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Part I The Field of Cultural Production at The Field of Cultural Production, or: _ The Economic World Reversed © Posie, 0 ms mire moarge ‘Goose fi Cnn an pond ance ‘Dans arco ne ee oar axle ec FA, a [Sin Roce ens pr be, “Théoce de Bev nde dew ren oa Tan B50 Preven areas mote cesly demonstrate the heuristic efficacy of relma than shat ofa and erature, Constructing an object such as literati requires an enables ov co make a radical break with itis male of thgh as Est Cassie ells) Which tends und the individual, othe visible interactions between beat the expense ofthe serctual relations ~ ines, oF vse hough thar elects ~ between socal postions that are bork fd ancl manipulted by socal opens which may be isolated i pr nie! Tae ena in which the slorificaion of ‘great individuals umgue ceo ble to any sondiion of conditioning, is more common oF ersal a6 one aa se, for example, the fat that tose is uncritical accep the division ofthe corpus that imposed on by the names of authors (the work of Racine’ or the tiles of Tehedre ve Berbice. ake a c's aubjoct of study the Hterary or arts eld ofa given ond sock the field of Florentine paintings the quatrocento 0 eld of French iterate inthe Sean Erp) sta sete istorrof| ulertare task hich never completly performs eee it Take von expe, ehen when doc break ut the rutin of 30. The Field of Cultural Production Imonographs wich, howesr interminable, ae ness nadia (Ser teesenal explanation ofeach woo excuse eich of em, inte sn ac whch oat el) Te ak a ‘ansericting the pac of posions ad he space of the positon a Ipree de postin] in whch they me exresd. The sciencs of te era feldi 2foem of wales site which establishes tht ch postion eg. theone which corespoms taper such athe novel on, ‘thin thio a subeategory tach av he socery noel roma ‘mona o the ppelt noel is subjeciney delined bythe yt Sf dincive proper by which canbe tasted eadre fo her pion: tht every poston, een the dominat one depends for i ‘ery existence, afr the terminations imposes on soca, nthe oer poston onstage els an that he sacar othe fed eof he spc of positions, thing ober than the sacar the doebuton of the capil f specie properties wh governs Success in the field and the winning of the external or ses os Sich leat prestige) which are at takes he ‘The space of literary or artistic position-takings, Le. the structured set ofthe maifezatns of the socal pete nvolved in held = Ineray a nk of bt oil cx romaine, tanftos or polamiy, re —eimepaabe rom the face of leroy oF {tse postions dened by posseion of > derma gusty of Spec capt rcopion) and atthe sane ine by occupation ofa ders at with Symbol post), the economy of pci s based 5 ins genctaled game of esr wine on 4 stent veron of be fandimenal pedals ofa ordnayeoonomes that of buses (t txchuds te purr of profit and docs not guaante any sort of Correpoedens betyoen iresmest and moneary gaan tat of ower (condemns honours and temporal reanes), and even hat of Tesonalzad culmea auton (te abstnoe of ary aca ta ng oe conscration may be considered ie) (One wool te male he rhe let ere ie ‘asta publishes or galley rectors Theater at ua iat eater eee errant subse of produion for low predic thy need posses sma men no sin why nme eae Fly we ma ae ec etter Te ogee Socal fomologs hewn teil of pbs gallery drs rd eld fhe srapondig sti orn donde an ht ee eee ae: the foes preset properties dos thse ofthe late, ti fous ‘he etonaip of tate and Bae! which she bas el an epost ‘resupposing sigh depee of meconion on exch sk Thee ‘echt ne empl take the ng by king he aio wre ‘po ing the comers of it of sa pelo of ‘This explains the inability of ll forms of economism, which sek ro {gasp this ant-economy in economic terms, eo understand this upd down economic worl. The teary and ae world eo dese tht those who enter ithaneanimerestin dismerestedness. And indeed ike prophecy, especially the prophecy of misfortune, which, acsording to Niche, demonstrates its authenticity by the fat that i Brings in 10 income, a heretical beak withthe preva ares raion proves is him 30 authenticity by its disinterest As we shall cy chi does rot mean that there is not an economic Topic to this chaisnatic conomy based on the social miricte ofan act devoid of any determin tion other chan the specifically aexhetic intention. Tete are economic onions forthe inference to economy which induces a pusut of the iskest postions inthe tellecraaland attic santa and lo for the capacity to remain there over a long period without any ‘eamomic campensaion, The Struggle for the Dominant Principle of Hierarchization “he literary or ares fld isa al times chest fa struggle between the two principles of hetaschizaton: the hetewonomous penile, {avourable ro hose who dominate the ld economically and pital (bourgeois at’) and the autonomous prinople (eat fora? ‘ke’ which those ofits advocates who ae lest endowed with specie. ‘pitl tend to densify with degre of independence fom the econo, Secing temporal flure asa sign of election and succes as 3 sigh of "ompromises The state ofthe power relations in thie strugale depends fn she ovetll degree of autonomy possessed by the fil thatthe extent to which it manages to impose ts own noris and sancons on fhe whole set of produces, including those nho are closet t0 che Adoninsne pole of the field of power and therefore most responsive to ternal demand the most hetronomosn) this degree of autonomy ‘aries considerably fom one pend and one national tradition to othe, and act the whole structure othe ld. Everything seems 0 ince shat it depends onthe vale which the speci apa of wes sd artists repesens forthe dominant fractions on the ome and in he 108 fied OF \ammeres crvuncinn 94 gle conserve the established order and, perhaps especialy, nthe gle between che fractions aspiring to domination within the field of (bourgeoisie and aristocracy ld boursoiie and new Bourges fey tc), and on the other hand inthe production and reproduction of capital (withthe ad of experts an cadres). All the evidence pests tha, at a given level of overall autonomy, inteecuale ate, things being. equal, proportionately more responsive ¢0 the diction ofthe powers that be, te les well endowed they are with cfc capital. The seule in the field of cultural production over the imposition of legitimate mode of cultural production is inseparale fom the within the dominant dass (with the opposition herween aris) Bourg’) ro impose the dominant principle of domination (has sry ~ imately ~ the definition of human acomplihment, In his gle, the ate and writers who are chest n specific capital and isoncerned for their autonomy ae considerably weakened by the that some of their competitors idensty thee interes with the int principles of hirarchization and sek co impose them even thin the idly with she suppor: of the temporal powers. The most eronamois cults] prodacers(e. those with leas symbolic epi) offer the las eeisance to extemal demands, of whatever sor. TO heir own poston, hey have fo produce weapons, which the ant agents (within the field of power) can immediately carn the cultural producers most atached © thet autonomy, In eayouring co discret every attempt to impose an autonome: cpl of herarchization, and shus serving thee ow interests they the ints ofthe dominant fractions ofthe dominant clas, who “Berge to impose the legitimate definion of art and erature, d cect esi ccaieeee and arin whom they see as ‘enemy agent Thi means, tally that sampling problems camot be resoied by one of those dkcsion of poste jgnorance which are diafed by the operational definition” these amoune to Hinalysrbaing On Mobich ae inscribed in rey self sch asthe question sto suchand sucha group (boarges theatre the popula nel, or such and sucha india caiming the ale of writer or ars Phloroper, or intectual, et belong the population a wees Artin on, more precicly, a» to who i legimatly ote 0 nat estimate writers or acti, preliminary refewsons on the defnton of che obec and the Sunday ofthe population, which studies of waters, ars and, Pil nclleuas fen indulge n30 a8 tone theres an aro scintiie, ignore the fact which is more than scienifillyatested, thar the dfiation of the wrter (or artist etc) w an nue at stake in Struggles in evry tray jor ari, ef} field!” In ether won the field of ealtral production ithe ste of srugles in which what at stake the power oo impose the dominant defnion ofthe writes sad therefore to dame the population of those ene to take pat inthe strugle wo define he weir The exablished definition ofthe wet may be racicaly transformed by an enlargement of th st of people wi have aleptimate voice in Heray matter, I fllows tom chi tha cre funy aimed at establishing the hierarchy of writers predetrmines the hierarchy by determining the population deemed corthy of helping t> ‘sabi i in shoe, the fundamental stake in Ierary sugges he monopoly of Utcary legitimacy, ity ier az, che monapoly of the Dower (0 say with authority who are authoried to cll thenseles ‘wnters; or, 0 pti another way, isthe monopoly of the power ta consecrate produces oe prods (we ate dcaling with a word of el andthe consecrated write is the one who has the povter eo consecrate {nd to win ansen where oe she consstates an author ora work—with 2 preace favourable review «poe ef0). ‘hile seve that every nerary fd is the sit ofa stragale oer the Bue these forced returns othe ‘people’ are only particular cass of & more general model. And all he evidence suggests thatthe conont- fon, wath the atstic an cera fe, with bourgeois, Parisian ares tnd writers, which impels them towards the “people induces writes ind artists of working-class or pest-bourgnisargn to accep then ‘ales for hae they are an, like Couber, wo mark tremselves positively with wharf stwmataed ~ thee provinl accent, ite proletarian Sle, et — bue the more stongly the les shoes thee inl attempts at astimation have bean. Thus, Champfleuy, 2 water from ‘ery modest provincial peichourgos origins aftr having fr some time beea torn beoween ovo tendencies, 4 ceaiom 9 la Moanin and Germanstyle pocey, Reman and sentimental, found bus palled towards miltant realism bythe fare of his fiscendeavours nd Pechaps especialy by consciousness of his diffrence, provoked by Eentat oF objective competion with the Pais writ, which sn Ih towards the people it realism in bis manner and to objects cluded rom theleptimate ar of the day. And this negasive eet t0 the people iso less ambiguous, and suspes, than the regionals, rity rete 0 he peasantry. Hosts o the liberation atdacis tnd artery populist ofthe bourgeois intellectuals can be the basis of fn ancineleesal popula, more or ls conserrativ, in which The Drople’ ace once agaun merely a projection in fantasy of relations Internal othe inellctaal ld. Atypical example ofthis feldsfct can be seen in che trajectory af th same Champleuy, who, afer having Irene eader ofthe young alist wrers af LSD and the theorist of the ealst movement teste snd printing wa increasing eels by Faubert and then by the Goncourts and Zola, He bear 3 State lial atthe Sevres porcelain factory and set hameelf up athe histonan ‘ot popular imagery and iterate, and after a sere of shits and toms, the official theorist (awarded the Légion dHonnaue in 1867) of a onseevats based on exaltation of popular wisdom — in particular, of ihe finson to heroes hat I expr poplar ay end “Tse within each tate ofthe fd that ~ 28a funstion of the ssrucute of the postbles which are manifested through the diferent Dosions and the properties ofthe occupants (particularly with respect to social origin and the coresponding disponsins), aod also 3h a function ofthe potions acually and potently occupied within the field (experienced a succes or flue) ~ the dispositions associated ‘witha certain socal origin ae specified by being enacted in stacurlly marked practices; andthe same dspostions lend to opposite aesthetic ot Sen ce ee By reo cpa erate On ay hn oi ae ed nin Sere racy She eee I peyote Ss et directly to the characteristics of the social group ~ the peasantry ~ from which its invewore or advocates (Champfiiry oF Cour Be epnatc tis only within a determinate sinc ofan artic file and in Dy one ste pos rl ct tp, Patsy secs te te petro he a BO wth tignieetcengtintcici: tae sn omy gv oti hse id emf ste ne pales sn oro Mean ards (rte spine cto which supported then} 2, sig a, ope ouge MT ake this pune fly convindng.ege woul have show retire ctor ctcceapeoaniets I vn a atc toy rt et eg cap te in ne sg lta ns ac Bien Nan have de Pome wa te Brey ection I ins ages pl oF Brin apron peebowgens Ye em ute pono I ce ienmiey nic binckon snc tacmnathersn I ch ola teerysc secures eoerin eee eens ee tension ct cans armen oars ry oppo rec Spal eh ome nue ke cvierctins ier menses I tsp Scipcy Sori ohy ty ar Soto spree ae ante bones rei ccera on meee ieee i eles ae enero te retteg tenner ities otters Se pace by coe agers scpy el resin Bch ns en ants bans ere tts ath overcentre oye tract Rec ced ge oes pe rege eget a) gers ‘ifr tia be sen eh mc hore Pao elong ay ue span happens era, Be enc ceramics ashe, % 72. The Field of Cultural Production beeween the authors performed and the content ofthe works with on ‘one se, the sce of life, which im some ways resembles vate and, on the other, inclscualeefinemeatsinspicd bythe idea, ena lated by Malla of che mult-letlled work, ican be sen thatthe ‘opposition between clas spostons rcv is parla coment n particular space. Thee is every reason to chink that a8 this case Sngests, che weight of dispositions ~ and the explanatory force of “social oxgin'—s parcalarly strong when ones dealing with aposition that isin he process of bit, sl eo be made rather than already mice, ‘tablished abd capable of iaposing its own nonns nits ocean, fand, more genwally, that the scope allowed to sposions arcs czoeing eo the state of the field in parca, ite autonomy}. the Position n dhe eld andthe degree of nsaonalizaton ofthe poston. Finally, we must ak expla question which's Bound tobe asked what is the dees of consous stretgs, mica calculation, tn the objecte strates which obvervason bing fo light and which ensure the corespondence between posiions and dspsitions2 One aly hat ‘ead literary testimonies, correspondence, dares and, especialy er bps, explicit posion-akings on he leerary world aac (ike those callected by Hurt) tse that there is simple answer 10 these ‘questions and that nc is always partial and is once again, 2 mater {f posiion and ejector within the field, so chat it varies om one fagent and one moment wo another. As for awareness of the logic ofthe [ame a such and of theta on which ts sed had en acne fo think that it was excluded by membership of the Held, which Dresupposes (and indus) Beit im crergehing which depende on the cys fh arr he we eas cl ‘ould make theiteraty or ssn undertaking tel a yn] yl ‘aan, conscious rickery. So I thought, anal Ieame across 3 text BS ‘Mallarmé which provides both the programame and the balancesheet of 2 gorous science ofthe iterry eld andthe recognized sons that a sngendered within “We know, capes ofa inl fra it indeed, there is only that whichis. Forchth to dss the chest, however, on 2 rerext woul! indict our incnsequence, denying the plessuce we want to tke: for that bey ists agent, and the engine | ight say were I not loth to pstonn in public the ious dima ng ofthe Hon and concquendy’ of the lieaty mechanism dsl the peitipal par or nothing. But venerate how, by ic, we pect ‘ona height forfendal~ an with thondet! ~ the conscious lack anu of ‘what shines up there. What ii for? A game." This qu Feuerbchos theory reduces beats, which is sometimes thought of as a Platonic Wes, endowed with an objective, transcendent exten, too more than the Projection into’ metaphysical heyond of what i lacking in he ‘The Field of Cultural Production 73 of erry lis Buc is that how ic isto be taken? inthis cn, pera fale es funcon: ro tern public’ tore ofthe Gl, and of ts mechniamy 1s scrge par She rte ih al he cnr cng fet epes. These re ching that com only bes in sucha re ov Mall cot, with excadng bimslt lee teu boat eld which exclu the pub ing rth tis bene hess iin language wh sg ‘whi held becase eventing ib very for, om and Verncinmg, alan that he recogni to Nig chap wana hae hye iicact oto hs Hulls, demstiestor nystiiestions whl isiones mere fon, sodwin ithe calves which Sf his tea inp se Austin wool have pit) Bit s berets, whid espa his concern nto estoy the her be toc: he Paton ion ithe agent of 3 ihc ne take only besa "we ett ake if the peaure Cat has wren onawateness of prod he soa uolucesi shen tm understandable tha one mighty anther Eispeosion of wisi, homeo "ener the atholss Which plces the fre feh Beyond the reich of cal

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