe car-
following events showing a safety distance index less than zero
2.3. Derivation of a new risk index to the maximum possible car-following events on freeway detec-
tor stations. An unsafe car-following event is derived from the
Rear-end collisions have been identified in the literature as computation of safe stopping distance presented above, and a
one of the main crash types on freeways. For example, Golob maximum car-following event can be derived by the minimum
et al. (2002) have analyzed freeway accident data in South- headway that results in freeway capacity. The proposed RCRI
ern California and found rear-end collisions are over 30% of is described as follows:

total accidents. From this perspective, identifying rear-end con- number of rear-end conflicts SDIi
flicts potentially leading to rear-end collisions is very useful for RCRI = = max i
exposure Ncar (T/3600)Nl
evaluating safety. Since a rear-end collision is primarily caused
max the maximum
where RCRI is the rear-end collision index, Ncar
by monitoring insufficient safety distance between the leading
vehicle and the following vehicle is not maintained, a method number of car-following events per hour (derived from freeway
to obtain safety distance from a freeway real-time monitoring capacity), Nl the number of freeway lanes, and T is the analysis
system is of keen interest for establishing safety performance period (s).
One of the nicest features of the monitoring system of this 2.4. Development of criteria for rear-end collision risks
study is to compute vehicles’ safe stopping distances. A pro-
posed index is based on the concept of ‘safe stopping distance’, For more comprehensive application of the RCRI, the evalua-
which can be defined as the minimum distance that the follow- tion criteria of the level of rear-end collision risks are developed.
ing vehicle can safely reduce speed and avoid colliding with the The proposed RCRI is categorized by the threshold values to be
leading vehicle when the leading vehicle reduces speed with the used by users including operating agencies and drivers. The basic
maximum deceleration rate and stops. Therefore, the stopping background for categorization is that RCRIs within the same cat-
distance of the leading vehicle should be larger than that of the egory represent similar traffic conditions as much as possible in
following vehicle for each car-following situation to avoid rear- terms of traffic safety. On the other hand, RCRIs in different
end collision. Vehicle classification information enables us to categories should also represent dissimilar traffic conditions in
apply different deceleration rates for each vehicle type (aL/F dec ) terms of traffic safety. A solution that can satisfy both aspects
to estimate more reliable safe stopping distance. The stopping is obtained by the formulation of two maximization problems:
distance index is derived as follows: first to maximize dissimilarity between categories, and second
to maximize similarity within categories. Along with the above
dL > dF concept a clustering algorithm is applied to determine the “opti-
mal” number of categories in a given data set. A fuzzy c-means
VL2 VF2 (FCM) algorithm was employed to cluster traffic conditions.
⇒ VL h + + l L > V F t R +
2aLdec 2aFdec Unlike conventional crisp clustering, such as K-means where
each object of the data set is assigned to exactly one cluster, each
  2 2
 observation in fuzzy clustering is given with fractional member-
 0 (safe) if V h − V t + l + VL − VF >0
L F R L ship in multiple clusters. Therefore, the degree of membership
∴ SDI = 2aLdec 2aFdec
 can be used for quantifying reliability for uncertainty arising
1 (unsafe) otherwise
in evaluating real-time safety performance measures. Once the
where SDI is the stopping distance index for each car-following clustering analysis is completed, threshold values categorizing
event, dL the safe stopping distance for leading vehicle, dF the RCRIs are determined by averaging minimum and maximum
safe stopping distance for following vehicle, lL the length of RCRIs of each adjacent category.
leading vehicle, VL the speed of leading vehicle, VF the speed of FCM was originally proposed by Bezdek (1981) based on
following vehicle, tR the brake reaction time, h the time headway, fuzzy factors. fuzzy clustering problems can be formulated as
aLdec the deceleration on rate of leading vehicle and aFdec is the the following minimization problem:
deceleration on rate of following vehicle. 
As a result, the number of stopping distance indices (SDIs) min Jm (U, V ) = um 2
ij dij , dij = xj − vi 
less than zero, observed over a given time period, is used to derive j=1 i=1
a rear-end collision risk index (RCRI). In general, the index rep- 
resenting the risk level is described in the form of rates, which is s.t. uij = 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ n uij ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ c, 1 ≤ j ≤ n,
a function of accident or conflict counts and an exposure mea- i=1
sure. It should be noted that the exposure measure needs to be 

employed to establish the risk index as the base because provid- uij > 0, 1≤i≤c
ing total number of accidents or conflicts would be misleading. j=1
C. Oh et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301 299

where x is the sample, v the clustering center, n the number of

samples, c the number of clusters (1 < c < n), m the fuzzy factor,
dij the distance between xj and vi and U the matrix of c × n, and
V is the matrix of c × n.
The minimization problem for the fuzzy clustering can be
solved according to the following procedures.

• Step 1. Initialization, V (0)

Let k = 0; select ε
• Step 2. Calculation of U(k)
◦ If ∀j, r, drj (k) > 0, then
uij = c 2/m−1
r=1 ij (k)/d rj (k))
◦ If there exist j, r, such that drj (k) = 0, then urj (k) = 1 and
uij (k) = 0 for i = r
• Step 3. Calculation of V(k+1) Fig. 3. I-405 detector testbed at Laguna Canyon.
n m
j=1 uij (k)xj
Vi (k + 1) = n m
j=1 uij (k) to 10:00 a.m. and from 15:00 to 20:00 p.m., were used. A total of
24 h of data, excluding time periods that were not available due
• Step 4. Stopping criteria to communication problems in the field, resulted in 136,817 car-
stop if ||V (k) − V (k+1) || < ε following events, which were used to derive RCRIs. Descriptive
Otherwise, go to step 2. statistics on RCRI are presented in Table 2. It is identified that
the average of RCRI of given data set is 0.353. This value rep-
3. Results and application resents that about 35% of the car-following events passing the
loop detector station would be identified as unsafe conditions.
This section presents the description of data used for the
derivation of RSIs. Vehicle classification results from the devel- 3.2. Vehicle classification
oped heuristic discriminant algorithm and clustering results by
FCM are also presented with the application of the proposed 2486 vehicles collected on the freeway were used to develop
methodology. the heuristic discriminant algorithm for vehicle classification.
Ground-truthed data based on the visual inspection were pre-
3.1. Data pared to investigate the performance of the algorithm. Fig. 4
shows the developed classification algorithm providing promis-
The data used in this study were collected from the traf- ing results with an 82.02% correct classification rate. More
fic detection and surveillance sub-testbed (TDS2 ) on the I-405 detailed classification results based on vehicle types are pre-
northbound freeway in Irvine, California. The 0.7 mile free- sented in Table 3.
way section contains two contiguous detection stations equipped
with double inductive loop detectors. Vehicle signature data are
extracted in real-time using high-speed scanning loop detector 3.3. Clustering results
cards and stored in dedicated computers in the field. In addition,
overhead vertical-mount video cameras were installed over each RCRIs obtained over 5 min aggregation intervals were used
lane of traffic and were connected to a ground-truthing video as inputs for the FCM clustering algorithm. One major issue
image processing system. In addition, both radar detectors and arising from clustering analysis is to find appropriate cluster size.
acoustic detectors were installed. Fig. 3 shows the configuration To determine the optimum number of groups, Wilk’s lambda (Λ)
of TDS2 on the I-405 northbound freeway. defined as the ratio of within-groups variance to total variance
Communications between the upstream and downstream sites is used. In general, the optimal cluster size is achieved when the
is by dedicated high-speed wireless Ethernet, with fiber optic marginal Wilk’s lambda ratio change is minimal (Johnson and
cable between the downstream mainline cabinets and the ramp
cabinet. Wireless Ethernet is also used to communicate from the
downstream site to a city of Irvine cabinet where data enters the Table 2
Statistics on RCRI
city network and is sent to the University of California, Irvine
(UCI) testbed labs and UCI data and web server, as well as the Minimum 0.087
internet. Maximum 0.664
Average 0.353
Inductive vehicle signature data from two time periods
Standard deviation 0.096
including peak hours during 4 days in October 2002, from 06:00
300 C. Oh et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301

Table 4
Rear-end collision risk criteria on freeway
Category Collision risk criteria

A ≤0.251
B >0.251 and ≤0.306
C >0.306 and ≤0.355
D >0.355 and ≤0.416
E >0.416 and ≤0.510
F >0.510

be stated in terms of RCRI averaged over the 5 min interval as

shown in Table 4.
Category A is considered to be very safe traffic conditions
with low RCRI up to 0.251. Even if a traffic accident occurs
under this level, the possibility of subsequent accident occur-
rences by not maintaining safety distances would be expected
Fig. 4. Heuristic vehicle classification algorithm. to be much lower than any other categories. On the other hand,
category F would describe traffic safety on freeway with RCRI
Wichern, 1992). in excess of 0.510. Traffic conditions under this level can be
described as very unsafe leading to the highest possibility of
|W| |W| subsequent accident occurrences.
Λ= =
|T | |B + W|
where W is the pooled within-groups variance, B the between 3.4. Application
groups variance, and T is the total variance
As we can identify in the clustering results are shown in To illustrate the application of the results in Table 3, RCRI
Fig. 5, significant marginal improvement due to a decreasing was computed over the 5 min aggregation interval using the
value of Wilk’s lambda is not observed after six groups, which actual data. In an on-line situation, the RCRI is calculated for
means the most appropriate number of clusters corresponding to each given time interval, and is assigned to an appropriate risk
collision risk criteria for the data used is six. Based on the results, category from Table 3. Fig. 6 illustrates the proposed procedure.
real-time rear-end collision risk criteria for freeway safety can

Fig. 5. FCM clustering results. Fig. 6. Rear-end collision risk analysis on freeway.

Table 3
Vehicle classification result
Group Vehicle type Total vehicle number Correct classified number Correct classification rate (%)

1 Motorcycle 4 4 100
2 Passenger car/mini van 1370 1126 82.19
3 Sport utility vehicle 474 327 68.99
4 Van/small pickup truck 504 449 89.09
5 Truck/bus 80 79 98.75
6 Trailer 54 54 100
2486 2039 82.02
C. Oh et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 38 (2006) 295–301 301

In real-time implementation, a field computer to collect analyses are required. It is expected that the proposed method
inductive vehicle signatures will derive RSI and determine cor- would be an invaluable tool for evaluating traffic safety in real
responding collision risks. The risk levels determined for each time.
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