14.where Is Amelia Earhart - Reading Workshop - Attempt Review

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Dashboard - My courses - MS2021 Ambato Level 4B - UNIT 6 WELLBEING - Where is Amelia Earhart- Reading Workshop

Started on Friday, 30 July 2021, 3:57 PM

State Finished

Completed on Friday, 30 July 2021, 4:00 PM

Time taken 2 mins 39 secs

Marks 22.00/24.00

Grade 9.17 out of 10.00 (92%)

Question 1

Complete Mark 8.00 out of 8.00

Find the word that best replaces the word in bold.

1 The Science Council is paying for a study of wildlife in our area. funding

2 The tests show that the bones are human. reveal

3 The museum has a huge collection of documents on the early days of flight. archive

4 We need to make certain that our results are correct.  ensure

5 The investigation is based on the theory that the sample is big enough. n

6 Detectives often create a description of a suspected criminal. profile

7 These two samples are exactly the same.  identical

8 The visitor register recorded twenty visitors yesterday. log

Question 2

Complete Mark 4.00 out of 4.00

Complete the summary with the correct word.

The new project aims to provide a way of testing theories .  The success of the project depends on several
things. First, that the bone is from a human , not a turtle. Second, that Earhart’s saliva still exists on
obtain a sample of Amelia's 
envelopes .  And third,  that there is enough saliva to DNA

Question 3

Complete Mark 5.00 out of 6.00

Read the sentences and decide which sentence is a FACT or an OPINION

According to Justin Long, Earhart’s letters are the only items that are both verifiably hers and that might contain her

Amelia Earhart [...] was attempting a round-the-world flight in 1937. FACT

Earhart could have landed on a different island.  OPINION

A 2009 study revealed that the sample [of hair] was actually thread.

Some scientists have suggested the Nikumaroro bone fragment isn’t human at all. OPINION

About 99 percent of the nuclear genome is identical among all humans. FACT

Question 4

Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the three theories is the main article concerned with?

Select one:

a. She was captured by Japanese spies.

b. She crashed on Nikumarono Island

c. She disappeared in the Pacific Ocean

Question 5

Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which modern scientific technique might hold the key to the Earhart mystery?

Select one:

a. Witness interviews

b. DNA testing

c. GPS tracking

Question 6

Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

If the project is successful, what will it prove?

Select one:

a. That Amelia dissappeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

b. That Amelia crashed on Nikumarono Island.

c. That Amelia was captured by Japanese spies, 2/3

c. That Amelia was captured by Japanese spies,

Question 7

Complete Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

What is Justin Long's connection to the project?

Select one:
a. He is funding the project.

b. He traveled with Amelia

c. He is the main researcher in the project

Question 8

Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Why can't the study use a sample of Earhart's hair?

Select one:

a. There is no sample of her hair available.

b. There is low quantity of the sample

c. There is only a sample of the copilot's hair

Question 9

Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is the biggest problem facing the researchers on the new project?

Select one:

a. The fundinn is running out and soon there will be no money left to continue with the research.
b. Bone fragments have been found to be pread thoughout the islandand it is difficult to prove which fragments are from animals or
c. Human DNA is 99% alike, so they need more quantity of the sample to prove anything.

Finish review

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