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The Four Different Personality Types Supposedly, 'm a natural people person. I've learned to become natural through understanding how to effectively communicate with people, It's not that I'm a natural, it’ that my parents taught me about personality types when I was young They read hooks about personality and broke down the content to me. This pos is that information broken down in an easily consumed format. Ifyou would like to read more, have listed books, with afiiate links, in the reference cetion ‘To understand how to commuricate with someone effectively, i's important to understand the concept of personality types. After understanding the high-level personality types, you ean triage people within 330 seconds and understand how to communicate with them easier. Note, this is not NLP. That isa discussion for another day. History Feel fee to skip this if you dont care. People types have been around long time. Originally called the four temperaments by Hippocrates, they establish the four archetyres of people's personalities. It was expanded by Myers-Brigg personality test which is overly complicated. At any given time someone canbe any of the four; but people typically fel most natural in one. The archetype that peopl fll into fs easy to recognize once you understand the four and you ean change your posture and language accordingly, once you identify what personality you are dealing with. ‘The Personalities Before proceeding, itis important to note that some ofthe language used to describe the personalties ‘may sound negative. The language that is used should not be looked at in a negative way. One ofthe personality types is not better than the other three, Each type is just different, and diferent approaches should he taken to communicate to each of them. ‘The way Iwill present the personality types is with the Merril-Wilson breakdown. There is also ‘Meyers-Briggs (more complex) and the classic Four Temperaments. The Merrill-Wilson has the best ROI, Simple to understand and identify fast. ‘The four personality types are: Drive, Expressive, Amiabl, and Analytical. There are two variables to entify any personality: Are they better at fats & data or relationships? And are they introverted ot extroverted, © Driver—Fact-Based Extrovert © Analytical—Fact-Based Introvert ¢ Expressive—Relationship Extrovert © Amiable—Relationship Introvert Note: Most people will have major and minor type. Mdenti the major type and talk to that type. Television Examples ‘Most sitcoms and dramas have each of these personality types represented. With each breakdown of the personalities I will give you an example, that should help give you a full understanding ofthe character ‘ype, Drivers are very strong personalities. Typically they have a go-get-it-done or whatever-it-takes| personality. They can seem very dominant and are quick to take action. The negative is they ean ‘sometimes come aeross as stubborn or arrogant, Sometimes the personality type can come across as ‘brash, running over others in crder to get things accomplished, Examples: v [realy wish | could have put Otto Mann here, See “Ym so handsome and direct ‘what | id there? Most people reading this blog post from HackerNews will it with this personality type. Analytical types are constantly assessing, determining pros and cons, making lists of to do items. Analytical types are constantly asking questions, almost tothe point of getting too much information. Others see them as, talented with brillant ideas. However, they ean suffer from analysis paralysis, over analyzing situations too much. Ifyou have ever made a list of “doing things the right way” you are an Analytical Examples ‘The always thinking, aways contrving: Mr. Burns. | have never understood the female capacity to ‘avoid a direct answer to any question. Star Trek: ‘The Original Series, “This Side of Paradise" SeqelkeeiNas “Natural” people persons. They enjoy socializing and talking. They are great story tellers and often over ‘commit themselves by attempting to please people. They also are good at communicating vision, getting others excited about ieas and issues. However, they sometimes eannot be relied upon to get things done. examples: Homer Simpson xprasive i MeCoy Tm a doctor, ota payentogist Amiable ‘The most calm, flat-lype personality, Amiable types are laid back and are hard to excite, They seem to constantly be relaxed and desir a peaceful environment over anything else. They will go out of their ‘way not to upset people, In fac, ther indifference can often upset the people they are trying to appease They wil often wait until the last minute to make decisions and will often go with what everyone else is doing, They are deeply emotional individuals that want harmony. Examples: ‘The Amiable Marge Simpson “The Amiable Pavel Chekov ‘The Driver Personality Type People who fll nto the Driver personality type tend tobe very controlling and possibly demanding. They know what tiey want and they ‘are not afraid to let you know. They normally have ite to no emotion and make decisions ‘Quickly and assertively. ‘Aguiek summary Demands control or wil take it when ‘avaliable. Looks for opportunities to bein charge Will get things done, ti ‘achieving them. Straight to the point, looks forthe bottom line, Disikes ambiguity and complexity. Little patience for small details that aren't clearly inline with goal seeking, Doesn't like situations where they have no say in what's happening. Can appear to be arrogant and standoffish. CCan seem overly aggressive, especially in the heat of a project. goals and “The Analytical Personality Type People who have the Analytical personality type Usually appear to be very inteligen, nerdy of systematical. They normally have litle to no ‘emotion and make decisions slowly and with much second thought: ‘A quick summary: Needs facts, numbers and detalls. Will seek out more information, Usually known for being a perfectionist, hates making errors Likes organization and structure, Will sometimes hold to ‘rules’ even when results suffer Great problem solving sil Expects others to agree based on facts ‘nd logical arguments, Gets frustrated when people don't see ‘the right answer’ as clearly as they do, The Amiable Personality Type ‘Amiable people are very reliable and trustworthy. ‘They want to make sure people are happy. ‘Amiables tend to be very high in emotion and ‘make decisions slowly. ‘A quick summary Looks for any everybody wins results Doesn't hide from feelings, expressing and listening, Soft spoken, goes along to get along. Doesr’t like independent activities and

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