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THATphysical science is constantly ren-

COYTENTS dering most magnificent service to human
The Phgsics TeacJter's Problem: PROFESSOR life was never more dramatically demon-
C. R. NAKN........................... 961
strated than on the occasion of the recent

BSbert B. Porter: PROFESSOR wreck of the steamship R e ~ b l k . That a
ship, disabled and hidden in a dense fog,
B@??uet i n Honor of Professor Bessey . . * 963 was yet able to summon to its aid another
ship a hundred miles away by an inaudible,
dritish Association T@p to Alaska ........ 964

invisible, yet infallible means of communi-

The Carnegie F e t i o r a tor the Aduance- cation, thereby saving many hundred lives,
ment of Teaching and the George Washing- is a feat that mould have been pronounced
ifigton Uaiversity ...................... 964 impossible by our grandfathers if not by

Scientific Votes and News ................ 965

ourselves but a few years ago. Had Mr.
Binns, the operator of the wireless tele-
University and Edzccational News ......... 969
graph on the Republic, lived near Boston
about two hundred and twenty years ago,
Discussion amd Obrrespon&nce:-
he would surely have been burned for
YirJlmal Quantities of Preservatives: PRO-
FESSOR J . F. SNELL. The Chalk Forma-
tions of Xortheaat Texas: DB. ROBT. T. So thick and fast have come such con-
HILL.The Daylight Having Bill: T. C. M. tributions of science to our commercial and
Library Book-stacks without Daylight: DR. economic life, that most people now take
W . 577. KEEN ..........................970
them as a matter of course. A telephone
is at present almost as muc% of a household
Scientific Books:-
necessity as a kitchen stol-e. The steam
Recent Y a t h e m t i c a l Books : PROFESSOB C).
J. KEYSEE. G i l w ' s Hopi Songs: ALICE engine and the electric motor, since by
C. FLETCHER ..................... .... 974
their aid ten men can do the work of one
hundred, are increasing our potential man-
Special Articles:- ufacturing population at a rate that must
The Dorsal Spines of Chameleo crisfatus satisfy even President Roosevelt that we
Stuoh: PROFESSOR E. C. CASE. On the are in no immediate danger of dying out
Chemistry am3 the Developwnt of the
Yolk Platelets i?a the Egg of the Frog: as a nation. lfusicians are being replaced
Da. J . F . ~ICCLENDOX.The b'tructure of by arc lights, or by pianolas; and even
L i b Pistils: CHARLES E. TEMPLE........ 979 teachers are being compelled to yield their
Bocieties and Academies :-
divine calling to graphophones in the
6 teaching" of foreign languages. Are we
The Iowa Acadm~qof Bciewe: L. S. Ross. (

The T m e y Botanical Club: PERCY WILSON 980 then surprised that this is called a scientific
age? Do we wonder that scientists are
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for
*.Addressdelivered at the Fourth Annual Con-
review should be sent to the Editor of S~IEXCE, Garrison~n- ference of the Schools o f Vermont with the Uni-
Hudson, N. Y. versity of Vermont, March 12, 1909.
deeply fascinated by their work, or that the and, therefore, we find no djfficulty in
public stand in awe of it 2 appreciating the value of a, training in
P e t in the midst of all this, our glory, this method of thought. The seconcl state-
we must not fail to pause now and then to ltlent may not be acceptecl s~ reatlily. Yet
recall that story of that greatest of astron- it must be clear that such basal conceptcl
omer?, Laplace. lTThenhe had reduceti the as angle, area, number and triangle were
cosmos to a set of differential eqnations, by derived from experience with and the
which he claimed that he could foretell the solving of the problerns of natnre. The
configuration of the universe at any time idea nteans more than this, however. The
if he had given the configrtration at some concrete pictures furni~hcc?by the solution
other time, he presented his work to Na- of scientific problenis are essential to clear
poleon. After listening to an exposition thinliing in other fielils than those of sci-
by Laplace of the ~neailingof the ~rorlr, ence. It has often been saitl that if no
Napoleon remarked: "But I see no place regx~larity or order were ~n:lnifcsted in
for God in your system." To ~ 1 i i c hLa- natnre, no thinkinq at all would he possible.
place replied: "Sire, I have no need of The clear pictul-e of a seqlrcnce and order
such an hxpothesis. ' ' in natrrre, yet independent of man's \vill,
Suppose some modern Napoleon should, iq of inestimable moral value.. So r?laily of
after examining the present Eorlnulations us thilzk that we may steal or lie and get
of scientific creed, remark: "Knt I see no somehow evade the results. Katnral sci-
place for human souls in this system"; ence gives a very definite picture of the
what could science answer? Jluch it has in~possihilityof this. The conc>retepicture
surely done for the human body; what has of the sun-centered planetary qstem has
it done-what is it doing for the Imman been indispensable in the development of
soul ? the idea of a God-centered religion. Was
X careful investigation of this question not Drilmn~ond'sbook called '(Natural Lam
seems to s h o ~ that
~ ~the services in the Spiritual lTTorld"? Are not most of
of science to tlie human so111 may he re- the similes and lnetaphors of literature to-
sunzed in two statements, namely: ( I ) I11 day drawn from the clear insages furnished
developing science through the study of by science ?
nature, the human mind has been trained If the t ~ r ostatements just given set forth
in clear thinking-it has learned how to thr two great contributions of science to
solve problenzs in such a way as to pain the civilizccl minrl of to-day, we are jnc,ti-
for itself the keen vision of a prophet. fied in setting tllenl up as expressing the
(2) The clear-sighted experiinental stucly pnrposes to he attained in the intlividual
ancl the partial solution of the pvoblelzls of by science teaching in the schools. We nlay
nature have continually stored the minci t h i ~ sdefine the purposes of scicncr teaching
with irnagcs which are definite because to be the following: (1) To train the indi-
drawn frorn concrete experience, and which vidual into habits of solvilig problems sci-
11zaj7 thus serve as the basis for clearer entifically, thcrehy fostering the prophetic
abstract thonght. spi~aitin him. ( 2 ) To store his mind with
The first of these statements will prob- clear pictures of organization, which pic-
ably be accepted at once. TTe all recognize tul-rs may be used as the basis of abstract
that the power to foresee what ~villhappen thonght.
under given conditions is one of the chief IIaving adopted these two purposes as
benefits derived from scientific thinking; the ideal toward which we are to strive in
JUNE IS, 19091 XCIENCE 953
onr teaching of science, we must ask : \That What a different picture this gives from
criteria have me for testing the results of that clratvn by those who think interest
the work? 1 1 0 are~ ~ we able to tell whether means amusement ; and who, therefore,
we are approaching the attainment of these drive their students by means of motives
purposes with our teaching? There are of hope or fear through unrelated qnanti-
two c~aestionswhich me may put to our- tative evperinients with the idea that they
selves if we wish to test our success in at- are giving them discipline!
taininq these purposes-one for each pur- The second question that we should ask
pose. First we must ask: Did the problem in test of our worlr is: Are the concepts
arise within ancl out of the strident's own with which the student i.; working clear to
experience so that he has a genuine interest him? I s the final pictnre clear, so that
in its solution? Is it in some way vitally clear thinking on his part has been pos-
connected with his life, so that he has an sible? This question needs no further
inner motive for its solution? Unless this explanation.
conrlition is met, unless the student has real Each teacher must answer the first of
interest in the work put before hirn, he will these questions for himself; no outside per-
get no real training and discipline from it. son can possibly answer it for him, nor can
The importance of this point has been it be settled by either examination or inspec-
made very clear by Professor John Dewey tion from the outside. Spealring for my-
i n his paper on "Interest as Related to self, then, I may say that for more than
JTTill"-a paper which has been justly three quarters of every class I have, I must
called a supreme court decision on this answer it in the negative. The majority of
matter. Professor Dewey says (page 32) : each class is attending and pretending to
work because of some secondary motive-a
J u s t because interest i~ a n outrcacl~ingthing,
a thing of growth and expansion i n the realization
college requirement, a desire for credits
of impulse, tlicrc can bc no conflrct between its with a niininiu~namount of work, a wish
genuine utilization and the securing of t h a t power to fill an hour in the program, or something
and efEciency nhich marl< the trained mind- of the sort. Comparatively few are there
which constitute real " discipline." Recause in- because of an inner interest that impels to
terests arc xonlething t h a t have to be worked out
good worlr; and many who might become
in lrfe and not merely indlilged in themselves,
thcrc is plenty of room for iliniculties and ob-
interested are repellecl by the fact that the
stacles mhich have t o be overcome, and whose c o ~ ~ r sise cut and dried, the experiments
overcoming forms " will " and develops the flexible set up so as to give the student a minimum
and firm fibcr of cliaracter. To realixe a n interest of obstacles to overcome and a mininlum of
means t o do something, and in the doing resist- thinking to do. The testimony of a large
ance is met and mnst be faced. Only dificulties
nuinber of my colleagues has led me to the
are now intrinsic; they are significant; their
belief that this condition is very general-
meaning is appreciated because they arc felt i n
thcir relation t o the inipulse or habit t o whose that there are few, if any, teachers whose
o~~t~vorl;ing they arc relevaat. &Coreovt.r, for thi? class as a whole is working spontaneously
reason there 19 motive t o gird lip one's self t o from genuine interest as defined above.
meet arid persistently t o deal wit11 tllc difficulties, The adcled testinlony of a large nuinber of
initead of getting discourageil a t once, or half- high-school principals and college deans,
consciously resorting t o sorue method of e ~ a s i o n ,
who assist the students in the selection of
or having t o resort t o extraneous motives of hope
and fear-motixt.3 which, because external, do not their courses, has made me believe that a
train ill," b u t only lead t o dependence upon large majority of the students shun science
others. courses whenever possible ; not because they
[N. S. Vor,. XXTS. NO.755

are "hard," but because they offer thein not having even a fair degree of success in
no chance of expvessing their own inner attaining the purposes stated above. Any
self in new materials-of molding their en- one who accepts these purposes as his icleal,
vironment to their scientific imaginations. must, I believe, concur in this opinion.
The second of these questions above- That others may have other ideals and pur-
that concerning the clearness of the con- poses in teaching physics, has been abun-
cepts-may be answered, at least super- dantly shown by the worli of the physics
ficially, by examinations and inspection ; commission. In Circular III.2we find that
and the answer is an nnequivocal "no." 130 teachers suggested 28 different pur-
I am sure that every teacher of physics will poses of teaching physic8 ; some suggesting
agree with me when I say that an exam- more than one, but not more than 30 agree-
ination paper on which there is no utterly ing on any one. Thus some few avow that
foolish statement is a great rarity. The passing examinations is their purpose:
questions asked in class show the same lack others make "mental discipline" the fun-
of clearness, as has been very forcibly damental aim-meaning thereby the teach-
shown by Mr. H. L. Terry in the Edzcca- ing of students to do what they do not want
-ti& Review, January, 1909. EIas any to do because they will have to do so the
one found a means of making the students rest of their lives: thus only may physics
discriminate clearly between force, work become a preparation for grim life. Still
and power, for example? Here are some others may have the end of teaching the
exanlples of what is meant, taken from laws and principles of physics ; by which is
some recent prize examination papers sub- meant bringing the student to the point
mitted in competition for a scholarship a t where he is able to recite and write the
the University of Chicago. The competi- statements of these laws, even though he
tors were the best students in neighboring may not be able to show that he possesses
high schools. 'According to Archirnt~cles' clear concepts of the physical quantities
principle, the buoyant force of the water related by the laws, or of the relations they
is equal to the volume of the water clis- describe. Thus he who has other purposes
placed." "Work is the amount of force in teaching science ma,y justly believe that
that is spent on a certain object, neglectfir1 physics teaching is satisfactory; but he who
of time." "Efficiency of a machine is the accepts as his highest ideal the purpos~s
a~nountof power received divided by the stated above, must aclinowledge that the
amount of force exerted upon it." "By grcater part of physics teaching at the
Archimedes' p~.inciplea body displaces its present time fails, to a greater or less ex-
own weight in water." '(The wave-length tent, to attain those purposes. The teach-
of red light is longer because in the aurora ing of physics is not on that account use-
red light stands out more than does green less altogether: it is only that it might be
light. " a real creative power in education instead
The fact that from 60 to 70 per cent. of of a mere adjunct.
the candidates in physics fail to pass the Thc physics teacher's problem is now be-
written examination of the college entrance fore you. I t may be stated thus: How
board each year is eloquent testimony to shall courses and instruction be modified so
the same effect. as to nlalie the wol-lc more nearly approach
As the result of a long and eareful stttdy to the teaching purposes? We teachers
of this subject, I can not myself avoid the aSc7~oolScience a*d illalhcmntics, November,
conclusion that the teaching of physisics is 1906.
shall, of course, have to solve this problem studies the system from the point of view
by experiment. We have got to learn first of educational value to the individual stu-
of all to apply the methods of our subject dent, it can not fail to appear injurious
to our teaching problem ; Itre must each and and subversive of the ends it tries to reach,
all of us preserve a frankly open-minded namely, vital study. It makes but little
and questioning attitude toward our work, difference whether such systems are main-
and be ever ready to experiment and to tained by examination, or by accrediting,
make changes in our methods when we find or by state lam. The injury comes from
them faulty. We must not cease asking the fact that the subject matter of the
ourselves test questions like those given course of study is specified in minute detail
above, and should regard the students as by some authority outside the school and
our real materials for investigation. hence unfamiliar with local conditions, par-
B u t the problem before us, as thus far ticularly the motives and interats of the
stated, is too general and vague. ?TTe must particular students concerned. The out-
be more specific, and show just where im- side authority may be either a board of
provement is most needed. Before making regents, a committee of some association
the problem more specific, I want to point or a group of college^, without in any way
out that there are two serious obstacles that lessening the evil effect of seriously ham-
confront every teacher who wishes to un- pering the teacher in the use of his own
dertake experimental scientific work along initiative and in his attempts to meet local
this line. One of these obstacles is an ad- and individual needs. A certain degree of
ministrative one, due to the school system uniformity 'is certainly desirable; but a
in general; this obstacle is controlled by bare outline of the larger phases of the
forces outside the teacher. The other is a subject suffices for this, and avoids the very
grave injury that is sure to result to the
psychological obstacle, due to the past hab-
students from a long and detailed syllabus
its of the teacher himself; and to the fail-
enforced by an authority outside of the
ure on the part of teachers generally to
have definite notions of the meanings of
Perhaps the best statement of the funda-
words like interest, discipline, qualitative, mental fallacy of this strife for uniformity
quantitative, mathematical, abstract, phys- is that given by Professor Dewey in the
ics, law, principle and so on. pamphlet mentioned above (page 16), when
Time forbids that we discuss these ob- he says :
stacles in detail. Yet they must be re- I know of no morc demoralizing doctrine-when
moved before the physics teachers will be taken literally-than the assertion of some of the
free to attack their real problem effectively. opponents of interest that aftcr subject-matter has
I will merely state specifically what they been selected, then the teacher should make i t
are and what is being done to remove them. interesting. This combines in itself two thorough-
going errors, On one side, i t makes the selection
The first obstacle consists in the systems of of sul~ject-mattera matter quite independent of
regulations that exist for the purpose of the question of interest-and thus of the child's
securing uniformity of work, whether for own native urgencies and needs; and further it
college entrance or otherwise. They are reduces method in teaching t o more or less ex-
ternal snd artificial devices for dressing up the
~ o aimed
t at securing uniformity of good
unrelated material so that i t will get some hold
teaching-if they were, there would be no upon attention. I n reality, the principle of
complaint. They attempt to secure uni- " making things interesting " means that subjecte

formity of subject matter. To any one who shall be selected in relation t o the child's present
cspericnc~,p o ~ c r sand needs; arid t h a t ( i n c~isclLssionsllow being lleld at rneetincs
u .> of
i ~ ~appreciate Chi3 relevancy)
he does not 1 ) ~ r c c . or
Icachers' asrociatiol~s ancl a t conferei~ces
tllc teacher s l ~ a l lpresel~ttllc ncsn nlaterial in s11~11
a way as t o en:tble tile clilld to appreciate its
like this. I am sufe m-cvt shall soon come to
hearing\, i t s relationsllips, its necPz>ity for l ~ i m . understant1 cwh other better, pl.ovic1ecl all
rIlb i.s clnotatiou also makes clear why can recognize that the disc-u~sion is a
those -\3,11o believe in extender1 ancl cletailed -\3,holly inrpersonal one, carried on solely in
syllabi can think of interest only as syn- the interrsts of the corning qeueratjons.
onymous writ11 amusement, so that they \Ire niay therefore pas? c'n to the more defi-
strive for a supposed cliseipline which Pro- nite specilicatjon of the rcal educational
fessor D e m y shows to he subversive of true proble~ns thnt nonr c o n f ~ o n t the physics
discipline as follows :3 teachers.
The ahi~iriiityof muclr of tlie currcnt conecsp- The first important problem is that of
tion of tliscipline is that i t s u p p o s ~ s ( 1 ) t h n t the preparation of the child for scjence.
unrclatcil iiifficultirs, t a i k i t h a t are only and There is a t the prcsc>nttime practically no
rnelcly taiks, proble~ns t h a t arc. m;idc u p t o be science in the elementary \-e'ilools. I n the
prohlelns, give rise t o educative e t f o ~ t ,or direc-
earljer years of the high sellools there is
tion of encLrgy; a n d ( 2 ) t h a t power exists and
can he trained a t large a ~ ) . ~fromr t i t s app1ic:ttion. very much less science than there should
be. Sl~itahleconries in elementary science
This first obstacle of aclministrative sys-
nltlst be clevisetl for anti prrsented in the
tems was consiclerecl a t length at the recent
meeting (F1ehr.uary, 1909) oP the Depart- earlier gears of the elrrnentary schools, i n
ment of Snp~rintendcnceof the National ordcr to store tlie child's n~inclwit11 an ade-
Rthlcational Association by Snperintencl- quate s~xpplyof concrete experience ~vitlz
cnts Stratton D. I:rooIis, of Boston; C. E. the niaterials of science. I n solving this
Chadsey, of Denver; W. E. Chancellor, of p a r t of their prohletn, physics teachers will
South N o r ~ ~ r a l kC.; P. Cavy, of TJTisconsin, have to cooperate with the nature study
ant1 R. J. illcy, of Indiana. There was a and the industrial education movements,
striking unanimity in their recognition of since it is through these that the elementary
the inj.tlrions nature of present practises. basis will be laid. This is the most impor-
All made constructive suggestions f o r im- tant and difflcult problem. When i t is
provement, and those ~ v h oare interested in solved, the nature of the high-school coarse
this matter shoulcl read their papers, ~ ~ h i c l inil1 in large measure be deter~xined;not,
will be publislietl soon in the proceedings. as a t present, by what may corne after, but
You shorild also read the able papers on by what has gone brfore. The college
this topic by Professor J . nI. Coulter i n courses i n t u r n will h a w been modified to
the Sckool Reviezu for Febrnary, and by fit the high-school courses, and not the
Professor F. N. Scott in the same journal reverse.
f o r Jan~xary. The C ~ r t l e g i eFoundation The sohxtion of this problem will require
f o r the Advance~nentof l'enching is de- much time and a large amonllt of scientific
voting considerable attention to this matter, experiment. In the meantime, we can do
and several state legislatures are consider- m ~ i c hto make the present one-year course
ing bills rc~lativeto it. in the high school rrnlcli more ef6cient than
The second obstacle-that of the lack of it is in yielding clear and definite concepts
understanding among teachers of certain and i n training in clear thinking. IIow
terms-is being rapidly rernoved by the rnay this be clone?
L. c., p. 32. 'Phe chief reason for the present failure
18, 1 9 0 ~ 1 SCIENCE; 957

of the physics course to train in scientific leins that are made up to be problems, but
thinking seems to me to lie in the fact that that can not be realized in practise or re-
the method of presentation used is thor- lated to experience. I-Ie can not visualize
oughly unscientific. Abstract and difficult the dyne, nor form a concrete image of it-
concepts in the form of definitions and laws an image that is derived directly from ex-
are thrust upon the student without warn- perience and that is therefore usable in
ing, and before his mind is adequately pre- clear thinking.
pared for thein by suitable common sense To a beginner pushes ancl pulls are the
discussions of his concrete experiences-he real forces. IIe can appreciate their meas-
does hot feel their necessity or see their urement by elastic springs, and their com-
use. parison in terms of pounds or grams
Illustrations of this failing may be taken weight. EIe can not, as a rule, appreciate
from any chapter of any of the texts now the measurement of force in terms of mass-
in use. Thus, the discussion of light is acceleration for three reasons, namely: (1)
generally introduced by statements con- I-Ie has no clear scientific concept of mass
cerning the luminiferous ether; properties and it takes considerable tinie to acquire it.
of matter are introduced in terms of mole- How many of u y teachers would a,aree on
cules and atoms; heat is explained as a any one attempted definition of mass? (2)
form of energy before its properties are IIe has very imperfect notions of accelera-
studied. But the most notorious offenses tion; and he really can not get a concrete,
against the scientific spirit of the stuclent iluantitative picture of this 1~7ithout the
are committed in the name of the absolute calculus. Did not Newton himself invent
system of units; they cluster about that the calculus before he was able to treat
tiny and apparently inoffensive thing, the acceleration? (3) I n all of his actual ex-
dyne. Unless a student gets a clear con- periences with natural phenomena the force
ception of what a dyne is, he is lost; be- balanced by mass-acceleration is small com-
cause most of mechanics depends on it, in pared with the force balanced by friction
the present method of presenting the sub- and other resistances.
ject. F a r be it froin me to attempt to be- For these reasons it seems to me per-
little the dyne-it is little enough already. fectly clear that the dyne should not be
Nor would I give the impression that the introduced at the beginning of a course in
dyne is unessential for the adult physicist, elementary physics. If a second year of
or that the absolute units are not the most work in this subjecl is given in the high
beautiful and useful of all the "absolutes" school, the dyne might be introduced then,
under which the rationalistic mind has provided that the first course had been of
sought to hide its real ignorance of reality. the right sort; otherwise it must be left for
The trouble with the dyne in elementary the colleges.
teaching is that it can not be derived di- Since the dyne is the actual point of con-
rectly from experience. It depends for its tact-I might appropriately say the mathe-
clefinition on a convention that can not be matical point of contact-between the two
verified by experience. The student can, opposing pedagogical creeds of physicists,
of course, learn to recite the definition of it is very important that we see the point
the dyne, or even to write the formula that clearly and appreciate its great significance
expresses this definition; and, by mechan- for physics teaching. I, therefore, will
ical substitution in this formula, he niay adduce some of the arguments that are put
be able to solve abstract problems-prob- forth in favor of retaining the dyne so as
958 SCIENCE [N. S. VOT,.XXIX. NO. 755

to point out again the psychological fallacy keep their students loafing over quantita-
involved. The dyne has been defended in tive experiments from which the difficulties
a recent discussion before the Eastern Asso- have becn removed, by logic or otherwise,
ciation of Physics teacher^,^ as follows : and which are therefore incapable of giving
First i t mill be noticed that, a s thc units of the "discipline" in the true sense defined
system are logically derived from the fundamental above.
units, logical reasoning on the part of the pupils Third: The string of questions and an-
mill be required. Those educators who contend
that the chicf mork of the physics teacher i s to
swers runs along very sinoothly on paper-
entertain and amuse will not accept this as an almost as smoothly as The I-Touse that Jack
argument. Others, however, will take delight in Built: This is the dog, that worried the cat,
the opportunity afforded for rapid-fire drill and that killed the rat, that ate the malt, that
review. Question-What is s w a t t ? Ansmer- lay in the house that Jack built. To my
A watt is a unit of power and is equal to a joule
thinking, this latter is far richer in thought
a second. Q.--What is a joule? A.-A joule is
a unit of work and is ecl~ialto ten million ergs. content to the student than is the string
&.--What is an erg? A.-An erg iu the C.G.S. about watts, joules, ergs. Such a string of
unit of work and is the mork done by s forcc of questions may surely be continued till the
one dyne acting through one centimeter. These student has learned the words that are sup-
questions can be continued until the pupil has posed to define the gram m a s , but no
not only shown t h a t hc knows the definition of
the centimeter, the second and the gram mass,
amount of questioning of this sort mrill ever
but also that he has a knou~ledgeof what work, lead him to a scientific concept of mass, or
forcc, etc., themselves are. to a "knowledge of what work, force, etc.,
I n reply to this let me point out that tlzemselves are." Physicists are agreed
reasoning with words which have no con- that lrnowledge of this sort is useless, even
crete content is useless and scholastic. A if it were attainable. Thus Poincari. says
student may jingle along words like watt, (" Science and IIypotl~esis," page 78) :
Even though direct intuition rnade lcnow11 t o us
joule, erg, dyne; but, without clear con- the real nature of force in itself, it would be in-
cepts of the meanings of these terms, his sufficient as a foundation for mechanics; it rvould
logical faculties get no more training than besides be urhollg useless. What is of importance
if he were arguing how many devils can is not t o know what force is, but to know how t o
dance on the point of a needle. As Mr. EI. measure it.
Poinear6 has pointed out ("Essay on the Again (page 73) :
General Definit,ions of Mathematics7') : When we say force is the cause of motion, we
What has been gained in rigor has been lost talk metaphysics, and this definition, i f one were
in objectivity. It is by withdraxving from reality content with it, would be absolutely sterile. For
t h a t this perfect purity has been acquired. Dem- a definition to be of any use, it must teach us to
onstrations are constructed by logic, but inven- measure force; moreover that suffices; i t is not
tions are made through intuition. To know horv a t all necessary that it teach us what force is
to criticizc is good; but t o know how t o create is in itself, nor whether i t is the cause of the effect
better. 'ogic tells us t h a t on such and such a of motion.
path we arc sure to meet no obstacles; but i t does I n like vein William James says :'
not tell us which path leads to the goal. The The term "energy" doesn't even prctend to
faculty that e n a b l ~ sus to do this is intuition. stand for anything "objective." It isr only a way
Seconcl: I know of no physics teachers of measuring the surface of phcnomenn 80 as to
who think the ~vorliof the physics teacher string their changes on a simple formula.
is to amuse ; unless possibly it be those who A t this same meeting of the Eastern Asso-
'Report of the fifty-second meeting of the E. A. ciation of Physics Teachers the present es-
P.T.,p. 13. "Pragmatism," p. 216.
sentially rationalistic system was further with a training in habits of scientific think-
defended as follows : ing, rather than with memories crammed
Second-It will be observed that tlle absolute with words and verbal definitions. That
system enables us to define in a simple manner the secondary schools are not doing this
certain physical quantities which can not other-
real service under the present system
wise be defined without great circumlocution.
For e x a m p l e a n unbalanced force always pro- of "absolute" teaching, is shown by the
duces some kind of acceleration. How can force fact that 70 per cent. of the candidates in
be better defined than by the acceleration which physics fail in the written examination of
it will produce? This being the case, what better the college entrance board. And how
unit of force can be employed than one which will about the 90 per cent. of the high-school
give a unit mass a unit acceleration? F = m a is
the simplest possible statement of the measure
pupils who do not go to college? Are the
of a force and one which, if the pupil understands secondary schools doing a "real service"
acceleration, will greatly assist him in obtaining to them in launching them on life with a
some conception of force. fullness of word definitions and an empti-
To the first of these statements I will let ness of definite and useful information con-
Professor John Perry, " . the leader of the cerning the physical world about them?
reform movement in England, answer :% I can not help wondering how long the
There is too much hanlcering after a kind of absolute physics will be defended on the
logical perfect,ion which is impossible in the teach- grounds that i t gives "mental discipline,"
ing of the average boy. I am afraid t h a t w l ~ a t that it pleases the colleges, and that it fur-
seems to you simple is t o him complex, and what
nishes data needed by the expert physicist.
seems t o you complex is to him quite simple. As
a result, you have not made his studies as inter- Even if these claims were true, that defense
esting t o him as you might, and whatever is un- has been torn to shreds in the battle over
interesting t o him is uneducational. Latin; which was claimed to give "mental
I may add that elear definitions grow out discipline," to please the colleges, and to
of experience, and by teaching word defini- furnish data needed by the professional
tions that have not been justified in advance theologian. There is certainly something
by experience, we are but training in the in physical science for everybody, and i t
habit of hiding our ignorance of things is equally certain that that something is
under high-sounding words,. not to be gained from any catechism of
To the second statement about the sim- questions on watts, joules, ergs, dynes, etc.
plicity of the definition of force I would Although I am convinced myself, after
remark: "Certainly." But I would place having tried the experiment, that the ele-
the emphasis where the writer did n i t in- mentary physics should not attempt to
tend it, namely, on the clause "If the pupil teach the absolute units, I would not for an
understands acceleration. " I must also instant advocate any system of regulations
add: "and if he has a concrete and scien- by which the use of these units was pro-
tific concept of mass." hibited. There are many able and sincere
It was in addition urged that by teaching teachers who honestly believe in their use,
the absolute units the physics teacher has and such teachers should not be prevented
an opportunity to do a real service to the from using them. On the other hand, those
college. I t would be a real service to the who do not believe in them, who have found
college if the secondary school teachers by their experiences that it is useless to try
would send to the colleges young men and to teach them to their pupils, should not be
women with clear and definite concepts and compelled to do SO by regulations aimed at
8Muthemutical Ganette, January, 1909, p. 7. securing uniformity and enforced by an
960 SCIENCE [N. S. VOL. XXIX. No. 755

authority outside the school. This is an who has read and pondered over the volu-
excellent example of the way in which such minous literature that has been written
regulations effectively block progress by about them, can not fail to be impressed
prohibiting the teacher who would study with the mighty genius of the man who
education scientifically from trying experi- first formulated them. It was a very great
ments, thus dwarfing him as a science feat of the scientific imagination. And yet
teacher by barring him from applying sci- we expect the average high-school pupil to
entific methods to the study of his teaching repeat that feat in three or four lessons,
problem. Until differences of this sort and to have facility in the solution of ab-
have been settled by experiment, it is irra- stract problems involving these definitions
tional and very injurious to the students in less than a year! And this without hav-
to make regulations that decide such ques- ing given him the full experimental basis
tions in advance on a priori grounds. for those laws nor having taught him to
This deductive, logical, abstract, defining- ponder scientifically so that he can follow
without-eoneept habit in present physics the reasoning by which Newton reached
teaching has been inherited direct from his conclusions.
Newton. It is a habit of which Professor I have already shown that in England
Perry says :7 this fallacy of logical perfection in elemen-
I take it that the method of study into which tary physics has been exposed at the hands
Newton was forced, became, because of Newton, of Professor Perry. In Germany the same
the favorite English mathematical study, and we is true. That celebrated commission that
know that it kept English mathematicians back
for a hundred years. In the shape of elementary
has been studying this matter there adopted
deductive geometry, it is keeping back every as one of its theses with regard to physics
schoolboy now. the following: " I n teaching, physics must
What does this mean! You recall that not be treated as a mathematical science,
Newton, when he presented some of his but as a natural science." The meaning
optical discoveries to the Royal Society in of this is given in the following words:
1672, was attacked by Hooke and others The specific value of the teaching of physics
and drawn into quite a controversy. This for general culture has long been diminished be-
was very distasteful to Newton; and so, cause of the fact that physics is treated primarily
as a mathematical science. The chief reason for
before presenting Ms "Prineipia," he put this is that physics itself has long regarded it as
it into such form that it would be unassail- an ideal to present itself in deductive form after
able. Euclid being the model of such the manner of a mathematical system. This is
necessary reasoning, this was his model. particularly true of the fundamental portion of
So we find that the " P r i n c i p i a " begins physics, the mechanics, the construction of which
with definitions, axioms, scholia and the on a few axioms has been regarded as its chief
other paraphernalia of geometry. But it is
very clear that Newton did not reach his I am glad to be able to say that the
definitions in any such way. They grad- latest and best of the German elementary
ually developed in his mind as the result texts—that of Poske—does not contain
of long pondering over the phenomena, the Newton's second law of motion or the abso-
experiments, and the known data of me- lute system. Professor Poske is editor of
chanics. Any one of you who has seriously the Journal for Physics Teaching, a mem-
tried to grasp the real meaning of his justly ber of the celebrated commission and a
celebrated "laws or axioms of motion,' 9 or teacher of long experience. The book is
Mathematical Gazette, January, 1909, p. 5. written for classes that correspond to those
in the second and third years of our high omit the absolute ufzits. I n closing let me
schools. The book has been received with throv out two further hints that may assist
great approbation by the German teachers. those who wish to take part in the house-
Thus although we are ahead of our col- cleaning that is at hand.
leagues across the water in the matter of Physics is suffering from lack of unity
laboratory equipment, they are, in my in the way it is presented to beginners.
opinion, far ahead of us in their knowledge This may be remedied by a suitable use of
and practise of sound pedagogy. the idea of energy. I n a recent address at
The essential distinction that I have been the University of Chicago, Professor G. H.
endeavoring to make plain between vigor ]lead showed that the doctrine of energy
and rigor, between intuition and logic, be- plays in physical science the same r61e as
tween concrete and abstract, between rela- does the doctrine of evolution in biological
tive and absolute, between interest with science, since it furnishes concepts and a
true discipline and duty with martial rule, terminology in which all forms of physical
has been pointed out for mechanics most phenomena may be expressed. This ter-
clearly by Professor Henri Poinear6 in his minology and these concepts are particu-
" Science and Hypothesis, as follows : larly useful, because they are derived from
The principles of mechanics, then, present them- the idea of mechanical work, which is one
selves to us under two different aspects. On the
one hand, they are truths founded on experiment of the most immediate and familiar of the
and approximately verified so far as concerns concepts drawn from daily experiences.
almost isolated systems. On the other hand, they Nost commercial accounts are ultimately
are postulates applicable to the totality of the balanced in terms of work or energy.
universe and regarded as rigorously true. If
these postulates possess a generality and a cer-
I n using the idea of energy as a solvent
tainty which are lacking to the experimental for unifying and organizing instruction in
verities whence they are drawn, this is because physics it is not in the least necessary to
they reduce in the last analysis to a mere conz7en- become an "Energetiker," to deny the ex-
tion which we have the right to make, because we
istence of everything but energy, and to
are certain beforehand that no experiment can
contradict it. This convention, however, is not rule out the imagination and speculation
absolutely arbitrary; i t does not spring from our concerning atoms and the like. The idea
caprice; we adopt it because certain experiments is one easily grasped by any one, since it is
have shown us that i t would be conz7enient. Thus drawn from such universal experience. It
is explained how experiment can make the prin-
ciples of mechanics, and yet why it can not over- can be visualized in the lifting of heavy
turn them. objects so as to be made very concrete. I n
Hence the particular part of the physics my opinion this idea offers a fruitful field
teacher's problem now before us reduces to for experimentation in the teaching of the
this: The present system of teaching phys- elements of physics.
ics in its elementary stages fails because Another fruitful suggestion has been
of its leaning toward rigor, logic, the ab- made by Dr. Northrup in the Joz~maZof
stract, the absolute and martial law: the the Franklin Iqtstitzlte for Xarch, 1908.
problem is to change the methods of teach- It is to use analogy-not poetic analogy,
ing so that vigor, intuition, the concrete, but strict analogy, such as exists between
the relative and true discipline shall pre- translatory and rotary motion. This same
vail. One suggestion has already been suggestion was made by Professor Henry
made as to ways of doing this, namely, Crew at the meeting of the Central Asso-
English translation, p, 98. ciation of Science and Mathematics Teach-
962 SCIENCE [N. S. VOI,.XSIX. KO.755

ers last November. It is a suggestion well The Richmond, Ind., IIigh School was for-
worth considering. tclnate in securing the services of this modest,
Has not the time now come when we scholarly arid skillful young inan during the
physics tcuchers of America should begin seven years immediately following his gradu-
ation. More than one of his students have
experimenting with a purpose of trying to
testified to his inspiring influence and to the
discover the live way of teaching our sub- manner in which he helped rapidly to upbuild
ject l Are we not now ready to right-abont- this institution.
face, and, instead of trying to makc our I n 1801 he went to Baltimore to pursue,
concrete material abstract and mathemat- under Rowland, Franklin and Newconib, the
ical-instead of trying to teach Ne~vton's subject of physics to which from earliest boy-
absolute tilne and space and motion-to try hood he had been devoted. Ilis fellow stu-
to make mathematics and the absolute con- den& still recall that judicial, alert and inde-
crete and real through physics? Shall we pendent attitude of mind displayed by him
not take up the movement now being regarding all subjects. P u r e science being his
ruling passion, the atmosphere of Johns I-Iop-
pushed so saccessfully by Perry and Arm-
kins University wns more congenial to him
strong in England, by Klein and Poske in than any other which he subsequently found.
Germany and by the brothers Poinear6 in I t was d-t~ringthis period that he was mar-
France, anci push it along in free and ried to Miss Therese Study, whom he had first
progressive America as well? Surely the learned to know as a student in the Richmond
time is at hanci when the work will be done. High Sdlool.
Let us therefore all lay hold and help, for I n 1894 he accepted appointment to the
better times are coming. C. R. MANN cliair of physics in the then recently founded
T ~ U
OF CHICAGO Armour Institute. I t seems almost needless
to add that the department was at once placed
ALBEIZT B. POR!l%R upon a high plane. 3Tis lectures were
ALBERTBROWN PORTER was born a t Indian- beautifully illustrated with many novel ex-
apolis on Xarcli 16, 1864, and died at Chicago periments and were always set forth in that
on April 16, 1000. He was a man of rare en- clear English which can result only from
dowment, well known to many of the readers clear tliinking. Characteristic of the man is
of this journal. Since, however, his pub- a summer spent with Mr. 0. .' Petitdidier in
lished researches are comparatively few in learning the technique of lens grinding, figur-
number, he was by no means so widely Irnom ing and polishing. After eight years' experi-
as his native abilities would ordinarily have ence in teaching technical students he re-
made him. signed in order to take up the manufacture
ITis preparation for college, obtained at the and importation of high-grade physical appa-
Indianapolis IIigh School, enabled him to ratus, operating under the nanie of "The
enter Stevens Institute at the early age of fif- Scientific Shop." B u t we must not imagine
teen. Xost of the best training of this pre- that Professor Porter ceased to teach when he
cocious lad was, however, obtained in his own entered upon the commercial side of his work.
home and at the hands of his own father, On the contrary, his clientele became larger
Albert G. Porter, who was governor of Tndi- and more advanced, being composed mainly of
ana during the early eighties. From this instructors in physics from all parts of the
period dates his acquisition of an almost fault- country; for, b ~ i n ga man of cultivated cnri-
less English style and the beginning of his osity and lucid expression, he had satisfaction
acquaintance with tools and with the proper- not only in gathering infunnation, but also in
ties of matter. I n 1882 he migrated to Pur- freely imparting lmowledge.
clue University, where he gradnated B.S. in His published papers relate chiefly to the
1884. cliffraction theory of microscopic vision and

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