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Rafael Zardain

British Lit. Monsters

Anglo-Saxon Boast

All those around me

Look up to thy guide, thy savior, and thy friend
Me Rafael, a name that will remain scorched in your memories
Son of the savior of lawyers, and the rescuer of good food
Hard work and perseverance runs deep in my blood
There is no such thing as a no, or you can’t
High goals and difficult situations are terrified of me
They do not mute me, in fact they excite me
Building a flying machine, starting an enterprise
Things I can now envision and build in a matter of hours
Knowledge is my fuel, my driver
Encyclopedias and manuals have nothing on me
But knowledge is nothing when being kept inside
There is no bigger pleasure than to guide and inspire
I’ve driven many to achieve things that looked far away
Creating machines, moving far a way, breaking ground
People that will succeed thank me for giving them the last push
The largest reward is not their thanks; it’s their actions
I hope very soon to get a letter with a key
A key that will open a new door to a new land far from mine
To the institute of technology I may arrive
And what happens from there, only the big one knows.

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