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Kerriebah Bedonie

ECE- 252


Part A: (4 – 12 months)

1. The child is 8 ½ months.

a. The first behavior I saw was the child was crying and pulling his mother’s shirt and the
mother lifted her shirt and breast-fed the child. The second behavior I saw was when
the child was holding a stuff cat( that squeaks when you squeeze that tummy) and
hugged the cat and it squeak and he kept hugging the cat about five more times.
b. For the first action I saw I believe the Piaget’s sensorimotor sub stages the child was in
was a combination of reflexes(simple inborn behaviors) and Refines simple
behaviors(repeats and combines them) and the last is intentionality(plans a movement
to make something happen). For the Second action I saw I believe the Piaget’s
sensorimotor sub stages the child was in was Repeats activity using objects(begins
limited imitation)
2. The toy/materials I see that would assist the child in moving into the next sensorimotor sub
stage is toys that have more motion and is easy to grasp like a ball or little puppy with a leash.
Because the motion will encourage the child to explore work on his motor skills like rolling and
crawling and the easy to grasp will help the child will with his motor skills. With each of these
things will help that child to move on to the next stage of Intentionality( plans a movement to
make something happen)
3. How is the teacher fostering cognitive growth in this child? (Give examples of available
toys/personal interactions, etc.)

Part B: (13-19 months)

1. The child is 12 months.

a. The first behavior I saw was the child dropping a drum and hearing the bang the drum
made he went back 4 times picking up and dropping the drum. The second behavior I
saw was the child have a ball and he dropped it saw that I bounced and them grabbed a
truck and dropped it saw that it did not bounce. The child went to ball and dropped it
once more and then to the truck and dropped it.
b. The first behavior I believe the child was in repeats activity (using objects, begins limited
imitation). The second behavior I believe that the child is in experiments with objects(to
create new events)
2. The toys/materials that I see that would assist the child in moving to the next sensorimotor sub
stage are more home materials like boxes, sheets, pots, etc. because I believe that using items
the child sees everyday will help to expand their knowledge and words of things around them.
These items with the help of the parent will help the child move on to the next stage of imagines
events and solves problems, invents through mental combination, begins to use words.
3. How is the teacher fostering cognitive growth in this child? (Examples of available toys/personal
interactions, etc.)

Part C: (20-27 months)

1. The child id 24 months and the Scale IV: Development of Causality:

i. The child did participate in hand washing but more playing with the water.
ii. I used a stuff turtle that made sound and had many colors and textures in the shell. The
child the child just observed the turtle for about 2 minutes with a smile.
iii. The child stopped when she heard the song and then started to dance both times.
iv. The game was a tickle while making a high pitch woo. In addition, the child would grab
her shirt and make a woo sound and then the person would start tickle her once more.
v. The first time the child took my hand and pulled it to the turtle. The second time the
child grabbed the turtle and pushed it towards my hand. The third time the child
grabbed the turtle and my hand putting them close.
vi. I used a little chick that chirp, jumped, and at first the child was smiling as she watched
but when it started to slow down the smile started to go away and her eyes just stared
at the chick and then she got close to the chick.
vii. I used the turtle and hit the turtle and music came out. The child danced and when it
stopped the child looked at my hand and the turtle, then tapped my hand, and then
touched the turtle.
viii. I took a car that when you pull it back and let got the car takes off and showed how to
play with it one time and gave it to the child and the child took the car and put the car
on the ground but it didn’t move. Then she pushed the car after that.
ix. I used a dog that barks, walks, and flips. The child was very interested but when it
slowed down and stopped, she picked up the dog and tried to make it move again by
touching it, kissing it, hitting it, and yelling at it.
x. I pushed the dog’s ear in front of the child and the dog started to move. The child smiled
and when it was done, the child grabbed both ears and the dog started to move.
2. What toys might you offer to the child to facilitate her/him to the next level and why? (Next step
on scale or next cognitive level)

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