Homework N2 Take Responsibility For A Mistake

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Faculty of Health Sciences
1. Read each cause study and complete the statements with your
own ideas and past unreal conditional.
a) On Saturday you bought a new iPhone cell because its advertising
said it was innovative. However, on Friday you read this headline in
the newspaper: "Apple Company fined for lying about statistics.
iPhone have extreme security than all others of its class."
If I had seen ……………………………………………………….
b) You forgot to close the windows in your house before a weekend
trip. There was a terrible rainstorm. When you got home, some of
your furniture was damaged by the water. Your family blamed you
because you were the last to leave the house.
If I hadn't forgotten ..............................................................................

c) There was a big sale at the Morton Street Mall. Everything in every
store was half-price. You didn't know, and you went shopping
somewhere else. When you got home, a friend called to tell you
about all the bargains she got.
If I .........................................................................................................

d) You bought some insect repellent for a trip to the mountains. When
you got there, the mosquitoes were brutal. Before you sprayed the
repellent on yourself and your children, you looked at the label. It
said, "Caution. Not for use on children under 12.
If I .........................................................................................................
2. Complete the statements. Then share and explain your
statements with your class.
a) If money were not a problem, ….......................
b) People would stop getting infected with diseases
c) I would stay up all night tonight if...............................

3. Make these activities and take a capture of 2 activities.


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