Effect of Texting To Students Grammar Competence

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Effect of Texting to Students
Grammar Competence

Pass by: Pass to:

Jadelyn C. Mangondato Mrs. Galindo

A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Significance of the Study
D. Objectives
E. Definition of Terms

A. Why do students adapt textisms

B. Grammar Competence of Students

C. Improving grammar skills
D. Enhancing both grammar and spelling


A. Conclusions
B. Recommendations

The researcher would like to acknowledge those who help and
motivated her to accomplish this study about effect of texting to students’
grammar competence. First of all to her English teacher Mrs. Galindo for
allowing her to do the study that made her more attentive and observant
about finding the real factor why the grades of students are low during
grammar tests. Furthermore, she also wants to thanks her sister who gave
her ideas about the topic. The researcher desire to steal this chance to
show her admiration to these people on helping her completed this study.
Without their support and contribution the researcher wouldn’t make to
finish this study.

Chapter I
A. Background of the Study
Texting has been one of the everyday tasks that students especially the
high school ones are engaged to. Nowadays it is rare to see a student holding a
book during their vacant time because instead of books they are holding their cell
phones busy typing a message to text. Because of texting they began to learn
using the informal way of texting which leads to their weak grammar
Teachers at present time have been wondering why their students get low
scores during the tests all about grammar and spelling. They are worrying if their
teaching skill is not good enough and not effective anymore. They thought that
they don’t do their best to teach their students well. But the truth is it’s not them
to be blame but the students. Students’ big fault is that instead of enhancing their
grammar proficiency they tend to make it worse. Because they are more focus in
the new way of writing they learn from texting than the formal one.
Perhaps the real problem is students cannot distinguish when to use
informal texting. Moreover, they should be aware and be responsible. They
should be aware when is the right time to use formal and informal way of writing.
Students grammar competence should not be affected or weakened by texting
instead it should be enhanced by reading books and studying hard.

B. Statement of the problem

The research entitled Effect of texting to the grammar competence of

students will answer the following questions:

1. Why do high school students adapt textisms when writing formally?

2. What happen to their grammar competence when they use informal text
frequently than formal text?
3. What specific actions can parents and teachers do to help the students on
improving grammar skills?
4. How can they enhance or improve their grammar competence as well as
their spelling skills?

C. Significance of the study

This study is significant to teachers, parents and to students specifically to

high school students. This is significant to teachers so that they will be able to
guide their students on the right way of writing formally. They will be able to teach
their students how to separate writing formally and writing informally. In this way
they can enhance students learning, grammar and spelling skills. And to
encourage them to use proper grammar and spelling.
For the parents, this study is important for them to know what they can do
to help enrich their child’s grammar and spelling skills. They will be able to teach
their child when to use cell phone and when to read books. They will be able to
guide them through excellence.

Most especially this study is significant for students especially the high
school ones. This study may help them how to use their intelligence in texting in
the right way. It may also help them to realize and distinguish when to use formal
text and informal text. Also it may help them to know what’s more necessary
between using formal text than informal one.

D. Objectives

The reason behind conducting this study is to know what is the real factor
why students get low scores on grammar test as well as spelling contests. This
also aims to vividly discuss if texting has really an effect to students’ grammar
and spelling skills. Another purpose of this study is recommend qualified and
applicable actions to enhance grammar competence of every high school

E. Definition of Terms

Adapt (n.)-  to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a

particular place or situation
Enrich (v.)- improve or enhance the quality or value of
Factor (n.)- a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or
Formal (adj.)- done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette;
suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion
Grammatical Competence-the ability to recognize and produce the
distinctive grammatical structures of a language and to use them effectively in
Informal (adj.)- of or denoting a style of writing or conversational speech
characterized by simple grammatical structures, familiar vocabulary, and use of
Necessary (adj.)- required to be done, achieved, or present; needed
Task (n.)- a piece of work to be done or undertaken
Textisms (n.)- the language used in text messages, characterized by the use
of abbreviations, single letters and symbols
Vividly (adj.)-  something done in a clear, graphic or very detailed manner
Chapter II

This chapter will give all the gathered information about the topic. It will also
answer the problems of this study. Both facts from different sources and some opinions
will be presented.

A. Why do students adapt textisms

Bleasdale,A. (2015). How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?.


A group of researchers asked some teachers if the use of textism ever

appeared in their students’ school works. A statistics showed that out of 346 193
of them answered yes they presume that students adapt textism, 98 said no they
believe that students have different style on writing formally and texting. And
another 55 said maybe, and it is not a necessary problem.

Moreover, a study shows that students adapt their informal texting from the
text of their peers and even from their parents. When their parents or even their
friends text them using informal language there is a tendency that they might
adapt it and start to use it too. They learn to use it too when writing formally
because their way of texting becomes permanently stock in their brains.

In a performed study, it had showed that students adapt textism because of

the influence of peers. Most of them think that it is ‘cool’ to use it, while others
use it because they want to be ‘in.’ Some adaptations of textism is shortening the
words like “I love you” turns to “Luv u” and this according to Taylor and Vincent,
2005 are used by others for faster texting.

B. Grammar Competence of Students

Abril, A. (2014). Impactof text messaging to Grammar and Spelling

nowadays. https://prezi.com/qv5rf8bo_8yc/impact-of-text-messaging-in-grammar-

In a survey done by the Pew Internet and American Life Project on 2008,
the result revealed that two-thirds of both the middle and high school students
use the textisms in their school works by accident while the quarter divulge that
they use it in their assignments. Furthermore, it also states that 64% of the youth
with the age 12-17 have used informal language or textism in school works.
As a result of the frequent use of informal language students get low
scores on grammar tests because they fail to create good sentences.
Furthermore, they also failed to enhance their grammar and spelling skills. In
addition, some websites says not only students’ grammar and spelling is affected
by this but also their way of communicating to others.
C. Improving grammar skills

University of Alabama at Birmingham. (2014). Could texting and

autocorrect affect kids writing skills. Science Daily. Retrieved March 1, 2016 from

Parents are responsible for teaching their child, they should be the first
teacher of every students. They have the responsibility to guide their children and
teach them the right ones. Teachers are the second parent of the students, just
like the parents they also have the responsibility of teaching the students too.
Both the parents and the teachers need to teach the students well. They should
make sure that students learn.
The grammar competence of students is getting low, also their spelling
skills is getting weak. And because of this parent and teachers should make an
act. According to Cynthia Ryan, a professor in English, parents should always
goal to keep the conversation with their children about the proper use of
language. They should also know how to discipline their child to lessen the use of
cell phones and increase the use of books.
In line with this, teachers also need to help their students in enhancing
grammar proficiency. They should teach the students in constructing good
sentences. Teach them to use proper grammar and correct formation of words.
In these steps students will learn.

D. Enhancing both grammar and spelling

He, H. (2013). Onfl Learner’s Individual Differences in Grammar learning

and their grammatical competence training. Theories and Practice in language
studies. Vo.3. pp. 1369-1374. www.academy publication.com/issues/

Student should be responsible enough and should not always depend their
learnings to their parents, teachers and even to technologies. They should know
how to learn from their own mistakes, if they have some trouble about the
construction of words there are books they can refer to. Discipline and being
responsible is what they need.
During vacant time a student should hold a book and not a cell phone. As I
surf the web I read some article saying that textism allows the student to be lazy
because they are not forced to use proper grammar. So instead of exercising
their fingers by texting they should exercise their eyes and mind by reading.
Chapter III
Conclusions and Recommendations
A. Conclusion
The continuous breakdown in the grammar competence of students as
well as their spelling has been one of the serious problems nowadays. This is the
outcome of the use of textisms that students learn from texting. It is alarming that
usage of cell phones affect their grammar proficiency and spelling skills.

Students are fond of texting and this becomes their weakness. The ever
increasing rate of students who text and the decreasing rate of students who
read is one of proof that students need a lot of attention from their parents and
teachers. Without a parent and a teacher to guide them and teach them the right
thing, they will probably learn nothing. All of the students want to learn what is
right but because of the temptations they can’t resist like technologies they learn
new things that are not needed for education.

The influence of cell phones and texting should not continue. Parents and
teachers’ guidance is needed by students. They should be motivated to avoid the
frequent use of cell phones and practice the frequent use of books. More
attention should be given to them to make sure that they avoid any destruction in
their education.

B. Recommendation

The first person who should pay attention to this study is students. Not just
them but also parents and teachers. Students should be alarmed about this
issue. They should lessen the use of cell phones and start reading books more
frequent. Parents should also be aware about this. They should discipline their
child and make them use books instead of cell phones. Teachers should also
know about this issue. As a second parent they should guide their students and
teach them to use the right way of writing. Parents and teachers should work
together so that a student can be motivated to read books and avoid texting.

Moreover, everyone of us should be responsible and help each other to

avoid the use of textisms especially in school works. All of us shouldn’t let the
grammar competence of students continue to breakdown. Let’s do our part and
make them realize the worth of learning and that they don’t need any destruction
in studying.

Chapter IV

Abril, A. (2014). Impactof text messaging to Grammar and Spelling nowadays.

Azis, S. (2013). The impact of texting/SMS language on academic writing of

students_What do we need to panic about?. Elixir International Journal. Vol. 55.
pp. 12884-12840.

Bleasdale,A. (2015). How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?.


Connor, A.O. (2003). Instant Messaging, Friend or Foe of students writing. Johns
Hopkins School of education.

He, H. (2013). Onfl Learner’s Individual Differences in Grammar learning and their
grammatical competence training. Theories and Practice in language studies.
Vo.3. pp. 1369-1374. www.academy publication.com/issues/ tpls/vol03/08/09.pdf.

University of Alabama at Birmingham. (2014). Could texting and autocorrect affect kids
writing skills. Science Daily. Retrieved March 1, 2016 from

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