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North American Journal of Aquaculture 62:249–259, 2000

q Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2000

Optimization of Thermal Shock Protocols for

Induction of Triploidy in Brook Trout
Mountain Aquaculture Research Center, Western Carolina University,
Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723, USA

Abstract.—Techniques for production of triploids are well described for commercially reared
salmonids (e.g., rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar). Among
less commonly used species, including brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, these protocols have not
been optimized. As a prelude to investigating the regional potential for commercial culture of
brook trout with all-female and all-female triploid stocks, we conducted experiments to test the
effects of the primary variables of thermal shock used to induce retention of second polar bodies.
The objective was to identify a protocol that maximizes yield of both triploid and gynogenetic
diploid progeny. The first experiment measured survival of gynogenetic embryos produced by heat
shocks involving combinations of different temperatures (26, 27, 28, or 298C) and durations (7,
10, 13, 16, 19, or 22 min). In three subsequent experiments, production of triploids was assessed
for thermal shocks involving variable times of initiation (7, 10, 13, 16, 19, or 22 min postactivation)
in addition to the above temperatures and durations. Significant trends for decrease in survival
and increase in percent triploidy were observed with increase in temperature and duration of
thermal shock. Effects for time of initiation in two of three experiments were nonsignificant; in
the third, survival tended to increase and percent triploidy to decrease with increase in time of
initiation. With a preshock incubation temperature of 11–128C, the most generally effective protocol
involved a thermal shock of 288C for 10 min duration initiated at 10–16 min postactivation, for
which relative survival was 68–71%, percent triploidy was 79–99%, and triploid yield was 54–
70%. In a fifth experiment, the fertilized eggs of 14 females were treated separately with a 288C
shock of 10 min applied at 10 min postactivation. Although relative survival to initiation of feeding
ranged between 42% and 100%, percent triploidy was consistently 98–100%.

Introduction uration reduces the economic profitability of com-

Triploidy has been induced in many salmonid mercial salmonid culture (Johnstone et al. 1979;
species by application of thermal or pressure Bye and Lincoln 1986; Pepper 1991; Benfey
shocks to newly fertilized eggs to prevent extru- 1996).
sion of the second polar body. Sterility in triploid Commercial culture of brook trout as a food fish
salmonids of both sexes and inhibition of sexual will require use of all-female (diploid) and all-female
maturation in triploid females have been exploited triploid stocks to circumvent maturation of the fish
in various situations in both commercial salmonid before harvest, as is the case for commercially reared
culture and fisheries management (see reviews by rainbow trout. However, all-female and all-female
Thorgaard 1983; Ihssen et al. 1990; Pepper 1991; triploid brook trout are not readily available, nor are
Benfey 1996). commercial production procedures well established.
Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis is the only sal- We therefore researched methods to reliably produce
monid species native to upland areas of the eastern groups of triploid and gynogenetic diploid fish. The
United States (MacCrimmon and Campbell 1969). latter are produced through activation of eggs with
Although brook trout are highly appreciated for sperm having DNA rendered nonfunctional by ul-
sportfishing, the introduced rainbow trout Oncor- traviolet (UV) irradiation, followed by thermal or
hynchus mykiss is used almost exclusively in com- hydrostatic pressure shock. Gynogenetic trout are all-
mercial trout farming in this region. This is due female and are useful in experimentation on sex-
in part to the relatively young age and small size reversal techniques (Chourrout 1982; Lou and Pur-
at which brook trout become sexually mature dom 1984). Because thermal shock can be highly
(Dubé et al. 1991; Flick 1991). Acquisition of sec- effective and is easily applied (Levanduski et al.
ondary sexual characteristics by the fish at mat- 1990; Palti et al. 1997), we chose this technique for
producing triploid and gynogenetic fish. However, a
clearly optimized thermal shock protocol for brook
* Corresponding author: trout has not been described. Scheerer and Thorgaard
Received November 23, 1998; accepted April 21, 2000 (1983) and Gray et al. (1993) described successful


TABLE 1.—Design for experiments 1–4, which were conducted to identify thermal shock protocols that optimize yield
of gynogenetic or triploid brook trout.

1 2 3 4
Desired progeny Gynogens Triploids Triploids Triploids
Number of broodfish (females/males)a 13/0 4/4 16/5 14/8
Average number of eggs/replicate (range) 317 (217–430) 158 (90–208) 170 (90–243) 243 (136–323)
Preshock water temperature (8C) 11 12 11 11
Thermal shock treatment variables b
Time of initiation (min) 10 7, 10, 13, 16 7, 10, 13, 16 10, 13, 16, 19, 22
Temperature (8C) 26, 27, 28, 29 26, 27, 28, 29 26, 27, 28, 29 26, 27, 28
Duration (min) 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 7, 10, 13, 16 7, 10, 13, 16 10, 13, 16, 19, 22
Number of treatments 16 64 64 75
Number of replicates per treatment 3 1 1 1
Number of control replicates 3 3 6
Average postshock water temperature (8C) 11 10.5 10.1 11
a Broodstock were from Ford State Fish Hatchery, Spokane, Washington (experiment 1), Armstrong State Fish Hatchery, Marion, North
Carolina (experiments 2 and 3), and Pisgah Forest State Fish Hatchery, Brevard, North Carolina (experiment 4).
b In experiment 1, the following combinations of temperature and duration treatment variables were tested: 268C for 13, 16, 19, or 22
min; 278C for 10, 13, 16, or 19 min; and 288C and 298C for 7, 10, 13, or 16 min. In experiments 2, 3, and 4, all possible combinations
of the indicated variables were tested.

induction of triploidy in brook trout using a single to determine if a maternal effect would effect var-
protocol found to be effective in rainbow trout. Dubé iation for percent triploidy.
et al. (1991) provided a comparison between alter-
native thermal shock protocols for triploidy induc- Methods
tion in brook trout; however, replication of treatments Comparison of heat shock protocols.—On four
that provided reasonably high yields of triploids was occasions, gametes were obtained for experimen-
minimal. tation from one of three state fish hatcheries. With-
Optimizing thermal shock protocols is compli- in each experiment, eggs from several females
cated by the large number of variables involved. were pooled, sublotted, and sperm from one of the
The variables of principal interest are time of ini- available males was added to each of the sublots
tiation following activation, temperature, and du- along with an amount of activator solution (0.9%
ration of the shock. In addition, preshock incu- NaCl, 0.01 M tris base, and 0.02 M glycine; Billard
bation water temperature, species or strain differ- et al. 1974) sufficient to cover the eggs. Fresh wa-
ences, and differences in egg quality among fe- ter at 11–128C was then added to initiate sperm
males within strains can alter the effectiveness of penetration of the egg membrane and reactivation
a given protocol (Lou and Purdom 1984; Solar et of development in the eggs. At 2–3 min after ini-
al. 1984; Johnstone 1985; Seeb et al. 1988; Lev- tiation of water hardening, the eggs were repooled,
anduski et al. 1990; Diaz et al. 1993; Palti et al. mixed, and sublotted into an appropriate number
1997). Inability to control all of these factors ac- of screen-bottomed incubation boxes. At 10 min
counts for the wide variability in thermal shock postactivation for experiment 1 and at 7–22 min
protocols reputed as effective for salmonids (Lev- postactivation for experiments 2, 3, and 4 the eggs
anduski et al. 1990; Galbreath et al. 1994). were subjected to thermal shock by immersion in
The objective of this study was to better un- heated water baths: temperatures of 26–298C and
derstand the effects of the principal thermal shock durations of 7–22 min. The eggs were then trans-
variables and to identify a protocol that produces ferred to vertical-tray incubators and reared at 10–
the maximum yield of gynogenetic and triploid 118C to the initiation of feeding stage, when num-
brook trout. Four separate experiments were con- ber of surviving embryos per treatment replicate
ducted using eggs obtained from three different was recorded. Details on numbers of broodstock,
hatchery strains. Each experiment involved si- numbers of eggs per treatment replicate, incuba-
multaneous testing of a range of values for mul- tion water temperatures, and heat shock protocols
tiple variables of thermal shock: time of initiation for each experiment are presented in Table 1.
following activation, temperature, and duration. In Experiment 1 involved production of gynoge-
a fifth experiment, a protocol deemed optimal was netic fish for which survival was a direct indicator
applied to the eggs of several females separately of successful retention of the polar body. Egg de-

velopment was activated as follows: sperm from and triploid yield data were arcsine-transformed and
a single rainbow trout was diluted 1:9 in an ex- analyzed within each experiment by ANOVA for
tender solution (135.5 mM NaCl, 40.0 mM KCl, main effects and interactions of time of initiation,
4.2 mM NaH2PO4, 1.25 mM MgSO4.7H2O, and temperature, and duration. Single replication within
1.25 mM CaCl2; Galbreath et al. 1994), spread to each treatment in the balanced factorial design for
a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm in glass bak- these experiments required use of the three-way in-
ing dishes (10 3 15 cm), and exposed for 10 min teraction mean squares as the error term. Subsequent
to UV light at an intensity of approximately 240 ANOVAs to examine effects of time of initiation and
mW/cm2 (modified from Chourrout 1982). Sperm temperature within levels of duration, and of time of
from a rainbow trout was used so that any sperm initiation and duration within levels of temperature
cells that were not effectively irradiated would were conducted for each experiment using the re-
produce nonviable hybrid embryos (Chourrout spective two-way mean squares as the error term
1986; Gray et al. 1993). Survival data were arc- (Sokal and Rohlf 1987).
sine-transformed (arcsine[proportion1/2]) and com- Percent deformed data (excluding treatments for
pared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for dif- which survival was of fewer than 10 individuals)
ferences among temperature–duration treatments were arcsine-transformed and compared by AN-
(Data Desk 5.0, Data Description Inc., Ithaca, New OVA for differences between control and ther-
York). Tests of significance in this and subsequent mally shocked fish.
ANOVAs were based on a 5 0.05. Maternal effect.—Eggs obtained November 10,
In experiments 2, 3, and 4, triploid progeny were 1999, from 14 brook trout females and a single
produced by fertilizing the eggs with nonirradiated brook trout male from Pisgah Forest State Fish
sperm from brook trout males, followed by thermal Hatchery, Brevard, North Carolina, were used to
shock to induce retention of the second polar body. test variability in triploid production and survival
At initiation of feeding the total number of em- among females produced by a standard heat shock
bryos and number and percentage that possessed protocol (experiment 5). Approximately 500 eggs
gross vertebral malformations were calculated for per female were placed in separate bowls, fertil-
each group. Deformities included scoliosis, lor- ized with milt from the single brook trout male,
dosis, ‘‘cork-screw,’’ and ‘‘Siamese twin’’ or ‘‘Y- and then divided in half. To induce triploidy, one
shaped’’ double-headed embryos. Also at this group of eggs per female was exposed to a heat
time, a sample of 50 embryos per treatment (or all shock of 288C at 10 min postactivation and for a
remaining embryos when survival was less than duration of 10 min. The other half was placed di-
50) were placed in individual microcentrifuge rectly into the incubation water to serve as diploid
tubes and frozen at 2708C. Percent triploidy was controls. Incubation temperature averaged 11.6 8C.
determined for each treatment following flow cy- Mortalities were removed and recorded every 3–
tometric analysis, in which the embryos were first 4 d. After 64 d the fry began feeding. Surviviors
thawed and lightly ground in approximately 0.5 were counted and percent survival was calculated
mL of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) for each group. Twenty embryos from each control
DNA-staining solution (146 mM NaCl, 10 mM tris group and 50 embryos from the heat-shocked
base, 22 mM MgCl2, 2 mM CaCl2, 50 mg/L BSA, groups were placed in individual microcentrifuge
0.1% Triton-X, 10 mg/L DAPI, and 10% DMSO; tubes and frozen at 2708C. Ploidy was analyzed
S. K. Allen, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, in these embryos as previously described, and per-
personal communication). Then, another 1 mL of cent triploidy and triploid yield were calculated
DAPI solution was added to each sample, the sam- for each female’s progeny. Percent survival of con-
ple was vortexed, poured through a 50-mm filter, trol eggs was correlated to relative survival of the
and the filtrate was analyzed for ploidy level on a respective of heat-shocked eggs.
Partec CCA flow cytometer using as standards
DAPI-stained blood samples from brook trout pre- Results
viously determined to be diploid or triploid.
Comparison of Heat Shock Protocols
Relative survival was calculated by dividing per-
cent survival for each treatment by the average per- Survival of gynogenetic progeny in experiment
cent survival for the respective experimental control 1 ranged from 0% to 24% among replicates, and
replicates. Triploid yield was calculated for each from 0% to 12% among treatment averages.
treatment as the product of relative survival 3 per- Among the 16 temperature–duration treatments
cent triploidy. Relative survival, percent triploidy, ANOVA indicated a significant effect for treat-

average survival for each temperature–duration

treatment was graphed and the array of values used
to calculate response surface curves (Figure 1;
Dubé et al. 1991). In this case the contour lines
were calculated for every 2% survival by direct
interpolation between adjacent points in the array.
In Experiments 2, 3, and 4, the tested range of
thermal shock variables effected a wide range of
values within each performance measure: relative
survival, percent triploidy, and triploid yield. The
effects of time of initiation, temperature, duration,
and their respective interactions on these measures
are illustrated in Table 2 by the probability values
calculated in the ANOVAs for each experiment.
In experiments 2 and 3, the main effects of tem-
perature and duration on relative survival, percent
triploidy, and triploid yield were highly signifi-
cant, whereas the main effect for time of initiation
FIGURE 1.—Response surface curves for percent sur- was significant, or nearly so, only for percent trip-
vival of gynogenetic brook trout embryos produced in loidy. Lack of replication within the factorial de-
experiment 1 by thermal shock of eggs at 10 min post-
sign for these experiments, however, necessitates
activation. Curves were calculated for every 2% survival
from the array of average survival values for the tem- using the highest order interaction mean squares
perature–duration thermal shock treatments. as the error term, which is only valid presuming
the interaction is not significant. This was probably
ment, but a posthoc pairwise comparison (least- not the case, in view of significant temperature 3
squares differences) showed significant differenc- duration interaction terms in each analysis. So,
es only between those treatments near the extremes subsets of the data were used to perform additional
of the range, and no significant differences were ANOVAs to examine effects of time of initiation
observed among the eight highest ranking treat- and temperature within levels of duration and for
ments. Because of imbalance in the factorial de- time of initiation and duration within levels of tem-
sign, analysis for the main effects of temperature perature. In these analyses, the effects of temper-
and duration on survival was performed by using ature and of duration were generally highly sig-
subsets of the data for which a series of ANOVAs nificant, whereas the effects of time of initiation
examined the effect of temperature within each were consistently nonsignificant. Relative survival
level of duration and the effect of duration within decreased and percent triploidy increased with
each level of temperature. Effects were not sig- both increasing temperature and duration of heat
nificant except for temperature at 298C (survival shock. These counteracting trends lead to variable
decreased with increase in duration) and for du- results for triploid yield. Because the effects of
rations of 13 and 16 min (survival decreased with time of initiation on relative survival, percent trip-
increase in temperature). To illustrate the results, loidy, and triploid yield were not significant, the

TABLE 2.—Probability values from analyses of variance for the effects of time of initiation (initiation), temperature
(temp), and duration of heat shock on relative survival (rel surv), percent triploidy (%3n), and triploid yield (3n yield)
for brook trout in experiments 2, 3, and 4. The three-way interaction mean squares was used as the error term within
each analysis. Statistical significance was based on a 5 0.05.

Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4

Source Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield
Initiation 0.450 0.031 0.851 0.718 0.050 0.387 ,,0.001 ,0.001 0.032
Temperature ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001
Initiation 3 temp 0.893 0.760 0.624 0.047 0.782 0.108 ,0.001 0.007 0.287
Duration ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,0.001
Initiation 3 duration 0.562 0.305 0.293 0.676 0.153 0.022 0.863 0.739 0.982
Temp 3 duration ,,0.001 0.014 0.004 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 0.003 0.213 ,,0.001

FIGURE 2.—Response surface curves for percent relative survival (percent survival of treated embryos/percent
survival of control embryos) to initiation of feeding by brook trout fry that were subjected, as embryos, to thermal
shock to induce triploidization (experiments 2, 3, and 4). Curves were calculated for every 10% survival from the
array of average relative survival values for the temperature–duration thermal shock treatments (averaged for
respective time of initiation treatments).

four treatments involving different times of initi- tween adjacent points in the arrays for every 10%
ation within each temperature–duration combina- difference (plus 95% for percent triploidy).
tion were considered as replicates and their values As in experiments 2 and 3, the main effects in
were averaged. These average values per temper- experiment 4 for temperature and duration on rel-
ature–duration treatment were then plotted and ative survival, percent triploidy, and triploid yield
used to create the response surface curves for rel- were highly significant (Table 3). However, sig-
ative survival, percent triploidy and triploid yield nificant effects for time of initiation were also ob-
presented in Figures 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The served, as were significant effects for the time of
curves were calculated by direct interpolation be- initiation 3 temperature and temperature 3 du-

FIGURE 3.—Response surface curves for percent triploidy measured at initiation of feeding by brook trout that
were subjected, as embryos, to thermal shock to induce triploidization (experiments 2, 3, and 4). Curves were
calculated for every 10% (and 95%) from the array of average percent triploidy values for the temperature–duration
thermal shock treatments (averaged for respective time of initiation treatments).

ration interactions. Subsequent ANOVAs per- for time of initiation was observed; and at one
formed within levels of duration indicated signif- temperature level a significant effect on triploid
icant effects for temperature on relative survival, yield was observed. These results are illustrated
percent triploidy, and triploid yield. The effect for by the probability values for the analyses presented
time of initiation was sometimes significant for in Table 3. In summary, there was a consistently
relative survival but not significant for percent significant trend for decreased relative survival
triploidy or triploid yield. In the three analyses and increased percent triploidy with both increas-
performed within levels of temperature, highly ing temperature and duration of heat shock. Trends
significant effects for duration on relative survival were sometimes apparent, sometimes not, for in-
and on percent triploidy were consistently ob- creasing relative survival and decreasing percent
served; in two of the analyses a significant effect triploidy with increase in the time of initiation of

FIGURE 4.—Response surface curves for triploid yield (percent relative survival 3 percent triploidy) measured
at initiation of feeding by brook trout fry that were subjected, as embryos, to thermal shock to induce triploidization
(experiments 2, 3, and 4). Curves were calculated for every 10% from the array of average triploid yield values
for the temperature–duration thermal shock treatments (averaged for respective time of initiation treatments).

the thermal shock. To compare results with those Average percentages of deformed fry among heat-
obtained in experiments 2 and 3, and because sig- shocked fish relative to controls in experiments 2
nificant effects for time of initiation were not con- and 3 were not significantly different (Table 4). In
sistently observed in experiment 4, the data for the experiment 4, however, there was a significantly in-
time of initiation replicates within each tempera- creased incidence of deformities among heat-
ture–duration treatment were averaged. The re- shocked embryos (P , 0.001; Table 4).
sultant values were plotted and used to create the
response surface curves for relative survival, per- Maternal Effect
cent triploidy, and triploid yield in this experiment In experiment 5 (Table 5) relative survival of
(Figures 2, 3, 4, respectively). the triploids ranged from 42% to 100%; however,

TABLE 3.—Probability values from analyses of variance for the effects of time of initiation (initiation) and temperature
within levels of duration and for the effects of time of initiation and duration within levels of temperature on relative
survival (rel surv), percent triploidy (%3n), and triploid yield (3n yield) for brook trout in experiment 4. The two-way
interaction mean squares was used as the error term within each analysis. Statistical significance was based on a 5

268C 278C 288C
Source Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield
Initiation 0.310 0.460 0.332 ,,0.001 0.014 0.995 ,,0.001 ,0.001 0.006
Duration ,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 0.002 0.002 0.004 ,,0.001 0.012 ,,0.001

TABLE 3.—Extended.

10 min 13 min 16 min
Source Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield
Initiation 0.445 0.998 0.007 0.047 0.797 0.734 0.030 0.265 0.631
Temperature 0.164 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,,0.001 ,0.001 0.006

TABLE 3.—Extended.

19 min 22 min
Source Rel surv % 3n 3n yield Rel surv % 3n 3n yield
Initiation 0.068 0.105 0.416 0.010 0.147 0.900
Temperature 0.001 ,,0.001 0.0349 ,0.001 ,0.001 0.325

percent triploidy was consistently 98–100%. Discussion

Among the 300 control (diploid) individuals an- Production of gynogenetic fry provides a direct
alyzed for ploidy, 3 were triploid, representing a measure of successful retention of the second polar
spontaneous triploidization rate of 1%. When dip- body and avoids the need for numerous, time-con-
loid survival was graphed against relative survival suming ploidy analyses. This technique has been
of triploids within females, the correlation coef- used previously to evaluate the efficacy of heat
ficient was low (r250.143) and slope of the re- shock protocols (Chourrout and Quillet 1982; Ref-
gression line was not significantly different from stie 1983; Levanduski et al. 1990; Quillet and
zero (P 5 0.225). Gaignon 1990; Quillet et al. 1991; Palti et al.
1997). However, low survival and high treatment
variation for the production of gynogenetic brook
TABLE 4.—Average percent of deformed embryos 6 SD
for control versus thermal-shocked brook trout embryos trout in experiment 1 limited confidence in our
(averaged among all heat shock treatments) from experi- ability to distinguish differences in efficacy be-
ments 2, 3, and 4. Asterisk indicates statistical significance tween treatments. In subsequent trials we switched
(P , 0.05) relative to control as determined by analysis to testing protocols for the production of triploids,
of variance. followed by flow cytometric analysis of the em-
In experiments 2, 3, and 4, relative survival con-
2 3 4
sistently decreased and percent triploidy consis-
Control 1.7 6 0.4 0.9 6 0.9 0.3 6 0.5 tently increased with increases in both temperature
Thermal-shocked 1.0 6 1.5 2.3 6 4.6 1.9 6 1.8*
and duration of heat shock. These effects have

TABLE 5.—Survival, relative survival (percent survival/percent survival of respective control group), percent triploidy,
and triploid yield for 14 separate females’ eggs exposed to a standard thermal shock of 288C for 10 min initiated at 10
min postactivation to induce second polar body retention.

Control Thermal-shocked
Number Percent Number Percent Relative Percent Triploid
Female of eggs survival of eggs survival survival triploid yield
1 290 0.91 173 0.91 1.00 0.98 0.98
2 280 0.89 200 0.68 0.76 0.98 0.74
3 307 0.86 140 0.52 0.60 1.00 0.60
4 293 0.85 183 0.70 0.82 1.00 0.82
5 263 0.91 169 a
6 249 0.92 181 0.83 0.90 1.00 0.90
7 382 0.82 191 0.68 0.83 1.00 0.83
8 178 0.98 153 0.69 0.70 1.00 0.70
9 155 0.57 184 0.31 0.54 0.98 0.53
10 218 0.37 182 0.30 0.81 1.00 0.81
11 231 0.45 208 0.19 0.42 1.00 0.42
12 312 0.85 226 0.39 0.46 1.00 0.46
13 195 0.95 169 0.71 0.75 0.98 0.74
14 243 0.54 156 0.56 1.00 1.00 1.00
a Discounted due to high mortality for reasons unrelated to experimental design.

been previously observed in the production of trip- nificant effect of preshock incubation temperature
loid salmonids by thermal shock (Chourrout and (8.8–14.68C) in the production of gynogenetic
Quillet 1982; Solar et al. 1984; Johnstone 1985; rainbow trout.
Guoxiong et al. 1989; Levanduski et al. 1990; Genetic differences within and between strains
Quillet and Gaignon 1990; Dubé et al. 1991). of a species may also have effected variation in
Effect of time of initiation of the shock on these previous results for triploidization rate and triploid
measures was inconsistent. In experiments 2 and yield experienced under similar heat shock pro-
3 (time of initiation from 7 to 16 min), differences tocols. Results from experiment 5 indicated con-
within temperature–duration treatments were non- sistently high (98–100%) triploidization rates fol-
significant. This is in keeping with findings of oth- lowing an (near) optimal thermal shock in females
er studies that tested similar ranges for time of of the same strain. Differences in triploid yield
initiation (Refstie 1983; Arai and Wilkins 1987; (0.42–1.00) solely reflected variation in survival
Levanduski et al. 1990; Quillet and Gaignon 1990; rate. However, dramatic individual differences in
Dubé et al. 1991). In experiment 4, however, there triploidization efficacy for a given (sub-optimal)
were significant trends towards increasing survival heat shock have been observed in females within
and decreasing percent triploidy with increasing rainbow trout strains (Diaz et al. 1993; Tipton
time between egg activation and initiation of the 2000). Differences in triploidization rate and sur-
heat shock (from 10 to 22 min). Although time of vival of thermally shocked eggs that experienced
initiation of thermal shock may have some effect similar protocols are probably related to variation
on efficacy of a heat shock treatment, this effect in egg quality caused by differences in prespawn-
is apparently of much smaller magnitude than that ing rearing conditions between female broodfish
of shock temperature and duration, within the and to the time lag between ovulation, spawning,
range of values we examined. and egg activation (Lou and Purdom 1984; Guo et
Our experiments involved a narrow range of al. 1990; Levanduski et al. 1990; Diaz et al. 1993;
preshock incubation temperatures (11–12 8C). Diaz Palti et al. 1997).
et al. (1993) provide evidence that the effect of Results for relative incidence of vertebral de-
heat shock temperature on survival and percent formities at the initiation of feeding stage were
triploidy in rainbow trout is not solely one of ab- inconsistent among our experiments. Similarly, in
solute temperature, but also of differential with the the only three studies that included measurement
preshock incubation temperature. However, their of this trait, Solar et al. (1984) and Guoxiong et
observations are confounded by a possible effect al. (1989) observed increases in deformities
of egg quality associated with prespawning rearing among triploid groups of fry, whereas Chourrout
of the broodfish at the variable preshock incuba- and Quillet (1982) observed no differences.
tion temperatures. Palti et al. (1997) found no sig- In summary, increasing temperature and dura-

tion of heat shock over the range of values we Chourrout, D., and E. Quillet. 1982. Induced gynogen-
tested, leads to an increase in rate of polar body esis in the rainbow trout: sex and survival of prog-
enies. Production of all-triploid populations. The-
retention and a decrease in survival of triploid em-
oretical and Applied Genetics 63:201–205.
bryos. Generally, efficiency of a given protocol Diaz, N. F., P. Iturra, A. Veloso, F. Estay, and N. Colih-
does not vary significantly relative to time of ini- ueque. 1993. Physiological factors affecting trip-
tiation of the shock, within the range of 7–22 min loid production in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus my-
postactivation. Depending on factors probably re- kiss. Aquaculture 114:33–40.
lated to egg-quality characteristics, an optimal heat Dubé, P., J. M. Blanc, M. Chouinard, and J. de la Noué.
shock protocol for production of gynogenetic or 1991. Triploidy induced by heat shock in brook
trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Aquaculture 92:305–
triploid brook trout might vary between spawnings 311.
by small differences in temperature (618C) and Flick, W. A. 1991. Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis).
duration (63 min). In our trials, the most generally Pages 196–207 in J. Stoltz and J. Schnell, editors.
efficient protocol was a heat shock of newly fer- Trout, the wildlife series. Stackpole Books, Harris-
tilized brook trout eggs in water at 288C for 10 burg, Pennsylvania.
min initiated at 10–16 min postactivation; this pro- Galbreath, P. F., W. St. Jean, V. Anderson, and G. H.
Thorgaard. 1994. Freshwater performance of dip-
tocol resulted in relative survival of 68–71%, per-
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