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SRM Sheol ¢ een Sy_Munitoy Danny yems a Funda maniat _Neaatay Rieke Wes he path Meee Dip ude: gs ee 1, PRE Ate a. Skefltxarten, «5. Neath he Pade - &. Consttpatfon , PON Stee blanks ge bene udatine —camtre an brraln ts 2 loa 9, Oa ERD oe the Vxcue Se 3. Ue washtnp hatps te y. ‘ En lection . be An Srstumornt tard te maasuac . ° noe panes Ch Be Aenea 8 Derdh [me te rose tay W, Moakth ths oo wing | 5x aes |. Pnowe nes — Hat? rests 2. Gavege — lapouted bratty . 3. Bad ordousx. — pow % pres . hs Rabtes — : 5) Dyspnea is DA bate Ae ey SRM SCHOOL OF NURSING DGNMIYEAR FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING REVISION EXAM DATE: 09.08.17 MARK: 75 TIME: 3 HOURS I. Define the following Sx1=5 a. Nursing — b. First aid ©, Temperature d. Health ©. Hospital TL Fill in the blanks with suitable sentence |. Difficulty in swallowing is called as... 2. Passing of less quantity of urine is called 3. Boiling point of water is aban 4, Decreased pulse rate is termed as 5. Drug which reduce fever is called IIL, Mateh the following I. Inability to sleep -Halitosis 2. Back rest -loss of fluid 3. Percussion -Insomnia 4. Bad odor -comfortable device 5. Dehydration -Technique of physical assessment IV. Choose the correct answer |. The enema used for retained purpose a.Glycerine b.Soap —c.Nutrient ——_d. Medicine 2. Infestation of head with lice is known as Sx1=5 SxI=5 Sx1=5 a. Pediculosis b. Epitasis c. Tonsillitis d. Gingivitis 3. Stifffening of the body after death is called a.Rigormortis b. Euthanasia c. Diaphoresis 4. Ophthalmoscope is used for examination of a. Eye b. Ear c. head d. Nose 5. Act of expelling urine is called a. Micturition b.Defecation c. Elimination V. Answer any five of the following 1. Nurses role in collection of specimen 2. Golden rules of first aid 3. Write various types of comfortable device and its uses 4. Types of Dressing 5. Neglected mouth care 6. Indication/ contra indication of | hot application VIL. Answer any three of the following |. Nursing care plan for fever patient - Nurse responsibility in feeding helpless 3. Define enema & write in detail with suitable examples 4. Role of nurse in caring bedsore patients d. Glycosuria d. Irrigation TAMIL NADU BOARD OF EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING 'AND MIDWIFERY ~ FIRST-YEAR (New Syllabus - 3 Years) JULY / AUGUST — 2016 Paper -Il! Fundamentals of Nursing {including First Aid and personal Hygiene) Time 3 Hrs (Maximum Marks : 75) (NB, Answer All Questions } Marks 1. Define the Following:— 5x125 (a) Nursing (0) Blood Pressure (c) Hospital (@) Elimination (e) Hygiene. 5x1=5 I. Match the Fotlowing:— A B (a) Inability to sleep = (1) Technique of physical assessment (b) Percussion - (2) Loss of hair (c) Alopecia - (3) H202 (d) Difficulty in swallowing (4)_Insomnia (e) Oxidising agent - (5) Dysphagia. U1. Fill in the Blanks:— hee (a) Heat regulating centre in brain is (b) Pus in the urine is termed as —— (c) Paralysis of one side of the body is termed as—————— (d) Decreased pulse rate is termed as ———---——. (e) One gram of carbohydrate gives ---------- calories of heat. Sxtnd ‘Choose the correct Answar— . (a) Act of Expeling urine is called ———~ (i) Miturtion mosecmer (i) Elimination (7) Ieigation (b) Drugs that produce vomiting is termed a8 =—————~ () Antiemetic (ii) Narcotics: (ii) Emetios (iv) Stypies (0) Recreation is an activity that renews ——————— (@) Mind and Body (ii) Energy (ii) Rest Ov) Exercise (d) Presence of sugar in the urine 1s called n-ne () Renal Threshold (ji) Anuria (ii) Otiguria (W) Glycosuria (@) Ophthaimoscope is used for examination of — ® Eye () Head (ii) Ear (iv) Nose. ‘Wirte Short notes on any five of the following — (@) Nurses Rote in collection of specimen, (©) Compteatons of neglected Mouth cave © Wret are the nes folowed in applying bandages @ Routes of administration of drugs, (0) Golden nutes of fst ai. (Wire the varous ype of confotate devices and ta uses, ‘Arawer i deta any three ol tne folowing, — Sx5=26 PRELIMINARY TERMINAL EXAMINATION FOR THE DIPLOMA IN GENERAL NURSING & MIDWIFERY ..‘UDENTS — 1 YEAR PAPER ~ ITT ~ FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING INC. FIRST AID TOTAL MARKS : 75 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING = te DEFINE THE FOLLOWING = Se ee 2) Nursing 3) Hospital 9) Nurse. 2) Steril imation 4) Pyrextae i 11, FILL IN THE BLANKS 1~ oe 4) Founder of Hodern Nursing is _ 4 2) Decreased respiratory rate ia called as 3) Heat regulating centre is situated in _ 4) In Clinical thermometer, 5) Respiratory centre is situated in 111, MATCH THE FOLLOWING: ~ Sxeies ae ¢ pulse rate Apnoea. 2. Act of passing urine is Bradycardia 3. Difficulty in breathing is Tachycardia , 4 rate is Hicturition 5. Absence in breathing _ Dyspnoes IV. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1~ eps Seies 1) " Ideal time to take bath is _ &. Before breakfast 6. after lunch Presence of Pus in the urine is termed as ‘&- Haematuria b. Pyuria FIVE OF THE FOLLOWING + WRITE SHORT NOTES ON ANY Explain the Admission Procedure. Hospital Explain the functions of a 3. Write the qualities of Nurse. 4. Explain the functions of Nurse. 3. Write the local and general complications of neglected mouth care. 6. Define Retention of urine and write its causes. VI. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL FOR ANY THREE OF THE FOLLOWING #- SS x 10 ’ 1. Define Pressure sore, write its cau and preventive oueaall Define Constipation, write its causes and prevention and 2. management. Explain the care of dying patient. Jan / Feb- 2015 Paper-lll- Fundamentals of Nursing Including First Aid and Personal Hygiene Time — 3 Hrs (Maximum Marks: 75) (N.B- Answer All Questions) 1 Define the folowing — Sates a) Isolation b) Haemorthage c) Dyspnoea d) Sterilization : e) Enema I. Match the following: — 6x125 A a) Terminal disinfection - Airway b) Midstream urine — Head low position ©) Analgesics - After patient goes home d) Unconscious patient - Drugs used to relieve pain ¢) Shock =, © Cir: PF Pe OT Ee epee: ear ae eee erat hi IIL. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. — a) Benedict's solution is used to urine for HAP position. a Mery patent’ body i traneminad Py Sxtss newer ina comet gato the je uaa "4 cwaudon iy) Radiation i) evaporation oe i immediately Aa ch iv) Wnecessary WAL bed tine to prevent foot drop is ns mace i an WW) Bed eradie ut ) The best method of sterilization Is ) Boil LAY Autoclaving iy bh iv) Ultra violet rays: ®) The heat regulating centre is ) Corebrum vii Hypothalamus Ni) Pituitary. iv) Medulla Oblongata y ina Write short notes on any five of the following — Sx5=25 | ‘Admission procedure in the outpatient department, ©) ‘Mention the basi nursing care needs of the patient ®) {ndleations of Mouth care 4) Importance of records, *) Contraialcatons thot and cold appcation a Preventive measures of Be sore, a SOC ee ta f NG j MODEL EXAMINATION IN NURSING ee be \LYEAR PAPER Tt FUNDAMENTALS on NURSING Sxl=§ pivoe wermedts Bdtand polat of waters Lb. EE” 1.The bea replicate i shunted a Prieta yl es also made up of water proof material 5.The contton in which the patient can breath only in upright position is called ——Dathopns &q TI. Define Sxl=5, First aid Blood pressure a. ey SPulse IIL. Match the following Sxl-5 _LDificlty in breathing ‘Tapping with finger Q »2Rabies Dehydrati 3.Percussion Glossiti 4.Loss of fluid from body Dog 3 5.Inflammation of the tongue Dyspnoea () ‘. Choose the correct answer Sxl=5 A. An anti helmintic enema is administered to ° 2. Remove constipated faeces Sudden fall of temperature to normal is termed as (eiiss 2, Lysis 3, Decline 4.stadium E. The term ‘ __ is used for immediate disinfection of articles during illness QKoncurreat aisintection 3. Autoclaving 2. Disinfection 'V. Write short notes on any five of the following 5x5=25 1. Cold sponging 2. Explain types of enema 3. Firstaid for Dog bite 4. Contra indication for taking temperature 5. Needs of the dying patient and his relatives 6. Golden rules of first aid VI-Essay on any 3 of the following \-aList out the sites for taking oral tem Sxi ) Describe the nursing measur o reduce fever ’ .NADU BOARD OF EXAMINATION IN GENRMALNURBHN pam AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR i ; (New Syltabuned “i yours) JULY | AUGUST - 2015 Paper-lll- F of Nursing. Including First Aid and Personal Hygiene Vine = 3 Hes (Maximum Marks: 75) (N.B.- Answer All Questions) Nida 2 y ae faareies : t jas in th ‘ a) Condition x having g rons i) Retension iy) Elimination iii) Constipation ») Infestation of head with lice is known as 2 : ii) Epis i) Pediculosis ii) itis ii) Tonsilitis iv) Ging! ¢) The enema used for retaine purpose i Soap i) Glycerine ii) - iii) Nutrient iv) Medicin ia is 4) The best method of sterilization to kil all types of bacter i) Boilin i) Dry heat % iv) Ultra rays iii) Autoclave ) Stiffening of the body after death is called ii) Euthanasia i) Rigormortis a iv) Glycosuria ii), Diaphoreis V. Write short notes on any five of the following: — a) National Immunization Schedule b) Classification of Fracture ©} Hierarchy needs of human beings Types of Dressing ©) Factors affecting respiration f} Characteristics of Profession. VI. Answer in detail any three of the following: — ai Describe the various sites for developing bed sore is LOrw?, 9, GASGN Susser: 55 Fe Nee SxS=95 3x 10=30 © 4 (5) pIPLOMA \N GENERAL NUR yes MIDWIFERY NURSING FOUNDATION 1YR MW \ODEL EXAMINATION a HRS, TS MARKS que FOLLOWING perirstaid 3.Hospital 4.Nursing 5.Blood pr z essure in THE BLANKS ed pulse rate is termed as. tess quantity of urine Is called pint in swi formation jin the so is used for i allowing is called cs cket of teeth, : - gqheterm immediate disinfection of articles during iliness: CORRECT ANSWER b.Distention c. Constipation d. Elimination with lice is known as ‘onsilitis, d.Gingivitis I MATCH THE FLLOEING kee + eee 2. Antipyretics ~~ To relieve pain 3. Antacids —- increase urine flow 4 Diuretics ———~ reduce the gastric secretion 5. Antiemetics - induce vomiting \V. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON ANY FIVE OF THE FLLOWING Comfort devices Functions of hospital A.Characterstics of profession 4.cold sponging 5.Methods of collection of urine SRM SCHOOL OF NURSING DGNM 1 YEAR FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING EVISIO TIME: 3 HOURS DATE: 09.08.17 2 18 1. Define the following Sxl=5 a Nursing b. First aid ¢. Temperature d. Health —_e. Hospital IL. Fill in the blanks with suitable sentence Sx1-5 1. Difficulty in swallowing is called as. 2. Passing of less quantity of urine is called . 3. Boiling point of water is 4. Decreased pulse rate is termed as 5, Drug which reduce fever is called. IIL. Mateh the following 1. Inability to sleep 2, Back rest Sxi=5 Halitosis -loss of fluid -Insomnia 3. Percussion 4. Bad odor -comfortable device 5. Dehydration “Technique of physical assessment $x1=5 IV. Choose the correct answer 1. The ems used for retained purpose a.Glycerin Soap __¢.Nutrient 3S Tnfestation of head with lice is known as ‘a.Pediculosis _b. Epitasis _c. Tonsillitis d. Gingivitis, 3, Stiffening of the body ce death is called Euthanasia c.Diaphoresis __d. Glycosuria a.Rigormortis ay for examination of s Ophthalmoscope is us b. Ear c.head —d. Nose : ie ocine urine is called ¢. Elimination d. Irrigation ea ea cration b.Defecation of the following d. Medicine §x5=25

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