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Chem 181 Textbook Topic 1E Many Electron Atoms:

(Code: Green = Easy, Orange = Had to think, Red = Had to check)

1. What qualifies as a many electron atom?
2. How are electrons shielded from the attraction of a nucleus?
3. What is the difference between nuclear charge and effective nuclear charge?
4. How does an s-orbital behave differently than a p-orbital in terms of shells?
5. What is the order of energies for a shell and why is it that way?
6. How are electron configurations arranged in terms of energy?
7. What is the pauli exclusion principle?
8. What does it mean for electrons to be paired?
9. Give an example of and explain a closed shell.
10. How should atoms be thought of in terms of a core and valence electrons?
11. What is meant by parallel spins?
12. What is the procedure for adding parallel spins?
13. What is hunds rule and, relatedly, what is an excited state?
14. On a periodic table, label where each sublevel starts and give the name of the family
where the block begins.
15. What happens when an atom goes from an excited state to a ground state?
16. What is a valence shell in terms of n?

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