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BIO 201 Control of Eukaryote Gene Expression 2:

(Green = did not have to think, Orange = Had to think, Red = Did not know)
1. Activators bind a ______ which in turn binds the ______ transcription factors on the RNA
2. How is DNA compacted by nucleosomes?
3. Why does the packing mean that not much replication is done during mitosis?
4. What are the roles of HATs and HDACs respectively? As a hint, what do each stand for?
5. Differentiate heterochromatin and euchromatin. (It is saying ew!)
6. What is the difference between transcriptional factors, transcriptional regulators, and general
transcription factors?
7. What do repressors and activators do with regard to euchromatin and heterochromatin?
8. How do cells not regress in terms of differentiation?
9. Describe the process by which a feedback loop creates cell memory.
10. How do epigenetic changes affect memory?
11. What is DNA methylation?
12. What is the role of histone modifications?
13. What are Yamanaka factors and how do they allow reprograming of adult cells into stem cells?
14. What is a master regulator?
15. Can a single transcription factor control multiple genes? Why or why not?
16. Explain the general process of transcription factors controlled by phosphorylation.
17. Explain the above with the cases of Rb and YKi


18. If a mutation in Rb above causes the patient to get cancer, what did the mutation do most
Final Wrap Ups:

1. Compare and contrast the function of histone acetyltransferase (HATs) and histone deacetylases
2. Compare how eukaryotic activator and repressor proteins exploit the mechanisms that regulate
chromatin packaging to enhance or suppress transcription.
3. Relate how positive feedback, DNA methylation, and histone modification allow differentiated
cells to maintain their identity and to pass this information to daughter cells during cell division.
4. Outline how transcription regulators can be used to artificially reprogram cells in culture,
including induced pluripotent stem cells and other specialized cell types.
5. Compare how bacteria and eukaryotes coordinate the expression of multiple genes.
6. Describe how interaction with a small effector molecule and/or phosphorylation can alter the
function of a transcription factor.

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