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Questions without question words and be

Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
• Sentence: You are from Germany.
• Question: Are you from Germany?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No. That's why questions without question
words are also called YES/NO-questions.
2. Questions with question words and be

Question word Verb Subject Rest Answer

I am from Stuttgart.
Where are you from?
I'm from Stuttgart.

What is your name? My name is Peter.

They are fine.

How are Pat and Sue?
They're fine.

Questions with question words are also called WH-questions.

3. Questions without question words and have

Auxiliary (+
Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject

Have you got a cat? Yes, I have.

a new
Have you got No, we haven't.

Has got a bike? Yes, he has.

Do you have a cat? Yes, I do.

a new
Do you have No, we don't.
Auxiliary (+
Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject

Does have a bike? Yes, he does.

4. Questions with question words and have

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer

your I've got it in my pencil

Where have you got
ruler? case.

your I have it in my pencil

Where do you have
ruler? case.

5. Questions without question words in the Simple Present

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject Auxiliary (+ n't)

Yes, I do.
Do you read books?
No, I don't.

Does Peter play football? Yes, he does.

6. Questions with question words in the Simple Present

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer

on your I play games on my

What do you play
computer? computer.

your She goes to work at

When does go to work?
mother 6 o'clock.

7. Questions without question words in the Simple Past

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject Auxiliary (+ n't)

Yes, he did.
Did Max play football?
No, he didn't.


to be Subject Rest Yes/No Subject Auxiliary (+ n't)

Yes, I was.
Were you in Leipzig last week?
No, I wasn't.

8. Questions with question words in the Simple Past

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer

yesterday I played computer

What did you play
evening? games.


Question word to be Subject Rest Answer

Where were you yesterday? I was at the cinema.

9. Subject question

Question word Verb Rest Subject Verb Rest

Who runs to the shop? Peter runs to the shop.

10. Object question

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer

last Mandy phoned her

Who did Mandy phone
Monday? uncle.


Subject question Object question

Who phoned John? Who did John phone?


Fill in the blanks with the correct question word. Your options are Am, Is, Are, Do, and Does:

1. _____ you have a brother?

2. _____ you a teacher?
3. _____ your sister live with you?
4. _____ she your friend?
5. _____ Mary work on Friday?
6. _____ you like pizza?
7. _____ you tired today?
8. _____ your parents from Egypt?
9. _____ this your watch?
10. _____ I in this class?
11. _____ I need a computer?
12. _____ the chair broken?
13. _____ it work without the cable?
14. _____ the pasta have salt in it?
15. _____ my sister at your house?
16. _____ we late?
17. _____ they need help?
18. _____ the people hungry?
19. _____ I allowed to wear my hat in this class?
20. _____ that jacket expensive?
21. _____ the shoes go in the closet?
22. _____ your father work in a factory?
23. _____ the laptop in sale this week?
24. _____ the children take class on Saturday?
25. _____ she work late on the weekend?
26. _____ Veejay and Ahmed in your class?
27. _____ the students need textbooks?
28. _____ this your pen?
29. _____ your dog sleep in the house?
30. _____ I the tallest person on the team?
31. _____ we need our books today?
32. _____ the office open on Sunday?
33. _____ Rome have a subway?
34. _____ the hotel close to the park?
35. _____ your parents have many brothers and sisters?
36. _____ the museums free?
37. _____ I need to pay before or after?
38. _____ the vacation include food and drink?
39. _____ my family have to stay at the same hotel?
40. _____ we bring our bags with us?
41. _____ this school have a gymnasium?
42. _____ the company you work for American?
43. _____ the pants on this table for sale?
44. _____ the animals receive food many times per day?
45. _____ I able to bring a friend?
46. _____ my friend Greg know your brother?
47. _____ your teeth hurt?
48. _____ everyone ready?
49. _____ your family live near your school?
50. _____ the information available now?

Wh-questions – word order

1. how you are old

2. name is what your


3. day today is what


4. are from where you


5. what are hobbies your

6. it what is time

7. when your is birthday mum's


8. is best friend who your


9. you subjects like do what


10. English enjoys who


11. are what they doing


12. get when up you in the morning do


13. your you spell name do how


14. homework what is for


15. Tim handball does why like


16. like what the girls sports do


17. your for lunch did have what friend


18. did stay how Paris long Kevin in


19. weather like was the what


20. who is easy thinks maths

21. you from London are

22. a pet Nelson have can


23. they do horses have


24. for the pizza need tomatoes we do


25. fish and chips does your father love


26. a ruler is there in your schoolbag


27. know a good name you do


28. your do parents like tea or coffee


29. do live country the you in


30. football play does brother your


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