Social Emotional Observation

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Kerriebah Bedonie



Part A (child is 10 months)


1a. The objective observation of a display of fear is a 10-month child sitting in the living room holding a
rubber duck. Then a pan drops in the kitchen and the child reacts to the sound by flinching and having
his eyes grow big and starts to cry.

1b. the caregiver reacts by going to the child and picks her up as she says,” O I’m sorry I scared you
sweetie I just droped a pan and made a big loud noise.”

1c. I think the response was appropriate because the caregiver comfort the child when he was scared
and explained to the child what happened.

2a. the objective observation of a display of anger is a 10-month child laying on the floor holding a little
stuff lamb that sings Mary had a little lamb. The caregiver went to the child, moves the lamb to the side,
and picked up the child to change her diaper. The moment the caregiver took the lamb away the child
reacted by crying and yelling.

2b. The caregiver says,”aww what’s wrong sweetie? “As she lays the child down and continues to
change her diaper.

2c.I think the response was not appropriate because I think the caregiver should have put more depth
into explaining to the child what was going on try to comfort the child a little more.

3a. The nine temperament traits: (interview the caregiver/parent)

 Activity level- tends to stay still and relax when playing do not really move too much.
 Rhythmicity- the child stays on a schedule and is very predictable where the caregiver knows
when to change her diaper and feed her and when to put her down to sleep.
 Approach-withdrawal- the child enjoys everything new but only one new thing at a time noticed
this when the child got a new toy she willing try it out but only one at a time.
 Adaptability- the child adjusts quickly to new experiences. When the child is in different
environments, she is very willing to be in different environments and explore.
 Attention span- the child will wander from one thing to another. The child is playing with a lamb
and a rubber duck comes in on the blanket the child goes back and forth between the two.
 Intensity of reaction- the child cries and laughs loud. When the caregiver squeezes the duck the
child laugh loudly.
 Threshold of responsiveness- the child is very sensitive to changes. When lights in the kitchen go
on or off the child notices stop what she is doing to watch the lights.
 Distractibility- the child can be easily distracted. When the child is being held by the caregiver
the child plays with the necklets and then earrings etc.
 Quality of mood- the child is always smiling and happy. 18 out of 20 times, I looked at the child
she was smiling.

3b. In the three temperament categories I would place the child in easy and difficult because the child
show signs of being easygoing and yet have some traits that fit into being difficult.

3c. The advice I might give to the caregiver/parent of the child based on my assessment would be to let
the child explore on her own and to be careful to not to over whelm her to a point where she cannot
focus or be comfortable.

Part B


1. The objective observation of a 7-month-old child displaying Erikson’s “trust vs. mistrust” is when
having his mommy hold him and an unknown person tries to hold the child. The child looks at the
person as the person looks at the child with a smile and her arms held out welcoming the child to her.
The child looks at the person and finally smiles and leans over to the person allowing her to hold him. I
would identify this display as positive.

2. The objective observation of a 24-month-old child displaying Erikson’s “Autonomy vs. shame and
doubt” is when a two year old tries to open a banana by himself during snack time. The caregiver gives
out snacks and helps the children open their bananas. When the caregiver get to the child he says, “no I
do it!” and the caregiver says,”ok” and allows the child to open the banana by himself. I would identify
this display as a positive.

3a. The objective observation of a guidance situation between caregiver and child (24 month-old) is
when the caregiver and the child are doing “arts and craft” they are gluing buttons on a paper cut out
like a coat. The caregiver is placing glue dots in the coat and telling the child to place the buttons on the
glue dots.

3b. The situation that was handled by the caregiver was inappropriate because I think the child should
have art the way he wants it. If the caregiver does not want him to handle the glue or if the glue is hard
to pull out then she should ask the child point to where you want glue and place glue dot where the
child points and have him put the buttons on how he wishes.

4a. The objective observation of a guidance situation between two children is a 20-month-old and 22
month-old are playing with a car and slide. The caregiver comes over and shows the children how to
take the car to the top and let it slide down. After that one child does what was shown to him the other
watches for about 4 times until he took another car to the top slide and let it slide down.

4b. the situation that was handled by the caregiver was appropriate because it was good that she
showed them how to play with the toys expanding their knowledge.

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