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Christopher Hood, Editor

Christopher Hood
Oxford University

International Gaming in Targetworld: The Targets Approach to

Managing British Public Services

Christopher Hood is the Gladstone To what extent did the extensive system of managing Some element of terror, too, accompanied this targets
Professor of Government and a fellow of All public services by targets, introduced by Tony Blair’s New regime, particularly in England. Of course, it fell a
Souls College, Oxford University. He has
been the director of the Economic and
Labour government in the United Kingdom in 1998, long way short of the Soviet Union’s gulags and death
Social Research Council’s research program reproduce the classic gaming responses associated with the squads, though in the Soviet Union, state-owned
on public service quality, performance, and Soviet Union and other centralized performance-setting enterprise managers seemed to become relatively
delivery since 2004.
E-mail: christopher.hood@all-souls.
systems? Combining evidence from documentary sources secure in their jobs after Stalin’s death, and particu- and interviews with high-level officials in the Whitehall larly during the Brezhnev era (Braguinsky and Yavlin-
bureaucracy, the author suggests that the three classic types sky 2000, 28, 46, 83). But some of the English public
of target gaming can be identified in this public manage- service targets, notably in health, were commonly
ment regime. However, the central managers of the target referred to in the bureaucratic vernacular as “hanging”
regime did not put substantial resources into checking targets or “P45” targets (P45 is the official form you
performance data, took reported performance gains at get from your employer in the United Kingdom when
face value, and had no coherent antigaming strategy. you are fired from your job). Starting in 2001, public
sector hospitals and other public health-delivery

decade or so after the Soviet system of eco- organizations in England were given “star ratings”
nomic management through targets had been according to their performance on targets and other
abandoned, a distant cousin of that approach indicators, and health managers whose organizations
emerged under Tony Blair’s Labour government in the lost their stars or never gained any could expect to be
United Kingdom for managing the performance and fired. And at the same time, a crack staff unit, the
delivery of public services. Building on initiatives that Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit (PMDU), was set up
had been applied to subsidiary delivery agencies by in Whitehall’s high command, drawing on practices
previous governments, the newly elected Blair govern- adopted in the Education Department during the
ment introduced more than 300 headline perfor- Blair government’s first term. The PMDU, comprising
mance targets applying to all government departments 35 or so high-level staff members and reporting
in 1998. The targets were linked to agreed-upon bud- directly to Tony Blair, was set up to closely monitor
getary allocations with Her Majesty’s Treasury, Brit- reported performance on the 20-odd most politically
ain’s all-powerful central coordinating department, important public service targets, and it devoted much
and applied to everything from local bus reliability to of its energy to cajoling, persuading, and finding ways
the staffing of the armed forces and the conduct of to help the laggard performers reach their targets.
foreign policy. Each of the headline targets negotiated Tony Blair himself held “stocktakes” to assess
with the Treasury was accompanied by a larger set of progress on the key public service targets every
performance indicators, and central government de- two or three months, and although these meetings
partments, in turn, set more detailed targets—or key were often cancelled, they nevertheless represented an
performance indicators—for the delivery organiza- unprecedented level of prime ministerial attention to
tions for which they were responsible. For instance, public service performance data. Every governmental
in 2004, 10 top-level targets applying to the Health department was subjected to an elaborate reporting
Department in England were translated into some cycle, and its higher echelons had to learn a new
300 lower-level targets for the various public sector and daunting bureaucratic vocabulary of milestones,
health-delivery organizations for which that depart- trajectories, monthly reports, and priority reviews.
ment was responsible, and six top-level targets apply-
ing to the Education Department were translated into Welcome to public service “targetworld,” mid-2000s
90 “conditions” for each of the 24,000 public schools U.K. style. As the country that took the centralized
in England. target approach to public service management further
Gaming in Targetworld 515
than any other in recent times (and ranked higher over last year’s results causes the managers of produc-
than the United States in all six of the World Bank’s tion units to restrict performance to well below their
governance rankings in 2004; see World Bank 2005), production-possibility frontier (see Bain et al. 1987;
the United Kingdom seems to offer a compelling Brown, Miller, and Thornton 1994, 93; Kornai
laboratory case for students of public management in 1992). A second type of behavior is the equally well-
general and of target systems in particular. Some of known threshold effect, whereby a uniform output
the reported performance improvements achieved target applying to all units in a system gives no incen-
under the system seem almost as dramatic as the tive to excellence and may indeed encourage top
Soviet Union’s rapid industrialization when the Western performers to reduce the quality or quantity of their
capitalist world was stagnating in the slump of the performance to just what the target requires (Brown,
1930s. For instance, those improvements included a Miller, and Thornton 1994, 94). A third type of be-
reduction in the number of patients waiting 12 havior consists of output distortion or the manipula-
months or more for surgical operations in English tion of reported results—“hitting the target and
public hospitals, from more than 40,000 in 2001 to missing the point,” as it was characterized in a telling
fewer than 10,000 in 2003 (U.K. Treasury/Cabinet phrase about health care performance coined by one
Office 2004, 8); a halving of the number of asylum senior U.K. civil servant. So how far did Tony Blair’s
applications between 2002 and 2003 (U.K. Treasury/ brave new public service targetworld manage to avoid
Cabinet Office 2004, 9); and a two-thirds reduction these much-discussed types of gaming?
in the number of people living on the streets during
the four-year period ending in 2002. Some Evidence
Fragmentary data and all of the familiar problems of
However, three crucial questions about these reported identifying causality make it hard to answer such
performance improvements remain. First, how much questions definitively, but three things can be said
of the improvement is attributable to the targets, and with some confidence. First, all of the reported perfor-
how much is attributable to other changes that took mance improvements illustrated previously can by no
place at the same time—most notably, increased means be attributed plausibly to the sharply increased
spending on public services during the exceptionally levels of public spending on public services that oc-
flush years of the late 1990s and early 2000s? (For curred under the Blair government. There are at least
instance, Britain’s National Health Service plan for two compelling pieces of evidence that support such a
2000 aimed to raise spending on public health care conclusion. One is that some sharp increases in re-
provision by no less than 35 percent in real terms over ported performance took place in public service do-
the four years through 2004–05, and real spending mains in which spending had not greatly increased, as
per pupil for school education in England and Wales in the case of the much-reduced wait times for treat-
rose by roughly one-third in real terms between 1997 ment in hospital emergency rooms. The other piece
and 2005.) Second, to what extent do the reported of evidence comes from a comparison of reported per-
performance improvements reflect real underlying formance for health care, where England was subject
improvement? And third, how far did the system to target-and-terror regimes but other parts of the
manage to avoid some of the well-known dysfunctions United Kingdom were not. Although funding was
of performance management through targets and increasing across the United Kingdom at broadly
terror? What were the strategic responses to the impo- similar rates during the early 2000s (see Alvarez-
sition of targets by those who were exposed to them, Rosete et al. 2005, 946–47), the greatest reported
and what antidotes did the central managers use to performance increases came in England, the only part
limit gaming responses? Did those central managers of the United Kingdom that was subject to a target-
repeat the Soviet experience or transcend it? and-terror regime, at least in the first few years of that
regime (Alvarez-Rosete et al. 2005, 949; see also
These questions are crucial in light of what we know Bevan and Hood, forthcoming). Such evidence is
about gaming and strategic behavior surrounding admittedly at the balance-of-probability level, but it
target systems in many other contexts, notably, social- strongly suggests that targets made a marked differ-
ist planning systems, accounting systems, corporate ence in reported performance, at least in some impor-
management, wartime production regimes, and eco- tant cases and in the early period after their
nomic and financial management. The debate be- introduction.
tween those who favor target systems and those who
favor other approaches—such as continuous improve- The second thing that can be said with some confi-
ment—is a central issue in performance management. dence is that the reported performance data are far
Scholars of target systems have identified at least three from problem free. Certainly, such data did not seem
major types of gaming and strategic behavior sur- to command widespread confidence among the public
rounding targets. One is the much-discussed ratchet and the media: An official attitude survey conducted
effect, whereby the expected tendency of target setters in 2005 suggested that only 37 percent of U.K. re-
to fix next year’s targets as an incremental advance spondents thought government statistics are generally
516 Public Administration Review • July | August 2006
accurate, only 14 percent thought government use (drafting in of other medical staff and cancellation of
official figures honestly, and the least trusted out of six other operations) during the period that emergency
statistical series were public hospital waiting list fig- room waits were reported for target purposes in 2002
ures (ONS 2005). Reports by public audit and over- (BMA 2005; Mayor 2003). The semi-independent
sight bodies painted a less stark picture but still Commission for Health Improvement (2003) found
indicated some nontrivial problems with the perfor- evidence that patients were often required to wait in
mance data. For example, in the domain of publicly lines of ambulances outside emergency rooms until
provided health care the following discrepancies were the hospital in question was confident that the patient
detected: could be seen within a four-hour waiting target; in
some cases, hospitals responded to the target that
● Two studies found a gap of some 30 percent patients had to be admitted to a hospital bed within
between levels of performance over waits in 12 hours of emergency admission by putting “beds”
hospital emergency rooms in England as reported into hallways and turning gurneys into beds by re-
by providers and obtained from independent moving their wheels (U.K. Commission for Health
surveys of patients (U.K. Commission for Health Improvement 2002, para. 3.19).
Improvement 2004; Healthcare Commission
2005). Another piece of evidence can be found in the results
● In studies of an eight-minute response time of intensive interviews with 89 U.K. upper-level
target for ambulances dealing with Category A central government officials concerned with managing
calls (life-threatening emergencies), there were the target system, a study that was conducted by the
large and unexplained variations in the proportion author, together with Steven Kelman of Harvard
of calls logged as Category A, and ambiguity over University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government,
when the clock started (Bird et al. 2005; Public in 2004 and 2005. The respondents were taken from
Administration Select Committee 2003, 18). two central agencies, the Treasury and the PMDU,
● A study by the Commission for Health and the London-based spending departments respon-
Improvement (2003) found evidence that in one- sible for health, education, employment and welfare,
third of ambulance organizations, response times and crime and security. All three types of gaming
for Category A calls had been “corrected” to less identified in the literature on Soviet and other tar-
than eight minutes in ways that could not be gets—ratchet effects, threshold effects, and various
readily explained (see Bevan and Hood, forms of output distortion—were identified by these
forthcoming). interviewees in the British public service targets re-
● For other hospital waiting time targets, in 2001, gime, albeit to highly varying extents.
the National Audit Office reported evidence that
nine organizations had inappropriately adjusted Ratchet effects and allied forms of gaming were ob-
their waiting lists, and a 2002 Audit Commission servable in the way that some spending departments
study found reporting errors in at least one were said to play the targets game to their advantage
indicator for almost half of the 41 organizations it by negotiating undemanding targets that would be
studied and deliberate misreporting at three of hard to miss, linked in some cases with a reluctance to
them (U.K. Audit Commission 2003). share performance information with the central agen-
cies. In such conditions, target setting could turn into
Such evidence suggests that we cannot dismiss the a poker game between the Treasury and those depart-
possibility there may have been a substantial disparity ments. For instance, in one dramatic case in which a
between reported and actual performance in cases in key department had unambiguously failed to meet a
which target regimes rested on data reported by the performance target of central political importance to
organizations that were subject to those regimes. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, did the Treasury
stick to the same target for the next spending round,
Third, there is evidence of nontrivial amounts of thereby risking deeper political embarrassment if there
gaming of all three types identified earlier (i.e., ratchet was another failure, or quietly lower the bar, in effect
effects, threshold effects, and output distortions). The rewarding failure? An example of the latter was the
documentary sources of such evidence come from quiet abandonment of a target for reducing the inci-
reports by public audit bodies, evidence gathered by dence of smoking during pregnancy in 2002 after its
parliamentary committees, and other reports by pro- reported incidence had gone up rather than down.
fessional bodies, some of which have been referred to Still, the Treasury had to stick to its guns in at least
earlier. For instance, in the health care system, the some cases of target failure to keep the system credible
audit exercises on target gaming that had been carried within Whitehall. Respondents from the Treasury
out as of the time of writing indicated the existence of and the PMDU identified two or three out of the 20
some degree of “creative compliance,” particularly over or so U.K. spending departments as especially adept
waiting time targets. Surveys by the British Medical at negotiating targets that involved little or no stretch,
Association found evidence of widespread storming and some respondents pointed to targets that were
Gaming in Targetworld 517
virtually unmissable, as in the case of a long-term “gaming” or acceptable from unacceptable gaming.
cancer-reduction target that was almost certain to be One respondent compared the boundary between the
met as a result of decisions to quit smoking that had two to the distinction between tax avoidance and tax
been made as part of a social trend that had begun a evasion, with outright falsification or making up of
decade or more earlier. numbers counted as cheating but creative classifica-
tion or interpretation (or creative compliance) consid-
Threshold effects produced by gaming were identified ered gaming.
by interviewees in their perceptions of the behavior of
actors further down the delivery chain. Examples Table 1 makes a simple distinction between four types
included (1) hospital emergency rooms that were set a of gaming or strategic behavior in relation to target
blanket four-hour waiting target, with no incentives systems by distinguishing cases in which output re-
to have any patients wait for less than four hours, and mains essentially unchanged from cases in which
(2) schools that were set pupil-attainment targets on output alters and by distinguishing cases in which
test scores, leading teachers to concentrate on a nar- performance data are “spun,” or creatively interpreted,
row band of marginal students who were close to the from those in which data are invented or made to
target thresholds and to give proportionately less disappear. Of the four types of target gaming, type 4
attention to those at the extreme ends of the ability (fictional performance data are reported) was generally
range or to aspects of education beyond preparing seen by interviewees as cheating. Type 2 (performance
students for those particular tests that figured in target improvements are reported without underlying
regimes. Interviewees varied widely in the extent to changes in output by storming or other methods) was
which they emphasized the threshold gaming prob- generally seen as an unacceptable form of gaming.
lem, but for a significant minority of them, it ap- Type 1 (reportable performance improvements are
peared to be highly significant. For instance, one contrived by redistributing service from one set of
PMDU respondent explained how she had chosen to users to another—for instance, by relocating ambu-
ignore the official targets applying to the very poorly lances from rural to urban locations so that urban
performing service for which she was responsible and response times improve at the expense of longer rural
instead set an unofficial “guideline,” which was response times) constituted a class of responses that
deliberately not called a target in order to avoid interviewees saw as acceptable in some cases but not
threshold effects or politically embarrassing failure. in others. Type 3, by contrast (performance problems
are made to disappear by quietly dropping the tar-
Respondents also identified a range of output distor- gets—a tactic that tended to apply much more to
tion effects, particularly in the health care domain but targets concerning central government than local
also in other cases, such as treatments or training government), was seen by interviewees as a fact of life
commenced but not completed in situations in which in bureaucratic politics. One respondent with more
the targets only measured commencement (as in the than 30 years of experience in the employment bu-
case of a drug treatment target that sought to double reaucracy thought the balance had shifted during that
the numbers in treatment). In health care, at least time from cheating, in the sense of simply making up
20 percent of general practitioner organizations in the numbers that the central office was assumed to
England were at one point perceived to be meeting a want (that is, type 4 in table 1), which the interviewee
target that patients should be able to see a doctor said was rampant during the 1970s, to gaming, in the
within 48 hours (or a primary care professional within sense of creative categorization to maximize points in
24 hours) by not allowing anyone to book an appoint- the target system (somewhere on the boundary
ment more than 48 hours in advance. That outcome between types 1 and 2). One of the old hands in the
was said to be far from the intention of those who had health bureaucracy made a similar point about the shift
framed the target, caused political embarrassment to from reporting fictionalized numbers to creative interpre-
the prime minister when it was aired during the 2005 tation over a decade, implying that gaming had moved
general election campaign, and was admitted to be a northwest in the array of types presented in table 1.
problem after that election by a junior health minister
(Waugh 2005). Although respondents varied in the estimates they
gave about how much gaming was going on, a min-
Interviewees varied widely in the extent and type of ority estimated the rate of gaming as substantial. As
gaming they identified. In most cases, they saw the noted previously, some respondents saw 20 percent of
extent of target gaming as either unknown to them or primary care health trusts as gaming the 24/48-hour
of minor significance, and this response came particu- access target, and most interviewees in the health care
larly from younger respondents who had little experi- domain saw the gaming of emergency room waiting
ence with frontline management. In some cases, time targets as more than an occasional phenomenon.
respondents echoed George Washington’s Plunkitt’s One respondent thought that a majority of local
famous distinction between “honest” and “dishonest” offices were gaming a key welfare target by creatively
graft (Plunkitt 1905) by separating “cheating” from classifying the clients they served to maximize their
518 Public Administration Review • July | August 2006
Table 1 Four Types of Target Gaming

Underlying Performance in Provision of Service

Alters Remains unchanged

Performance Creatively interpreted, (1) (2)

Data contrived, or spun
Example: Change of provider focus to Example: Storming to meet targets at one point
meet targets in time
Result: Data showing the target as being Result: Data showing the target being met, but
met, but with redistribution of service with no improvement in real performance
among users over time
Invented, dropped, or (3) (4)
not provided
Example: Quiet removal of target after Example: Reported results are more or less
a performance drop fabricated
Result: Data showing a failure to achieve Result: Data showing the target as being met, but
target disappears with no improvement in real performance

point scores, as some clients brought more points in process in practice. Moreover, there was no percep-
the target system than others. Such responses are hard tible increase in resources devoted to audit bodies to
to assess, but they indicate that a small number of tackle gaming by looking carefully behind the re-
interviewees thought that the gaming problem was far ported numbers, and in health care, the move was, if
from insignificant. anything, in the opposite direction (see Bevan and
Hood 2004).
Brave New World, or Back to the Future?
If target gaming of each of the three classic types is Indeed, a possible type of gaming that is not fully
observable in this system, did the United Kingdom’s captured in table 1 might have consisted of an eager-
public service targetworld have antidotes to the target- ness by the central managers of the system to accept
gaming problem that were not available to the Soviet “good news” performance data at face value without
Union or other earlier target systems? putting substantial resources into probing those num-
bers. After all, given all that is known about gaming
To some extent, this may have been the case. It is true problems in target systems, we might have expected
that some of the standard responses took the form those managers to design a system to tackle the gam-
of ever more elaborate books of rules and tightening ing problems from the outset. As it was, the responses
of data definitions to close down the creative interpre- to gaming problems tended to come well down the
tation of targets (a marked feature of the health care line, and even then it is debatable how effective they
targets), modification of targets or key performance were. In health care, for instance, waiting time perfor-
indicators at the next level down from targets to make mance in key targets was assessed using the data the
them harder to game (a marked feature of the job- health care organizations reported rather than the
entry target regime), and sporadic investigations by results of patient surveys, in spite of the large discrep-
public auditors or other oversight bodies, some of ancy between those two sets of numbers. Patient
which have been quoted earlier. Some interviewees survey data fed into a balanced scorecard that was of
stressed the efficacy of threats of draconian punish- lesser importance than the key targets, yet if patient
ment for managers caught abusing the system—the survey data had been used instead of organizationally
classic strategy of killing one admiral to encourage the reported waiting times to calculate hospital star rat-
others, in Voltaire’s (1759, 224) famous satirical com- ings, at least one politically sensitive hospital trust
ment on 18th-century British naval administration— would not have achieved a top rating. Instead of put-
though such views are hard to triangulate with other ting more resources into verifying numbers on the
data because there is no systematic evidence of an ground, the audit system stressed remote statistical
increase in firings or other forms of discipline among analysis of the numbers reported. A unit for verifying
public service managers. health care performance data was finally set up in
2005 and much trumpeted as an “independent” body,
Many of the 89 interviewees professed to seeing audit though, in fact, it was set up as a trust reporting to the
and oversight as a key antidote to target gaming, and Department of Health, which controlled appoint-
some stressed the efficacy of “mystery shoppers” as a ments and procedures—subtly different from the role
way of checking service performance, notably in of an “office of performance data,” as conceived in the
health care and job entry. But such optimistic views United States by Robert Behn (2001, 204).
about the effectiveness of mystery shoppers as an
antidote to gaming were not shared by all respon- Why was there no real attempt to check such data
dents; several stressed the high predictability of the properly from the start? The slow and half-hearted
Gaming in Targetworld 519
approach to developing independent verification of transparent [organizational] cultures” in public-
performance data might itself be interpreted as a form service-delivery organizations, but many of the
of gaming by the central managers (like the famous antidotes identified by those respondents tended to
English admiral, Horatio Nelson, who put a telescope focus on limiting opportunities to game the system
to his blind eye to avoid seeing a signal he did not (by low-trust measures to check up on or constrain
want to obey). Or, in a more innocent interpretation, the gaming options) rather than changing motivation
it might simply represent the priorities of a central by active measures to reduce bullying and blaming.
government in a hurry to show results without impos- Indeed, many saw the drift of organizational change
ing extra regulatory burdens on public services. as going in the opposite direction.

We do not have the evidence to assess which of these

two interpretations is correct, and indeed, hard evi-
Upon returning from his visit to the Soviet Union in
dence on that issue may never be available. But
1919, Lincoln Steffens famously observed, “I have
whichever explanation is correct, given all that is
seen the future and it works” (1938, 463). Should we
known about gaming in target systems of the Soviet
draw the same conclusion today from the United
type, it is remarkable that so little was done from the
Kingdom’s target system for managing public service
outset, not only to verify and check reported perfor-
performance, which reached its peak during the Blair
mance data in some crucial areas but also to avoid
government’s second term? Only up to a point, it
some of the very well-known pitfalls of target systems
seems. As noted earlier, the United Kingdom per-
(such as 100 percent achievement of targets, as origi-
formed strongly in the 2004 round of the World
nally set for emergency room wait times, and the
Bank’s general governance rankings, but on many of
setting of common targets for different organizations,
the public-service-specific international rankings—
as in the school system). It seems like a case of those
for educational attainment, health, and crime, for
who refuse to learn lessons from historical experience
instance—it did not score uniformly in the top third
being forced to repeat that experience.
of the leading 12 or so countries of the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development.
If all of the antidotes to target gaming discussed so
Moreover, both the audit data mentioned and the
far—tightening the rules and data definitions, refining
responses of the 90-odd Whitehall insiders inter-
the targets, conducting audit investigations, threaten-
viewed for this study indicate that the three classic
ing to discipline errant admirals—would be familiar
gaming problems associated with target systems all
enough to Gosplan veterans,1 three approaches were
appeared to some extent, even though reported im-
arguably rather less so. One was an increasing reliance
provements were certainly dramatic in some cases.
in some areas on third-party collection of data in the
But if Tony Blair’s United Kingdom was indeed un-
form of user satisfaction surveys rather than data
consciously repeating Soviet history as a public-
directly collected by the organizations subject to the
service targetworld, what remains to be seen is
targets. A second (admittedly a technologically ad-
whether that target system will last for anything like
vanced version of a far older technique) was the devel-
the 60 years that the Soviet system survived. At the
opment of information system architecture that
time of this writing, the target approach, the center-
limited creative responses to data entry—for instance,
piece of Blair’s second term, was quite widely per-
by barring multiple entries or preventing a job place-
ceived as “last week’s salad,” and the hot debate at
ment from being recorded unless there was a corre-
the heart of New Labour in Britain was how far
sponding entry in which the client came off welfare
choice—linked to performance indicators to provide
benefits. And a third approach was a real attempt in
comparative information for users—could replace
some policy domains, particularly in the crucial case
Soviet-type targets for public services. But to the
of health care at the end of the Blair government’s
extent that choice cannot fix everything—particularly
second term, to escape the ratchet effect by essentially
in public services with sharp capacity limits or vul-
declaring victory at a particular point of performance
nerable consumers (such as Alzheimer’s patients
and thereafter turning targets linked to the allocation
looking for care homes)—the question of how to
of funds from the Treasury into permanent threshold
fine-tune or game-proof target-and-performance
standards policed by quality overseers (see U.K.
indicator systems remains important.
Treasury/Cabinet Office 2004, 19; for unsuccessful
Soviet attempts to prevent ratchet effects in the target
system during the 1970s and 1980s, see Hewett 1988; Note
Nove 1986). 1. In the Soviet Union, the State Planning Commit-
tee (Gosudarstvennyi planovyi komitet, commonly
What seemed to be lacking, though, was any coher- known by its acronym, Gosplan) was primarily
ent antigaming strategy. Several of the more reflective responsible for devising and monitoring five-year
and managerially minded interviewees saw target plans and annual plans. The name was changed in
gaming as the product of “blaming, bullying, non- 1948, but the acronym was retained.

520 Public Administration Review • July | August 2006

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