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ID 1012384693 Aurora (My Mom)
English 6 Friday 8:00 Ricardo (My Brother)

Colombia, Bogotá Bosa San Pablo
When I was little, my dad gave me a fantastic toy. It
was the cutest tricycle that my eyes had seen. its Date
yellow color, the red wheels, and when I rode on the
Year 2012 (February)
whole it was more beautiful. I bet races with the
children of the neighborhood and I was always the
fastest. Narrative type

When I was older my parents bought me a bicycle,

with it I could go to all places. I never stopped playing
because I like the adrenaline and the wind in my face.

One day when I was an adult I bought a motorcycle

with the money I saved for a year of work I was very
happy but I did not know how to handle because I
never took a course.

The day they gave me the bike the seller asked me if I

could drive to my house. I told him no and I called my
brother. He's driving the motorcycle until my house I
kept it in the garage and my mom discovered that I
had bought a vehicle.

I thought my mom was going to get angry with me but

it was not like that. She helped me buy the driver's
license and I learned to drive. for 3 weeks I went to
the course and in the afternoons I practiced. I fell a
few times, I hit my knees but I learned fast. I had
many falls and I was afraid, but I did not regret it.

I learned to drive very well and drive to work every

day. From that day, I drive my motorcycle and I am
very happy and I have no problems with the traffic of
the city. Now I have another bigger motorcycle and

my goal is to have a better one every time.

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