Instrumento Evaluación Sumativa Acad 11th

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I Instrumento de Evaluación Sumativa

Academical English 11th

High School: CTP ROBERTO GAMBOA V. I Period 2021
Academical English Total Points:50 pts
Teacher Jeffry Montero N Total Percentage: 45%
Student’s full name:Gabriel Vargas Aguilar. Group: 11-1

Points Grade Percentage

General Instructions:
1. Read the specific instructions of this instrument completely before answering any part. (Lea
las instrucciones específicas de este instrumento completamente antes de contestar
cualquier parte ESTE CONSTA DE 4 PARTES)
2. Follow the specific instruction(s) of each part to carry out the task requested. (Siga las
instrucciones específicas de cada parte para realizar la tarea solicitada.)
3. This instrument is an official document that is why any modification is inadmissible. (Este
instrumento es un documento oficial por lo que cualquier modificación es inadmisible.)
4. Remember the date you have to deliver this document. (Recuerde la fecha que tienes para
entregar este documento.)
5. Make sure you complete all the exercises and if you have any question please ask.
(asegúrese de completar todos los ejercicios y si surgen dudas póngase en contacto con mi
6. El documento debe ser enviado por medios oficiales ya sea por medio de la plataforma
Teams o por medio de correo MEP no se recibirá de otra fuente. Fecha máxima de entrega
26 de julio no se recibirá en fechas posteriores
TASK 1: Identification of illnesses with their respective symptoms
Complete the following chart. Each space refers to a specific illness. Next to them
you will complete with what is being requested. Mention two symptoms per illness,
then write one sentence where you use the illness mentioned, and finally include
an image about it. 24 pts, 1 point each correct element requested

Illness Two symptoms Sentence Image

 Chicken pox  fever Chicken pox is a highly
 tiredness contagious disease.

 Cold  Sore throat

My Nose hurts because
 Cough
The Cold

 Measles  High fever The doctor is quite

 Cough definite about Tom
having measles.

 COVID- 19  Fever
Covid 19 transformed our
 Dry cough
 Tiredness way of life

 Asthma  Breathing faster. He suffered much

 A fast heartbeat. from asthma , a complaint
which was aggravated by
the London smoke.

 Leukemia  Tire easily, little energy, Second neoplasms after

weakness. acute
 Pale skin tone. lymphoblastic leukemia in

TASK 2: Being at a medical appointment

Imagine that you are a doctor and a person is in a medical appointment. The
patient asks you the following questions, so you will include an answer to each of
them. Include complete long answers. 13 points, 1 point each correct answer
1. Dr, I think I have COVID-19. Can you tell me 5 symptoms of this disease?

Of course, The Covid 19 usually symptoms are: Fever, Dry Cough or

Tiredness but the recommendations are do the Covid Test.

2. What are 4 rules to follow in order to protect myself from COVID-19?

The indispensable is use the mask and the social distancing

But we need to stay at home the most time possible and avoid crowds.

3. Is there any treatment or vaccine for this disease?

Today is the Vaccine of several Companies like Johnson and Johnson or
What are two other variants from this disease?
Yes,are more than two variants of the Covid 19 their names are
Alfa,Beta,Gamma,Epsilon and Delta
4. What is other name given to COVID-19?
Corona Virus

TASK 3: Based on GTA 2

Based on the topic “Our democratic tradition” read the following texts. Then, mark
with an x the correct option to the questions being asked in each reading. 10
points, 1 pt each correct answer.


A proposed law that would give government officials authority to enforce the
nation’s fishing regulations, which was approved in first debate by the Legislative
Assembly in July, has returned to first debate at the request of the Constitutional Chamber
of the Supreme Court (Sala IV), the Association Mar Viva announced.
The court recommended changes to just two paragraphs of the proposed law, to
ensure it will not later be declared unconstitutional, according to a statement from Mar
Viva. Parts of the previous fishing law were declared unconstitutional in1995, and Costa
Rica has been unable to enforce fishing regulations ever since.

1. What is the purpose of the fishing law?

A. To create the Association Mar Viva

B. To be declared unconstitutional
X. To enforce fishing regulations
C. To approve the “Sala IV

2. What happened with this law in first debate?

A. The Constitutional Chamber returned it

B. Authorities approved the nation
C. The government sent officials
X. The Assembly approved

3. What did the Sala IV request about this law?

X. To re-write two paragraphs

A. To propose a whole new law
B. To change the Supreme Court
C. To declare it unconstitutional later

What happened with the previous fishing law?

A. It turned into the Association Mar Viva
B. It had unconstitutional sections
C. It enforced fishing regulations
X. It succeeded after 1995

What constitutional branch was in charge of approving this law?

X. Legislative branch
A. Executive branch
B. Judicial branch
C. All of the above


Not happy with the way the two traditional parties have governed the country during
the past two decades and not impressed by the legislative track record of upstart parties,
alternative groups are coming together to establish new political parties. Leaders of at
least two new political movements express confidence they can provide voters attractive
alternatives during the 2006 elections.
One of them, organized by former legislators, union leaders, women’s rights groups
and environmentalists was officially named the Alternative Leftist Movement last May 1st .
Another new party, a still-unnamed movement organized by outspoken former Justice
Minister José Miguel Villalobos, is off to a strong start, having already obtained the
approval of legislative deputy Emilia María Rodríguez, of the Patriotic Parliamentary Bloc.

1. Some groups are trying to establish new political parties because they_______.

X. Are unhappy with the way last governments have ruled.

A. Want to become part of the current government.
B. Are happy with the traditional parties’ work.
C. Want to support the two traditional parties.

X. The new political parties offer____________ ideas.

A. unintelligent
B. the same
X. attractive
D. antique
XI. The name of the new political party that the congress approved

X. Alternative Leftist Movement

A. Patriotic Parliamentary Group
B. Environmentalists
C. Union Leader

XII. What is the name given to the movement carried out by the former
Justice Minister José Miguel Villalobos?

A. Former Legislators
B. Patriotic Bloc
C. Women’s Rights Groups
X. It is still unnamed

XIII. The previous text refers to the elections that took place in Costa

X. fifteen years ago

A. in the year two thousand and sixteen
B. two decades ago
C. less than ten years ago

TASK 4: Based on GTA 2

Based on the topic “Our democratic tradition” explain the responsibilities of the
judicial, executive and legislative branch. 3 points, 1 point each correct

the executive power is one of the three primary powers and functions of the state. It is thus

distinguished from the legislative power, which approves or repeals laws, and from the

judiciary, which interprets, enforces or invalidates them.


*La siguiente rúbrica analítica será utilizada para evaluar la producción escrita, por lo tanto, NO debe ser llenada por el estudiante.
Indicadores de Nivel de logro
No No Logrado En proceso Logrado
responde (El estudiante no logra (El estudiante logra realizar la (El estudiante logra realizar la
realizar la tarea.) tarea con alguna dificultad tarea sin ninguna dificultad.)
Indicators of Leaning
hay que mejorar.)

0 1 3 5
Task 1: Identifica las El estudiante no sigue El cuadro se completa de El cuadro se completa de manera
distintas enfermedades instrucciones manera incompleta adecuada
según la información
Clasifica los síntomas de las El estudiante no sigue El cuadro se completa de El cuadro se completa de manera
enfermedades instrucciones. La manera incompleta. Existen adecuada.
correspondientes clasificación no es algunos errores en la
correcta e incluye varios clasificación de labores de
errores. cada profesión.

Usa las distintas El estudiante no sigue El cuadro se completa de El cuadro se completa de manera
enfermedades y síntomas en instrucciones. La manera incompleta. Existen adecuada.
oraciones con distintos clasificación no es algunos errores en la
contextos correcta e incluye varios clasificación de labores de
errores. cada profesión.

Task 2: Reconoce Falta información o las Algunas respuestas son El estudiante plantea las
interrogantes respuestas a las confusas o incompletas respuestas a las interrogantes de
correspondientes a una cita interrogantes son muy manera clara y concisa
médica vagas

Identifica las diversas Falta información o las Algunas respuestas son El estudiante plantea las
causas, tratamientos y respuestas a las confusas o incompletas respuestas a las interrogantes de
formas de prevenir el interrogantes son muy manera clara y concisa
COVID-19 vagas
Interpreta las solicitudes Falta información o las Algunas respuestas son El estudiante plantea las
realizadas en preguntas respuestas a las confusas o incompletas respuestas a las interrogantes de
correspondientes a una cita interrogantes son muy manera clara y concisa
médica vagas
Analiza información general Falta información o las Algunas respuestas son El estudiante plantea las
correspondiente al COVID- respuestas a las confusas o incompletas respuestas a las interrogantes de
19 interrogantes son muy manera clara y concisa
Task 3: Analiza la teoría Falta información o las Algunas respuestas son El estudiante plantea las
correspondiente a las leyes y respuestas a las confusas o incompletas respuestas a las interrogantes de
división de poderes en Costa interrogantes son muy manera clara y concisa
Rica. vagas

Desarrolla las diversas Las ideas expresadas no Las ideas expresadas Las ideas expresadas guardan
funciones y se relacionan a ninguna guardan ligera relación con relación total con las
responsabilidades de cada de las responsabilidades las responsabilidades de los responsabilidades y funciones de
poder de la república de los distintos poderes de distintos poderes de la cada poder de la república
la república república

Aplica las estructuras Constantes errores Algunos errores son Se establecen claramente las
gramaticales gramaticales son constantes y evidentes en el ideas en el párrafo
correspondientes para dar presentes en la desarrollo de la explicación correspondiente. No existen
respuesta a las interrogantes explicación de la función de la función de cada poder errores en el uso de la gramática
planteadas de cada poder de la de la república que interrumpan con la
república. Dichos errores comprensión de las principales
obstaculizan la ideas desarrolladas.
comprensión de la idea

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