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Duration: 3 HRS Maximum marks: 75

Date: 24.08.2020 Time: 10 am – 1 pm

I Define the following. 5x1=5

1. Motivation
2. Intelligent Quotient
3. Emotion
4. Conflict
5. Society

II Fill in the blanks 5x1=5

1. _______ is a learned pattern of behavior.
2. Father of psychology is _____
3. Mistaken perception is _______
4. Normal IQ is _____
5. The word Alcoholism was first coined by ______

III Match the following: 5x1=5

a) Father of sociology -1) Qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character
b) Mores -2) mental power to remember
c) Memory -3) popular occupation in India
d) Personality -4) Auguste Comte
e) Agriculture -5) social customs and convictions

IV State whether the following statements are True or False 5x1=5

a) IQ is calculated with the formula IQ = MA/CA +100
b) Frustration is a condition of extreme tension
c) Trust versus mistrust is seen in School age child
d) A polygamy is one in which a man marries many women
e) A Juvenile delinquent is a person between the ages of 15 to 17 years, who indulges in antisocial

V Write short notes on any FIVE of the following. 5x5=25

1. Problem solving and reasoning.
2. Types of thinking.
3. Characteristics of an intelligent nurse.
4. Types of personality.
5. Role of social factors in health.
6. Characteristics of a group.

VI Write in detail any THREE of the following 3x10=30

a) Explain the types of adjustment mechanisms.
b) Explain in detail the types of learning.
c) Define drug addiction and write the causes, clinical manifestations and management.
d) Family.

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