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The Automorphism Groups of the Braid Groups

Author(s): Joan L. Dyer and Edna K. Grossman

Source: American Journal of Mathematics , Dec., 1981, Vol. 103, No. 6 (Dec., 1981), pp.
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press

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In the first of two papers published in the Annals in 1947 [3] Emil
Artin mentioned the problem of determining all automorphisms of the
braid groups (of the Euclidean plane), and in the second [4] took a first
step towards a solution. The main result of this paper is a complete deter-
mination of these automorphism groups: the outer automorphism group
is of order two, generated by the automorphism class containing the ele-
ment which inverts each of the standard braid generators. Visually, a
plane projection of the automorphic image of a braid m is obtained from
one for f by replacing each over-crossing by an under-crossing.
This result establishes a recent conjecture of Pietrowski and Solitar,
to whom we are indebted for bringing the problem to our attention. They
obtained the first determination of the automorphism group of the four-
string braid group, using techniques for computing automorphism groups
of amalgamated free products [13]. (The result for braids on at most three
strings is easy and seems part of the folklore.)
The argument we employ is algebraic, and is patterned after that
used by Dyer and Formanek [9] to establish that (i(F,) the automor-
phism group of a free group of rank n (n 2 2), is complete. (That is,
(i(Fn) has trivial center and only inner automorphisms). The first braid
group is trivial and the second is infinite cyclic. We assume that n - 3,
and begin with a theorem of Magnus [10] which enables us to identify the
n-th braid group, Bn, modulo its center with a subgroup, 63,2 of (i(Fa_1)
containing all inner automorphisms. The subgroup of pure braids, (9,
consists of those automorphisms in 63(b whose induced action on the com-
mutator quotient group F -I/F,>-I is trivial. Artin's result [4] implies
that (Yn is a characteristic subgroup of (Sn. An analysis of (P,1/(Pn' as a
(3B n/Y -module and some arguments from [9] show that the inner

Manuscript received August 25, 1979.

*Visiting Scientist under the auspices of the Mathematical Sciences Department, T. J.
Watson Research Center, IBM, on leave from the City University of New York, Lehman Col-
lege and The Graduate Center.

Americani Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 103, No. 6, pp. 1151-1169 1151

0002-9327/81/1036-1151 $01.50
Copyright ? 1981 by The Johns Hopkins University Press

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automorphisms form a characteristic subgroup of 63n. This puts us in a

position to apply a result of Rose [14], which identifies a(i33,) with the
normalizer of i3n in (i(Fn -I). It is shown that (3n has index two in its nor-
malizer, and it then follows easily that (((33n) is isomorphic to (i(Bn).
Finally, we prove that (i((i(B3)) and (i(Bn) (n 2 3) are complete.
The organization of this paper is as follows: in the first section we es-
tablish notation and quote the basic results of Artin and Magnus concern-
ing the structure of Bn and (33n Section two contains a determination of
the automorphisms of n /3n' viewed as a 633n / P,n -module. This result is
applied in section three to prove that the inner automorphism group is a
characteristic subgroup of (33n Section four contains the determination of
a(G3n) and the proof that a(63n) is isomorphic to (i(B,1) (n 2 3). The
final section establishes the completeness results stated above.
Results are numbered sequentially and independent of section.

1. The Groups Bn and 63. The results concerning braid groups

that we require are, in the main, due to Artin and Magnus. Magnus' sur-
vey article [11] provides a guide to the literature, and Birman's monograph
[6] is a convenient reference for most of the proofs.
For any group G, (i(G) denotes the automorphism group of G. H is a
characteristic subgroup of G if H is mapped to itself by every automor-
phism of G. Maps will be written on the left, and conjugation by g E G
sends x E G to gxg-1. Action by conjugation defines a homomorphism
from G to a((G) whose image is the subgroup of inner automorphisms.
When the center of G is trivial, this homomorphism is injective and we
view G as a subgroup of (i(G) accordingly. G is normal in (i(G), and the
effect of any automorphism on G is given by conjugation within (i(G).
Thus characteristic subgroups of G correspond to normal subgroups of
W(G) contained in G. Note that the centralizer of G in (i(G) is trivial.
The braid group on n strings, Bn, is defined algebraically by the pre-
sentation on generators (xl, a2, . . I an- subject to the defining relations

ai 1ia, = Ii i+I oii+ (1 < i n - 2)

Oa=aJ ali (1I i<j- 1< n -2)

It follows that conjugation by 1r a2 ... arn- ca

n - 2), and an-I to a,. Thus any homomorphism

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by the images of or, and I (X2 ... * -,I- . Note that

finite cyclic; for the remainder of this paper we shall assume that n 2 3.
LetFn be the free group of rank n, with (fixed) free basisxl, x2, .. ., xn .

THEOREM 1. (Artin [2, 3], Magnus [10]). A faithful representation

of Bn in (i(Fn) is obtained by mapping vi to the automorphism defined by

Xi 1xixi+lxi 1, Xi+ x, X X X, otherwise.

The image of Bn is the set of automorphisms that permute the n conjugacy

classes of x 1, X2 , ... . Xnin Fn, and thatfix the productxlx2 * xn -. D

We shall regard Bn as a subgroup of (i(Fn) accordingly. Define

K(Fn) = Ker {a( (Fn) - (i (Fn IFn') I

and put P,2 = Bn n K(Fn). Theorem 1 implies that Bn /Pn is isomorphic

to En,, the symmetric group on n symbols. Elements of En will be written
using cycle notation; thus (a, b) is the transposition interchanging a and b.

rHEOREM 2 (Artin [4]). Define r:Bn E - n by

r(oi) = (i, i + 1).

Then Ker -r = Pn . Moreover, if p :B,, - En is any epimorphism, th

ists an inner automorphism f3 of B,n such that p13 is one of the foll

(1) n arbitrary; p13 = -r.

(2) n 4; p13:o1 - (1, 2, 3, 4), ar1a2ar3 - (1, 2).
(3) n = 6; p13:a1 - (1, 2)(3, 4)(5, 6), (J1(J2(J3(J4(J5 4 (1, 2, 3)(4, 5).

Artin also proves that cases (2) and (3) cannot arise from any automor-
phism of B,2, and that P,2 is a characteristic subgroup of B,2; in section
three we present a somewhat simpler proof of these facts for the groups
(fS,t It then follows that any automorphism of (3n may be composed with a
suitable inner automorphism so as to act trivially on (6,, /(12 and to induce
a E, -module automorphism of (S',2 /1('2
Define, for 1 ' i <j ' n,

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THEOREM 3 (Artin [3]). The oi.j (1 ? i < j < n) generate Pn.

With respect to these generators, the defining relations for P, all lie in the
derived group, Pn'. D

A specific presentation is given by Artin, but we do not require the details.

It follows that P, /P,, ' is free abelian of rank [j] , with basis {?aij P,, 'I 1 <
i <j 'n}.

THEOREM 4 (Magnus [10], Chow [8]). The center of Bn is infinite

cyclic, generated by (O1 I2 ... *r,,_1)n. )D

Note that (r1l 2 ... Orn-1)' is the inner automorphismxlx

for all z E F,

(Olu2 ... rn-1)n(Z) = (X1X2 ... Xn)Z(XX2 ... Xn)1.

Define the retract p:I,, - Fn,, by

p:xi - xi (1 ? i < n - 1), xn F- (x1x2 ... Xn-l)

The kernel of p is the normal closure of x1x2 ... x,, in F,, which is
mapped to itself by each element of Bn . Consequently there is an induced
homomorphism p*: Bn -i e(Fn-1 ). Set

63,n =P*(Bn ), 6n =P*(Piz

THEOREM 5 (Magnus [ 10]). If n 2 3, the kernel of p* is the center of

B,t, and 63n contains Fn-,1 (the group of inner automorphisms). Moreover,

(9t /t- 1 1 * E]

Specifically, set

0 = (a2 ...Or -1)1 n

j (or * **i-I1 ) j+. Or*n-1). (2 <j < n - 2)

an-1 = (a1 *r ...n-2

Then p*(0j) = x1x2 ... xj (the (k + 1)st power of k successive a's,

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(u'i ui+I ... ui+k-1)k+l, acts as conjugation by xixi+I ... Xi+

i+kand fixes the other x's). Put

Si p *(oi), aij p =P*(?i)

and note that (n = K(Fn-,) n o3l

COROLLARY 6 (see [6, p. 28 and p. 134]).

(1) (Orl Or2 .. *Oraln -- I -i<j-n i,moP'

(2) p*(Gj) (H1 <k<, ak,)(H,?1<k<,<lak,l) mod 6Pn'. Lii

It follows that 63nl6Sn - E_n, and that Pn /1P,n' is free abelia


2. (1 /1P, as 63 1/6 -module. (33 acts on (n by conjugation. It

may be verified that, for each 1? k ? n-i 1 < i < j < n,

L i,j if k i-1, i, j-1, j

aei-l,ioei-l,joei=l, if k = i-1

| ?i,j if k=i and ji+ 1

Ok ?i,j Ok i+ 1j if k i and j ? i + 1

?i,j if k j j-1 and i= j-1

?ej-,j?ij-?ejll, if k = - 1 and i ?I j- 1

L ?Ui,j+I if k=j

Identify (3n 1(yn with En by means of t

duced by 7r:Bn - En (see Theorem 2), and
written additively. Put

Ai,, = A, i = p*(?ui ji) (s),t aij (S)n

As a consequence of Theorems 3, 4 and 5, Corollary 6, and the compu-

tations above, we find

PROPOSITION 7. As an abelian group, @Pt /G,' is generated by

{A1 1 1 _ i < j ? n} subject to the relation

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Aj =O.

Any proper subset of the AiX is a (free) basis of the (

generates. The action of En is given by

T A Aij Ar(i),,(j). AI

Our objective is to determine the En

subset H of En, write Fix (H) for the

Fiux(H) {A E (yPn/1(9 r -A = A Vr E H}


T = {r E En I 'T(1), -r(2) E {1, 21}

Recall that n 2 3.

LEMMA 8. (1) If n = 3, Fix (T) is free of rank 1, generated by A1,2

(2) If n 2 4, Fix (T) is free abelian of rank 2, generated
by A12 and

S Aij.

Proof. Part (1) follows easily from the facts that -A1,2 = A1,3 +
A2,3 and T ( (1, 2)> (where angular brackets denote "group gener-
ated by").
Suppose now that n 2 4. Clearly, A1,2 and B are independent and lie
in Fix(T). Let W E Fix (T), and subtract an appropriate multiple of A1,2
from W so as to assume

(1) W = n (rjA3-j-n
,j + sjA 3-<i<j-<n
2J) + 3<SjctiiAi j

(where rj, s1, and ti1 are i

in (1) are independent. Under the action of T, the basis elements in the
first sum form one orbit, and those in the second sum form the second or-
bit. Consequently

rj-si-r (3 < j < n)

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tij = t (3 < i < j < n),

so that

W = r (Ai + A2,j) + tB = r(-A1,2-B) + tB,

as required. LIi

LEMMA 9. Suppose that n 2 4, and for each pair i, j with 3 ' i <

j ! n put rij = (1, i)(2, j). Then

(1) E3ci<jc nizj* A 1,2 = B, and

(2) E3ci<jcn 7-iTjB = (n - 3)A1,2 + (4 - n)B

(where B is defined in Lemma 8).

Proof. Since rij. A1,2 = Aij, (1) is immediate. To establish (2),

note that B is a sum of those Ak, with k and 1 both different from 1 or 2,
and that -i j - B is a sum of the Ak, for which -rij * Ak, occurs in B. Con-
sequently, A1,2 occurs in all ( - 2) sums Tij * B. For k 2 3, Al,kandA2k
occur in -rij * B except when {i, j} is one of

{3, k}g ...,9 {k- 1, k}g {k, k + 1}, ...,9 {k, n}I

and there are n - 3 of these. Finally, for 3 < k < 1 < n, Ak,1 occurs ex-
cept when {i, j } is one of

{3, k} ..., {k - 1, k} {k, k + 1}, ..., {k, n},

{3,1}, ..., {k - 1,1}, {k + 1,1}, ..., {1-1,1}, {1, 1+ 1}, ..., {1, n}

and there are (n - 3) + (n - 4) of these. Since the sum of all Aij (1 <
i < j c n) is zero, we have

3<iS C8i,j n
B =3
-3) r, (A l,k + A2,k) -((n -3) + (n -4))B

= (n - 3)A12 - (n - 4)B,
which is (2).

THEOREM 10. Let 0: (Y /(YP,' - ( /(Yn 'be a E- automorphism.

Then one of the following holds:

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(1) n 2 3; 0(A1,2) = +A1,2

(2) n = 4; 0(A1,2) = ?A3,4
(6111 1,n'is generated byA1,2 as a En2-module, so that 0(A1,2) determin

Proof. The restriction of 0 to Fix(T) is an automorphism of Fix(T)

as an abelian group. By Lemma 8, we may assume that n > 4, and obtain

0(A1,2) = rA1,2 + sB

for some r, s E Z. Consequently, by Lemma 9,

6(B) = E -ruij .0 (A1,2) = s(n - 3)A1,2 + (r + s(4 - n))B.

Therefore the matrix

r s (n - 3)

s r+s(4-n)

has determinant ?1, so that ?1 = (r + s)(r + s(3 - n)) and either

r + s = r + s(3 - n) = ?1,

or else

r + s = -r - s(3 - n) = ?1.

If s = 0, r ?1 and we have case (1). If s ? 0, sincen 2 4 we can have

only the second possibility above with

2(r + s) = s(n - 2) = ?2.

It now follows that n = 4, r = 0, and s = ? 1 which is case (2).

3. F,n_ is Characteristic in (B.n The goal of this section is to prove

that any automorphism of (33n maps Fn_ - to itself, or, that Fn_ - is a char-
acteristic subgroup of (3 . The argument follows that in Dyer and For-
manek [9]; we prove, in succession, that (n, Fn-1 Pn', and finally that
F, - are characteristic subgroups of (33n

THEOREM 11. Wn is characteristic in (3X

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Proof. Let X E (i ((n), and denote by p the composition

Bn~(n ~ n 9 ;

where Bn - (33n is the natural projection and lr*: (6n - En is the homo-
morphism induced by 7r: Bn - En. Apply Artin's theorem (Theorem 2) to
conclude that Ker p = Pn, unless we are in case (2) of Theorem 2. (Case
(3) is the result of following wx* by an outer automorphism of En. )
ro eliminate case (2), observe that here (a1 a2 a3)2 E Ker p. Since (G4
is a subgroup of the torsion-free group K(F3) (see [12, pp. 391-392]), (G4
is torsion-free. But (s1s2s3)2 is a non-trivial element of order two in (34
and ((1s2s3)2) E (Y4, which is a contradiction. Therefore Ker p = Pn;
and so

Ker(lr*O) = (Sn = 0- ((yn)

as required. Li

COROLLARY 12. Let 0 E (((3n). Then ? induces an inner automor-

phism of 63n 16n -

Proof. By Theorem 11, 0 induces automorphisms of (6n /1(n and of

(Yn /,n '. We must eliminate case (3) of Artin's theorem (Theorem 2). Iden-
tify 636/P6 with E6; using Proposition 7, the fixed point set, Fix((1, 2)), of
(1, 2) in (y6/(y6' is free abelian of rank 10, with basis

A,j + A2,J(3 < j < 6), Aij (3 < i < j< 6).

But Fix((1, 2)(3, 4)(5, 6)) has rank 8, with basis

A1,3 + A2,4, A2,3 + A1,4, A2,5 + A1,6, A1,5 + A2,6,

A3,5 + A4,6, A4,5 + A3,6, A3,4, A5,6.

Since any E (E (36) that induces the non-inner automorphism of

Theorem 2 case (3) must carry Fix((1, 2)) isomorphically to Fix((l, 2)
(3, 4)(5, 6)), we have eliminated case (3). 0

PROPOSITION 13. Fnl 1Pn ' is characteristic in (3

Proof. Since Fn -I P1n' is normal in (S3n it is

automorphisms. Let X E ( ((33n) and compose 0 wit

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morphism of (G3 to assume that X induces the trivial automorphism of

(3 nln; this is possible by Corollary 12. Therefore 0 induces a E -
automorphism of (P)n /()n,'. Use Theorem 10 and, in the exceptional case n
= 4, the description of the generating inner automorphisms p*(Gj) given
in Corollary 6 to obtain the result. O

The passage from Proposition 13 to the result that F,z-i is

characteristic in (3n will be accomplished as in [9]; we require some pre-
liminaries. Denote by -yjG the j th term of the lower central series of the
group G, defined inductively by

y1-G = G, yj+1 IG = [-yiG, G] (j 2 0);

so that 72G = G', the commutator subgroup of G.

PROPOSITION 14. For any free group F,

(1) (Andreadakis [1], Bachmuth [5]) [,yjK(F), F] = ,yj+IF and F n

K(F)' = F'.
(2) (Dyer-Formanek [9]) n X F1yjK(F) = F. O

THEOREM 15. Fn-I is characteristic in (33n

Proof. When n = 3, (P3 = F2 and the result follows from Theorem

11. Assume, therefore, that n 2 4 and let X E a(63,2). We claim that, for
all]j 3,

(1) -Y2Fn-1 = [Fn-1 O(Fn-l)] F

We prove (1) by induction on j; for simplicity, we ab

When j = 3, since

Y2 (n = X72(Fy2nPn) = O(F)72(yn

by Proposition 13 and Theorem 11, and since F < (?n < K(F), we may
apply (1) of Proposition 14 to obtain

7y2F = [F, F] = [F, F-y2(yn] = [F, 0(F)y2dPn] = [F, 7(F)]Fy3F.

Assume now that (1) holds for j. Then (F)>yiF 2 7y2F and

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Y2F = [F, X (F)] yjF 2 [F, (F)]Pyj+ I (F) = [F

2 [F, O(F)][F, y2F] = [F, O(F]'3F = 'Y2F.

This proves (1). Consequently, for all j,

F' = 'Y2F = [F, O(F)]'yjF < 0(F)_Yj((n) = (F_Yj(Pn).

Since (9,, s K(F), (2) of Proposition 14 yields

(2) -Y1(F') < nfFTj n = F.

ButF' '< G1_ ' K(F)'; and so

X -(F') < F nf q'(1n') = Fn (Pn' = F'.

Consequently F' is characteristic in 6rn i

We complete the proof by showing that F/F' is the center of (yn /F';
for (YiPn and F' are characteristic in (33n, so the preimage in (P9, of the center
of (Sin /F' is also characteristic in (33n , Since (Pn < K(F), [(Vn F] ' F'
and therefore F/F' is a central subgroup of (Pn /F'. On the other hand, us-
ing Magnus' theorem (Theorem 5)

((Y'n /F')/(F/F') =_ (1 IF-=_ (n__ -

Since n 2 4 and Fn-2 < (nl ' (i(F,,-2), (Pn- I has trivial center (Fn -2
has trivial centralizer in a(Fn-2)). Thus F/F' is the center of (n /F', as
required. ?

4. The Automorphisms of 63,n and Bn. The bulk of this section is

devoted to proving that a((3n) is generated by 63,, (the inner automor-
phism group) together with the automorphism cen of order two defined by

En Si Si- (I C i C n - 1).

Note that cen acts non-trivially on (33n /(3nw', implying that C-n is not inne
is then shown that (i(Bn) ) (03,).

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Our argument is based upon an extension of a result of Burnside ([7])

due to Rose, and is applied as indicated in the subsequent corollary.

PROPOSITION 16 (Rose [14]). Let K be a characteristic subgroup of

the group G, for which the centralizer of K in G is trivial. Then restriction
to K induces an injective homomorphism (i(G) - (i(K), whose image is
the normalizer in (a (K) of the image of G. O

COROLLARY 17. For n 2 3, (i3((Bn) is isomorph

of (3n in (i (Fn1l).

Proof. We have Fn-1 < (33n < (i(Fn1). Therefore F,, has trivial
centralizer and, by Theorem 15, Fn-i is characteristic in (3n,. Apply
Proposition 16. O
A routine computation establishes that Cen E (i(3n) corresponds to
the automorphism of Fn -1 defined by

Xi (X1X2 ... Xi-I)Xi7'(X1X2 .. Xil) 1 (1 < i < n - 1)

and we regard c-, as an element of (i(F,21) accordingly. Clearly, the nor-

malizer of (63n in (a(Fn_I ) contains (63,,, cn >; we wish to establish the re-
verse inclusion. We first prove a technical lemma concerning the action of
certain elements of (P,n. Write a - b to mean that a and b are conjugate
elements of F,J>,; Magnus, Karrass, and Solitar ([12, Chapter 4]) is a ref-
erence for the statements concerning elements of free products.

LEMMA 18. Suppose that z and si2(z) are conjugate elements of

F-,, ,for each i(l < i c n - 2). Then z is conjugate (in F,- 1) either to a
power of xj for some j (I c j c n - 1), or else to a powerof xlx2 ... * I
Proof. We may assume that z is non-trivial, and may replace z by
any Fn_ 1 -conjugate as is convenient.
First fix j, 1 ? j c n - 2, and decompose F, -1I as the free product

(1) C*D = (xj, xi+1 >*<xl, ..., Xi-1, Xi+2, *..,X1i-I>

(recall that angular brackets mean "group generated by"). Replace z by a

conjugate so as to assume that z is cyclically reduced with respect to the
decomposition (1). We claim that now

(2) z ( <xj, x +1 >, or

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(3) zE (xi, ...,Xj-1,Xj+2, ..., XnI>, or

(4) z E <Xj Xi+ 1>*<Xl, * * *,Xi-1,SXi+2, * ** Xn-l >

The inclusions (2) and (3) are the cases that z has syllable length one with
respect to (1); thus we may assume that

z = cldl ... Crdr

where the ci are non-trivial elements of C and the di are non-trivial ele-
ments of D. We must prove that all the ci are powers of xjXj+ . The action
of Si2 on F,,-, respects the factors of the decomposition (1): sj2 is conju-
gation by xjxi+I on C and is trivial on D. Consequently sJ2(Z) is also cycli-
cally reduced, whence sj2(Z) - z implies that Sj2(Z) is a cyclic permutation
of z. Therefore sj2m(Z) = z for a suitable positive integer m; and so the ci
must commute with (xjxi+1 )m. This yields the inclusion (4).
To complete the proof of the lemma, we distinguish two cases.

Assume that z is cyclically reduced as a word in x1, . . ., xn -I.

Case 1. Not all xl, . . ., Xn-1 occur in z. Choose j so that exactly one
of x;, x + 1occurs in z (1 ? j c n -2). Since si2(z) - z, we must have (2)
above. But z involves only one of the two generators x;, xi+ .

Case 2. All xl, ..., X occur in z. Since s12(Z) - z, for each

j(1 c j c n - 2) some cyclic permutation of z satisfies the inclusion (4).
Equivalently, if we use instead the basis

Yi = X1X2 ... Xi (1 < i< n-1

for F 1, (4) states that z is conjugate to an element that does not involve

yX for each j(1 ? j ? n - 2). Hence z Y -l = (x1x2 .. Xn_l)m for

some integer m. O

THEOREM19. For n 2 3, (ic(CBn) = (CiS >

Proof. Using Corollary 17, we must prove that < (B1lB, C,, > contains
the normalizer of C3Bn in (i(FnI). It follows from Theorem 5 that

Bn-I = (Si, . . ., Sn-2> < B,?n,

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Pn-l = B,-fl n (P, and

(,tl = <(Pn.l, Ftl_- > = Pn-1F11

where Pn_l and B,-1 are precisely the subgroups of (i(Fn_) identified in
the Artin-Magnus theorem (Theorem 1).

Suppose that a E (i (Fn_) normalizes (Bn - Since (Pn is characteristic

in (33n (Theorem 11), al normalizes (Pn so that, in particular, for each j(1
?1?c n -2) there is a tj E P1 and a z - F1 such that

(1) ol - 1~~~~~Si2 = j tj .

Each element of P,,-1 carries each xi to a conjugate of itself a

xlx2 xn-1; therefore (1) implies that

sj 2(ad(xi)) - a(xi) (1 - i n -1), and

(2) 2aX
(Sji( I(XlX2 ... Xn-1)) 0 c1(X1X2 ... Xn-1)

for all j, 1? j 1 n -2. The elements x1, x2, * * *, xn-I, xIx2 *...*xn-I
are distinct and not proper powers, and ao is an automorphism. Lemma 18
therefore implies that al permutes the 2n conjugacy classes determined by
xl-, * x ?1 1 ,i 1 (x1x2 .. Xn)?l. It follows from Theorem 1 that i(Bn
acts as the full symmetric group on the conjugacy classes containing
xl, x2, ..., x,i_-, (x1x2 .. xni) 1. We may therefore follow al by a
suitable element of c33n so as to assume

(3) a (xi) xie(i) (e(i)= ?11 c ic n -1)


(4) a(xlx2 ...Xn-) (x1x2 ... Xn-)e (e = ?1).

Modulo Fn>- 1 , (3) and (4) yield

(x1x2 *.. * * Xn-)e = Xle(l) ... xe(n - 1)

whence e(i) = e (1 < i < n - 1). Now follow ao by a suitable element of

(Fn- 1 c ,,> to obtain

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a e(xi) -xi ('i n-1

d(XIX2 ... Xn-1) X1X2 ... Xn-I

Using Theorem 1, conditions (5) say that ao E Bn_1 . Hence (CBn5, En> con-
tains the normalizer of 63Bn in (a (Fn - 1 ), as required. F
We conclude this section with

THEOREM 20. If n 2 3, (i(Bn) -(ia(n).

Proof. Put

= (Ul U2 * *n-I )n.

the generator of the center of Bn (Theorem 4). Since (Bn _= B_/

natural projection Bn - 63Bn induces a homomorphism 7r: (i(Bn
The map defined by

ui i1 (1 c i'n-1)

extends to an automorphism of Bn whose image u

that 7r is onto.
Now suppose that 0 E Ker -r. Then


The relations / (aiai+I vi) = 1 (ai? oui+1), (1

the e(i) are independent of i; denote by e this common value. Now

O = (l= (ul) ... * ((Yn-i ))n = vn(n-l)e+l

Therefore ? 1 = n (n - 1)e + 1; and so n (n - 1)e is either 2 or 0. Since

n ? 3, 2 is impossible, e = 0, and 0 is the identity. O

5. The Automorphism Sequence of B,. We turn now to the com-

putation of the automorphism sequences

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Bn, (BO) (, G((Bn()) = &(Bn).

We first state Burnside's result (which follows from Proposition 16).

PROPOSITION 21 (Burnside [7]). (i(G) is complete if G has trivial

center and is a characteristic subgroup of (i(G). D

THEOREM 22. ai(Bn) is complete, if n 2 4.

Proof. Using Theorem 20 and Proposition 21, we wish to prove that

63n is characteristic in (IB,1). It follows from Theorem 19 that (a((B3,) has
a presentation on generators

Si9 S29 ... . Sn - en

subject to the defining relations

sisi+lsi = Si+1sisi+1 (1 i ? n -2)

sisj = sisi (1 i?j-2 n 3)

(nSi)2 n 1(n 1)

e_n2= (SlS2 ... Sn-1)'= 1

The commutator quotient group of G(Bn?) is the Klein four-group, whose

non-trivial elements are the images of sl, Cen, and SI Cn. Thus (i(63n) has
three subgroups of index two, which are permuted by any automorphism
of aQ3((Bn). CB,, is one of these, and its commutator quotient group is cyclic,
of order n (n - 1). We prove that (Bn is not isomorphic to either of the two
other subgroups of index two by showing that their commutator quotients
have order at most 4.
Denote by D the commutator subgroup of (i (Bn). Then D < (Bn and
63n/D is of order two. Since (Bn is the subgroup of a(Bn?) generated by
the si, and the map to Z2 is given by sending each si to the non-trivial ele-
ment of Z2, {1, sl } is a transversal for D in (Bn. The Reidemeister-
Schreier procedure leads to a presentation for D on generators

Xi(=sis1_1) and Yi(=slsi), (1 c i c n - 1)

subject to defining relations that include

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(1) X1 = 1

(YiXi+l Yi = Yi+l
(2) ('in-1

(3) YiXj = YjXi (1<i<j-2<n-3).

The subgroup (D, s, > is 1B,,; the other tw

(i((S3,,)areM = (D, c,>, andN = (D, sIc,>.
We first bound the order of M/M'. Conjugation by c-, maps Xi to
Yi-Y1 (1 < i n - 1), whence

Xi = Yi 7Y1 (1 i c n-2)

Eliminating the Xi accordingly, (2) implies that

Yj = Y?31 (ci c n2),

and (3) yields

yi2 = y2 (1 i j 2 n n-3).
Since n 2 4, we conclude that

Y, = Y, (I c i c5 n-)

But c-nY1c7-n = Y1', so y12 = 1. Since also c,n2 = 1, and c,n, Y

generate M modulo M', IM/M'l ' 4.
Next, we consider N/N'. Conjugation by s1 Crn carries Xi to Xi1 and
Yi to Yi- 1. Consequently,

i2 = yi2= ( in-

whence (2) implies that

Xi = X1, Yj Y1 (1 i n1).

By (1), all Xi are trivial modulo N' so that Y1 and 1

N'. Once again, Y12 = (S I Cn )2 =1 and I N/N'l c 4. D

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Finally, we have the usual low-dimensional exception. Out(G) de-

notes the quotient group of (i (G) by the subgroup of inner automorphisms.

PROPOSITION 23. Out ((i (B3 )) is of order two, and (&2(B3) is complete.

Proof. We have (a(B3) aQIB), with

(3= (S1, S2lS2S1 = S2SO2, (sIs2) = 1>.

Let H be the normal closure in (B3 of s 1S2 . It may be seen that H is

phic to the free product of two cyclic groups of order three.
The group Out(H) is of order eight ([12, p. 195, Section 4.1, Exerc
18]); and

H ? (B3 c (aB3) c (i(H)

with each group of index two in its successor. Therefore the

of order three in (a (H) is contained in H and generates H. T
characteristic in both (WB3) and (a (H), whence H is a ch
group of (WB3) and of (a(H). Apply Proposition 16 to obtain (a2(B3)
(a (H), and Proposition 21 to establish that (i (H) is complete. D




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