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Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a telephone conversation about voluntary work and blanks with the
missing information. Write words taken from the recording for each answer.
Volunteer applicant details Name of enquirer: 1.___________________________
Age: 22
BA in 2.___________________________
3.___________________________ in Primary Education
Programme selected: 4.___________________________
Other skills and interests:
Experience of local conservation work
Member of a 5.___________________________
Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a report about the reaction of a country after the announcement of
the Nobel Peace Prize and do the following tasks.
Questions 6-7:
Which TWO facts are mentioned about Ethiopia? Choose TWO letters A-E and write your answers in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
A. The victory celebration was in full swing in the capital Addis Ababa of Ethiopia.
B. National pride has long been known as an intrinsic part of this country.
C. Ethiopia established the long-standing democracy, which earned recognition from Western countries.
D. A severe famine in the past was a source of Ethiopia’s prejudice towards Westerners.
E. Ethnic tension is still a crippling burden in this country.
Questions 8-10:
Which THREE facts are mentioned as achievements of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed?
Choose THREE letters A-F and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
A. resolved a long-running border conflict with a neighbouring country
B. welcomed home opposition groups and acknowledged past mistakes
C. granted amnesty to political leaders
D. set up a female-dominated cabinet
E. named a woman as head of the Supreme Court
F. got a firm grip on Ethiopia’s internal displacement problem

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to hear a discussion in which two people, Derek Grant and Lucy
Wadham talk about the current state of mass tourism and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D
which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes

11. From the figures quoted by Lucy, it can be concluded that

A. most of the revenue generated from safari packages goes to the airline.
B. mass tourism inevitably leads to poverty.
C. hotels in developing countries do not have high standards.
D. there aren’t sufficient local products to cater for tourists.
12. What does Derek say about governments whose countries are tourist destinations?
A. They are constantly trying to increase their profit margins.
B. They ignore the negative impacts of mass tourism.
C. They have very limited bargaining power.
D. They are unfamiliar with aspects of modern business methods.
13. Derek’s example of excessive water consumption caused by mass tourism shows how A. ineffective the
laws are in developing countries.
B. local food production can be adversely affected by it.
C. difficult it is to find sources of pure water
D. valuable a resource water has become in recent years.
14. Lucy says that when a resort loses its appeal,
A. the locals are left to fend for themselves.
B. money has to be spent on a new infrastructure.
C. the cost of package holiday falls considerably.
D. it becomes vulnerable to natural disasters.
15. According to Derek, tourism
A. does more harm than good in the long run.
B. is too big an industry to be tampered with.
C. is largely responsible for global inequity.
D. promotes cultural sensitivity most of the time

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about a case of monopoly and supply the blanks with the
missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each
answer in the space provided.
- Google has been hit with a 16.______________ $5 billion fine by EU regulators for breaking antitrust
- Standard Oil and 17.______________ are given as examples of well-known monopolies. Google could be
this century's Standard Oil, which was required to be 18.______________ by The U.S. Supreme Court.
- The European Commission says Google has abused its Android market 19.______________. Google tied
together different apps that smartphone manufacturers would have to 20.______________ if they wanted to
license its app store, making it difficult for competing apps to 21.______________.
- In 2017, European Union regulators slapped Google with a $2.7 billion antitrust fine for giving priority
placement in 22.______________ to its own shopping service. In this case, Google is 23.______________
innovation and competition, which is risky.
- The EU has 24.______________ when it comes to regulating big tech. While the EU fines are still small
compared to Google’s revenue, the bills could add up if more regulators start 25.______________.


Part 1. For questions 26-39, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions
and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
26. He must have been hungry; he _______ that burger in record time and ordered another.
A. whipped up B. tucked in C. chopped up D. bolted down
27. This conservative, evangelical megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a _______ of activity on a Sunday
A. nest B. home C. seat D. hive
28. She had an unclear ________ of him in her mind, although she knew he would be old.
A. sight B. picture C. vision D. figure
29. She marched into the shops, as bold as ________, and demanded for her money back.
A. bass B. grass C. brass D. glass
30. The high levels of air pollution is ________ a result of local factory emissions.
A. plainly B. abruptly C. distinctly D. markedly
31. Regional parliaments allow ________ for remote parts of the country or islands far from the capital.
A. self-government B. self-sufficiency C. self-regulation D. self-support
32 In Britain major decisions are made in the ________ of power in Westminster.
A. aisles B. corridors C. hallways D. landings
33. The children are ________ by this new app; they can’t stop using it.
A. revitalised B. hypnotised C. mesmerized D. capitalised
34. Her ________ behaviour made her the life of the party; everyone loved talking to her.
A. exhaustive B. fragrant C. exuberant D. aromatic
35. The clinic experienced an ________ of support from the community when they were threatened with
A. outbreak B. overflowing C. outbursting D. outpouring
36. The points raised about the exercise technique are not ________ to this presentation.
A. pertinent B. opportune C. admissible D. acceptable
37. Uncle Tom’s a ________ who prefers his own company to anyone else’s.
A. drowned rat B. lone wolf C. lame duck D. top dog
38. We were just ________ in the sitting area and somehow the window got broken.
A. beetling about B. haring off C. horsing around D. wolfing down
39. Her ________ treatment by her employers finally forced her to look for a better job.
A. shabby B. messy C. grungy D. tardy

Exercise 1:

It was another 1.____________________ weekend at the box office for "Avengers: Endgame," which has
now 2.____________________ $2.79 billion around the world. That is just enough to make it the
3.____________________ of all time.
It is James Cameron's 3D 4.____________________ , "Avatar," which had held the top spot for a decade.
But according to writers like Kevin Fallon, despite all of "Avatar's" box office success, the film has left a
relatively small 5.____________________.
It's really 6.____________________ to me that this movie that broke this box-office record is a movie that
really has no pop culture 7.____________________ or 8.____________________ .
It's not talked about in any 9.____________________ way. It certainly hasn't - well, and it's
10.____________________ sequels, but those sequels - part of the pop culture 11.____________________
is that they're being delayed.
You know, 12.____________________, like we do with things that really capture the
13.____________________ of a moment, or something.
Whereas we saw a 14.____________________ in 3D movies and we saw the 15.____________________ to
3D movies
Disney now owns "Avatar's" 16.____________________, 20th Century Fox.
The reason that "The Avengers" got to be the success that it was is because there were 22 other movies that
are part of its 17.____________________.
Kevin Fallon is the 18.____________________ for The Daily Beast.

Exercise 2:

As the U.S. begins the process of pulling out of the 1.____________________, the leaders of China and
France have signed a 2.____________________ pledging to stay in.
The deal includes 195 countries, a common goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
President Trump says it puts 3.____________________ on American businesses.
1,000 scientists around the world warn that climate crisis is 4.____________________ faster than expected.
In fact, it's like the loss of 5.____________________ , more meat production and a rise in air travel to show
the world is 6.____________________ in a climate emergency.
It's a good question, if the biggest, most powerful country in the history of humanity isn't engaged in what is
7.____________________ World War C for climate.
I think about it every time I 8.____________________, absolutely, to think about what the
9.____________________ of the choices we make. It's more that the top 10 percent of earners in this planet
10.____________________ of the carbon than the bottom 50 percent is responsible for about 10 percent.
If you're looking to 11.____________________ that in some way, you know, average American burns about
12.____________________ of carbon a year, a flight from Paris to L.A. is about a ton and a half.
You know, every 13.____________________ I've seen has always left me wondering -- not if it's a crime,
but there's something 14.____________________ about it.
And it certainly -- and some have called it -- it's like buying 15.____________________ from the Catholic
Church in some ways.
Imperial College out of London did a study, and one of their radical recommendations was, we should do
away with 16.____________________ program which 17.____________________ people to take extra
flights just to keep their status.
I think it's long before the waves are 18.____________________ on Miami Beach. It's insurance companies
that are not going to underwrite certain 19.____________________ .
Which 20.____________________ property values and 21.____________________ , they're seeing it in the
hills of California where insurance premiums are going up. So, this will create economic
22.____________________ long before, you know, it's the day after tomorrow, 23.____________________
When they suddenly think because it's seemingly we are lemming-like determined to
24.____________________ .
For first responders as fires are 25.____________________ , we have to do something about this.
Exercise 3:
Facebook announced today it's creating a currency that could be available next year to its
1.____________________ users worldwide. People who use Facebook apps like 2.____________________
and Messenger could make and receive payments with the new currency.
An estimated 1.7 billion adults on Earth do not have a bank account. When members of this
3.____________________ try to send money to family or pay a bill, they can get
4.____________________with huge fees.
They're creating a cryptocurrency. Nothing like this has been 5.____________________ on this scale.
Cryptocurrency is 6.____________________ not issued by a central bank or any country's government. The
most popular one to date is bitcoin. The value of cryptocurrencies can 7.____________________ by thousands
of dollars in the span of months.
The Libra is different from bitcoin in one key respect. The Libra will be backed by 8.____________________
- a 9.____________________ of bank deposits and short-term securities from different governments.
In the U.S., the dollar is backed by the 10.____________________ and credit of the U.S. government, and
the currency is 11.____________________. Williams says Facebook has been 12.____________________
for failing to meet its promises.
The Libra is an ambitious experiment to make cryptocurrency 13.____________________. No other
14.____________________ has started with such a 1.____________________.
If Libra succeeds, the tech giant 15.____________________ a new kind of power - financial.
Facebook has also left the door open to 16.____________________. Company statements indicate that if
customers give 17.____________________, Facebook and other parties can collect and track Libra
transactions, see how people spend, use that business intelligence against competitors and to
Again Facebook wins. So is privacy 19.____________________ - no. Is a new currency created - yes. Does
it benefit Facebook - yes. So that doesn't sound very 20.____________________ to me.
Facebook should 21.____________________ of this new cryptocurrency until Congress and regulators are
able to 22.____________________.
Exercise 4:
For the first time, scientists have used genetically modified viruses to treat a patient fighting a
1.____________________ infection.
Isabelle Carnell-Holdaway was born with a lung disease called cystis 2.____________________. When she
was 15, a 3.____________________ infection started spreading through her body after she got a double lung
4.____________________ in London.
Isabelle's doctors decided to try something 5.____________________. Viruses called phages - they're
6.____________________ of bacteria.
Using genetic approaches with 7.____________________, we're able to 8.____________________ this
collection of three phages that we could then combine in a 9.____________________ to use for treatment.
People have been treated with phages before with 10.____________________. But no one had ever tried
11.____________________ genetically modified phages into someone's body.
It's kind of a 12.____________________ thing to go in and 13.____________________ a treatment like this,
for which we're completely 14.____________________.
And Isabelle, who's now 17, is living an almost 15.____________________.
Doctors aren't sure exactly how the phages might have worked, and Isabelle isn't 16.____________________.
She still needs to get phage 17.____________________ every day.
For them to be able to just have a little 18.____________________ around with these phages is
Phage therapy seems to be the most 20.____________________ to antibiotics that's on the
The most obvious one is 22.____________________, which is caused by a related bacterium. And there's
very 23.____________________ that are very hard to treat.

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