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Everyday covid-19 seems to reach a new and tragic milestone and every day we learn more

about this kind of virus and what it causes.

In our country covid-19 increase thousand of cases every day and it's not good.
Because of covid-19, our lives are changed and now we face what they called new normal.
And because of covid-19, many people are struggling because many of them lose their job.
By this pandemic, many people are starving including homeless people.
Even the government struggle because of this pandemic even me.
But beyond this pandemic, many people are not losing their hopes and keep living even it's
Like this story of a teenager that I read on a website a teenager girl that positive of covid-19.
Because of this virus, she can’t live with her family and she must stay in hospital. In all the times
she misses her family a lot and that’s the reason why she always sad.
But she always put on her mind that instead of being sad and losing hope she must be strong
and fight against this virus that she could back again on her family.
And also she always prays and prays.
Despite the virus she has, she didn’t lose hope to live and fight.
and after many days that girl has been discharged because shes cured and been negative on covid 19
and she was happy because she can now live with her family.

And based of the story I realize that no matter how hard it is we should fight

Because today if your weak you lose

That why we need to be strong and face the consequences we had right now and always put on your
minds that we can pass all this problems we can pass this covid 19

We should help each other and don’t lose hope

And don’t forget to pray and have faith to god

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