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Instructor: Allyson Jones

Assignment Week 1-Working Thesis and Sketch

When companies say they are looking for excellent communication skills they do not

mean just the way that we communicate with each other. If a person has effective

communication skills in life, they tend to have more opportunities to succeed and excel.

“Effective communication skills also boost the moral of the individual and motivate him to work

better” [ CITATION Com07 \l 1033 ] . When a business is looking for someone with effective

communication skills, they are looking for someone who is a highly self-motivated individual

who has goals, and understands their goals and does whatever necessary to achieve them. A

person with good communication skills understands their specified role and knows how to get

results in an effective manner.

There are essentially two forms of communication, verbal and written communication.

The main factors that play a crucial role in effective verbal communication skills are the pitch or

tone of our voice, any type of body language, gestures and appearance of the communicator. This

includes any facial expressions that are made. When using written communication, accuracy is

very important so that the message we are sending is understood correctly. To make written

communication easily understandable we should make sure to be brief but to the point and make

sure we use the proper selection of words.

“The purposes of communication could be many but the most important part is to

understand how to communicate effectively” [ CITATION Com07 \l 1033 ] . Communication skills in

business are extremely essential because “the success of business rests upon

communication”[ CITATION Com07 \l 1033 ] . Communication isn’t just about what message we are

relaying, but also how we are relaying those messages. Effective communication skills also help
to create a healthy work environment, which benefits both the worker and the organization itself.

With good communication skills people can understand others and grasp any situation easily,

even if in an unfamiliar position.

There are many reasons that managers hire people that tend to have proficient

communication skills. One reason is because conflict can be reduced with good communication

skills, meaning that unnecessary misunderstandings can be avoided. “A person with such

intelligence {interpersonal intelligence} understands other’s feelings and desires, and employers

are willing to pay for someone with these skills” [ CITATION Jos06 \l 1033 ] . Another reason that

managers hire people with good communication skills is because people with these skills can

better express themselves and their ideas; they tend to be more creative. Therefore, people with

greater communication skills understand, and establish, their position and they excel in the


Works Cited
Communication Skills. (2007). Retrieved November 13, 2010, from

Uebergang, J. (2006, November 29). The Benefits of Communication Skills. Retrieved

Novemeber 15, 2010, from Earthling Communication:

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