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Gabriel G.

Peña Stylistics and Discourse Analysis BSEd-English 3C


The diagram above shows the important ideas and notions about discourse and discourse
analysis. First is that discourse analysis examines how language functions (language
functions) and how the meaning is created (language meaning). The oral and written
language is also present there because discourse analysis can be used in both ways.
Furthermore, in discourse analysis, we often analyze it based on the different levels of
communication; these include vocabulary, grammar, structure, genre texts, non-verbal
communication, and conversational codes. In using discourse analysis we also need to
take note that in analyzing we need to anchor it on the different approaches to discourse
analysis, namely, 1) Speech Act Theory, 2) Interactional Sociolinguistics, 3)
Ethnography of Communication, 4) Pragmatics, 5) Conversation Analysis, and 6)
Variation Analysis. Aside from that, modes of discourse must also be taken account in
discourse analysis; the different modes are narration, description, exposition and
argument. On the bottom part of the diagram, it shows how discourse analysis is
conducted. These are steps that are in order that’s why they are numbered from 1 to 4. The
steps include: Step 1: Define the research question and select the content of analysis,
Step 2: Gather information and theory on the context, Step 3: Analyze the content for
themes and patterns, and Step 4: Review your results and draw conclusions.

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