Biogeochem Project Instructions

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Project Instructions: Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Cycles

OBJECTIVE:    Demonstrate  your  knowledge  of  the  cycling  of  matter  on  earth  by  describing  
the  cycle  of  one  particular  molecule  or  element.  
STEP  1)  Observe  the  overview  of  the  cycles  presented  during  class.    Choose  one  cycle  to  
focus  your  project  on.  (Options:  Water,  Carbon,  Nitrogen  and  Phosphorus.  Ch  13.5,  pg  412.)  
STEP  2)  Write  an  outline  of  what  happens  to  the  molecule  and  where  it  ends  up  by  
completing  the  guide  on  the  back  on  this  page.  Turn  this  in  the  day  it  is  due  to  get  feedback  
and  receive  credit.  
STEP  3)  Write  a  rough  draft  describing  your  cycle  in  the  first-­‐person.    Pretend  you  are  the  
molecule  or  element  that  went  on  vacation.    You  are  writing  a  letter  home  to  your  mom  (or  
other  firend/family  member)  about  where  you  went  during  your  travels!    Turn  this  in  the  
day  it  is  due  to  get  feedback  and  receive  credit.      
The  outline  and  rough  draft  will  have  the  same  weight  as  the  final  draft.  
STEP  4)  After  receiving  feedback  on  your  rough  draft,  write  a  final  draft.    The  final  draft  
must  be  typed  or  neatly  hand-­‐written  in  ink  on  the  page  provided.  
STEP  5)  Present  your  project  to  the  class.    Read  your  letter  out  loud.  
Extra  Credit  points  if  you  include:  
-­‐  A  hand-­‐drawn  picture.  
-­‐  Processes  that  were  not  mentioned  during  class  (but  that  are  mentioned  in  the  reading).  
-­‐  A  second  cycle  that  describes  a  different  pathway  that  the  molecule  could  take.  
-­‐  Extra  creativity  
See  rubrics  for  grading  breakdown.    General  grading  categories  are  listed  below.  
Project  Components  Rubric:   Writing  Rubric:  
Outline   Focus  and  Purpose  (Letter  home)  
Rough  Draft   Organization  and  Content  
Final  Draft:  Content/Accuracy   Word  Choice  and  Voice  
Final  Draft:  Professionalism   Sentence  Fluency  
Presentation   Conventions
Outline     Thursday  3/22      
Rough  Draft     Friday  3/25      
Final  Draft     Friday  4/1  
Cycle  Selected:                              Name:  ______________________  Date:  _______  P___  
OUTLINE  (Note:  You  may  not  need  to  use  all  of  these,  or  you  may  need  to  use  more!)  
Starting  location:  _______________________________________________  
What  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  _________________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  
Then  what  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  ___________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  
Then  what  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  ___________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  
Then  what  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  ___________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  
Then  what  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  ___________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  
Then  what  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  ___________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  
Then  what  happens  to  this  molecule/element?  ___________________________________________  
Where  does  it  end  up?  ______________________________________________________________________  

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