Teks Pelatihan Public Speaking Peserta

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Teks pelatihan public speaking

Teks News Anchor durasi waktu : max 3 menit

Good morning, viewers. You're watching News with me,....... We will bring you the most updated
news from all around Indonesia.

First in sports news, it is a countdown to the opening of Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta and
Palembang. The opening ceremony will be held in Gelora Bung Karno, this Saturday August the 18h
It is said that they will perform numerous traditional dances from Sabang to Merauke. The show will
be streamed on local TVs and also online.

And one day before the big performance, Indonesia is celebrating the Independence Day. The annual
ceremony will be held at Istana Negara. Each region across the country is celebrating the day. We
will connect with my colleague Julian Adams in Jakarta to see how people are preparing.

Teks MC durasi waktu : max 5 menit

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Good morning ladies and gentleman, my name is.......... It's a precious chance for me to be your
master of ceremony on this very special occasion "The Seminar about Global Warming".

First of all, let's say thanks to Allah SWT who has given us happiness, healthy, and mercy so we can
attend and participate in this special event without any obstacles. Praise and salutation upon our
prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us to the path of light from the darkness in this life.

I would like to welcome Mr. Alam Budiansyah as our speaker today, and all of the audience. On this
special morning we have several agenda as follows:

1. Opening

2. Reciting holy Qur'an

3. Speech from Mr. Setiawan as the head of the committee

4. Main lecture from Mr. Alam Budiansyah

5. The last is closing

Well ladies and gentleman, let's begin this event by reciting "basmalah".

Move on to the next agenda is reciting holy Quran wo will be recited by Nur Azizah. To Nur Azizah,
time is yours.

Thank you Nur Azizah who has recited the holy Quran, may Allah always bless us.

The next agenda is speech. The speech will be delivered by Mr. Setiawan. For Mr.Setiawan time is
Thank you Mr Setiawan for the speech.

The next agenda is main lecture from Mr. Alam Budiansyah. For Mr. Alam Budiansyah time is yours.

Thus the lecture from Mr. Alam Budiansyah. Thank you for your very good lecture. May all of us get
the value and benefits from the lecture.

Finally, we come to the end of this event. To close this event let's reciting "hamdalah".

Well ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for your coming and your nice attention.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Teks Speech durasi waktu : max 5 menit

Youth Pledge

Good morning. Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

Greetings to all of us.

Distinguished guests, on this happy occasion I will deliver a speech about youth as the key
generation of Indonesia's future.

Do you know, brothers and sisters, like it or not, we as youth of the current generation are the
pioneers of the success of the Republic of Indonesia. Just like the young men and women in the pre-
independence era. They were the defining generation of Indonesia in their time..

Why can I say that? This is evidenced by their struggle to create the Youth Pledge.They promise that
we have one homeland, one bloodshed, and one language,Indonesia. Furthermore, their promise
was fought for again by urging the country's leaders to proclaim independence.

They even kidnapped Soekarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok just to pressure them.

Without the action of these young people, the elderly is just waiting for the promise of
independence from Japan, which may not be known for sure whether itwill be given or not.

Then several decades later, the youth of the 90s launched their actions against Suharto's
authoritarian government. The era of reform and democracy was born thanks to the youth.

From these two examples, you can imagine how strong the influence of youth on the nation. We
cannot be silent, engrossed in our devices, and lazy to do activities. We are the ones who will
determine what Indonesia will be like in the future. We are the future of Indonesia.

That's all the speech I gave, more or less please forgive me, thank you. Wassalamu'alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

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