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Tarea 1 tercer parcial

Hello students, students will write 10 sentences using the adverbs of probabilities.

Write a conversation using have to & don’t have too.

Sentences using the adverbs of probabilities

1. Anna was obviously very happy for her surprise birthday party.
2. Your English pronunciation is definitely getting better.
3. Maybe Mary’s bus is in jam traffic.
4. Perhaps you left your wallet in the seat car.
5. Sofia will probably go to the cinema tonight.
6. Maybe Mary will want to go to the party.
7. Perhaps they’ll go to the park tonight.
8. Her grades are definitely getting better this year.
9. Possibly will be a sunny day tomorrow.
10. Sofia probably forgot her phone in her house.

Conversation using have to & don’t have too.

Mary: Hi Sofia, how are you?

Sofia: Fine, thanks.

Mary: Did you hear about the meeting next Friday night?

Sofia: Yes, Anna told me about it.

Mary: Will you go?

Sofia: No, I have to work all day.

Mary: Why do you work all day?

Sofia: Because I don’t have to work at weekends.

Mary: It’s too bad, hope see you soon!

Sofia: Thanks for the invitation, see you soon.

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