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FS 2020 - 21 Course plan

Course Owner Course Code Course Title Course Type

SAS MAT1011 Calculus for Engineers Theory

Lect. No. Lecture Topic

Module 1 (9 Hours)
1.1 Absolute Extrema on Closed Intervals
1.2 Rolle's and Lagrange's Mean Value Theorems
1.3 First Derivative Test for Local Extrema
1.4 Second Derivative Test and Concavity
1.5 Definite Integrals as Areas
1.6 Volume of solid of Revolution - Disk Method
1.7 Volume of solid of Revolution - Washer Method
1.8 The Gamma and Beta Functions
1.9 Evaluation of Real Integrals by The Gamma and Beta Functions
Module 2 (7 Hours)
2.1 Laplace transform of Elementary Functions
2.2 Multiplication and Division by t
2.3 Translation or Shifting Properties
2.4 Laplace Transform of Periodic Functions
2.5 Inverse Laplace Transform by Elementary Properties
2.6 Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial Fractions and Differentiation
2.7 Inverse Laplace Transform by Convolution Property
Module 3 (4 Hours)
3.1 Geometry of Functions of Two Variables
3.2 Limits and Continuity
3.3 Partial Differentiation - Chain Rule - Total Derivative
3.4 Jacobians and Properties
Course plan Continued
Lect. No. Lecture Topic
Module 4 (5 Hours)
4.1 Taylor’s theorem for Functions of Two Variables
4.2 Unconstrained Local Extrema for Functions of Two variables

4.3 Absolute Maxima and Minima on Closed and Bounded Sets

4.4 Lagrange Multiplier Method: Two-variable Function with One Constraint

4.5 Lagrange Multiplier Method: Three-variable Function with One Constraint
Module 5 (8 Hours)

5.1 Double Integral over a Rectangle - Volumes of Regions bounded below by Rectangles

5.2 Double Integral Over General Regions and Volumes

5.3 Reversing the Order of Integration
5.4 Change of Variables in a Double Integral - PolarForm
5.5 Triple Integral and Volumes
5.6 Triple integral in Cylindrical and Spherical Polar Coordinates
5.7 Triple integral by General transformation
5.8 Multiple integrals in terms of Gamma and Beta functions
Module 6 (5 Hours)
6.1 Scalar and Vector Fields
6.2 Gradient: Directional Derivative - Tangent plane
6.3 Divergence and Curl of Vector Fields
6.4 Vector Identities and Simple Applications
6.5 Scalar Potential of Conservative Vector Fields
Module 7 (5 Hours)
7.1 Line Integral and Green’s Theorem
7.2 Surface Integral and Stoke’s Theorem
7.3 Volume Integral and Gauss’ Divergence Theorem
7.4 Recap of Green's, Stoke's and Gauss' Divergence Theorems
7.5 More about Conservative Vector Fields
Module 8 - Industry Expert Lecture (2 Hours)

Course In-Charges

Dr T Phaneendra, Dr. Rajadas, Dr. ANS Srinivas

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