Must Complete Two of These Observation Feedback Sheets - This Means You Must Be An Observer in TWO Facilitations by Your Classmates

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(Must complete two of these Observation Feedback sheets – this means you must be an observer in
TWO facilitations by your classmates)


Facilitation Topic: ____________________________________

Student Name: _______________________________________

Diagram: (Please identify where people are seating around the circle and their names)

Group communication
How are the members interacting with one another? Is everyone interacting? Is interpersonal
communication style important in some way? Are there any absences/late arrivals that affected the
group? Are any norms or other expectations developed or witnessed? Any power issues observed?

Does anything noted above change over the course of this group’s session and have some kind of

Notes on Participation and Influence

For example, who are high/low participators? Who has high/low influence? How does each member
influence one another?
How are silent members treated? How is their silence interpreted?

Notes on Group Climate/ Communication atmosphere

Describe the current group climate (e.g. defensive, supportive, etc.). What is influencing the climate
today? What could be improved to make it better?
Did you see examples of Confirming/Disconfirming communication among members?

Is any conflict apparent?


Other Notes:

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