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IA EXAMPLES:2019/2020


01. Prove the followings using mathematical induction algorithms.








Number of ways=

Example 01;An ice-cream store offers three types of cones and 31 flavor’s ,How many single
scoop of cones is it possible in this store??

Example 02: In a certain state an automobile license plates Displays three letters followed by
three digits. How many such plates are possible if repetition of the letters

(a)Is allowed

(b)Is not allowed

Example 03:A pizza parlor offers the basic cheese pizza and a choice of 16 toppings. How many
different kinds of pizza can be ordered at this parlor??HINT (No of kinds=n!).



Example 1: Given letters A, B,C, Arrange different two letters from the given letters.

Example 02.There is six Runners in a race that is completed with no tie.

(i)In how many different ways can the Race be completed??

(ii)In how many different ways can first, second and third place be decided??

Example 03;A club has Nine members,

(i)In how many ways can a president, Vice president, and secretary be chosen from the member
of this club??

Distinguishable Permutation:

Example 01.Find the Number of different ways of placing 15 balls in a row given that 4 are
Red,3 are yellow,6 are Black and 2 are Blue.



Example 01.Two coins are tossed what Is the probability that at least one head comes up??

Example02: A die is tossed, what is the probability that a number less than four will appear??

Example03: A card is drawn at randomly what is the probability that the card Drawn is a face
card??HINTS (Face cards=J, Q K)

Example04: In a single throw of two Dice, what is the probability that the sum of outcome is 9?

Example05: A bag contains 3 red, 6 white and 7 blue balls, What is the probability that two balls
drawn are white and blue??

Example06: A card is drawn at random from the standard deck 52 cards, what is the probability
that a card is a red or a queen??HINTS (Red=26, queens=4).

Example07.What is the probability that a card is spider or a club??


Part1;Properties of number.
Example02: Write TRUE/FALSE to the followings mathematical statements.





Example02: Given that X|Y and Y|Z Is it true that

(i)X|Z and X|Y+Z??

Example03:State at least 3 theories you know about the Divisibility of Fibonacci


Example04: Find seven factors of F48=4,807,526,976.

Example05;By sorting the prime factors, Find The gcd(1540, 18200).

Example06. Find gcd(231, 260).And then interpret the answer.

Example07.Calculate the gcd(F40,F30).

Euclidean algorithm;

01. By using the Euclidian algorithm calculate.

(i) gcd (24, 48)



(iv) gcd(2011, 1534)

Extended Euclidean algorithm

Part1: Bezout’s Identity (X.a + Y.b)=gcd(a,b))

Example01: Given the following set of integer’s .Find the bezout’s Identity.






Part2; Concept of Modular Arithmetic.

Example01.Use 24hours to visualize 36hours.

Example02: Visualize the followings.

(i) 11mod7


(iii) 22mod8


(v) 8mod4

(vi) 7mod2

Subpart: congruence classes

Example01:Write the congruence classes to module 3,module 5 and module 7.Up to the
sixth’s term.

Part3;Linear congruence.

Example01:Compute the followings using the properties of modular arithmetic.



(iii)(17mod5 + 13mod5)mod5


Example02;Calculate the value of X from the followings systems of equations







Example03; solve the inverses of the followings




Part4:Theory of numbers

A.Chinese Remainder theorem

Example 01;Solve the followings systems of congruence’s

 X 1mod25

X 17mod26

X 11mod27

 X 1mod5
X 2mod6
X 3mod7

 X 4 mod 11
X 3 mod 17
 X

By J.J the programmer;

************ALL THE BEST****************

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