Ede Index

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education


Academic Year: 2020-2021 Name of Faculty: Mr. Ghodake K S.

Course &Code: CO6I Subject &Code: EDE(22032)
Name of Candidate: EnrollNo: Roll No:
Semester:6th Marks: - Max: 25 Min: 10

SR Title of the Practical Date of Date of Assess Dated sign

NO performance Submission ment of teacher
out of
1 Submit a profile summary (about 500
words) of a successful entrepreneur
indicating milestone achievements.
2 Undertake SWOT Analysis to arrive at your
business idea of a product / service.

3 Generate business ideas (product / service)

for intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial
opportunities through brainstorming.
4 Undertake self – assessment test to discover
your entrepreneurial traits.
5 Survey industries of your stream, grade
them according to the level of scale of
production, investment, turnover, pollution
to prepare a report on it.
6 Visit a bank / financial institution to enquire
about various funding schemes for small
scale enterprise.
7 Collect Loan application forms of
nationalized banks/other financial
8 Compile the information from financial
agencies that will help you set up your
business enterprise.
9 Prepare technological feasibility report of
chosen product / service.

10 Prepare financial feasibility report of a

chosen product / service.
Total marks

Marks as per MSBTE

Teaching Scheme

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