The Gould Standard: Blood Hunter: Blood Curses

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The Gould Standard: Blood Hunter:

Blood Curses
This is my first homebrew to extend the use of Amplify. As a bonus action, the Blood Hunter
Matthew Mercer’s Blood Hunter. The blood can grant as many allies as the roll on their
curses are in alphabetical order hemocraft dice, protection against oncoming
attacks. The first attack that hits them has
Blood Curses disadvantage on the damage roll.

Blood Curse of the Bleeding Priest Blood Curse of Defenestration

Prerequisite: Order of the Ghostslayer
As a bonus action, the hunter can give an ally You can use your bonus action to force a number
within 30ft temporary hp equal to their of undead, within 30ft and with a cr up to 1, equal
intelligence modifier (minimum 1). to your intelligence modifier to make a wisdom
Amplify. The Temporary Hp gained is equal to modifier or be turned.
the hemocraft dice roll + Intelligence modifier Amplify. CR2 and the undead creatures that
(Minimum 1). succeed the save instead take hemocraft damage.

Blood Curse of the Bound Blood Curse of The Forgiven

As a bonus action, The Hunter forces an enemy As a reaction, to a saving throw or attack roll that
within 30ft to make a wisdom saving throw or be The Hunter fails, they can add their intelligence
bound to The Hunter. The next time the Hunter modifier.
takes damage, the enemy takes half of the Amplify. As a reaction to an ally within 30ft
damage. The damage is magical based on failing a saving throw or attack roll, The Hunter
resistances. can add the hemocraft dice to their roll.
Amplify. The enemy is bound until the end of
The Hunter’s next turn. Including the Hemocraft Blood Curse of the Hexed
dice damage.
Prerequisite: Order of the Profane Soul
As a bonus action, The Hunter can choose to
Blood Curse of Crueltiptusks extend their curse to an enemy within 30ft. Half
the damage of the first attack that hits the cursed
As a bonus action, the Blood Hunter makes an is regained as Temporary HP.
attack more powerful. The next attack that hits, Amplify. The temporary HP gained is the full
has advantage on the damage rolls. amount of damage.
Amplify. As many allies as the number rolled on
the hemocraft die, within 30ft, have advantage on Blood Curse of the Horde Slayer
the damage dice the next time they hit.

When the Hunter takes the attack action, they can

Blood Curse of the Drunken Dwarf
expend a blood maledict to attack another
(Gnorri the Barrel) different creature within 5ft of the original attack.
Each enemy has their own attack roll.
As a reaction, when the Blood Hunter takes Amplify. The Hunter can now hit any number of
damage, they can make the attacker roll at enemies once, within 5ft of the first strike. Again,
disadvantage for the damage. every new enemy requires a new attack roll.
©2020 Isaac Gouldsbrough, Leon Hewitt and Luke Haslam. With thank to Matthew Mercer for the Blood Hunter, the
basis of this work. 1
Blood Curse of the Knight of Death

When the Hunter takes the attack action on their

turn, they can forgo an attack to direct an ally,
that they can see and that can hear them, to
Amplify. The attacking ally can add The Hunters
Intelligence mod to the attack roll and the
hemocraft dice to the damage.

Blood Curse of Preservation

As an ally within 30ft that the Hunter can see gets

hit with an attack, they can use their reaction to
reduce the damage taken by their intelligence
modifier (minimum 1).
Amplify. as a reaction, The Hunter can give an
ally resistance to all the damage of one attack an
ally is about to take.

Blood Curse of the Spotless Mind

When the Hunter sees an ally, within 30ft, get hit

by a spell that requires a saving throw, they can
use their reaction to add their intelligence
modifier to the roll.
Amplify. Instead the ally gets advantage on
their saving throw.

©2017 Your Name Here 2

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