Las RWS Q3 - Week 5

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C. Claim of Value


Claim of value appeals to the inherent moral values of the audience.

• Claims of value make a judgment
• Claims of value express disapproval and/ or approval
• Claims of value attempt to prove that some action, belief, or condition is
right or wrong, good or bad, etc.
• Some claims of value are simply expressions of taste, preferences and
• Many claims of value however, can be defended or attacked on the basis of
standards. You have to arrive at reasonable standards that reasonable
readers will accept.

CLAIMS OF POLICY suggest a solution to a problem that has been
defined or described by an argument .Questions of policy include What should be done?
How can we solve this problem? What course of action should we pursue? And What
should not be done?

CLAIM OF VALUE attempt to prove that some things are more or less desirable than
others. In a claim of value, one expresses their approval or disapproval. They prove that

an action, belief or condition is right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, worthwhile
or undesirable. Questions of value include is it good or bad?, Is it right or wrong? How
moral or immoral? Of what worth is it? Who says so? And is it ethical or unethical?

Defending this type of claim:

a. Make clear that the values or principles you are defending should have priority on
a scale of values over competing values or principles others might defend.
b. Suggest that adherence to the values you are defending will bring about good
c. Since values are abstract, you should use real- world examples and illustrations to
clarify meanings and make distinctions.
d. It is highly persuasive to use the testimony of others to prove that knowledgeable
or highly regarded people share your values.
e. Examples:
1. Global warming is the most pressing challenge the world is facing today.
2. Gay marriage is immoral.
3. Science Fiction novels are more interesting to read than romance novels.
4. Opera is not as entertaining as musical comedy.
5. You argue that “ it is morally wrong to have sex before marriage.” Your
opponent says that personal liberty allows everyone to make their own decisions.

Claims about value generally lead to essays that evaluate. Anytime a writer places
value on someone or something as “ the best” or “ superior”, that writer is making
a claim about value. While writers should always anticipate how to respond to the
opposing viewpoint, it is particularly crucial to do so when dealing with a claim
about value.
For example, people who are blind have a unique culture of blindness, and
many believe that living a visionless life is better than living a seeing-life. But to
properly address this topic and claim, one must anticipate and respond to the
opposing viewpoint, that seeing-life has significant benefits.
Another example is that of Ultimate Fighting Championships ( UFC). One
could argue that UFC IS A DEHUMANIZING SPORT. The anticipated opposing
viewpoint could be that UFC fighters undergo extensive training and skill-based
martial arts, thus making it a viable athletic competition.
Nowadays, says one sociologist, you don’t have to have a reason for going to
college; it’s an institution. His definition of an institution is an arrangement
everyone accepts without question; the burden of proof is not on why you go, but
why anyone thinks there might be a reason for not going. The implication is that
an 18-year-old…. Should listen to those who know best and go to college. don’t
agree. I believe that college has to be judged not on what other people think is
good for students, but on how good it feels to the students themselves.

I believe that people have an inside view of what’s good for them. If a child
doesn’t want to go to school some morning, better let him stay at home, at least
until you find our way. Maybe he knows something you don’t. It’s the same with
college. If high school graduates don’t want to go, or if they don’t want to go right
away, they may perceive more clearly than their elders that college is not for them.
It is no longer obvious that adolescents are best off studying a core curriculum that
was constructed when all educated men could agree on what made them
educated, or that professors, advisors, or parents can be of any particular help to
young people in choosing a major or a career. High school graduates see college
graduates driving cabs and decide it’s not worth going. College students find no
intellectual stimulation in their studies and drop out.
Note: The excerpt was originally published in “ College Is a Waste of Time and
Money”. Caroline Bird argues that many students go to college simply because it is
the “thing to do.” For those students, Bird claims, college is not a good idea.

Examples of Claims of Value ( Possible Research Paper Topics)

1. The death penalty as applied in the United States is immoral.
2. The use of civil disobedience during the Civil Rights struggle was reasonable,
moral, and necessary.
3. Fetal tissue research is wrong.
4. Opera is not as entertaining as musical comedy.
5. Should prisoners be given the right to vote in elections?
6. Do we need religious education in Croatian schools?
7. Should Croatian Waters be privatized?
8. Should primary education be extended?
9. Should torturing the terrorists be permitted during interrogation?


Jose, L. and Larioque, R. PhD (2016) Reading and Writing Skills (For Senior High School) 707 Tiaga cor. Kasipagan
Sts. Barangka Drive, Mandaluyong Citya

Tallayo, M. AND Viloria D. (2016) Senior High K-12 Compliant Reading and Writing Skills . 369, Culianin Plaridel
Bulacan. St. ANDREW Publishing House.

.Read the following passages and identify which among the following
statements is expressing Claim of Value. Put a check mark (✔) if the statement expresses
Claim of Value and an (x) mark if it does not express Claim of Value. Write your answer on
the space provided for.

__________ 1. Cats makes the best pets.

__________ 2. I think we need to elect the Supreme Court.

__________ 3. Cheating in exams is unethical.

__________ 4. Covid 19 Pandemic is the most pressing challenge the world is facing today.

__________ 5. Texting while driving should be an offence punishable by law.

__________ 6. Global warming will impact future generations and eventually ruin the

__________ 7. Legislation should be passed to stop the sale of cigarettes.

__________ 8.Lebron James is the best basketball player in the NBA.

__________ 9. The Sam Rayburn Building in Washington is an aesthetic failure.

__________ 10. Democracy is the best form of government.

• A claim that asserts some things are more or less desirable than others
• States that one thing or idea is better than another
• Right vs. wrong
• Either “ good” and should be kept or “ bad” and should be discarded

Look closely on the details of the selected editorial cartooning below. Interpret its
message and identify why the editorial cartoon falls on the category of Claim of Value.
Write your answer and indicate your explanation below the image.





Read the following passages and identify if the claim being made is CLAIM OF FACT,
CLAIM OF POLICY or CLAIM OF VALUE . Analyze each statement carefully. Write your
answer after each statement.

1. This type of claim describes a problem and suggests an organizational way to solve it.
How should governments, school districts, hospitals, etc., respond to the myriad issues that
face our society?


2. When you tell a police officer that other car move into your lane, or that it wasn’t your
dog barking all night, what kind of claim are you making? Certain as you may be, the subject
may still be controversial enough to require proof.


3. Video games are a waste of time, sports are the best way to build character, and savings
account are the worst way to accumulate wealth.

4. Examples of these claims include arguing against drug testing for welfare recipients,
mandating vaccinations for children attending public school, and changing election policies
are official ways that organizations such as government, schools, or churches will act on.

5. If you are claiming that something is better or worse in relation to something else.

Compose a short paragraph (minimum of ten sentences) about one
area of concern in your community. Then write a corresponding claim of value.

Excellent (10) Way to go! Good Almost Let’s talk

(9-8) (7-6) (5) (4-1)
The claim is clear, The claim is clear The claim is clear The claim is clear The claim is not
comprehensive & comprehensive & comprehensive but not clear and not
and well- well-organized but not well- comprehensive comprehensive
organized and is but contains organized and not well- not well-
free of grammatical contains organized and organized and
grammatical errors grammatical contains contains
errors. errors grammatical grammatical
errors errors

Prepared by:
Teacher II
Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

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