Prime Optional Mathematics 9

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Grade According to new curriculum in compliance with

Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) .

Approved by CDC.

PRIME Optional
Pragya Books &
Distributors Pvt. Ltd.

LN Upadhyaya
Rajkumar Mathema
DN Chaudhary
Narayan Shrestha
Author Khem Timsina
Dirgha Raj Mishra J.N. Aryal
Kadambaba Pradhan
Dinesh Silwal
Pragya Books & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel : 5200575
email :

© Author

Author Dirgha Raj Mishra

Editors LN Upadhyaya
Rajkumar Mathema
DN Chaudhary
Narayan Shrestha
Khem Timsina
J.N. Aryal
Kadambaba Pradhan
Dinesh Silwal

First Edition 2076 B.S. (2019 A.D.)

Revised Edition 2077 B.S. (2020 A.D.)


ISBN 978-9937-9170-5-6

Typist Sachin Maharjan

Sujan Thapa

Layout and Design Desktop Team

Printed in Nepal

Prime Optional Mathematics series is a distinctly outstanding mathematics

series designed according to new curriculum in compliance with Curriculum
Development Centre (CDC) to meet international standard in the school level
additional mathematics. The innovative, lucid and logical arrangement of the
contents make each book in their series coherent. The representation of ideas in
each volume makes the series not only unique but also a pioneer in the evaluation
of activity based mathematics teaching.

The subject is set in an easy and child-friendly pattern so that students will
discover learning mathematics is a fun thing to do even for the harder problems.
A lot of research, experimentation and careful graduation have gone into the
making of the series to ensure that the selection and presentation is systematic,
innovative, and both horizontally and vertically integrated for the students of
different levels.

Prime Optional Mathematics series is based on child-centered teaching

and learning methodologies, so that the teachers can find teaching this series
equally enjoyable.

I am optimistic that, this series shall bridge the existing inconsistencies

between the cognitive capacity of children and the subject matter.

I owe an immense dept of gratitude to the publishers (Pragya Books team)

for their creative, thoughtful and inspirational support in bringing about the
series. Similarly, I would like to acknowledge the tremendous support of editors
team, teachers, educationists and well-wishers for their contribution, assistance
and encouragement in making this series a success. I would like to express my
special thanks to Sachin Maharjan (Wonjala Desktop) for his sincere support
of designing part of the book and also Mr. Gopal Krishna Bhattarai to their
memorable support to prepare this series.

I hope this series will be another milestone in the advancement of teaching

and learning Mathematics in Nepal. We solicit feedback and suggestions from
teachers, students and guardians alike so that I can refine and improvise the series
in the future editions.
– Author
S.N. Units Page
1. Algebra 1
1.1 Function 2
1.2 Polynomials 21
1.3 Sequence and series 35
1.4 Linear programming 71
1.5 Solve of quadratic equation 86
2. Limit and Continuity 101
3. Matrices 117
4. Co-ordinate Geometry 139
5. Trigonometry 189
6. Vector Geometry 253
7. Transformation 277
8. Statistics 319
Model questions 342
1 Algebra

1. Algebra
1.1 Ordered Pair
1.2 Relation
1.3 Function
1.4 Polynomial
1.5 Operation on Polynomial
1.6 Sequence and Series

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods
No. of Questions 2 3 2 1
8 21 33
Weight 2 6 8 5
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks
Objectives : At the end of the lesson
• Students understand the ordered pairs & Cartesian product and its representation.
• Students are able to find relation.
• Students are able to identify domain, co-domian and range.
• Students are able to find the problems involving functions and their types.
• Students are able to solve the equal ordered pairs & equation involving functions.
• Students are able to find the problems involving sequence and series.
• Students are able to solve the related problems of sequence and series.
• Students are able to find the problems involving polynomial & its types & operations.

Materials Required:
• Function machine
• Arrow diagram chart
• Graph board
• Chart board
• Chard paper
• Model of sequence of numbers
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 1
1.1 Ordered Pair
Ordered pair :
Let us consider the different pattern of writing two elements 1 and 2 in pair
respectively 1 2 1, 2 (1 2) (1, 2)* {1, 2} [1, 2] 2 .

Among the above pairs, the pair indicated by * is called an ordered pair where the
elements are kept inside ( ) and separated by comma.
Here (1, 2) is called the order pair of 1 and 2 respectively where there is the important
role of order of the elements 1 and 2.

Let us consider any two sets A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} then the two elements
are taken first from set A and second from set B as (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5) where in each
pairs second is more than the first by 2 which is the order of such pairs. They are
called ordered pairs.

The pair of elements taken in definite order enclosed in a

parenthesis ( ) and separated by comma (,) is called ordered
Examples : (x, y), (2, 3), (0, 0) etc.

Here, In the order pair (x, y)

x - component is called antecedent.
y - component is called consequence.

Note :
i. Some time notation (1, 2) is also used to represent an order pair.
ii. If order (position) of 1 and 2 interchange, new ordered pair is formed i.e.
(2, 1) is not same as (1, 2).

It is applicable in different activities other than numerical values too.

Some of the examples can be taken as,
• Ordered pair of capitals with respect to countries are :
(Kathmandu, Nepal), (Tokyo, Japan), (Thimpu, Bhutan)

• Ordered pair of holy books with respect to religion are :

(Geeta, Hindu), (Kuran, Muslim), (Bibal, Christian)

• Ordered pair of districts with respect to headquarter are :

(Jhapa, Chandragadi), (Morang, Biratnagar), (Rautahat, Gaur)

2 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Equal ordered pairs :

Any two ordered pairs having same antecedents and equal

consequences are called equal ordered pairs.

In the ordered pairs (3, 4) and (4 – 1, 7 – 3), the antecedent are both 3 and consequence
are both 4. Hence they are called equal ordered pairs.
If ordered pairs (a, b) and (x, y) are equal, then a = x and b = y.

Cartesian product :
Let us consider A = {a, b} and B = {p, q, r} where set of all possible ordered pairs from
the set A to the set B can be taken as {(a, p), (a, q), (a, r), (b, p), (b, q), (b, r)} which is
called the Cartesian product A × B (reads A cross B).

The set of all possible ordered pairs (x, y) taken from non - empty
set A to non - empty set B is called the Cartesian product A × B
where x ∈ A and y ∈ B.
i.e. A × B = { (x, y) : x ∈ A, y ∈ B }

In the above example, the Cartesian products A × B and B × A are;

A × B = {(a, p), (a, q), (a, r), (b, p), (b, q), (b, r)}
B × A = { (p, a), (p, b), (q, a), (q, b), (r, a), (r, b)}
Here, A × B ≠ B × A
But, Taking the cardinality of sets,
n(A × B) = n(A) × n(B) = 2 × 3 =6
n(B ×A) = n(B) × n(A) = 3 × 2 =6
\ n(A × B) = n(B × A)

Representation of Cartesian product :

The Cartesian product A × B of the non - empty set A to the set B can be expressed
in different ways which are discussing below. For the representation x - components
and y - components of the set of ordered pairs have to be taken from the sets A and
B respectively. But for the Cartesian product B × A, x - component and y - component
should be taken from the set B to A respectively.

Let us consider A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {6, 7, 8}.

i) Set builder form :
A × B = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y ∈ B }
B × A = {(x, y) : x ∈ B and y ∈ A}

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 3

ii) Ordered pairs form (listing form)
A × B = {(1, 6), (1, 7), (1, 8), (2, 6), (2, 7), (2, 8), (3, 6), (3, 7), (3, 8)}
B × A = {(6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (7, 1), (7, 2), (7, 3), (8, 1), (8, 2), (8, 3)}

iii) Tabular form :

6 7 8 1 2 3
1 (1, 6) (1, 7) (1, 8) 6 (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3)
2 (2, 6) (2, 7) (2, 8) 7 (7, 1) (7, 2) (7, 3)
3 (3, 6) (3, 7) (3, 8) 8 (8, 1) (8, 2) (8, 3)

iv) Tree diagram form :

6 – (1, 6) 1 – (6, 1)
1 7 – (1, 7) 6 2 – (6, 2)
8 – (1, 8) 3 – (6, 3)
6 – (2, 6) 1 – (7, 1)
2 7 – (2, 7) 7 2 – (7, 2)
8 – (2, 8) 3 – (7, 3)
6 – (3, 6) 1 – (8, 1)
3 7 – (3, 7) 8 2 – (8, 2)
8 – (3, 8) 3 – (8, 3)

v) Arrow diagram (Balloon diagram)

1 6 6 1
2 7 7 2
3 8 8 3

4 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

vi) Graphical form

7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
O 1 2 3 4 5 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In the above examples, Cartesian products A × B ≠ B × A
But For cardinality of sets,
n(A × B) = n(A) × n(B) = 3 × 3 =9
n(B × A) = n(B) × n(A) = 3 × 3 =9
\ n(A × B) = n(B × A)

Worked out Examples

1. Write down the any five ordered pairs of headquarters with respect to provinces of
Nepal. Also show in arrow diagram.
Solution :
Here, x - component represents the temporary headquarters.
y - components represents the province numbers.
Ordered of them are : (Biratnagar, Province No. 1), (Janakpur, Province No. 2),
(Hetauda, Province No. 3), (Pokhara, Province No. 4), (Butwal, Province No. 5),
(Surkhet, Province No. 6), (Dhangadi, Province No. 7)

Arrow diagram :

Biratnagar Province No. 1

Janakpur Province No. 2
Hetauda Bagmati
Pokhara Gandaki
Butwal Province No. 5
Surkhet Karnali
Godawari Sudur Paschim

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 5

2. If (2x – y, x + 3) and (4, 6) are the equal ordered pairs, find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.
Solution :
Here, Equal ordered pairs are : (2x – y, x + 3) = (4, 6)
By equating the antecedent and consequences, respectively.
x+3=6 and 2x – y = 4
or, x=6–3 and 2x = y + 4
or, x=3 and y = 2x – 4
or, y=2×3–4
\ x=3 \ y=2

3. If (3 x + y, 16) = (27, 2 2x + y), find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.

Solution :
The equal ordered pairs are :
(3x + y, 16) = (27, 22x+ y)
or, (3x+y, 24) = (33, 22x + y)
By equating the antecedent and consequences, we have
3x+y = 33 and 24 = 22x + y
x + y = 3 ..........................(i) and 2x + y = 4 .....................(ii)

From equation (i)

or, x = 3 – y ...............................(iii)

From equation (ii)

2x + y = 4
or, 2(3 – y) + y = 4
or, 6 – 2y + y = 4
or, 6 –4 = y
\ y=2
Substituting the value of ‘y’ in equation (iii), we get
x = 3 – y = 3 –2 = 1
\ x=1

4. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5, 6}, find A × B and B × A. Also prove that n (A × B) = n(B × A)
Solution :
A = {1, 2, 3},
B = {4, 5, 6}
A×B = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y ∈ B}
= {(1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)}
B×A = {(x, y) : x ∈ B and y ∈ A}
= {(4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3)}

6 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

n(A × B) = 3 × 3 = 9
n (B × A) = 3 × 3 = 9
\ n (A × B) = n (B × A)

5. If A × B = {(a, x), (a, y), (b, x), (b, y)}, find the sets A and B. Also find A × A and B × B.
A × B = {(a, x), (a, y), (b, x), (b, y)}
Set A = {set of antecedents} = {a, b}
Set B = {set of consequences} = {x, y}

A×A = {a, b} × {a, b}
= {(a, a), (a, b), (b, a), (b, b)}
B×B = {x, y} × {x, y}
= {(x, x), (x, y), (y, x), (y, y)}

6. If A = {a, b, c} and A × B = {(...., x), (...., y), (a, ....), (...., x), (b, ....), (...., z), (c, ....), (c, ....),
(c, ....)}, find the set B, Complete A × B. Also show A × B in arrow diagram.
Solution : A = {a, b, c}
A × B = {(...., x), (...., y), (a, ....), (...., x), (b, ....), (...., z), (c, ....), (c, ....), (c, ....)}
By comparing A and A × B, we get B = {x, y, z}
Also, A × B = (a, x), (a, y), (a, z), (b, x), (b, y), (b, z), (c, x), (c, y), (c, z)}

Arrow diagram:

a x

b y

c z

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 7

Exercise 1.1
1. i) What is ordered pair? Write down one example.
ii) What do you mean by antecedent and consequence?
iii) What is Cartesian product ? Write down with a suitable example.
iv) Write down any five ordered pairs of temples with respect to location. Also
show in arrow diagram.
v) From the given sets write down the ordered pairs of capitals with respect to
Rangoon Turkey
Madrid Ethiopia
Adis Ababa Spain
Bagdad Myanmar
Instanbul Iraq
2. i) Write down any four ordered pairs of capital with respect to counties of SAARC.
ii) If x = a and y = b in equal ordered pairs, write down the ordered pairs.
1 1
iii) If a and b in a cartesian product A × B, find the sets A and B. Also
2 2
write down A × B in ordered pairs.
iv) Complete the following ordered pairs by filling the gap
(Bhanubhakta, .................), (................., Aanshukabi), (Lekhnath Poudel, ................)
v) Complete the following ordered pairs by taking an order ‘more than by 2’.
(2, ...), (5, ...), (..., 9) (..., 12), (15, ...)

3. Find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’ from the given equal ordered pairs.
i) (x + 2y, 5) = (10, 2y – 1) ii) (3x –2, 4 –y) = (2 – x, 2x + 1)
iii) (23x+y, 9) = (32, 35x – 3) iv) (x + y, 6) = (6, 2x – y)
v) (2x, y + 3) = (y + 3, 3x – 4)

4. If A = {a, b}, B = {1, 2, 3}, find

i) A × B and show in arrow diagram.
ii) B × A and show in arrow diagram.
iii) Prove that A × B ≠ B × A
iv) Prove that n(A × B) = n(B × A)

5. i) If A = {x : x ∈ (1, 2)}, B = {y : y ∈ 3 < N ≤ 6}, find A × B. Also show in tabular form.

ii) If A × B = {(....., 3), (5, .....), (....., 4), (....., 4), (5, .....), (2, .....)} and A = {2, 5}, find B.
Also find A × B and B × A and prove that A × B ≠ B × A.
iii) If A = {1, 2}, B = {2, 3}, C = {3, 4, 5}, find A × (B ∪ C). Also show in tabular form.
iv) If A = {4, 5}, B = {6, 7, 8}, find A × (A ∪ B). Also show in tree diagram.
v) If P(Q ∪ R) = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6)} find the sets
P and Q ∪ R.

8 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6. Prime more creative questions :
i) Find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’ from the equal ordered pairs (2x+y, 9) and (256, 3x –y)
ii) If ordered pair (3, a) belongs to the ordered pair (x, y) such that y = 5x –7, find
the value of ‘a’.
iii) If ordered pair (m, 8) belongs to the ordered pair (x, y) such that y = 3x + 2, find
the value of m.
iv) If (2, p) and (q, – 1) are the two ordered pairs of the members of (x, y) such that
2x + y = 7, find the value of p and q.
v) If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5} and C = {6, 7, 8}, prove that the Cartesian products.
A × (B ∪ C) = ( A × B) ∪ (A × C)

1. Show to your teacher.

2. Show to your teacher.

3. i) x = 4, y = 3 ii) x = 1, y = 1 iii) x = 1, y = 2
iv) x = 4, y = 2 v) x = 4, y = 5

4. Show to your teacher.

5. Show to your teacher.

6. i) x = 5, y = 3 ii) a=8 iii) m=2

iv) p = 3, q = 4

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 9

1.2 Relation
If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5, 6} and A × B = {(1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 4),
(3, 5), (3, 6)}
Taking the sub set of ordered pairs from A × B as R = {(1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4)}

Where sum of antecedent and consequence elements is always 7.

i.e. x + y = 7
It is called the relation from the set A to the set B which is the sub - set of Cartesian
product A × B.

The set of related pairs (x, y) taken from the non - empty
sets A to B which is the sub - set of Cartesian product A × B is
called the relation R : A → B where x and y associated under
the rule given by R.

Let us consider R = {(1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4)},

6 is called the image of 1 under R and we write R(1) = 6
5 is called the image of 2 under R and we write R(2) = 5
4 is called the image of 3 under R and we write R(3) = 4

Similarly, 1 is called the pre-image of 6.

2 is called the pre-image of 5 and
3 is called the pre-image of 4.

Domain, Co - domain and Range

In the above example, the relation (x, y) is the x + y = 7 which is R = {(1, 6), (2, 5),
(3, 4)}
Here, A × B is called the Cartesian product. Set A is called the domain.
Set B is called the co - domain. Set {4, 5, 6} taken from set B is called the range.

If R be the relation (x, y) from the set A to the set B.

i.e. R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y ∈ B}

• The set of all the elements ‘x’ of the relation R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y
∈ B } are taken from the main set A which is called domain.
• The set of all the elements ‘y’ of the relation R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y
∈ B } are taken from the another set B which is called range.
• The set of all the elements of the set B from which set of elements ‘y’
are taken is called the co - domain.
• The range is the sub set of co - domain.

10 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Inverse relation :
Let us take a relation R = {(1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)} taken from the set A to the set B.
The set of ordered pairs of the relation ‘R’ can be taken reversely as {(3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 3),
(6, 4)} which is the relation taken from the set B to the set A is called the inverse relation
(R–1) of the relation R.

If R is a relation from the set A to the set B, the new relation

taken from the set B to the set A is called the inverse relation
i.e. R–1 = {(x, y): x ∈ B and y ∈ A for R}

Representation of relation:
1. Ordered pair form :
R = {Set of ordered pairs (x, y)}

2. Description form :
R = Set of ordered pairs (x, y) where x is from the set A and y is from the set B

3. Set builder form :

R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y ∈ B and relation of x and y }

4. Arrow diagram :

5. Tabular form :
R= x • • • • • •
y • • • • • •

6. Graphical form :


PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 11

Worked out Examples
1. If A = {a, b, c, d} and B = {p, q, r, s }, find the relation R : A → B where R shows the
relation of the elements according to their position respectively. Also show in arrow
Solution :
A = {a, b, c, d}
B = { p, q, r, s}
R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y ∈ B }
= {(a, p), (b, q), (c, r), (d, s)}

Arrow diagram :

a p
b q
c r
d s

2. If A = {1, 2, 3 4}, find the relation R is the square root of in set builder form and in
ordered pair. Also show in tabular form.
Solution :
A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A and y = x2}
= {(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16)}

Table :
R = x 1 2 3 4
y 1 4 9 16

3. If A = {2, 3, 4, 5}, find a relation R : A × A and x + y ≤ 6. Also show in mapping diagram.

Solution :
A = {2, 3, 4, 5}
A × A = {(2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 2), (4, 3),
(4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5)}.

The relation,
R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A, y ∈ A and x + y ≤ 6)}
= {(2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 2), (3, 3), (4, 2)}.

12 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Mapping diagram :
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

4. If R = {(x, y) : x + y = 7, x, y∈ N}. Also show in graph.

Solution :
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .....}
R = {(x, y) : x + y = 7, x, y ∈ N}
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y 6 5 4 3 2 1 0∉N
\ R = {(1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 1)}

Graph :


5. If a relation R = {(x, y) : y > x, x ∈ A and y ∈ B }, A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {3, 4, 5, 6}, find the
inverse relation. Also show in arrow diagram.
Solution :
A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
B = {3, 4, 5, 6}
Then, A × B = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 3), (3, 4),
(3, 5), (3, 6), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6)}

From the ordered pairs of A × B, we get the relation y > x,

R = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 4), (3, 5),
(3, 6), (4, 5), (4, 6)}

Inverse Relation :
R-1 = {(3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1), (3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2), (6, 2), (4, 3), (5, 3),
(6, 3), (5, 4), (6, 4)}
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 13
Arrow diagram of R-1
B R–1 A

3 1
4 2
5 3
6 4

Exercise 1.2
1. i) What is relation?
ii) Define the term domain and co-domain.
iii) What is the difference between range and co-domain?
iv) What do you mean by inverse relation?
v) If R = {(x, y) : x ∈ A, y ∈ B}, write down its inverse.

2. Which of the following relations are the relation in A × B where A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {4,
5, 6, 7}
i) R1 = {(3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)} ii) R2 = {(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6), (4, 7)}
iii) R3 = {(4, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5), (7, 6)} iv) R4 = {((3, 5), (4, 6), (2, 7)}
v) R5 = {(3, 5), (4, 6)}

3. If A = {a, b, c, d}, find A × A and find which of the followings are the relation.
i) R1 = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (d, d)} ii) R2 = {(a, b), (b, c), (c, d), (d, a)}
iii) R3 = {(a, 1), (b, 2), c, 3), (d, 4)} iv) R4 = {(1, a), (2, b), (3, c), 4, d)}
v) R5 = {(d, a), (c, b), (b, a), (d, c)}

4. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {5, 6, 7, 8} find the relation R from the set A to B and represent
it in the followings.
i) Arrow diagram ii) Graphical representation
iii) Ordered pair form iv) Set builder form
v) Tabular form

5. If the sets A and B represents the numbers of articles and cost respectively. Find
the relation R and it’s inverse relation by calculating A × B. Also show R-1 in the
i) In the set of ordered pairs ii) In tabular form
iii) In description form iv) In Mapping diagram
v) In graphical form
Where A = {12, 15, 25, 30} and B = {Rs.200, Rs.400, Rs.450, Rs.550} are the articles
and their costs respectively.

14 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6. Find domain, range relation in ordered pairs and inverse relation from the followings.
i) x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
ii) iii) Y
a 3 5
b 4 4
c 5 3
6 2
7 1
O 1 2 3 4 5 6

iv) R = {(x, y) : x, y ∈ N, x + y = 6} v) R = {(x, y) : y = x2, 1 ≤ x < 6}

7. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, find the relation R in ordered pair form from A × A under the
following conditions.
i) The relation is ‘is equal to’ Also show in arrow diagram
ii) The relation is ‘greater than’ Also show in graph
iii) The relation is ‘less than’ Also show in set builder form
iv) The relation is ‘x + y < 5’ Also show in tabular form.
v) The relation is ‘x + y ≥ 5’ Also show in mapping diagram.

8. If A = {3, 4, 5, 6}, B = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11}, find ‘R’ in ordered pair form from
A× B under the following conditions.
i) R1 = {(x, y) : x + y = 14} ii) R2 = {(x, y) : x + y ≤ 13}
iii) R3 = {(x, y) : x + y ≥ 15} iv) R4 = {(x, y) : y is more than x by 5}
v) R5 = {(x, y) : y < 2x}

9. Prime creative questions :

i) If A = {2, 3, 4, 5}, Relation R = {(x, y) : y = 3x}, find R and show in arrow diagram.
ii) If a relation R = {(x, y) : x + y = 10, x, y ∈ N}, find R and show in graph.
iii) If a relation R = {(x, y) : x2 + y2 = 25, x, y ∈ I}. Find the relation R and represent it
in mapping.
iv) If the linear relation R = {(x, y) : y = ax + b} has 5 and 8 as the range for the
domain elements 1 and 2 respectively. Find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
x –1 2 3
v) If is from the relation R = {(x, y) : y = ax + b}, find the
y 1 7 9
value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
10. Project Work:
Write down two sets of name of vegetables and their cost per kilogram respectively and
find their Cartesian product. Also write down the relation of vegetables in arrow diagram.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 15
1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.
3. Show to your teacher.
4. Show to your teacher.
5. Show to your teacher.
6. i) Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Range = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}
R = {(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 7), (4, 9), (5, 11), (5, 2), (7, 15)}
R-1 = {(3, 1), (5, 2), (7, 3), (9, 4), (11, 5), (13, 6), (15, 7)}
ii) Domain = {a, b, c, d}
Range = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
R = {(a, 3), (b, 3), (b, 4), (c, 5), (c, 6), (d, 7)}
R-1 = {(3, a), (3, b), (4, b), (5, c), (6, c), (7, d)}
iii) Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Range = {4, 5, 6}
R = {(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 6)}
R-1 = {(5, 1), (6, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (6, 5)}
iv) Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Range = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}
R = {(1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 1)}
R-1 = {(5, 1), (4, 2), (3, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)}
v) Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Range = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25}
R = {(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25)}
R-1 = {(1, 1), (4, 2), (9, 3), (16, 4), (25, 5)}
7. i) R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)}
ii) R = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)}
iii) R = {(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3)}
iv) R = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1)}
v) R = {(1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 5)}
8. i) R1 = {(3, 11), (4, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8)}
ii) R2 = {(3, 7), (3, 8), (3, 9), (3, 10), (4, 7), (4, 8), (4, 9), (5, 7), (5, 8), (6, 7)}
iii) R3 = {(4, 1), (5, 10), (5, 10), (6, 9), (6, 10), (6, 11)}
iv) R4 = {(3, 8), (4, 9), (5, 10), (6, 11)}
v) R5 = {(4, 7), (5, 7), (5, 8), (5, 9), (6, 7), (6, 8), (6, 9), (6, 10), (6, 11)}
9. i) R = {(2, 6), (3, 9), (4, 12), (5, 15)}, diagram
ii) R = {(1, 9), (2, 8), (3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 5), (6, 4), (7, 3), (8, 2), (9, 1)}, diagram
iii) R = {(0, ±5), (±3, ±4), (±4, ±3), (±5, 0)}
iv) a = 3, b = 2
v) a = 2, b = 3

16 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1.3 Function
Let us consider a non - empty sets A = {Sita, Pranav, Pranisha} and B = {(School, NGO,
Municipality}. If all the members of the set A has got only one job in the organization
mentioned in set B. The relation in such condition from the set A to the set B is called the
function where all of them may got job in same organization as well as in different but
there should not be more than one organization to a function from the set A to the set B.

• The set of ordered pairs (x, y) taken from the non - empty
set A to B where every element of first set is associated
with one and only one elements of second set is called the
function f : A → B.
• A function f is at special type of relation from the set A to the
set B where each element of domain uniquely related with
the element of co - domain.
It is denoted by f : A → B and defined as y = f(x)

Some informations about function:

• f is called the function from the non - empty set A to B which is written as f : A → B.
• Function f : A → B can be written in the form of ordered pairs (x, y) and the function
‘f’ can be written as y = f(x).
• Function y = f(x) can be written in the form of algebra as well.
• All the elements of set A should be associated with the elements of B to be a function.
• Any element of A can associate with only one element of B to be a function.

Image, pre - image, domain, co - domain and range of a function

In a function f : A → B from the set A to the set B defined by y = f(x), x ∈ A, y ∈ B.
• The set of elements of A from which elements x are taken is called domain.
• The set of elements of B from which elements y are taken is called co - domain.
• The elements y in the function y = f(x) is called image of x.
• The element x in the function y = f(x) is called pre - image of y.
• The set of elements ‘y’ taken from the set B satisfying y = f(x) is called range.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 17

Examples of functions in arrow diagram are as follows.
A f B

a p
b q
c r
d s
• f = {(a, p), (b, p), (c, q), (d, r)} is a function from the set A to B.
• Set A = {a, b, c, d} is domain
• Set B = {p, q, r, s, t} is co - domain
• Set of range = {p, q, r}
• Element p is the image of ‘a’ and ‘b’
• Elements ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the pre - images of the element ‘p’.

Representation of function :
1. Set of ordered pairs.
f = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)}

2. Algebraic equation
In the above set of ordered pairs of a function ‘f’.
f = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)}
It can be represented in equation where the relation is ‘more than by 1’.
i.e. y = f(x) = x + 1

3. Tabular form :
In the example; f = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)}
x 1 2 3 4 5
y 2 3 4 5 6

4. Arrow diagram (Mapping)

The function : f = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)} can be represented in mapping as,

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5

18 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5. Graphical representation :
The function : f = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)} can be represented in graph as,
O 1 2 3 4 5 6

Types of function :
1. One to one function (Injective function)

The function in which for different elements of domain

have different images in co - domain is called a one to one
function. In the other words : if each image has only one pre
- image in domain, the function is called one to one function.
Mathematically : x1, x2 ∈ A and x1 ≠ x2 ∃ y1, y2 ∈ B in f : A
→ B such that y1 = f(x1) ≠ y2 = f(x2) then f is called one-one

Types of one-one function.

i) If all the elements of co - domain have pre - images, the function is said to be one
to one and onto function (adjective function).

a x
b y
c z
ii) If at least one element of co - domain does not have pre - image in domain, it is
said to be one to one and into function.

a p
b q
c r

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 19

2. Many to one function :

A function in which more than one elements of domain are

associated with one and only one element of co - domain, the
function is called many to one function. In the other words, if at
least one element of co domain has more than one pre- images,
then the function is called the many to one function.

Types of many to one function.

i) If all the elements of co - domain have pre - images, the function is called many
to one and onto function.

a p
c q
ii) If at least one element of co - domain doesn’t have pre - images, the function is
said to be many to one and into function.

a p
b q
c r
d s

3. Algebraic function f(x) :

The function y = f(x) in the form of algebraic equation is

called algebraic function.
Example : y = f(x) = ax + b

Types of algebraic function.

i) Constant function.
The algebraic function in the form of f(x) = c (constant) is called constant
ii) Linear function
The algebraic function in the form of linear equation f(x) = ax + b, a ≠ 0 is called
linear function.

20 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iii) Quadratic function :
The algebraic function in the form of quadratic equation f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0
is called quadratic function.
iv) Cubic function
The algebraic function in the form of cubic equation f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, a ≠
0 is called cubic function.
v) Biquadratic function
The algebraic function in the form of biquadratic form f(x) = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx
+ e, a ≠ 0 is called biquadratic function.
vi) Identity function
The algebraic function in the form of algebraic equation y = f(x) = x, is called
identity function.
vii) Trigonometric function
The function in the form of trigonometric equation like f(x) = Sinx, f(x) = Tanx
etc is called trigonometric function.
viii) Exponential function :
The algebraic function in the form of exponential equation like f(x) = ex or f(x) =
ax, a > 0 is called exponential function.

Vertical line test for a function :

After plotting the ordered pairs of a relation in a graph paper, different types of curve,
and straight line can be obtained. If a straight line vertically drawn (parallel to y - axis)
cuts the graph of relation at a single point only, it is a function otherwise it represents
relation only.

• If a vertical line drawn (parallel to y - axis cuts) the graph

of relation at a single point only, it is a function.
• If it cuts the graph at two or more than two points, it will
not a function. It represents relation only.

Examples :
i) Y A ii) A Y
y=x 2
Vertical line

X’ O X X’ O X

Vertical line
Y’ B B Y’

(It is a function) (It is a function)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 21

iii) A Y iv) Y A

X’ X X’ O X

Vertical line f Vertical line

B Y’ Y’ B
(It is not a function) (It is not a function)

v) A Y

X’ O X

Vertical line
B Y’
(It is a function)

Worked out Examples

1) If f(x) = 2x2 – 3, domain = {–2, –1, 0, 1, 2} find range. Show the function in arrow
Solution :
f(x) = 2x2 – 3
domain = { –2, –1, 0, 1, 2}
f(–2) = 2(–2)2 – 3 = 5
f(–1) = 2(–1)2 – 3 = –1
f(0) = 2(0)2 – 3 = – 3
f(1) = 2(1)2 – 3 = –1
f(2) = 2(2)2 – 3 = 5
\ Range = {–3, –1, 5}
Arrow diagram f

22 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
2. If image of a function f(x) = 2x – 3 is 1, find the pre-image of it.
Solution :
f(x) = 2x – 3
image = 1
f(x) = 1
or, 2x – 3 = 1
or, 2x = 4
\ x=2
\ Pre- image of ‘1’ is ‘2’.

3. If f(x) = 2Cos x, range = {2, 3, 1}, find domain. Also show in mapping.
Solution :
f(x) = 2Cos x
range = { 2, 3 , 1}
Taking, f(x) = 2
or, 2Cos x= 2
or, Cos x = 1
or, Cos x = Cos 0°
\ x = 0°
Again, Taking,
2Cos x = 3
or, Cos x = 2
or, Cos x = Cos 30°
\ x = 30°

Again, Taking,
2Cos x = 1
or, Cos x = 2
or, Cos x = Cos 60°
\ x = 60°
\ Domain = {0°, 30°, 60°}

Arrow diagram :

0° 1
30° 3
60° 2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 23

f (x + h) – f (x)
4. If f(2x + 3) = 3x – 1, �ind h
Solution :
Let 2x + 3 = a
x= a2 –3

∴ f(2x + 3) = 3x – 1
or, f(a) = 3 a a 2 –3k
= 3a –29 – 2
= 3a 2 – 11

Since ‘a’ is dummy suf�ix we exchange ‘a’ by ‘x’

∴ f(x) = 3a 2 – 11

3 (x + h) – 11
Now, f(x + h) = 2
3x + 3h – 11
= 2
3x + 3h – 11 3x – 11
f (x + h) – f (x) 2 – 2
and h = h
3x + 3h – 11 – 3x + 11
= 2
= 2h
Alternative Method
= 32 3
f(2x + 3) = 2 (2x + 3) – 1 – 2

3 9
= 2 (2x + 3) – (1 + 2 )
3 11
= 2 (2x + 3) – 2
3 11
= 2 x– 2
3x – 11
= 2
3 (x – h) – 11
f(x + h) = 2
3x + 3h – 11 3x – 11
f (x + h) – f (x) 2 – 2
h = h
3x + 3h – 11 – 3x + 11
= 2
= 2h
= 2

24 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5. If f(x) = x2 – 5, g(x) = 3x + 5 and f(x) = g(x), find the value of ‘x’.
Solution :
f(x) = x2 – 5
g(x) = 3x + 5
f(x) = g(x)
or, x2 – 5 = 3x + 5
or, x2 – 3x – 10 = 0
or, x2 – (5 –2) x – 10 = 0
or, x2 – 5x + 2x – 10 = 0
or, x(x – 5) + 2(x – 5) = 0
or, (x – 5) (x + 2) = 0
Either Or
x–5=0 x+2=0
\ x=5 x=–2
\ x=5 or –2

6. If f(x + k) = f(x) + f(k), prove that f(–k) = – f(k). Also find f(2k)
Solution :
f(x + k) = f(x) + f(k)
Taking x = 0,
f(0 + k) = f(0) + f(k)
or, f(k) = f(0) + f(k)
\ f(0) = 0

Again, Taking x = –k
f(– k + k) = f(– k) + f(k)
or, f(0) = f(–k) + f(k)
or, 0 = f(–k) + f(k)
or, –f(k) = f(– k)
\ f(–k) = –f(k)

Again, Taking x = k,
f(x + k) = f(x) + f(k)
or, f(k + k) = f(k) + f(k)
or, f(2k) = 2f(k)
\ f(2k) = 2f(k)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 25

Exercise 1.3
1. i) What do you mean by function?
ii) Define domain and rage in a function y = f(x).
iii) If f = {(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)}, find its inverse function.
iv) Define image and pre-image in a function y = f(x).
v) How can you say that the relation is a function by using vertical line test?

2. i) If f = {(3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 1)}, find domain and range. Also show in mapping
ii) If a function ‘f’ is defined as the mapping given below, find domain and range of
the function.

2 p
4 q
6 r
8 s
iii) If a function ‘f’ is defined as the table given below. Represent it in graph. Also
find domain and range of the function.
x 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 5 6 7 8 9 10
iv) Which of the given diagram represents a function ? Why?
a) Y b) Y

X’ O X X’ X

Y’ Y’
v) Which of the given curves are the functions? Write down with reason.
a) Y b) Y

X’ O X X’ O X

Y’ Opt. Maths Book - IX
3. Which of the followings relations are the functions ? Mention the reason also ?
i) R ii) R

1 5 a 3
2 6 b 4
3 7 c 5
4 8 6

iii) R iv) R

a p a
b q x
c r y
d z

v) R

a q
b r
c s
4. Which types of functions are given below ?
i) f ii) f

2 a a 4
3 b b 5
4 c 6

iii) f iv) f

p a 3
q b 4
r c 5

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 27

v) f

p 2
q 3

5. i) Find the image of an element 3 in a function f(x) = 4x – 3.

ii) If domain = {–2, 1, 3} in a function f(x) = 2x + 5, find the range.
iii) Find the pre - image of an element 5 of a function f(x) = 4x – 3.
iv) Find the domain element of a function f(x) = 2x + 7 whose range is 3.
v) What is the range of a function f(x) = x2 – 3 whose domain is {–2}?

6. i) If domain = {–2, –1, 0, 1, 2} of a function, f(x) = 2x2 – 3, find range. Also show the
function in arrow diagram.
ii) If f(x) = 3x + 2 is a function and domain = {0, 1, 2, 3}, find the range. Also show
the function in arrow diagram.
iii) If range = {5, 7, 11} of a function f(x) = 2x + 7, find the domain. Also show the
function in graph.
iv) If range of a function g(x) = 5x – 3 is {–3, 2, 7}, find the domain. Also show the
function in graph. Which type of function is it? Why.
v) If domain of a function f(x) = x2 + 2 is {–2, –1, 1, 2} find the range. Also show the
function in arrow diagram. Which types of function is it? Why?

7. i) If f(x) = 2x + 5, find the value of f(2), f(–3), f(a), f(a + 2) and f(x + 2).
ii) If g(x) = 3x – 1, find g(x + h), g(2x + 3) and g(4x – 3).
f (x + h) –f (x)
iii) If f(x) = 3x + 2, find h
iv) If f(x + 3) = f(x) + f(3), prove that f(0) = 0 and f(–3) = –f(3)
v) If f(x + a) = f(x) + f(a), prove that f(–a) = –f(a).

8. i) If f(x + 2) = x – 3, find f(x) and f(2x + 3)

ii) If f(x – 2) = 2x + 1, find f(x) and f(x + h)
f (x + h) – f (x)
iii) If f(x + 3) = 2x – 5, find f(x) and h
iv) If f(2x + 1) = 3x + 2, find f(x) and f(x + 2)
v) If f(3x – 2) = 2x + 5, find f(x) and f(2x – 5).

9. PRIME more creative questions :

i) If f(x) = x2 + 2x – 7, g(x) = 8, find the value of ‘x’ where f(x) = g(x)
ii) If f(x) = x2 – 5x, g(x) = x – 2 and f(x) + g(x) = 10, find the value of ‘x’.
iii) If f(x) = 2Sinx + 1, domain = {0°, 30°, 60°, 90°}, find range. Also show in arrow
28 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
iv) If f(x) = 2Cos x – 1, domain = {0°, 30°, 60°, 90°}, find range. Also show in Mapping
v) If f(x) = 1 + 2Sin x, range = {1, 2, 3}, find the domain. Also show in arrow diagram.

10. Project work

Collect the types of functions with examples in a chart paper and present it into your
classroom as the instructor.

1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.
3. Show to your teacher.
4. Show to your teacher.

5. i) 9 ii) Range = {1, 7, 11} iii) 2

iv) – 2 v) 1

6. i) Range = {–3, –1, 5}; arrow diagram

ii) Range = {2, 5, 8, 11}; arrow diagram
iii) Domain = {–1, 0, 2}; graph
iv) Domain = {0, 1, 2}; graph; one to one onto
v) Range = {3, 6}; arrow diagram; many to one onto

7. i) 9 –1, 2a + 5, 2a + 9, 2x + 9
ii) 3x + 3h – 1, 6x + 8, 12x – 10
iii) 3

8. i) x – 5, 2x – 2 ii) 2x + 5, 2x + 2h + 1
3x + 1 3x + 7 2x + 19 4x + 9
iii) 2x – 11, 2 iv) 2 , 2 v) 3 , 3
9. i) 3, – 5 ii) –2, 6
iii) Range = {1, 2, 3 + 1, 3}; arrow diagram
iv) Range = {–1, 0, 1, 3 – 1}; mapping diagram
v) Domain = {0°, 30°, 90°}; arrow diagram

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 29

1.4 Polynomials
Enjoy the recalls:
In previous classes we have already discussed about the variables, constant, index, base
etc which are used in algebra, where
The composition of coefficient, variable and index of the variable with multiplication
form is called algebraic term.
3 2x 2
Examples : 3x2, 2xy, 2 x3, 2 etc.
Let us consider an example of algebraic term 2x3y in x.
2 is called numeral coefficient.
x is called base.
3 is called power (index exponent)
y is called literal coefficient of x.

The combination of the algebraic terms with + or – sign is called algebraic expression.
Examples : 2x2 – 3x + 5, 2x + 3, 2x etc.

In expressions the index of the variable may be positive as well as negative. But the
expressions having index (exponent) non-negative integer of the variables is called

The algebraic expression having non–negative integer

as the power of the variable and having coefficient a
real number is called polynomial. It is denoted by p(x),
f(x), g(x) etc.

Standard form of polynomial

The Polynomials are written according to their degree in ascending order of the variables.
The polynomial of degree ‘n’ can be generalized as below which is the standard form of
the polynomial in x.
p(x) = a0xn + a1xn-1 + a2xn–2 + ...................................... an–1x + anx0

• Where, n is non–negative integer and

a0, a1, a2, ......................... an are the real numbers coefficient & a0 ≠ 0.
• n is called the degree of the polynomial p(x)
a0xn, a1xn-1 ... are the terms of the polynomial.
• Some of the examples of standard form of polynomials are
x5 – 2x4 – 3x2 – 2x + 7
x4 – 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 2
3x3 + 2x2 – 5x + 3

30 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Degree of polynomial
The highest power (exponent) of the variables used in a polynomial is taken as degree of
the polynomial. In the above examples the three polynomials are of degree fifth, fourth,
and third respectively.

Types of Polynomials :
i) According to degree
• The polynomial having degree ‘1’ is called linear polynomial.
p(x) = ax + b (First degree polynomial)
• The polynomial having degree ‘2’ is called quadratic polynomial.
p(x) = ax2 + bx + c. (Second degree polynomial)
• The polynomial having degree ‘3’ is called cubic polynomial.
p(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d. (Third degree polynomial)
• The polynomial having degree ‘4’ is called biquadratic polynomial.
p(x) = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e. (Fourth degree polynomial)

ii) According to number of terms.

• Monomial → Having only one term in the expression.
f(x) = 2x
• Binomial → Having two terms in the expression.
f(x) = 3x2 + 2x
• Trinomial → Having three terms in the expression.
f(x) = 3x2 + 2x + 1
• Multinomial → Having more terms in the expression.
f(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 + 5x + 2

iii) Polynomials according to coefficients:

• Polynomials over integer : x4 – 3x2 + 2x – 5
• Polynomial over rational numbers : x5 – 3 5 3 7 2
2 x + 3 x + 2 x +5

• Polynomial over real number : 5x3 – 3 x2 + 5 x + 7

Other information on polynomials

• The polynomial may have more than one variable also.
• P(xy) = ax2y + bxy + cxy2
• p(xyz) = ax2yz + bxy2z + cxyz2.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 31

Equal polynomials:
The polynomials having degree and coefficient of the corresponding terms are same are
called equal polynomials.
• No of terms should be equal.
• Degree of the variable should be equal.
• Coefficient of the variables should be equal.
• Type of variable should be equal.
p(x) = 2x3 + 5x2 – 3x + 2
4 6x 8
q (x) = 2 x3 + 5x2 – 2 + 4
= 2x3 + 5x2 – 3x + 2
Here, p(x) = q(x)

Worked out Examples

1. Which of the followings expressions are the polynomials? Why?
i) x4 – 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 2
ii) 3x3 – 4x2 + 2x – x + 5
iii) 7 x3 + x2 – 3 x + 7

Solution :
In the given expressions,
i) x3 – 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 2 is a polynomial because all the variable of the terms have
positive integer (whole number) as the index.
ii) 3x3 – 4x2 + 2x – x + 5 is not the polynomial because index of the variable ‘x’ of
a term in negative.
iii) 7x3 + x2 – 3x + 7 is a polynomial because index of the variable used in all the
terms a re-equal.

2. Write down the degree of the polynomial x4 – 3x3 + 2x2 + 5x – 3. Also write down its
Solution :
The given polynomial is,
x4 – 3x3 + 2x2 + 5x – 3
The maximum index of the variable used in it is ‘4’.
Hence it’s degree is ‘4’.
Also the polynomial having degree 4 is called biquadratic polynomial.

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3. Write down the polynomials in standard form. Also write dwon the conclusion which
you find in the polynomials.
x3 + 2x4 – 5x + 7 + 3x2 and 3x2 + 7 – 5x + 2x4 + x3.
Solution :
The standard form of, x3 + 2x4 – 5x + 7 + 3x2 is 2x4 + x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 7
The standard form of, x3 + 2x4 – 5x + 7 + 3x2 is 2x4 + x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 7
Conclusion : The number of terms and coefficient of variable ‘x’ used in both of them
are same.
Hence, they are equal polynomials.

4. If the polynomials (m + 1)x3 – 3x2 + nx + 3 and 5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 3 are equal polynomials,
find the value of ‘m’ and ‘n’.
Solution :
The equal polynomials are:
(m + 1)x3 – 3x2 + nx + 3 and 5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 3
Comparing the corresponding coefficients,
i.e. m + 1 = 5 and n=2
\ m=4 and \ n=2
\ m=4

5. If the polynomials p(x) = x3 + 2x2 – 3x + 1 and q(x) = x3 + x2 – 2x + 7 are equal at x = a,

find the value of a.
Solution :
p(x) = x3 + 3x2 – 3x + 1
q(x) = x3 + x2 – 2x + 7
p(x) = q(x) for x = a,
or, a3 + 2a2 – 3a + 1 = a3 + a2 – 2a + 7
or, a2 – a – 6 = 0
or, a2 – (3 – 2)a – 6 = 0
or, a2 – 3a + 2a – 6 = 0
or, a(a – 3) + 2(a – 3) = 0
or, (a – 3) (a + 2) = 0

Either, OR
or a–3=0 a+2=0
\ a=3 a=–2

\ a = 3, – 2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 33

Exercise 1.4
1. Answer the following questions.
i) What is polynomial? Write down its types according to degree of polynomial.
ii) What is algebraic expression? Write down the types of polynomial according to
number of terms of the polynomials.
iii) What do you mean by equal polynomials? Explain with an example.
iv) Write down numeral coefficient, literal coefficient, base and power of the
polynomial 3x3y2.
v) Write down the degree of the polynomial 3x4 – 2x3 + 5x2 – 2x + 7. Also write
down its type according to degree of the polynomial.

2. Which of the algebraic expressions are the polynomials from the followings? Write
down with reasons.
i) 4x3 + 5x2 – 3x + 2 ii) 3 x3 + 4x + 2x
1 3 1 2 3
2 – x + 4 +x iv) x4 ( 3 + 2 + x )+ 10
x x x
7 5 5
v) 3 x3 + 3x2 – 2 x – 7 + x vi) 2 x3 + 3x2 – 5 x + 3

3. Write down the numeral and literal coefficients of the polynomials.

i) 3xy of y ii) 2x2y of x
3 2xy + 3
iii) 8 xyz of xy iv) 2 of y
3x yz + 2
v) 2
4. Write down the following polynomials in standard form and write down the degree
of the polynomials.
i) 3x – 5 – 3x2 + x4 – 2x3 ii) 7 – 2x2 – 3x + 5x3
iii) 3 – 5x – x + 2x – 3x + x
2 3 4 5
iv) 3x – 2 + 5x2 – x5 + 2x3 – 3x4
v) 3x + 2x – 7 – 3x – 2x + x
4 5 2 3

5. Write down the types of the polynomials according to degree and number of terms.
i) 3x – 2x2 – 5 + 2x4 – x3 ii) 5 + 3x2 – 2x + 3x3
iii) –3 + 2x + x 2
iv) 7 – 3x
v) 2

6. Prove that the following polynomials are equal.

i) 3x3 – 4x2 + 3x – 2 and 9 x3 – 2 + 3x – (2x)2
ii) p(x) = 25 x2 – 4x + 5 and q(x) = 5 – 22x + 5x2
iii) f(x) = 4x4 – 9x2 – 10x + 7 + x3 and g(x) = x3 – (3x)2 + (2x2)2 – 10x + 7
iv) 3x3 + x2 – 5 + 2x and 2x – 5 + x4 + 3 27 x3
v) 12x3 + mx2 – 2mx + 7 and (2m + 2)x3 + 5x2 – (3n + 1)x + 7 where m = 5 and n = 3.

34 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

PRIME more creative questions.
7. If the following polynomials are equal, find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
i) p(x) = (2a + 1)x3 – 7x2 + 3x + 2 and q(x) = 7x3 + (2b – 3)x2 + 3x + 2
ii) f(x) = 10x4 – 3x3 + 5x2 – 12x + 5 and g(x) = 10x4 – (3a – 3)x3 + 5x2 + 3bx + 5.
iii) p(x) = 5x2a – 1 + (3b + 2)x2 – 7x + 3.
q(x) = 5x3 + 8x2 – 7x + 3.
iv) f(x) = 2ax4 – 3x3 + bx2 – 2
g(x) = 4x4 – 3x3 – 2
v) p(x) = (3a – 2)x4 – 2x3b – 5 – 3x2 + 2x + 5
q(x) = 7x4 – 3x2 + 2x + 5
vi) If p(x) = q(x) at x = a where p(x) = x3 + 4x2 + 3x – 2 and q(x) = x3 + 3x2 + x + 13,
find the value of a.

1. Show to your teacher.

2. Show to your teacher.

3. Show to your teacher.

4. Show to your teacher.

5. Show to your teacher.

6. Show to your teacher.

7. i) a = 3, b = –2 ii) a = 2, b = –4 iii) a = 2, b = 2
iv) a = 2, b = 0 v) a = 3, b = 2 vi) –5, 3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 35

1.5 Operation on Polynomial
Let us consider some of the examples which are already discussed in previous classes.
x × x = x 1 + 1 = x2
x + x = (1 + 1)x = 2x
x3 ÷ x 2 = x 3 – 2 = x
3x3 × 2x2 = 6x5
2x2 + x3 = 2x2 + x3

1. Addition and subtraction :

Like terms of polynomials can be added and subtracted.

Example : –3x3, 2x3 and 2 x3 can be added.

Example : p(x) = x3 + 3x2 – 2x + 5

q(x) = 2x3 – 5x2 + x + 7
p(x) + q(x) = (x3 + 3x2 – 2x + 5) + (2x3 – 5x2 + x + 7)
= x3 + 3x2 – 2x + 5 + 2x3 – 5x2 + x + 7
= (x3 + 2x3) + (3x2 – 5x2) + (–2x + x) + (5 + 7)
= 3x3 – 2x2 – x + 12

p(x) – q(x) = (x3 + 3x2 – 2x + 5) – (2x3 – 5x2 + x + 7)

= x3 + 3x2 – 2x + 5 – 2x3 + 5x2 – x – 7
= –x3 + 8x2 – 3x – 2

2. Multiplication:

The coefficients of the variables should be multiplied

and index of the variables should be added during
multiplication of the polynomials.

Example : p(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5

q(x) = x2 – 3x + 2
p(x) × q(x) = (2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5) (x2 – 3x + 2)
= x2(2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5) – 3x(2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5) + 2(2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5)
= 2x5 – 3x4 + 2x3 – 5x2 – 6x4 + 9x3 – 6x2 + 15x + 4x3 – 6x2 + 4 x – 10
= 2x5 – 9x4 + 15x3 – 17x2 + 19x – 10
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3. Division :

The coefficients of the variables should be divided and

index of the variables should be subtracted during
division of the polynomials.

Example : p(x) = 4x4 – 6x3 + 8x2 – 10x

q(x) = 4x
p(x) ÷ q(x) = (4x4 – 6x3 + 8x2 – 10x) ÷ (4x)
4x4 6x3 8x2 10x
= 4x – 4x + 4x – 4x
3 5
= x3 – 2 x3–1 + 2x2–1 – 2 x1–1
3 5
= x3 – 2 x2 + 2x – 2

Let us taking another example:

p(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 4x – 2
q(x) = x + 3
p(x) ÷ q(x)
x + 3 ) x2 – 3x2 + 4x – 2 (x2 – 6x + 22
x2 + 3x2
– –
– 6x2 + 4x – 2
– 6x2 – 18x
+ +
22x – 2
22x + 66
– –
– 68

\ Quotient = (x2 – 6x + 22)

Remainder = – 68

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4. Synthetic division:
The algebric expressions can be divided by taking the coefficients of the variables
according to the alternative way of division other than the direct division. It is
discussing here in this topic.

This is the way of division of polynomials by using

the coefficient of the variables after arranging the
polynomial in standard form and by taking the
opposite sign of the constant term of the divisor.

i.e. For (ax3 + bx2 + cx + d) ÷ (x – k)

k a b c d
ka k a + kb
k3a + k2b + kc
a ka + b k2a + kb + c k3a + k2b + kc + d

x2 x1 x0
Divisor = x – k [Taking ‘k’ for division]
Dividend = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d [Taking constant coefficients a, b, c and d for division]
Quotient = ax2 + (ka + b)x + (k2a + bk + c)
Remainder = k3a + k2b + kc + d

Example :
p(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 3
q(x) = x + 2
p(x) ÷ q(x)

Taking x = – 2
–2 1 –3 2 –3
–2 10 –24
1 –5 12 –27

x2 x1 x0
Dividend = p(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 3
Divisor = q(x) = x + 2
Quotient = Q(x) = x2 – 5x + 12
Remainder = R = – 27

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Worked out Examples
1. If f(x) = x3 + 2x2 + 3x – 2 and g(x) 3x3 + 5x2 – 7x – 1, find f(x) + g(x).
Solution :
f(x) = x3 + 2x2 + 3x – 2
g(x) = 3x3 + 5x2 – 7x – 1
f(x) + g(x) = (x3 + 2x2 + 3x – 2) + (3x3 + 5x2 – 7x – 1)
= x3 + 2x2 + 3x – 2 + 3x3 + 5x2 – 7x – 1
= 4x3 + 7x2 – 4x – 3

2. What must be subtracted from the polynomial 5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 5 to get the polynomial
2x3 – x2 + 3x – 2.
Solution :
Let, the subtracted polynomial be ‘K’.
Then, by the question,
(5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 5) – K = 2x3 – x2 + 3x – 2
or, (5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 5) – (2x3 – x2 + 3x – 2) = K
or, 5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 5 – 2x3 + x2 – 3x + 2 = K
\ K = 3x3 – 2x2 – x + 7
\ The subtracted polynomial is, 3x3 – 2x2 – x + 7

Required polynomial
= (subtracted from the polynomial) – (to get the polynomial)

3. Find the product of (x2 – 3x + 2) and sum of the polynomials (x3 + 2x2 – 3x + 2) and
2x3 – 3x2 + x + 2.
Solution :
Sum of x3 + 2x2 – 3x + 2 and 2x3 – 3x2 + x + 2 is,
= x3 + 2x2 – 3x + 2 + 2x3 – 3x2 + x + 2
= 3x3 – x2 – 2x + 4

Then, Product of (x2 – 3x + 2) and 3x3 – x2 – 2x + 4 is

= x2(3x3 – x2 – 2x + 4) – 3x(3x3 – x2 – 2x + 4) + 2(3x3 – x2 – 2x + 4)
= 3x5 – x4 – 2x3 + 4x2 – 9x4 + 3x3 + 6x2 – 12x + 6x3 – 2x2 – 4x + 8
= 3x5 – 10x4 + 7x3 + 8x2 – 16x + 8

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 39

4. What should be added with 5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 5 to get 2x3 – x2 + 3x – 2?
Solution :
The required polynomial can be obtained as,
Required polynomial = (to get the polynomial) – (added with the polynomial)
= (2x3 – x2 + 3x – 2) – (5x3 – 3x2 + 2x + 5)
= 2x3 – x2 + 3x – 2 – 5x3 + 3x2 – 2x – 5
= –3x3 + 2x2 + x – 7

5. Divide x3 – y3 + z3 + 3xyz by x – y + z
Solution :
x – y + z x2 – y3 + z3 + 3xyz x2 + xy + y2 – xz + yz + z2
x2 – x2y + x2z
– + –
x2 y – x2z – y3 + z3 + 3xyz
x2 y – xy2 + xyz
– + –
xy2 – x2z – y3 + z3 + 2xyz
xy2 – y3 + y2z
– + –
– x2 z + z3 – y2z + 2xyz
– x2 z + xyz – xz2
+ – +
xyz + xz2 – y2 z + z3
xyz – y2 z + yz2
– + –
xz – yz2 + z3

xz2 – yz2 + z3
– + –
\ Quotient = Q(x) = x2 + y2 + z2 + xy + yz – zx
Remainder = R = 0

6. Divide : 4x3 + 2x2 – 5x – 3 by 2x – 1 using synthetic division method.

Solution :
p(x) = x3 + 2x2 – 5x – 3
Divisor = 2x – 1 = 2(x – 2 ) 1 4 2 –5 –3
Taking x = 2 2 2 3
Applying synthetic division method.
2 4 4 –3 9

Quotient = Q(x) = 2x2 + 2x – 2 Common 2 2 3
Remainder = R = – 2
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Exercise 1.5
1. Add the following polynomials:
i) 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 7 and x3 – 7x2 – 3x + 2
ii) x4 – 7x3 – 2x + 2 and 3x3 + 4x4 – 7 + 2x2 – 3x
3 7 4 1
iii) 2 x3 + 3 x2 – 5x + 2 and 3 + x – 3 x2 + 2 x3
4 1 3 4 3 7
iv) 3 x2 – 2 x3 + 7 x4 – 7 + 2x and 7 x4 – 2 x3 – 3 x2 + 3x + 2
1 3 3 2 2 2 5 3
v) x + x – 5x + 2 = and 2 2 – 3x + x + x
3 5 5 3
2. Subtract the followings.
i) 3x3 + 5x – 2x2 + 7 and 2x3 – x – 4x2 – 2
ii) x4 – 7x3 – 3 + 2x2 – 5x and – 7 – 3x2 + 2x – 9x3 + x4
5 3 1 2 7 2
iii) 3 x3 – 2 x2 + 2x + x4 – 3 and 3 x3 – 2 x2 – 2x4 + 3 – 3x
7 2 3 1 5 5 3 11
iv) 5 x4 – 7 + 2 x3 – 7x + 2 x2 and 2 x2 + 7 – 5 x4 + 2 x3 – 3x.
1 3 2 1 3 4 3 9 2 4
v) + x – 5x + x and x + x – + 2x
5 2 3 3 2 5
3. Find the following polynomials.
i) If p(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 – 5x + 2 and q(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 – 2x + 3, find p(x) + q(x).
ii) If p(x) + q(x) = 5x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5 and p(x) = 3x3 – x2 + 3x – 2, find q(x).
iii) What must be subtracted from the polynomial 4x4 – 3x3 + 2x2 – 5x + 1 to get
3x4 – x3 – 5x2 + 2x + 3 ?
iv) What must be added to the polynomial x3 – 3x2 – 2x + 3 to get x4 + 3x3 – x2 + 3x – 2?
v) What must be subtracted from the sum of x4 + 2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5 and 2x4 + x3 – x2 – 3x + 2
to get x4 – x3 + 2x2 – x – 2?

4. i) If f(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 – x + 2 and g(x) = x4 – x3 + x2 + x – 5, find f(x) + g(x). Also write
down the types of polynomial of the result according to degree and number of
ii) A polynomial x3 + x2 – 3x – 1 is subtracted from p( ) results x4 – x3 + 2x2 – x + 2,
find the polynomial p(x).
iii) If p(x) = (x2 + 2x – 3) and q( ) = (2x2 – x + 2). Find the value of p(x) × q(x). Also
write down the type of polynomial according to degree.
iv) Multiply the polynomial x2 + 2x – 3 and 3x3 – 2x2 + 3x – 5.
v) If f(x) = (x2 + 2), g(x) = 2x2 – x + 3, what must be subtracted from the product of
f(x) and g(x) to get x4 – x3 + 2x2 – x – 2?

5. Find p(x). q(x) from the followings.

i) P(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 + x – 2 and q(x) = x2 – 2x + 1.
ii) P(x) = x3 – 5x2 + 2x – 4 and q(x) = 2x2 – 3x + 2.
iii) P(x) = f(x) + g(x), q(x) = g(x), f(x) = x2 + 3x + 2 and g(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 5
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 41
iv) P(x) = 2f(x) – g(x), q(x) = f(x), f(x) = x2 + 2x + 3 and g(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 + 5x – 3
v) 2p(x) = 4x3 – 6x2 + 4x – 2 & 3q(x) = 3x2 – 6x + 3

6. Divide the following polynomials:

i) (x3 – 3x2 – 2x + 2) by (x – 2)
ii) x4 + 3x3 – 4x2 + 2x – 1 by x + 3
iii) p(x) = 2x3 + 5x2 – 28x – 15, q(x) = 2x + 1; p(x) ÷ q(x)
iv) (x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3) by (x + y)
v) p(x) = x3 – y3 by q(x) = x – y; p(x) ÷ q(x)

7. Divide the followings using synthetic division method.

i) x3 – 2x2 – 3x – 2 by x – 1
ii) 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 1 by x + 2
iii) x4 + 5x3 – 2x2 – 3x – 1 by x – 2
iv) 4x3 – 3x + 2 by 2x – 1
v) 2x3 + 5x2 – 3x – 7 by 2x + 3

8. Prime more creative question.

i) Divide x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz by x + y + z.
ii) Divide x3 – 2x2 + 3x – 5 by x2 – 3x + 2
iii) Multiply the sum of x3 + 2x2 + 3x – 2 and x2 – x + 3 by x2 – 3x + 2
iv) Divide p(x) = x4 – 2x2 – 7 by P(x) = x + 3, by using synthetic division method.
v) Divide p(x) by 2x – 1 where p(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 + 5x + 3

9. Project work
Prepare the types of polynomials and operation on polynomials in a chart paper and
present it in your classroom.

42 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1. i) 3x3 – 4x2 – 8x + 9 ii) 5x4 – 4x3 + 2x2 – 5x – 5
iii) 2x3 + x2 – 4x + 5 iv) x4 – 2x3 – x2 + 5x – 5
v) 2 3 x3 + 5 x2 – 8x + 3 2

2. i) x3 + 2x2 + 6x + 9 ii) 2x3 + 5x2 – 7x + 4

iii) 3x4 + x3 + 2x2 + 5x – 1 iv) 2x4 – 4x3 – 2x2 – 4x – 1
v) – 3 x3 – 3 2 x2 – 7x + 3

3. i) 5x3 – x2 – 7x + 5 ii) 2x3 – 2x2 – x – 3

iii) x4 – 2x3 + 7x2 – 7x – 2 iv) x4 + 2x3 + 2x2 + 5x – 5
v) 2x4 + 4x3 – 6x2 – 1

4. i) x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 – 3; Biquadratic, multinomial

ii) x4 – 2x3 + x2 + 2x + 3
iii) 2x4 + 3x3 – 6x2 + 7x – 6 ; Biquadratic.
iv) 3x5 + 4x4 – 10x3 + 7x2 – 19x + 15
v) x4 + 5x2 – x + 8

5. i) 2x5 – 7x4 + 9x3 – 7x2 + 5x – 2

ii) 2x5 – 13x4 + 21x3 – 24x2 + 16x – 8
iii) 4x6 – 10x5 + 20x4 – 35x3 + 29x2 – 31x + 15.
iv) –2x5 + x4 + 3x3 + 22x2 + 15x + 27.
v) 2x5 – 7x4 + 10x3 – 8x2 + 4x – 1

6. i) quotient = x2 – x – 4, remainder = – 6
ii) quotient = x3 – 4x + 14, remainder = –41
iii) quotient = x2 + 2x – 15, remainder = 0
iv) quotient = x2 + 2xy + y2, remainder = 0
v) quotient = x2 + xy + y2, remainder = 0

7. i) quotient = x2 – x – 4, remainder = –6
ii) quotient = 2x2 – x – 3, remainder = 7
iii) quotient = x3 + 7x2 + 12x + 21 remainder = 41
iv) quotient = 2x2 + x – 1, remainder = 1
v) quotient = x2 + x – 3, remainder = 2

8. i) quotient = x2 + y2 + z2 – xy – yz – zx, remainder = 0

ii) quotient = x + 1, remainder = 4x – 7
iii) x5 – 5x3 + x2 + x + 2
iv) quotient = x3 – 3x2 + 7x – 21, remainder = 56
v) quotient = x2 – x + 2, remainder = 5

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1.6 Sequence and Series
The arrangement of the numberals in the specific order can be written in different ways
1, 5, 9, 13, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
2, 6, 18, 54, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... etc.

Such type of arrangement of the numbers is called sequence of numbers.

The array of the numberal elements in a specific order under

a certain rule is called sequence.

Examples :
• 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, Ascending order with the rule of each terms increased by 3.

• 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, Ascending order with the rule of multiples the each terms by 2.

• 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, Ascending order with the rule of more than each terms by 1, 2, 3, 4, successively
..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...

• 12, 22, 3,2, 42, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, Ascending order with the rule of square of natural numbers from 1.

• 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, Descending order with the rule of decreased the each term by 10.

Finite and infinite sequence:

The sequence having finite number of terms which can be

counted is called finite sequence.

Example :
2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27
Here are 6 terms in the sequence,
Hence, it is finite sequence.
44 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
The sequence having infinite number of terms (which cannot
be counted) is called infinite sequence.

Example :
3, 5, 8, 12, 17, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, last term is not defined and number of terms can not be counted. Hence, it is
called infinite sequence.

The arrangement of the numbers (terms) in definite order which are joint by either (+)
or (–) sign is called series.

The sum of the terms of a sequence is called a series.

The every terms of the sequence can be written by using sum or
difference (+ve or –ve sign) which is called series.

Above examples of sequence can be expressed into series by using +ve or –ve sign in
each terms as,
2 + 5+ 8 + 11 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
3 + 6 + 12 + 24 + 48 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...

Finite sequence can be expressed into finite series only as,

1 + 5 + 9 + 13 + 17
Infinite sequence can be expressed into infinite series only as,
1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 11 + 16 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...


The sequence and series of the numbers written in definite

order either in ascending or descending order is called

The progression having rule of addition with a constant number is called arithmetic
progression (AP).
Examples :
2 + 7 + 12 + 17 + 22 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
80, 74, 68, 62, 56, 50, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 45
The progression having rule of multiplication with a constant number is called geometric
progression (GP).
Examples :
2, 6, 18, 54, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
128, 64, 32, 16, 8, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...

nth term of the sequence and series:

Let us discuss different examples to find the nth term of the sequence.
2, 4, 6, 8, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... 2n
1, 3, 5, 7, .........................., 2n – 1
12 + 22 + 32 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + n2
0, 2, 6, 12, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... n2 – n.

Here, taking above examples,

Terms 1st example 2nd example 3rd example 4th example
1st 2×1 2×1–1 12 12 – 1
2nd 2×2 2×2–1 22 22 – 2
3rd 2×3 2×3–1 33 33 – 3
4th 2×4 2×4–1 44 44 – 4
So on .............. .............. .............. ..............
n term
2n 2n – 1 n 2
n2 – n

From the table the last term (nth term) can be generalized by comparing the number of
terms which is,
nth term (tn) = 2n (1st example) tn = 2n – 1 (2nd example)
tn = n (3 example)
2 rd
tn = n2 – n (4th example)

• The sequence whose terms are written in order

according to the rule of linear equation (y = ax + b) is
called linear sequence.
• The sequence whose terms are written in order
according to the rule of quadratic equation (y = ax2 + bx
+ c) is called quadratic sequence.

46 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Alternative way:
i. nth term of linear sequence.
Taking Example 1 :
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,

2 2 2 2 2
Here, constant difference of the terms of sequence is 2. Where nth term is taken as,
tn = an + b
The constant difference is 2
So, a = 2.
tn = an + b
t1 = 2 × 1 + b
or, 2=2+b
\ b=0
\ The nth term of the sequence is,
tn = 2n

Taking example 2 :
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,

2 2 2 2 2 2
Here, the n term is taken as,

tn = an + b
The constant difference is 2, so a = 2
t1 = a × 1 + b
or, 1=2+b
\ b = –1
\ nth term of the sequence is,
tn = an + b
= 2n – 1

ii) Quadratic nth term of quadratic sequence

Taking an example 4,
0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30,

2 4 6 8 10

2 2 2 2
Here, the nth term of the sequence is taken as,
tn = an2 + bn + c
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 47
The second difference is the constant difference 2. So, 2a = 2
\ a=1
tn = an2 + bn + c
t1 = 1 × 12 + b × 1 + c
or, 0=1+b+c
\ b = – 1 – C ...................................... (i)
t2 = 1 × 22 + b × 2 + c
or, 2 = 4 – 2 – 2c + c
or, c=0

From equation (i)

\ nth term of the sequence is,
tn = an2 + bn + c
\ tn = n2 – n

• Taking another example 6, 11, 18, 27, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
6, 11, 18, 27,

5 7 9

2 2
The nth term of the sequences is,
tn = an2 + bn + c
The second difference is the constant difference ‘2’. So, 2a = 2
\ a=1
tn = an2 + bn + c
t1 = 1 × 12 + b × 1 + c
or, b = 5 – C ................................. (i)
t2 = 1 × 22 + b × 2 + c
or, 11 = 4 + 10 – 2c + c [\ using (i)]
or, c=3
From equation (i),
\ nth term of the sequence is,
tn = an2 + bn + c
\ tn = n2 + 2n + 3

48 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Note :
i) If the sequence is written in terms of opposite sign as – , +, –, + etc
for each terms respectively tn = (–1)n
ii) If the sequence is written in terms of opposite sign as +, –, +, –,
+, – etc, the nth term tn = (–1)n + 1

Sum of the terms of the sequence :

If a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 are the terms of the finite sequence, the sum of the terms is written as,
S5 = a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + a 4 + a 5

If a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + an are the ‘n’ terms of the sequence, the sum
can be written as,
Sn = a1, a2, a3, a4, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... + an

If a1, a2, a3, a4, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... are the infinite terms of the sequence, the sum can
not be defined.

Sum of the terms of a sequence using sigma notation:

In the sequence having ‘n’ terms a1, a2, a3, a4, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... an
The sum of them can be written as,
Sn = a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + an
= / ak
k =1

Where ∑ (sigma) is used for symbol of summation of the terms and ‘k’ is the number
of terms from 1 to n.
To write the sum of the terms in sigma notation, nth term of the sequence should be

Let us take an example.

1, 5, 9, 11, 15, 19.
For nth term of the sequence,
1, 5, 9, 11, 15, 19,

4 4 4 4 4

Here, the nth term of this linear sequence is,

tn = an + b
The constant difference is 4. So a = 4.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 49

tn = an + b
t1 = 4 + b
or, 1=4+b
\ b=–3
\ nth term of the sequence, tn = 4n – 3.

The sum of the terms is

Sn = 1 + 5 + 9 + 11 + 15 + 19
= / (4n – 3)
n =1

Worked out Examples

1. If nth term of a sequence is tn = 3n – 2, find the first five terms of the sequence.
Solution :
The nth term of a sequence is,
tn = 3n – 2
n = 1, t1 = 3 × 1 – 2 = 1
n = 2, t2 = 3 × 2 – 2 = 4
n = 3, t3 = 3 × 3 – 2 = 7
n = 4, t4 = 3 × 4 – 2 = 10
n = 5, tn = 3 × 5 – 2 = 13
Hence, the first five terms are 1, 4, 7, 10, 13.

2. If a1, a2, a3, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... are the terms of a sequence where an + 1 = 2an – 3 and a0 = 4,
find the value of a1, a2, a3 and a4.
Solution :
In a sequence a1, a2, a3, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... are the terms.
an + 1 = 2an – 3 and
a0 = 4

Taking, n = 0
an + 1 = 2an – 3
or, a 0 + 1 = 2 × a0 – 3
or, a1 = 2 × 4 – 3 = 5

Taking n = 1 Taking n = 2, Taking n = 3,
a1 + 1 = 2a1 – 3 a 2 + 1 = 2 × a2 – 3 a 3 + 1 = 2 × a3 – 3
\ a2 = 2 × 5 – 3 = 7 a3 = 2 × 7 – 3 = 11 a4 = 2 × 11 – 3 = 19

50 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3. Write down in expanded form of / (–1) n (n2 +3n). Also find the sum.
Solution :
The given sum of the terms of a sequence in sigma notation is,
Sn = / (–1) n (n2 + 3n)
n =1
= t 1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 [Here, tn = (–1)n (n2 + 3n)]
= (–1)1 (12 + 3 × 1) + (–1)2 (22 + 3 × 2) + (–1)3(32 + 3 × 3) + (–1)4(42 +
3 × 4) + (–1)5(52 + 3 × 5)
= –4 + 10 – 18 + 28 – 40
= – 24

n2 + n
4. If sum of the ‘n’ terms of the sequence is Sn = 2 , find the 3 and 4 terms of the
rd th

Solution :
The sum of the ‘n’ terms is,
n2 + n
Sn = 2
3rd term (t3) = S3 – S 2
32 + 3 22 + 2
= 2 – 2

4th term (t4) = S4 – S 3

42 + 4 32 + 3
= 2 – 2
= 10 – 6
5. Find the nth term of the sequence 3, 5, 8, 12, 17. Also write down in sigma notation.
Solution :
The given sequence is 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Difference between the terms can be seen as follows,

3, 5, 8, 12, 17,

2 3 4 5 (is not equal)

1 1 1 (is equal)

Here, the constant difference is obtained in second step. So, the nth term is quadratic
form as,
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 51
tn = an2 + bn + c
2a = 1 [constant difference]
\ a= 2

tn = an2 + bn + c
t1 = 2 × 12 + b × 1 + c
1 5 – 2c
or, b = 3 – 2 – c = 2 ....................... (i)

t2 = 2 × 22 + b × 2 + c

5 = 2 × 42 + 2 c 2 m + c = 2
1 5 – 2c 1
or, 3=5–c
\ c=2

From equation (i)

b – 2×2 1
b= 2 = 2
\ nth term is,
1 1
t n = 2 n2 + 2 n + 2
= 2 (n2 + n + 4)

The sum of the terms of sequence in sigma notation is,
Sn = 3 + 5 + 8 + 12 + 17
= / 2 (n2 + n + 4)
n =1
= 2 / (n2 + n + 4)
n =1

6. Add two more patterns and find the nth term of the sequence so formed of the number
of dots. Also write down in sigma notation from the given patterns.

Solution :
Two more patterns in the given patterns.

52 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

The sequence according to number of dots from the diagrams as,
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
For the general term (nth term)
5, 10, 15, 20, 25,

5 5 5 5 (is same)

The constant difference is 5 which is obtained in 1st step. So, the nth term becomes,
tn = an + b.

a = 5 (Constant difference)
t1 = 5 × 1 + b
or 5=5+b
\ b=0

the nth term becomes,
tn = 5n

Again, the sum of the terms of the sequence in sigma notation,

Sn = 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 25
= / (5n)
n =1

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 53

Exercise 1.6
1. i) What is sequence? Write down one example.
ii) What do you mean by series? Write down with an example.
iii) Define the terms finite and infinite sequence with examples.
iv) What is progression? Write down with an example.
v) Write down the sum t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 in sigma notation.

2. Which of the followings are the finite or infinite sequence or series?

i) 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + 14
ii) 3, 7, 11, 15, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... 15 terms
iii) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
iv) 2 + 6 + 18 + 54 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... +
v) a, a + d, a + 2d, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... , a + (n – 1)d

3. Find the followings.

i) Write down the corresponding series for the sequence 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, ..., ..., ...,
..., ..., ...
ii) Write down the corresponding sequence for the series 33 – 29 + 25 – 21 + 17 – 13
iii) Write down the next term of the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... Is it finite or
iv) What is the common difference of the sequence a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ..., ..., ..., ...,
..., ...
v) Is a sequence 2, 6, 11, 17, 25, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... a progression? Why?

4. Find the next three terms of the sequences.

i) 1, 6, 11, 16, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... ii) 1, 8, 27, 64, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
1 2 3 4
iii) 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... iv) 80, –75, 70, –65, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
3 7 11 15
v) – 7 , 12 , – 17 , 22 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
5. Find the first five terms of the sequence whose nth term are given below.
i) tn = 2n – 1 ii) an = 4n + 3
iii) an = n2 + 4n – 5 iv) an = (–1)n n(n + 1)
v) tn = (–1)n + 1 a 2 k
n +1
6. Find first five terms of the followings where the terms are explained below.
i) an = an + 1 – 2 and a1 = 3 ii) un + 1 = un + 3 and u2 = 5
iii) tn – 1 = 2tn – 1 and t2 = 2 iv) an + 2 = an + 1 + an, a1 = 1 a2 = 2
tn – 2
v) tn = tn – 1 , t1 = 1 and t2 = 2
7. Find the nth terms of the sequences.
i) 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... ii) 5, 2, –1, –4, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...

54 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1 3 5 7
iii) 10, 16, 22, 28, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... iv) 3 , 7 , 11 , 15 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
2 4 6 8
v) – 5 , 11 , – 17 , 23 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...

8. Find the general term of the sequences.

i) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... ii) 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
1 2 3 4 5
iii) 6, 11, 18, 27, 38, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... iv) 0, – 2 , 3 , – 4 , 5 , – 6 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
v) a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
9. Write down in expanded form and evaluate.
4 5
i) / (2n + 3) ii) / (4n – 1)
n =1 n =1
5 4
iii) / n (n + 1) iv) / (–1) n [n (n + 2) + 3]
n=2 n =1

/ (–1) n + 1 ` n n+ 1 j
n =1

10. If Sn is the sum of ‘n’ terms of the sequence which is given below.
i) Sn = 2n2 + 3, find S4, S5 and t5. ii) Sn = n(n + 1), find the 4th term.
n (n + 1)
iii) Sn = 2n2 – 1, find the 5th term. iv) Sn = 2 , find the 3rd and 6th terms.
v) Sn = n(n + 1)(2n + 1) , find 4th and 5th terms.
11. Write down the following in sigma notation for the given series.
i) 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + 14 + 17 ii) 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 + 15
1 2 3 4
iii) –4 + 7 –11 + 16 –22 + 29 iv) 3 – 5 + 8 – 12
v) a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ar4 + ar5.

12. Write down the following sequence of number of dots used in diagrams in sigma
notation after calculating the general term by adding one more pattern for each.


PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 55




13. PRIME more creative questions

i) Find the nth term and write down in sigma notation of the series
1 × 3 + 2 × 7 + 3 × 11 + 4 × 15 + 5 × 19.
ii) If nth term of the sequence is tn = a + (n – 1)d where a = 3, d = 4, find the t5 and t11.
iii) If nth term of a sequence is tn = arn–1 where a = 3 and r = 2, find the series.
iv) If sum of first ‘n’ terms of a sequence is Sn =
2 [2a + (n –1)d] where a = 40 and
d = – 4, find the value of S5.
a (rn – 1)
v) If sum of the first ‘n’ terms of a series is Sn = r – 1 where a = 5 and r = 2, find
the value of S4 + S5.

14. Project work

Prepare a chart of the way of finding the sigma notation for linear and quadratic
form of sequence and present in your classroom.

56 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.
3. Show to your teacher.
5 6 7
4. i) 21, 26, 31 ii) 125, 216, 243 iii) 6, 7, 8
19 23 27
iv) 60, –55, 50 v) – 27 , 32 , – 37

5. i) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ii) 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 iii) 0, 7, 16, 27, 40

4 6 8 10
iv) –2, 6, –12, 20, –30 v) 1, – 5 , 10 , – 17 , 26

3 5 9
6. i) 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ii) 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 iii) 3, 2, 2 , 4 , 8
1 1
iv) 1, 2, 3 , 5, 8 v) 1, 2, 2 , 4, 8

7. i) 3n – 2 ii) 8 – 3n iii) 2(3n + 2)

2n–1 2n
iv) 4n–1 v) n
(–1) 6n–1

8. i) n2 ii) 2 (n + 1) iii) n2 + 2n + 3
iv) (–1)n+1 ` n j
n –1
v) a + (n – 1)d

9. i) 32 ii) 55 iii) 68
iv) 14 v) 60
10. i) 35, 53, 18 ii) 8 iii) 18
iv) 3, 6 v) 16, 25

/ n (n2+ 1)
6 5
/ (3n – 1)
11. i) ii) iii) / (–1) n
n2 + 3n + 4
2 )
n=1 n=1 n=1

a k v)
4 6

iv) / (–1) n+1 2n

n2 + n + 4
/ (ar n–1
n=1 n=1

/ n (n2+ 1)
6 5 5

12. i) ii) / (4n – 3) iii) / (2n + 1)

n=1 n=1 n=1
iv) 2
v) Σ (3n + 2)
n=1 n=1

13. i) Σ n (4n –1) ii) 19, 43 iii) 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., ..., ...

iv) 160 v) 230

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 57

Unit Test - 1
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]
Attempt all the questions:
1. What is Cartesian product?

2. a. If (3x+y, y–2)and (10, 2y–6)are equal ordered pairs, find the value of ‘x’ and y;
b. What must be subtracted to 2x3 – 3x2 + 5x – 3 to get the polynomial x3 – 2x + 5?
c. Find the nth term of the sequence 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, 23, ................. .

3. a. Divide the polynomial x3 – 5x + 3x + 4 with x + 3.

b. If f(x) = 2x – 3, domain = {–2, –1, 0, 1, 2}, find range and show the function in
arrow diagram.

4. Add one more pattern in the given pattern and write down the sequence of dots in
sigma notation.

Unit Test - 2
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]
Attempt all the questions:
1. If A × B = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5) (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)}, find thee sets A and B.

2. a. If f(x + a) = f(x) + f(a), find f(0) and prove that f(–a) = –f(a).
b. If p(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 – 5x + 7 and q(x) = x3 –3x2 – 2x + 3, find p(x) + q(x). Also write
down its types according to degree.

c. Write down in expanded form and find the sum of / (–1) n+1
(n2 + 3n).

3. a. Find the nth term of the sequence 2 – 5 + 10 – 17 + 26 – 37. Also write down in
sigma notation.
b. Find the relation R = {(x, y) : x + y ≤ 10, x, y ∈ N}. Also show in arrow diagram.

4. If f(x) = 2sin x + 1, range = {1, 2, 3 + 1, 3}, find the domain. Which type of function is
it? Why? Also show in arrow diagram.

58 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

2 Limit and Continuity

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions 1 – 1 –
3 5 10
Weight 1 – 4 –
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Students are able to understand rational and irrational numbers and their
• Students are able to generalize the decimal numbers to the nearest whole
• Students are able to find the limit value of a function in diagram.
• Students are able to know the limit value of infinite series and graph.
• Students are able to know the symbol of limit and indeterminate form.

Materials Required:
• Chart paper.
• Set of rational and irrational numbers.
• Graph paper.
• Model of graph of functions.
• Geometrical shapes.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 59

Enjoy the recall
• y = f(x) is a function f : A → B
Domain = { Set of element x} = A.
Co-domain = main set of range = B.
Range = {Set of element y}
Image = element of range = y
Pre - image = element of domain = x
• If f(x) = x2 – 2x + 3, we can find f(1), f(2), f(3), ...etc where f(1) = 12 – 2 × 1 + 3 = 2 and
so on ....................................... .
• If f = {(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)} is a function where
Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4}, Range = {5, 6, 7, 8}
• Sequence in increasing order is 2, 5, 8, 11, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
• A sequence in decreasing order is, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 5, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
• When a football is dropped on the ground following result can be obtained.

• Round numbers of 2.467 is,

2. 467 = 2.47 (round up in hundred)
2. 467 = 2.5 (round up in tens)
2. 467 = 2 (round up in whole numbers.
• If value of ‘n’ goes on increasing, the value of n will decrease and be very close to

Diagramatic representation of a sequence and absolute numbers.

1. Let us consider a line segment AB which is going on dividing at mid-point
P again PA is divided by a mid-point Q and So on R, S, T can be obtained.
If AB is taken as 12cm. Then the parts of AB by dividing at mid point will be.
AP = 6cm
QP = 3cm
RP = 2 cm
SP = 4 cm

60 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

TP = 8 cm
3 3 3 3
Where the sequence will be, 12, 6, 3, 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Here, The last mid - point of the line segment will be approaches to P and the length
becomes near to zero (0) but not equal to zero.
Note : If a real number is taken in a number line, it will approaches to + ∞ in right side
and approaches to – ∞ in left side.

2. Let us consider a triangle and the triangles obtained by joining the mid
- point of sides of previous triangle and so on.

According to the figures given in the above example, following conclusions can be
• Area of triangle ABC is taken as 40 square units and the area of DPQR
becomes 10 square units. (i.e. Area goes on decreasing by 4 times.)
• The sequence so formed according to area becomes, 40, 10, 5 5 5
2 , 8 , 32 ,
............ and so on.
• The area of last triangle so formed will be very close to zero but not equal
to zero.

3. Let us consider a cylinder which is cutting down at the middle of the cylinder
and so on for each pieces.

According to the volume of cylinder goes on decreasing by half following conclusion

can be obtained where volume of 1st cylinder is taken as 20 cubic units.
• Volume of cylinder goes on decreasing by half and becomes 10 cubic units,
5 cubic units, 5
2 cubic and so on.
• The sequence so obtained of their volume is, 20, 10, 5, 5 5 5
2 , 4 , 8 , .......... The
volume of last cylinder so formed will be very close to zero but not equal
to zero.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 61

Sum of infinite series :
1. Let us consider a line segment PQ, having length 2cm.
PQ is divided by A at mid - point
AQ is divided by C at mid -point
CQ is divided by D at mid - point,
DQ is divided by E at mid - point,
EQ is divided by F at mid - point
Then, The sequence of length of the line segment so formed becomes, 2, 1,
1 1 1, 1
2 , 4, 8, , 16 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
After the last division the divided point will be nearest to Q where length becomes
very near to zero but not equal to zero.

Here, Sum of the length of the line segment becomes,

S1 = PA = 1cm = 1cm
S2 = PC = 1 + 2 cm = 1.5cm
1 1
S3 = PD = 1 + 2 + 4 = 1.75cm
1 1 1
S4 = PE = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 1.875cm.
1 1 1 1
S5 = PF = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 =
and So on S6, S8, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., Sn can be calculated which will be very close to 2 but
not equal to 2.

• For the infinite series, sum of the infinite terms can not be defined but
partial sum like S1, S2, S3, S4, .......... S∞ can be defined.
• 2 is the limit value of the sum of infinite series so formed.
• The common ratio of the series of the above sequence is 12 which is less
than 1. So, It has the limit value with fixed absolute value which is 2.
• The limit value of the sum of infinite series can be defined using formula
also, which is S3 = 1 a– r .
• In the above example
The common ratio r = 12 , first term a = 1.
So, S3 = 1 a– r = 1 1 = 1 1 =2
1– 2 2
• This series is called convergent series where its limit exists.

62 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

2. Let us consider a series 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 +... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... +
The common ratio of the terms is 2 which is more than 1. So, the sum of the infinite
series will not be the fixed absolute value and limit does not exist.
• This series is called divergent series where its limit does not exist.

3. Let us consider a series,

1 1 1
– 8 + 4 – 2 + 1 – 2 + 4 – 8 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
The common ratio is – 2 which is less than ‘1’. Hence the series has the
limit value which will be a fixed absolute value.

4. Let us consider a series 0.25

The series 0.25 can be expressed as 0.25 + 0.0025 + 0.000025 + 0.00000025 + ... +
... + ... + ... + ... + ... + and so on and can be extended in terms of infinity where the last
term will be very close to zero but not equal to zero.
The limit value of nth term will be the absolute value zero.

Exercise 2.1
1. i) What is the round number of 5.678 in two decimal system?
ii) Write down the round digit of 6.425.
iii) Define range and domain in a function y = f(x).
iv) Define image and pre-image in a function f(2) = 5.
v) Write down 4 terms of a sequence 0.5.

2. i) Draw a line segment of length 12cm and divide it at mid - point respectively 12
times. What conclusion do you get ? Explain.
ii) 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, ................ is a sequence. What will be its 10th term. Also write
down it’s limit value.
iii) Write down the limit value of the sequence 1.1, 1.01, 1.001, 1.0001, ......................
iv) Write down the limit value of 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999, ...................
v) Draw a triangle having base of length 12cm and draw the line joining the mid
- points of other two sides and so on for the triangle obtained after joining the
mid - points continuously 5 times. What will be the length of the line segments
obtained by joining the mid - points respectively ? Also write down the limit
value of the length of such last line.

3. i) How many squares can be drawn in a square by joining the mid - point of sides
of a square continuously ? What is the limit value of area of square so formed ?
Show with diagram.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 63
ii) A cylindrical glass full of water is drank half/half in
each times after a interval. How many times the water Y
can drank ? What is the limit value of volume of water
in that activity ? Show in diagram.
iii) What will be the value of y on increasing the value of
‘x’ in the given graph? What is the limit value of y in
iv) The graph given in Q.No. (iv) can be used in our daily X
life. Discuss with a suitable example for it in the O
classroom by preparing a graph in chart.
3 3 3
v) What is the limit value of the sum of the terms of the series, 3 + 2 + 4 + 8 +
3 3
16 + 32 ?
4. Which of the following series has the limit value will be the fixed absolute number?
1 1 1 1
i. 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 , ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
1 1
ii. 4 – 2 + 1 – 2 + 4 ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
iii. 8 + 40 + 200 + 1000 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
iv. 0.6 + 0.06 + 0.006 + 0.0006 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
v. 0.45

5. A square having side 1cm is dividing making half continuously to their parts as
shown in diagrams. Answer the followings.

i) Write down the sequence of the shaded area of region.

ii) What will be the area shaded region of figure.
iii) Write down the limit value of the shaded region.

6. i) If an = 1 + (–1)n , find a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5
ii) If f(x) = 2x – 1, find f(2), f(1.99) and f(2.01).
iii) If f(x) = 3x + 1, find f(3), f(2.999) and f(3.001).
iv) tn = n + 1 , find the difference between t3 and t4.
v) Find the value and fill the given table.
x 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0
f(x) = 2x + 3 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......
x – 0.1 – 0.01 – 0.001 – 0.0001 – 0.00001 0
f(x) = 2x + 3 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......

64 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

7. Find the limiting value of sum of the following infinite series.
i) 16 + 4 + 1 + 4 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
ii) 0.5 + 0.05 + 0.005 + 0.0005 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
3 3 3
iii) 6 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
iv) 8 – 4 + 2 – 1 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
5 5
v) –20 + 10 – 5 + 2 – 4 + ... + ... + ... + ... + ... + ...
vi) 0.4

1. i) 5.68
ii) 6
iii) Domain = Set of the elements of n
Range = Set of the elements of y
iv) 5 is the image of 2 and 2 is the pre-image of 5
v) 0.5 + 0.05 + 0.005 + 0.0005

2. i) Limit value of the length will be zero.

ii) 0.0000000001, zero
iii) 1 iv) 1
3 3
v) 12, 6, 3, , ; zero
2 4
3. i) Infinite, zero ii) Infinite, zero
iii) Decreasing zero iv) Show to your teacher v) 6

4. i, ii, iv, v

1 3 7 15
5. i) 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , ..., ..., ..., ... ii) Nearly equal to 1 cm2.
iii) The limiting value is 1.

1 9 17 33 49
6. i) 2 , 8 , 18 , 32 , 50 ii) 3, 2.98, 3.02
iii) 10, 9.97, 10.03 iv) 20
v) Show to your subject teacher.

21.3 a 3 k 0.5 a 9 k
64 5
7. i) ii) iii) 12

0.4 a 9 k
1 40 4
iv) 5 3 v) – 3 vi)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 65

2.2 Limit using graph
i. Let us consider a function f(x) = 3x – 4 and range of the function can be taken
using domain as follows for x = 3.
From left side:
x 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
f(x) –1 2 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7

Here, we conclude that,

On increasing the value of x up to nearly equal to 3, the element of range f(x) also will
goes on increasing to nearly equal to 5.

X’ X
O 1 2 3


Hence, the limit value of the function f(x) tends to 5 (very close to 5) from left side
which is called Left Hand Limit (LHL).

66 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Also from right side:
x 5 4 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1
f(x) 11 8 7.7 7.4 7.1 6.8 6.5 6.2 5.9 5.6 5.3

Here, we conclude that,

On decreasing the value of x up to nearly equal to 3, the value of f(x) also will goes on
decreasing to nearly equal to 5.

X’ X
O 1 2 3 4 5


Hence, the limit value of the function f(x) tends to 5 (very close to 5) from right side
which is called Right Hand Limit (RHL).
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 67
ii. Let us consider a function f(x) = x2.
x 0 –1 1 –2 2 –3 3 –4 4
f(x) 0 1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16

y = x2

X’ X

Taking x = 1 and 4 in the graph.

The rectangle ABCD is formed where area A = AB × BC = 8 × 2 = 16cm2.


y = x2

X’ X


68 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Taking x = 1.5 and 2.5 Taking x = 1.9 and 2.1

y = x2 y = x2


X’ X X’ X

Y’ Y’
The area of rectangle ABCD, The area of rectangle ABCD
A = AB × BC = 4 × 1 = 4cm2 A = AB × BC = 0.8 × 0.2 = 0.16 cm2

When value of x approaches to 2 form left hand limit as well as from right hand limit
the rectangle ABCD will be fixed near 4 of f(x)

Limit of a function
Limit and Continuity can be defined by understanding the function y = f(x) and values
of f(x) in different situations. The term limit and Continuity are the fundamental
mathematical terms to introduce calculus can be defined only by studying the concept of
function, limit and Continuity one after another in a sequence.
If f is a function from non-empty set A to B which is written as y = f(x) where ‘y’ is the
image of x and ‘x’ is the pre- image of ‘y’.
Here, value of x = a is called the element of domain and y = f(x) = f(a) is called the range
of function.
• Let us take an example f(x) = 2x + 3 and x = 1 is element of domain.
Then, y = f(x) = 2x + 3
y = f(2) = 2 × 1 + 3 = 5 (a finite number)

• Taking a function f(x) = x – 1 and x = 1,
Then, y = f(x) = x – 1
1 1
f(1) = 1 – 1 = 0 ( It is not a finite number)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 69

x2 – 1
Taking a function f(x) = x – 1 and x = 1
x2 – 1
Then, y = f(x) = x –1

f(1) = 1 – 1 = 0 (It is indeterminant form)

12 – 2
i.e. It can’t be determined.

Meaning of x → a in a limit
Let us consider an example by taking a variable x having values 1.9, 1.99, 1.999, 1.9999,
1.99999, ..........., approaching very close to 2 but which is not exactly equal to 2.
i.e. The difference between the numbers x and 2 is very small. (too much less)

Taking another example of the variable x having values 2.1, 2.01, 2.001, 2.0001, 2.000
...........2 approaching very close to 2 but which is not exactly equal to 2.
i.e., The difference between the numbers x and 2 is very small.

Here, two examples discussed above tell us the value of x is very close to 2 in both the
cases but not exactly equal to 2 which is read as,
x approaches to 2 or
x tends to 2 or

For any constant ‘a’ of the variable ‘x’ we say, x → a. (x tends to a).
Limit can be understand on discussing the area bounded by the polygons which are
inscribed in a circle according to the number of sides of the polygons.
As the number of sides of the polygon increased the area bounded by them also goes on
increasing which is very close and equal to the area of circle for the large number of sides
taken as infinity (∞). It can be observed in diagrams.

The relation of number of sides of polygons and area is,

f(n) = An for n → ∞
Where ‘n’ is number of sides
f(n) is the area of polygons and An is the area of circle.
It can be written as,
lim lim
f(x) = An
n"3 n"3
From such examples limit of a function f(x) = ‘l’ can be defined
70 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Where, the limit for x → a can be written as
f(x) = l

A function f(x) is said to be have a limit ‘l’ when x → a, if the

numerical difference between the value of f(x) and ‘l’ can be
made very small as well as we please by making x sufficiently
close to a and we write it as,
f(x) = l

Meaning of infinity in a limit

If f(x) be a function of x which is very close to ‘a’ and the value of f(x) is obtained ultimately
very large (∞) we say that the limit of f(x) is at infinity as ‘x’ tends to a.
i.e. f(x) = ∞
Let us consider an example: f(x) = x2
x 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
f(x) 1 100 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
The value of f(x) goes on increasing as increasing ‘x’ and will be closed to infinity for
x → ∞.

Limit at infinity:
Let us consider an example f(x) = , as the value of ‘x’ increase here in the function, the
value of f(x) will be decreased as the reciprocal value.
x 1 10 100 1000
f(x) 1 0.01 0.0001 0.000001
On increasing the value of x and tends to ∞, the value of f(x) ultimately decreased and
tends to zero.
lim lim 1
i.e. f (x) = =0
x"3 x " 3 x2

Indeterminate form:
x2 – 1
Let us consider a function f(x) = x – 1 and taking x = 1. The function will be,
f(x) = x–1 = 0 (It can not be determined.)
x2 –1
Such type of form like 0 , ∞ , 3 + 3 , 3 – 3 etc are called indeterminate form and limit
0 ∞
can not be defined for indeterminate form.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 71
To find the limit of a function in indeterminate form should be changed by using algebraic
operation. Examples :
x2 – 1 (x + 1)(x – 1)
i) x –1 = = (x + 1)
(x – 1)
x3 – 8 (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)
ii) x –2 = = x2 + 2x + 4
(x – 2)
Properties of limit
i. x"a k = k (where k is any constant)
lim lim lim
ii. x"a [f(x) + g(x)] = x " a f(x) + x " a g(x)
lim lim lim
iii. x"a [f(x) – g(x)] = x " a f(x) – x " a g(x)
lim lim lim
iv. x"a [f(x) . g(x)] = x " a f(x) . x " a g(x)
lim f (x)
= x " a f (x)
x " a g (x) lim
x " a g (x)

Working rule to find limit

i. For polynomial function, f (x) = f(a)
lim f (x) f (a)
ii. For rational function, = g (a) if it is not in indeterminate form.
x " a g (x)
iii. If the function is in indeterminate form, factorize and cancel the common factors
and find f(a).

Worked out Examples

1. Complete the given table.
x 0.9 0.99 0.999 1.01 1.001
x –13
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
f(x) = x – 1
Solution : Taking,
x3 – 1
f(x) = x –1
(x – 1)(x2 + x + 1)
(x – 1)
= x2 + x + 1
f(0.9) = 2.71
f(0.99) = 2.97
f(0.999) = 2.997
f(1.01) = 3.0301
f(1.001) = 3.003001

72 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

It conclude that the whole number is near to 3 from both sides.
Hence, it can be written as,
f (x) = 3

x 0.9 0.99 0.999 1.01 1.001 x → 1

x3 – 1 2.71 2.97 2.997 3.03 3.003 f(x) = 3
f(x) = x – 1

2. Show that the functional value does not exist but limit exist at x = 2 for the function
x 2 –4
f(x) = x–2 .
Solution: Again,
x2 – 4 For limit at x = 2
Here, f(x) = x – 2
lim lim x2 – 4
Functional value at x = 2 is, f(x) =
x"2 x " 2 x –2
22 – 4
f(2) = 2 – 2 lim (x + 2)(x – 2)
= 2–2 x"2 (x – 2)
= (2 + 2)
=0 =4
= It can not be determined. = It is finite number.
Hence, the functional value does not exist. Hence, limit exists.

lim x 2 –4
3. Show that the limit x " 2 x–2 exists.
lim x2 – 4 lim (x2 – 22)
x " 2 x –2 x " 2 (x – 2
lim (x + 2)(x – 2)
x"2 (x – 2)
= (2 + 2)
= It is finite number.
= It exists limit.

4. Evaluate x " 2 (2x–3)
Solution :
(2x – 3) =2×3–3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 73

lim x 2 + 2x – 3
5. Find the value of
x " 1 x2 + x – 2
Solution :
lim x2 + 2x – 3 lim x2 + 3x – x – 3
x " 1 x +x –2
x " 1 x 2 + 2x + x – 2
lim x(x + 3) –1(x + 3)
x " 1 x(x + 2) –1(x – 2)
lim (x + 3)(x – 1)
x " 1 (x + 2)(x – 1)
= 1+2
= 3

lim x 3 – a 3
6. Find the value of
x$a x–a
Solution :
lim x3 – a3 lim (x – a)(x² + ax + a²)
x " a x–a x$a (x – a)
= (x2 + ax + a2)
= a2 + a2 + a2
= 3a2

lim 3x 2 + 2x
7. Calculate : 2x
Solution :
lim 3x2 + 2x lim x (3x + 2)
x$0 2x x$0 2x
lim 3x + 2
x$0 2
3×0+ 2
= 2
lim 6x 2 + x – 2
8. Evaluate :
x $ 3 2x 2 + 3x–1
Solution :
6x 2 + x – 2
lim 6x 2 + x – 2 lim 2x2 + 3x – 1
x $ 3 2x2 + 3x–1 x$3 x2
1 2
lim 6+ x– 2
= x
x $ 3 2+ 3– 1
x x2

74 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1 2
6+ 3 –3
= 3 1
2+ 3–3
= 2 + 0 – 0
= 3

Exercise 2.2
1. i) What is limit of a function? Write in symbol also.
ii) What is indeterminate form? Is limit define for it? What have to be done to find
limit value for it?
iii) Write down the round number of 3.002 and 4.999. Also present them as the
limit value with symbol for a function f(x).
iv) Complete the table given below.
x 0.9 0.99 0.999 1.01 1.001 x → ..........
x –1
f(x) = .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... f(x) ..........
x2 – 1
v) Complete the table given below.
x 0.9 0.99 0.999 1.01 1.001 x → ..........
x –1 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... f(x) ..........
f(x) = x – 1

2. Answer the followings:

i) Write down in symbols of x approaches to 4.
ii) Write down in sentence of f(x).
x "3
iii) Write down in sentence of x → a.
iv) Taking a function f(x) = x2, discuss the value of function f(x) taking x nearly equal
to 3 using graph.
v) Taking a function f(x) = 2x – 1 and discuss left hand and right hand limit by using
graph for a element of domain 3.

3. Which of the following functions exists the limit value of x?

lim x2 –1 lim x2 + 2x + 6
i) ii)
x " 1 x–1 x " 0 x 2 –x + 2
lim x2 –2x lim 5x
iii) iv)
x"3 3 x x " 0 2x2 – 3x
v) (x2 + x + 1)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 75

4. Find the limit value of the followings.
lim lim
i) (3x – 2) ii) (2x + 3)
x"3 x"3
lim lim
iii) (2x2 – 5x + 6) iv) (2x2 – 7x + 3)
x"2 x"4
v) (4x2 – 8x + 3)
5. Find the limiting value of the following functions.
lim 3x – 2 lim 5x – 3
i) ii)
x " 2 2x + 1 x " 2 x+2
lim 3x2 + 2x – 4 lim 6x2 + 3x – 12
iii) iv)
x " 1 x + 5x – 4
x " 3 2x 2 + x – 4
lim x 2 + 2x – 1
x " 2 2x2 + 3x – 7
6. Compute the following limits.
lim x2 + 3x –4 lim x2 – 5x + 6
i) ii)
x"1 x–1 x"2 x–2
lim 2x2 – 5x – 3 lim x2 –16
iii) iv)
x"3 x–3 x " 4 x–4
lim x2 –a2
x " a x–a
7. Compute the following limits.
lim 4x3 –8x lim 3x3 –2x
i) ii)
x " 0 3x2 –2x x " 0 x2 –3x
lim x2 –5x + 6 lim 4x3 –x2 + 2x
iii) iv)
x " 2 x2 – x–2 x"0 3x 2 + 4x
lim 5x2 + 3x
v) x
8. Compute the following limits.
lim 3x + 2 lim 3x 2 + 2x + 1
i) ii)
x " 3 x +1 x " 3 4x2 + x – 5
lim 2x2 lim 4x2 + 3x + 2
iii) iv)
x " 3 3x2 + 2 x " 3 5x2 + 4x – 3
lim 6x2 + 2x – 7
x " 3 3x2 + 2x + 1
9. PRIME more creative questions (Evaluation the limits)
lim x 2 3 – a 2 3 lim x – a
i) x – a ii)
x"a x " a x–a

76 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

lim x –2 lim x4 – a4
iii) iv)
x " 64 3
x –4 x " a x3 – a3
lim 1
x"3 x+a – x
10. Project work
Take a piece of paper having length 80 cm and breadth 1 cm. Divide the piece of paper
making two equal parts and one half again divide making half and go on continue
upto 5 times.
i) What will be the area of the smallest part?
ii) Write down the sequence formed in this condition.
iii) Write value with symbols.

1. i) Show to your teacher.
ii) Show to your teacher.
lim lim
iii) 3 and 5, f(x), f(x)
x"3 x"5
lim 1 lim
iv) f(x) = 2 v) f(x) = 2
x"1 x"1
2. Show to your teacher.

3. i) doesn’t exists ii) exists iii) doesn’t exists

iv) doesn’t exists v) exists

4. i) 7 ii) 9 iii) 4 iv) 7 v) 3

4 7 1
5. i) 5 ii) 4 iii) 2 iv) 3 v) 1

6. i) 5 ii) –1 iii) 7 iv) 8 v) 2a

2 1 1
7. i) 4 ii) 3 iii) –3 iv) 2 v) 3

3 2 4
8. i) 3 ii) 4 iii) 3 iv) 5 v) 2

2 1 1 4a
9. i) ii) iii) 4 iv) 3 v) 0
33 a 2 a

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 77

Limit and Continuity
Unit Test
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. Write down the 10th term of the sequence 5.1, 5.01, 5.001, 5.0001,------------

2. a. Round of the number 7.368 to the tenth digit, hundred digit and whole number.
b. What is the limiting value of the infinite series of 0.78?
x2 – 9
c. When does f(x) = x – 3 give certain existing value? Does f(x) give limit value
for x → 3?

3. a. Complete the table for f(x) = 2x + 3.

x 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001
f(x) .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........

a k
lim 2x2 – 3x + 2
b. Evaluate:
x"0 x +2
4. Taking an equilateral triangle of side 16cm. Take the mid-point of sides continuously
three times for the triangle so formed and show in diagram. What will be the limiting
value for area of triangles so formed.

78 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3 Matrices

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions 1 2 1 –
4 9 20
Weight 1 4 4 –
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Student are able to know the rows and columns of a matrix and its order.
• Students are able to use matrix for the data used in daily life.
• Student are able to identify the types of matrices.
• Student are able to operate the matrices like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, transpose, etc.
• Students are able to use the difference laws for addition & multiplication
of matrix.

Materials Required:
• Cost chart, mark chart etc which are used in our daily life.
• Chart paper.
• Flash card.
• Sample of matrix of order m × n.
• Chart of laws of addition and multiplication of matrices.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 79

3.1 Matrices
The cost per kg of vegetables in Kalimati vegetable market in a particular day is as follows.
Potato Cauliflower Cabbage
Shop A 15 25 20
Shop B 20 30 15
Shop C 18 24 12

Above cost of the vegetables can be represented using square bracket as,
SS15 25 20WWW
SS20 30 15WW
S18 24 12WW
Here, rows represent the shops
column represents the type of vegetables.
Where the elements denote the cost.

The rectangular arrangement of the numbers in rows and

columns enclosed by ( ) or [ ] is called a matrix. (plural-
matrices) where horizontal arrangement are called rows
and vertical arrangements are called columns.

• The matrix is denoted by capital letter A, B, C, ...

• The members of the matrix are called elements which are denoted by
small letters a, b, c, d, e, f, ........................
• The horizontal arrangements of the matrix are called rows.
• The vertical arrangements of the matrix are called columns.
• The no. of rows (m) and no. of columns (n) can be written as m × n
which is called the order of the matrix.
Order of A = R × C
• The matrix is denoted by using the position of elements as the no. of
rows and columns as,
SSa11 a12 a13WW
A = SSa21 a22 a23WW
Sa31 a32 a33WW
Here, a11 = element in first row and first column.
a23 = element in second row and third column.
Order of the matrix A = 3 by 3 written as 3 × 3.

80 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

General form of matrix of order m × n.
According to the number of rows and columns of a matrix, its elements can be denoted by
a11, a12, a13 .............. etc. Where aij is taken as the general element of ith row and jth column.

A matrix of order m × n can be written using general elements as,
a11 a12 a13 ............. a1j .............. a1n
a21 a22 a23 ............. a2j .............. a2n
a31 a32 a33 ............. a3j .............. a3n

A= a ai2 ai3 ............. aij .............. ain


am1 am2 am3 ............. amj .............. amn

aij is the general element of matrix A of ith row and jth column.
If aij = 2i + 3j, then the matrix A of order 2 × 2 can be calculated as below.
a11 = 2 × 1 + 3 × 1 = 5
a12 = 2 × 1 + 3 × 2 = 8
a21 = 2 × 2 + 3 × 1 = 7
a22 = 2 × 2 + 3 × 2 = 10
\ Matrix of order 2 × 2 is, A = < F
5 8
7 10

Types of matrices
1. Row matrix
The matrix having only one row is called row matrix.
Ex : A = [a11 a12 a13]1 × 3 B = [2 4]1 × 2 C = [a]1×1

2. Column matrix:
The matrix having only one column is called column matrix.
a 11
Ex : A = SSa21WW B = SS WW C = [0]1×1
Sa31W3×1 SS1WW
T X 4×1
3. Null matrix (zero):
The matrix having all the elements zero is called null matrix. It is denoted by ‘0’.
Ex : 0 = < F
0 0 0
0 0 0 2×3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 81

4. Rectangular matrix:
The matrix having unequal number of rows and columns is called rectangular matrix.
Ex : A = < F
2 3 4
1 –3 –2 2×3
5. Square matrix:
The matrix having equal number of rows and columns is called square matrix.
SS1 2 3WWW
B= < F
1 2
Ex : A = [2]1×1 C = SS4 5 6WW
3 4 2×2 SS W
S7 8 9WW3×3
6. Diagonal matrix
The square matrix having the main diagonal elements (from left top to right bottom)
non-zero and remaining elements are zero is called diagonal matrix.
SSp 0 0WWW
Ex: A = < F
a 0
B = SS0 q 0WW
0 b 2×2 SS W
S0 0 r WW 3×3
7. Scalar matrix: T X
The diagonal matrix having all non-zero diagonal elements are equal is called scalar
SSa 0 0WWW SSk 0 0WWW
Ex : A = SS0 a 0WW B = SS0 k 0WW
S0 0 aW3×3 S0 0 kWW 3 × 3
8. Identity matrix (Unit matrix):
The square matrix having the main diagonal elements (from left top to right bottom)
all one and remaining elements are zero is called identity matrix. It is denoted by ‘I’.
S 1 0 0WW
Eg : I = < F
1 0 S W
I = SS0 1 0WW
0 1 2×2 SS W
S0 0 1WW3×3
9. Triangular matrix: T X
The square matrix having zero elements towards upper or lower parts of leading
diagonal of the matrix is called triangular matrix.
SS1 2 3WWW
Eg : A = < F L.T.M
1 2
B = SS0 4 5WW U.T.M
0 3 2×2 SS W
S0 0 6WW 3 × 3
SS1 0 0WWW
C= < F
1 0
D = SS2 3 0WW
2 3 2×2 SS W
S4 5 6WW 3 × 3
Here, T X
Matrices A and B are called upper triangular matrices and C and D are called lower
triangular matrices.

82 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

10. Equality of the matrices
Any two matrices having same order and same corresponding elements are called
equal matrices.
Ex : A = < F, B= < F
2 3 2 3
4 1 4 1
Here, A = B (equal matrices)

Worked out Examples

1. The cost of fruits in a fruits shop in different days is given below. Represent the
informations in a matrix with appropriate meaning.
Apple Orange Banana
Day 1 150 80 75
Day 2 120 100 70
Solution :
The cost of fruits given in table of two days are represented by matrix as follows
rows → represents the days
columns → represents the type of fruits
A= < F
150 80 75
120 100 70
3 2 5
2. If A = < F
–2 4 –1
i) Find the order of matrix A.
ii) Find the elements a12, a21, & a23.
i) No. of rows = 2
No. of columns = 3
\ Order of matrix A is 2 by 3 (2 × 3).

ii) a12 = element in 1st row 2nd column = 2

a21 = element in 2nd row 1st column = –2
a23 = element in 2nd row 3rd column = –1

x+2 3 3 3
3. If A = B, where A = = G and B = < F , find the value of x & y.
y 1 6 – 2y 1
Solution :

A= = G,
x+2 3
y 1
B= < F
3 3
6 – 2y 1
Matrix A & B are equal.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 83
By equating the corresponding elements
x+2=3 and y = 6 – 2y
or, x = 3 – 2 y + 2y = 6
or, x = 1 3y = 6
\x=1 y= 3
\ y=2
\ x = 1, y = 2

4.If aij = 3i – 2j is the general element of a matrix, find the matrix of order 2 × 3. Also
write down its type.
Solution :
aij = 3i – 2j (general element)
2 × 3 matrix A = < F
a11 a12 a13
a21 a22 a23
a11 =3×1–2×1 =1
a12 =3×1–2×2 = –1
a13 =3×1–2×3 =–3
a21 =3×2–2×1 =4
a22 =3×2–2×2 =2
a23 =3×2–3×2 =0
=< F
1 –1 –3
\ A
4 2 0
Here, Number of rows and column of the matrix are different.
So, it is rectangular matrix.

84 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 3.1
1. i) What is matrix? Write down one example.
ii) What do you mean by order of the matrix?
iii) What is scalar matrix? Write down its example.
iv) What is identify matrix? Write down its example.
v) Write down the standard form of the matrix.

2. Write down the following informations in matrix form with appropriate meaning.
Also write down the order of the matrices.
i) The number student in a class are given below.
1st column 2nd column
1st row 4 3
2nd row 5 2
3rd row 6 4
4 row
3 5

ii) The cost of clothes in three shops are given below.

Shirt Pants Vest
1st shop 500 700 300
2nd shop 450 600 350
3rd shop 400 550 250

iii) The production of crops in Jhapa district in different years in metric tonne is
given below.
Rice Wheat Maize others
2072 BS 300 150 100 150
2073 BS 350 170 120 130
2074 BS 475 180 200 300

iv) What is matrix? Write short note on order of the matrix.

v) In what conditions equality of the matrices takes place? Write down with

3. Write down the types of the matrices from the followings. Also write down the order
of the matrices.
SS3 1WWW 0 0 S
1 2 3WW
i) SS2 4WW ii) 0 0 iii) SS 4 5 2WWW
SS WW SS–1 0 1WW
S1 5W
SSa 0 0WW SS1 0 0WW
iv) < F
2 0 SS0 b 0WW SS0 1 0WW
v) vi)
0 2 SS WW SS W
S0 0 c W S0 0 1WW
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 85
vii) < F 63 –2 1@
2 3 1 S W
viii) SS3WW ix)
–2 2 –2 SS WW
SS2 3 –1WWW
4. Answer the following questions from the matrix SS1 0 5 WW
i) Element in first row and second column. S3 2 1 WW
ii) The element a . T X
iii) a31 + a23 + a33
iv) Element aij where i = 3 & j = 2.
v) Write down the order of the matrix.

5. If the general element of a matrix is aij = 2i – 3j, what will be the matrices of following order.
i) 2 × 2 matrix ii) 2 × 3 matrix iii) 3 × 3 matrix
iv) 3 × 2 matrix v) 3 × 1 matrix

6. Find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’ from the following equal matrices.
i) A = < F &B= < F
3 x–1 3 7
5 6 2y + 1 6

A= = G, B = < F
2x + 3 5 7 – 2x 5
2 y +1 2 3y – 5

iii) P = = G, B = < F
2x + y 2 7 7 2 7
3 5 y 3 5 2 y –3
SS4 3 x + yWWW SS4 3 7 WWW
iv) M = SS2 x – y 7 WW , N = SS2 1 7 WW
S1 5 –2 WW S1 5 –2WW
v) A = < F= < F
5 7 5 3x – 2y
2x + y 1 7 1

1. Show to your teacher. 2. Show to your teacher.
3. Show to your teacher.
4. i) 3 ii) 0 iii) 9 iv) 2 v) 3 × 3
SS1 –4 –7WWW
< F < F
–4 –1 –4 –7 SS1 –2 –5WW
5. i) ii) iii)
–2 1 –2 –5 SS W
S3 0 –3WW
iv) SS 1 –2WW v) SS 1 WW
S3 0 WW S3 W
6. i) x = 8, y = 2 ii) x = 1, y = 3 iii) x = 2, y = 3
iv) x = 4, y = 3 v) x = 3, y = 1
86 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
3.2 Operation on matrices
The simpli�ication of two or more matrices in to a single matrix by using any kind of
mathematical operations indicates the operation on matrices.

3.2.1. Addition of matrices

Marks obtained by three students Sita, Pranav and Pranisha in two test in optional maths
in two successive months are as follows.

1st month 2nd month

1st 2nd 1st 2nd
Sita 60 75 Sita 70 75
Pranav 85 90 Pranav 95 80
Pranisha 95 85 Pranisha 80 95

Total marks obtained by them in two tests in two months as,

1st 2nd
Sita 60 + 70 = 130 75 + 75 = 150
Pranav 85 + 95 = 180 90 + 80 = 170
Pranisha 95 + 80 = 175 85 + 95 = 180

This information can be expressed in matrix form as,

SS60 75WWW SSS70 75WWW
SS85 90WW + SS95 80WW
S95 85WW SS80 95WW
SS60 70 75 75WW +
= SS85 + 95 90 + 80WW
S95 + 80 85 + 95WW
SS130 150VWW
= SS180 170WW
S175 180WW

The sum of any two matrices having same order is called a new
single matrix obtained by adding the corresponding elements of
the matrices where the single matrix also has the order same as the
given matrices.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 87

Points to remember:
• Order of the matrices should be same.
• Corresponding elements of the matrices should be added respectively.
• New matrix obtained after addition has the order same as the given matrices.
2 3 3 2
Eg. If A = < F, B = < F
–1 5 –4 –1
A+B = < F+< F
2 3 3 2
–1 5 –4 – 1

== G
2+3 3+2
–1–4 5 – 1
=< F
5 5
–5 4

3.2.2. Difference of the matrices (Subtraction)

Out of three persons in the above example, who has got more marks in which month can
be found out by subtraction.
Difference of marks of them
1st month 2nd month
1st 2nd 1st 2nd
Sita 60 75 Sita 70 75
Pranav 85 90 Pranav 95 80
Pranisha 95 85 Pranisha 80 95

Difference marks obtained by them in two tests in two months as,

1st 2nd
Sita 60 – 70 = –10 75 – 75 = 0
Pranav 85 – 95 = –10 90 – 80 = 10
Pranish 95 – 80 = 15 85 – 95 = –15

This information can be expressed in matrix form as,

SS60 75WWW SSS70 75WWW
SS85 90WW – SS95 80WW
S95 85WW SS80 95WW
SS60–70 75–75WWW
= SS85–90 90–80WW
S95–80 85–95WW
SS–10 0 WWW
= SS–10 10 WW
S 15 –15WW
88 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
The difference of any two matrices having same order is called
a new single matrix obtained by subtracting the corresponding
elements of the matrices where the single matrix also has the order
same as the given matrices.

2 3 1 –1 1 5
Eg. If P = < F, Q = < F
5 –3 2 2 1 3
P–Q = < F–< F
2 3 1 –1 1 5
5 –3 2 2 1 3

== G
2 + 1 3–1 1–5
5 – 2 –3 – 1 2 – 3

=< F
3 2 –4
3 –4 –1

3.2.3. Multiplication of a matrix with a scalar.

The new matrix formed by multiplying the each

elements of a given matrix with a given scalar quantity
is called the multiplication of a matrix with a scalar.

1 –2
Eg. If A = < F , �ind 3A.
3 –1

Solution : A = < F
1 –2
3 –1

3A = 3 < F=< F
1 –2 3 –6
3 –1 9 –3

3.2.4. Transpose of the matrix.

In the example, cost of apple is given.
1st shop 2nd shop
Sunday 150 140
Monday 160 145
Tuesday 170 150

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 89

It can be written in such a way by changing the information of rows and column as,
Sunday Monday Tuesday
1st Shop 150 160 170
2nd Shop 140 145 150
Such examples in matrix form.
SS150 140WWW
A = SS160 145WW
S170 150WW
A = after changing row and columns = < F
150 160 170
140 145 150
It is called transpose of the matrix.

The new matrix obtained by interchanging the rows and

columns of a matrix is called transpose of the matrix. Transpose
of A is denoted by AT or A`.

Order of transpose matrix will be different from matrix A from rectangular matrix but
same for the square matrix.
3 4 5
Eg. If A = < F then.
2 6 9
AT = SS4 6WW
S5 9WW
3.2.5. Symmetrical matrix:
The square matrix where same matrix is formed by interchanging the rows and
columns is called symmetrical matrix. (i.e. A = AT = symmetric)
SS5 2 3WWW
Eg : A = < F , B = SS2 4 8WW
a b
b c SS W
S3 8 1WW
3.2.6 Properties of matrix addition :
1. Closer property :
A + B is hold for matrices A and B of same order.
If A = < F, B = < F
2 1 1 2
3 1 4 3
A+B= < F+< F== G=< F
2 1 1 2 2+1 1+2 3 3
3 1 4 3 3+1 1+3 7 4
It has same order of A and B.

90 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

2. Commutative property
If A = < F, B = < F
2 1 3 –1
3 –1 2 1
A+B= < F+< F== G=< F
2 1 3 –1 2 + 3 1–1 5 0
3 –1 2 1 3 + 2 –1 + 1 5 0

B+A= < F+< F == G=< F

3 –1 2 1 3 + 2 –1 + 1 5 0
2 1 3 –1 2 + 3 1–1 5 0
\ A + B = B + A(Hence proved)

3. Associative property :
(A + B) + C = A + (B + C)
If A = < F, B = < F, C = < F
1 2 3 1 1 3
3 4 –1 2 2 –2
L.H.S. = (A + B) + C
= < F+< F +< F
1 2 3 1 1 3
3 4 –1 2 2 –2

== G+< F
1+3 2+1 1 3
3–1 4 + 2 2 –2
=< F+< F
4 3 1 3
2 6 2 –2

== G
4+1 3+3
2+2 6–2
=< F
5 6
4 4

R.H.S. = < F+ < F+< F

1 2 3 1 1 3
3 4 –1 2 2 –2

== G
3+1 1+3
–1 + 2 2 – 2
=< F
4 4
1 0

== G
1+4 2+4
3+1 4+0
=< F
5 6
4 4
\ L.H.S. = R.H.S. proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 91

4. Additive inverse:
For any matrix A ∃ a matrix – A such that Here – A is called the additive in verse of A.
A + (–A) = (A) – A = 0
If A = < F
2 –1
3 –2
–A= < F
–2 1

–3 2
A + (–A) = < F+< F== G=< F
2 –1 –2 1 2 – 2 –1 + 1 0 0
3 –2 –3 2 3 – 3 –2 + 2 0 0

(–A) + A = < F+< F== G=< F

–2 1 2 –1 –2 + 2 1 – 1 0 0
–3 2 3 –2 –3 + 3 2 – 2 0 0
∴ A + (–A) = (–A) + A = 0 proved

5. Additive identity :
For any matrix A ∃ a matrix ‘O’ of same order such that ‘O’ is called the additive
If A = < F, O = < F
2 3 0 0
–2 4 0 0
A+O= < F+< F== G=< F =A
2 3 0 0 2+0 3+0 2 3
–2 4 0 0 –2 + 0 4 + 0 –2 4

O+A= < F+< F== G=< F =A

0 0 2 3 0+2 0+3 2 3
0 0 –2 4 0–2 0+4 –2 4
∴ A + O = O + A = A proved.

6. Distributive property over scalar.

K(A + B) = KA + KB
where k is a scalar.
If A = < F, B = < F
2 3 –1 1
4 1 2 3
K(A + B) = K (< F+< F2
2 3 –1 1
4 1 2 3

= K= G
2–1 3 + 1
4+2 1+3

=< F
K 4K
6K 4K

92 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

= K< F + K< F
2 3 –1 1
4 1 2 3

=< F+< F
2K 3K –K K
4K k 2K 3K

== G
2K – K 3K + K
4K + 2K K + 3K

=< F
K 4K
6K 4K
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. is proved

7. Property of the matrices over transpose:

i) (AT)T = A ii) (A + B)T = AT + BT
If A = < F
2 3
If A = < F, B = < F
1 –2 2 4
4 1 3 4 1 –1
(A + B)T = (< F+< F2
1 –2 2 4 T
2 3T
AT = < F =< F
2 4 3 4 1 –1
4 1 3 1 T

== G
1 + 2 –2 + 4
(AT)T = < F =< F =A
2 4 2 3 3 + 1 4 –1
3 1 4 1
=< F
(AT)T = A = < F
2 3 4 3

4 1
=< F
3 4
2 3
1 –2 T 2 4 T
AT + B T =< F +< F
3 4 1 –1

=< F+< F
1 3 2 1
–2 4 4 –1

== G
1+2 3+1
–2 + 4 4 – 1

=< F
3 4
2 3
∴ (A + B)T = AT + BT proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 93

Worked out Examples
1 2 3 –2
1. If A = < F, B = < F , prove that (A + B)T = BT + AT.
–1 3 2 1
Solution :
A+B = < F+< F
1 2 3 –2
–1 3 2 1

=< F
4 0
1 4
∴ L.H.S. = (A + B)T
4 0T
=< F
1 4

= < F
4 1
0 4
∴ R.H.S. = BT + AT

=< F+< F
3 2 1 –1
–2 1 2 3
=< F
4 1
0 4
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. proved.

1 2 2 –1 3 1
2. If A = < F, B = < F and C = < F , prove that A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C.
–1 3 1 2 2 –1
Solution :
L.H.S. = A + (B + C)= < F + (< F+< F2
1 2 2 –1 3 1
–1 3 1 2 2 –1

=< F+< F
1 2 5 0
–1 3 3 1

=< F
6 2
2 4

R.H.S. = (A + B) + C = (< F+< F2 + < F

1 2 2 –1 3 1
–1 3 1 2 2 –1

=< F+ < F
3 1 3 1
0 5 2 –1

=< F
6 2
2 4
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. proved.

94 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4 1 –2 3
3. If A + B = < F and A – B = < F , find the matrices A and B. Also prove the closer
3 4 –5 2
property of A + B.
Solution :
A+B= < F ................ (i)
4 1
3 4

A–B= < F ................ (ii)

–2 3
–5 2
Adding (i) and (ii), we get,
A+B= < F
4 1
3 4

A–B= < F
–2 3
–5 2

2A = < F
2 4
–2 6

A= < F
1 2
\ –1 3

Putting the value of ‘A’ in equation (i)

B= < F–< F=< F
4 1 1 2 3 –1
3 4 –1 3 4 1

A= < F &B= < F

1 2 3 –1
–1 3 4 1
B+A = < F+ < F
3 –1 1 2
4 1 –1 3

== G
3 + 1 –1 + 2
4 –1 1+3
=< F
4 1
3 4
\ (A + B) = (B + A)
i.e. closer property is proved.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 95

Exercise 3.2
1. i) What do you mean by symmetrical matrix? Write down with example.
ii) Write down the conditions of matrix addition.
iii) Write down the condition of matrix multiplication with a scalar.
iv) Write down the associative property of matrix addition.
v) Write down the distributive property of matrix addition over scalar.

2. Operate the followings.

SS1 3 2 WW SS 3 1 0WW
< F+< F
1 2 3 2 –1 –3 SS0 W S WW
i) ii) 1 –1WW + SS 2 –1 1W
–1 4 0 0 1 2 SS W S W
S2 3 1 WW SS–2 3 2WW
< F+< F < F–< F
3 –2 2 –3 3 1 –2 5 0 –3
iii) iv)
4 1 2 1 4 –1 2 2 –2 –1

2< F + 3< F
1 2 1 0
3 –1 –1 2
3. Find the following from the given matrices.
i) A = < F and B = < F, A + B
1 2 3 –1
–1 3 4 1

M= < F, N = < F, M + N
3 –2 2 7
–1 4 6 1

iii) P = < F, Q = < F , 2P + Q

–2 3 2 –3
4 –1 –4 1

iv) A = < F, B = < F , 3A + 2B

3 5 –2 –3
–2 7 5 –3

M= < F, N = < F , 3M – 2N
4 2 1 3 –1 2
3 1 5 –2 1 0

If A = < F, B = < F , find the following operations.

3 2 4 –1
1 –2 2 1
i) 2A + B ii) 3A – B iii) A + 3B
iv) 3A – 2B v) 4A – 3B

If M = < F and N = < F prove that 3M – N is a null matrix.

1 –2 3 –6
5. i)
2 3 6 9
If A = < F and B = < F , prove that 2A – B is an identity matrix.
3 2 5 4
–1 –2 –2 –5

iii) If A = < F,B= < F and C = < F , prove that 2A + B and B – C are equal matrices.
1 2 2 1 –2 –4
–1 3 3 –4 2 –6

96 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iv) If A = < F and B = < F , prove that A + B is a symmetrical matrix.
3 1 1 1
0 2 2 3
SS 1 3 –3WWW 2 9 –9
v) If P = S 2 4 –6W and Q = 2 8 –18 prove that 3P – Q is lower triangular
S–2 –3 2 WW –7 –10 1
matrix. T X

If A = < F, B = < F and C = 2 4 prove that the followings.

3 2 –1 3
1 –2 4 1 –1 3
i) A+B=B+A
ii) A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
iii) A+0=0+A=A
iii) A + (–A) = 0
v) 2(A + B) = 2A + 2B

If A = < F , find AT.

1 2
7. i)
3 –2
SS3 –2 1 WWW
ii) If AT = SS4 1 2 WW , find A.
S3 2 –1WW
iii) If A = < F, B = < F find AT + BT.
3 2 1 –3
1 –1 3 4
iv) If A = < F and B = < F , find (A + B)T.
3 2 1 –3
1 –1 3 4
v) If A = < F, B = < F , find (2A – B)T.
2 1 –1 2
3 2 1 2
8. PRIME more creative questions.
If A = < F and B = < F , prove that (A + B)T = AT + BT.
3 2 1 5
a. i)
1 –2 –4 1
ii) If A = < F and (A + B)T = < F , find the matrix B.
3 2 6 –1
–1 4 2 1
iii) If A = < F and A + B = < F , find B and prove that it is symmetrical.
4 3 6 5
2 1 4 3
iv) If A + B = < F, A – B = < F , find the matrices A & B.
6 5 2 1
4 3 0 –1
v) If P + Q = < F & P–Q= < F , find the matrices P and Q.
4 7 2 –3
–3 –1 5 –3

If = G is an identity matrix, find the value of x, y, p and q.

x + 1 2q – 4
b. i)
3p – 6 y + 2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 97

If < F is the additive inverse of < F , find the value of x and y.
x – 1 –4 –1 4
y 3 5 –4 –5

iii) If < F+< F=< F , find ‘x’ and ‘y’.

5 6 1 y 6 8
7 x 0 1 7 4

iv) If A = < F, B = = G , C = < F and A + B = C, find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’ .
x 3 4+x 2 8 5
2 1 –1 y – 2 1 1

v) If A = < F, B = < F and AT = B, find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.

2x 15 6 5
5 3y 15 12

1. Show to your teacher.
SS4 4 2WW
< F < F
3 1 0 SS2 W 5 –5
2. i) ii) 0 0WW iii)
–1 5 2 SS W 6 2
S0 6 3WW
iv) < F < F
–2 0 1 5 4
2 3 3 3 4

< F <5 5F < F

4 1 –2 3
3. i) ii) iii)
3 4 5 5 4 –1

iv) < F < F

5 9 6 8 –1
4 15 13 1 15

< F < F < F

10 3 5 7 15 –1
4. i) ii) iii)
4 –3 1 –7 7 1

iv) < F < F

1 8 0 11
–1 –8 –2 –11
5. Proved 6. Proved
< F < F
1 3 SS W 4 4
7. i)
2 –2
ii) SS1 2 WWW iii)
–1 3
SS2 –1WW
iv) < F < F
4 4 5 5
–1 3 0 2

< F <2 2F
3 0 2 2
8.a. i) Proved ii) iii)
0 –3
iv) A = < F, B = < F P= < F, Q = < F
4 3 2 2 3 2 1 5
2 2 v)
2 1 1 –2 –4 1
b. i) x = 0, y = – 1, p = 2, q = 2 ii) x = 2, y = 1
iii) x = 3, y = 2 iv) x = 2, y = 2 v) x = 3, y = 4

98 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3.3 Multiplication of matrices:
Let us take an example,
Pranisha bought 2 kg of potatoes at the rate of Rs. 20, 3kg of tomatoes at the rate of Rs. 10
and 4kg of soyabean at the rate of Rs. 15. How much she had paid for each items.
Taking the informations in matrix form as,
A = 62 3 4@1×3 [Items in kg]
B = SS10WW [Rate of cost of items respectively]
Total cost paid by Pranisha can be taken as,
= 2 × 20 + 3 × 10 + 4 × 15
= 40 + 30 + 60
= Rs. 130

This operation can be taken in matrix form as,

Total cost = Item (kg) × Rate
T =A×B
= 62 3 4@ SS10WW
= [2 × 20 + 3 × 10 + 4 × 15]
= [40 + 30 + 60]
= [130]

Let us consider another example,

A company wants to establish three types of factories A, B, C in a place and needs male
and female workers in different months as below.
Factories A B C
Male 8 12 6
Female 3 2 4

Required workers in the factories.

Months Baishakh Jestha
A 2 3
B 3 4
C 4 2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 99

How many workers are needed in each months in total?
Here, The informations in matrix form:
P= < F,
8 12 6 S W
Q = SS3 4WW
3 2 4 SS W
S4 2WW
Baishakh (Male) = 8 × 2 + 12 × 3 + 6 × 4
= 16 + 36 + 24
= 76

Baishakh (Female) =3×2+2×3+4×4

= 6 + 6 + 16
= 28

Jestha (Male) = 8 × 3 + 12 × 4 + 6 × 2
= 24 + 48 + 12
= 84

Jestha (Female) =3×3+2×4+4×2

= 25

Number of workers in respective months can be written in bracket as,

< F
76 84
28 25
Here, Row 1 shows the male and
Row 2 shows the female workers,

Column 1 shows the Baishakh and
Column 2 shows the Jestha
It can be expressed in matrix as,
P.Q = < F S3 4WW
8 12 6 S W
3 2 4 2×3 SSS W
S4 2WW3×2
== G
8×2 + 12 × 3 + 6 × 4 8×3 + 12×4 + 6×2
3×2 + 2×3 + 4×4 3×3 + 2×4 + 4×2 2×2

=< F
76 84
28 25 2×2

100 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3.3.1 Conclusion from the above examples for multiplication of the
matrices (Ways of matrix multiplication)

When number of columns of �irst matrix is equal to the number

of rows of second matrix, they can be multiplied where all the
elements of the rows of �irst matrix should be multiplied with
the corresponding element of columns of second matrix and
added to each other for the multiplication of the matrices.

i.e. For the matrices A and B having order m × p and p × n respectively.

Am×p × Bp×n = (AB)m×n

(AB exists)

For the multiplication taking an example of any two matrices A and B having order 2 × 2.
A= < F, B = < F
a b p q
c d r s
AB = < F < F
a b p q
1st step
c d 2 × 2 r s 2× 2

== G
a×p + b×r ........
2nd step
....... .........

== G
a×p + b×r a×q + b×s
3rd step
...... ......

== G
a×p + b×r a×q + b×s
4th step
c×p + d×r ......

== G
a×p + b×r a×q + b×s
5th step
c×p + d×r c×q + d×s

== G
ap + br aq + bs
Result of AB
cp + dr cq + ds

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 101

Let us consider another example:
If A = SS1 –2WW and B = < F
3 1
SS WW 4 –2
S4 3 W
Then, T X
< F
3 1
AB = SS1 –2WW
SS WW 4 –2 2×2
S4 3 W3×2
SS3×3 + 2×4 3×1 + 2× (–2) WW
= S1×3 + (–2) ×4 1×1 + (–2) × (–2)WW
S4×3 + 3×4 4×1 + 3× (–2) WW
SS17 –1WWW
= SS–5 5 WW
S24 –2WW3×2
BA = < F
3 1 SS W
S1 –2WW
4 –2 2×2 SS W
S4 3 WW3×2
Here, the no. of column of �irst matrix are not equal to the no. of rows of second
i.e. 2 ≠ 3
∴ BA does not exists.

3.3.2 Conditions of matrix multiplications:

i) Number of columns of �irst matrix should equal to the number of rows of second
ii) Elements of rows of �irst matrix should multiply with corresponding elements of
second matrix successively.
iii) Order of new matrix will be the number of rows of �irst and columns of second.
i.e. A3×2 . B2×4 = (AB)3×4

3.3.3 Properties of matrix multiplication :

1. Commutative property does not hold.
< F and B = < F
2 3 –1 2
Taking A =
1 4 3 2
AB = < F < F
2 3 –1 2
1 4 2×2 3 2 2×2

== G
2× (–1) + 3×3 2×2 + 3×2
1× (–1) + 4×3 1×2 + 4×2

102 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

=< F
7 10
11 10

=< F < F
–1 2 2 3
3 2 2×2 1 4 2×2

== G
(–1) ×2 + 2×1 (–1) ×3 + 2×4
3×2 + 2×1 3×3 + 2×4

=< F
0 5
8 17
∴ AB ≠ BA

2. Associative property:
(AB)C = A(BC)
Taking, A = < F, B = < F and C = < F
2 1 3 1 2 4
–1 3 2 –1 1 3
L.H.S. = (AB)C

= (< F< F2 < F

2 1 3 1 2 4
–1 3 2 –1 1 3

=< F= G
2 4 2×3 + 1×2 2×1 + 1 (–1)
1 3 (–1) ×3 + 3×2 (–1) ×1 + 3 (–1)
=< F < F
8 1 2 4
3 –4 1 3

== G
8×2 + 1×1 8×4 + 1×3
3×2 + (–4) ×1 3×4 + (–4) 3
=< F
17 35
2 0
R.H.S. = A(BC)

=< F = G
2 1 3×2 + 1×1 3×4 + 1×3
–1 3 2×2 + (–1) ×1 2×4 + (–1) ×3
=< F < F
2 1 7 15
–1 3 3 5

== G
2×7 + 1×3 2×15 + 1×5
(–1) ×7 + 3×3 2×4 + (–1) ×3
=< F
17 35
2 0
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 103

3. Distributive property over addition.
A(B + C) = AB + AC
Taking A = < F, B = < F, C = < F
4 2 –2 3 3 2
3 1 –1 1 1 4
L.H.S. = A(B + C)
=< F (< F+< F2
4 2 –2 3 3 2
3 1 –1 1 1 4

=< F= G
4 2 –2 + 3 3 + 2
3 1 –1 + 1 1 + 1

== G
4×1 + 2×0 4×5 + 2×5
3×1 + 1×0 3×5 + 1×5
=< F
4 30
3 20
R.H.S. = AB + AC

=< F< F+< F< F

4 2 –2 3 4 2 3 2
3 1 –1 1 3 1 1 4

== G+= G
4× (–2) 2 (–1) 4×3 + 2×1 4×3 + 2×1 4×2 + 2×4
3× (–2) + 1 (–1) 3×3 + 1×1 3×3 + 1×1 3×2 + 1×4
=< F+< F
–10 14 14 16
–7 10 10 10

== G
–10 + 14 17 + 16
–7 + 10 10 + 10
=< F
4 30
3 20
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. proved

4. Multiplicative identity
For any matrix A, ∃ a matrix I such that AI = IA = A. I is called the multiplicative identity.
Taking A = < F, I = < F
5 4 1 0
2 1 0 1
=< F < F
5 4 1 0
2 1 0 1

== G
5×1 + 4×0 5×0 + 4×1
2×1 + 1×0 2×0 + 1×1
=< F
5 4
2 1

104 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

=< F < F
1 0 5 4
0 1 2 1

== G
1×5 + 0×2 1×4 + 0×1
0×2 + 1×2 0×4 + 1×1
=< F
5 4
2 1

5. Multiplication over transpose:

Taking, A = < F and B = < F
3 2 –2 – 3
4 1 1 4
L.H.S. = (AB)T
= (< F< F2
3 2 –2 –3 T
4 1 1 4

== G
3× (–2) + 2×1 3 (–3) + 2×4
4× (–2) + 1×1 4 (–3) + 1×4
–4 –1 T
=< F
–7 –8
=< F
–4 –7
–1 –8

–2 –3 T 3 2 T
= < F < F
1 4 4 1
=< F < F
–2 1 3 4
–3 4 2 1

== G
(–2) ×3 + 1×2 (–2) ×4 + 1×1
(–3) ×3 + 4×3 (–3) ×4 + 4×1
=< F
–4 –7
–1 –8
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 105

Worked out Examples
3 2 4 1 3
1. If A = < F and B = < F �ind AB.
1 –2 –2 2 4
Solution :
=< F< F
3 2 4 1 3
1 –2 –2 2 4

== G
3×4 + 2 (–2) 3×1 + 2×2 3×3 + 2×4
1× (–4) + (–2) (–2) 1×1 (–2) ×2 1×3 + (–2) ×4

=< F
8 7 17
8 –3 –5
1 2
2. Which matrix pre- multiplies to < F gives [2 13]?
0 3
Solution :
Am × z < F = [2 13]1 × 2
1 2
0 3 2×2
∴ m=1
m×2 2×2=1×2
Let, The required matrix be [ab]
[a b] < F = [2 13]
1 2
0 3
or, [a × 1 + b × 0 a × 2 + b × 3] = [2 13]
or, [a 2a + 3b] = [2 13]
by equating the corresponding elements,
and 2a + 3b = 13
or, 2 × 2 + 3b = 13
or, 3b = 9
∴ b=3
∴ The required matrix is [2 3]
2 3
3. If A = < F , �ind the value of A2 – 3A + 2I.
1 –2
Solution :
=< F< F – 3< F + 2< F
2 3 2 3 2 3 1 0
A2 – 3A + 2I
1 –2 1 –2 1 –2 0 1

== G
2×2 + 3×1 2×3 + 3× (–2)
1×2 + (–2) ×1 1×3 + (–2) (–2)
=< F–< F+< F
7 0 6 9 2 0
0 7 3 –6 0 2

106 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

== G
7–6+2 0–9+0
0–3+0 7+6+2
=< F
2 –9
–3 15
3 2 –4 –1
4. Which matrix post multiplies to < F gives < F?
4 1 –7 –8
Solution :
Here, AB = C
Taking order : 2 × 2 2×m=2×2
∴ m = 2 and order of required matrix is also 2 × 2.
Let, the matrix be B = < F
a b
c d
< F < F=< F
3 2 a b –4 –1
4 1 c d –7 –8

= G=< F
3×a + 2×c 3×b + 2×d –4 –1
4×a + 1×c 4×b + 1×d –7 –8

= G= < F
3a + 2c 3b + 2d –4 –1
4a c 4b d + –7 –8
By equating the corresponding elements,
4a + c = – 7 ⇒ c = – 4a – 7 .............................. (i)
–3a – 4
3a + 2c = – 4 ⇒ c= 2 .............................. (ii)
4b = d = – 8 ⇒ d = –4b – 8.............................. (iii)
–3b – 1
3b + 2d = – 1 ⇒ d= 2 .............................. (iv)
Solving equation (i) and (ii)
–3a – 4
–4a – 7 = 2
or, –8a – 14 = –3a – 4
or, –5a = 10
∴ a = –2

Solving equation (iii) and (iv)

–3b – 1
–4b – 8 = 2
or, –8b – 16 = –3b – 1
or, –5b = 15
∴ b = –3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 107

Putting the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ in equation (i) and (iii) respectively.
c = –4(–2) – 7 = 1
d = –4(–3) – 8 = 4
∴ The required matrix is < F
–2 –3
1 4
4 0 x y
5. If P = < F and Q = < F and PQ = P + Q, �ind x, y and z.
0 5 0 z
Solution :
PQ = P + Q
< F< F=< F+< F
4 0 x y 4 0 x y
0 5 0 z 0 5 0 z

= G== G
4× x + 0×0 4× y +0×z 4+ x 0+ y
0× x +5×0 0× y +5×z 0+0 5+z
< F== G
4x 4y 4+ x 0+ y
0 5z 0+0 5+z
By equating the corresponding elements,
4x = 4 + x ⇒ x= 3
4y = y ⇒ y= 14
5z = 5 + z ⇒ z= 4

108 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 3.3
1. i) Write down the conditions of matrix multiplication.
ii) Write down distributive property of multiplication over addition.
iii) Am×p is a matrix and Bp×n is another matrix can A and B be multiplication?
iv) In what condition AB = BA = A?
v) Write down the associative property of multiplication.

2. Which of the following matrices can multiply? Write down with reason.
i) A = < F , B = SS1WW ii) A = < F, B = < F
3 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 1
4 –1 2 SS WW 4 1 –2 –1 3 2
iii) P = SS1WW , Q = 61 3 2@ iv) M = SS3 2 1 WW , N = SS3 1 WW
S3W S4 1 2 WW S2 –2WW
SS5 2 WW SS2 –1 3WWW
v) C = SS3 1 WW , D = SS3 1 2WW
S2 –1WW S1 2 4WW
3. Write down the order of the following matrix multiplication by multiplying them.
i) MN where, M = < F, N = < F
2 –1 4 1
3 2 2 –1

AB where, A = < F, B = < F

3 2 1 2 1
1 4 3 1 4
SRS 1 3 4 WVW
iii) QP where, P = SS–2 1 2 WW , Q = [2 1 3]
S 1 1 –1WW
iv) PQ where, P = < F , Q = SS1 –1WW
2 1 –2
3 2 1 SS W
S3 1 WW
S –2 1WW
v) BA where, A = < F , B = SS–1 3WW
1 4 2 S W
3 –1 2 S
< F < F < F
3 2 2 4 1 3
4. If A = ,B= and C = , prove that the followings:
1 –2 1 3 2 4
i) A(BC) = (AB)C ii) A(B + C) = AB + AC
iii) (AB) = B A
iv) BC ≠ CB
v) AI = IA = A where I is identity matrix of order 2 × 2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 109

Which matrix pre-multiplies to < F gives 65 9@ ?
2 0
5. i)
1 3
ii) Which matrix post-mulitplies to < F gives < F ?
1 2 8
0 3 9
iii) Which matrix pre-multiplies to < F gives < F?
3 –1 7 –1
2 0 7 –3
iv) Which matrix post multiplies to < F gives < F?
–1 2 –1 6
–2 1 –5 0
v) If < F A = < F , find the matrix A.
–4 0 4
5 7 9

If A = < F and B = < F , prove that : AB is a null matrix.

–4 4 2 –5
6. i)
–7 7 2 –5
ii) If M = < F and N = < F , prove that : MN is an identity matrix.
4 7 –5 7
3 5 3 –4
iii) If P = < F and Q = < F , prove that : PQ = QP = I
7 –5 –2 5
3 –2 –3 7
iv) If A = < F , I and O are the identity and zero matrix of order 2 × 2.
4 1
–1 2
Prove that : A2 – 6A + 9I = 0.
v) If I is an identity matrix of order 2 × 2 and M = < F.
4 2
–1 1
Prove that : (M – 2I)(M – 3I) = 0

7. PRIME more creative questions:

If A = < F and I is the unit matrix of order 2 × 2, prove that A2 = 5A + 14I.
3 –5
a. i)
–4 2
ii) If P = < F, Q = < F and PQ = P + Q, find p, q and r.
2 0 p q
0 3 0 r
iii) If AT = < F and BT = < F , prove that (AB)T = BTAT.
2 –3 1 –2
1 2 3 4
iv) If A = < F, B = < F and C = < F and AB = C, find the matrix ‘A’.
a b 1 6 7 2 1 4
c d 2 1 4 1 6 7
SS2x + 3WWW SSS 5 –3WWW 3
v) If SS y – 2 WW = SS 2 –2WW < F , find x, y and z.
SS W S W 2
S3z + 8WW SS–3 4 WW
i) If A = < F, B = < F and A2 = B, find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
a 0 4 0
–3 b –9 1
ii) M = < F, N = < F and M2 = N, find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.
1 x –3 8
–2 y –8 5
iii) If < F< F=< F find the value of ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’.
2 1 3 1 8 c
–1 a b –1 3 –4

110 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iv) If A = < F and AB is an identity matrix of order 2 × 2, find the matrix B.
3 4
2 3
v) Collects the marks obtained by 9 students from Roll No. 1 to 9 of your class in
first terminal examination and present such marks in matrix form. Discuss the
possible matrices of different order. Is square matrix formed?

8. Project work
Collects the types of matrices and operations on matrices in a chart paper and
present it in your classroom.

1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.
i) < F < F 63 10 7@1×3
6 3 9 8 11
3. ii) iii)
16 1 2×2 13 6 17 2×3
SRS1 –9 –2WW
iv) < F
3 1 SS W
v) SS8 –7 4 WW
17 5 2×2 SS5 7 W
6 WW3×3
4. Proved

61 3@ < F < F
2 1 2
5. i) ii) iii)
3 3 –1
iv) < F < F
3 2 –1
1 4 2
6. Proved

< F
3 0 1
7.a. ii)p = 2, q = 0, r = 2 iv) v) x = 3, y = 4, z = –3
1 0
b. i) a = ±2, b = ±1 ii) x = 2, y = 3 iii) a = 3, b = 2, c = 1
iv) B = < F
3 –4
v) Show to your subject teacher.
–2 3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 111

Unit Test
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. What is scalar matrix? Write down with example.

If A = < F and B = < F , find 3A – 2B.

1 2 3 –1
2. a.
–2 3 2 1

Which matrix pre-multiplies to < F results [7 9]?

2 0
1 3

If A = < F , find A2 – 3A + 5I.

2 1
3 4

If A + B = < F , and A – B = < F find A and B.

4 1 –2 3
3. a.
0 4 –4 2

If < F+< F=< F , find the value of a, b, x and y.

1 x a –1 2a–2 1
–2 y b 1 3b–6 4

If A = < F, B = < F and C = < F Prove that A(B + C) = AB + AC.

–2 4 3 1 4 1
3 1 –2 –1 3 2

112 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4 Co-ordinate Geometry

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions 2 2 1 1
6 15 30
Weight 2 4 4 5
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Students are able to find the distance formula and its application.
• Students are able to find the locus point and its equation in different
• Students are able to find the Section formula (internal, external, mid-point
and centroid of a triangle).
• Students are able to find the slope of a straight line in different condition
• Student are able to find the equation of straight line in standard conditions.
• Students are able to reduce the linear equation into standard form of
• Students are able to find the perpendicular distance of straight line from a
point and distance between two parallel lines.
• Students are able to find the area of triangle and quadrilateral using co-

Materials Required:
• Chart paper
• Chart of formulae used in co-ordinate
• Chart of standard formula with derivation.
• Graph paper.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 113

4.1 Distance between any two points (Review only)
Distance between the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2).
Let; ‘d’ be the distance between the point A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2)
Draw, AM^OX, BN^OX and AC^BN.
Then, (x2, y2)
OM = x1, AM = y1 Y B
ON = x2, BN = y2
AC = MN = ON – OM = x2 – x1 d
BC = BN – CN = BN – AM = y2 – y1
AB = d (x1, y1)
In right angled DABC, A C
h =p +b
2 2 2

or, AB2 = AC2 + BC2

or, d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 O M N
\ d= (x 2
– x 1
+ (y2
– y 1

It is the distance formula.

Some important informations: (Things to remember)

• Origin point is O(0, 0)
• A point on x – axis is (x, 0)
• A point on y – axis is (0, y)
• To prove right angled triangle : h2 = p2 + b2
• To prove isosceles triangle : Any two sides should be equal.
• To prove equilateral triangle : All side should be equal.
• To prove rhombus : All 4 sides should be equal.
• To prove square : All 4 sides should be equal and h2 = p2 + b2 for a diagonal
or diagonals are equal.
• To prove parallelogram.
Opposite sides should be equal. (mid points of diagonals should be equal)
• To prove rectangle : Opposite sides should be equal and h2 = p2 + b2 for a
diagonal. (i.e. diagonals are equal.)
• To prove the points A, B, C in circumference of a circle,
OA = OB = OC where O is centre of circle.

Worked out Examples

1. Plot the points A(1, 3) and B(4, 7) in graph paper and find the distance between the
points A and B by drawing perpendicular lines to the axes using run & rise.
The given points A(1, 3) and B(4, 7) in graph are;
Here, AC = MN = ON – OM = 4 – 1 = 3 = run
BC = BN – CN = BN – AM = 7 – 3 = 4 = rise

114 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

\ AB = (run)² + (rise)² Y
= 32 + 42
= 25
= 5 units A C

2. Find the distance between the points (2, –3) and (5, 1).
X’ X
Solution: O M N
The given points are: Y’
A(2, –3) = (x1, y1)
B(5, 1) = (x2, y2)
Using distance formula,
= (x2 – x1) + (y2 – y1)
2 2
d(AB) = (5 – 2) + (1 + 3)
2 2

= 32 + 42
= 5 units.

3. Prove that the line joining the points A(3, 4), B(7, 7) and C(11, 10) are collinear
Solution :
The given points are A(3, 4), B(7, 7) & C(11, 10)
Using distance formula,
= (x2 – x1) + (y2 – y1)
2 2
d(AB) = (7 – 3)2 + (7 – 4)2 = 5 units
d(BC) = (11 – 7)2 + (10 – 7)2 = 5 units
d(AC) = (11 – 3) + (10 – 4) = 10 units
2 2

Here, AC = AB + BC
or, 10 = 5 + 5
or, 10 = 10
Hence, They are collinear points.

4. Prove that the points A(–2, 3), B(–2, –4), C(5, –4) and D(5, 3) are the vertices of a
Solution : A(–2, 3) D(5, 3)
The given points are
A(–2, 3), B(–2, –4), C(5, –4), D(5, 3)
Using distance formula
d = (x2 – x1) + (y2 – y1)
2 2

d(AB) = (–2 + 2)2 + (–4 – 3)2= 7units

d(BC) = (52 + 2)2 + (–4 + 4)2 = 7units
d(CD) = (5 + 5)2 + (3 + 4)2 = 7units B(–2, –4) C(5, –4)
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 115
d(AD) = (5 + 2)2 + (3 – 3)2 = 7units
d(AC) = (5 + 2) + (–4 – 3) = 7 2 units
2 2

Here, AB = BC = CD = DA
Also, AB2 + BC2 = AC2
or, 72 + 72 = ( 7 2 )2
or, 98 = 98
Hence, They are the vertices of a square.

5. Find the co-ordiante of a point on x-axis which is 5 units distance from a point (5, 4).
Solution : Let, the point on x-axis be A(x, 0)
The given point is B(5, 4)
Using distance formula,
(5, 4)
d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2
or (5)2 = (x – 5)2 + (0 – 4)2
or, 25 = x2 – 10x + 25 + 16 d = 5 units
or, x – 10x + 16 = 0

or, x2 – (8 + 2)x + 16 = 0 (x, 0)

or, x2 – 8x + 2x + 16 = 0
or, x(x – 8) – 2(x – 8) = 0
or, (x – 8) (x – 2) = 0

Either, Or
x–8=0 x–2=0
\ x=8 \ x=2
\ The required point is (8, 0) or (2, 0)

Exercise 4.1
1. i) Write down the co-ordinate of a point lies in x-axis & y-axis.
ii) If run = 3 units, rise = 4units of a line segment AB, find the length of AB.
iii) Write down the distance formula of a point P(x, y) from the origin.
iv) In what condition the DAB will be right angled at B?
v) Write down the condition of the quadrilateral being a square.

2. Find the distance between the points given below.

i) (3, –7) and (9, 1) ii) (–5, 6) and (10, –2)
iii) (8, –3) and (–4, 2) iv) (a + b, a – b) and (b – a, b + a)
v) (aSina, aCosa) and (bCosa, – bSina)

3. i) Prove that the point (1, 2) is equidistance from the points (4, – 2), (5, –1) and (–2, 6).
ii) Prove that the point on x-axis (–3, 0) is equidistance from the points (3, 8) and (5, –6).
iii) Prove that the points (3, 4), (–4, 3) and (0, –5) are the points of circumference of a
circle of centre origin.
116 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
iv) Prove that the point on y-axis (0, 4) is equidistance from the points (15, –4) and (–8, –11).
v) Prove that the point (–4, 4) is the mid point of line joining the points (–3, 7) and (–5, 1)

4. i) Prove that the points (0, 4), (3, –2) and (5, –6) are collinear.
ii) Prove that the points (3, 4), (7, 7) and (11, 10) are collinear.
iii) Prove that the points (2, 3), (5, 8), (0, 5) and (–3, 0) are the vertices of a rhombus.
iv) Prove that the points (7, 10), (–2, 5) and (3, –4) are the vertices of isosceles right
angled triangle.
v) Prove that the vertices (4, 8), (0, 2), (3, 0) and (7, 6) are of a rectangle.

5. i) Find the co-ordinate of a point on x-axis which is 5 units distant from the point
(–2, 3)
ii) Find the co-ordinate of a point on y-axis which is 13 units distance from the
point (2, 5)
iii) Find the value of ‘m’ where (m, –2) is 10 units distance from the point (–2, 6).
iv) Find the co-ordinate of a point on x-axis which is equidistance from the points
(1, 3) and (–6, 4)
v) Find the co-ordinate of a point on y-axis which is equidistance from the points
(6, 10) and (–8,8).

6. PRIME more creative questions

i) Find the co-ordinate of a point which is equidistance from the points (2, –1), (1,
0) and (–6, 6)
ii) Find the cirum-centre of a triangle having vertices (–5, –2), (–3, –4) and (9, 12).
iii) The two vertices of an equilateral triangle are (–2, 0) and (–8, 0), find the co-
ordinate of 3rd vertix lies in second quadrent.
iv) If a point p(x, y) is equidistance from the points (3, –2) and (2, 1) prove that
x – 3y – 4 = 0.
v) Prove that the points (3, –3), (3 3 , 3 3 ) and (–3 3 , –3 3 ) are the vertices of
an isosceles triangle.

1. Show to your teacher.
2. i) 10 units ii) 17 units iii) 13 units
iv) 2 a2 + b2 units v) a2 + b2 units
5. i) (2, 0) or (–6, 0) ii) (0, 2) or (0, 8) iii) – 8 or 4
iv) (–3, 0) v) (0, 2)
6. ii) (3, 4) iii) (–5, 3 3 )

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 117

4.2 Equation of Locus of a point
Let us consider a moving point P moves in different conditions w.r.t. a fixed point as given
in diagrams.
A P2 B
P P4 P
3 4

P2 P4
P3 B
P1 P6 P3
P3 P6
In the above diagrams, the moving point P moves in different form of geometrical shapes
like circular, straight, curve, parabola, hyperhola etc according to the given geometrical
conditions. Such forms are the path traced out by the moving point while moving from
one place to another place called locus of the point.

The path traced out by a moving point while moving from one
place to another place under any geometrical conditions is called
locus of the point.

The paths traced out by a moving point can be expressed in the form of equation according
to the given conditions which is called equation of locus of a point.

Example : If a moving point P(x, y) makes a distance of 3 units always from the origin O(0, 0)
Then, OP = 3
OP2 = 9
using distance formula
d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2
or, OP2 = 9
or, (x – 0)2 + (y – 0)2 = 9
or, x2 + y2 = 9
It is the equation of locus of a point P.

118 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Find the locus of a point which moves so that its abscissa is always 4.
Solution :
Let, P(x, y) be a moving point
By the equation,
abscissa is always 4.
or, x - component = 4
or, x=4
\ The required equation of locus is x = 4.

2. Prove that the points (1, 2) and (–3, 10) always lie in the locus of equation 2x + y – 4 = 0
Solution :
The given equation of locus is,
2x + y – 4 = 0
At point (1, 2)
or, 4–4=0
or, 0 = 0 (true)

At point (–3, 10)
2(–3) + 10 – 4 = 0
or, 0 = 0 (true)
Hence, (1, 2) and (–3, 10) always lie in the given locus proved.

3. Find the equation of locus of a point which is equi distance from the points (2, –1)
and (1, 2)
Solution :
P(x, y)
Let, P(x, y) be a moving point.
The given fixed points are A(2, –1) and B(1, 2).
By the question.
B(1, 2)
or, AP2 = BP2 [\ squaring on both sides?] A(2, –1)
using distance formula,
d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2

Then taking
AP2 = BP2
or, (x – 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = (x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2
or, x2 – 4x + 4 + y2 + 2y + 1 = x2 – 2x + 1 + y2 – 4y + 4
or, –2x + 6y = 0
or, x – 3y = 0
\ x + y = 0 is the required equation.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 119

4. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so that its distance from the point
(–2, 1) is double its distance from the point (2, 3).
Solution :
Let, P(x, y) be a moving point. P(x, y)
The fined points are A(–2, 1) and B(2, 3)
by the question,
AP = 2BP
or, AP2 = 4BP2 B(2, 3)
using distance formula A(–2, 1)
d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2
or, AP2 = 4BP2
or, (x + 2)2 + (y – 1)2 = 4{(x – 2)2 + (y – 3)2}
or, x2 + 4x + 4 + y2 – 2y + 1 = 4(x2 – 4x + 4 + y2 – 6y + 9)
or, 3x2 + 3y2 – 20x – 22y + 47 = 0
It is the required equation of locus.

5. Find the equation of locus of a point ‘P’ which moves so that from the points A(–a, 0)
and B(a, 0) under the condition AP2 + BP2 = AB2.
Let, P(x, y) be a moving point.
The fixed points are A(–a, 0) and B(a, 0)
By the question,
PA2 + PB2 = AB2
using distance formula
d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2

PA2 + PB2 = AB2
or, (x + a)2 + (y – 0)2 + (x – a)2 + (y – 0)2 = (a + a)2 + (0 – 0)2
or, x2 + 2ax + a2 + y2 + x2 – 2ax + a2 + y2 = 4a2
or, 2x2 + 2y2 = 2a2
or, x 2 + y2 = a 2
It is the required equation of locus.

120 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 4.2
1. i) What is locus?
ii) Which type of locus represented by the equation x + y = 3?
iii) Which type of locus represented by the equation x2 + y2 = a2?
iv) Which type of locus represented by the equation x = 4?
v) Which type of locus represented by the equation y = –2?

2. i) Which of the points (2, 2), (1, 5), (–2, 10) and (3, 0) lie in the locus having
equation 2x + y – 6 = 0
ii) Prove that the points (3, 4), (–4, –3) and (–5, 0) lie in the locus of equation x2 +
y2 = 25
iii) If (3, 2) lies in the locus of equation 3x + my – 17 = 0, find the value of ‘m’.
iv) Prove that the point (2, –3) lies in the locus having equations 4x – y – 11 = 0 and
x2 + y2 = 13.
v) If a point (1, –2) lies in the locus having equation x2 + y2 + 2x + py – 3 = 0, find
the value of ‘p’.

3. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so that under the following
i) Making abscissa always 3
ii) Making ordinate always – 4
iii) Making distance from the origin always 5 units.
iv) Making sum of abscissa and ordinate always 7.
v) Making distance from a point (1, 2) is always 4 units.

4. Find the equation of locus of a point under the conditions given below.
i) It moves such that equidistance from the points (3, –1) and (1, 3).
ii) It moves making equal distance from the points (2, 1) and (–3, 2)
iii) It moves making distance from x-axis is double the distance from y-axis.
iv) It moves such that its distance from (1, 2) is double the distance from (1, –1).
v) It moves such that its distance from the origin is thrice that distance from (–1, 2)

5. Find the equation of locus of a point ‘P’ under the following conditions.
i) It moves such that distance from y-axis is double the distance from x-axis.
ii) It moves such that from the points A(–2, 0) and B(2, 0) under the condition AP2
+ BP2 = AB2
iii) It moves such that from the points A(1, –2) and B(2, 1) under the condition of
2AP – BP = 0.
iv) It moves such that sum of the square of distance from A(2, –3) and B(3, 4) is
always 40 units.
v) It moves such that the difference of distance from the point (3, – 2) and (2, 1) is
always zero.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 121
6. PRIME more creative questions.
i) Find the equation of locus of a point so that ratio of its distance from (2, 1) and
from the point (1, –2) is always 2:3.
ii) Find the equation of locus of a point so that it moves from the circumference of
a circle having equation x2 + y2 = k where one of the point in the circumference
is (–3, 0)
iii) If a point (4, 4) lies in the equation of locus y2 = ax. Find the value of ‘a’. Also
prove that another point (16, 8) lies in that locus.
iv) Find the equation of locus of a point P which moves so that it makes right angle
at point ‘P’ from the fixed points A(–m, 0) and B(m, 0).
v) Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so, that its distance fro (1, –2)
is half of the distance from (2, 1).

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) (2, 2), (–2, 10), (3, 0) iii) 4 v) 2

3. i) x – 3 = 0 ii) y+4=0 iii) x2 + y2 = 25

iv) x + y = 7 v) x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 11 = 0

4. i) x – 2y = 0 ii) 5x – y + 4 = 0 iii) 2x – y = 0
iv) x2 + y2 – 2x + 4y + 1 =0
v) 8x2 + 8y2 – 18x – 36y + 45 = 0

5. i) x – 2y = 0 ii) x2 + y2 = 4
iii) 3x2 + 3y2 – 4x + 18y + 15 = 0
iv) 2x2 + 2y2 – 10x – 14y – 15 = 0
v) x – 3y – 4 = 0

6. i) 5x2 + 5y2 – 28x – 34y + 25 = 0

ii) x 2 + y2 = 9
iii) a=4
iv) x 2 + y2 = m 2
v) 3x2 + 3y2 – 4x + 18y + 15 = 0

122 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4.3 Section Point
Let us consider a point P cuts a line segment AB at a point where the point divides the
line segment in two parts AP and BP. Hence the point P is called the section point of a line
segment AB as shown in diagram. Such two sections AP and PB may be equal or may be
in a certain ratio. A m P m B
1 2

Internal Section
The point which may cut in equal A m P m B
section is called mid-point.
The point which may cut in unequal Mid Section
sections externally or internally is
P m1 A m B
called section point.
External Section
4.3.1 Centroid of a triangle

The intersecting point of medians of a triangle is called the

centroid of the triangle. It cuts the medians in the ratio 2:1.

Here, In DABC, P, Q and R are the mid-point of sides of DABC where
AP, BQ and CR are called medians. R Q
The intersecting point of the medians AP, BQ and CR is ‘G’ which is G
called the centroid of DABC. B C
4.3.2 Co-ordinate of section point of a line segment.
i. When a point cuts internally to a line
segment joining the points (x1, y1) & (x2, y2).
Let, a point C(x, y) cuts the line joining the B(x2, y2)
points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) internally in the
ration m1:m2. ( x, m2
Draw the perpendiculars, C S
CS^BN, (x1, y1)
Then, X
AQ = MP = OP – OM = x – x1. O M P N
CS = PN = ON – OP = x2 – x.
CQ = CP – QP = CP – AM = y – y1.
BS = BN – SN = BN – CP = y2 – y.
AC : CB = m1:m2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 123

i) \ AQC = \ BSC → Both being 90°
ii) \ QAC = \ SCB → Being corresponding angles.
iii) \ ACQ = \ CBS → Being remaining angles of Ds.
\ DACQ ∼ DCBS by AAA axiom.
\ CS = BS = CB
x – x1 y – y1 m1
or, x2 – x = y2 – y = m2

x – x1 m1
or, x2 – x = m2
or, m2x – m2x1 = m1x2 – m1x
or, x(m1 + m2) = m2x1 + m1x2
m x +m x
\ x = 1m2 + m2 1
1 2

y – y1 m1
y2 – y = m2
or, m2y – m2y1 = m1y2 – m1y
or, y(m1 + m2) = m2y1 + m1y2
m1 y2 + m2 y1
\ y= m +m
1 2
\ Co-ordiante of section point is
m x + m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
C(x, y) = ( 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m )
1 2 1 2

ii) Mid-point of a line segment

If point ‘C’ be the mid-point of the line segment AB in the above diagram, m1 = m2.
Then the section point so considered is called mid-point of the line segment AB,
m x + m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
(x, y) = ( 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m )
1 2 1 2

If m1 = m2 for mid-point
m1 (x1 + x2) m2 (y1 + y2)
or, (x, y) = 2 m1 , 2m2
x1 + x2 y1 y2
\ (x, y) = 2 , 2
It is the co-ordinate of mid-point.

124 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iii. If the section point cuts a line segment externally.
Let, A point P(x, y) cuts the line joining the
points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) externally in the
ratio m1:m2. P(x, y)
Draw the perpendiculars, )
AM^OX, BN^OX and PQ^OX x , ym

m1 B ( 2
AR = MQ = OQ = OM = x – x1 A R
BS = NQ = OQ – ON = x – x2 (x1, y1)
PR = PQ – RQ = PQ – AM = y – y1 X
PS = PQ – SQ = PQ – BN = y – y2
AP : BP = m1:m2

Now, In DARP and DBSP,

\R = \S → Both being 90°
\A = \B → Corresponding angles
\P = \P → Common angle
\ DARP ∼ DBSP → By AAA axiom.
\ BS = PS = BP
x –x1 y –y1 m1
or, x – x2 = y – y2 = m2

x –x1 m1
x – x2 = m2
or, m2x – m2x1 = m1x – m1x2
or, m1x2 – m2x1 = x(m1 – m2)
m x –m x
\ x = 1m12 – m22 1

y –y1 m1
y – y2 = m2
or, m2y – m2y2 = m1y – m1y2
or, m1y2 – m2y1 = y(m1 – m2)
m1 y2 – m2 y1
\ y = m1 – m 2
\ co-ordinate of section point externally is,
m x – m x m1 y2 – m2 y1
(x, y) = ( 1m12 – m22 1 , m1 – m2 )
\ It is the co-ordinate of section point externally.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 125

iv. Co-ordinate of centroid of a triangle. A(x1, y1)
Let ‘G’ be the centroid of a triangle having
vertices A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3)
where AP is a median and ‘G’ cuts the
median AP in the ratio 2:1. G(x, y)
Now, using mid-point formula for BC,
x + x y1 + y2
(x’, y’) = ( 1 2 2 , 2 )
x + x y 2 + y3 B(x2, y2) P C(x3, y3)
or p(x’, y’) = ( 2 2 3 , 2 )
Again, using section formula for AP
m x + m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
(x, y) = ( 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m )
1 2 1 2

> 2× ` 2 j + 1 × x1 2× a 2 k + 1 × y1 H
x 2 + x1 y 2 + y1
G(x, y) = 2+1 , 2+1
x1 + x2 + x3 y1 + y2 + y3
∴ G(x, y) = [ 3 , 3 ]
It is the co-ordinates of centroid of ∆ABC.

Worked out Examples

1. Find the co-ordinate of a point which divides the line joining the points A(3, –2) and
B(–7, 4) in the ratio 3:2.
(i) internally (ii) Externally
Solution :
A(3, –2) 3 2 B(–7, 4)
The given points are A(3, –2) & B(–7, 4)
Ratio of the straight line = 3:2.
i) Using section formula internally,
m x + m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
(x, y) = ( 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m )
1 2 1 2

3 × (–7) + 2 (3) 3 × 4 + 2x (–2)

=( 3+2 , 3+2 )

= a– 5 , 5 k
15 8

= a–3,
ii) Using section formula externally,
m x – m x m1 y2 – m2 y1
(x, y) = ( 1m12 – m22 1 , m1 – m2 )
3 (–7) –2 (3) 3 (4) –2 (–2)
=( 3–2 , 3–2 )
–21 – 6 12 + 4
=( 1 , 1 )
= (–27, 16)
126 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
2. In what ratio does x-axis cuts the line joining the points Y
(1, 5) and (5, –3)? Also find the point of intersection. A
Solution :
Let, A point p(x, 0) on x-axis cuts the line joining the
points A(1, 5) and B(5, 3) in the ration k:1.
Now, Using section formula,
m1 y2 + m2 y1 X’ X
y=( m +m ) O P(x, 0)
1 2
kx (–3) + 1 (5) B
or, 0= k +1
or, –3K + 5 = 0
5 Y’
or, k= 3
\ The required ratio is 5:3.
m x +m x
x = 1m2 + m2 1
1 2
5×5+ 3×1
= 5+3
= 8
= 2
\ The point of intersection is ( 2 , 0)

3. If (2, 4) is the mid-point of the joining the points (–2, a) and (b, 5), find the value of
‘a’ and ‘b’.
Solution :
A(–2, a) (2, 4) B(b, 5)
Here, (2, 4) is the mid-point of line joining the points (–2, a) & (b, 5)
Using mid-point formula,
x +x y1 + y2
x = 1 2 2 and y = 2
–2 + b a +5
or, 2= 2 and 4 = 2
or, –2 + b = 4 and a + 5 = 8
\ b = 6 and a = 3
\ a = 3, b = 6

4. If AC = 15 units where A(3, 4), B(7, 7) and C(a, b) are the collinear points, find the
co-ordiante of ‘c’.
Solution :
A(3, 4) B(7, 7) C(a, b)
A(3, 4), B(7, 7) and C(a, b) are the collinear points where,
AC = 15 units

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 127

Using distance formula,
d = (x2 – x1)² + (y2 – y1)²
d(AB) = (7 – 3)² + (7 – 4)²
= 16 + 9
= 5 units.
Then, BC = AC – AB = 15 – 5 = 10 units.
ie. B cuts AC in the ratio 5:10 = 1:2

Now, Using section formula,

m x +m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
x = 1m2 + m2 1 and y= m1 + m 2
1 2

1× a + 2×3 1× b + 2× 4
or, 7= 1+2 and 7= 1+2
or, a = 6 = 21 and b + 8 = 21
\ a = 15 and b = 13
\ Co-ordinate of point C is (15, 13)

5. If (1, –2) is the centroid of a triangle having vertices (p, 2), (–2, –4) and (2, q), find the
value of p and q.
Solution :
Centroid of DABC having vertices A(p, 2), B(–2, –4) and C(2, q) is (1, –2)

Now, Using centroid formula,

x +x +x y1 + y2 + y3
x = 1 32 3 and y= 3
P –2 + 2 2–4+q
or, 1= 3 and –2 = 3
or, p=3 and q=–4
\ p=3 q = –4

6. Find the points of trisection of the line joining the points (1, 2) and (4, 5).
Solution :
A(1, 2) P Q B(4, 5)
Let, P and Q be the points of trisection of the line joining the points A(1, 2) and B(4,
P cuts AB in the ratio 1:2
Q cuts AB in the ratio 2:1
Using section formula,
m x +m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
(x, y) = ( 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m )
1 2 1 2
1× 4 + 2×1 1×5+ 2×2
P(x, y) =( 1+2 , 1+2 )
= (2, 3)
128 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
2× 4 +1×1 2×5+1×2
Q(x, y) =( 2+1 , 2+1 )
= (3, 4)
\ P(2, 3) and Q(3, 4) are the points of trisection.

7. If three vertices of a parallelogram are A(4, 3), A(4, 3) D(a, b)

B(1, 2) and C(2, –5), find the co-ordinate of
fourth vertex D.
Solution :
The three vertices of a parallelogram are A(4, P
3), B(1, 2) and C(2, –5)
Let, fourth vertex be D(a, b)
Using mid-point formula for diagonal AC. B(1, 2) C(2, –5)
x + x y1 + y2
(x, y) =( 12 2 , 2 )
4+2 3–5
P(x, y) =( 2 , 2 )
= (3, –1)

It is the mid-point of diagonal BD also in the parallelogram,

x +x y1 + y2
So, x= 12 2 and y = 2
1+a 2+ b
or 3= 2 and –1 = 2
or, 1+a=6 and 2 + b = – 2
\ a=5 and b = – 4
\ Fourth vertiex is (5, –4)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 129

Exercise 4.3
1. i) What do you mean by median of a triangle?
ii) What is centroid? Write down its co-ordinate.
iii) Write down section formula to show the section point externally.
iv) In what ratios does the points of trisection cuts a line segment.
v) In what condition the quadrilateral will be the parallelogram using mid-point?

2. Find the co-ordinate of a point under the following conditions.

i) Which divides the line joining the points A(–3, 9) and B(2, –1) in the ratio 2:3
ii) Which divides the line joining the points (1, 2) and (3, 4) in the ratio 4:5
iii) Which divides the line joining the points (3, 5) and (1, 7) at mid-point.
iv) Which divides the line joining the points (–2, –3) and (5, –3) in the ratio 3:4
v) Which divides the line joining the points (2 + 3 , 2 – 3 ) and (2 – 3 , 2 + 3 )
at mid-point.

3. Find the followings:

i) Find the centroid of a triangle having vertices A(1, 1), B(3, 7) and C(2, 1).
ii) If a point (–2, 3) is the centroid of a triangle having vertices (–4, m), (n, 4) and
(–1, –3). Find the value of ‘m’ and ‘n’.
iii) If (2, 3) is the mid-point of the line joining the points (3, b) and (a, –5), find the
value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
iv) If (2, 1) is the mid-point of line joining the points (2 + 3 , a), and (b, 2 + 3 ),
find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
v) Prove that the points (–2, –1), (1, 0), (4, 3) and (1, 2) are the vertices of a

4. Find the followings

i) In what ratio does (2, P) cuts the line joining the points (–2, 6) and (4, 3)? Also
find the value of ‘p’.
ii) In what ratio does y-axis cuts the line joining the points (–3, 2) and (4, –3)? Also
find the point of intersection.
iii) In what ratio does x-axis cuts the line joining the points (0, –6) and (5, 4)? Also
find the point of intersection.
iv) X-intercept of the line joining the points A(–1, 4) and B(4, –4) is 1, find the y-
intercept of the point.
v) In what ratio does the point (2, 6) cut the line joining the points (1, 8) and (4, 2)?

5. Find the followings.

i) In the collinear points A(1, –2), B(4, 2) and C, length of AC = 10 units, find the
130 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
co-ordiante of the point C.
ii) If PR = 20 units in the collinear points P(3, 2), Q(–1, –1) and R(a, b), find the co-
ordinate of ‘R’.
iii) Find the points of trisection of the line joining the points (1, 8) and (4, 2).
iv) Find the co-ordinate of the points which divides the line joining the points
(–5, –5) and (25, 10) in three equal parts.
v) Find the co-ordinate of fourth vertex of a parallelogram having three of the
vertices are (8, 5), (–7, –5) and (–5, 5).

6. PRIME more creative questions.

i) Find the length of the median drawn from first vertex of a triangle having
vertices A(4, 2), B(–3, –4) and C(–1, –8)
ii) Find the co-ordinate of the points which divides the line joining the points
(–6, –5) and (8, 7) in four equal parts.
iii) The mid-point of the sides of DABC are (2, 1), (3, –1) and (7, 3)respectively find
the co-ordinate of the veritecs of DABC.
iv) The three vertices of a parallelogram are (–3, 2), (–5, –3) and (5, –6) find the co-
ordinate fourth vertex which is opposite to –5, –3.
v) Find the co-ordinate of centroid of triangle having first vertex (3, 7) and mid-
point of its opposite side is (3, –2)
vi) Find the length of the medians of a triangle having vertices (2, 5), (–4, 1) and
(–8, –3)

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) (–1, 5) ii) (–7, –6) iii) (2, 6)

iv) (1, –3) v) (2, 2)

3. i) (2, 3) ii) m = 8, n = –1 iii) a = 1, b = 11

iv) a = – 3 , b = 2 – 3

4. i) 2:1, P = 4 ii) m = 8, n = –1 iii) 3:2, (3, 0)

iv) 2:3, 4 v) 1:2

5. i) (7, 6) ii) (–13, –10) iii) (2, 6), (3, 4)

iv) (5, 0), (15, 5) v) (10, 15)

5 9
6. i) 6 units ii) (– 2 , –2), (1, 1), ( 2 , 4)
iii) (6, 5), (–2, –3) and (8, 1)
iv) (7, –1)
v) (3, 1) vi) 10 units, 1 unit, 85 units

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 131

4.4 Equation of straight lines:
Let us consider a linear equation 3x – 2y – 4 = 0 where x and y are the variable and can
solve it as below to plot the points in graph.
3x – 2y – 4 = 0
or 3x – 4 = 2y
3x – 4
or, y = 2
x 0 2 4
y –2 1 4
From the graph we conclude that the linear equation
represents a straight line and the equation 3x – 2y – 4 = 0
represent a straight line.
X’ X
There are three types of straight lines which have different O
forms of equations according to the conditions of their
position. But every equation have the degree one. The
common types are the straight line parallel to x-axis, parallel
to y-axis and making an angle with x-axis. We can see them Y’
in the following examples.

Parallel to x-axis → Horizontal line Parallel to y-axis → Vertical line


X’ X X’ X

Y’ Y’
Making an angle with x-axis

X’ X
we discuss about the equation of such straight lines.

132 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4.4.1 Inclination of a straight line
The angle made by a straight line with x-axis in positive direction (Anticlockwise) is
called inclination of the straight line.

X’ X X’ X
Y’ Y’
In the given diagrams ‘q’ is the inclination of the straight line AB.

4.4.2 Slope (gradient) of a straight line Y

The steepness of a straight line with the horizontal line which
is measured as the tangent of the inclination of the straight
run rise
line, called the slope (gradient) of the straight line. q
In the adjoning figure, X’ X
Slope (m) = Tanq = run
Example :

X’ X

Inclination of the straight line AB is (q) = 30°
\ Slope (m) = Tanq
= Tan30°
4.4.3 Slope of straight line joining the two points
y 1) B(x2, y2)
x 1,
A( q

Let, ‘q’ be the inclination made by a straight line joining the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2)
Slope(m) = Tanq = run
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 133
Draw, AM^OX,
Then, AR = MN = ON – OM = x2 – x1 = run
BR = BN – RN = BN – AM = y2 – y1 = rise
In right angled DBRA,
Tanq = run
y2 – y1
or, m = x2 – x1
y2 – y1
\ Slope (m) = x2 – x1

Notes :
• For parallel straight lines, slopes are equal (m1 = m2).
• For perpendicular straight lines, product of slopes equal to –1 (m1 × m2 = –1).
• For x – intercept (a) and y – intercept (b) of a straight line are given, slope = – a .

4.4.4 Equation of straight line parallel to

Let, AB is a straight line parallel to x-axis as well as
A’B’. It means AB is equidistance from each and very A B
point on x-axis equal to b (say). So ‘b’ is the ordinate b b
(y-co-ordinate of any point lies on AB.) X’ X
–b –b
\ y = b is the equation of straight line parallel to
x-axis. A’ B’

For the straight line AB, ‘b’ is positive and for the Y’
straight line A’B’, b is negative.
\ y = b [b may be +ve as well as -ve]

4.4.5 Equation of straight line parallel to Y

P P’
Let, PQ be the straight line parallel to y-axis which is
at a distance of ‘a’ from y-axis. In this situation any a
point on PQ must have its abscissa as x = a. a
X’ X
\ x = a is the equation of straight line parallel to a
\ x = a [a my be +ve as well as -ve] –a
Q Q’

134 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Find the slope of straight line joining the points (1, –2) and (–5, 4). Also find the
inclination of the line with x-axis in positive direction.
Solution :
The given point are A(1, –2) & B(–5, 4)
y2 – y1
Now, Slope of AB(m1) = x2 – x1
= –5 – 1
= –1
Slope (m) = Tanq
or, –1 = Tanq
or, Tanq = Tan135°
\ q = 135°
\ Inclination (q) = 135°

2. Prove that the points (2, –3), (–1, 2) and (–4, 7) are the collinear points.
Solution :
The given points are A(2, –3), B(–1, 2) and C(–4, 7)
y2 – y1 2+3 5
Slope of AB = x2 – x1 = –1 –2 = –3
y2 – y1 7–2 5
Slope of BC = x2 – x1 = – 4 + 1 = –3
Slope of AB = Slope of BC = –3
Hence, A, B and C are collinear points.

3.Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (3, 4) which is parallel to
Solution :
The equation of straight line parallel to x-axis is,
y = b .................... (i)
It passes through a point (3, 4)
i.e. 4 = b
\ b=4
From equation (i)
y = b= 4
\ y = 4 is the required equation

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 135

4. Find the equation of straight line parallel to y-axis which Y
is 5 units left from y-axis.
Solution :
Let, AB be a straight line parallel to y-axis.
It is 5 units left from y-axis,
i.e. a = –5 X’ X
Equation of straight line parallel to y-axis is, 5 units
or, x = –5
\ x + 5 = 0 is the required equation. Y’

5. Find the slope of sides of DABC where BC is parallel to OX.

Solution : Y
\ A = 120°
\B = \C = x = ?
X’ X
\ A + \ B + \ C = 180° O
or, 120° + x + x = 180°
or, x = 30° Y’
\ \ B = \ C = 30°

Angle made by side BC with x-axis (q) = 0°
Angle made by side AB with x-axis (q) = 30°
Angle made by side AC with x-axis (q) = 180° – 30°
= 150°
\ Slope of BC (m) = Tanq = Tan0 = 0
Slope of AB (m) = Tanq = Tan30° =
Slope of AC (m) = Tanq = Tan150° = –

136 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 4.4
1. i) What do you mean by slop of straight line?
ii) Write down the slope of a straight line joining the points (a, b) and (b, a).
iii) Write down the formula of equation of straight lines parallel to x-axis and also
parallel to y-axis.
iv) Write down the slope of a straight line which makes an angle 60° with x-axis in
negative direction.
v) Find the inclination of a straight line with x-axis which has slope 3 .

2. Find the slope of the straight line under the following conditions.
i) Which makes an angle 30° with x-axis in positive direction
ii) Which makes an angle 120° with x-axis in positive direction.
iii) Which makes an angle 45° in negative direction.
iv) Y B v) B Y

30° 60°
X’ X X’ X
Y’ Y’
3. Answer the followings:
i) Find the slope of line joining the points (2, 5) and (6, 7).
ii) Find the gradient of the line joining the points (a + b, a – b) and (a – b, a + b)
iii) Find the slope of line joining the points ( 3 , 3) and (3 3 , 1).
iv) Prove that the points (3, 2), (5, 6) and (8, 12) are collinear.
x y
v) If the points (a, 0), (x, y) and (0, b) are collinear, prove that a + b = 1

4. Find the inclination of a straight line under the following conditions.

i) Line joining the points (2, 3) and (3, 4)
ii) Line joining the points (4, 3 3 ) and (2, 3 )
iii) Line joining the points (4 3 , 5) and (2 3 , 7)
iv) Y B(5, 7) v) Y
B(–3, 8)

A(1, 3) A(2, 3)
q q
X’ X X’ X
Y’ Y’

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 137

5. Find the equation of straight line parallel to x-axis under the followings.
i) Passes through a point (3, 5)
ii) Passes through a point (4, –2)
iii) Which is 3 units distance from the origin.
iv) Which is –4 units distance from the origin.
v) Which is 3 units down from the x-axis.

6. Find the equation of straight lien parallel to y-axis under the followings:
i) Passes through a point (4, –2)
ii) Passes through a point (–5, –2)
iii) Which is 3 units right from y-axis.
iv) Which is 4 units left from y-axis.
v) Which is 2 units distance from the origin.

7. Prime more creative questions:

i) Find the slope of sides of equilateral DABC where BC is parallel to x-axis in the
given diagram.

X’ X
ii) Find the slop of sides of isoscles right angled triangle PQR from the given
diagram where QR||OX.

X’ X
iii) Find the slope of diagonals of a square ABCD as shown in diagram where BC||OX.

X’ X
138 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
iv) If slope of line joining the points A(3, b) and B(1, –3) is 2, find the value of ‘b’.
v) If angle made by a straight line joining the points (3 3 , 4) and ( 3 , P) is 30 in
positive direction, find the value of ‘p’.

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) ii) – 3 iii) –1
iv) v) – 3
1 1
3. i) 2 ii) –1 iii) –
4. i) 45° ii) 60° iii) 150°
iv) 45° v) 135°

5. i) y – 5 = 0 ii) y+2=0 iii) y–3=0

iv) y + 4 = 0 v) y+3=0

6. i) x – 4 = 0 ii) x+5=0 iii) x–3=0

iv) y + 4 = 0 v) x–2=0

7. i) 3 , 0, – 3 ii) 1, 0, –1 iii) 1, –1
iv) b = 1 v) p=2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 139

4.5 Equation of straight line in standard form:
4.5.1. Slope-intercept form:
Y P(x, y)
When slope (m) and y - intercept (c) of a straight
line are given to find the equation of the line. rise
Let, AB be a straight line which makes an angle ‘q’ B q
with x-axis and y-intercept ‘c’ where, run
\ BAX = q q
X’ X
\ Slope of AB(m) = Tanq. A O M
y -intercept (OB) = C
P(x, y) be any point in the line AB,
Draw PM^OX and BQ^PM Y’
\ PBQ = \ BAX = q
BQ = OM = x
PQ = PM – QM = PM – OB = y – C

In right angled DPQB
Tanq = run
or, Tanq = BQ
y –C
or, m= x
\ y – c = mx
\ y = mx + c
It is the equation of st. line in slope-intercept form.

4.5.2. Double intercepts from:

When x and y intercepts of a straight line are given, to find the equation of the
straight line.

Intercept: The part of a straight line separated Y

by any two points taken in the line is called B
Here, A straight lien AB marks, b
x - intercept = OA = a A
a X
y - intercept = OB = b O

140 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Proof: Y
A straight line AB cuts x-axis at A and y-axis at B, B(0, b)
x-intercept (OA) = a P(x, y)
y-intercept (OB) = b
Also, the co-ordiantes of A and B are (a, 0) and (0, b)
X’ X
respectively. O A(a, 0)
P(x, y) be any point in AB. Here, The points A(a, 0),
P(x, y) and b(0, b) are the collinear points. Y’
y2 – y1 y –0 y
Slope of AP = x2 – x1 = x – a = x – a
y2 – y1 b–y b–y
Slope of PB = x2 – x1 = 0 – x = –x
As we known for the collinear points,
Slope of AP = Slope of PB
y b–y
or, x – a = –x
or, – xy = bx – ab – xy + ay
or, ab = bx + ay
or, bx + ay = ab
Dividing both sides by ‘ab’,
bx + ay = ab
or, ab ab ab
x y
or, a + b =1
\ It is the required equation of double intercept form.

4.5.3. Perpendicular form (Normal)

When length of perpendicular drawn from origin to the straight line and inclination
of perpendicular over given, to find the equation of the straight line.
A straight line AB is given as in diagram where
OC is perpendicular to AB and \ COX = a Y
& perpendicular distance (OC) = p.
Draw PM^OX B
\ OAC = 90° – a and
\ MPA = 90° – (90° – a) = a C
Then, P(x, y)
In right angled DPMA, p
MA a (90°– a)
Also, Tana = PM a
X’ X
or, Tana = y
or, MA = yTana. Y’
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 141
Again, In right angled DOCA,
Cosa = OA
or, Cosa = OM + MA
or, Cosa = x + yTana
or, xCosa + Cosa × yTana = p
or, xCosa + Cosa . Cosa .y = p
\ xCosa + ySina = p
It is the required equation.

Worked out Examples

1. Find the equation of straight line having x-intercept 6 and B
y-intercept 8.
Solution : For a straight line AB,
x-intercept (a) = 6
y-intercept (b) = 8
Then, the equation of straight lien is, 8
x y
a + b =1 O A
x+y= 6
or, 6 8 1
\ 4x + 3y = 24 is the required equation.

2.Find the equation of straight line which makes Y

y-intercept 3 and angle with x-axis in positive direction
is 30°.
Solution : Let AB be a straight line,
y-intercept (c) = 3 30°
\ BAX = 30° X
\ Slope of AB(m) = Tanq
= Tan30°
Then, Equation of straight line AB is,
y = mx + c
or, y= x+3
x +3 3
or, y=
or, x + 3 3 = 3y
\ x – 3 y + 3 3 = 0 is the required equation.
142 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
3. Find the equation of straight line AB from the given Y
Solution : B
For the straight line AB,
\ COA (a) = 60° 2
Perpendicular distance (p) = OC = 2 units 60°
X’ X
Then, Equation of straight line AB is, Y’
xcosa + ysina = p
or, xcos60° + ysin60° = 2
1 3
or, x× 2 +y× 2 =2
\ x + 3 y = 4 is the required equation.
4. Find the equation of straight line passes through a point
(1, 3) where the straight line makes equal but opposite (1, 3)
intercepts on the axes.
Solution :
Let, AB be a straight line which makes equal but opposite X’ X
intercepts on the axes.
i.e. x - intercept (a) = k (say) A
y - intercept (b) = –k
Then, the equation of straight line is,
x y
a + b =1
x+ y =
or, k –k 1
or, x – y = k ................................... (i)

It passes throught a point (1, 3)

1+ 3 =
or, k –k 1
or, – k =1
\ k = –2

Then, the equation of straight line is, from equation (i) is

x y
–2 – –2 1
or, x–y=–2
\ x – y + 2 = 0 is the required equation.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 143

5. Find the equation of straight line passes through a point Y
(–2, 3) which bisects the line intercepted between the axes.
Solution :
Let, AB be a straight line which makes, B(0, b)
x - intercept (OA) = a = A(a, 0) (–2, 3) b
y - intercept (OB) = b = B(o, b) a
X’ X
AB is bisected by the point (–2, 3) A(a, 0) O

Then, using mid-point formula, Y’

x +x y1 + y2
x= 12 2 , y= 2
a+0 0+b
or, –2 = 2 , 3= 2
\ a=–4 b=6

Then, the equation of straight line is,

x y
a + b =1
x y
or, –4 + 6 = 1
or, –3x + 2y = 12
\ 3x – 2y + 12 = 0 is the required equation.

6.Find the equation of straight line AB from the given diagram.

Solution : Y
Here, AB is a straight line passes through a point (3, 0)
It makes equal angles on the axes. B
\ OA = OB = 3
\ a=b=3 3 (3, 0)
X’ X
O 3
Then, the equation of straight line is,
x y Y’
a + b =1
or, 3 3 1
or, x+y=3
\ x + y – 3 = 0 is the required equation.

144 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 4.5
1. i) Write down the formula to find equation of st. line in slope intercept from with
usual meaning.
ii) Write down the formula to find the equation of st. line in perpendicular form
with usual meaning.
iii) Write down the equation of straight line making equal intercepts ‘a’ on the axes.
iv) Write down the equation of st. right line in slope-intercept form which passes
through the origin.
x y
v) Find the intercepts of the st. line having equation + = 1.
2 4
2. Find the equation of straight line under the following condition.
i) Having intercepts 3 and 4 on the axes.
ii) having x-intercept –6 and y-intercept 8 on the axes.
iii) Making equal intercepts on the axes and passes through a point (2, 3).
iv) making equal but opposite intercepts on the axes and passed through (3, –4).
v) Making x-intercept 3 and equally inclined on the axes.

3. Find the equation of straight line AB under the followings.

i) Y ii) Y

O 150°
X’ X
4 A
A 3
X’ X
O 2

Y’ Y’
iii) Y iv) Y

B(0, 4)

60° A
X’ X X’ X
A(–4, 0) O O

Y’ Y’

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 145

v) Y

X’ X

4. Find the equation of straight line under the following conditions.
i) Having y-intercept 3 and slope = 2.
ii) Having y-intercept –4 and making an angle 30° with x-axis in positive direction.
iii) Having y-intercept 2 and making an angle 120° with x-axis in negative direction.
iv) Making y-intercept –3 and equally inclined on the axes.
v) Making equal angles on the axes and passes through a point (0, 4).

5. Find the equation of straight line under the following conditions.

i) P = 3 and a = 30°
ii) Perpendicular distance from the origin = 4 and a = 150°
iii) Y iv)

2 units 60°
A 30° O A
X’ X
O OC = 2 units
v) Y

X’ X
OC = 2 units
\ BAO = 30° Y’
6. Find the equation of straight line under the following conditions.
i) Find the equation of straight line having perpendicular distance from the origin
is 4 units and angle made by the perpendicular to the x-axis a the origin is 150°.
Also prove that it passes through a point (–3 3, –1)

146 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

ii) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (2, 3) which makes
x-intercept double the y-intercept.
iii) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (–3, 4) which makes
y-intercept thrice the x-intercept.
iv) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (3, 4) which makes sum
of the intercepts on the axes is 14.
v) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (1, 2) which makes sum
of the intercepts on the axes is 6.

7. PRIME more creative questions.

i) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (–2, 3) which bisects
the line intercepted between the axes.
ii) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (1, 3) which cuts the
line intercepted between the axes in the ratio 1:2.
iii) Find the equation of straight lien passes through a point (1, 2) which bisects the
line intercepted between the axes.
iv) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (–3, 2) which cuts the
line intercepted between the axes in the ratio 1:3.
v) Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (3, 2) where the area of
triangle made by the line between the axes is 12 square units.

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) 4x + 3y –12 = 0 ii) 4x – 3y + 24 = 0 iii) x+y–5=0

iv) x – y – 7 = 0 v) x + y –3 = 0 & x – y – 3 = 0

3. i) 2x + y – 4 = 0 ii) x – 3 y –3 3 = 0 iii) x–y+4=0

iv) 3 x + y – 4 = 0 v) x+y+3=0

4. i) 2x – y + 3 = 0 ii) x – 3y – 4 3 = 0 iii) 3x – y + 2 = 0
iv) x – y – 3 = 0 and x + y + 3 = 0
v) x + y – 4 = 0 and x – y + 4 = 0

5. i) 3x + y – 6 = 0 ii) 3 x –y + 8 = 0 iii) 3x – y + 4 = 0
iv) x + 3 y – 4 = 0 v) x – 3y + 4 = 0

6. i) 3x – y + 8 = 0 ii) x + 2y – 8 = 0 iii) 3x + y + 5 = 0
iv) x + y – 7 = 0 or 4x + 3y – 24 = 0
v) x + y – 3 = 0 or 2x + y – 4 = 0

7. i) 3x – 2y + 12 = 0 ii) 6x + y – 9 = 0 iii) 2x + y – 4 = 0
iv) 2x – y + 8 = 0 v) 2x + 3y – 12 = 0

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 147

4.6 Equation of straight line in point form:
4.6.1 Equation of straight line in slope-point form:
(When a point and the slope of a straight line are given.)
Let, a straight line AB makes an angle q with x-axis in positive direction which passes
through a point B(x1, y1).
P(x, y)
, y 1)
x1 q

X’ X

P(x, y) be any point in the line AB.

Then, slope of straight line AB(m) = Tanq.

Draw the perpendiculars
\ \ PBQ = \ PAX = q.

In right angled DPQB,
Tanq = run
y2 – y1
or, m = x2 – x1
y – y1
or m = x – x1
or, y – y1 = m(x – x1)
It is the required equation of straight line AB.

Alternative method
Let ‘m’ be the slope, A(x1, y1) be a given point on the straight line.
Let p(x, y) be any point on the straight line. A(x1, y1)
\ Slope of straight line = slope of AP P(x, y)
y2 – y1
m = x 2 – x1
y – y1
or, m = x – x1
or, y – y1 = m(x – x1)
Which is the required equation.

148 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4.6.2 Equation of straight line in double point form:
Let, AB be a straight line joining the points
A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) which makes an angle q P(x, y)
with x-axis in positive direction. ) B(x2, y2)
i.e. \ BPX = q x ,y1
A( q

Slope of line AB(m) = Tanq.

Tanq = run q
X’ M N X
y2 – y1 P O
or, m = x 2 – x1
Then, Equation of straight line AB is,
y = mx + C ........................ (i)

It passes through the points

A(x1, y1)
So, y1 = mx1 + C .......................... (ii)
Subtracting equation (i) and (ii)
y – y1 = (mx + c) – (mx1 + c)
or, y – y1 = mx + C – mx1 – C
or, y – y1 = m(x – x1)
y2 – y1
\ y – y1 = x2 – x1 (x – x1)
It is the required equation of straight line.

Alternative method:
Let P(x, y) be any point on the straight line joining the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2).
\ Slope of AP = Slope of AB
y – y1 y2 – y1 y2 – y1
or, x – x 1 = x 2 – x1 [ a m = x2 – x1 ]
B(x2, y2)
y2 – y1 A(x1, y1)
\ y – y1 = x2 – x1 (x – x1)
P(x, y)
Which is the required equation.

Worked out Examples

1.Find the equation of straight line passes through a point Y
(1, 2) which makes an angle 30° with x-axis in positive
Solution : B(1, 2)
Angle made by straight line, (q) = 30°
1 30°
\ Slope (m) = Tan30° = X’ X
3 A
It passes through a point (1, 2).
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 149
Equation of straight line in slope point form
y – y1 = m(x – x1)
or, y–2= (x – 1)
or, x – 1 = 3y – 2 3
∴ x – 3y + 2 3 – 1 = 0
It is the required equation.

2. Find the equation of straight line passes through the points (3, –2) and (–2, 2).
Solution :
The given points are A(3, –2) and B(–2, 2)
The equation of straight line in two points form is,
y2 – y1
y – y1 = x2 – x1 (x – x1)
or, y + 2 = – 2 – 3 (x – 3)
or, 5y + 10 = –4x + 12
∴ 4x + 5y – 2 = 0 is the required equation.
A(3, 4)
3. Find the equation of median drawn from the �irst
vertex of a triangle having vertices A(3, 4), B(–3, 1)
and (7, –3).
Solution :
Let, AD be the median of ∆ABC having vertices
A(3, 4), B(–3, 1) and C(7, –3). B(–3, 1) D(2, –1) C(7, –3)
Using mid-point formula,
= a 1 2 2, 2 k
x + x y1 + y 2
(x, y)

=a 2 , 2 k
–3 + 7 1 – 3
or, D(x, y)
= (2, –1)

Again, Equation of median AD is,

y2 – y1
y – y1 = x2 – x1 (x – x1)
–1 – 4
or, y – 4 = 2 – 3 (x – 3)
or, y – 4 = 5x – 15
∴ 5x – y – 11 = 0 is the required equation.

150 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4. If A(a, b) lies in the straight line x + 2y – 7 = 0 and B(b, a) lies in the straight line 3x – y
+ 2 = 0 �ind the length and equation of AB.
The point A(a, b) lies in the equation of straight line x + 2y – 7 = 0
i.e. a + 2b – 7 = 0
∴ a = 7 – 2b ........................... (i)

The point B(b, a) lies in the equation of straight line 3x – y + 2 = 0

i.e. 3b – a + 2 = 0
or, 3b – (7 – 2b) + 2 = 0 [ a From equation (i)]
or, 3b – 7 + 2b + 2 = 0
or, 5b = 5
∴ b=1
Substituting the value of ‘b’ in equation (i)
∴ The points becomes A(5, 1) and B(1, 5)

using distance formula,
d = (x2 – x1)² + (y2 – y1)²
∴ d(AB) = (1 – 5)² + (5 – 1)²
= 16 + 16
= 4 2 units.

Also equation of straight line AB is,

y2 – y1
y – y1 = x2 – x1 (x – x1)
or, y – 1 = 1 – 5 (x – 5)
or, y–1=–x+5
∴ x + y – 6 = 0 is the required equation.

5. In what ratio does the line joining the points (–4, 2) and (6, 8) is divided by the line
3x + 4y – 20 = 0?
Solution :
Let, the straight line 3x + 4y – 20 = 0 cuts the line joining the points A(–4, 2) and
B(6, 8) in the ratio k:1.
using section formula,
= a 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m k
m x + m x m1 y 2 + m 2 y1
R(x, y)
1 2 1 2

=a k
k × 6 + 1 (–4) k × 8 + 1 × 2)
k +1 , k +1
= ak+1, k+1 k
6k – 4 8 k + 2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 151

It lies in the given straight line PQ,
3x + 4y – 20 = 0
3 a k + 1 k + 4 a k + 1 k = 20
6k – 4 8k + 2
or, 18k – 12 + 32k + 8 = 20k + 20
or, 30 k = 24
24 4
or, k = 30
\ k= 5
The required ratio is 4:5.

Exercise 4.6
1. Find the equation of straight line AB under the following conditions.
i) Write down the formula to find equation of straight line in single point form.
ii) Write down the equation of straight line in double intercepts form.
iii) Having slope 2 and passes through a point (1, –2).
iv) Which makes an angle 45° with x-axis in negative direction and passes through
a point (–3, 2)
v) Y
B(4, 5)

X’ X
2. Find the equation of straight lien passes through the following pairs of points.
i) (3, –2) and (5, 1) ii) origin and (3, 5)
iii) (a, b) and (a, –b)
iv) Y v) Y
B(4, 6)
A(–4, –5)

A(–2, 1) X’ X
X’ X
Y’ Y’
3. Find the equation of straight the under the following conditions.
i) equation of line joining the mid-point of line joining the points A(1, –2) and
B(–4, –7) and the origin.
ii) Equation of median of a triangle drawn from first vertex having vertices A(3,
–2), B(–1, 3) and C(7, 5).
152 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
iii) Equation of median of a triangle drawn from second vertex having vertices
(3, 5), (1, 1) and (5, –3).
iv) Equation of line joining the origin and centroid of a triangle having vertices
(1, –2), (3, 5) and (5, –6).
v) Prove that the points (3, 4), (7, 7) and (11, 10) are collinear points.

4. i) Find the equation of straight line joining the intersecting point of x + 2y – 5 = 0

and 3x – y – 1 = 0 and the point (–3,–6).
ii) In what ratio does the line having equation 11x + 5y = 12 divide the line joining
the points (–4, 2) and (10, 8)?
iii) In what ratio does the line joining the points (–2, 2) and (8, 6) is divided by the
straight line having equation 2x + y – 4 = 0 ?
iv) In what ratio does the line joining the points (1, 2) and (9, 8) is divided by the
line joining the points (3, 4) and (5, –4) ?
v) In what ratio does the line joining the points (2, –6) and (8, 4) divides the line
joining the points (4, 5) and (6, –4) ?

5. PRIME more creative questions:

i) Find the equation of line joining the origin and a point which cuts the line joining
the points (3, –2) and (–4, 3) in the ratio 1:2.
ii) If P(a, b) lies int he straight line 3x – y – 2 = 0 and Q(b, a) lies in the line x + 3y =
10 find the length and equation of PQ.
iii) If a point A(m, n) lies in the straight line x + 2y – 7 = 0 and B(n, m) lies in 5x – 2y
– 4 = 0, find the length and equation of AB.
m n
iv) If the pints (a, 0), (m, n) and (0, b) are collinear points, prove that : a + b = 1 .
v) Prove that the points (a, b + c), (b, c + a) and (c, a + b) are collinear points.

1. i) Show to your teacher. ii) Show to your teacher. iii) 2x – y – 4 = 0
iv) x + y + 1 = 0 v) x – 3y + 5 3 = 4

2. i) 3x – 2y – 13 = 0 ii) 5x – 3y = 0 iii) x–a=0

iv) 5x – 6y + 16 = 0 v) 5x – 4y = 0

3. i) 3x – y = 0 ii) x–3=0 iii) y–1=0

iv) x + 3y = 0

4. i) 2x – y = 0 ii) 1:3 iii) 1:3

iv) 5:14 v) 23:14

5. i) x – 10y = 0 ii) x + y – 8 = 0 and 2 2 units

iii) x + y – 5 = 0; 2 units

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 153

4.7 Reduction of linear equation Ax + By + C = 0 in standard form
of the equations.
i) Slope-intercept form:
The linear equation is, Y
Ax + By + C = 0
or, By = – Ax – C
–Ax – C
or, y= B Ax + By + C = 0
y = `– B j x + `– B j
or, q = Tan ( – B )

c= –B
Comparing it with y = mx + c, we get, X’ X
slope (m) = – B
C Y’
y – intercept (C) = – B

ii) Double intercepts form:

The linear equation is, Y
Ax + By + C = 0
or, Ax + By = – C
Dividing both sides by ‘–C’
Ax By = –C C Ax + By + C = 0
or, –C + –C –C b= –B
x y
or, C + C =1 A
–A –B X’ X
x y a= –A
Comparing it with a + b = 1 we get,
x - intercept (a) = – A
y - intercept (b) = – B

iii) Perpendicular form:

The linear equation is,
Ax + By + C = 0
or, Ax + By = – C
or, Ax + By = – C

Dividing both sides by ± (Coeff. of x)² + (Coeff. of y)²

= ± (–A) 2 + (–B) 2
= ± A2 + B2

154 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Ax By C
or, + =– (*)
! A2 + B2 ! A2 + B2 ! A2 + B2
Ax By C
or, – – =+
! A2 + B2 ! 2
A +B 2
! A2 + B2
[ a sign of perpendicular distance is always positive]
! A2 + B2
c– 2 m
x + c– 2 m
or, 2 2
y =
! A B+ ! A B+ ! A2 + B2
Let us choose the sign (out of ±) in such a way that the right hand side of (*) becomes
positive is the length, so it is always positive.
(\ p = )
± A2 + B2
Comparing it with xCosa + ySina = p,
we get,
Cosa =
! A2 + B2
Sina =
! A2 + B2
! A2 + B2
Here, P = always should be positive.
A2 + B2
From Cosa and Sina value of angle made by perpendicular to x-axis should be

4.7.1 Perpendicular distance between a point (x1, y1) & a line Ax + By + C = 0.

Let, Equation of a straight line
AB is xCosa + ySina = p where Y
\ ROX = a
OR = perpendicular distance = P
Again, Equation of straight line PQ which is
parallel to AB is xCosa + ySina = P’ where, S
\ SOX = a R C(x1, y1)
OS = P’(perpendicular distance)
It passes through a point C(x1, y1) X
\ x1Cosa + y1Sina = P’ is the equation of PQ O A

Then, Distance between two parallel lines is,

CD = OS – OR
= P’ – P
= x1cosa + y1sina – P ......................... (i)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 155

For the straight line Ax + By + C = 0,
or, Ax + By = – C
Dividing both sides by ± A2 + B2
Ax By –C
or, 2 2
+ =
! A +B ! A2 + B2 ! A2 + B2

Comparing it with xCosa + ySina = P

Cosa = ±
A2 + B2
Sina = ±
A2 + B2
OP = ±
A2 + B2

Putting the value of ‘P’ in equation (i),

we get,
CD = x1cosa + y1sina – P
A B –C
= x1 2 2
+ y1 2 2
A B + A B+ A2 + B2
Ax1 + By1 + C
=± [\ Choose the sign in such a way that it becomes positive]
A2 + B2
But distance is always positive
Ax1 + By1 + C
Hence, perpendicular distance =
A2 + B2

Worked out Examples

1. Express the equation 2x – 5y – 10 = 0 in double intercepts form.
Solution :
The given equation is,
2x – 5y + 10 = 0
or, 2x – 5y = – 10

Dividing both sides by – 10.

2x 5y –10
or, –10 – –10 = –10
x +y=
or, –5 2 1
x y
Comparing it with a + b = 1 ,
we get,
x - intercept (a) = – 5
y - intercept (b) = 2

156 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

2. Find the area of a triangle bounded by a straight line Y
of equation 4x + 3y – 12 = 0 with the axes.
Solution : B
The given equation is,
4x + 3y – 12 = 0 4x + 3y – 12 = 0
or, 4x + 3y = 12
4x + 3y A
or, =1 X’ X
12 O
x+ = y
or, 3 4 1 Y’

x y
Comparing it with a + b = 1 ,
we get,
x - intercept (a) = 3 = OA
y - intercept (b) = 4 = OB
Again area of ∆OAB = 2 ×b×h
= 2 × OA × OB
= 2 ×3×4
= 6 square units.

3. Find the perpendicular distance from a point (1, –2) to the straight line having
equation 3x + 4y – 15 = 0.
Solution :
Perpendicular distance from a point (1, –2) to the straight line 3x + 4y – 15 = 0 is,
Ax1 + By1 + C
P =
A2 + B2
3 (1) + 4 (–2) –15
32 + 42
3 – 8 – 15
= 5
= 5
= –4
= 4 units
∴ Required distance is 4 units.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 157

4. Find the perpendicular distance between the two parallel lines having equation
x + y + 7 2 = 0 and 3x + 3y + 2 2 = 0.
Solution :
The given two parallel straight lines are :
x + y + 7 2 = 0 ............................ (i) and
3x + 3y + 2 2 = 0 ..................... (ii)
From equation (i), taking y = 0,
or, x+0+7 2 =0
∴ x = –7 2

Again, perpendicular distance from a point (–7 2 , 0) to the line (ii) is,
ax1 + by1 + c
P =
a2 + b2
3 –7 2 + 3 × 0 + 20 2
= 2
+ 2
–21 2 + 20 2
–21 2 + 20 2
3 2
– 2
3 2
= –3

= 3 units [length is always positive]
∴ The distance between the parallel lines is 3 units.

5. Express the equation 3 x – y + 6 = 0 in normal form.

Solution :
The given equation is,
or, 3x–y=–6
or, – 3x+y=6
Dividing both sides by A2 + B2
= (– 3 ) 2 + (1) 2
3x y 6
or, – 2 + 2 = 2

or, c– 3 mx + 1 y = 3
2 2

Comparing it with xcosα + ysinα = P,

158 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

We get,
Cosa = – 2
Sina = 2
P = 3 units
Then, a = 180° – 30° = 150°
\ The required form of the equation is xcos150° + ysin150° = 3

x y 1 1 1
6. Express m + n = 1 in perpendicular form. Also prove that 2 = 2 + 2 .
P m n
Solution :
The given equation of straight line is,
x y
m + n =1
nx + my
or, mn = 1
or, nx + my = mn

Dividing both sides by A2 + B2

= n2 + m2
= m2 + n2
nx my mn
or, 2 2
+ 2 2
m +n m +n m2 + n2
a kx + a ky =
n m mn
m2 + n2 m2 + n2 m2 + n2

Comparing it with xCosa + ySina = p

Cosa =
m + n2

Sina =
m2 + n2
m2 + n2

m2 n2
P2 =
m2 + n2
1 m2 + n2 m2 n2 1 1
or, = = 2 2+ 2 2 = 2+ 2
P2 2 2
m n m n m n n m
1 = 12 + 12 is proved.
p2 m n

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 159

Exercise 4.7
1. i) Write down the formula to find perpendicular distance from a point to a straight
ii) Find slope and y - intercept from the equation y = 3x + 3.
iii) Find the angle made 10y a straight lien y = x – 4 to the x- axis.
iv) Find the intercepts made by the straight line 3x + 2y = 1 on the axes.
v) Find the angle made by the perpendicular from the origin to the straight line
3 1
having equation 2 x + y = 4.
2. Express the following equations in double intercepts form.
i) 3x + 4y – 12 = 0 ii) 2x – 5y – 7 = 0
iii) 6y – 8x + 12 = 0 iv) x – 3y + 4 = 0
v) 3x + 2y – 2 3 = 0

3. Express the following equation in slope-intercepts form. Also find the inclination of
the line with x-axis.
i) 3x – y + 5 = 0 ii) x + 3y – 7 = 0
iii) 3x – 3y + 12 = 0 iv) x – y – 12 = 0
v) 2 3x + 6y – 9 = 0

4. Express the following equations in perpendicular form.

i) x + y – 2 = 0 ii) x + 3y + 4 = 0
iii) 3 x – y – 2 = 0 iv) – x + 3y + 4 2 = 0
v) 3x + y = 2 2

5. Find the perpendicular distance from a point to the given straight line.
i) 3x + 4y + 4 = 0; (1, 2) ii) 4x – 3y + 2 = 0; (3, –2)
iii) 6x – 8y + 7 = 0; (–4, 1) iv) 3x + y = 0; ( 3, 1)
v) ax + by + c = 0; (0, 0)

6. Find the distance between the two parallel lines for the followings:
i) 4x + 3y – 6 = 0 and 8x + 6y – 2 = 0
ii) 3x + y – 4 = 0 and 3 3x + 3y = – 12
iii) 3x – 4y + 9 = 0 and 4y – 3x + 6 = 0
iv) x + y = 2 and 2x + 2y + 6 = 0
v) 3x + 4y – 14 = 0 and 9x + 12y + 18 = 0

7. PRIME more creative questions

x y 1 1 1
a. i) Reduce a + b = 1 in perpendicular form. Also prove that : 2 = 2 + 2
p a b

160 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

ii) If a straight line 3x + 4y – 12 = 0 cuts the axes at A and B, find the area of DOAB
and mid-point of line AB.
iii) If a straight line 4x + 6y – k = 0 cuts the axes at A and B and area of DOAB = 12
square units, find the value of ‘k’.
iv) Reduce the equation ax + by = a2 + b2 into normal form and prove that p2 = a2 + b2.
1 1
v) Reduce y = mx + c in perpendicular form and prove that 2 = 2 (m2 + 1)
p c
b. i) If a straight line of equation 3x + 4y – 2m = 0 cuts the axes at A and B and area
of DOAB = 6 sq. units, find the value of ‘m’.
ii) If P and Q two points are on a straight line having equation x – y + 1 = 0 which
are 5 units distant from the origin, find the co-ordinate of P and Q.
iii) If A and B two points are on a straight line having equation x + y – 1 = 0 which
are 5 units distant from the origin, find the area of DOAB.
iv) Find the equation of straight line passes through the origin and points of
trisection of the line joining the points (4, 2) and (1, 8)
v) If a straight line ax + by = 12 forms an area between the axes is 4 square units
and its x-intercept is 6, find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.

7. Project work
Prepare a report of formula used in co-ordinate in a chart paper and present the
activity in your classroom.

1. Show to your teacher.
1 7 1
2. i) 60°, 3 , 5 ii) – , , 150° iii) , – 3 , 30°
iv) 1, – 12, 45° 3 3 3
3. Show to your teacher.
4. i) xCos45° + ySin45° = 2 ii) xCos240° + ySin240° = 2
iii) xCos330° + ySin330° = 1 iv) xCos300° + ySin300° = 2 2
v) xCos30° + ySin30° = 2

5. i) 3 units ii) 4 units iii) 2.5 units

iv) 2 units v) units
a2 + b2
6. i) 1 units ii) 4 units iii) 3 units
iv) 4 units v) 4 units

7.a. ii) 6 sq. units, (2, 2 ) iii) ±24
b. i) ±6 ii) (–4, –3) and (3, –4) iii) 2 sq. units.
iv) 3x – y = 0 and 4x – 3y = 0 v) a = 2, b = 9

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 161

4.8 Area of triangle
The space occupied by a triangle on any surface is called
area of triangle. The area of triangle can be calculated by
using various method in geometry, trigonometry as well as
in co-ordinate geometry also. Here we are going to discuss
for finding area of triangle using three vertices.
4.8.1 Area of triangle having co-ordinate of the vertices.
Here, A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3) are Y
the vertices of a triangle in co-ordinate
system. A(x1, y1)

Draw the perpendiculars,


C (x3, y3)

Then, NM = OM – ON = x1 – x2
MP = OP – OM = x3 – x1
NP = OP – ON = x3 – x2
BN = y2
AM = y1
X’ X
CP = y3 O N M P

Now, Y’
We have,
Area of DABC = Area of trapezium (AMNB + AMPC – BNPC)
= 1 × NM(BN + AM) + 1 × MP(AM + CP) – 1 × NP(BN + CP)
2 2 2
1 1 1
= (x1, x2)(y2 + y1) + (x3 – x1)(y1 + y3) – (x3 – x2)(y2 + y3)
2 2 2
= (x1y2 + x1 y1 – x2 y2 – x2y1 + x3y1 + x3 y3 – x1 y1 – x1y3 – x3y2 –
x3 y3 + x2 y2 + x2y3
= [(x1y2 – x2y1) + (x2y3 – x3y2) + (x3y1 – x1y3)]
x1 x2 x3 x1
\ DABC =1 y y1 y3 y1
2 2

• Arrow ( ) shows the positive sign and multiplication and ( ) shows the
negative sign and multiplication.
• Similarly as above area of quadrilateral can be derived.
Which can be written as below.
x1 x2 x3 x4 x1
Area of quadrilateral = 1 y y2 y3 y4 y1
2 1

162 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

• Area of triangle and quadrilateral are always positive.
• Square units is the unit of area.
• If area of the figure of the given points becomes zero, the given points must be


Worked out Examples

1. Find the area of a triangle having vertices A(1, –2), B(3, 5) and C(6, –1).
Solution :
The given vertices of a triangle are (1, –2), B(3, 5) and C(6, –1)
Using area of triangle,
x x2 x3 x1
1 1
DABC = 2 y y2 y3 y1

1 3 6 1
= 2 –2 5 –1 –2
= 2 [{1 × 5 – (–2) × 3} + {3(–1) – 5 × 6} + {6(–2) – (–1) × 1} ]
= 2 [(5 + 6) + (–3 – 30) + (–12 + 1)]
= 2 [11 – 33 – 11]
= – 2 square units. [Area is always positive]
\ Area of DABC = 2 square units.

2. Find the area of a quadrilateral having vertices (–2, 4), (–3, –5), (4, –3) and (6, 2).
Solution : The given vertices of a quadrilateral as A(–2, 4), B(–3, –5), C(4, –3) and
D(6, 2).
Now, Using area of a quadrilateral
x x2 x3 x4 x1
1 1
quad. ABCD = 2 y y y y y
1 2 3 4 1

–2 –3 –4 6 –2
= 2 4 –5 –3 2 4
= 2 [(10 + 12) + (9 + 20) + (24 + 7)]
= 2 [22 + 29 + 31]
= 2 × 82
= 41 square units.
\ Area of quadrilateral ABCD is 41 square.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 163
3. Prove that the points (1, 2), (4, 6) and (7, 10) are collinear points.
Solution :
The given points are A(1, 2), B(4, 6) and C(7, 10)
Now, using area of a triangle,
x x2 x3 x1
1 1
DABC = 2 y y2 y3 y1

1 4 7 1
= 2 2 6 10 2
= 2 [(6 – 8) + (40 – 42) + (14 – 10)]
= 2 [– 2 – 2 + 4]
= 2 ×0
Hence, Area of triangle so formed is zero. It means the points are collinear.

4. If area of a triangle having vertices (–2, 4), (x, –5) and (4, –3) is 6 square units, find
the value of ‘x’.
The given vertices of DABC are A(–2, 4), B(x, – 5) and C(4, – 3)
Area of DABC = 6 square units,
We have,
x x2 x3 x1
1 1
Area of DABC = 2 y y2 y3 y1

–2 x 4 –2
or, 6= 2 4 –5 –3 4
or, 6 = 2 [(10 – 4x) + (– 3x + 20) + (16 – 6)]
or, 6 = 2 [–7x + 40]
or, 12 – 40 = –7x
or, 7x = 28
\ x=4

164 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5. If P(x, y) be any point in a triangle having vertices A(3, 2), B(4, 7) and C(6, –3), prove
TPBC 5x + y – 27
that : TABC = 10
Solution :
P(x, y) is any point in a triangle having vertices A(3, 2), B(4, 7) & (6, –3)
1 x1 x2 x3 x1
2 y1 y2 y3 y1
1 x1 x2 x3 x4
2 y1 y2 y3 y4

1 x 4 6 x
2 y 7 –3 y
1 3 4 6 3
2 2 7 –3 2

(7x – 4y) + (–12 – 42) + (6y + 3x)

(21 – 8) + (–12 – 42) + (12 + 9)
10x + 2y – 54
= 13 – 54 + 21
2 (5x + y – 27)
= 20 [\ Area is always +ve]
TPBC 5x + y – 27
\ TABC = 10 proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 165

Exercise 4.8
1. i) What do you mean by area of triangle?
ii) Write down the calculating formula of area of a triangle having three vertices.
iii) Write down the formula to find the area of a quadrilateral having co-ordinate of
the vertices.
iv) In what condition the three or more points will be collinear?
v) If area of a triangle formed by any three points becomes zero, What information
do you get?

2. Find the area of the triangle for the followings.

i) Having vertices A(1, 7), B(–3, 2) and C(5, –1).
ii) Having vetices A(–1, 2), B(1, –5) and C(–4, –3).
iii) Having vertices P(3, 2), Q(5, –4) and R(7, 0).
iv) (a, b), (b, c), (c, a) are the vertices.
v) Having vertices (4, –3), (–4, –5) & (–3, 6)

3. Find the area of the quadrilateral having vertices.

i) (2, –3), (3, –4), (6, 0) and (5, 3)
ii) (–2, –1), (1, 5), (5, 5) and (2, –1)
iii) (3, 4), (3, –2), (6, –2) and (6, 4)
iv) (–4, 3), (2, 3), (2, –3) and (–4, –3)
v) (5, 2), (2, 4), (3, –3) and (5, –4)

4. Prove that the following points are collinear.

i) (3, 4), (7, 7) and (11, 10)
ii) (1, –2), (4, 2) and (7, 6)
iii) (–3, 5), (0, 0) and (3, –5)
iv) (a, b + c), (b, c + a) and (c, a + b)
v) (k – 3, k – 5), (k, k – 2) and (k + 3, k + 1)

5. i) If area of a triangle having vertices (2, 1), (m, –5) and (6, 3) is 12 square units,
find the value of ‘m’.
ii) If area of a quadrilateral having vertices A(2, –3), B(3, –4), C(P, 0) and D(5, 3) is
11 square units, find the value of p.
iii) If the points A(1, 3), B(k, 5) and C(5, 7) are collinear, find the value of k.
x y
iv) If the points (a, 0), (x, y) and (0, b) are collinear, prove that a + b = 1 .
1 1 1
v) If the points (P, 0), (0, q) and (r, r) lie in a same straight line prove that p + q = r

6. i) Find the area of a triangle formed by a straight line 4x + 3y – 24 = 0 with the axes
by finding the co-ordinate of the points on the axes made by given line.

166 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

ii) If a straight line having equation x – 3y + 9 = 0 cuts the axes at P and Q, find the
area of DOPQ by finding the co-ordinate of P and Q.
iii) If the point P(x, y) is any point in a triangle having vertices A(6, 3),. B(–3, 5) and
TPBC x+y –2
C(4, –2), prove that TABC = 7 .
iv) If A(1, 5), B(–2, –3) and C(5, –2) are the vertices of a triangle and P, Q & R are the
mid-point of sides of DABC, prove that DABC = 4DPQR.
v) If P(6, 3), Q(–3, 5) and R(4, –2) are the vertices of a triangle and S(k, 3k) be any
point where TPQR = 7 find the co-ordiante of ‘S’.

7. PRIME more creative questions:

i) If the points (k, 2 – 2k), (–k + 1, 2k) and (–4 – k, 6 – 2k) are the collinear points,
find the value of ‘k’.
ii) If A(3, 4) and B(5, –2) are the two vertices of an isosceles triangle PAB where PA
= PB. Find the co-ordinate of the vertex p where area of DPAB = 10 square units.
iii) If the points (– m , 0), (0, c) and (x, y) are the collinear points, prove that y =
mx+ c.
p p
iv) If the points ( cos a , 0), (x, y) and (0, sin a ) are the collinear points, prove that
xCosa + ySina = p.
v) The vertices of DABC are A(1, 7), B(–3, 3) and C(5, –1) where P and Q are
the mid-point of sides AB and AC respectively compare the area of DABC and
quadrilateral BPQC.

8. Project work:
Put your optional mathematics book in a sheet of graph paper and find the co-
ordinate of the vertices of the book. Also find its area using the co-ordinates and
compare it with A = l × b.

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) 26 sq. units ii) 15.5 sq. units iii) 10 sq. units

iv) 2 [ab + bc + ca – a2 – b2 – c2] v) 43 sq. units

3. i) 11 sq. units ii) 24 sq. units iii) 18 sq. units

iv) 36 sq. units v) 15.5 sq units

5. i) 2 ii) 6 iii) 3
6. i) 24 sq. units ii) 2 sq. units v) (2, 6)
7. i) –1, 2 ii) (7, 2) v) 4:3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 167

Co-ordinate Geometry
Unit Test - 1
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]
Attempt all the questions:
1. If a straight line makes an angle of 60° in negative direction, find the slope of the
straight line.

2. a. Find the Co-ordinate of a point on X-axis which is 5 units distant from the point
(–2, 3).
b. If the points (a, 4), (7, 7) and (11, 10) are collinear, find the value of ‘a’.
c. Find the perpendicular distance between a point (1, 5) and a straight line having
equation 4x + 3y + 6 = 0.

3. a. Find the equation of straight line passes through a point (2, – 1) which bisects
the line intercepted between the axes.
b. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so that it is equidistant from
the points (1, 2) and (3, 1).

4. Prove that x Cosa + Y Sina = P as the equation of straight line.

Unit Test - 2
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]
Attempt all the questions:
1. Write down the formula to find the perpendicular distance from a point (a, b) to the
straight line mx + ny + c = 0

2. a. Find the equation of straight line AB from the given B

diagram where OC = 4 units, ∠OAC = 30°.
b. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so C
that its distance from the origin is always 4 units. 4
3. a. Prove that y = mx + c is the equation of straight line O A
in slope intercept form.
b. If A(3, 2), B(–4, 5) and C(–5, –6) are the three vertices
of a parallelogram find the co-ordinate of the fourth vertex.

4. If P and Q are any two points lies in a straight line 3x + 4y + 20 = 0 which are 5 units
distant from the origin, find the area of DOPQ.

168 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5 Trigonometry

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions 2 3 3 –
8 20 35
Weight 2 6 12 –
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Students are able to identify and can find the system of measurement of
angles and their interrelationship.
• Students are able to find the right angled triangle and trigonometric ratios.
• Students are able to find the values of trigonometric ratios for standard
angles, complementary angles and other form of angles.
• Students are able to prove the trigonometric identities.
• Students can solve the problems involving compound angles and applications.

Materials Required:
• Chart of interrelation ship between the system of measurement of angles.
• Chart paper.
• Flash card.
• Graph paper.
• Chart of finding trigonometric ratios and its application.
• Chart of value of the trigonometric ratios for standard angles.
• Chart of the concept of quadrant system.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 169

5.1 Trigonometry
The word trigonometry is defined using three words; tri → three, gones → angles, metron
→ measurement. The word trigonometry is said to originated from the three words of
samskrit as below.
Tri – lq
gono – sf]0f
metry – dfqf

The measurement of three angles of a triangle is

called trigonometry.
The trigonometrical ratios are defined by using right
angled triangle only.

It is useful to find the angles of a right angled triangle and to find the length of the sides of
it. It is used by engineers to find the height and distance during construction of structures
which is useful to estimate the constructing materials and cost. It is also useful for various
purposes like in physics, mathematics, statistics as well as other scientific purposes.

5.1.1 Measurement of angles

Here, we discuss the three important systems of measurement viz, sexagesimal (Britrsh
System), Centesimal (French System) and Circular system.

i. Sexagesinal measurement: (In degree)

The right angle is divided into 90 equal parts called degree, whose one part can be
divided into 60 equal parts called minute and the one part of it can be divided into
again 60 equal parts called Seconds.

One right angle = 90° (degrees)

\ 1° = 60’ (minutes)
\ 1’ = 60’’ (seconds)

ii. Centesimal measurement: (In grade)

One right angle is divided into 100 equal parts in this system called grades. Again,
each grade is divided into 100 equal parts called minutes and one minute is divided
into 100 equal parts called Seconds.
One right angle = 100g (degrees)
\ 1g = 100’ (minutes)
\ 1’ = 100’’ (seconds)

170 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iii. Circular measurement: (In radian)
We know c = 2πr i.e. 2π times of radius (r) is equal to the length of circumference.
So, the angle subtended by circumference at centre is 2πc.

Radian angle : The central angle formed by an arc of a circle equal

to the radius of the circle is called radian angle (1c).

Here, Radius OA = arc length AB B
\ AOB = one radian angle (1c). radian angle (1c)
Two right angles is denoted by the greek letter π in
radian measurement. O A
i.e. 2 right angle = πc. It is called circular

Relationship table between the measurement of angles.

2rt. \ = 180° = 200g = πc
1 rt. \ = 90° = 100g = 2

1° = a 9 k = a 180 k
10 g πc

1g = a 10 k = ` 180 j
9 c π c

1c = ` π j = ` π j
180 c 200 g

Worked out Examples

1. Convert 25g32’16” into seconds
25g32’16” = (25 × 100 × 100 + 32 × 100 + 16)”
= (250000 + 3200 + 16)
= (253216)”

2. Convert 36°15’36” into centesimal measurement.

Solution :
36°15’36” = a36 + 60 + 60 × 60 k
15 36 c
= (36 + 0.25 + 0.01)°
= (36.26)°
= a36.26 × 9 k
10 g
= (40.2888)g
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 171
= 40g + (0.2888 × 100)’
= 4g28’ + (0.88 × 100)”
= 40g28’88”

Convert a 250 k into sexagesimal measurement.

3r c
a 250
3r kc
= a 250 × r k
3r 180

= (2.16)°
= 2° + (0.16 × 60)’
= 2°9.6’
= 2°9’ + (0.6 × 60)”
= 2°9’36”

4. If any two angles of a triangle are 70° and 76°, find the third angle in grades.
Solution : A
Let, ABC be a triangle,
Where, 70°
\ A = 70°
\ B = 76°
\C = ? 76° ?
We have, B C
\ A + \ B + \ C = 180° [ a Being int. triangles of a angle in degrees.]
or, 70° + 76° + \ C = 180°
or, \ C = 180° – 146°
\ \ C = 54°
\ Third angle = (54 ×
9 )

= 60g

One angle of a triangle is 54° and the Second angle is a 8 k , find the third angle in
3r c
Solution : A
Let, ABC be a triangle where,
\ A = 54° = (54 × 9 )g
= 60g 54°

\ B = a 8 k = a 8 × r k = 75g
3r c 3r 200 g

\C = ? a 3r kc
8 ?
We have, B C
\ A + \ B + \ C = 200g [ a Being int. triangles of a angle in grades.]
or, 60g + 75g + C = 200g
or, C = 200g – 135g
\ C = 65g
\ The third angle is 65g.

172 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6. Find the angles of a triangle in grades which are in the ratio 2:3:5.
Solution :
Let, ABC be a triangle, A
\ A = 2xg
\ B = 3xg
\ C = 5xg
We have,
3xg 5xg
\ A + \ B + \ C = 200g B C
or, 2x + 3x + 5x = 200g
or, x = 20g
Then, the angles are,
\ A = 2 × 20g = 40g
\ B = 3 × 20g = 60g
\ C = 5 × 20g = 100g

7. The angles of a triangle in degrees, grades and radius P

respectively are in the ratio 288 : 280 : p. Find the
angles in degrees.
Solution : 288x°
Let, PQR be a triangle where the angles taken in
degrees, grades and radians respectively are in the 280xg pxc
ration 288 : 280 : p. Q R
i.e. \ P = 288x°
\ Q = 280xg
= a280x × 10 k
9 c
= 252x°

\ R = rx c
= `rx × r j
180 c
= 180x°
Then, we have
\ P + \ Q + \ R = 180°
or, 288x + 252x + 180x = 180°
or, 720x = 180°
or, x = 4
Then, the angles of the 3 PQR are,
\ P = 288 × 4 = 72°
\ Q = 252 × 4 = 63°
\ R = 180 × 4 = 45°

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 173

The difference between two acute angles of a right angled triangle is a
2r k
5 . Find
the angles of the triangle in degrees.
Solution : B
Let, 3 ABC is the right angled at \ A.
\ A = 90°
2r kc
\B – \C = a
r 180 k
\B – \C = a
2 A C
5 × r °
or, \ B – \ C = 72°
or, \ B = \ C + 72°

Then, We have
\ A + \ B + \ C = 180°
or, 90° + \ C + 72° + \ C = 180°
or, 2 \ C = 180° – 162°
or, 2 \ C = 18°
` \ C = 9°

Then, The angles of 3 ABC are,

\ A = 90°
\ B = 9° + 72° = 81°
\ C = 9°

9.Find the angle formed between two hands of a clock at 3:40 o’clock in circular
Solution :
At 3 : 40 O’ clock
Time difference between two hands= 4hrs + 20 minutes
= a4 + 60 k hrs

= a 3 k hrs
We have,
Hour hand turns in 12 hours by 360°
Hour hand turns in 1 hour by 12 °

` Hour hand turns in a 13

3 k hrs by
12 × 3

= 130°
= `130 × 180 j
r c

= a 18 k
13r c

` Angle formed between the two hands of a clock at 3:40 O’clock is a 13r kc
18 .

174 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 5.1
1. i) What is trigonometry? Write down its importance.
ii) What is sexagesimal measurement. What down the relations used in it.
iii) What is centesimal measurement? Write down the relation of angles used in it.
iv) Write down the value of pc in sexagesimal and centesimal measurement.
v) What is the value of sum of the angles of a triangle in sexagesimal and centesimal

2. Express the following angles in sexagesimal Seconds.

i) 25° 26’ 27’’ ii) 36° 25’’ iii) 45’ 36’’
iv) 75° 50’ 55’’ v) 42° 45’

3. Express the following angles in centesimal Seconds.

i) 42g 35’’ 42’’ ii) 75g 65’ 72’’ iii) 36g 38’’
iv) 55g 36’ v) 25’ 32’’

4. Express the following angles in degrees.

i) 22° 36’ 45’’ ii) 72° 42’ 54’’ iii) 50° 27’’
iv) 55° 45’ v) 80g vi) 65g 75’ 42’’
viii) a 5 k `3
2r c r jc
vii) 42g 36’ 45’’ ix)
x) a 45 k
7r c

5. Convert the following angles in grades.

i) 85g 52’ 45’’ ii) 27g 52’ 46’’ iii) 44g 45’’
iv) 47 27’ 35’’
v) 72° vi) 66° 42’
viii) a 10 k ` 40
3r c r jc
vii) 56° 24’ 36’’ ix)
x) a 25 k
2r c

6. Convert the following angles into radian.

i) 72° ii) 240° iii) 144°
iv) 125g v) 400g vi) 350g

7. Convert the followings into sexagesimal measurement.

a 375
5r k c
i) 18g24’45” ii) 50g42’75” iii)
iv) 24g85’ v) a 250
7r kc

8. Convert the following into centesimal measurement.

3r k
a 500
i) 35°24’54” ii) 74°42’30’’ iii)
iv) a 375 k
5r c
v) 44°27”

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 175

9. Answer the following problems:
i) Find the ratio of the angles 48° and 80g.
ii) Find the sum of the angles a 5 k and 28° in degrees.
2r c

iii) Find the difference of the angles 60g and a 10 k in degree measurement.
3r c
iv) Find any two angles whose sum is 40° and difference is 20°.
v) Find any two angles in degrees whose sum is 50° and difference is 14°.
10. Find the angles of the triangle from the followings.
i) Find the angles of a triangle which are in the ratio 3:4:5 in degree measurement.
ii) If two angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3:5 and the third angle is 60°, find the
angles in degrees.
3 2
iii) One angle of a triangle is 5 of a right angle and the second angle is 3 of a right
angle, find the third angle in degrees.
iv) If two angles of a triangle are 40° and 68° respectively, find the third angle in
v) Find the angles of the right angled isosceles triangle in grades.

11. Solve the problems given below.

i) One angle of a triangle is 60g, Second angle is 36°. Find the third angle in degrees.
ii) Two angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2:7 and the third angle is 30g, find the
angles in degrees.
iii) One angle of a triangle is a 20 k , Second angle is 81°, find the third angle in
7r c
iv) One angle of a triangle is
2 of a right angle and the Second angle is a 3r kc find
3 5
the third angle in degrees.
v) The sum of any two angles of a triangle is 100g and their difference is ` 10 j .
r c
Find the angles of the triangle in degrees.

12. PRIME more creative questions:

a. i) The angles of a triangle in degrees, grades and radius are respectively
a 35x k , a 23x k and ` 75
rx jc
c g
. Find the angles in degrees.
ii) The first angle of a triangle in degrees, second angle in grades and third angle in
radian are in the ratio 144:140: 2 respectively. Find the angle of the triangle in
iii) One angle of a triangle is 3 of 2 right angles where the other angle exceeds the
third angle by 20g. Find the angles in degrees.
iv) One angle of a triangle is greater than the second angle by ` 5 j and the third
r c
angle is less than the first angle by 27°. Find the angles in degrees.
v) The angles of a triangle in degrees, grades and radians respectively are in the
ratio 72:120:p, find the angles in grades.

b. i) The first angle of a triangle in sexagesimal measurement, second angle in

176 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

centesimal measurement and the third angle in circular measurement are
respectively a 5 k , 3 and 60 . Find the angles in degrees.
2x 2x rx

ii) The difference between two acute angles of a right angled triangle is a 10 k , find
3r c
the angles of the triangle in centesimal measurement.
iii) The sum of any two angles of a triangle in circular measure is a 9 k and their
5r c

difference is a 9 k . Find the angles of the triangle in degrees.

200 g
iv) The angles of a triangle are (a – d)°, a° and (a + d)° where the greatest angle is
twice the least. Find the angle of the triangle in degrees.
v) The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3:4:5:6. Find the angles indegres.

c. i) If D be the number of degrees and G be the number of grades of same angle,

prove that G = D +
9 D.
ii) If x be the number of sexagesimal seconds and y be the number of centesimal
seconds of same angle, prove that x:y = 81:250.
iii) If two angles of a triangle are 37°15’36’’ and 68°24’45’’, find the third angle in
sexagesimal measure.
iv) If P and Q denotes the number of sexagesimal and centesimal minutes of same
angle, prove that 50 = 27 .
v) The difference of the acute angles of a right angled triangle in centesimal
measure is 63g88’33’’. Find the angle in sexagesimal measurement.

1. Show to your teacher.
2. i. 91587” ii. 129625” iii. 2736” iv. 273055” v. 153900”
3. i. 423542” ii. 756572” iii. 360038” iv. 553600” v. 2532”
4. i. 22.6125° ii. 72.715° iii. 50.00075° iv. 55.0125° v. 72°
vi. 59.15878° vii. 38.12805° viii. 72° ix. 60° x. 28°
5. i. 85.5245g ii. 27.5246g iii. 44.0045g iv. 47.2735g v. 80g
vi. 74.1111g vii. 62.6778g viii. 60g ix. 5g x. 16g
a 25π k a 43π k a 45π k iv. a 8 k
3π c
c c c
6. i. ii. iii. v. (2p)c

vi. ` 4 j
7π c

7. i. 16° 25’ 12” ii. 45° 23’ 5” iii 2° 24” iv. 22° 21’ 54” v. 5° 2’ 2.4”
8. i. 39g 35’ ii. 83g 9’ 25.5” iii. 1g 20’ iv. 2g 66’ 67”
v. 48 89’ 72”

9. i. 2:3 ii. 100° ii. 0 iv. 10° , 30° v. 32° , 18°

10. i. 45°, 60°, 75° ii. 45°, 75° iii. 66° iv. 80g v. 100g, 50g, 50g
11. i. 90° ii. 34°, 119° iii. 40g iv. 12° v. 54°, 36°, 90°
12.a. i. 30°, 30°, 120° ii. 72°, 63°, 45° iii. 120°, 39°, 21° iv. 81°, 45°, 54° v. 36°, 54°, 90°
b. i. 18°, 27°, 135° ii. 100g, 80g, 20g iii. 40°, 60°, 80°
iv. 40°, 60°, 80° v. 60°, 80°, 100°, 120°
c. iii. 74° 13’ 39” v. 73°, 44’ 51”, 90° and 16°15’9”
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 177
5.2 Central angle of a circle :

The angle formed by an arc at the centre of a circle is called

central angle of the circle. We measure the angle either in
radian measure or convert to other system.

In previous unit, we define 1c (radiant) angle on a circle by an arc equal to the length of
the radius. Here, we discuss the angle substended by an arc of any length.
Let us consider O is the centre of a circle,


OA is radius of the circle,

AB is an arc
Then \AOB = q is called the central angle of the circle by the arc AB .

Relation between radius of a circle, arc length and central angle of the circle.
O is the centre of a circle, C l
OA is radius (r), B
AB is an arc length (l), 1c
\ AOB is a central angle (q). A
O r
Draw an arc AC which is equal to radius OA of the circle.
i.e. AC = radius OA = r
\ \AOC = 1c

Taking the ratio of central angle w.r.t. their corresponding arcs,

\AOC $
i l
or, 1c = r
or, r × q = l × 1c
or, q = r × 1c

\ q = ark
l c

It is the formula to find the central angle of a circle in circular measurement.

178 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX


The geometrical closed figures made with straight lines are

called polygons where the straight lines so used are called sides
of the polygon and the angles are called interior angles of the

Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon ......... etc

The polygons are started from the three sides polygon called triangle and so on Polygons
are named according to the number of sides as,
3 sides = Triangle 4 sides = Quadrilateral
5 sides = Pentagon 6 sides = Hexagon
7 sides = Heptagon (Septagon) 8 sides = Octagon
9 sides = Nonagon 10 sides = Decagon
11 sides = Undecagon 12 sides = Dodecagon
13 sides = Tridecagon 14 sides = Tetradecagon
15 sides = Quindecagon

The polygon having all the sides equal (also all the interior
angles are equal) are called regular polygons.

• Equilateral triangle, square are called regular polygons.

• Measurement of the sum of the interior angles of a polygon.
3 sides polygon = 180° = (3 – 2) × 180°
4 sides polygon = 360° = (4 – 2) × 180°
5 sides polygon = (5 – 2) × 180°
6 sides polygon = (6 – 2) × 180°

Sum of the interior angles of ‘n’ sides polygon = (n – 2) × 180°
• One interior angle of a regular polygon, q = n × 180°
• Sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°
• One exterior angle of a regular polygon is n .
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 179
Worked out Examples
1. Find the central angle of a circle of radius 70 mm with arc of 8.8cm in degrees.
Arc length (l) = 8.8cm B
Radius of circle (r) 70 mm = 10 cm 8.8cm
= 7cm.
Central angle (q) = ?
We have, 70 mm
= ark
Central angle (q)

=a 7 × r k
8.8 180 °

= a 7 × 22 k
8.8 180 × 7 °

= 72°
\ Central angle of a circle is 72°.

2. A pendulum of length 8.4cm swings making an angle of 60° at the centre, what
distance is the bob traveled?
Radius (r) = Length of the pendulum = 8.4cm 60° 8.4cm
Central angle (q) = 60°
= `60 × 180 j
r c

= a 7 × 180 k ?
60 × 22 c
Arc length (l) = Distance travelled by the bob = ?
We have,
q = r
or, l =r×q
60 × 22
= 8.4 × 7 × 180
= 8.8 cm.

\ Distance travelled by the bob is 8.8cm.

3. A goat is tethered on a stake for grazing where

the goat travelled 27.5m distance by making
the rope tight and the rope makes an angle of
70° at the stake, find the length of the rope.
Solution: Stake
Central angle (q) = 70° 70°
= `70 × 180 j
r c

= a 7 × 180 k
70 × 22 c

180 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

And Length (l) = Distance diseribed by goat
= 27.5m
Radius (r) = Length of the rope = ?
We have,
= ark
l c
or, r =
= 7 ××180
70 22

27.5 × 7 × 180
= 70 × 22
= 22.5 m.
\ Length of the rope is 22.5 m.

4. The moon subtends an angle of 15.75’ at a point on the earth surface where distance
between the earth and the moon is 384000 km, find the diameter of the moon.

15.75’ diameter of the moon


Radius (r) = Distance between the earth and the moon.

= 384000 km
central angle (q) = 15.75’
= a 60 k
15.75 c

= a 60 × 180 k
15.75 r c

= a 60 × 180 × 7 k
15.75 × 22 c

Arc length (l) = Diameter of the moon = ?

We have,
q = r
or, l =r×q
15.75 × 22
= 384000 × 60 × 180 × 7
= 1760 km
\ Diameter of the moon is 1760 km.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 181

5. How long does the tip of minute hand of a clock of length 28min
15cm moves in 28 minutes.
Radius (r) = length of the minute hand of a clock.
= 15cm.
Time taken = 28 minutes. 15cm
In 60 minutes, minute hand makes 360° angle
In 1 minute, minute hand makes 60 angle.
In 28 minutes, minute hand makes = 60 × 28 angle
= `168 × 180 j
r c

Central angle (q) = a 180 × 7 k

168 × 22 c

Arc length (l) = Distance travelled by minute hand = ?

We have,
q = r
or, l =r×q
168 24 × 22
= 15 × 180 × 7
= 44cm
\ Required distance = 44 cm .

6. Find the interior angle of a regular decagon in centesimal and circular measurement.
No. of sides of regular decagon (n) = 10
Interior angle (q) = ?
We have,
Interior angle (q) = n × 180°
10 – 2
= 10 × 180°
= 144°
= a144 × 9 k
10 g
= 160g
= a160 × 180 k
r c

=a 9 k
8r e

` Interior angle of decagon is 144° or 160g or a 89r k .


182 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

How many sides are there in a regular polygon whose interior angle is a 5 k ?
3r c
Interior angle of a regular polygon,
=a 5 k
3r c

= a5 × r k
3 180 °

= 108°
No. of sides (n) = ?
We have,
Interior angle (θ) = n × 180
or, 108 = n × 180°
108 3 n–2
or, 180 5 = n
or, 5n – 10 = 3n
or, 2n = 10
∴ n= 5
∴ No. of sides of regular polygon is 5.

8. The number of sides of regular polygons are in the ratio 3:2 where difference of their
interior angles is 12°. Find the number of sides of the polygons.
Solution: Let,
No. of sides of 1st regular polygon (n1) = 3x
No. of sides of 2nd regular polygon (n2) = 2x
Difference of their interior angles = 12°

Interior angle of 1st – Interior angle of 2nd = 12°
n1 – 2 n2 – 2
or, n1 × 180 – n2 × 180° = 12°
3x – 2 2x – 2
or, 3x × 180° – 2x × 180° = 12°
180 ;
6x –4 – 6x + 6 E
or, 30
6x = 12°
or, 60 = 12x
or, x=5
∴ No. of sides of 1st regular polygon = 3 × 5 = 15
No. of sides of 2nd regular polygon = 2 × 5 = 10.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 183

Exercise 5.2
1. i. What is radian angle? Show with diagram.
ii. Write down the formula to find the central angle of a circle with usual meaning.
iii. Write down the formula to find interior and exterior angles of a regular polygon.
iv. What do you mean by regular polygon?
Prove that the relation q = a r k
l c

2. i. Find the central angle of a circle having radius 21cm and length of the arc is 44
cm and convert in sexagesimal measurement.
ii. Find the central angle of a circle in centesimal measurement formed in an arc of
length 6.6cm of a circle of radius 4.2cm.
iii. Find the central angle of a circle in degrees formed in an arc of length 0.44m
where length of the radius is 84cm.
iv. An arc of length 22cm subtends 120° angle at the centre of a
circle. Find the length of the radius.
a 5π kc
v. Find the central angle in centesimal measurement formed in
an arc of length 176mm of a circle of radius 16.8cm. 6

3. i. An arc of length 3m 8cm is described with an angle of 20° at P 33cm

the centre of a circle. Find the radius of the circle.
ii. Find the length of the side OP from the adjoining diagram.
iii. An angle of a 3 k is formed at the centre of a circle of radius 21cm, find the arc
400 g

length for the angle so formed.

iv. Arc length is 7 th part of the radius of a circle. What angle in grades formed by
that arc at the centre?
v. What distance travelled by the tip of 42cm long minute hand of a clock in 20

4. i. Minute hand of a clock of length 10.5cm moves in 40 minutes. What distance

travelled by it in that time.
ii. A pendulum described an angle of 40° by swinging a distance of 66cm. Find the
length of the pendulum
iii. A minute hand of a clock moves a distance of 44cm in 30 minutes. Find the
length of the minute hand.
iv. A cow is tethered to a stake for grazing a field. The cow grazed by making the
rope tight and described 56° angle while moving 8.8m. Find the length of the
v. A train is travelling in a circular track of radius 7km with a speed of 66 km per
hour. Find the angle substandard at the centre by moving the train in 7 minutes.

184 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5. Find the interior angle in degrees and grades of the following regular polygons.
i. Pentagon ii. Hexagon
iii. Decagon iv. Dodecagon
v. Quindecagon

6. Find the number of sides of the regular polygon whose interior angles are given
a 23r k
i. 108° ii. 160g iii.
a 500 k
iv. 156° v. 3
7. i. The exterior angle of a regular polygon is equal to 4 of the interior angle of a
regular hexagon. Find the number of sides of the regular polygon.
ii. The difference between interior angle and exterior angle of a regular polygon is
90° find the number of sides of the polygon.
iii. The difference between interior angle of a regular polygon in centesimal
measurement and sexagesimal measurement is 15. Find the number of sides of
the polygon.
iv. One regular polygon has twice as many sides as another and ratio of their
interior angles is 5:4, find the number of sides of the regular polygons.
v. The difference between the interior angles of two regular polygons having their
number of sides in the ratio 4:3 is 15. Find the number of sides of the polygons.

8. PRIME more creative questions:

i. The angle subtended by the sun at a point on the earth surface which are at a
distance of 150 million km is 31.85’, find the diameter of the sun.
ii. The radius of the earth is 6400km and distance between the earth and the moon
is 60 times the radius of the earth. If the moon subtends an angle of 31.5’ at a
point on the earth surface. Find the radius of the moon.
iii. The number of sides of two regular polygons are in the ratio 2:3 and the sum of
the interior angles of them is 260°, find the number of sides of the polygons.
iv. The number of sides of two regular polygons are in the ratio 5:4 and difference
of their interior angles is 10g, find the number of sides of the polygons.
v. If ‘a’ is the radius of the circle and ‘b’ is the length of an arc of a circle. Prove that
the central angle formed in that arc is a a k .
vi. An athlete is running around a circular track of radius 90m and makes an angle
of 56° at the centre of the track in 11 seconds. Find the speed of him at that time
in km/h.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 185

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i. 120° ii. 100g iii. 30°

iv. 10.5 cm v. 66g 66’ 67”

3. i. 8.82m ii. 12.6cm iii. 44cm

iv. 100g v. 88cm

4. i. 44cm ii. 94.5cm iii. 14cm

iv. 9m v. 63°

120°, a 3 k
400 g
5. i. 108°, 120g ii. iii. 144°, 160g

150°, a 3 k 156°, a 3 k
500 g 520 g
iv. v.

6. i. 5 ii. 10 iii. 6
iv. 15 v. 12

7. i. 12 ii. 8 iii. 8
iv. 12, 6 v. 8, 6

8. i. 1.39 × 106km ii. 1760km iii. 6, 9

iv. 10, 8 vi. 28.8km/hr

186 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5.3 Trigonometrical ratios
The triangle having an angle of 90° is called right angled triangle, rest two angles are
acute angles. The longest side of right angled triangle is called hypotenuses (opposite to
right angle) and other two sides are taken as perpendicular and base.

The acte angle of a right angled triangle considered for

calculation is called the angle of reference. The side opposite
to angle of reference is called perpendicular, the side opposite
to right angle is hypotenuse and rest side is called the base.

Here, P
In a right angled triangle PQR,
\ Q = 90° (right angle)
\ R = q = reference angle
PR = hypotenuses (h) = opposite to right angle.
PQ = perpendicular (p) = opposite to reference angle. Q q R
QR = base (b) = side which joins right angle and angle of reference.
Also, h2 = p2 + b2 for the solution
i.e. PR2 = PQ2 + QR2 (Pythagoreans theorem)

Ratio of any two sides of a right angled triangle are called

trigonometical ratios.

Ratio of perpendicular and hypoteneous is taken as Sine.

p PQ
i.e Sinq = h = PR
Symbols used in
Ratio of base and hypotenuses is taken as Cosine. trigonometry are:
b QR
i.e. Cosq = h = PR Theta – q,
Ratio of perpendicular and base is taken as Tangent. Gamma – g,
p PQ
i.e. Tanq = b = QR Delta – d,
Receprocal ratio of Cosine is Secant Alpha – a,
h PR
i.e. Secq = b = QR
Pi – p,
Sai – y,
Receprocal ratio of Sine is Co–Secant
h PR Beta – b,
i.e. Cosecq = p = PQ
Kappa –k
Receprocal ratio of Tangent is Co-tangent Phai –f
b QR
i.e. Cotq = p = PQ

Trick : Some Person Has Curly Black Hair To Produce Beauty.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 187

5.3.1 Algebraic operation of trigonometrical ratios:
Here are the discussion of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and factorisation
as the operations used in algebra.

Look at the examples given below.

• As a + a = 2a,
Sinq + Sinq = 2Sinq
• As 3a – a = 2a
3Sinq – Sinq = 2Sinq
• As 2a × 3a = 6a2
2Sinq × 3Sinq = 6Sin2q
• As 6a2 ÷ 2a = 3a
6 Sin2q ÷ 2Sinq = 3Sinq
• As a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)
Sin2q – Cos2q = (Sinq + Cosq) (Sinq – Cosq)
• As 4a2 + 2a = 2a(2a + 1)
4Sin2q + 2Sinq = 2Sinq(2Sinq + 1)
• As a2 + 2a + 1 = (a + 1)2
Sin2q + 2Sinq + 1 = (Sinq + 1)2
• As 3a2 + 4ab – 4b2
= 3a2 + (6 – 2)ab – 4b2
= 3a2 + 6ab – 2ab – 4b2
= 3a(a + 2b) – 2b(a + 2b)
= (a + 2b) (3a – 2b)

6Sin2q – 5SinqCosq – 4Cos2q

= 6Sin2q – (8 – 3)Sinq.Cosq – 4Cos2q
= 6Sin2q – 8SinqCosq + 3SinqCosq – 4Cos2q
= 2Sindq(3Sinq – 4Cosq) + Cosq(Sinq – 4Cosq)
= (3Sinq – 4Cosq) (2Sinq + Cosq)

Some of the important NOTES.

• Sinq ≠ Sina
• SinA . SinB ≠ SinAB ≠ Sin2AB
• Sin(A + B) ≠ SinA + SinB
• (SinA)2 ≠ SinA2
but (SinA)2 = Sin2A

188 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Find the product of (2Sinθ + Cosθ)(3Sinθ – 2Cosθ)
Solution :
(2Sinθ + Cosθ)(3Sinθ – 2Cosθ)
= 2Sinθ(3Sinθ – 2Cosθ) + Cosθ(3Sinθ – 2Cosθ)
= 6Sin2θ – 4SinθCosθ + 3SinθCosθ – 2Cos2θ
= 6Sin2θ – Sinθ.Cosθ – 2Cos2θ.

Sinθ Cosθ
2. Simplify : 1 – Sinθ – 1 – Cosθ
Solution :
Sinθ Cosθ
1 – Sinθ – 1 – Cosθ
θ θ θ θ

Sinθ – Cosθ
(1 – Sinθ)(1 – Cosθ)

3. Factorise : Tan4α – Sin4α

Solution :
Tan4α – Sin4α
= (Tan2α)2 – (Sin2α)2
= (Tan2α + Sin2α)(Tan2α – Sin2α)
= (Tan2α + Sin2α) (Tanα + Sinα) (Tanα – Sinα)

4. Factorise : 8Cos2θ – 14Cosθ + 3

Solution :
8Cos2θ – 14 Cosθ + 3
= 8Cos2θ – (12 + 2)Cosθ + 3
= 8 Cos2θ – 12Cosθ – 2Cosθ + 3
= 4 Cosθ(2Cosθ – 3) – 1(2Cosθ – 3)
= (2Cosθ – 3) (4Cosθ – 1)

5. Simplify : (SinA – CosA)2 – (CosA + SinA)2

Solution :
(SinA – CosA)2 – (CosA + SinA)2
= (Sin2A – 2SinA.CosA + Cos2A) – (Cos2A + 2CosA.SinA + Sin2A)
= Sin2 A – 2SinA.CosA + Cos2 A – Cos2 A – 2SinA.CosA – Sin2 A
= – 4SinA.CosA

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 189

Exercise 5.3
1. i) What is angle of reference? Show in right angled triangle.
ii) Write down any five symbols used in trigonometry with their name according to
Latin language.
iii) Write down the basic trigonometric ratios taking the reference angle ‘x’ in a
right angled DPQR.
iv) Write down the reciprocal ratios taking the reference angle ‘q’ in a right angled
v) Write down perpendicular, base & hypotenuses of a right angled DPQR taking R
= 90° and P as reference angle.

2. Multiply the followings.

i) (2Sinq + 3) (3Sinq – 2)
ii) (Sinq + Cosq) (Sin2q – Sinq.Cosq + Cos2q)
iii) (Sec2q + Tan2q) (Sec2q – Tan2q)
iv) (Sin2q + Cos2q)(Sinq – Cosq) (Sinq + Cosq)
v) (2Sinq + 3) (2Sinq – 3) (4Sin2q + 9)

3. Simplify the followings.

i) (Sinq + Cosq)2 – (Sinq – Cosq)2
ii) (Tanq + Secq)2 – (Secq – Tanq)2
Sinq Sinq
iii) +
1 + Sinq 1 – Sinq
Cosq Sinq
iv) +
Cosq – Sinq Sinq – Cosq
Sin3q Cos3q
v) –
Sinq – Cosq Cosq – Sinq
4. Factorise the followings.
i) Sinq + 2Sinq.Cosq + 2Cosq + 4Cos2q
ii) 2 – 2Sinq – 3Cosq + 3Sinq.Cosq
iii) Sin2q – 4Cos2q
iv) 8Cos3q – Sin3q
v) Sin4q – Cos4q

5. Find the factors of the followings.

i) Sec8q – Cosec8q
ii) 2Sin2q – 7Sinq + 6
iii) 4Cos2q – 5Cosq – 6
iii) 3Sin2q + 5Sinq.Cosq – 12Cos2q
v) Cos2A – 2CosA – 15

190 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6. PRIME more creative questions:
i) Find the product of (Sinq + Cosq) and (Sin2q + 2Sinq.Cosq + Cos2q)
1 1 2Sini
ii) Simplify : + + +
1 Sini 1 – Sini Sin2 i – 1
iii) Factories : Sin4q + Sin2q.Cos2q + Cos4q
iv) Find the factors of : Cos4q + Cos2q + 1
v) Simplify : (Sinq + Cosq)3 – (Sinq – Cosq)3

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) 6Sin2q + 5Sinq – 6 ii) Sin3q + Cos3q

iii) Sec4q – Tan4q iv) Sin8q – Cos8q
v) 16Sin4q – 81

3. i) 4(Sin2q + Cos2q) ii) 4Secq.Tanq

iii) 1 – Sinq iv) 1
v) Sin2q + Sinq.Cosq + Cos2q

4. i) (1 + 2Cosq) (Sinq + 2Cosq)

ii) (1 – Sinq) (2 – 3Cosq)
iii) (Sinq + 2Cosq) (Sinq – 2Cosq)
iv) (2Cosq – Sinq) (4Cos2q + 2Cosq.Sinq + Sin2q)
v) (Sinq + Cosq) (Sinq – Cosq) (Sin2q + Cos2q)

5. i) (Secq + Cosecq) (Secq – Cosecq) (Sec2q + Cosec2q) (Sec4q + Cosec4q)

ii) (Sinq – 2) (2Sinq – 3)
iii) (Cosq – 2) (4Cosq + 3)
iv) (Sinq + 3Cosq) (3Sinq – 4Cosq)
v) (CosA – 5) (CosA + 3)

6. i) (Sinq + Cosq)3
1 + Sinθ
iii) (Sin2q + Sinq.Cosq + Cos2q) (Sin2q – Sinq.Cosq + Cos2q)
iv) (Cos2q + Cosq + 1) (Cos2q – Cosq + 1)
v) 2Cosq(3Sin2q + Cos2q)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 191

5.4 Trigonometrical Identities
Relation between the trigonometrical ratios.
In a right angled DABC.
\ B = 90° C
\ A = reference angle

1. Receprocal relations:
p h
i) SinA.CosecA = × =1
h p
\ SinA =
1 &
CosecA = SinA
Co sec A

ii) CosA.SecA =
b × h =1
h b
\ CosA =
1 & SecA =
SecA CosA SinA.CosecA = 1
CosecA.SecA = 1
TanA.CotA = 1
iii) TanA.CotA = 1 SinA
TanA =
1 1 CosA
\ TanA = & CotA = CosA
CotA TanA CotA =

2. Quotient relations :
p b
p SinA b CosA
i) TanA = b = h
b = CosA ii) CotA h
= p = p = SinA
h h
p b
p b = TanA b p CotA
iii) SinA = h = h SecA iv) CosA = h = h = Co sec A
b p
h h
h b = SecA h p Co sec A
v) CosecA = p = p TanA v) SecA = b = b = CotA
b p

192 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3. Pythagorean relations :
= `hj +ahk
p 2 b 2
i) Sin2A + Cos2A Sin2A + Cos2A = 1
Sin2A = 1 – Cos2A
p2 + b2 Cos2A = 1 – Sin2A
h2 SinA = 1 – Cos2 A
h CosA = 1 – Sin2 A
= 2

= abk –`bj
h 2 p 2
ii) Sec2A – Tan2A Sec2A – Tan2A = 1
h2 – p2 Sec2A = 1 + Tan2A
= Tan2A = Sec2A – 1
b 2
SecA = 1 + Tan2 A
= 2
b TanA = Sec2 A – 1

= apk –apk
h 2 b 2 Cosec2A – Cot2A = 1
iii) Cosec2A – Cot2A
Cosec2A = 1 + Cot2A
h2 – b2 Cot2A = Cosec2A – 1
p2 CosecA = 1 + Cot2 A
p CotA = Co sec2 A – 1
= 2

Note : Students are requested to memorise (remember the all above relations up to their tip
of the tongue.)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 193

Worked out Examples
1. Prove that the followings:
i) Sin2A – Sin2ACos2A = Sin4A
L.H.S. = Sin2A – Sin2A.Cos2A
= Sin2A(1 – Cos2A)
= Sin2A.Sin2A
= Sin4A
= R.H.S. proved

ii) Co sec2 A – 1 . 1 – Cos2 A = CosA

L.H.S. = Co sec2 A – 1 . 1 – Cos2 A
= CotA.SinA
= SinA .SinA
= CosA
= R.H.S. proved

iii. Sec2 A + Co sec2 A = TanA + CotA

L.H.S.= Sec2 A + Co sec2 A
= 1 + Tan2 A + 1 + Cot2 A
= Tan2 A + 2 + Cot2 A
= Tan2 A + 2 × 1 + Cot2 A
= Tan2 A + 2TanA.CotA + Cot2 A
= TanA + CotA
= TanA + CotA
= R.H.S. proved

iv. Tan2A – Sin2A = Sin2A.Tan2A

L.H.S.= Tan2A – Sin2A
Sin2 A
= – Sin2A
Cos2 A
Sin2 A – Sin2 A.Cos2 A
Cos2 A
Sin A (1 – Cos2 A)

Cos2 A
Sin A
= . Sin2A
Cos2 A
= Tan2A.Sin2A
= R.H.S. Proved

194 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1 – Cos 4 i
v. = 1 + 2Cot2θ
Sin 4 i
1 – Cos4 i
Sin4 i
1 Cos4 i
= 4 –
Sin i Sin4 i
= Cosec4θ – Cot4θ
= (Cosec2θ)2 – (Cot2θ)2
= (Cosec2θ – Cot2θ) (Cosec2θ + Cot2θ)
= 1 (1 + Cot2θ + Cot2θ)
= 1 + 2Cot2θ
= R.H.S. proved

1 – Cosi
vi. = Cosecθ – Cotθ
1 + Cosi
1 – Cosi
L.H.S. =
1 + Cosi
1 – Cosθ 1 – Cosθ
= 1 + Cosθ × 1 – Cosθ
(1 – Cosi) 2
1 – Cos2 i
(1 – Cosi) 2
Sin2 i
1 – Cosi
1 Cosi
= –
Sini Sini
= Cosecθ – Cotθ
= R.H.S. proved

2. If a = xCosα + ySinα and b = xSinα – yCosα, prove that a2 + b2 = x2 + y2.

Solution :
L.H.S. = a2 + b2
= (xCosα + ySinα)2 + (xSinα – yCosα)2
= x2Cos2α + 2xy sin a. cos a + y2Sin2α + x2Sin2α – 2xy sin a. cos a + x2Sin2α
= x2(Sin2α + Cos2α) + y2(Sin2α + Cos2α)
= x2 × 1 + y2 × 1
= x 2 + y2
= R.H.S. proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 195

Exercise 5.4
1. i) Write down the basic formula for reciprocal relations on trigonometric ratios.
ii) Write down the basic formula for Pythagoras relation on trigonometric ratios.
iii) Write down the basic formula for reciprocal rational on trigonometric ratios.
iv) Express Cosecq in terms of Tanq.
v) Express CotA in terms of SecA.

2. Prove that the followings.

i) Sinq.Tanq.Secq = Tan2q ii) Sinq × 1 + Cot2 θ = 1
iii) Sec2q(1 – Sin2q) = 1 iv) Tan2A – Sin2A = Tan2A.Sin2A
v) Cot2A – Cos2A = Cot2A.Cos2A

3. i) Sinq(1 + Sinq) – Sinq(1 – Cosecq + Sin2q) = 1

ii) (1 – Sin2q)(1 + Cot2q) = Cot2q
iii) (1 + Tan2A) (1 – Cos2A) = Tan2A
iv) Sin4q – Cos4q = 2Sin2q – 1
v) (Sinq + Cosq)2 = 1 + 2Sinq.Cosq

4. i) Sec4q – Tan4q = Sec2q + Tan2q

ii) Cosec4q – Cot4q = 2Cosec2q – 1
1 – Sin 4 q
iii) = 1 + 2Tan2q
Cos 4 q
1 – Cos 4 q
iv) = 1 + 2Cot2q
Sin 4 q
v) Sin4q + Cos4q = 1 + 2Sin2qCos2q

5. i) = CosecA + CotA
CosecA – CotA
ii) = SecA – TanA
SecA + TanA
1 + SinA CosA
iii) CosA = 1 – SinA
SinA 1 + CosA
iv) 1 – CosA = SinA

v) ^ Sec2 A – 1 h ^ 1 – Sin2 A h = SinA

1 – TanA CosA – SinA Cota + 1 Cosa + Sina

6. i) 1 + TanA = CosA + SinA ii) Cota – 1 = Cosa – Sina
1 – SinA 1 + CosA
iii) 1 + SinA = SecA – TanA iv) 1 – CosA = CosecA + CotA
1 – CosA
v) 1 + CosA = (CotA – CosecA)

196 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1 + SinA
7. i) = (SecA + TanA)2
1 – SinA
1 1
ii) + = 2Cosec2A
1 + CosA 1 – CosA
1 1
iii) – = 2TanA.SecA
1 – SinA 1 + SinA
1 + SinA CosA
iv) + = 2SecA
CosA 1 + SinA
1 – CosA SinA
v) + = 2CosecA
SinA 1 – CosA
PRIME more creative questions:
8. Prove that the following identities.
Sin³q – Cos³q
a. i) = 1 + SinqCosq
Sinq – Cosq
ii) (1 + Sina + Cosa)2 = 2(1 + Sina)(1 + Cosa)
iii) (1 – SinA – CosA)2 = 2(1 – SinA)(1 – CosA)
TanA CotA
iv) + = 1 + SecA.CosecA
1 – CotA 1 – TanA
Sin4A – Cos4A
v) = SinA + CosA
SinA – CosA
b. i) (1 + Cotq – Cosecq) (1 + Tanq + Secq) = 2
ii) Sec²q + Cosec²q = Tanq + Cotq
iii) (SinA + CosecA)2 + (CosA + SecA)2 = Tan2A + Cot2A + 7
Tanq Tanq
iv) + = 2Cosecq
Secq – 1 Secq + 1
v) Sin6A + Cos6A = 1 – 3 Sin2A.Cos2A

Show to your teacher.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 197

5.5 Complex identities:
We discuss about the simple trigonometrical identities in previous exercise where as we
introducing some difficult and technical trigonometrical identities in this chapter.

We try to explain the procedures to prove them through some worked out examples.

Worked out Examples

TanA CotA
1. Prove that: 1 – CotA + 1 – TanA = 1 + SecA. CosecA.
TanA CotA
L.H.S. = 1 – cot A + 1 – TanA
SinA CosA
= CosA SinA
CosA + SinA
1 – SinA 1 CosA
SinA CosA
CosA SinA
– CosA + CosA – SinA
= SinASinA CosA
SinA SinA CosA CosA
= CosA × SinA – CosA – SinA × SinA – CosA
Sin²A – Cos²A
CosA.SinA(SinA – CosA)
(SinA – CosA)(Sin²A + SinA.CosA + Cos²A
CosA.SinA(SinA – CosA)
1 + SinA CosA
= CosA SinA
1 SinA CosA
= CosA SinA + SinA CosA
= SecA. CosecA + 1.
= R.H.S. is proved

2. Sin2A Cos2B – Cos2A Sin2B = Sin2A – Sin2B

L.H.S. = Sin2A Cos2B – Cos2A Sin2B
= Sin2A (1 – Sin2B) – (1 – Sin2A) Sin2B
= Sin2A – Sin2 A Sin2 B – Sin2B + Sin2 A Sin2 B
= Sin2A – Sin2B
= R.H.S. Proved.

198 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

SecA – TanA – 1 1 – SecA – TanA
3. =
SecA – TanA + 1 1 + SecA + TanA
SecA – TanA – 1
L.H.S. =
SecA – TanA + 1
(SecA – TanA)–(Sec²A – Tan²A)
(SecA – TanA)+(Sec²A – Tan²A)
(SecA – TanA) – {(SecA + TanA)(SecA – TanA)}
(SecA – TanA) + {(SecA + TanA)(SecA – TanA)}
(SecA – TanA)(1 – SecA – TanA)
(SecA – TanA)(1 + SecA + TanA)
1 – SecA – TanA
1 + SecA + TanA
= R.H.S. is proved

CosecA + CotA – 1 1 + CosA

4. = SinA
1 – CosecA + CotA
CosecA + CotA – 1
L.H.S =
1 – CosecA + CotA
(CosecA + CotA) – (Cosec²A + Cot²A)
1 – CosecA + CotA
(CosecA + CotA) – {(CosecA + CotA) (CosecA – CotA)}
1 – CosecA + CotA
(CosecA + CotA)(1 – CosecA + CotA)
1 – CosecA + CotA
1 CosA
= SinA + SinA
1 + CosA
= SinA
= R.H.S. Proved

5. (3 – 2Sin2q) (2Cot2q – 3) = (1 + 3Cot2q) (2 – 5Sin2q).

L.H.S. = (3 – 2Sin2q) (2Cot2q – 3)
= (3 – 2sin2q) c – 3m
2Cos2 i
Sin2 i
2Cos²q – 3Sin²q
= (3 – 2Sin2q)( )
3 2Sin²q
=( – ){2(1 – Sin2q) – 3Sin2q}
Sin²q Sin²q
= {3 (1 + Cot2q) – 2} {2 – 2Sin2q – 3Sin2q}
= (3 + 3Cot2q – 2) (2 – 5Sin2q)
= (1 + 3Cot2q) (2 – 5 Sin2q)
= R.H.S. Proved.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 199

Exercise 5.5
1. i) (Cosq + Sinq) (Secq + Cosecq) = 2 + Secq.Cosecq
ii) (1 + Sinq – Cosq)2 + (1 – Sinq + Cosq)2 = 4(1 – Sinq.Cosq)
iii) 1 – Cot2a + Cot4a = Sin2a(1 + Cot6a)
iv) (CosecA – SinA)(SecA – CosA)(TanA + CotA) = 1
Cot2A Cosec2A
v) – = Cot2A – Cot2B
Sin2B Tan2B
2. Prove that the followings:
i. Sin2aCos2b – Cos2aSin2b = Cos2b – Cos2a.
Tan2 A Tan2 B
ii. 2 – = Tan2A – Tan2B.
Cos B Cos2 A
iii. Cot2qCosec2b – Cosec2q . Cot2b = Cosec2q – Cosec2b
iv. (xCosa + ySina)2 + (xsina – yCosa)2 = x2 + y2.
1 + 3Cosq – 4Cos2q
v. (1 + 2Cosq)2 =
1 – Cosq
3. Prove that the followings:
CotA TanA
i. 1 – TanA + 1 – CotA = SecA.CosecA + 1
Tan2 a
+ Cot2a = Seca.Coseca + 1.
Tana – 1 Cota – 1
Sin2 a Cos2 a
iii. 1 – Cota + 1 – Tana = Sina.Cosa + 1.
iv. (3 – Tan2q) (2 – 3Sin2q) = (3 – 4Sin2q) (2 – Tan2q)
v. (3 – 2Cot2q) (2 – Cos2q) = (3 – 5Cos2q) (2 + Cot2q)

4. Prove that the followings:

1 + Secq – Tanq 1 – Sinq
i. = Cosq
1 + Secq + Tanq
Secq + Tanq – 1 1 + Sini
ii. =
1 – Secq + Tanq Cosi
1 – Cosecq + Cotq 1 – Sini
iii. =
Cosecq + Cotq – 1 Sini
Cosecq + Cotq – 1 Sini
iv. =
1 – Cosecq + Cotq 1 – Cosi
1 – Secq + Tanq Cosi
v. =
Secq – Tanq – 1 1 – Sini
5. Prove that the followings:
Cosecq + Cotq + 1 1 + Cosecq + Cotq
i. =
Cosecq – Cotq – 1 1 – Cosecq – Cotq
1 – Secq – Tanq Secq – Tanq – 1
ii. =
1 + Secq + Tanq Secq + Tanq + 1

200 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

1 1 1 1
iii. – = SinA –
CosecA – CotA SinA CosecA + CotA
1 1 1 1
iv. – = –
Cosi Seci + Tani Seci–Tani Cosi
CosA CosA
v. 1 – SinA + 1 + SinA = 2TanA
6. PRIME more creative questions:
a. i. Sin6A – cos6A = (1 – 2Cos2A)(1 – Cos2A + Cos4A)
ii. Sin8q – Cos8q = (2Sin2q – 1)(1 – 2Sin2q + 2Sin4q)
iii. (1 + Cotq – Cosecq) (1 + Tanq + Secq) = 2
Tana Sina
iv. Seca – 1 – 1 + Cosa = 2Cota
1 + SinA 1 – SinA
v. 1 – SinA – 1 + SinA = TanA
Tan2 A CotA
vi. TanA – 1 + 1 – TanA = 1 + SecA.CosecA

Sec6 i + Tan6 i
b. i. = 1+Sec2q.Tan2q
Sec2 i + Tan2 i
ii. 2(Sin6A+Coc6A) – 3(Sin4A+Cos4A) + 1 = 0
iii. Tan3a+Cot3a = Sec3aCosec3a-3Seca.Coseca
SinA–CosA + 1
iv. SinA + CosA–1 = SecA + TanA
CosA–SinA + 1 1 + CosA
v. CosA + SinA–1 = SinA
c. i. (3 – 4Sin2a) (1 – 3Tan2a) = (3 – Tan2a)(1 – 4Sin2a)
Cosx Cosy Cosx Cosy
ii. Sinx + Cosy + Siny – Cosx = Sinx – Cosy + Siny + Cosx
1 + Sec2A.Cot2C 1 + Tan2A.Cos2C
iii. =
1 + Sec2B.Cot2C 1 + Tan2B.Cos2C
1 + SinA – CosA 1 + SinA + CosA
iv. = = 2 CosecA
1 + SinA + CosA 1 + SinA – CosA
Cosi + Cosb Sini + Sinb
v. + =0
Sini – Sinb Cosi – Cosb

Show to your subject teacher.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 201

5.6 Use of given trigonometrical ratio to find the rest ratios:
In this chapter, we discuss the process of finding all the trigonometrical ratios, if one of
them is given either directly or in the form of algebric expression.

Worked out Examples

1. Find the ratio of Sinq and Cotq from the given right angled triangle.
Solution :
In right angled triangle ABC
\ B = 90° A
BC = 4cm = b
AC = 5cm = h q 5c
AB = p = h2 – b2
= 52 – 42
= 9 B C
= 3cm 4cm
p BC
Sinq = h = AC =
4cm 4
5cm = 5
b AB 3cm 3
Cotq = p = BC = 4cm = 4

2. If Sin A=
5 , find the vale of Sec A – Tan A.
2 2

Solution :
In right angled DABC
\ B = 90°
\ A = reference angle
3 p 3
SinA = or =
5 h 5
p = 3cm
h = 5 cm
b = h2 – p2 = 52 – 32 = 16 = 4 cm
= abk –`bj
h 2 p 2
Sec2A – Tan2A

= a4 k –`4j
5 2 3 2

25 – 9
= 16
= 16

202 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Sin 2 i – Cos 2 i
3. If a Tanθ = b �ind the value of
Sin 2 i + Cos 2 i
or, aTanθ = b
or, Tanθ = a
p b
or, =
b a
h = p2 + b2 = a2 + b2
` j –abk
p 2 2
2 2
sin i – cos i h h
= p 2
sin2 i + cos2 i ` j +abk

h h
c m –a k
b 2
a 2

a² + b² a² + b ²
c m +a k
b 2
a 2

a² b² +
a² b²
b2 – a2 a2 + b2
= 2 ×
a +b
b2 + a2
b2 – a2
b2 + a2
4. Express all the trigonometrical ratios in terms of SinA.
Let, Sin A = K
p k
h 1
b = h2 – p2 = 1 – k2
Sin A = Sin A
b 1 - k2
Cos A = h = 1 = 1 – Sin2 A
p k SinA
Tan A = b = =
1 – k2 1 – Sin2 A
h 1 1
Cosec A = p = k = SinA

h 1 1
Sec A = b = =
1 – k2 1 – sin2 A
b 1 – k2 1 – sin2 A
Cot A = p = k = sin A

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 203

5.If SinA – CosA = 0, find the value of SecA.
Solution :
SinA – CosA = 0
or, SinA = CosA
or, CosA = 1
or, TanA = 1
or, b =1
\ p=1
h = p2 + b2
= 2
SecA = b
= 1
= 2
SecA = 2

6. If 2cos2q – Sinq – 1 = 0, find the value of sinq.

Solution :
2cos2q – Sinq – 1 = 0
or, 2(1 – Sin2q) – Sinq – 1 = 0
or, 2 – 2Sin2q – Sinq – 1 = 0
or, 2Sin2q + Sinq – 1 = 0
or, 2Sin2q + (2 – 1)Sinq – 1 = 0
or, 2Sin2q + 2sinq – Sinq – 1 = 0
or, 2Sinq(Sinq + 1) – 1(Sinq + 1) = 0
or, (Sinq + 1) (2Sinq – 1) = 0

Either OR
Sinq + 1 = 0 2Sinq – 1 = 0
\ Sinq = – 1 Sinq = 2
\ Sinq = – 1 or 2

7. If 5cosq + 12 Sinq = 13, find the value of Tanq.

Solution :
5Cosq + 12Sinq = 13
or, 5Cosq = 13 – 12 Sinq
Squaring on both sides,
or, 25Cos2q = 132 – 312 Sinq + 144Sin2q
or, 25 – 25Sin2q = 169 – 312 Sinq + 144Sin2q

204 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

or, 169Sin2q – 312Sinq + 144 = 0
or, (13Sinq – 12)2 = 0
or, 13Sinq – 12 = 0
or, Sinq = 13
\ Sinq = 13

p 12
or, h = 13
\ p = 12
h = 13
\ b = h2 – p2 = 169 – 144 = 5
p 12
\ Tanq = b = 5

Alternative method
5cosq + 12sinq = 13
Dividing both sides by cosq
5Cosi 12Sini 13
or, + =
Cosi Cosi Cosi
or, 5 + 12Tanq = 13Secq
Squaring on both sides,
or, (5 + 12Tanq)2 = (13Secq)2
or, 25 + 120Tanq + 144Tan2q = 169 + 169Tan2q
or, 25Tan2q – 120Tanq + 144 = 0
or, (5Tanq – 12)2 = 0
or, 5Tanq – 12 = 0
\ Tanq = 5

8. If Sinq + Cosq = 2 Sinq, prove that Sinq – Cosq = ± 2 Cosq.

Solution :
Sinq + Cosq = 2 Sinq
Squaring on both sides,
or, (Sinq + Cosq)2 = ( 2 Sinq)2
or, Sin2q + 2SinqCosq + Cos2q = 2Sin2q
or, 1 + 2SinqCosq = 2Sin2q
or, 2SinqCosq = 2Sin2q – 1
or, – 2SinqCosq = 1 – 2Sin2q
or, 1 – 2SinqCosq = 2 – 2Sin2q
or, Sin2q + Cos2q – 2SinqCosq = 2(1 – Sin2q)
or, (Sinq – Cosq)2 = 2Cos2q
\ Sinq – Cosq = ± 2 Cosq is proved

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 205

Exercise 5.6
1. i) Is a triangle having sides 6cm, 8cm and 10cm a right angled?
ii) If Sinq – 1 = 0, find Cosq.
iii) If Sinq – Cosq = 0, find Sinq.
iv) If Tana = k, what will be the value of Cosa?
v) If SecA = CosecA, find the value of CotA.

2. Find the trigonometric ratios of Tana, Cosa Cosecq and Cotq from the following
i) 6cm ii) 8cm
K L P q Q

10 17
cm q a

iii) iv) A


7 2

a q 13
S Q cm q

v) A D





3. i) If Sin A =
3 , find the value of TanA and Sec A.
ii) If Cos A = 13 , find the value of Cosec2A – Cot2A.
iii) If 4Tan A = 3, find the value of 5(Sin A + Cos A)
iv) If 17 Sin A = 15, find Sec2A – Tan2A.
3CosA – SinA
v) If 3 TanA = 4, frind the value of CosA + 2SinA
206 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
4. i) If n Tan A = m, find the value of Sin2A + Cos2A.
ii) If p CosA = q, prove that p2 – q2 Cosec A = p.
iii) If 1 – Cos q = 2 , find the value of Cotq – Tanq.
iv) If Sinq – Cosq = 0, find Cosecq.
v) If Secq – Cosecq = 0, find the value of Secq.

5. i) Express all the trigonometrical ratios in terms of Cos A.

ii) Express all the trigonometrical ratios in terms of Tan A.
iii) Express all the trigonometrical ratio in terms of Sin A.
iv) Express all the trigonometrical ration in terms of Cosec A.
v) If 3CosA = 4, find all other trigonometrical ratios.

a –1
6. i) If Sinq = a + 1 , find cot2q – Cosec2q.
ii) If 41CosA = 40, find
1 – Tan2 A
iii) If CosA = , find CotA + TanA
a2 + b2
iv) If (m2 + n2)SinA = m2 – n2, prove that (m2 – n2)CotA = 2mn.
xSini – yCosi
v) If yTanq = x, find the value of
xSini + yCosi
5SinA – 3CosA 5
7. i) If 5TanA = 4, prove that SinA + 2CosA = 14
ii) If a Cotq = b, prove that aSinq + bCosq = a2 + b2
3 12
iii) If SinA = 5 and SinB = 13 , find the value of SinACosB + CosASinB.
iv) If ( 3 + 1 ) Tanq = 3 – 1 , Find the value of Sinq + Cosq.
v) If x2 + y2 Cosq = x, find the value of xSinq – yCosq.

8. PRIME more creative questions:

a. i) If 2Sin2q = 2 + Cosq, find the value of Cosq.
ii) If 2Sin2q – Cosq – 1 = 0, find the value of Cosq where ‘q’ lies in first quadrant.
iii) If Secq.Tanq = 2 , find the value of Sinq.
iv) If 2 3 Cos2q = Sinq find the value of Sinq where q lies in first quardrent.
v) If Tan2q + ( 3 – ) Tanq = 1, find the value of Tanq where ‘q’ lies in first
quadrent. 3

b. i) If 3Cosq + 4Sinq = 5, find the value of Sinq.

ii) If 4Cosq + 3Sinq = 5, find the value of Cotq.
iii) If 8Sinq + 15Cosq = 17, find the value of Tanq.
iv) If Cota + Coseca = m, find the value of Cosa where ‘a’ lies in first quadrent.
v) If Cos4A + Cos2A = 1, prove that Tan4A + Tan2A = 1

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 207

c. i) If CosA + SinA = 2 CosA, prove that CosA – SinA = ± 2 SinA.
ii) If Cotq + Cosq = a and Cotq – Cosq = b, prove that a2 – b2 = 4 ab
iii) If Secq + Tanq = a, prove that (a2 + 1) sinq = a2 – 1. Where ‘q’ lies in first quadent.
iv) If Tanq + Cotq = 3, find the value of Sec2q + Cosec2q.
v) If TanA = 1 in a right angled DABC, find the value of SinACosA.

1. Show to your teacher.
4 3 5 4
2. i) Tana = 3 , Cosa = 5 , Cosecq = 3 , Cotq = 3
8 15 15 8
ii) Tana = 15 , Cosa = 17 , Cosecq = 17 , Cotq = 15
7 24 1
iii) Tana = 24 , Cosa = 25 , Cosecq = , Cotq = 1
4 3 5 12
iv) Tana = 3 , Cosa = 5 , Cosecq = 13 , Cotq = 5
5 12 3 4
v) Tana = 12 , Cosa = 13 , Cosecq = 5 , Cotq = 3
3 5
3. i) TanA = 4 , SecA = 4
ii) 1 iii) 7 iv) 1 v) 11
2 2 2
4. i) 1 iii) iv) v)
5. i) Show to your subject teachers.

360 a2 + b2 x2 – y2
6. i) –1 ii) iii) v.
1519 ab x2 + y2
63 3
7. iii) 65 iv) 2 v) o

1 1 1 3 1
8.a. i) 0, 2 ii) 2 iii) iv) 2 v)
2 3
4 4 8
b. i) 5 ii) 3 iii) 15
c. iv) 9 v) 2

208 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5.7 Trigonometrical Ratios of some standard angles
The trigonometrical ratios of some standard angles 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° & 90° are discussed
and geometrical interpretations are given in this chapter.

i) Trigonometrical ratios of 0°.


In the right angled DABC,
\ B = 90°
\ C = q (reference angle)
If A approaches to B, the value of q decreases and at q = 0 ‘A’ coincides with ‘B’ such
AB = 0 and AC = BC
p AB 0
Sinq = h = AC ( Sin0° = BC = 0
Cosq = h = AC ( Cos0° = BC = 1
p AB 0
Tanq = b = BC ( Tan0° = BC = 0
Cosec0° = ∞,
Sec0° = 1,
Cot0° = ∞

ii) Trigonometrical ratios of 30° & 60°.

Let, ABC is an equilateral triangle A
In an equilateral DABC,
AB = BC = AC = 2a (say) 2a 2a
BD = DC = a
\ A = \ B = \ C = 60°
AD = AB2 – BD2 60°
= ^2ah – ^a h
2 2 a D a
=a 3
Then, In rt. \ ed DADB,
\ BAD = 90° – 60° = 30°
AB = 2a = h
BD = a = p
AD = a 3 = b
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 209
p BD a 1
Sin30° = h = AB = 2a = 2
b AD a 3 3
Cos30° = h = AB = 2a = 2
p BD a 1
Tan30° = b = AD = =
a 3 3
Cosec30° = 2
Sec30° =
Cot30° = 3

Again, In rt. \ ed DABD,

\ ABD = 60°
AD = a 3 = p
BD = a = b
AB = 2a = h
p AD a 3 3
Sin60° = h = AB = 2a = 2
b BD a 1
Cos60° = h = AB = 2a = 2
p AD a 3
Tan60° = b = BD = a = 3
Cosec60° =
Sec60° = 2
Cot60° =
iii) Trigonometrical ratios of 45°

Let DABC is an isoceles right angled triangle where
\ B = 90°
AB = BC = a (say)
\ \ A = \ C = 45°
\ AC = AB2 + BC2
= a2 + a2
=a 2

210 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Also, Taking reference angle A. A
p BC a 1
Sin45° = h = AC = =
a 2 2
b AB a 1
Cos45° = h = AC = =
a 2 2
p BC a
Tan45° = b = AB = a = 1
h AC a 2
Cosec45° = p = BC = a = 2

h AC a 2
Sec45° = b = AB = a = 2
b AB a
Cot45° = p = BC = a = 1

iv) Trigonometrical ratios of 90°.

Let, ABC is a right angled triangle.
Where, \ B = 90°
\ C = Reference angle = q
When C approaches to B, then reference angle increases and at q = 90°, C coincides
with B.
Such that
BC = 0
SinC = h = AC & Sin90° = AB = 1
b BC 0
CosC = h = AC & Cos90° = AC = 0
p AB
TanC = b = BC & Tan90° = AB
0 =∞
Cosec90° = 1 Sec90° = ∞ Cot90° = 0

Table for the values w.r.t. angles.

Write down = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
0 1 2 3 4
Dividing by 4 = 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4

0 1 2 3 4
Square root = 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4
1 1 3
Result = 0, 2 , , 2 ,1

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 211

Tabulation of the above values respectively.
0° 30° 45° 60° 90°

Sin 0 1 1 3 1
2 2 2

Cos 1 3 1 1 0
2 2 2

Tan 0 1 1 3 ∞
Cosec ∞ 2 2 2 1
Sec 1 2 2 2 ∞
Cot ∞ 3 1 1 0

To remember
Sin0° = Cos90° = Tan0° = Cot90° = 0
Sin90° = Cos0° = Tan45° = Cosec90° = Sec0° = Cot45° = 1
Sin30° = Cos60° = 2
Sin60° = Cos30° = 2
Tan30° = Cot60° =
Tan60° = Cot30° = 3
Cosec30° = Sec60° = 2
Cosec60° = Sec30° =

212 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Find the value of sin30°.Cot60°.Cos30°.cosec30°
Here, Sin30°.Cot60°.Cos30°.Cosec30°
1 1 3
= 2× × 2 ×2
= 2

2. 3Tan230° + Sin260° + Cos245°

Here, 3Tan230° + Sin260° + Cos245°
1 2 c 3m + 1 2

=3× c m + 2 c m
3 2
1 3 1
=3× 3 + 4 + 2
4 +3+2
= 4
= 4
=2 4

p 1 p p p
3. Sin2 + 2 Sec2 + 2Tan2 + Cosec2
6 3 4 2
Solution :
p 1 p p p
Here, Sin2 + Sec2 + 2Tan2 + Cosec2
6 2 3 4 2
180° 1 180° 180° 180°
= Sin2 + Sec2 + 2Tan2 + Cosec2
6 2 3 4 2
= Sin230° + Sec260° + 2Tan245° + Cosec290°
= a 2 k + (2)² + 2(1)² + (1)²
1 2 1
= +2+2+1
1 + 20
= 4
= 4

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 213

4. If A = 30°, B = 60°, C = 45° & D = 90°, find the value of SinA + Cos2B + Tan2C.CosecD.
Here, SinA + Cos2B + Tan2C.CosecD
= Sin 30° + Cos260° + Tan245°.Cosec90°
1 + a 1 k2 + ^1 h2 × 1
2 2
2 1 4 +
= 4
5. If 2SinA = 1, find the value of A.
Here, 2SinA = 1
or, SinA = 2
or, SinA = Sin30°
\ A = 30°

Exercise 5.7
1. i) If Sinq = 2 , find Cosq.
ii) In an isosceles DABC, ∠B = 90°. What is the value of Tan 45°.
iii) Find the value of Tan260.
iv) Find the value of Sin260° + Cos260°.
v) Find the value of Sec230° – Tan230°

2. Find the value of the followings.

i) Sin0° + Cos90° + Tan45° ii) Sin90°.Cos60°.Cosec30°
iii) Tan45° + 2Sin60° – 2Cos60° iv) Sec0°.Cosec45°.Cos45°
v) Tan60°.Cot30°.Cos30°
3. Find the value of the followings.
i) Sin230° + Cos245° + Tan260° ii) 4Cos230° + 3Cot260° + Cosec245°
p p p
iii) Cos20° + Sin290° + Sec245° iv) Sin .Cos .Tan
3 6 4
1 Cos2 p + 4Sin2 p + Cot2 p
3 6 3 4
4. Prove that the following.
p p 1 p p
i) Cos2 + Sin2 + Tan2 = Sin2
2 4 2 4 2
1 – Tan30° 1 + Cos 6
ii) 1 + Tan30° = 2 – 3 iii) r =7+4 3
1 – Sin 3
214 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Cot60°.Cot30° + 1
iv) = Tan60° v) Sin30°Cos60° + Cos30°Sin60° = 1
Cot30° – Cot60°

5. If A = 0°, B = 30°, C = 45°, D = 60°, �ind the value of followings.

i) SinA + 2CosB + CotC + TanD ii) 3 TanB + CotC – 2 3 CotD
iii) Sin2B – Cos2C + Tan2D iv) 3Cot2D – 3 Cos2B + 4Sin2C
v) Cos(A + B) + Cos(D – B)

6. Find the value of A from the followings.

i) 2CosA – 1 = 0 ii) 2SinA = 3
iii) 3 TanA – 1 = 0 iv) CosA – 1 = 0
v) CotA – 3 = 0

7. PRIME more creative questions.

i) If 3Tanθ – 3 = 0, �ind the value of ‘θ’.
ii) Evaluate : 13 + 7 + 1 + 2 3Sin60°
1 – Sin60° 1 – Tan30°
iii) Prove that : 1 – Sin30° = +
1 Tan30°
iv) Geometrically prove that Sin60° = 2
v) Geometrically prove that Cos45° =

1. Show to your teacher.
2. i) 1 ii) 1 iii) 3 iv) 1 v) 3

3 3 1
3. i) 34 ii) 6 iii) 4 iv) 4 v) 4 4

3 1
5. i) 2 3 +1 ii) 0 iii) 24 iv) 2 2 v) 3

6. i) 60° ii) 60° iii) 30° iv) 0° v) 30°

7. i) 30° ii) 4

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 215

5.8 Trigonometric ratio of complementary angles and solution of
right angled triangle
Let us consider that DPQR is a right angled triangle where,
\ Q = 90°
\ R = q (refrence angle)
\ \ P = 90° – q (Complementary angle of q)

Then, for the refrence angle (90° – q)

p QR P
Sin(90° – q) = h = PR = Cosq 90
° –q
b PQ
Cos(90° – q) = h = PR = Sinq
p QR
Tan (90° – q) = b = PQ = Cotq q
h PR
Cosec(90° – q) = p = QR = Secq
h PR
Sec(90° – q) = b = PQ = Cosecq
b PQ
Cot (90° – q) = p = QR = Tanq

Worked out Examples

1. Find the value of : Sin25° – Cos65°
Here, Sin25° – Cos65°
= Sin25° – Cos(90° – 25°)
= Sin25° – Sin25°
= 0

2. Prove that : Cos55° + Sin65° = Sin35° + Cos25°

Solution :
L.H.S. = Cos55° + Sin65°
= Cos(90° – 35°) + Sin(90° – 25°)
= Sin35° + Cos25°
= R.H.S. proved

Sin(90° – q) Cosq 1
3. Prove that : . . = Sinq
Cosq Sin(90° – q) Sec(90° – q)
Solution :
Sin(90° – q) Cosq 1
L.H.S. = . .
Cosq Sin(90° – q) Sec(90° – q)
Cosq Cosq 1
= × ×
Cosq Cosq Cosecq

216 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

= Sinq
= R.H.S. proved
4. Find the side QR of right angled DPQR.
Solution : 15
In rt. \ ed DPQR, cm
\ Q = 90°,
\ R = 60° (refrence angle) 60°
PR = 15 cm, Q R
QR = ?
We have,
b QR
Cos60° = h = PR
1 QR
or, 2 = 15
or, 2QR = 15
\ QR = 7.5 cm

5. If an electric pole is tied with a rope of length 20m where the rope made 60° angle
with the ground. How high does the rope from the ground? A
Let, AB be the height of a pole.
m ?
AC be the length of the rope. 20
Given :
\ B = 90° 60°
\ C = 60° C B
AC = 20 m
AB = ?
Now, In rt. \ ed DABC,
p AB
Sin60° = =
h AC
3 AB
or, 2 = AC
or, 2AB = 20 3
20 3
or, AB = 2
\ AB = 17.32 m

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 217

Exercise 5.8
1. i) What is the complementary angle of 70°.
ii) Express Sin25° in terms of Cos as the complementary angle.
iii) Write down the equivalent of Cos p as the complementary angle.
iv) Find the value of Cotq.Cot(90° – q)
v) Find the value of Tan25°Tan65°.

2. Simplify :
i) Sin10° – Cos80° ii) Cos70° – Sin20° – Sin40° + Cos50°
iii) Cos(90° – q).Tan (90° – q).Cosec (90° – q)
Cot(90° – q). Sec(90° – q)
iv) v) Tan9°. Tan18°.Tan72°.Tan81°
Cosec(90° – q)
3. Prove that the followings.
i) Sin34° = Cos56° ii) Cot17° = Tan 73°
iii) Cos40° + Sin55° = Sin50° + Cos35° iv) Sin74° – Cos37° = Cos16° – Sin53°
v) Sec80° + Cosec40° = Cosec10° + Sec50°

4. Prove that the followings.

i) Sin(90° – q).Cosq + Cos(90° – q).Sinq = 1
ii) Secq.Cosec(90° – q) – Cot (90° – q).Tanq = 1
iii) Tanq.Tan(90° – q) + Sinq.Sec(90° – q) = 2
Sini Cos (90° – i)
iv) . = Tan2q
Sin (90° – i) Cosi
Cos (90° – i) Tan (90° – i)
v) . . Cosec(90° – q) = Cosq
Sec (90° – i) Cot (90° – i)
5. Find the side AB from the following right angled DABC.
i) A ii) A
10 60° 12
cm cm


iii) A iv) A



218 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

v) A D

PRIME more creative questions:
6. Find the followings.
i) The angle made by ladder 20m long to the ground at the foot of the ladder is 30°
which is taken against a wall. Find the height of the wall.
ii) An electric pole is of height 16ft is tied with a metallic rope where the rope
makes an angle of 60° with the ground, find the length of the rope.
iii) A pole of height 12ft forms the shadow during the sun’s altitude of 45°, find the
length of the shadow of the pole.
iv) Find the height of the temple given in diagram.



20 3m
v) If the kite is 102m high from the ground, ?
find the length of the string used in the
kite given in diagram. 102m


1. i) 20° ii) Cos65° iii) Sin iv) 1 v) 1
2. i) 0 ii) 0 iii) 1 iv) 1 v) 1
4. i) 5cm ii) 6cm iii) 20cm iv) 80cm v) 50cm
5. i) 10m ii) 32ft iii) 12ft iv) 62m v) 200m

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 219

5.9 Trigonometrical ratios of additional angels:
Other than standard angles some of the angles lie in the four quadrants like 90°-A, 90°+A,
180°-A, 180°+A, 270°-A, 270°+A, 360°-A, 360°+A and (-A).
Here, we discuss the trigonometric ratios of those angles and their application in different

90° + A

180° – A A
X’ X
180° + A –A

• First quadrant :
OP, PM and OM all are positive in first quadrant due to which all A
trigonometric ratios are positive.

• Second quadrant : Y
p = PM = +ve and b = OM = -ve, OP = +ve P
It makes,
p A q
Sinq = h = +ve , Cosecq = +ve X’ X
Cosq = h = -ve , Secq = -ve
Tanq = b = -ve , Cotq = -ve Y’

• Third quadrant : Y
p = PM = -ve
b = OM = -ve
It makes, M q
p X’ O X
Sinq = h = -ve , Cosecq = -ve
b P
Cosq = h = -ve , Secq = -ve
p Y’
Tanq = b = +ve , Cotq = +ve

220 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

• Fourth quadrant : Y
p = PM = -ve
b = OM = +ve
q M
It makes, X’ X
p O
Sinq = h = -ve , Cosecq = -ve
b P
Cosq = h = +ve , Secq = +ve
p Y’
Tanq = b = -ve , Cotq = -ve

i. Trigonomertical ratios of (90°-A)

Let, XX’ and YY’ are intersected at the center of a circle ‘O’. Y
Q 90°–A
A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with y-axis.
ie. \ POX = A A P
\ YOQ = A
\ QOX = 90° – A
Draw PM⊥OX and QN⊥OX. X’ O X
Then, In right angled DPOM & DQON.
\ OQN = \ YOQ = A [Alternative angles]
\ \ QON = 90° – A P
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90°
ii. OM = QN Y’
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle.
\ DPOM b DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = ON and OM = QN.

Then, In right angled DQON.

Sin (90°-A) = OQ = OP = CosA
Cos (90°-A) = OQ = OP = SinA
Tan (90°-A) = ON = PM = CotA
Cosec (90°-A) = QN = OM = SecA
Sec (90°-A) = ON = PM = CosecA
Cot (90°-A) = QN = OM = TanA

ii. Trigonomertical ratios of (90°+A).

Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with OX and again ‘A’ with OY at the position
of OQ.
ie. \ POX = A
\ QOY= A
\ QOX = 90°+A

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 221

Draw the perpendiculars, Y
PM⊥OX and QN⊥OX’. Q
\ \ OQN = \ QOY = A P
Now, In DPMO and DQNO, A
0 °+
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90° A 9 A
ii. \ PAM = \ OQN = A [Alternative angles] X’ X
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle.
\ DPOM ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = –ON and OM = QN

Then, In right \ ed DQNO, Y’

Sin (90° + A) = OQ = OP = CosA
Cos (90° + A) = OQ = OP = –SinA
Tan (90° + A) = ON = –PM = –CotA
(and so on for others)

iii. Trigonomertical ratios of (180°-A)

Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle of ‘A’ with OX and again ‘A’ with OX’ at the
position of OQ. Y
ie. \ POX = A
\ QOX’= A Q P
\ \ QOX = 180°-A
Draw the perpendiculars, A A
X’ O X
PM⊥OX and QN⊥OX’ N M

Now, In right angled DPMO and DQNO,

i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90°
ii. \ POM = \ QON = A Y’
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle.
\ DPMO ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = QN and OM = –ON.

Then, In right angled DQNO,

Sin (180°–A) = OQ = OP = SinA
Cos (180°–A) = OQ = OP = –CosA
Tan (180°–A) = ON = –OM = –TanA
(and so on for the others)

222 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iv. Trigonomertical ratios of (180°+A)
Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with the line OX and again ‘A’ with OX’ at
the position of OQ. Y
ie. \ POX = A
\ QOX’ = A P
\ \ QOX = 180°+A
Draw the perpendiculars,
PM⊥OX and QN⊥OX’ N A
X’ O X
Now, In DPMO and DQNO, A M
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90°
ii. \ PM = \ QON = A
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle. Q
\ DPMO ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom) Y’
\ OM = ON and PM = -QN.
Then, In right angled DQNO,
Sin (180°+A) = OQ = OP = -SinA
Cos (180°+A) = OQ = OP = -CosA
Tan (180°+A) = ON = –OM = TanA
(and so on for the others)

v. Trigonomertical ratios of (270°-A)

Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle of ‘A’ with OX and again ‘A’ with OY’ at the
position X’ of OQ. Y
ie. \ POX = A
\ QOX’ = A
\ \ QOX = 270°-A
Draw the perpendiculars, 270°–A
PM⊥OX and QN⊥OX’ N A
X’ O X
\ \ OQN = \ QOY’ = A M
Now, In DPMO and DQNO, A A
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90°
ii. \ POM = \ NQO = A
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle. Q
\ DPMO ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = –ON and OM = –QN.
Then, In right angled DQNO,
Sin (270°-A) = OQ = OP = –CosA
Cos (270°-A) = OQ = OP = –SinA
Tan (270°-A) = ON = –PM = CotA
(And so on for the others)
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 223
vi. Trigonomertical ratios of (270°+A)
Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with OX and again ‘A’ with OY’ at the
position of OQ. Y
ie. \ POX = A
\ QOY’ = A P
\ \ QOX(reflex) = 270°+A
Draw the perpendiculars, 270°–A
PM⊥OX and QN⊥OX X’ O X
\ \ OQN = \ QOY’ = A
Now, In right angled DPMO and DQNO,
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90° Q
ii. \ POM = \ OQN = A Y’
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle.
\ DPMO ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = ON and OM = –QN.

Then, In right angled DQNO,

Sin (270°+A) = OQ = OP = –CosA
Cos (270°+A) = OQ = OP = SinA
Tan (270°+A) = ON = PM = –CotA
(And so on for the others)

vii. Trigonomertical ratios of (360°-A)

Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with OX at the position of OQ.
ie. \ POX = A Y
\ QOX = A
\ \ QOX (reflex) = 360°-A P
Draw the perpendiculars, 360°–A
\ \ OQN = \ QOY’ = A X’
Now, In DPMO and DQNO,
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90° Q
ii. \ POM = \ QON = A
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle. Y’
\ DPMO ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = –QN and OM = –ON.

Then, In right angled DQON,

Sin (360°-A) = OQ = OP = –SinA

224 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Cos (360°-A) = OQ = OP = CosA
TanA (360°-A) = ON = OM = –TanA
(And so on others can be calculated)

viii. Trigonomertical ratios of (360°+A)

Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with OX Y
and again ‘A’ with OX at the position of OQ.
ie. \ POX = A P, Q
\ QOX = A
\ \ QOX (reflex) = 360°+A
X’ O X
Here, OP and OQ lines at same place (coincide) so far
both angles ‘A’ and 360°+A, trigonometric ratios will
be same as follows,
Sin(360°+A) = OP = OP = SinA
Cos(360°+A) = OQ = OP = CosA
Tan(360°+A) = OM = OM = TanA
(And so on for the others)

ix. Trigonomertical ratios of (-A)

Let, A revolving line OP makes an angle ‘A’ with OX and again it makes an angle (-A)
with OX at the position of OQ.
ie. \ POX = A (anti-clockwise +ve)
\ QOX = -A (clockwise -ve)
Draw the perpendiculars,
\ \ OQN = \ QOY’ = A A N
Now, In DPMO and DQNO, O –A MX
i. \ PMO = \ QNO = 90°
ii. \ POM = \ QON = A Q
iii. OP = OQ = radii of same circle.
\ DPMO ≅ DQNO (By AAS axiom)
\ PM = -QN and OM = -ON.

Then, In right angled DQNO,

Sin (-A) = OQ = O = – SinA
Cos(–A) = OQ = O = CosA
Tan(–A) = ON = OM = –TanA
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 225
Cosec(–A) = QN = –PM = –CosecA
Sec(–A) = ON = OM = SecA
Cot(–A) = QN = –PM = –CotA.

x) Generalization of the angles modified from standard angles as above:

Sign rule (CAST RULE)
Above derivation of the different forms of angles belonging to the quadrants, we
Conclude that:
1st quadrent → All trigonometrical ratios are positive
2nd quadrent → only Sin and Cosec are positive(S)
3rd quadrent → only Tan and Cot are positive (T)
4 quadrent
→ only Cos and Sec are positive (C)
(90° + A, 180° – A) (360° + A, 90° – A)
2nd Quadrent (Sin + Cosec) 1st Quadrent (All)

X’ X

3rd Quadrent (Tan + Cot) 4th Quadrent (Cos + Sec)
(180° + A, 270° – A) (360° – A, 270° + A)

5.9.1 Multiple of 90° rule:

Any kind of angles can be derived in the form of (90° × n + A) where n is any constant
(Natural number).
• If ‘n’ being even, the trigonometrical ratios will not be changed.
• If ‘n’ being odd, the trigonometrical ratios will be changed as,
Sin → Cos Cot →Tan Cos → Sin
Cosec → Sec Tan → Cot Sec → Cosec
Examples: Y
Sin(270° + A) = Sin(90° × 3 + A)
= Sin (90° × odd + A) X’ X
It belongs to 4th quadrent.
= – CosA Y’
Tan(180° + A) = Tan(90° × 2 + A) S A
= Tan(90° × even + A) X’ X
It belongs to 3rd quadrent.
= TanA Y’
226 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Cos 120° = Cos(90° × 1 + 30°) Y
= Cos(90° × odd + 30°)
It belongs to 2nd quadrent. X’ X
= –Sin30°
1 Y’
=- 2
Tan 780° = Tan(90° × 9 – 30°)
= Tan (90° × odd – 30°) S A
X’ X
It belongs to 1st quadrent. T C
= –sin30° Y’
= 3
Cos 150° = Cos(90° × 1 + 60°)
= Cos(90° × odd + 60°) S A
X’ X
It belongs to 2nd quadrent. T C
= Cot30° Y’
= 3
Cot 150° = Cot(90° × 2 - 30°)
= Cot (90° × even + 60°) S A
X’ X
It belongs to 2nd quadrent. T C
= -Cot 30° Y’
=- 3

Worked out Examples

1. Find the value of Sin(–1140°)
Sin (-1140) = –Sin 1140
= –Sin(90° × 12 + 60°)
= –Sin 60°”
= 3

2. Prove that: Cos 55° + Sin 75° = Cos 15° + Sin 35°
L.H.S = Cos 55° + Sin 75°
= Cos(90° × 1 – 35)+ Sin (90° × 1 – 15°)
= Sin 35° + Cos15°
= R.H.S

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 227

3. Prove that: Sin 420° Cos (–390°) + Cos 300. Sin(–330) = 1
L.H.S = Sin 420° . Cos(–390) + Cos 300° . Sin(–330)
= Sin(90° × 4 + 60°) . Cos(90° × 4 + 30) + Cos(90° × 3 + 30°) [\Cos(–q) = Cosq]
= Sin 60° . Cos30° + Sin 30° (Cos 60°)
3 3 1 1
= 2 × 2 +2×2
3 1
= 4+4
= R.H.S.

r 5r 11r 15r
4. Prove that: Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos 16 = 0
r 5r 11r 15r
L.H.S = Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos 16

= Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos a 16 + Cos a 16 k

r 5r 16r - 5r k 16r - r

= Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos ar - 16 k + Cos `r - 16 j

r 5r 5r r

= Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos a90°×2 - 16 k + Cos `90°×2– 16 j

r 5r 5r r

r 5r 5r r
= Cos 16 + Cos 16 - Cos 16 - Cos 16
= R.H.S

r 3r 5r 7r 9r
5. Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 20 = 1
r 3r 5r 7r 9r
L.H.S = Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 20

= Tan 20 Tan 20 Tan 45°.Tan a 20 k .Tan a 20 k

r 3r 10r – 3r 10r – r

= Tan 20 Tan 20 × 1 × Tan a 2 – 20 k .Tan ` 2 – 20 j

r 3r r 3r r r

= Tan 20 Tan 20 .Tan a90°×1 – 20 k .Tan `90°×1 – 20 j

r 3r 3r r

r 3r 3r r
= Tan 20 .Tan 20 + 20 .Cot 20
p p 3p 3p
= (Tan .Cot ) (Tan .Cot )
20 20 20 20
= R.H.S

228 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Sin(90° + A).Tan(180° – A).Cosec(360° – A)
6. Prove that: = –1
Cos(180° – A).Tan (180° – A).Cosec (360° – A)
Sin(90° + A).Tan(180° – A).Cosec(360° – A)
L.H.S =
Cos(180° – A).Tan (180° – A).Cosec (360° – A)
Sin(90° × 1 + A).Tan(90° × 2 – A).Sec(90° × 3 – A)
Cos(90° × 2 – A).Tan (90° × 2 + A).Cosec (90° × 4 + A)
– CosA.TanA.CosecA
= -1
= R.H.S

r 3r 5r 7r
7. Prove that: Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 = 2
p 3r 5r 7r
L.H.S = Sin2 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8
= Sin2 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 a 8 k + Sin2 a 8
p 3r 4r + r 4r + 3r k
= Sin + Sin2 8 + Sin2 ` 2 + 8 j + Sin2 a 2 + 8 k
p 3r r r r 3r
= Sin2 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 `90°×1 + 8 j + Sin2 a90°×1 + 8 k
p 3r r 3r
p 3r p 3r
= Sin2 + Sin2 8 + Cos2 + Cos2 8
8 8
p p 3r 3r
= (Sin2 + Cos2 ) + (Sin2 8 + Cos2 8 )
8 8
= 1+1
= R.H.S

8. Find the value of ‘x’ from the followings equation:

xSec(180° – A) Cosec(270° + A) – Sin(90° + A). Cos(360° – A) = Cos(270° – A) Sin(180°
+ A) + x Tan(270° + A). Tan(180° – A)
or, x Sec(90° × 2 – A). Cosec(90× 3 + A) –Sin(90° × 1 + A). Tan(90° × 4 – A) =
Cos(90× 3 – A). Sin(90° × 2 + A) + x Tan(90° × 3 + A). Tan(90° × 2 – A)
or, x (–SecA). (–SecA) – CosA . CosA = (–SinA) (–SinA) + x(–CotA). (–TanA)
or, x Sec2A – Cos2A = Sin2A + x × 1
or, x (Sec2A – 1) = Cos2A + Sin2A
or, x=
Tan2 A
\ x = Cot2A.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 229

9. Find the value of ‘A’ from SinA = Cos2A.
SinA = Cos2A
or, SinA = Sin(90° – 2A)
or, A = 90° – 2A
or, 3A = 90°
90° 30°
or, A= 3
\ A = 30°

Exercise 5.9
1. i) Show the sign rule in a quadrant.
ii) Write down the conditional of trigonometric ratio changed or not according to
CAST rule in a quadrant.
iii) Simplify Sin(270° – q) by showing in quadrant.
iv) Simplify Tan(180° – q) by showing in quadrant.
v) Simplify Cos(540° – q) by showing in quadrant.

2. Find the value of the following:

i) Sin 240° ii) Cos(-780°)
iii) Tan 960° iv) Cot(-1200°)
v) Cosec 1830°

3. Find the value of the followings:

i) Sin2120° + Cos2150° – Tan2135°
3 1
ii) 4 Tan2150°- 2 Cos 180° + Tan 135°
iii) 2Cos2135° + Sin2150° + 2 Cos 180° + Tan 135°
iv) Sin2135° Cos2120° - Sin2120°Cos2135°
r 3r 5r 7r
v) Sin2 4 + Sin2 4 + Sin2 4 + Sin2 4

4. Find the value of the followings.

i) Cos2150° + Sin2120° + Sin2150° + Cos2120°
ii) Sin 300°.Cos(-330°) + Cos 420°.Sin(-390°)
iii) Cos 330° Sin 300° – Sin 330° Cos 660° 2Sin 750°
iv) Cos 510° Sin 600° – Cos 420° Sin (–630°)
v) Sin570°Cos420° + Cos750°Sin600°

5. Prove that the following:

i) Tan 32° + Cos 53° – Cosec 70° = Sin 37° + Cot 58° – Sec 20°
ii) Tan 9° Tan 27° Tan 45° Tan 63° Tan 81° = 1

230 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iii) Cos 112° + Sin 74° + Cos 68° – Sin 106° = 0
iv) Cos 306° + Cos 234° + Cos 162° + Cos 18° = 0
v) Cos 20° + Cos 40° + Cos 140° + Cos 160° = 0
vi) Cot 9° Tan 27° – Tan 81° Cot 63° = 0

6. Prove that the followings:

Sec (360°–i) Cos (180°–A) Sin (90° + A)
i) × Cot (360°–A) × Cos (270° – A) = TanA
Tan (270° + i)
Sin (180°–i) Cos (360° + i) Cot (–i)
ii) . . = – Sinq
Tan (180° + i) Sin (360°–i) Tan (90° + i)
Sin (180° + A) Cot (270°–A) Cos (360°–A)
iii) Tan (180°–A) . Tan (90°–A) . Sin (–A) = SinA
Tan(180° – q).Cot(90° – q).Cos(360° + q)
iv) = –Tanq
Cot(270° – q).Cot(180° – q).Sin (–q)
v) Sin(90°+q).Cos(180°–q).Tan(360°–q) = Sin2(90°–q).Cot(270°–q)

7. Prove that the followings:

i) Cos102° + Cos126° + Sin36° + Sin12° = 0.
p 3r 5r 7r
ii) Cos + Cos 8 + Cos 8 + Cos 8 = 0.
2r 3r 10r 11r
iii) Sin 13 + Sin 13 – Sin 13 – Sin 13 = 0.
3r 5r 11r 13r
iv) Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos 16 + Cos 16 = 0.
v) Cos 24° + cos 48° + Cos 132° + Cos 156° = 0

8. Prove that the following:

r 3r 5r 7r
i) Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 = 2
r 3r 5r 7r
ii) Cos2 16 + Cos2 16 + Cos2 16 + Cos2 16 = 2
iii) Tan12° Tan36° Tan84° Tan108° = 1
r 3r 5r 7r 9r
iv) Cot 20 Cot 20 Cot 20 Cot 20 Cot 20 = 1.
3r 5r 11r 13r
v) Sin2 32 + Sin2 32 + Sin2 32 + Sin2 32 = 2.

9. Find the value of ‘x’ from the followings:

p p p p p
i) x Sin Cos . Tan – Tan2 + Cos2 = 0
4 4 4 4 4
ii) x Cotq. Tan(270° + q) = Tan (90° + q). Cot (180 – q) + x Sec(90° + q). Cosec(180° – q)
iii) Tan(270° + A) Sin(180° + A). Cosec(270° – A) = x Sin (180° + A) – Cos2(90° + A)
Tan2(450° + A)
iv) 2Cot120°. Tan135° Cos180° – x sin120° Cos180° = xTan150°
v) x Cos(90° + q). Cos(90° – q) + Tan(180° – q). Cot(90° + q) = Sin(180° – q). Sin(360° + q)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 231

10. Find the value of the angle ‘A’ from the followings:
i) 3 TanA + 1 = 0 ii) 4CoaA + 2 = 0
iii) SinA + CosA = 0 iv) Sin2A + SinA = 0
v) Cot3A + TanA = 0

11. PRIME more creative questions:

2r 5r 2r 5r
i) Prove that : 1 + Cos 7 Cos 7 = Sin 7 Sin 7 .
ii) If A, B and C are the angles of a triangle, prove that: Tan a 2 k = Cot 2 .

iii) If A, B, C and D are the angles of a quadrilatral, prove that: Cos a 2 k +


Cos a 2 k = 0.

iv) If P, Q, R and S are the angles of a quadrilateral, prove that CosA + CosB + CosC +
CosD = 0.
v) If x Cos(180° + q). Cot(270° + q) = Sin(90° + q) + Cosec(270° – q), find the value
of ‘x’.

1. Show to your teacher.

2. i) c– 3 m ii)
iii) 3 iv)
v) 2
2 2 3
1 1 1 1
3. i) 2 ii) –4 iii) –4 iv) – 4 v) 2

1 1
4. i) 2 ii) –1 iii) 2 iv) 1 4 v) – 1

3 4
9. i) ii) Cot2q iii) SinA iv) 5 v) Tan2q

10. i) 150° ii) 120° iii) 135° iv) 180° v) 45°

11. v) –Tanq

232 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5.10 Compound Angle
(A + B) and (A – B) are taken as the compound angle of the angles ‘A’ and ‘B’ . Here, we
discussed about the trigonometrical ratios of such compound angles A + B, A – B, A + B +
C, A – B – C etc.

5.10.1 Trigonometrical ratios of (A + B) Z

Let, a revolving line OY makes and angle A with OX
and OZ makes an angle B with OY.
i.e. ∠YOX = A, ∠ZOY = ∠ B
Taking a point p on OZ, Draw the perpendiculars P Y
∠RQO = ∠YOX = A
∠PQR = 90° – A
∠RPQ = 90° – ∠PQR B
= 90° – (90° – A) = A. A
Then, O X’
In right angled ∆PMO, ∠POM = A + B

i) Sin(A + B) = OP
= OP
= OP + OP
= PQ × OP + OQ × OP
= CosA × SinB + SinA × CosB
∴ Sin(A+B) = SinA.CosB + CosA.SinB

ii) Cos(A+B) = OP
= OP
= OP – OP
= OR × OP – PQ × OP
∴ Cos(A+B) = CosA.CosB – SinA.SinB

Sin (A + B) SinA.CosB + CosA.SinB

iii) Tan(A+B) = Cos (A + B) =
CosA.CosB – SinA.SinB
SinA.CosB + CosA.SinB
Dividing each terms by CosA.CosB =
CosA.CosB – SinA.SinB
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 233
TanA + TanB
Tan(A+B)= 1 – TanA.TanB
Cos (A + B)
Cot(A+B) = Sin (A + B)
CosA.CosB +SinA.SinB
SinA.CosB + CosA.CosB
CotA.CotB – 1
\ Cot(A+B) = CotB + CotA

5.10.2 Trigonometrical ratios of (A – B)

Sin(A – B) = SinACosB – CosASinB

Cos(A – B) = CosACosB + SinASinB
TanA – TanB
Tan(A – B) =
1 + TanA.TanB
CotA.CotB + 1
Cot(A – B) =
CotB – CotA

5.10.3 Trigonometrical ratios of A + B + C

i) Sin(A + B + C)
= Sin{(A + B) + C}
= Sin(A + B)CosC + Cos(A + B)SinC
= (SinACosB + CosASinB) CosC + (CosACosB – SinASinB)SinC
= SinACosBCosC + CosASinBCosC + CosACosBSinC – SinASinBSinC

ii) Cos(A + B + C)
= Cos{(A + B) + C}
= Cos(A + B)CosC – Sin(A + B)SinC
= (CosACosB – SinASinB)CosC – (SinACosB + CosASinB)SinC
= CosACosBCosC – SinASinBCosC – SinACosBSinC – CosASinBSinC

iii) Tan(A + B + C)
= Tan {(A + B) + C}
Tan(A + B) + TanC
1 – Tan(A + B).TanC
TanA + TanB
+ TanC
1 – TanA.TanB
TanA + TanB
1– TanC
1 – TanA.TanB
TanA + Tan B + TanC – TanA.Tan B.TanC
1 – TanA.TanB – TanB.TanC – TanC.TanA

234 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iv) Cot(A + B + C)
= Cot{(A + B) + C}
Cot(A + B).CotC – 1
CotC + Cot(A + B)
CotA.CotB – 1
× CotC – 1
CotB + CotA
CotA.CotB – 1
CotC +
CotB + CotA
CotA.CotB.CotC. – CotA – CotB – CotC
CotA.CotB + CotB.CotC + CotC.CotA – 1

Worked out Examples

1. Find the value of Sin15° without using calculator.
Solution :
Sin15° = Sin(45° – 30°)
= Sin45°Cos30° – Cos45°Sin30°
1 3 1 1
= × 2 – ×2
2 2
3 –1
2 2
3 12
2. If SinA = 5 , CosB = 13 , find the value of Sin(A + B).
Solution :
3 12
SinA = 5 , CosB = 13
\ CosA = 1 – Sin2 A , SinB = 1 – Cos2 B
= 1– a5 k = 1 – a 13 k
3 2
11 2

4 5
= 5 = 13
Sin(A+B) = SinA.CosB + CosA.SinB
3 12 4 5
= 5 × 13 + 5 × 13
36 + 20
= 65
= 65

3. If A + B = 45°, prove that (CotA – 1)(CotB – 1) = 2

Solution: Taking, A + B = 45°
or, Cot(A + B) = Cot45°
CotA.CotB – 1
or, CotB + CotA = 1
or, CotA.CotB – 1 = CotB + CotA
or, CotA.CotB – CotB – CotA = 1
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 235
Adding ‘1’ on both sides,
or, CotA.CotB – CotB – CotA + 1 = 1 + 1
or, CotB(CotA – 1) –1(CotA – 1) = 2
or, (CotA – 1) (CotB – 1) = 2
L.H.S. = R.H.S. Proved

4. Prove that the followings.

i) Tan7A – Tan4A – Tan3A = Tan7A.Tan4A.Tan3A
ii) Cot20°.Cot50° + Cot50°.Cot110° + Cot110°.Cot20° = 1
i) We have,
7A = 4A + 3A
or, Tan(7A) = Tan(4A + 3A)
Tan4A + Tan3A
or, Tan7A =
1 – Tan4A.Tan3A
or, Tan4A + Tan3A = Tan7A – Tan7A.Tan4A.Tan3A
or, Tan7A.Tan4A.Tan3A = Tan7A – Tan4A – Tan3A
\ Tan7A – Tan4A – Tan3A = Tan7A.Tan4A.Tan3A.
L.H.S. = R.H.S.

ii) We have,
20° + 50° + 110° = 180°
or, 20° + 50° = 180° – 110°
or, Cot(20 + 50) = Cot(180° – 110°)
Cot20°. Cot50° – 1
or, = – Cot110°
Cot50° + Cot20°
or, Cot20°.Cot50° – 1 = – Cot50°.Cot110° – Cot110°.Cot20°
or, Cot20°.Cot50° + Cot50°.Cot110° + Cot110°.Cot20° = 1
L.H.S. = R.H.S.

5. If an angle A is divided into two parts a and b that bTana = aTanb, prove that Sin(a
– b) = a + b SinA.
Solution :
aTanb aSinbCosa
Here, bTana = aTanb or, b = Tana =
R.H.S. = a + b SinA
= SinA
a(Sina.Cosb – Sinb.Cosa)
= SinA
a(Sina.Cosb + Sinb.Cosa)
Sin(a – b)
= Sin(a + b) Sin(a – b) = L.H.S. proved
Sin(a + b)
236 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Exercise 5.10
1. i) Write down the formula of Sin(A + B).
ii) Write down the formula of Cos(a – b).
iii) Write down the formula of Tan(A + B).
CotA.CotB – 1
iv) Prove that Cot(A + B) =
CotB + CotA
Tana – Tanb
v) Prove that Tan(a + b) =
1 + Tana.Tanb
4 5
2. i) If SinA = 5 , SinB = 13 , find the value of Cos(A + B).
1 3
ii) If CosA = 2 , CosB = 2 , find the value of Sin(A – B).
iii) If 3TanA = 4, and TanB = 12 find the value of Tan(A + B)
iv) If Cota = 3 and Cotb = 2, find the value of Tan(a – b).
v) If Tan(A + B) = 1 and Tan A = 2 , find the value of TanB.

3. Find the value of the followings with out using calculator.

a) i) Sin 75° ii) Cos 15° iii) Tan 105°
iv) Cos 285° v) Sin 555°
b) i) Tan 15° + Cot 15° ii) Sin 15° + Sin 75°
iii) Cos 105° + Cos 165° iv) Sin 165° + Sin 75°
v) Cos 195° + Sin 285°

4. Prove that the following using given condition.

a) i) If A + B = 45°, prove that : CotA.CotB – CotA – CotB = 1
ii) If A + B = 45°, prove that : (1 + TanA)(1 + TanB) = 2
iii) If a + b = 225°, Prove that : (Cota – 1)(Cotb – 1) = 2
iv) If A + B = , prove that : TanA(TanB + 1) = 1 – TanB
p Cotb (Cota – 1)
v) If a + b = , prove that : =1
4 (Cota + 1)
b) i) If A + B + C = 180°, prove that : TanA + TanB + TanC = TanA.TanB.TanC
ii) If a + b + g = p, prove that : Cota.Cotb + Cotb.Cotg + Cotg.Cota = 1
iii) If A + B + C = p, prove that : Tan 2 .Tan 2 + Tan 2 .Tan 2 + Tan. 2
Tan 2 = 1
iv) If A + B + C = p and CosA = CosB.CosC, prove that : TanA = Tan B + TanC.
v) If A + B + C = p and CosA = CosB + CosC, Prove that : CotB.CotC = 2
3 1
c) i) If TanA = 4 , TanB = 7 , prove that A + B = 45°.
m 1 rc
ii) If TanA = m + 1 , Tan B = 2m + 1 , prove that A + B = 4 .
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 237
6 rc
iii) If Cota = 11 and Cotb = 5 , prove that a + b = 4 .
1 2
iv) If Sina = & Cosb = , show that a + b = 45°.
10 5
4 7 rc
v) If Cosq = 5 & Cosf = , show that q – f = 4 .
5 2
5. Prove that the followings:
a) i) Sin(A + 45°) = (SinA + CosA)
ii) Cos(A – 45°) = (CosA – SinA)
iii) Sin(A + 45°) – Sin(A – 45°) = 2 CosA.
iv) Sin(A + 30°) = 2 ( 3 SinA + CosA)
p p
v) Cos( + q) + Cos( – q) = Cosq.
3 3
Cosa + Sina
b) i) Tan (45° + a) = Cosa – Sina
p Cosi + Sini
ii) Cot ( – q) =
4 Cosi – Sini
iii) Cos(60° + A) + Cos(60° – A) = 0
2r 2r
iv) Sin( 3 + A) + Sin( 3 – A) – 3 CosA = 0
v) Tan(45° + A) – Tan(45° – A) =
1 – Tan2 i

c) i) Sin(A + B) + Sin(A – B) = 2SinA.CosB

ii) Cos(A + B) + Cos(A – B) = 2CosA.cosB
iii) Sin(A + B) – Sin(A – B) = 2CosA.SinB
iv) Cos(A – B) – Cos(A + B) = 2SinA.SinB
Tan(A + B) – Tan(A – B) = 2Sec A.TanB
1 – Tan2A.Tan2B
d) i) 1 – Tan13°Tan32° = Tan13° + Tan32°
ii) (1 + Tan22°) (1 + Tan23°) = 2
iii) (Cot20° – 1) (Cot25° – 1) = 2
iv) Cot 100° + Cot 35° + Cot 100°.Cot35° = 1
v) (Tan55° – 1°) (Tan80° – 1) = 2
e) i) Tan7A – Tan4A – Tan3A = Tan7A.Tan4A.Tan3A
ii) Tan70° – Tan50° – Tan20° = Tan70°.Tan50°.Tan20°
iii) Cot10°.Cot15° – Cot15°.Cot25° – Cot25°Cot.10° = 1
iv) CotA.Cot2A – CotA.Cot3A – Cot3A.CotA = 1
v) Sin25°.Cos20° + Cos25°.Sin20° =
f) i) Tan20° + Tan75° + Tan85° = Tan20°.Tan75°.Tan85°
ii) Cot10°.Cot70° + Cot70°Cot100° + Cot100°Cot10° = 1
238 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
iii) Cos10° – Sin10° = Tan 35° iv) Cos14° + Sin14° = Cot31°
Cos10° + Sin10° Cos14° – Sin14°
Cos8° + Sin8°
v) Cos8° – Sin8° = Tan53°
Sin (A – B)
g) i) CosA.CosB = TanA – TanB ii) Sin2(45° + q) + Sin2(45° – q) = 1
Sin2 A + Sin2 B
iii) Cot(45° + A).Cot(45° + A) = 1 iv) Tan(A+B).Tan(A – B) =
Cos2 B – Sin2 A
Sin3A Cos3A
v) Sec2A + Co sec 2A = Sin5A
h) i) Tan70° = 2Tan50° + Tan20° ii) Tan50° = 2Tan10° + Tan40°
iii) Cos18° – Sin18° = 2 Sin27° iv) Cos10° + Sin10° = 2 Sin55°
v) Tan(a + b) – Tana = Tanb
1 + Tan(a + b).Tana
6. PRIME more creative questions:
a) i) Prove that : Sin(A + B + C) = CosA.CosB.CosC(TanA + TanB + TanC –
ii) Prove that : SinA.Sin(B – C) + SinB.Sin(C – A) + SinCSin(A – B) = 0
iii) Prove that : Tan(a – b) + Tan(b – g) + Tan(g – a) = Tan(a – b).Tan(b –
g). Tan(g – a)
iv) If A + B + C = p and CosA = CosB.CosC, prove that : TanA = TanB + TanC
v) If A + B + C = p and SinA = SinB.SinC, prove that : CotB + CotC = 1

b) i) Prove that : Sin2A + Sin2B + 2SinASinB.Cos(A + B) = Sin2(A + B)

Sin (A – B) Sin (B – C) Sin (C – A)
ii) Prove that : CosA.CosB + CosB.CosC + CosC.CosA = 0
iii) An angle q is divided into A and B such that TanA.TanB = m:n, prove
that : Sin(A – B) = ` m + n j .Sinq.
Sin (a + b) k +1
iv) If Tana = kTanb, prove that : = k –1
Sin (a – b)
v) If 2TanA + CotA = TanB, prove that: 2Tan(B – A) = CotA.

7. Project work
Collects the formula used in trigonometry in a chart paper and present into the
classroom and paste at the project board.

1. Show to your teacher.
16 1 15 1 1
2. i) 65 ii) 2 iii) 1 16 iv) – 7 v) 3

6+ 2 6+ 2 6– 2 2– 6
3. i) 4 ii) 4 iii) – (2 + 3 ) iv) 4 v) 4

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 239

Co-ordinate Geometry
Unit Test - 1
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. What is radian angle? Write down its value in degrees.

2. a. Express 35° 42’ 54” into centesimal measurement.

p 3π 5π 7π
b. Prove that: Cos + Cos 8 + Cos 8 + Cos 8 = 0
c. If m SinA = n, find sec2A – Tan2A.

TanA CotA
3. a. Prove that: 1 – CotA + 1 – TanA = SecA.CosecA + 1

b. If x Cotq. Tan(90° + q) = Tan(270° + q). Cot(180° – q) – xSec(90° – q).

Cosec(360° – q), find the value of x.

4. If the angles of a triangle in degrees, grades and radians respectively are in the ratio
288: 280: p, find the angles of the triangle in degrees.

Unit Test - 2
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. Write down the formula to find central angle of a circle with the usual meaning of the
symbols used.

2. a. Find the radius of a circle forms a central angles of 60° with an arc of 8.8 cm.
1 – Cos30°
b. Prove that: 1 + Sin60° = 7 – 4 3

1 – Cos 4 A
c. Prove that: = 2Cosec2A – 1
Sin 4 A
3. a. If 5Cosq + 12Sinq = 13, find Cotq.
p 3π 5π 7π
b. Prove that: Sin2 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 + Sin2 8 = 2.
4. Prove that: (3 – 4Sin2q) (1 – 3Tan2q) = (3 – Tan2q) (4Cos2q – 3)

240 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6 Vector Geometry

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions 1 2 – 1
4 10 12
Weight 1 4 – 5
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Student are able to denote the vector and scalar with examples.
• Students are able to identify the types of vectors.
• Students are able to find the operation of vectors like addition, subtraction
multiplication by scholar, unit vector etc.
• Students are able to find magnitude and direction of vectors.
• Students are able to the simple geometry involving vector.

Materials Required:
• Chart paper.
• Graph paper.
• Flash card.
• Sample of position vector of a point in chart paper.
• Chart of types of vector and operation on vector.
• Chart of vector to find magnitude and direction.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 241

6.1 Vector and Scalar
Out of different physical quantities in our daily life, some of them have magnitude only
while some of the others have magnitude as well as direction. The physical quantities
which have only magnitude are the scalar quantities and which have magnitude as well
as direction are called vector quantities.

The physical quantity which has magnitude as well as
direction is called vector. Eg : displacement, velocity, force,
acceleration, etc.

The physical quantity which has only magnitude is called scalar
quantity. Eg : distance, area, speed, density, mass, length etc.

6.1.1 Representation of vector & Scalar:

• Vector quantity is represented by using a directed line segment with arrow.
A , AB , a etc.

• Scalar quantity is represented by a line segment only.

A B, AB, a etc.

• The line segment having speci�ic direction is called directed line segment.

• Vector is represented by using two components ‘x’ and ‘y’ as
AB = e o
x - Component
y - Component
Where, for a point A(x, y), components of OA are
(Projection of OA on x-axis)
(Projection of OA on y-axis) A (x, y)
x – component = OM = x
y – component = AM = y
OA = d n= d n
x–Comp x

y–Comp y O X

242 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

• If A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) are given vector AB is calculated as shown in diagram.
N’ B (x2, y2)

) y
(x 1
M’ P
AP = x – Comp. = MN = ON – OM = x2 – x1 (projection of AB on x-axis)
BP = y – Comp. = M’N’ = BN – PN = BN – AM = y2 – y1 (projection of AB on y-axis)
\ AB = d n = d x2 – x1 n
x - comp.
y comp. y2 – y1

• Study the following graph having directed line segment.

Here, From graph we get,
AB = d n = d3 n
x - comp. B
y comp. 2 R
PQ = d n = d 3n
x comp.
y - comp. P
–4 N
RS = d n = d –4 n
x - comp.
y comp. –4 S

MN = d n = d –3 n
x - comp. Q
y comp. 5
6.1.2 Position Vector of a point: Y
In the vector OA , the initial point is the origin and final
point is A(4, 3).
Where, A(4, 3)
x - component = OM = 4
y - component = AM = 3
And position vector of a point A = OA = d n
4 X
O 4 M
The position vector of a point P(x, y) is the vector
OP where ‘O’ is the origin and OP = d n .

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 243

6.1.3 Types of vector Y
i) Column vector: B(4, 4)
The vector whose components are written in a column
is called column vector.
In the diagram, A(1, 2)
AB = d n = d 4 – 1 n = d3 n
x - comp.
y - comp. O M 3 N
4–2 2

ii) Row vector :

The vector whose components are written in a row Y
is called row vector.
B(5, 7)
In the given diagram,
AB = (x - comp. y - comp)
= (4 6)

iii) Zero vector (Null)

The vector having magnitude zero is called zero C
vector whose components are also zero. A(1, 2)

d n
AA = 0 , BB = 0 d n
i.e. X
O M 4 N
0 0
The direction of zero vector is not fixed.

iv) Equal vectors:

Any two vector having same direction as well as equal magnitude are called equal
Eg : A B P Q
a a
Here, AB = PQ = a

v) Negative vectors:
Any two vectors having equal magnitude but in opposite direction are called negative
Eg: A B A B
Here, a –a
AB = a
BA = a (in opposite direction)
i.e. AB = a = – (– a ) = – BA
\ AB & BA are negative vector
i.e. AB = – BA

244 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

vi) Co-intial vectors: B
The vectors having same initial point are called co-initial vectors.
Here, The vectors OA and OB have the same initial point ‘O’.
Hence, they are co-initial vectors.
But OA ≠ OB O A

vii) Like vectors

Any two vectors having same direction are called like
vectors. The like vectors may be different in their

viii) Unlike vectors

Any two vectors having opposite direction are called
unlike vectors. The unlike vectors may be different in
their magnitude.

ix) Parallel vectors

Any two vectors which are in the form of multiplication
with a constant number to each other are called parallel
i.e. a = mb and b = na .
They are like as well as unlike.
Example :
If p = d n and q = d n ,
2 6
1 3
Here, q = d n = 3 d n = 3p which is same as
6 2
3 1
a = mb for a ||b
\ p ||q is proved

Worked out Examples

1. If a point P(3, 4) is directed by a line segment from the origin, find OP and its
Solution : Initial point is 0(0, 0)
Final point is P(3, 4)
\ x-component = x2 – x1 =3–0 =3
y - component = y2 – y 1 =4–0 =4
OP = d n=c m
x - comp 3
y - comp 4

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 245

2. If A(1, 2) and B(7, 10) are any two points, find components of AB & vector AB .
Solution :
Initial point is A(1, 2)
Final point is B(7, 10)
x - component = x2 – x1 = 7 – 1 = 6
y - component = y2 – y1 = 10 – 2 = 8

\ AB = d n=d n
x - comp 6
y - comp 8

3.If A(–3, 2), B(1, 4), P(5, 1) and Q(1, –1) are the four points, prove that AB = –PQ .
Also prove that they are parallel to each others.
Solution :
The given points are A(–3, 2), B(1, 4), P(5, 1) and Q(1, –1)

AB = d n=d n=d n
x2 – x1 1 – (–3) 4
y2 – y1 4 – 2 2

PQ = d n=d n=d n
x2 – x1 1–5 –4
y2 – y1 –1–1 –2 Again,
AB = – PQ is same as
AB = d n = – d n = – PQ
4 –4
a = mb for a ||b
2 –2
\ AB || PQ proved.
\ AB = – PQ

4. If P(a, 3), Q(7, 1), R(5, 3), S(2, 5) and PQ = RS , find the value of ‘a’.
Taking the points P(a, 3) & Q(7, 1)

PQ = d n = c7 – a m = c7 – a m
x2 – x1
y2 – y1 1–3 –2
Taking the points R(5, 3) & S(2, 5)

RS = d n = d2 – 5 n = c –3 m
x2 – x1
y2 – y1 5–3 2
Also, Taking
PQ = – RS
or, c7 – a m = – c –3 m
–2 2
or, c 7 – a
m=c m
– 3
–2 2

246 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Equating the corresponding x-component.
or, 7 – 3 = a
or, 4 = a
\ a=4

Exercise 6.1
1. i) Differentiate between vector and scalar in two points.
ii) Which of the following quantities are the scalar quantities?
Length, work, mass, density, force, acceleration, power, time
iii) Which of the quantities given above are the vector quantities?
iv) Which type of line segments given below ? For what purpose are they used?
v) Write down the components of vector AB from the given diagram. Also write
down the column vector AB .


2. Study the given graph and write down the components and vector for the followings.
i) AB ii) CD iii) PQ
iv) RS v) MN
3. Show the following vectors in directed line segment.
i) PQ = d n AB = d n CD = d n
3 –2 –3
ii) iii)
5 4 –4

iv) RS = d n a =d n
3 –6
–5 8

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 247

4. i) If A(3, 2) and B(5, 6) are the any two points, find the components and vector of
AB .
ii) If A(1, 4) is a point, find the components and vector of OA .
iii) If P(3, 2) is a point find the position vector of P.
iv) If P(–1, 4) and Q(3, 1) are any two points, find PQ .
v) If M(3, –2) and N(–1, – 5) are any two points, find MN .

5. PRIME more creative questions:

i) A(4, –5) displaced to B(3, –6) in the vector AB and G(2, 5) displaced to H(1, 4)
in the vector . Prove that AB = GH .
ii) D(–3, 2) displaced to E(1, –3) in vector DE and K(1, –1) displaced to L(–3, 4) in
the vector KL . Prove that KL = – DE
iii) If A(3, 2), B(4, 5), C(1, 7) and D(2, 10) are the four points. Prove that AB = CD .
Also prove that AB || CD .
iv) If P(3, 7), Q(1, 4), R(5, –1) and S(3, –4) are the four points, prove that PQ = RS .
Also prove that they are parallel to each other.
v) If A(2, 4), B(7, 8), P(3, –1) and Q(–2, –5) are the four points, prove that AB = –PQ .
Also prove that they are parallel to each other.

6. i) If A(3, x), B(1, 4), C(5, –1) and D(3, –4) and AB = CD , find the value of ‘x’.
ii) If P(–2, –5), Q(3, –1), R(7, 8), S(m, 4) and PQ = –RS , find the value of ‘m’.
iii) If A(2, 4), B(6, 3), C(–3, 5) and D(a, b) are any four points where AB = CD , find
the co-ordinate of D.
iv) If P(–3, 2), Q(–2, 4), R(0, –2), S and PQ = RS , find the co-ordiante of S.
v) If CD = –RS in the points C(P, 2), D(1, –3), R(1, –1) and S(–3, q), find the value of
p and q.

1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.
3. Show to your teacher.
i) 2, 4, d n 1, 4, d n d n iv) d n v) d n
2 1 3 4 –4
4. ii) iii)
4 4 2 –3 –3
6. i) x=7 ii) m=2 iii) (1, 4) iv) (1, 7) v) (–3, 4)

248 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6.2 Vector operations
6.2.1 Magnitude of a vector
Let us consider the two points A(1, 2) and B(4, 6). B(4, 6)

AB = e o =d n
x - comp. AR
y - comp. RB

=d n
x 2 – x1 R
y 2 – y1 A(1, 2)
=d n O
4 –1 M N

=d n

Length of AB = d(AB)
= AR2 + RB2
= 32 + 42
= 5 units
\ Magnitude of AB = 5 units.
It is written as modulus of vector AB
= | AB |
= 5 units.

The modulus of a vector which denotes the length of the

vector is called magnitude of the vector.
i.e. If AB = e o
x - comp.
y - comp.

| AB | = (x - comp.) + (y - comp.)
2 2

It is called the absolute value of vector too.

6.2.2 Direction of a vector

The angle made by the directed line segment for a vector with positive direction of x -
axis (taking the ratio of y - component and x-component as the slope of a line segment)
is called direction of the vector.
i.e. for direction q of a vector we have
y - comp.
slope = Tanq = x - comp

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 249

Let us consider: Y B (2, 2 3 )
Here, AB = d x - comp n
y - comp
= d AR n 3)
BR (1 q
=d n
BQ – RQ q X

=d n

= d x 2 – x1 n = d 2 – 1 n = d 1 n
y2 – y1 2 3– 3 3
y - comp.
Slope of AB = x - comp

or, Tanq = 1
or, Tanq = Tan60°
\ q = 60°
\ Direction of AB is 60°

The angle made by a vector with x-axis in positive direction

which is calculated by taking the tangent ratio is called
direction of a vector.
y - comp.
i.e. Tanq = x - comp where ‘q’ is the direction

Important points for direction of vector:

1. If x-component and y- component both are positive, direction= q.
2. If x-component is –ve and y- component
is positive (+ve), direction = 180° – q. Y
• If x-component is -ve and
y-component -ve, direction = 180°
+ q which is same as 1. (–, +) (+, +)
• If x-component is +ve and direction = 180° – q direction = q
y-component -ve, direction = 360° X’ X
– q which is same as z. (–, –) (+, –)
Note : As domain for Tan is –90° < q < 90° so direction = 180° + q direction = 360° – q
we find most of the angles written in both
negative and positive sign.
250 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
6.2.3 Unit vector
The vector having magnitude one is called unit vector.
i.e. AB = 1
If AB = d1 n
Here, 0
AB = x2 + y2 = 12 + 02 = 1
\ AB is the unit vector.
Taking another vector PQ ,
If PQ = KK 5 OO
K 5O
Here, PQ = x2 + y2

9 + 16
= 25
\ PQ is a unit vector.

Formula calculating of unit vector.

If a is a vector.
Unit vector along a (a) =
1 ^a h
= its mod ulus

If a = d n
Then, |a | = x2 + y2 = 62 + 82 = 10 units
Unit vector along a =
1 ^a h
= 10 d 6 n
a = KK 4 OO
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 251
6.2.4 Addition of vectors
Let us consider AB & BC are any two vectors having same direction, they can be
combined as AB + BC which will be the new vector AC .

Let us consider,
a = d n and b = c m
1 3
2 4

Then, a + b = d n + c m = c m
1 3 4
2 4 6

The sum of any two vectors is the resultant vector obtained by

adding their corresponding components.
If, a = d x1 n & b = d x2 n
y1 y2

Resultant vector of their sum =a +b

= d x1 n + d x 2 n
y1 y2
=d x 1 + x2
y1 + y2
Note : Difference of any two vectors is also same as the addition.

i and j vector in the form of column vector

The unit vectors are the vectors having magnitude one where such unit vectors taken
along x-axis and y-axis are denoted by i and j vectors.

i.e. i = unit vector along x-axis Y

=d n
j = unit vector along y-axis
B(0, 1)
=d n
In the given diagram, O A(1, 0)

252 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

i = OA = d n

j = OB = d n
By using such unit vectors any kind of column vector AB , OA , OP , PQ , d can be
expressed in i and j vectors where,

a = d n = d n + d n = xd n + yd n = x i + y j
x x 0 1 0
y 0 y 0 1
6.2.5 Properties of vector addition
i) Commutative property:
a +b = b +a

ii) Associative property:

a + (b + c ) = (a + b ) + c

iii) Addition with negative vector:

a + (– a ) = (– a ) + a = 0

iv) Addition identity:

a +o = o +a =a

6.2.6 Multiplication of a vector by scalar.

Let us consider,
a =c m=d n = 2d n
4 2×2 2
6 2×3 3
Here, 2 is the common constant value of both components, which is the scalar value.

Multiplication of a vector by a scalar results the new vector

obtained by multiplying each component with the given
It multiples the magnitudes without changing the direction
of the vector if scalar is positive.

If a = d n is a vector.
Then, ka = k d n = d n
x kx
k is a scalar.
y ky

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 253

Example : If a = c 2 m & b = c 0 m , find the value of 2 a + b .
1 1
Here, a = c m , b = c m
2 0
1 1
2a + b = 2 c2 m + c0 m
1 1
c m c m
= 4 + 0
2 1
= c4 m

Worked out Examples

1. If a = ( 3 , 1) , find its magnitude.
a = ( 3 , 1)
Magnitude of a is,
2 2
|a | = x +y
= ^ 3 h + ^1 h2

= 4
= 2 units

Find the direction of a = e o

Solution : 1

a =e o
For the direction of a q,
y - component
Tanq = -
x component
Tanq =
or, Tanq = Tan30°
\ q = 30°

254 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3. Find the magnitude and direction of AB where A(1, –4) and B(5, 0) are any two
Solution :
Taking the points A(1, 4) and B(5, 0)

n=d n=d n
5–1 4
AB = d
x 2 – x1
Then, y2 – y1 0+4 4
Magnitude of AB is,
AB = x2 + y2
= 42 + 42
= 32
= 4 2 units
For the direction of AB ‘q’,
y - component
Tanq = -
x component
= 4
or, Tanq = Tan45°
\ q = 45°

4. If a = d6 n , find the unit vector of a .

Solution : a = d 6 n
|a | = x2 + y2
= 62 + 82
= 100
= 10 unit
Then, unit vector of a is,
1 ^ h

= 10 d 6 n
= KK 10OO
K 10O
= KK 5 OO
K 5O

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 255

5. If direction of a = 2 3 i – pj is 330°, find the value of ‘p’. Also find the magnitude
of a .
Solution :

a = 2 3 i – pj = e o
2 3
For direction q = 330°
y - component
Tanq = -
x component
or, Tan 330° =
2 3
1 –p
or, – =
3 2 3
\ p=2

Again, magnitude of a is,

= (x - comp.) + (y - comp.)
2 2
|a |
= (2 3 )2 + (–p)2
= 12 + 4
= 4 units.

4 1
6. If a = d n , b = d n , find the magnitude of a + 2b .
2 3
Solution :
a =d n b =d n
4 1
2 3
= d n + 2d n
4 1
a + 2b
2 3

=e o

=d n

\ Magnitude of a + 2b is,
| a + 2b | = x 2 + y 2
= 62 + 82
= 100
= 10 units.

256 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 6.2
1. i) What do you men by magnitude of a vector?
ii) Define the term direction of a vector.
iii) What do you mean by position vector?
iv) What do you men by unit vector?

Is a = d n a unit vector?
2. Find the magnitude of the following vectors.

a =d n
i) ii) b = ( 8 , 17 )
iii) AB = d n
iv) AB for A(1, 1) and B(–3, –2)
v) PQ for P(3, 7) and Q(–1, 7)

3. Find the direction of the following vectors.

b =d n
i) a = (2 3 , 2) ii)
– 27
iii) AB = d n
iv) PQ for P(–2, –1) and Q(–6, –5)
iii) CD for C(–2, 5) and D(–2, 8)

4. Find the unit vector of the following vectors.

a =d n b =d n
2 –6
i) ii)
1 8
iii) AB = ^2 2 , 2 h iv) PQ for P(3, –2) & Q(–1, 1)
v) RS for R(–1, –3) & S(7, 3)

5. Write down the followings in i and j vectors.

i) a = d n ii) b = d n
2 –3
3 –4
iii) 3a where a = d n
iv) PQ where p(3, – 2) and Q(1, –5)
v) 2AB where A(–3, 1) and B(1, 4)

If a = d n and b = d n , find the followings.

3 1
2 2
i) a + b ii) a –b
iii) 2a + b iv) 3 a – 2b
v) 3a + 2b

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 257

7. PRIME more creative questions:
If a = c m and b = d n , find the magnitude of a + b .
1 2
a. i)
2 3
ii) If a = d n and b = c m , find the magnitude of 2a + b .
2 4
3 0
iii) If a = c m and b = c m , find the magnitude of a + 2b .
2 3
4 4
iv) If A(–3, –1) and B(2, 4), find the magnitude and direction of AB .

If magnitude of a = d n is 5 units, find the value of ‘x’.

b. i) If a = 3 i – 3 j , find the magnitude and direction of a .
ii) If magnitude of a = m i – 8 j is 10 units, find the value of ‘m’.
iii) If direction of a = p i – 27 j is 60°, find the value of ‘p’.

iv) If a = d n, b = d n and a + b = 6 units, find the positive value of ‘k’.

0 k
– 3 –2 3
Also find the direction of a + b .
v) If a = 5 i – j , b = –m i – 3 j and magnitude of a – 2b is 5 2 units, find the
negative value of ‘m’. Also find the direction of a – 2b .

1. Show to your teacher.
2. i) 5 units ii) 5 units iii) 10 units iv) 5 units v) 4 units
3. i) 30° ii) 300° iii) 0° iv) 225° v) 90°
5 OO
c m iv) KK 3 OO
4. i) K
ii) KK 4 OO iii)
2 1
5 5
v) KK 3 OO
K 1 O K
K 5 OO 5 5 K
K 5O 5
5. i) 2 i + 3 j ii) –3 i –4 j iii) 6i – 9j
iv) –2 i – 3 j v) 8i + 6j
4 d n d n d n v. d n
2 7 7 9
6. i. ii. iii. iv.
4 0 6 2 10
7. a. i. 34 units ii. 10 units iii. 4 13
iv. 5 2 units, 45° v. +3
b. i. 2 3 units 330° ii. 6 iii. –3
iv. 3, 300° v. –5, 135°

258 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6.3 Concepts of vector geometry:
6.3.1 Triangle law of vector addition
If the point A is displaced to B by AB and the point B is
displaced by C by BC , then the sum of AB and BC (which
is denoted by AB + BC ) is given by the vector AC where the
point A is displaced to C. The vector AC is called the resultant A B
vector of the vectors AB and BC .
i.e. AB + BC = AC .
Also, AB + BC = AC .
or, AB + BC – AC = 0
or, AB + BC + CA = 0

Note : As the application of triangle law resultant vector can be calculated in different
polygons like quadrilateral pentagon, hexagon etc.

6.3.2 Quadrilateral law of vector addition

In a quadrilateral ABCD, AC is a diagonal. By using D
triangle law of vector addition, C
AB + BC = AC ^In TABCh ............................ (i)
AC + CD = AD ^In TACDh

AC + CD = AD
or, AB + BC + CD = AD (from equation ‘i’)

[It is quadrilateral law of vector addition]

or, AB + BC + CD – AD = 0
or, AB + BC + CD + DA = 0

6.3.3 Parallelogram law of vector addition:


In a parallelogram ABCD, AC is a diagonal where,
AB + BC = AC [ a using triangle law]
or, AB + AD = AC [ a AD = BC
\ AB + AD = AC is the parallelogram law of vector addition.
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 259
The sum of any two vectors having same initial point is equal
to the diagonal vector represented by the parallelogram
completed in the given vectors is called parallelogram law
of vector addition.



OA and OB are any two vectors having same initial point ‘0’ where,
OA = a and
OB = b
OC = c is a diagonal vector completed in the given vectors OA and OB .
\ a +b = c.

6.3.4 Addition of column vectors:

Let OA = a y11 k and OB = a y22 k the
x x
position vector of points A(x1, y1)
and B(x2, y2) respectively construct C
a parallelogram OACB as shown in
diagram to presents the given vectors.
A(x1, y1)
Draw the perpendiculars,
Then, DAOM , DCQB. Q
\ OM = BQ = NP = x1 B(x2, y2)
CQ = AM = y1
OP = ON + NP = x2 + x1
PC = PQ + QC = NB + QC = y2 + y1.
\ Co-ordinate of c is (OP, CP) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
According to parallelogram law of vector addition,
OA + OB = OC
i.e. a y11 k + a y22 k = a y1 + y2 k .
x x x +x
1 2

260 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6.3.5 Theorems related to position vector O
Theorem 1: Position vector of a point which divides a
line segment at mid-point. b
Let, a point M cuts a line segment AB at mid-point where,
the position vectors are, a
OA = a M
OB = b A
OM = ?
Now, taking
or, AM = MB [\Being in same direction]
or, AO + OM = MO + OB [\Using triangle law]
or, – OA + OM – MO = b
or, –a + OM + OM = b
or, 2OM = a + b
a +b
or, OM = 2
\ OM = 2

Theorem 2: Position vector of a point which cuts the O

line segment in the ratio m:n internally. b
Solution :
Let, a point ‘P’ cuts a line segment AB in the ratio m:n a ?
internally, where position vectors of A and B are
OA = a P
OB = b m
OP = ?
AP m
PB = n
or, n AP = m PB
or, n AP = mPB
or, n (AO + OP ) = m (PQ + PB ) [\ Using triangle law ]
or, n (–a + OP ) = m (–OP + b )
or, –n a + nOP = m OP + mb
or, nOP + mOP = na + mb
or, (m + n) OP = na + mb
mb + na
\ OP = m + n
mOB + nOA
i.e. OP = m+n

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 261

Theorem 3 : Position vector of a point which cuts a line O
segment in the ratio m:n externally. ?
Solution :
Let, a point P cuts the line segment AB in the ratio m:n a b P
externally, where the position vectors are, n
OA = a B
OB = b A m
OP = ?

Here, from the concept of section point,

AP m
BP = n
or, n AP = mBP
or, n (AO + OP ) = m (BO + OP )
or, n (–a + OP ) = m (–b + OP )
or, –n –na + nOP = m –mb + mOP )
or, mb – na = OP (m – n)
mb – na
\ OP = m – n
mOB – nOA
i.e. OP = m–n

Worked out Examples

1. Express the sides of regular hexagon ABCDEF, in terms of a and b where AB = a
and BC = b .
Solution: E D
In the regular hexagon ABCDEF,
AB = a and BC = b
Join CF & AD which are intersected At ‘0’.
Then, b
CD = BO = BA + BC = –a + b A B
DE = OF = BA = – a
EF = DO = CB = – b
FA = OB = OC + OA = AB + CB = a – b .

262 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

2.In a parallelogram ABCD, OA = a , OB = a and OC = c for any point ‘0’. Find OD in
terms of a , b & c . D C
In a parallelogram ABCD,
OA = a
OB = b
? c
OC = c
OD = ? A B
Then, using triangle law,
OD = OA + AD a b
= OA + BC
= OA + BO + OC
=a –b +c
\ OD = a – b + c

3.In the parallelogram ABCD. AB = a . Find AC + DB in terms of a .

ABCD is parallelogram, AB = a D C
Using triangle law,
AC + DB = ^AB + BC h + ^DA + AB h
= AB + BC + CB + AB
= 2AB + BC – BC A B
= 2AB a
= 2a
\ AC + DB = 2 a

4. Find the position vector of a point p under a & b from the given diagram where
2AP = 3PB.
Solution : O
OA = a b
OB = b
2AP = 3PB a B
Now, using triangle law in the given condition,
2 AP = 3 PB P
or, 2 ^AO + OP h = 3 ^–OP + b h A
or, ^–a + OP h = 3 ^–OP + b h
or, 2OP + 3OP = 2a + 3b
or, 5 OP = 2a + 3b
\ OP = 5 ( 2a + 3b )

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 263

Exercise 6.3
1. i) Explain triangle law of vector addition.
ii) What do you mean by i and j vectors?
iii) Write down the formula of position vector of mid-point of a line segment AB.
iv) Write down the formula of position vector of section point of a pine segment PQ
in the ratio.
v) State parallelogram law of vector addition.

2. Find the following:

i) If a = ` 3 j and b = ` –2 j , find a + b and write down in i and j vector.
2 1

ii) If OA = 4 i + 3 j and OB = 5 i – 2 j , find AB .

iii) If position vectors of P and Q are 2 i – j and 5 i – 3 j , find PQ .
iv) If 2 a + 3b = (0, –7) and b = (2, –3), find a .

If a + b = ` 1 j , a = ` 4 j , find b in i and j form.

5 0

3. Prove that the followings:

i) AB + BC + CA = 0 in DABC.
ii) PQ + QR + RS + SP = 0 in quadrilateral PQRS.
iii) AB + BC + CD + DE = AE in a pentagon ABCDE.
iv) DE + EF + FG + GH + HI + ID = 0 in the given diagram.


v) AC + BD = 2BC in a parallelogram ABCD. O

4. i) Express OP in terms of a and b where P is the b

mid- point of AB in the adjoining diagram. ?

264 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

ii) Prove that 2AR = AP + AQ in the given diagram where R is the mid-point of

iii) Find OC in terms of p and q where AC = 2CB in the adjoining diagram.

iv) Find OP in terms of m and n where 3AP = 2PB .

v) Prove that AB + AC + AD + EA + FA = 4AB in a regular hexagon ABCDEF.



PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 265

5. PRIME more creative questions:
a. i) If A and B are the mid points of sides QR and RS of a parallelogram PQRS
respectively, prove that 2 ^PA + PB h = 3PR .

ii) In a parallelogram ABCD, AB = a & AD = b . Find the vectors CB , DB & AP

in terms of a & b where P is the intersecting point of diagonals.
iii) In the given diagram ABCD is a parallelogram and P is the intersecting point of
diagonals. Prove that OA + OB + OC + OD = 4 OP for any point ‘O’.


iv) Prove that AD + BE + CF = 0 from the given diagram where D, E, & f are the
mid-point of sides of DABC.


v) Find the followings from the given diagram in the single vector.


vi) Prove that the position vector of centroid of a triangle is g = 3 ^a + b + c h .


b. i) If 4 a – 3b and 2 a + 5b are the position vectors of p and Q, find PQ .

If a = ` 1 j , b = ` –3 j & m = 2, prove that m ^a + b h = ma + mb .
–2 7

266 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

iii) If AB = –5 i – 7 j and BC = 7 i + j , find AC .
iv) Where and how vector operations are used in our daily life? Prepare report and
present in your class.
v) Present a + b , a – b , b – a and 2 a + b in arrow diagrams.

6. Project work
Collects the formula and operation system of vectors in a chart paper and present
into the classroom.

1. Show to your teacher
2. i. 3i + j ii. i – 5j iii. 3i – 2j
iv. (–6, 2) v. 5i – 3j

1 1
4. i. OP = 2 (a + b ) iii. OC = 3 (p + 2q )

iv. OP = 5 (3m + 2n )

5.a. ii. b , a – b , 2 (a + b ) v. AC , DC , DA , AC
b. i. –2a + 3b iii. 2i – 6j
v. , D C, D C



b b

a A B A B
a a

a 2a

a +b

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 267

Unit Test
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. Define the term position vector of a point.

If a = c m , find the direction of a .

2. a.
b. Find the unit vector of 3i – 4j .
If magnitude of a vector a = ` –6 j is 10 units, find the value of ‘m’.

If a = a –1 k and b = a 2 k , find the magnitude and direction of a + 2b .

2 3
3. a.
b. Prove that AB + BC + CD + DA = 0 in a quadrilateral ABCD.

4. If M is the mid - point of a line segment AB where OA = a and OB = b , find the

position vector of M in terms of a and b .

268 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

7 Transformation

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions 1 – 1 1
3 10 18
Weight 1 – 4 5
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Students are able to know the concept of transformation.
• Students are able to identify the types of isometric and non- isometric
• Students are able to know the formula to find image of a point.
• Students are able to find the image of an object for different transformations
and can plot them in graph.

Materials Required:
• Model of transformation.
• Geo-board.
• Flash card.
• Graph paper.
• Chart paper.
• Formula chart of transformations.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 269

7.1 Transformation
Let us see the shape of fishes of same size as well as the printed clothes as shown in the
diagram. Here one fish is transferred to the another fish continuously and size of fishes
can be seen which is the concept of transformation in the first example. One flower is
transferred to the another continuously and shape of flowers are printed in the clothes as
shown in diagram in second example which give the concept of transformation.

The process of changing the position, shape and size

of objects under any geometrical conditions is called

7.1.1 Types of transformation :

Isometric transformations :
The transformation in which objects and its image are always congruent is called
isometric transformation. Example : Reflection, Rotation and translation.

Non-Isometric transformations :
The transformation in which object and image are not congruent but only similar is called
non-isometric transformation. Example: Enlargement

7.1.2 Reflection on mirror line :

Image of an object is shifted from one place to another place by the mirror line as the
reflection axis where image and object are always congruent in reflection.

270 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Here, M
M is the mirror line. B
DABC is an object. P
Draw, BP⊥M, BP = PB’
AQ ⊥M, AQ = QA’ A Q
CR⊥M, CR = RC’ A’
Then, DA’B’C’ so formed is called image of C

7.1.3 Reflection using co-ordinate: Y

i) Reflection on x-axis.
P(x, y)
Theoretical proof
Let us consider a point p(x , y) is reflected to
p’(x’ , y’) by the reflection axis as x-axis (y=0). (x, 0)
Draw PM⊥OX, X’ X
\ PM = MP’ where M is (x , 0) which is the mid- O M
point of PP’.
Then, Using mid-point formula,
x +x y1 + y2
x= 12 2 , y= P’(x’, y’)
x + x1 y + y1 Y’
or, x= 2 , 0= 2
or, 2x = x + x’ , y + y’ = 0
or, x’ = x , y’ = -y
\ p(x , y) " p’(x’ , y’) = p’(x , -y)

ii) Reflection on y-axis:

Theoretical proof Y
Let us consider a point p(x, y) is reflected to
p’(x’, y’) under the reflection P(x, y) P’(x’, y’)
axis y - axis (x = 0) M(0, y)
Draw PM = OY,
Then, PM = MP’ where M (0, y) is the X’ X
mid - point of PP’. O
Then, Using mid - point formula,
x +x y1 + y2
x= 12 2 , y= 2
x + x' y + y'
or, x= 2 , y= 2 Y’
or, x + x’ = 0 y + y’ = 2y
` x’ = – x y’ = y
` p(x, y) $ p’(x’, y’) = p’(–x, y)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 271

iii) Reflection on y = x P(x, y)
Theoretical proof : A
Let us consider a point p(x, y) is reflected M
to p’(x’, y’) by the a reflection axis as y = x
Draw PM⊥AB y P’(x’, y’)
\ PM = MP’ where M (x, y) is the mid point x=
X’ X
of pp’ O
Then, Using mid - point formula,
x +x y1 + y2
x= 12 2 , y= 2
Here, B
x=y Y’
x1 + x 2 y1 + y2
or, 2 = 2
x + x' = y + y' x +x y1 + y2
or 2 2 [ 12 2 = 2 ]
or, 2x + 2x’ = 2y + 2y’
or, x – y = y’ – x’ ............................ (i)

Again, Line pp’ and y = x are perpendicular to each other,

so, m1 × m2 = –1

x2 – x1 × c – coeff. of y m = –1
y2 – y1 coeff. of x
y' – y
or, x' – x × 1 = –1
or, y’ – y = –x’ + x
or, x + y = x’ + y’

Adding equation (i) and (ii)

2x = 2y’
` y’ = x
Subtracting equation (i) and (ii),
or, 2y = 2x’
or, y = x’
` x’ = y
` p(x, y) $ p’(x’, y’) = p’(y, x)

iv) Reflection on y = –x
Theoretical proof :
Let us consider a point p(x. y) is reflected to p’(x’, y’) under a reflection axis
y= –x
Draw PM⊥AB
` M is the mid - point of pp’.
272 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Then, Using mid - point formula, P(x, y)
x +x y1 + y2 Y
x= 12 2 , y= 2 A A
x + x' y + y' M
or, x= 2 , y= 2
Taking y = – x P’(x’, y’)
y + y' x + x' X’ X
or, 2
2 O y=
or, y + x = – x’ – y’ ........................... (i) –x

Again, B B
The lines pp’ and y = – x are perpendicular lines, Y’
So, m 1 × m2 = – 1

x2 – x1 × c – coeff. of y m = –1
y2 – y1 coeff. of x
y' – y
or, x' – x × (–1) = – 1
or, x’ – x = y’ – y
or, x – y = x’ – y’ ............... (ii)

Now, adding equation (i) and (ii),

2x = –2y’
\ y’ = – x

Subtracting equation (i) and (ii),

2y = – 2x’
\ x’ = – y
\ p(x, y) $ p’(x’, y’) = p’(–y, –x)

v) Reflection on y = k (parallel to x - axis)

Theoretical proof :
Let us consider a point p(x, y) is reflected
to p’(x’, y’) under reflection axis y=k. P(x, y)
Draw PM = AB y=k
\ PM=MP’ where, A B
M(x, k) is the mid-point of PP’. P’(x’, y’)
Then, Using mid-point formula, X’ X
x +x y1 + y2 O
x= 12 2 , y= 2
x + x' y + y'
or, x= 2 , y= 2
or, x + x’ = 2x y + y’ = 2k
\ x’ = x y’ = 2k - y
\ p(x, y) " p (x’, y’) = p’ (x, 2k - y)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 273

vi) Reflection on x = h (parallel to y-axis) Y A
Theoretical proof:
Let us consider a point p(x, y) is translated to
p’(x’, y’) under a reflection axis x = h. P(x, y) P’(x’, y’)
Draw PM = AB
\ PM = MP’
X’ X
ie. M( x, y) is the mid-point of pp’. O

Then, Using mid-point formula,

x +x y1 + y2
x= 12 2 , y= Y’
x + x' y + y'
or, x= 2 , y= 2 B
or, x + x’ = 2h y + y’ = 2y
\ x’ = 2h – x y’ = y
\ p(x, y) $ p’(x’, y’) = p’ (2h – x, y)
S.No Reflection axis Object Image
1. About x - axis (y = 0) (x. y) (x, – y)
2. About y-axis (x = 0) (x. y) (–x, y)
3. About y = x (x = y) or x – y = 0 (x. y) (y, x)
4. About y = – x (x = – y) or x + y = 0 (x. y) (– y, – x)
5. About x = h (parallel to y - axis) (x. y) (2h – x, y)
6. About y = k (parallel to x - axis) (x. y) (x, 2k – y)

7.1.4 Properties of reflection :

i) The object and image are congruent.
ii) The object and image are equidistance from the axis of reflection.
iii) The line joining the object point A and image point A’ is perpendicular to the
mirror line.
iv) For the objects point A, B and C, AA’ ' BB’ ' CC’.

274 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Find the image of the plane figure given below under the given mirror line M.

Here, DABC is the given object mirror line M is the reflection axis.
Draw, BP⊥M, BP = PB’
AQ⊥M, AQ = QA’
CR⊥M, CR = RC’

C’ B’

Then, Join A’, B’ & C’ so DA’B’C’ is the image of DABC after reflection under a mirror
line M.

2. Find the image of a point A(–2, 3) under reflection about x-axis.

Under reflection about x-axis.
P(x, y) → P’(x, –y)
A(–2, 3) → A’(–2, –3)

3. Find the image of DABC having vertices A(2, 3), B(4, 6) & C(7, 1) under reflection
about x = 0. Also plot them in graph.
Solution :
Under reflection about x = 0 (y-axis)
P(x, y) → P’(–x, y)
A(2, 3) → A’(–2, 3)
B(4, 6) → B’(–4, 6)
C(7, 1) → C’(–7, 1)
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 275

B’ B

A’ A

X’ X


DABC is the given object.
Y = axis (x = 0) is the mirror line.
DA’B’C’ is the image.

4. A reflection axis transform A(3, 2) to A’(1, 2). Find the axis. Also find the image of B(5,
5) and C(6, –3) with it and plot the DABC and DA’B’C’ in graph.
Solution : The point A(3, 2) → A’(1, 2) with an axis of reflection x = h.
\ P(x, y) → P’(2h – x, y)
A(3, 2) → A’(2h – 3, 2)
By equating A’, we get
2h – 3 = 1
or 2h = 4
\ h=2
\ The reflection axis is x = 2.
B(5, 5) → B’(–1, 5) C(6, –3) → C’(–2, –3)

B’ B


X’ X


Here, DABC is an object x = 2is axis. DA’B’C’ is the
276 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
5. If A(2a – 1, – 10) → A’(3b + 1, – 3) under a reflection axis y = – x. Find the value of a
and b.
Solution : Under reflection about y = –x.
P(x, y) P’(–y, –x)
\ A(2a – 1, –10) A’(10, 1 – 2a)
By the question
A(2a –1, –10) A’(3b + 1, – 3)
By equating the corresponding elements of A’.
3b + 1 = 10 and 1 – 2a = – 3
or, 3b = 9 and 4 = 2a
\ –b=3 and a=2
\ a=2
b= 3

6.Transform a triangle having vertices A(1, 2), B(–2, 4) and C(0, – 4) under reflection
about x = 2 followed by reflection about y = –3. Also plot the object and image in
graph. Y
Solution: B B’
Under reflection about x = 2,
P(x, y) →p(2h – x, y) = p(4 – x, y) A A’
\ A(1, 2) → A’(3, 2)
B(–2, 4) → B’ (6, 4)
C(0, – 4) → C’ (4, –4) X’ X
Again, under reflection about y = –3
P(x, y) → P’(x, 2k – y) =P(x, –6 – y)
\ A1(3, 2) → A”(3, – 8)
C C’
B (6,4)
→ B” (6, – 10)
C1(4, – 4) → C” (4, –2)

Here, A’’
DABC is an object
DA’B’C’ is first image
DA”B”C” is final image. B’’

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 277

Exercise 7.1
1. i) What is transformation? Write down the name of transformations.
ii) What is reflection in transformation.
iii) Write down the formula of a point P(a, b) under reflection about the axis x = h.
iv) Write down the formula of a point A(p, q) and reflection about the axis y = k.
v) What will be the image of a point P(x, y) under reflection about x-axis followed
by reflection about y - axis.

2. Find the image of the following plane figures under the given reflection axis ‘M’.
i) A ii) B M


iii) R iv) M


v) S vi)


3. Find the image of point A(3, –2) under the following reflection axis.
i) about x-axis ii) about x = 2 iii) about y = x
iv) about y – 3 = 0 v) about y = – x

4. Find the image of object p(–3, 5) under the following reflection axis.
i) under x + y = 0 ii) under x + 2 = 0 iii) under y = 0
iv) under x = 0 v) under y = – 2

278 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

5. Find the co-ordinate of image for the followings.
i) Find the image of the points A(2, 2) and B(6, 7) under reflection about x-axis.
Also plot them in graph. Also join AB and A’B’.
ii) Find the image of DPQR having vertices P(–2, 1), Q(–5, 4) & R(–6, –2) under
reflection about y-axis. Also plot them in graph.
iii) Find the image of quadrilateral having vertices A(1, 2), B(3, 5), C(6, 6) and D(7,
1) under reflection about y = –2. Also plot them in graph.
iv) Find the image of quadrilateral having vertices P(3, 1), Q(4, 5), R(7, 4) and S(8,
–2) under reflection about X = –1. Also plot them in graph.
v) Find the coordinate of image of triangle having vertices A(2, 1), B(4, 5) & C(5,
–3) under y = x to DA’B’C’. Also plot DABC and DA’B’C’ in graph.

6. Find the co-ordinate of image for the followings.

i) If a point A(3, 7) is transferred to A’(–7, –3) with a reflection axis, find the axis.
ii) A(5, –2) is transferred to A’(–1, –2) under a reflection axis, find the axis.
iii) P’(–3, –4) is the image of P(–3, –2) under a reflection axis. Find the axis.
iv) A’(–1, 5) is the image of A(1, 5) under a reflection axis, find the axis.
v) If a point A(2x + 1, y – 3) is reflected to A’(1, 5) under reflection about y = x. Find
the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.

7. PRIME more creative questions:

i) A reflection axis gives image A’(–3, 2) of an object of A(–1, 2). Find the reflection
axis. Also find the image of points B(2, 5) and C(–2, –4) with it and plot the
object DABC and its image in graph.
ii) A’(2a + 1, 5 – b) is the image of A(1 – 3b, – 7) under reflection about x + y = 0.
Find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
iii) Find the image of DABC having vertices A(1, 4), B(–3, –1) and C(0, –5) under
reflection about x + 2 = 0 to DA’B’C’. Again transform DA’B’C’ to DA’’B’’C’’ under
reflection about x = – y. Also plot them in graph.
iv) Transform a triangle having vertices A(–2, 1), B(2, 5) and C(4, 0) under reflection
about x-axis followed by reflection about x – y = 0. Also plot the object and image
in graph.
v) Transform a triangle having vertices P(2, –1), Q(4, 4) and R(6, 1) under
reflections about x = 0 following by y = 0. Also plot the object and image in

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 279

1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.

3. i. A’ (3, 2) ii. A’ (1, –2) iii. A’(–2, 3)

iv. A’ (3, 8) v. A’ (2, –3)

4. i. P’(–5, 3) ii. P’(–1, 5) iii. P’(–3, –5)

iv. P’ (3, 5) v. P’ (–3, –9)

5. i. A’ (2, –2) B’ (6, –7) ; graph

ii. P’(2, 1), Q’ (5, 4), R’ (6, –2) ; graph.
iii. A’ (1, –6), B’(3, –9), C’(6, –10), D’(7, –5) ; graph.
iv. P’ (–5, 1) Q’ (–6, 5), R’ (–9, 4), S’ (–10, –2) ; graph.
v. A’ (1, 2), B’ (5, 4), C’(–3, 5) ; graph.

6. i. Reflection about y = –x.

ii. Reflection about x = 2.
iii. Reflection about y = –3.
iv. Reflection about y – axis.
v. x = 2, y = 4

7. i. Reflection about x = –2 ; B’ (–6, 5) and C’ (–2, –4) ; graph.

ii. a = –4, b = –2.
iii. A’ (–5, 4), B’ (–1, –1), C’(–4, –5) ; A” (–4, 5), B” (1, 1), C” (5, 4) ; graph.
iv. A’ (–2, –1), B’(2, –5), C’(4, 0) ; A” (–1, –2), B”(–5, 2), C” (0, 4) ; graph.
v. P’ (–2, –1), Q’ (–4, 4), R’ (–6, 1) ; P” (–2, 1), Q” (–4, –4), R”(–6, –1) ; graph.

280 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

7.2 Rotation:
Let us consider a point P is transferred to P’ with an angle P
90° in clockwise direction about a fixed point called centre of
rotation, where OP = OP’ and \POP’ = 90°

90° P’
The transformation of an object from one
position to another place depands on centre, O
direction and angle is called rotation.
Congruent image of an object is formed in

w Rotation takes place about a fixed point, called the centre of rotation.
– Clockwise (negative) direction.
– Anti clockwise (positive) direction.

w Angle of rotation
– Quarter turn (90°)
– Half turn (180°)
– Full turn (360°)
w Full turn gives invariant image as an object.

w Let us consider a DABC is rotated to DA’B’C’ under [O, – 90°).






Here, DAOA’ = \BOB’ = COC’ = 90°

Anti clockwise direction is used to rotate the DABC to DA’B’C’.
Centre of rotation O is taken for the rotation.
Image of DABC is drawn under the above conditions.
Where DA’B’C’ is the image.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 281

7.2.1 Rotation using co-ordinates:
Taking an object point p(x, y) which transferred to p’(x’, y’) under rotation according to
the following conditions. Then the image p’(x’, y’) can be expressed in formula as follows.

i) Quarter turn about the centre as origin: ( + 90°) Y

Theoretical proof :
\ POP’ = 90° (+ve and –ve) P’(x’, y’) P(x, y)
i.e. m 1 × m2 = – 1
y–0 y'–0 +ve 90°
or, x–0 × x'–0 = – 1
or, yy’= – xx’ –ve 90°
X’ X
y’ = – y ...........................(i) O

Again, we have,
OP2 = OP’2 = r2 P’(x’, y’)
or, (x – o)2 + (y –0)2 = (x’ – 0)2 + (y’ – 0)2
or, x 2 + y2 = x 2 +
x2 x'2 Y’
or, y2(x2 + y2) = x’2(x2 + y2)
or, y2 = x’2
` x’ = ±y

From equation (i),
x×y x × –y
y’ = – y or – y
= – x or + x
\ P(x, y) $ P’(x’, y’) = P’ (–y, x) or (y, –x)

i.e. For anticlockwise (+ 90°)

P(x, y) $ P’(–y, x)
For clockwise (–90°) Y
P(x, y) $ P’(y, –x)
P(x, y)
ii) Half turn (+ 180°) about centre origin.
Theoritical proof : +180°
] POP’ = 180° (+ve and –ve) X’ X
Where O is the mid - point of line PP’. –180°
Using mid - point formula
x +x y1 + y2
x= 12 2 , y= 2
x + x' y + y'
or, x= 2 , y= 2 Y’
282 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
or, x + x’ = 0 y + y’ = 0
\ x’ = – x, y’ = – y
\ P(x, y) $ P’(x’, y’) = P’(–x, –y).

iii) Quarter turn about centre (a, b).

Let us consider A(a, b) is the centre of P(x, y)
rotation and P(x, y) be the object point. P’(x’, y’)
The image P(x’, y’) can be calculated by
using the following steps : +90°

Step - I –90°
Firstly a and b which are the components A(
of the centre of rotation should be to the b)
x - components and y - component of the
object point P(x, y).
i.e. P(x, y) (a, b) (x – a, y – b)
centre P’(x’, y’)

Step - II
The new point (x – a, y –b) have to be rotated as for the centre origin.
(x, y) (–y, x)
` (x – a, y –b) $ (–y + b, x –a)
(x, y)
(y, – x)
` (x – a, y – b) $ (y – b, –x + a)

Step - III
The components of the centre (a, b) should be added to the corresponding elements
of newly occurred points which will be the formula of rotation for the point p(x, y)
about the centre of rotation (a, b) as
(–y + b, x – a) (–y + b + a, x – a + b)
(y – b, –x + a) (y – b + a, –x + a + b)
\ P(x, y) P’(x’, y’) = P’(–y + a + b, x – a + b) = p’{–(y – b) + a, (x – a) + b}
P(x, y) P’(x’, y’) = P’(y + a – b, –x + a + b) = p’{(y – b) + a, – (x – a) + b}

Examples :
Image of P (2, –3) under rotation through +90° with centre (1, 2).
We have
P(x, y) centre(a, b) P’(–y + a + b, x – a + b)
P’(–y + 1 + 2, x – 1 + 2)
P’(– y + 3, x + 1)
\ P(x, y) P’(3 + 3, 2 + 1)
P’(6, 3)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 283


A(1, 2) P’(6, 3)

X’ X

P(2, –3)

iv) Half turn about centre (a, b)
Here , P(x, y)
\ PAP’ = 180° (+ve or – ve)
i.e. A(a, b)e is the mid - point of PP’.
Then, +180°
Using mid - point P’(x’, y’) formula,
x +x y1 + y2 A(a, b)
x= 12 2 , y= 2
x + x' y + y' –180°
or, x= 2 , y= 2
or, x + x’ = 2a, y + y’ = 2b
\ x’ = –x + 2a y’ = –y + 2b P’(x’, y’)

\ P(x, y) $ P’(x’, y’) = P’(–x + 2a, –y + 2b) = P’{–(x – a) + a, – (y – b) + b}

S.No. Centre Direction Angle Object Image
1. (0, 0) +ve 90° (x, y) (–y, x)
2. (0, 0) +ve 90° (x, y) (y, –x)
3. (0, 0) ––––– 180° (x, y) (–x, –y)
4. (a, b) +ve 90° (x, y) (–y + a + b, x – a + b)
5. (a, b) –ve 90° (x, y) (y + a – b, –x + a + b)
6. (a, b) ––––– 180° (x, y) (–x + 2a, – y + 2b)
[(2a – x), (2b – y)]

7.2.2 Properties of rotation:

i) Three informations are given to rotate the objects which are direction, angle and centre.
ii) Object and image are congruent in it.
iii) Centre of rotation is the intersecting point of perpendicular bisectors of line
joining the object and corresponding images.
iv) Anticlockwise direction is called positive direction and clockwise is called negative direction.
v) If centre of rotation is inside the object, the object and image will be invariant.

284 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Rotate the given triangle under positive quarter turn with center ‘O’.




Here, DABC is an object.

O is center of rotion.
\ AOA’ – \ BOB’ = \ COC’ = 90° in positive direction (Anticlockwise).
DA’B’C’ is the image.

2. Find the image of a point A(–3, 2) under rotation about –90° with centre origin.
Solution :
Under rotation through –90° about (0, 0)
P(x, y) → P’(y, –x)
\ A(–3, 2) → A’(2, 3)

3. Find the image of DPQR under rotation about positive quarter turn. Also plot the
object and image in graph. Where P(1, 2) Q(3, –2) & R(5, 4) are the vertices.
Under rotation through +90° about (0, 0)
P(x, y) → P’(–y, x)
\ P(1, 2) → P’(–2, 1)
Q(3, –2) → Q’(2, 3)
R(5, 4) → R’(–4, 5)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 285


X’ X

DPQR is the object.
under rotation about +90°.
DP’Q’R’ is the image.

4.Find the co-ordinate of image of a point P(3, –2) under rotation about half in anti
clockwise direction with centre origin and then about + 90° with centre (–1, 2).
The given point is P(3, –2) under rotation through 180°, about (0, 0)
P(x, y) →p’(–x, –y)
\ P(3, –2) →p’(–3, 2)
Again, under +90° with centre (–1, 2)
P(x, y) → p’(–y + b + a, x – a+ b)
→ p’ (–y + 1, x + 3)
\ P(–3, 2) → p” (–2 + 1, x + 3)
→ p” (–1, 5).

5. Transform A(2, 4), B(5, 1) & C(–3, 2) under rotation about positive quarter turn with
centre origin followed by rotation about 180° with centre (3, –1). Also plot the object
and image in graph.
The given vertices of DABC are A(2, 4), B(5, 1) and C(–3, 2)
Under rotation about +90° with centre (0, 0).
P(x, y) → p’(–y, x)
\ A(2, 4) → A’ (–4, 2)
B (5, 1) → B’ (–1, 5)
C (–3, 2) → C’ (–2, –3).
Again, Under rotation about 180° with centre (3, –1).
P(x, y) → p’ (–x + 2a, – y + 2b)
→ p’ (–x + 6, – y – 2)
\ A’(–4, 2) → A’’ (4 + 6, –2 – 2) = A’’ (10, – 4)
B’(–1, 5) → B’’ (1 + 6, – 5 – 2) = B’’ (7, – 7)
C’(–2, – 3) → C’’ (2 + 6, 3, 2) = C’’(8, 1)
286 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX


C C’’
X’ X


Here, DABC is the object.
DA’B’C’ is first image.
DA’’B’’C’’ is final image.

Exercise 7.2
1. i) What is rotation in transformation?
ii) Write down the formula for rotation about 180° with centre (a, b).
iii) Write down the image of p(x, y) under rotation about –90° followed by rotation
about +90° with centre origin.
iv) Find the image of A(a, b) under reflection about y = –x followed by rotation
about –270° with centre origin.
v) Find the image of a point m(p, q) under rotation about 180° with centre origin
followed by reflection about y-axis.

2. Draw the image of the following diagrams under the following conditions given in
i) A ii) P


O (+90°) O (–90°)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 287

iii) Q iv) E



O (–90°) O (–90°)
v) G vi) A

O (+270°) O (–270°)

3. Find the image of the following points under rotation about negative quarter turn
with centre origin.
i) (–5, –3) ii) (5, 2) iii) (–2, –7)
iv) (–6, 3) v) (–7, –1) vi) (5, –3)

4. Find the image of the following points under rotation about positive quarter turn.
i) (–7, 2) ii) (–5, –3) iii) (8, –2)
iv) (3, 7) v) (–6, 2) vi) (–2, –8)

5. Find the image of the following points under rotation about half turn.
i) (–2, –6) ii) (5, –3) iii) (3, 6)
iv) (–5, 4) v) (–4, –5) vi) (2, –5)

6. i) Find the co-ordinate of image of DABC having vertices A(–2, 3), B(–3, –1) and
C(–5, 4) under rotation about –270°. Also plot the object and image in graph.
ii) Find the co-ordinate of the image of DPQR having vertices P(2, 1), Q(3, 5) & Q(5,
0) under rotation about +270°. Also plot the DPQR and DP’Q’R’ in graph.
iii) Find the co-ordinate of the image of quadrilateral having vertices A(–3, 2), B(–1,
5), C(2, 4) & D(3, –1) under rotation about positive quarter turn. Also plot them
in graph.
iv) Find the image of quadrilateral having vertices A(3, 4), B(4, 6), C(6, 2) & D(4, 1)
under rotation about 180° with center origin. Also plot the object and image in
v) Transform a triangle having vertices A(1, –2), B(4, –5), C(6, 0) under rotation
about +90° with centre origin to DA’B’C’ and then rotation about 180° with

288 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

center origin to DA’’B’’C’’. Also plot the object and image in graph.

7. Find the image under the following.

i) P(3, –2) under +90° with center (1, 2).
ii) A(3, 4) under –90° with center (–1, 2).
iii) M(–3, 3) under 180° with center (2, –1).
iv) Triangle having A(1, 1), B(3, 5) and C(5, 0) under +ve quarter turn with center
(–2 –1). Also plot them in graph.

8. i) Which rotation gives the image of point A(2, –1) to A’(1, 2)? Also find the image
of the points B(3, 2) and C(5, –4). Also plot DABC and DA’B’C’ in graph.
ii) Find centre of rotation, angle of rotation and direction of rotation which gives
A(2, –3) to A’(–3, –2) and B(4, 1) to B’(1, –4) by plotting the points in graph.
iii) Find the image of P(a, b) under rotation about +90° with center origin and again
under 180° with center origin.
iv) Find the centre, direction and angle of rotation where DABC having A(3, 2),
B(5, 1) and C(4, –2) is rotated to A’(–2, 3) B’(–1, 5) and C’(2, 4) by plotting in
v) Find the center direction and angle of rotation which transformed DABC having
A(3, –4), B(5, –6) & C(7, –1) to A’(1, 4), B’(3, 6), C’(–2, 8) by plotting in graph.

9. PRIME more creative question:

i) Transform a quadrilateral having vertices A(2, 1), B(1, –2), C(–3, –2) and
D(–5, 1) under rotation about 180° with centre origin followed by rotation
about + 90° centre (3, –4). Also plot the object and image in graph.
ii) Find the image of DPQR having vertices P(–4, 6), Q(–1, –2) and R(3, –5) under
negative quarter turn with centre origin followed by rotation about 180° with
centre origin Also plot the object and image in graph.
iii) Transform a triangle having vertices A(2, 3), B(1,5) and C(–2, 4) under reflection
about y = x. Following by rotation about rotation about +90° with centre in
origin. Also plot the image and object in graph.
iv) Triangle having vertices P(3, 4), Q(–2, 6) and R(1, – 5) is reflected under x = –2
to DP’Q’R’ and rotated again to DP’’Q’’R’’ under +270° with centre origin. Also
plot them in graph.
v) If a point P(x, y) is reflected under x-axis and then under y-axis continuously is
there any difference it with rotation about 180° with centre origin? Discuss the
application of rotation in group and a report.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 289

1. Show to your teacher.
2. Show to your teacher.
3. i. (–5, –3) ii. (2, –5) iii. (–7, 2)
iv. (3, 6) v. (–1, 7) vi. (–3, –5)

4. i. (–2, –7) ii. (3, – 5) iii. (2, 8)

iv. (–7, 3) v. (–2, –6) vi. (8, –2)

5. i. (2, 6) ii. (–5, 3) iii. (–3, –6)

iv. (5, –4) v. (4, 5) vi. (–2, 5)

6. i. A’(–3, –2), B’(1, –3), C’(–4, –5) ; graph.

ii. P’(1, –2), Q’(5, –3), R’(0, –5) ; graph.
iii. A’(–2, –3), B’(–5, –1), C’(–4, 2), D’(1, 3) ; graph.
iv. A’(–3, –4), B’(–4, –6), C’(–6, –2), D’(–4, –1) ; graph.
v. A’(2, 1), B’(5, 4), C’(0, 6) ; A”(–2, –1), B”(–5, –4), C”(0, –6) ; graph.

7. i. (5, 4) ii. (1, –2) iii. (7, –5)

iv. A’(–4, 2) , B’(–8, 4) , C’(–3, 6) ; graph.
v. P’(0, 5) , Q’(–4, 6) , R’(2, 8) ; graph.

8. i. Rotation about +90° with centre origin, B’(–2, 3) , C’(4, 5) ; graph.

ii. Centre (0, 0), angle 90°, negative direction.
iii. P(a, b) →P’(–b, a) → P”(b, –a)
iv. Centre (0, 0) angle 90°, positive direction
v. Show to your teacher.

9. i. A’ (–2, –1), B’(–1, 2), C’(3, 2) D’(5, – 1); A”(0, 5), B”(–3, 6), C”(–3, 10), F’(0, 12);
ii. P’(6, 4), Q’(–2, 1) R’(–5, –3) ; P”(–6, –4), Q”(2, –1), R”(5, 3); graph.
iii. A’(3, 2), B’(5, 1), C’(4, –2) ; A”(–2, 3), B”(–1, 5), C”(2, 4); Graph.
iv. P’(–7, 4), Q’(–2, 6), R’(3, –5) ; P”(–4, – 7), Q”(–6, –2) & R”(5, 3) ;
v. P(x, y) → P’ (x, – y) → P” (–x, – y). It is same as rotation about 180° with centre

290 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

7.3 Translation P’
Here, vector AB is the magnitude & direction of
translation. P
DPQR is, an object. Q’
PP’ = QQ’ = RR’ = AB B R’
PP’ || QQ’ || RR’ ' AB
DP’Q’R’ is the image of DPQR Q A

The transformation of an object from one place to another place by

the magnitude and direction of a given vector is called translation.

7.3.1 Translation using co-ordinate

Let us consider P(x, y) is an object point and OA is the translation vector < F .
According to properties of translation, P is Y
shifted to P’ where direction is according
P’(x’, y’)
to OA and PP’ ' OA.

Also PP’ = OA
P(x, y)
i.e. P’ is defined as ‘a’ units more in A(a, b)
horizontal direction than of p and ‘b’ units
more in vertical direction than p. b
\ x’ = x + a and y’ = y + b
\ P(x, y) $ P’(x’, y’) = P’(x + a, y + b) X’ X
O a M
Also, If a point P is translated to P’ under a
displacement and direction of AB having Y’
co - ordinates A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) then
the translation component can be defined
a = x2 – x1
b = y 2 – y1
\ P(x, y)
P’(x + a, y + b) where a = x2 – x1 and b = y2 – y1

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 291

i) Translation using co-ordinate:

A’(7, 5)

A(4, 3)

C’(9, 1)
B’(6, 1)
X’ X
C(6, -1)
B(3, -1)

A(4, 3) is translated to A’(7, 5)
B(3, –1) is translated to B’(6, 1)
C(6, –1) is translated to C’(9, 1)

i.e. All the points are translated with constant number 3 for x-component and 2 for
y - component.
i.e. A (4, 3) → A’(4 + 3, 3 + 2) = A’(7, 5)

i.e. Translation vector is T = < F


i.e. under translation T = < F

P(x, y) → P’(x + a, y + b)

iii) Translation using vector:

Let us consider a translation vector is AB where A(1, 2) and B(3, 5) are any two
Then, according to the concept of column vector AB
AB = < F=< F=< F
x2 – x1 3–1 2
y2 – y 5–2 3

\ Translation vector T = AB = < F

Properties of translation:
i) Object and image are congruent in it.
ii) For the object points A & B and A’ & B’ for vector T //AA’//BB’.
iii) Length of AA’ and BB’ is always equal to magnitude of T .
iv) Image is always in the same direction of vector T .
292 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Worked out Examples

Find the image of a point A(3, –2) under a translation vector of T = < F .
Solution: 3

Under translation vector T = < F

P(x, y) → P’(x + a, y + b) 3
→ P’(x + 1, y + 3)
A(3, –2) → A’(3 + 1, –2 + 3)
→ A’(4, 1)

T=< F
\ A(3, –2) A’(4, 1)

2. If A (3, –1) and B(1, 2) are any two points, find the image of point A and B under AB .
Solution :
Translation vector AB from the given points A(3, –1) & B(1, 2) is,
AB = < F=< F = < F =T
x2 – x1 1–3 –2
y2 – y1 +
2 1 3

Then, under translation vector T = < F

p (x, y) → P’(x + a, y + b) = P(x – 2, y + 3)
A(3, –1) → A’(3 – 2, –1 + 3) = A’(1, 2)
T=< F
\ A(3, –1) A’(1, 2)
B(1, 2) → B’(1 – 2, 2 + 3) = B’(–1, 5)

3. Find the image of DABC having vertices A(3, 1), Y

B(–1, 5) & C(1, –3) under a translation vector T B’
= < F . Also draw the object and image in graph.
2 B
Solution: Under a translation vector T = < F
P(x, y) → P’(x + a, y + b)
→ P’(x + 3, y + 2) A’
Then, A
A(3, 1) → A’(3 + 3, 1 + 2) = A’(6, 3)
B(–1, 5) → B’(–1 + 3, 5 + 2) = B’(2, 7) X’ X
C(1, –3) → C’(1 + 3, –3 + 2) = C’(4, –1) C’
DABC is the object. C
DA’B’C’ is the image of DABC Y’
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 293
4. Draw the image of given triangle under the given vector AB .

R Q Q’
Here, Draw PP’, QQ’, RR’ || AB .
Then, A
Taking PP’ = QQ’ - RR’ = AB B
DPQR is the object. P P’
DP’Q’R’ is the image. R R’

5.Translate a triangle having vertices A(1, –1), B(–2, 2) and C(3, 3) under T1 = < F and
again translate under T = < F . Also plot the object and image in graph.
Solution :
We have,
Under translation about T1 = < F
P(x, y) → P’(x + a, y + b) = P’(x + 3, y + 2)
\ A(1, –1) → A’(1 + 3, –1 + 2) = A’(4, 1)
B(–2, 2) → B’(–2 + 3, 2 + 2) = B’(1, 4)
C(3, 3) → C’(3 + 3, 3 + 2) = C’(6, 5)
Again, under translation about T2 = < F
P(x, y) → P’(x + 1, y – 3)
\ A’(4, 1) → A’’(5, –2)
B’(1, 4) → B’’(2, 1) B’
C’(6, 5) → C’’(7, 2)
Here, A’
DABC is the object. X’ X
DA’B’C’ is the first image.
DA’’B’’C’’ is the final image. A’’


294 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 7.3
1. i) What do you mean by translation in transformation?
ii) What is the formula of p(a, b) under translation about T = ?
iii) Find the image of a point p(x, y) under translation about T1 = followed by
translation about T2 = < F
iv) Find translation vector T1 Which gives A(2, 3) → A’(5, 2).
v) If A’(3, 5) is the image after translation T = < F , find the point A.
2. Find the image of the following figures under the given vector.
i) P B ii) A M


iii) S iv) B P



v) A G

Find the image of the following points under the translation vector T = < F .
i) A(3, 2) ii) P(–2, 5) iii) M(–3, –1)
iv) N(4, –6) v) O(–3, –4)

4. Find the image of the points P(3, –2) under the translation vector AB for the
following points A and B.
i) A(3, 2) and B(1, 0) ii) A(1, –2) & B(3, 1)
iii) A(2, 1) and B(4, 5) iv) A(–1, 2) & B(2, 1)
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 295
v) A(4, 1) and B(1, –2)

5. Find the image of the following triangles under the given vector. Also plot the object
and image in graph.
A(1, –2), B(–3, 4) and C(3, –3) under a vector T= < F
P(2, 5), Q(–2, 1) and R(5, 2) under a vector T = < F
A(–2, –4), B(–4, –1) and C(3, 0) under a vector T = < F
K(2, 3), L(4, 6) & M(6, 1) under a vector T = < F
X(–2, 5), Y(3, 1) & Z(–4, –1) under a vector T = < F
6. i) If a translation T gives image of an object A(1, 3) → A’(3, 4). Find the value of
translation vector T.
ii) If a point P(3, –1) is translated to P’(5, 2) under a vector T, find the value of
translation vector T.
iii) If a vector T = < F translate a point P to P’(3, 7), find the co-ordiante of the point
iv) Find the co-ordiante of image of DABC having vertices P(1, 2), Q(3, 5) and R(6,
–2) under a translation vector PQ . Also plot DP’Q’R’ and DP’Q’R’ on graph paper.
v) Find the co-ordinate of the image of DABC having A(3, 1), B(7, 3), C(5, –2) under
a translation vector AB .

7. PRIME more creative questions

i) Find the image of ABCD having vertices A(1, 8), B(–3, 9), C(0, 13) & D(4, 12)
under translation about T1 = AB . Also transform the image so obtained under
T2 = < F and plot the image and object in graph.
ii) Transform a triangle having vertices A(–4, 6), B(3, –2) and C(1, 2) under
translation about T1 = < F followed by translation about T2 = < F . Also plot
1 –2
–2 3
the object and image in graph.
iii) Transform a triangle having vertices A(–3, 2), B(1, 5) and C(2, 3) under reflection
about x = 2 followed by translation about AB . Also plot the object and image in
iv) Reflect p(x, y) under x = 1 followed by x = 3 and compare its image with
translation about T . Write down the conclusion of it.
v) What is translation? Write down its properties. Where is it applicable in our
daily life? Discuss in group and prepare a report.
296 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
1. Show to your teacher.

2. Show to your teacher.

3. i) A’(5, 3) ii) P’(0, 6) iii) M’(–1, 0)

iv) N’(6, –5) v) O’(–1, –3)

4. i) P’(1, –4) ii) P’(5, 1) iii) P’(5, –6)

iv) P’(6, –3) v) P’(0, –5)

5. i) A’(3, 1), B’(–1, 7) & C’(5, 0); graph

ii) P’(0, 2), Q’(–4, –2) & R’(3, –1); graph
iii) A’(–1, –1), B’(–3, 2), C’(4, 3); graph
iv) K’(0, 7), L’(2, 10), M’(4, 5); graph
v) X’(1, 1), Y’(6, –3), & Z’(–1, –5); graph

T= < F T= < F
2 2
6. i) ii) iii) P(2, 4)
1 3
iv) P’(3, 5), Q’(5, 8) & R(8, 1)
v) AB = d n ; A’(7, 3), B’(11, 5) & C’(9, 0)
7. iii) A’(7, 2), B’(3, 5), C’(2, 3); A’’(3, 5), B’’(–1, 8), C’’(–2, 0); graph
iv) P(x, y) → P’(2 – x, y) → P’’(x + 4, y); both are equal
v) Discuss with your teacher.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 297

7.4 Enlargement
Let us consider DABC is an object. It’s image DA’B’C’
is drawn taking o as the constant point and OA’ = B
20A, OB’ = 20B and OC’ = 20C. The image so formed
is 2 times bigger than the object DABC where the A’
fixed point O is called the centre of enlargement A
and constant 2 (double) is called the Scale factor
OA` OB` OC` O C’
where k = OA = OB = OC = 2 . C’

The size of image depends upon the constant value (k) (which is used to draw the image
by taking less or more than the length of OA, OB and OC from the centre) which is called
the scale factor.

The transformation where the image is enlarge or contract

in a certain proportion according to the centre and scale
factor is called the enlargement.

• In the enlargement E [0, k] where, the centre of enlargement is origin and ‘k’ is the
scale factor.
• In the enlargement E[A, K] where A is the centre of enlargement other than origin
and ‘k’ is the scale factor.
If k = 1, the object and image are invariant.
If k > 1, the image is enlarged than object.
If k < 1, the image is reduced than object.
If k < 0, the image is in opposite direction than the object.
If k = –1, the image and object are equal in size but in opposite direction.

Enlarge the given arrow about the centre of enlargement at ‘O’ and scale factor –2.
Join OA and produced to OA’ where B

OA’ = 20A similarly D’

OB’ = 20B O
C’ A’
OC’ = 20C

OD’ = 20D
Arrow A’B’C’D’ is the image of arrow ABCD.

298 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

7.4.1 Enlargement using Co-ordinates
1. Having centre origin and scale factor ‘k’.
i.e. E[o, k]. Let p1(x1, y1) be the image of an Y
object p(x, y) under an enlargement having, P’(x’, y’)
origin 0(0, 0) is the centre of enlargement and
‘k’ is the scale factor where, k
scale factor (k) = OP = k
i.e. OP’ = k . OP P(x, y)
OP = 1
∴ PP’ = k – 1.
X’ X
O (0, 0)
Using internal section formula for OP’.
(x , y) = a 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m k
m x + m x m1 y 2 + m 2 y1 Y’
1 2 1 2

P(x , y) = a 1 + k–1 , k
1×x` + (k–1) 0 1×y` + (k–1) 0
1 + k –1
P(x , y) = a k , k k
x' y'
Equating the corresponding elements,
x' y'
k = x and k = y
∴ x’ = kx and y’ = ky
∴ p(x , y) → p’(kx , ky)

ii. Having center origin (a, b) and scale factor ‘k’.

Let, A’ (x’, y’) be the image of a point A(x, y) under,
Center of enlargement p(a,b)
PA' k–1 A’(x’, y’)
and scale factor PA = K
1 A(x, y)
where, PA’ = K. PA
PA = 1, P(a, b)
AA’ = K–1
Then, Using section formula internally for PA’.
(x,y) = a 1m2 + m2 1 , m + m k
m x + m x m1 y 2 + m 2 y1
1 2 1 2

A(x.y) = a 1 + k–1 , k
1×x` + (k–1) a 1×y` + (k–1) b
1 + k –1
(x,y) = a
x` + ka – a y` + kb – b k
or, k , k
By equating corresponding elements,
x' + ka–a y' + kb–b
or, x= k , y= k
or, x’ = kx – ka + a , y’ = ky – kb + b ,
or, x’ = k(x–ka)+a , y’ = k(y–b)+b
∴ p(x , y) → p’[k(x–a)+a , k(y–b)+b]

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 299

Worked out Examples
1. Draw the image of a quadrilateral given in diagram under E[0 , 2].

C C’
Here, O is the center of enlargement quad. ABCD is an object.
Then, scale factor (k) = 2.
Join OA and produce to A’ where OA’ = 2OA

Similarly, OB’ = 2OB

OC’ = 2OC and
OD = 2OD.
\ Quad. A’B’C’D’ is formed which is the image of quad. ABCD

2.Find the image of a point p(–2, 3) under an enlargement (i) E1[0, –2] (ii) E2[(1,2), 2].
Under an enlargement of an quadrilateral given in diagram under E[0,-2].
p(x, y) → p’ (kx, ky)
→ p’ (–2x, – 2y)
\ p(-2 , 3) → p’[–2 (–2), (–2) 3]
→ p’ (4, –6)

Under an enlargement E2[(1, 2), 2]
p(x,y) → p’[k(x – a)+a, k(y – b) + b]
→ p’[2(x – 1) + 1, 2(y – 2) + 2]
→ p’ (2x – 1, 2y – 2)
\ p(–2 , 3) → p’[2(–2) – 1, 2(3) – 2]
→ p’ (–5, 4)

300 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

3.Find the image of DABC having vertices A(–2, 3), B(1,–3) and C(2, 4) under an
enlargement E[0, –2]. Also plot the object and image in graph.
Under enlargement about E[0,–2]
p(x, y) → p’(kx , ky)
→ p’(–2x , –2y)
\ A(–1, 3) → A’ (–2(–1), (–2) 3) = A’(2, –6)
B(1, –3) → B’ (–2(1), (–2) (–3) = B’(–2, 6)
C(2, 4) → C’ (–2(2), (–2) 4) = C’(–4, –8)

A’(2, –6)

( – 1, 3 C(2, 4)

X’ X

B(1, –3)

B’(–2, 6)

C’(–4, –8) Y’

Here, DABC is an object.

DA’B’C’ is the image under an enlargement E[0, –2].

4. Find the image of quadrilateral having vertices A(2, 2), B(–1, 3), C(–2, –3) and D(3,
–2) under an enlargement E(1, –1), 2). Also plot the object and image in graph.
Under an enlargement E[(1, –1), 2]
p(x, y) → P’[k(x – a) +a, k(y – b) + b)
→ P’[2(x – 1) +1, 2(y + 1) – 1)
→ P’(2x – 1, 2y + 1)

\ A(2, 2) → A’(2 × 2 – 1, 2 × 2 + 1) =A’(3, 5)

B(–1, 3) → B’(2(–1) – 1, 2 × 3 + 1) =B’(–3, 7)
C(–2, –3) → C’(2(–2) – 1, 2(–3) + 1) =C’(–5, –5)
D(3, –2) → D’(2(3) – 1, 2(–2) + 1) =D’(5, –3)

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 301

B’(–3, 7)

A’(3, 5)
B(–1, 3)
A(2, 2)

X’ X

D(3, –2)
C(–2, –3) D’(5, –3)

C’(–5, –5)
Here, Quad. ABCD is an object.
Quad. A’B’C’D’ is the image under an enlargement E[(1, –1), 2].

5. Find the center of enlargement and scale factor where it maps DABC having vertices
A(1, 2), B(3, 5) and C(5, –2) to DA’B’C’ having vertices A’(4, 3), B(8, 9) and C’(12, –5).
Solution :
Plotting the object and image given under an elargement in graph having
A(1, 2) → A’(4, 3)
B(3, 5) → B(8, 9)
C(5, –2) → C’(12, –5), we get,
B’(8, 9)

B(3, 5)

A(1, 2) A’(4, 3)

X’ P(–2, 1)

C(5, –2)

C’(12, –5)
302 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
Now, join AA’, BB’, and CC’, which are intersected at point p(–2, 1)
Scale factor (k) = PA = PB = PC

(x2 – x1) 2 + (y2 – y1) 2 for PA`

(x2 – x1) 2 + (y2 – y1) 2 for PA
(4 + 2) 2 + (3 – 1) 2
(1 + 2) 2 + (2 – 1) 2
36 + 4
2 10
∴ Center (a, b) = (–2, 1)
Scale factor (k) = 2.

Alternative method.
Let An enlargement be E[a, b), k]
P(x, y) → P’[k(x – a) + a, k(y – b) + b]
∴ A (1, 2) → A’[k(1 – a) + a, k(2 – b)+b]
B (3, 5) → B’[k(3 – a) + a, k(5 – b)+b]
C(5, –2) → C’[k(5 – a) + a, k(–2 – b)+b]
From given,
A(1, 2) →A’(4, 3)
B (3, 5) →B’(8, 9)
C (5, –2) →C’(12, –5)

By equating the image A’.

k(1 – a) + a = 4 and k(2 – b) + b = 3
4–a 3–b
∴ k = 1–a ..........................(i) k = 2–b ..........................(ii)

By equating the image B’,

k(3 – a) + a = 8 and k(5 – b) + b = 9
8–a 9–b
∴ k = 3–a .......................... (iii) k = 2–b ..........................(iv)

Solving equation (i) and (ii)

4–a 8–a
1–a = 3–b
or, 12 – 4a – 3a + a2 = 8 – a – 8a + a2
or, 2a = –4
∴ a = –2

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 303

Solving equation (ii) and (iv)
3–b 9–b
2–b = 5–b
or, 15 – 3b –5b + b2 = 18 – 2b – 9b + b2
or, 3b = 3
\ b = 1.

Putting the value of ‘a’ in equation (i),

k= 1+2 =2
\ Center = (–2, 1)
Scale factor (k) = 2

7.4.2 Properties of enlargement:

i. Object and image are similar to each other.
ii. If scale factor k >1, the object is said to be enlarged in same side of the object.
iii. If 0< k <1, the object is said to be reduced in same side of the object.
iv. If k <0, the image will be in opposite side to the object and it will be inverted
v. If k = 1, object and image are coincided.
vi. If k = –1, object and image are equivalent but remain in opposite from the center
of enlargement.
vii. The scale factor is the ratio of distance of image and object from the center.
i.e. k = PA where p is the center of enlargement.
viii. Sides of object and image are also parallel.
ix. A and A’ are always lie in a same straight line passes through the center of

304 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Exercise 7.4
1. i) What do you mean by enlargement in transformation?
ii) Write down the formula to find the image of A(x, y) under enlargement about
E[(a, b), k].
iii) Find the image of a point p(a, b) under enlargement about E[0, 2], followed by
Enlargement about E2[0, 3 ].
iv) In what condition in enlargement the object will be invariant?
v) In what condition the object is reduced in enlargement?

2. Draw the image of the given objects under the center of enlargement ‘o’ and scale
factor ‘k’.
i) B ii) Q

(k = 2) O S
E(0, 3)

iii) O (k = 2) iv) 3
O (k = 2 ) P
v) A A B

O (k = –1)
3. Find the image of a point p(–2, 4) under the following enlargements.
i) E1[0, 2] ii) E2[0, – 2 ]
iii) E3[0, –2] iv) E4[0, 2 ]
v) E5[0, –3]

4. Find the image of an object point A(3, –5) under the following enlargements.
i) E1[(1, 1), 2] ii) E2[(1, 2), –2]
iii) E3[(0, 2), –3] iv) E4[(3, 0), –1]
v) E5[(–2, 1), 3]
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 305
5. Find the image of the following under the given enlargements. Also plot the object
and image in graph.
i) Triangle having vertices A(2, 1), B(4, 5) and C(5, – 3) under the enlargement
E[0, 2]
ii) Triangle having vertices P(–3, 0), Q(4, 0) and R(2, 4) under the enlargement E[0, 3]
iii) Triangle having vertices K(2, 4), L(–4, 8) and O(0, 0) under the enlargement
E[0, 0), – 2 ].
iv) Quadrilateral having vertices A(2, 4), B(–4, 2), C(–2, –4) and (4, –2) under the
enlargement E[0, 2 ].
v) Quadrilateral having vertices P(2, 1) Q(3, 4), R(5, 3) and S(6, – 2) under an
enlargement E[0, –2).

6. Find the image of the followings under the given enlargements. Also plot the object
and image in graph.
i) Triangle PQR having vertices P(6, 2) Q(6, 6) and R(2, 4) under the enlargement
E[(2, 4), 2 ].
ii) Triangle having vertices A(3, 4), B(–2, 6) and C(1, 6) under an enlargement
E[(–1, 2), –2].
iii) Triangle having vertices P(–3, 2) Q(0, 4) and R(–1, 5) under the enlargement
E[(1, 2), 2].
iv) Quadrilateral having vertices A(2, 3) B(–3, 2), C(–2, –2) and D(3, –3) under an
enlargement E[(1, –1), 3].
v) Triangle having vertices A(3, 4), B(–2, 6) and C(1, –2) under an enlargement
having centre (2, 2) and Scale factor –2.

7. PRIME more creative questions:

i) The vertices image of a triangle are A’(8, –2) B’(6, 2) and C’(16, –6) after
enlargement about centre origin and scale factor 2. Find the vertices of DABC.
Also plot the object and image in graph.
ii) The vertices of image of triangle PQR are P’(3, –5), Q’(5, – 1) and R’(–1, –1)
under an enlargement E [(3, –1), –2]. Find the coordinate of the vertices for
DPQR. Also plot the object and image in graph.
iii) An enlargement gives image of an object at A(3, 2) → A’(5, 7), B(4, –2) → B’(7, 1)
and C(5, 4) → C’(9, 11). Find centre of enlargement and scale factor.
iv) Draw the DPQR having vertices P(2, 4), Q(4, 2) and R(6, 6) and image of DP’Q’R’
having vertices P’(–4, –8), Q’ (–8, –4) and R’ (–12, –12). Then find the centre of
enlargement and Scale factor.
v) If an enlargement transferred a triangle having vertices A(3, 2), B(4, –5) and
C(5, 0) to the triangle having vertices A’(–3, –7), B’(–5, 7) and C’(–7, –3). Find the
centre of enlargement and scale factor.
vi) What is enlargement? Write down its properties. Where is it applicable in our
daily life? Discuss and prepare a report in group.

306 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

8. Project work
Prepare a list of formula in a chart paper and paste at the project board kept in your

1. Show to your teacher.

2. Show to your teacher.

3. i. (–4, 8) ii. (3, –6) iii. (4, –8)

iv. (–1, 2) v. (6, –12)

4. i. (5, –11) ii. (–3, 16) iii. (–9, 23)

iv. (3, 5) v. (13, –17)

5. i. A’(4, 2), B’(8, 10), C’(10, –6) ; graph.

ii. P’(–9, 0), Q’(12, 0), R’(6, 12) ; graph.
iii. K’(–3, –6), L’(6, –12), O’(0, 0) ; graph.
iv. A’(3, 6), B’(–6, 3), C’(–3, –6), D’(6, –3) ; graph.
v. P’(–4, –2), Q’(–6, –8), R’(–10, –6), S’(–12, 4) ; graph.

6. i. P’(4, 3), Q’(4, 5), R’(2, 4) ; graph.

ii. A’(–9, –2), B’(1, –6), C’(–5, –6) ; graph.
iii. P’(–7, 6), Q’(–1, 10), R’(–3, 12) ; graph.
iv. A’(4, 11), B’(–11, 8), C’(–8, –4), D’(7, –7) ; graph.
v. A’(0, –2), B’(10, –6), C’(4, 10) ; graph.

7. i. A(4, –1), B’(3, 1), C’(8, –3) ; graph.

ii. P(3, 1), Q(2, –1), R(5, –1) ; graph.
iii. Centre = (1, –3), Scale factor = 2
iv. Centre = O(0, 0), Scale factor = 2 ; graph.
v. Centre = (1, –1), Scale factor = –2
vi. Show to your teacher.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 307

Unit Test - 1
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. Which transformations are isometric and which are non- isometric? Name them.

2. a. Find the image a point A(2, –3) under reflection about x-axis followed by
translation about T = < F .
b. If A(3, –2) is the image of a point ‘A’ under rotation about – 90° with centre
origin followed by reflection about y – 2 = 0. Find the co-ordinate of point A.
c. If a point P(2, 4) is translated to P’(4, –2) under a translation ‘T’. Find the
translation vector.

3. a. Find the image of a triangle having vertices A(2, 4), B(–1, 1) and C(3, –3). Find
the image of it under reflection about x + 2 = 0 followed by rotation about –270°
with centre origin. Also plot the object and images in graph.

4. a. Find the image of quadrilateral having vertices (–3, 3), (–2, –1), (1, –3) and (2,
4) under translation about AB followed by enlargement about E[(3, 2), 2]. Also
plot the object and image in graph.

b. Find the centre of enlargement and scale factor where the vertices of triangle are
transferred as A(2,1) → A’(3,4), B(–2,–1) → B’(–5,0) and C(–1,3)→C’(–3,8).

308 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

8 Statistics

Specification Grid Table

K(1) U(2) A(4) HA(5) TQ TM Periods

No. of Questions – 1 2 –
3 10 12
Weight – 2 4 –
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability,
TQ = Total Question, TM = Total Marks

Objectives : At the end of the lesson

• Students are able to understand and find the central tendency, its types and
• Students are able to find the disparsion.
• Student are able to find the partition values like median, quartiles, decides
and percentiles.
• Students are able to find the value of dispersion like mean deviation,
quartile deviation and standard deviation for individual and discrete

Materials Required:
• Chart paper.
• Formula chart of central tendency.
• Secondary data of different field like marks, population, cost etc
• Formula chart and model of measure of dispersion.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 309

8.1 Statistics
Enjoy the recall
The collection of information like marks, ages, incomes, productions etc in a certain area
to analyses the informations is called data.
• The number of the members involve in the collected data is called frequency.
• Distribution of the information in a table to analyses is called tabulation.
• Diagrammatic representation of the tabulated data called diagrammatic
• The collected data should be taken in ascending or in descending order for systemic
• The observation lies at the middle of the data is called median.
i.e. median = size of a 2 k item.
N + 1 th

• The average value of the collected data is called arithmetic mean

Σx Σfx
i.e. AM ( X) = N = N .
• The central value of the observations like mean, median and mode are called the
measures of central tendency. The quartiles, deciles and percentiles of observation
are called the partitions.

8.1.1 Partition Values :

Let us take an example of the marks obtained by 7 students of grade 9:
8, 12, 24, 18, 14, 20, 16.

Here, Taking the marks in ascending order as 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24. Where 16 divides
the observations in two equal parts which is called median.

Also, 12, 16 and 20 divides the observations in four equal parts which are called quartiles.

Here, the observations 12, 16 and 20 divides the observations in different equal parts
which are called the partition values.

Mean, mode and median are the central values of a

frequency distribution where as median, quartiles, deciles
and percentiles are the values of partitions.

8.1.2 Quartiles:
The partition values which divide the arranged (ascending or decending) data into four
equal parts are called quartiles.
• There are three quartiles which divide the data into four equal parts called first
quartile (Q1), median (M2) and third quartile (Q3)

310 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

• First quartile (Q1) cuts the data in two parts, making 25% in the left and 75% in the
right, which is called lower quartile too.
• Median (Md) cuts the data making in two parts, 50% in the left and 50% in the right
which is called median too.
• Third quartile Q3 cuts the data in two parts making 75% in the left and 25% in the
right which is called upper quartile.
Size of ` 4 j item is the first quartile, 2 ` 4 j item is the second quartile and
N + 1 th N + 1 th

3 ` 4 j item is the third quartile.
N + 1 th
• Items for different quartiles to be determined from cumulative frequency table.

1. Find the 3 quartiles of the marks obtained by 10 students in mathematics 44, 68, 95,
98, 86, 70, 32, 50, 58, 72.
The marks obtained by 10 students in ascending order are: 32, 44, 50, 58, 68, 70, 72,
72, 86, 95, 98.
No. of students (n) = 10
First quartile (Q1) = Size of ` 4 j item
n + 1 th

= Size of ` 4 j item
10 + 1 th

= Size of 2.75th item

=2nd + 0.75 (3rd – 2nd)
= 44 + 0.75 (50 – 44)
= 44 + 4.5
= 48.5

Second quartile (Q2) = Size of 2 ` 4 j item

n + 1 th

= Size of 5.5th item.

= 5th + 0.5 (6th – 5th)
= 68 + 0.5(70 – 68)
= 68 + 1
= 69

Third quartile (Q3) = Size of 3 ` 4 j item

n + 1 th

= Size of 8.25th item

= 8th + 0.25 (9th – 8th)
= 86 + 0.25 (95 – 86)
= 86 + 2.25
= 88. 25

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 311

2. Find the first and third quartile from the given observations.
x 24 18 12 48 40 36 30
f 9 7 3 2 8 10 6
The observations in ascending order with c.f. table.
x f c.f
12 3 3
18 7 3 + 7 = 10
24 9 10 + 9 = 19
30 6 19 + 6 = 25
36 10 25 + 10 = 35
40 8 35 + 8 = 43
48 2 43 + 2 = 45
N = 45
N + 1 th
First quartile lies in = Size of
4 item
45 + 1
= Size of 4 item
= Size of 11.5 item

19 is the just greater than 11.5 in c.f.

\ First quartile (Q1) = 24.

= Size of 3 ` 4 j item
N + 1 th
Third quartile lies in,
= Size of 3 × 11.5th item
= Size of 34.5th item
35 is the just greater than 34.5 in c.f.
\ Third quartile (Q3) = 36.

8.1.3 Deciles:
The partition values which divide the given data into ten equal parts are called deciles.
• There are 9 deciles D1, D2, D3, .................... D9 which divide the data into ten equal parts.
• 5th decile cuts the data in two equal half 50% in the left and 50% in the right which is
called median of the data.
Size of a 10 k item gives the first decile (D1) and 9 a 10 k item gives the last
N + 1 th N + 1 th

decile (D9)
• Cumulative frequency distribution table to be constructed for discrete observations.

312 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Example: 3
3. Find 4th and 9th deciles from the observations 15, 21, 24, 30, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54.
The observations in ascending order are 15, 21, 24, 30, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54.
No. of observations (n) = 10.
= Size of 4 a 10 k item
n + 1 th
4th decile (D4)
= Size of 4 a 10 k item
10 + 1 th
= Size of 4.4th item
= 4th + 0.4 (5th – 4th)
= 30 + 0.4 (36 – 30)
= 30 + 0.4 × 6
= 32.4.
= Size of 9 a 10 k item
n + 1 th
9th decile (D9)
= Size of 9.9th item
= 9th item + 0.9 (10th – 9th)
= 50+ 0.9 (54 – 50)
= 50 + 3.6
= 53.6
4. Find the 6th and 8th deciles of the marks obtained by the students of grade IX.
x 10 18 28 34 40 48 52
f 5 7 9 15 8 6 4
Solution :
The observations in ascending order with c.f. table.
x f c.f
10 5 5
18 7 5 + 7 = 12
28 9 12 + 9 = 21
34 15 21 + 15 = 36
40 8 36 + 8 = 44
48 6 44 + 6 = 50
52 4 50 + 4 = 54
N = 54
= Size of 6 a 10 k item
N + 1 th
Now, 6th deciles lies in,
= Size of 6 × 10 th item
= Size of 33rd item
36 is just greater than 33 in c.f.
\ D6 = 34
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 313
= Size of 8 a 2 k item
N + 1 th
8th decile lies in,
= Size of 44th item
44 is equal to he 44 in c.f.
\ D8 = 40

8.1.4 Percentiles:
The partition values which divide the data in 100 equal parts are called percentiles.
• There are 99 percentiles from P1, P2, P3, ................, P99 which divide the data into 100
equal parts.
• P50 divides the data 50% in the left and 50% in the right which is called median of
the data.

• Size of a 100 k item given the first percentile (P1) and 99 a 100 k item gives the
N + 1 th N + 1 th

last percentile (P99) of the data.

• Cumulative frequency table have to be used to calculate percentiles for discrete
frequency distribution.

5. Find 25th percentile and 90th percentile of the observations 54, 58, 62, 70, 76, 84, 90,
94, 98, 106, 110 and 116.
The given observations in ascending order are,
54, 58, 62, 70, 76, 84, 90, 94, 98, 106, 110, 116.
No. of observation (N) = 11
= Size of 25 a 100 k item
n + 1 th
25th percentiles (P25)

= Size of 25 a 100 k item

11 + 1 th
= Size of 3rd item
= 62
= Size of 90 a 100 k item
n + 1 th
90th percentile (P90)
= Size of 10.8th item
= 10th + 0.8(11th – 10th)
= 110 + 0.8(116 – 110)
= 110 + 4.8
= 114.8

314 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

6. Find the 32nd percentile and 80th percentile of the observation given below.
x 18 28 32 40 46 52 60
f 2 6 9 13 8 5 3
The observation in ascending order are with c.f table.
x f c.f
18 2 6+2=8
32 6 8 + 9 = 17
40 13 17 + 13 =30
46 8 30 + 8 = 38
52 5 38 + 5 = 43
60 2 43 + 5 = 45
N = 45
= Size of 32 a 100 k item.
N + 1 th
32nd percentile lies in,
= Size of 14.72th item.
17 is just greater than 4.72 in c.f,
\ P32 = 32

= Size of 80 a 100 k item.
N + 1 th
80th percentile lies in,
= Size of 36.8th item.
38 is just greater then 36.8 in c.f.
\ P80 = 46

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 315

Exercise 8.1
1. Answer the following questions.
i) What is median? What step have to be done to calculate median of the individual
ii) What is quartile? What steps have to be done to calculate 3rd quartile from
discrete observations?
iii) What is decile? What steps have to be done to calculate 6th decides of the
individuals observations?
iv) What is percentiles? What steps have to be done to calculate 75th percentile from
the discrete observation?
v) What is partition value? Write down the types of such values.

2. Find the followings from the given observations.

i) All the quartiles from the marks obtained by the students of grade IX
18, 12, 16, 8, 20, 14, 10, 24, 22, 26, 28
ii) First and third quartiles from:
112, 108, 104, 100, 124, 120, 116, 96
iii) Find quartiles from the given observations
60, 64, 68, 70, 75, 79, 82, 84, 92, 96
iv) Find first and last quartiles of the observations given below.
210, 200, 140, 150, 180, 170, 160, 130, 120, 110, 100, 190, 220
v) Find the lower and upper quartile of the following production of crops given in
metric tonn.
220, 230, 240, 260, 270, 210, 200, 290, 280, 310, 300, 250

3. i. Find the first quartile from the given frequency distribution table.
x 28 36 42 48 52 60 64
f 4 5 7 12 9 6 3
ii) Find the third quartile of data given in table.
x 55 65 50 40 45
f 4 5 7 12 9
iii) Find the lower quartile of the observations given below.
marks 120 110 100 160 140 150 130
f 13 8 4 3 8 9 15
iv) Find the second quartile of the marks obtained by the students out of 20.
Age 12 14 16 18 20
f 2 5 9 6 3

316 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

v) Find the upper quartile of the weight of children given below.
Height 20 10 25 45 15 40 35 30
f 12 4 9 3 7 6 8 5
4. Find the following deciles from the observation given below.
i) Find the 4th and 9th deciles of the production of cropes in metric tonn of a place.
124, 136, 130, 120, 140, 160, 154, 150, 170, 164, 146
ii) Find 6th decile of the weight of students given below.
21, 25, 30, 35, 40, 44, 50, 54, 60
iii) Find the 7th decile of the observations:
60, 21, 27, 35, 42, 46, 39, 12, 15, 18, 50, 54, 24, 30
iv) Find the 6th decile of the observation given below:
x 44 34 24 14 74 64 54
f 15 12 10 7 12 8 6
v) Find the 3 deciles of the marks obtained by the grade IX student in mathematics

in the third terminal examination given below.

Marks 210 250 290 370 330
f 31 37 45 32 34
vi) Find the 8th deciles of the observations given in table.
Age 15 10 5 25 20 30 35
f 9 7 3 6 11 5 2

5. Find the following percentiles from the given observations.

i) Find the 15th percentiles and 80th percentiles of the observations.
12, 20, 30, 36, 44, 52, 60, 68, 76, 84, 90, 98, 100
ii) Find the 20th and 90th percentiles of the observations given below.
105, 120, 100, 115, 110, 140, 135, 130, 125
iii) Find 28th and 67th percentiles of the number of students of different schools
given below in hilly region.
230, 240, 250, 220, 210, 220, 300, 290, 280, 270, 260
iv) Find the 8th percentile of the observations given below.
x 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
f 90 100 110 120 105 95 79
iv) Find the 49 percentiles of the production of crops of districts given in metric tonn:

x 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

f 3 7 9 13 20 12 8
v) Find the 85th percentiles of the observations given in table.
x 120 110 100 160 140 130 85
f 24 18 12 15 24 30 16

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 317

6. PRIME more creative questions:
i) If 3rd quartile of the observations taken in order 24, 30, 36, 40, 44, 48, 2x + 3, 3x
– 20, 60 is 54, find the value of ‘x’.
ii) If 7th decile of the observations taken in order 52, 60, 68, 76, 80, 84, 88, 4x + 12,
5x – 4, 100, 106 is 93.6, find the value of ‘x’.
iii) If 60th percentile of the observations taken in order 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 2x
+ 24, 126, 128, 130, 132 is 124, find the value of ‘x’.
iv) If 75th percentiles of the observations taken in order 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36,
40, 44, 48, x +2, 2x – 44, 60, 64 is 53, find the value of ‘x’.
v) If lower quartile of the observations taken in order 13, 2x – 12, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40
is 18, find the value of ‘x’.

1. Discuss with your subject teacher.

2. i) 12, 18, 24 ii) 101, 110, 119

iii) 67, 77, 86 iv) 125, 160, 195
v) 222.5, 255, 287.5

3. i) 42 ii) 55
iii) 120 iv) 16
v) 35

4. i) 139.2, 168.8 ii) 44

iii) 44 iv) 15
v) 250

5. i) 21,91.6 ii) 105, 140

iii) 223.6, 270.4 iv) 25
v) 140 vi) 600

6. i) 25 ii) 20 iii) 50 iv) 50 v) 15

318 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

8.2 Measure of dispersion:
The measure of central values mean, median and mode are learned in previous classes
as well as in compulsory mathematics in the topic of measure of central tendency. But
central values fail to represent the characteristic of data when the values are scattered
widely and deviated more irregularly from central values. The study of scatteredness of
the values of variable from its central value is called the measurement of dispersion.

Let us take two types of observations having same mean and median.
Data A 30 36 40 44 50 40 40
Data B 10 25 40 45 60 40 40

Here the mean and median of both types of observations are same which are 40 for each.
But observations are dispersed closely in ‘A’ and dispersed far in ‘B’. It results distribution
of data in example A is better than in example B. This type of analysis is called dispersion.

The measurement of scatteredness of the observation from

their central values mean, median and mode to know the
detail of distribution is called the measure of dispersion.

In grade IX, we discuss the following measure of dispersions for individual and discrete
• Range (It is given in compulsory mathematics)
• Quartile deviation
• Mean deviation
• Standard deviation

8.2.1 Quartile deviation:

It is defined as the half of the range of quartiles of the given

observations out of three quartiles Q1, Q2 and Q3 which is
also called semi-interquartile range (quartile deviation).

Range of quartiles out of Q1, Q2 and Q3 is Q3 – Q1 (which is inter-quartile range) and half
of its value is called semi-inter-quartile range (Quartile deviation).
Q3 – Q2
i.e. Q.D. = 2 where,
Q1 = First quartile
Q3 = Third quartile
Range = Q3 – Q1 for quartiles.
Coefficient of quartle deviation is calculated by using the formula,
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 319
Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q + Q
3 1
Note : Only first and third quartiles are involved in it.

Steps for the calculation of Quartile deviation

• Arranging the observation in ascending order.
• Finding of total number of observations N = ∑f.
• Finding of Q1 and Q3 of the observations.
Q1 = size of ` N 4 1 j item
+ th

Q3 = size of 3 ` N 4 1 j item
+ th

• Find of corresponding observations for such sizes which are Q1 and Q3

• Find quartile deviation as,
Q.D. = 12 (Q3 – Q1)
Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q + Q
3 1

• Corresponding observations have to be taken in discrete observations

from cumulative frequency table.
Table :
X f C.f.

`N+1 j
Q3 3` 4 j
N + 1 th

N = ∑f

Q1 lies in size of ` 4 j item.

N + 1 th

Q3 lies in size of 3 ` 4 j item.

N + 1 th
Q.D. = 2 (Q3 – Q1) [Semi-interquartile range]
Interquartile range = Q3 – Q1
Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q + Q
3 1

320 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. If first quartile and third quartile of the observations are 10 and 30 respectively. Find
the quartile deviation and its coefficient.
Solution :
First quartile (Q1) = 10
Third quartile (Q3) = 30
Quartile deviation (Q.D.) = 2 (Q3 – Q1)
= 2 (30 – 10)
= 10

Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q +Q
3 1

30 – 10
= 30 + 10
= 0.5

2. If quartile deviation and its coefficient are respectively 30 and 0.6. Find th first and
third quartiles.
Solution :
Quartile deviation (Q.D.) = 30
Coefficient of Q. D. = 0.6
We have,
Q.D. = 2 (Q3 – Q1)
or, 30 × 2 = Q3 – Q1
or, Q1 = Q3 – 60 .................... (i)
Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q + Q
3 1
Q 3 – Q1
or, 0.6 = Q + Q
3 1

6 Q 3 – Q 1
or, 10 = Q3 + Q1
or, 3Q3 + 3Q1 = 5Q3 – 5Q1
or, 8(Q3 – 60) = 2Q3
or, 6Q3 = 480
\ Q3 = 80

Putting the value of Q3 in equation (i)

Q1 = 80 – 60 = 20
\ Q1 = 20
Q2 = 60

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 321

3. Find the quartile deviation of the observations 15, 24, 18, 12, 36, 33, 30 27, 21.
Solution :
The given observations in ascending order are:
12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36
Number of observations (N) = 9
First quartile (Q1) = size of ` 4 j item
N + 1 th

= size of ` 4 j item
10 th
= size of 2.5th item
= 2nd + 0.5 (3rd – 2nd)
= 15 + 0.5(18 – 15)
= 15 + 1.5
= 16.5

Third quartile (Q3) = size of 3 ` 4 j item

N + 1 th
= size if 3 × 2.5th item
= size of 7.5th item
= 7th + 0.5(8th – 7th)
= 30 + 0.5(33 – 30)
= 31.5

Quartile deviation (Q.D.) = 2 (Q3 – Q1)
= 2 (31.5 16.5)
Q 3 – Q1
= Q + Q × 15
3 1
= 7.5

Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q + Q
3 1

31.5 – 16.5
= 31.5 + 16.5
= 48
= 0.3125

322 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4. Find quartile deviation and its coefficient of the marks obtained by students in grade
Marks 35 30 24 12 18 40 48
f 15 12 7 3 5 4 4
Solution :
The observations in ascending order:
Marks f c.f.
12 3 3
18 5 3+5=8
24 7 8 + 7 = 15
30 12 15 + 12 = 27
35 15 27 + 15 = 42
40 4 42 + 4 = 46
48 4 46 + 4 = 50
N = 50
= size of ` 4 j item
N + 1 th
First quartile lies in,

= size of a 4 k item
50 + 1
= size of 12.75th item
15 is just greater than 12.75 in c.f.
\ Q1 = 24

= size of 3 ` 4 j item
N + 1 th
Third quartile lies in,
= size of 38.25th item
42 is just greater than 38.25 in c.f.
\ Q3 = 35
Quartile deviation Q.D. = 2 (Q3 – Q1)
= 2 (35 – 24)
= 2 ×1
= 5.5
Q 3 – Q1
Coefficient of Q.D. = Q + Q
3 1

35 – 24
= 35 + 24
= 59
= 0.1864

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 323

Exercise 8.2
1. Find the followings.
i) If first and third quartiles of the observations are 20 and 60. Find the quartile
deviation and its coefficient.
ii) The upper and lower quartiles of the observations are 25 and 55 respectively.
Find the semi-inter-quartile range and its coefficient.
iii) The first quartile of the observations having inter-quartile range 20 is 10, find
the coefficient of quartile deviation.
iv) The quartile deviation and its coefficient are respectively 30 and 0.6. Find the
first and third quartiles of the observations.
v) The inter-quartile range and coefficient of quartile deviation are 100 and 0.5
respectively find the two extremes quartiles.

2. Find the quartile deviation and its coefficient of the following observations.
i) 28, 24, 18, 12, 6, 52, 48, 42, 38, 34, 56
ii) 42, 48, 44, 46, 58, 56, 52, 50, 38
iii) 120, 110, 100, 140, 130, 160, 150,170
iv) 200, 180, 160, 260, 240, 220, 300, 280
v) 10, 20, 30, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 120, 130, 110

3. Find semi-interquartile range and its coefficient of the followings.

i) x 12 18 24 30 36 42
f 3 7 12 9 6 4

ii) Marks 44 50 25 30 36 40
f 6 4 5 8 10 7

iii) Age 15 20 28 32 40 46 50
f 2 4 7 8 6 3 1

iv) Height 100 140 120 180 160

f 18 42 60 45 34

v) Weight 34 42 22 30 60 56 50
f 16 20 10 14 9 11 15

324 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4. PRIME more creative questions
i) What is quartile deviation? Also define coefficient of quartile deviation with
their calculation formula.
ii) If Q1 of the observations taken in order 12, m – 5, m – 3, 21, 24, 27, 31, 35, 36 is
16, find the quartile deviation and its coefficient by finding ‘m’.
iii) If third quartile of the observations taken in order 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, P +
50, 2P – 40 and 170 is 157.5, find the ‘P’. Also find Q.D. and its coefficient.
iv) If 3rd quartile is three times the first quartile and Q.D. is 10, find the value of
quartiles and coefficient of quartile deviation.
v) collect the marks obtained by the students of your class in first term examination.
Construct discrete frequency distribution table and find the value of inter
quartile range and coefficient of quartile deviation.

1. i) 20, 0.5 ii) 15, 0.375 iii) 0.5
iv) 20, 80 v) 50, 150

2. i) 15, 0.454 ii) 5.5, 0.113 iii) 22.5, 0.1667

iv) 45., 0.195 v) 35, 0.5

3. i) 6, 0.2 ii) 7, 0.189 iii) 6, 0.176

iv) 20, 0.142 v) 10, 0.25

4. i) Show to your teacher

ii) 20, 8.5, 0.346 iii) 100, 22.5, 0.1667 iv) 10, 30, 0.5
v) Show to your teacher

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 325

8.3 Mean deviation (Average deviation)

It is defined as the average of positive deviation

of all the observations from their central values
mean and median.

It is calculated by taking the positive difference of the observations from mean and
median and their arithmetic mean.

• For individual observations:

Σ X– X
Mean deviation from mean (M.D. from X ) = N
Σ X–Md
Mean deviation from median (M.D. from, Md) = N

• For discrete observations:

Σf X– X
M.D. ( X ) = N
Σf X–Md
M.D. (Md) = N

• Where X is the arithmetic mean and Md is the median of the observations.

• Coefficient of mean deviation is calculate by using,
Coefficient of M.D. = M.D. (from mean)
Coefficient of M.D. = MM.Dd . (from median)

Worked out Examples

1. Find mean deviation and its coefficient of 18, 12, 24, 20, 36 from mean.
Solution :
The observations taken in ascending order,
X X |X – X|
12 10
18 4
20 22 2
24 2
36 14
∑X = 110 ∑|X – X| = 32
No. of observations (N) = 5
ΣX 110
Mean (X) = N = 5 = 22

326 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

M.D. ^ X h
= N
= 5
= 6.4

Coefficient of M.D. ^ X h
= X
= 22
= 0.29

2. Find mean deviation from median and its coefficient of: 108, 112, 116, 122, 126, 130,
Solution :
The observation in ascending order,
X Md X – Md
108 14
112 10
116 6
122 122 0
126 4
130 8
136 14
R X – Md = 56
No of observations (N) = 7
= size of a 2 k item
N + 1 th
Median (Md)

= size of a k item
= size of 4th item
= 122
R X–Md
M.D. (Md) = N
= 7

Coefficient of M.D. (Md) = M
= 122
= 0.065

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 327

3. Find mean deviation from mean and its coefficient of:
x 15 22 30 35 40
f 6 10 12 8 4
Solution :
X f f×x X X–X f X–X
15 6 90 12.75 76.5
22 10 220 5.75 57.5
30 12 360 2.25 27
35 8 280 7.25 58
40 4 160 12.25 49
N = 40, ∑fx = 1110 Rf X – X = 268

Rfx 1110
Mean ( X ) = N = 40 = 27.75
Rf X – X
Mean deviation (M.D.) = N
= 40
= 6.7

Coefficient of M.D. = X
= 27.75
= 0.245

4. Find mean deviation from median and its coefficient of:

Marks 18 24 30 36 42 50
f 6 8 15 7 5 1
Solution :
X f c.f. Md X – Md f X – Md
18 6 6 12 72
24 8 14 6 48
30 13 27 0 0
36 7 34 30 6 42
42 1 40 12 60
50 1 40 20 20
N = 40 Rf X – Md =

328 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

= size of a 2 k item
N + 1 th
Median lies in

= size of a 2 k item
40 + 1 th
= size of 20.5th item
= 27 is just greater than 20.5
\ Median (Md) = 30
Rf X–Md
Mean deviation (M.D.) = N
= 6.5
= 6.5

M.D. (Md)
Coefficient of M.D. = Md
= 30
= 0.216

4. If mean of the observations taken in order 90, 100, 110, P, 125, is 108, find mean
deviation from mean and its coefficient.
Solution :
90 18
100 8
110 108 2
P 7
125 17
∑x = 425 + P R X – X = 52
No of observations (N) = 5
Mean ( X ) = N
425 + P
or, 108 = 5
or, 540 = 425 + P
\ P = 115

R X–X 52
M.D. from mean (M.D.) = N = 5 = 10.4
M.D. ( X) 10.4
Coefficient of M.D. = = 108 = 0.096
PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 329
Exercise 8.3
1. Find mean deviation from mean and its coefficient of the followings.
i) Weight kg : 24, 30, 36, 40, 50
ii) Rainfall (mm) : 85, 115, 120, 140, 135, 125
iii) Temperature (°C) : 41, 25, 30, 18, 26, 45, 32, 35, 31, 27
iv) Income (In Rs. 1000) : 24, 28, 29, 23, 36, 35, 25, 18
v) Marks (Out of 20) : 19, 17, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 16, 14, 10

2. Find mean deviation from median and its coefficient of the followings:
i) Temperature (°C) : 17, 10, 15, 7, 13, 9, 6, 18, 11, 14, 1
ii) Weight (kg) : 32, 35, 42, 30, 33, 37, 40, 43
iii) Height (ft) : 5.4, 5.2, 5.6, 5.8, 8, 4.8
iv) Marks (out of 25) : 24, 23, 25, 18, 20, 16, 21
v) In come (in Rs. 1000) : 41, 25, 30, 18, 20, 26, 43, 32, 35, 31, 27

3. Find the mean deviation from mean and its coefficient of the followings.
i) Marks 5 8 15 18 20 22
f 6 5 8 10 6 5

ii) Age 12 18 24 30 36
f 4 5 8 9 4

iii) x 14 10 5 25 20
f 5 6 2 4 3

iv) Cost (Rs.) 50 45 60 70 75 55

No fo shops 12 4 7 3 6 8

v) Weight 65 70 48 50 60 45 55
f 4 1 5 4 3 6 2

4. Find mean deviation from median and its coefficient of the followings.
i) Marks 48 44 38 25 36 40
No of Students 2 4 15 9 12 8

330 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

ii) Rainfall (mm) 15 35 25 65 55 45 75
No of Places 1 7 5 6 4 14 3

iii) Height (cm) 50 60 75 82 90 95

Numbers 10 12 8 5 3 2

iv) x 10 18 14 16 12
f 6 10 16 23 5

v) x 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
f 7 8 10 13 6 4 2

5. PRIME more creative questions:

i) If mean of the observations taken in order 2, 4, 6, m, 10, 12 is 7, find the mean
deviation from mean of the observations:
ii) If median of the observations taken in order is 110, find mean deviation from
median of the observations 90, 100, P + 5, P + 15, 125, 130
iii) If mean of the given observations is 12, find the mean deviation from mean and
its coefficient of the observations.
Marks 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
f 1 14 25 27 m 9 4 2

iv) Differentiate between mean deviation from mean and mean deviation from
median. Also write down their calculating formula.
v) Collect the marks obtained by the students of grade IX in first terminal
examination of your school in optional mathematics and calculate mean
deviation from mean and from median by constructing discrete frequency
distribution table.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 331

1. i) 7.2, 0.2 ii) 13.33, 0.111 iii) 5.8, 0.187
iv) 4.75, 0.1773 v) 3, 0.2

2. i) 4, 0.3636 ii) 4, 0.111 iii) 0.3, 0.0566

iv) 2.57, 0.1224 v) 6, 0.2

3. i) 4.75, 0.3167 ii) 6.05, 0.248 iii) 5.5, 0.3667

iv) 8, 0.139 v) 7.04, 0.132

4. i) 4.02, 0.1057 ii) 13, 0.288 iii) 12.25, 0.204

iv) 1.8, 0.1125 v) 5.36, 0.223

5. i) 3 ii) 12.5 iii) 2.24, 0.187

iv) Show to your teacher.
v) Show to your teacher.

332 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

8.4 Standard deviation (Root mean square deviation)

It is defined as the positive square root of the mean of square

of deviation taken from the mean.
Σ (X – X) 2
i.e. S.D.(σ) = N

We calculate it as the positive square root the mean of the square of the deviation from
the mean (or assume mean). So it is called the root mean square deviation too.

For standard deviation,

Σ (X – X) 2
S.D.(σ) = N
coefficient of standard deviation =
variance(σ2) = (S.D.)2
Coefficient of variation (C.V.) = × 100%
Where ‘σ’ is the Greek letter sigma.

i) For individual observations:

• Direct method (using mean)
Σ (X – X) 2
S.D. (σ) = N , where the table is,

X X X–X (X – X)2

∑X = ∑(X – X)2 =

• Direct method (without mean)

ΣX2 ` ΣX j2
S.D. (σ) = N – N , where the table is,
X X2

∑X = ∑X2 =
• Indirect method (using assume mean) [shortcut method]

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 333

Rd2 a Rd k2
S.D. (σ) = N – N , where the table is,
X d=X–A d2

∑d = ∑d2 =
A = assume mean taken from X.

ii) Discrete observations:

• Direct method (using mean)
Rf (X – X) 2
S.D. (σ) = N , where the table is

X f fx X X – X(X – X)2 f(X – X)2

N= ∑fx = ∑f(X – X)2

• Direct method (without mean)

Σfx2 a Σfx k2
S.D. (σ) = N – N , where the table
X f fx x2 fx2

N= ∑fx = ∑fx2

• Indirect method (using assume mean) [shortcut method]

Σfd2 a Σfd k2
S.D. (σ) = N – N , where the table is
X f d=X–A fd d2 fd2

N= ∑fx = ∑fx2
A = assume mean

334 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Worked out Examples
1. Find the standard deviation of the observations by using mean of 32, 35, 40, 45, 48.
Also find the coefficient of variation.
Solution :
X X X–X (X – X)2
32 –12 144
35 –9 81
40 44 –4 16
45 1 1
48 4 16
∑x = 220 ∑(X – X)2 = 258
No. of observations (N) = 5
Rx 220
Mean (X) = N =
5 = 44
R (X – X ) 2
(σ) = N
= 5
= 51.6
= 7.18
σ 7.18
Coefficient of variation (C.V.) = × 100% = 44 × 100% = 16.32%

2. Find C.V. of the given observations by using assume mean (direct method).
12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 18, 32, 35
Solution :
X A d=X–A d2
12 –8 64
15 –5 25
18 –2 4
20 0 0
24 4 16
28 8 64
32 12 144
35 15 225
∑d = 24, ∑d = 542

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 335

No. of observations (N) = 8
Rd2 a Rd k2
S.D. (σ) = N – N
542 a 24 k2
= 8 – 8
= 67.75 – 9
= 7.665

Rd 24
Mean (X) = A + N = 20 + 8 = 23
σ 7.665
\ C.V. = × 100% = 23 × 100% = 33.32%
3. Find standard deviation and its coefficient of the observation given below.
Height (cm) 20 25 35 44 50
No. of persons 8 6 12 5 9
Solution :
x f fx X (X – X) (X – X)2 f(X – X)2
20 8 160 –15 225 1800
25 6 150 –10 100 600
35 12 420 35 0 0 0
44 5 220 9 81 405
50 9 450 15 225 2025
N = 40, ∑fx = 1400 ∑f(X – X)2 = 4830
Rfx 1400
Mean (X) = N = 40 = 35
Rf (X – X) 2
S.D. (σ) = N
= 40
= 120.75
= 10.9886

Coefficient of S.D. =
= 35
= 0.3139

336 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

4. Find standard deviation and its coefficient of :
x 85 90 100 124 130 142
f 6 5 9 15 10 5
Solution :
X f fx x2 fx2
85 6 510 7225 43350
90 5 450 8100 40500
100 9 900 10000 90000
124 15 1860 15376 230640
130 10 1300 16900 169000
142 5 710 20164 100820
N = 50, ∑fx = 5730, ∑fx2 = 674310
Σfx2 a Σfx k2
S.D. (σ) = N – N
= 13486.20 – (114.6)²
= 13486.20 – 13133.16
= 353.04
= 18.789

Rfx 5730
Mean (X) = N = 50 = 114.60
σ 18.789
\ Coefficient of S.D. = = 114.60 = 0.1639

5. If X = 12, ∑fx2 = 4880 and standard deviation of discrete series is 10, find the total
number of participates.
Solution :
X = 12 = N
∑fx = 4880

S.D. = 10
We have,
Σfx2 a Σfx k2
S.D. = N – N
4880 ^ h2
or, 10 = N – 12
or, 100 = N – 144 [ a SBS]
or, 244N = 4880
or N = 244
\ N = 20

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 337

Exercise 8.4
1. Find the followings:
i) If ∑(X – X)2 = 5000 and N = 50 of individual observations, find the S.D. and
coefficient of variation where x = 4000.
ii) If standard deviation of discrete observations is 4 where ∑ f(X – X)2 = 480, find
the total number of participants.
iii) If ∑fx = 200, ∑fx2 = 3280 and ∑f = 20, find the standard deviation and its
iv) If standard deviation of the observations having ∑fx2 = 22250 out of 40 students
is 12.5, find the value of arithmetic mean of the discrete observations. Also find
its C.V.
v) What is standard deviation? Write down about the coefficient of variation with
calculating formula of them.

2. Find the standard deviation and its coefficient following individual observations:
i) Temperature (°C) : 30, 28, 35, 25, 42, 20
ii) Weight (kg) : 50, 30, 40, 20, 10
iii) Marks (out of 100) : 80, 75, 85, 95, 90, 70, 65
iv) Rainfall (mm) : 28, 34, 38, 42, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68
v) Height (cm) : 40, 45, 48, 52, 56, 62, 64, 33

3. Find the standard deviation and C.V. of the following observations.

i) Height (cm) 10 20 25 30 35 40
f 1 5 10 12 8 4
ii) Marks 15 20 24 28 40
No. of students 4 8 10 5 3
iii) Wages 270 250 260 240 300 320
No of workers 6 8 12 15 7 2
iv) Age 12 24 36 48 60 72
f 6 4 6 12 7 5
v) X 8 16 24 32 40
f 2 3 4 5 6

4. PRIME more creative questions:

i) Construct discrete frequency distribution table and find standard deviation of
the observations : 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 30, 40, 30, 30, 30, 30, 20, 40, 40, 50, 30, 40,
50, 10, 40.
338 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX
ii) Construct discrete frequency distribution table and find C.V. of the observations
: 15, 15, 10, 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 25, 30, 30, 30, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25, ,25, 25, 30, 25, 30,
15, 25, 30, 20, 20.
iii) Construct discrete frequency distribution table and find varience of the
observations : 130, 140, 120, 120, 140, 140, 140, 130, 160 ,150, 140, 150, 160,
170, 170, 130, 120, 140, 140, 150, 160, 150, 140, 130, 150.
iv) If mean of the observations is 15, find the varience of the observations: 5, 10, x,
x + 5 & 25.
v) If mean of the observations is 22, find the standard deviation of the data.
Marks 10 15 20 25 30
f 2 4 p 8 5

5. Project work
Collects the marks obtained by the students of classes V, VI, VII, VIII and IX in first
terminal examination in mathematics of your school and constructs the discrete
frequency distribution of each classes. Also compare the standard deviation and C.V.
of each classes.

1. i) 10, 12.5% ii) 30 iii) 8, 0.8
iv) 20, 62.5% v) Show to your teacher.

2. i) 7.047, 0.2349 ii) 14.14, 0.47 iii) 10, 0.125

iv) 12.657, 0.258 v) 9.987, 0.1997

3. i) 6.538, 22.54% ii) 6.582, 27.42% iii) 22.659, 8.66%

iv) 18.72, 43.04% v) 10.58, 37.79%

4. i) 12.03 ii) 27.27% iv) 196.16

iv) 50 v) 6

5. Show to your teacher.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 339

Unit Test
Time : 30 minutes
[1 × 1 + 3 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 1 × 5 = 20]

Attempt all the questions:

1. What do you mean by measure of dispersion?

2. a. If Σ x – x = 80 of the 8 observations where ∑x = 200, find the coefficient of

mean deviation.
b. If ∑fx2 = 4000 and ∑fx = 1000 of 50 students, find the standard deviation.
c. If first quartile is 12 and coefficient of quartile deviation is 0.4, find the third

3. a. Find mean deviation from median and its coefficient of:

Marks 24 18 12 40 32 36
No. of students 12 10 8 4 9 7
b. If quartile deviation and its coefficient are respectively 8 and 0.4 of a data. Find
the lower and upper quartiles of the data.

4. Find the root mean square deviation of the observations given below. Also find the
coefficient of variation.
Age 14 18 25 36 40
No. of people 5 10 14 5 6

340 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Proposed Syllabus with Grid for
First Terminal Examination
S.N. Containts Topics K-1 U-2 A-4 HA-5 TQ TM Periods
1 Algebra i. Relation 2 2 2 1 7 18 8
ii. function
2 Matrices i. Introduction 2 2 1 – 5 10 6
ii. Addition
3 Co-ordinate i. Distance Formula 2 2 2 1 7 19 12
Geometry ii. Locus
iii. Section Formula
4 Trigonometry i. Measurement of A 2 4 3 1 9 27 18
ii. Trigonometric
iii. Conversion of TR
5 Transformation i. Reflection 1 2 1 1 5 14 6
ii. Rotation
6 Statistics Partition Values 1 1 2 – 4 11 6
Total Questions 10 13 11 4 38
Total Marks 10 26 44 20 100 56
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability

Model Question Set for First Terminal Examination

Group : A [10 × 1 = 10]
1. a. What do you mean by antecedent and consequence is an ordered pair?
b. Find element of image of a function f(x) = 2x – 1 where pre-image is 1.
2. a. What do you mean by scalar matrix?
If A = < F , find a13 + a22.
3 2 1
4 –2 –3
3. a. What do you mean be points of trisection of a line segment AB?
b. Is (1, 2) a point in the locus of a point having equation 3x – y = 1?
4. a. Express 12° 15’ 5’’ into seconds.
b. Write down the trigonometric ratios of Tanq and Secq
from the given right angled DABC. q
5. a. What is the image of a point A(2, 1) under reflection
about x = 1?
b. Write down the calculating formula of quartile deviation
and its coefficient for the individual observations. B C

Group : B [13 × 2 = 26]

6. a. If ordered pairs (2x – y, 4 – y) and (4, y), are the equal ordered pairs, find the
value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 341

b. If a relation R = {(x, y) : x + y = 8, x, y∈N}, find R in ordered Paris form.
c. If aij = 2i + j is the general element of a matrix, find the matrix of order 2 × 2.

If A = < F and B = < F , find the matrix 3A – 2B.

2 –1 1 –2
7. a.
3 1 –1 3
b. Find the co-ordinate of a point on y-axis which is 5 units distant from a point
(4, – 1)
8. a. In what ratio does x-axis cuts the line joining the points (1, 4) and (5, – 4)?
b. Convert 45g 24’ 42’’ into centesimal measurement.
9. a. If nSinA = m, prove that Sec2A – Tan2A = 1
1 – Sin4 A
b. Prove that = 1 + 2Tan2A.
Cos4 A
c. Find the length of an arc of a circle which subtends an angle of 60° at the centre
of the circle of radius 4.2 cm.
10. a. What is transformation? Write down the name of geometrical transformations.
b. Find the image of a point A(3, –2) under rotation about –90° with centre origin
followed by reflection about x + y = 0.
c. If 42 is the 7th decile of the observations taken in order 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36,
2m, m + 25, 48, 52. Find the value of ‘m’.

Group : C [11 × 4 = 44]

11. If a relation R = {(x, y) : 2x + y ≤ 6} domain A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, find R from A × A. Also show
in arrow diagram.
12. If f(x + 2) = f(x) + f(2), prove that f(0) = 0 and f(–2) = –f(2). Also prove that f(4) = 2f(2)

If A + B = < F and A – B = < F find the matrices A and B.

3 –3 1 1
2 4 4 –2
14. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so that its distance from (1, 2) is
equidistance from the point (2, 3).
15. Find the co-ordinate of fourth vertex of a parallelogram where three of the vertices
are A(1, 2), B(3, 5) and C(5, 4).
Find the angles of a triangle in degrees where the angles are a 5 k , a 9 k and ` 75 j
2x c 8x g rx C
1 + Secq – Tanq 1 – Sini
17. Prove that : =
1 + Secq + Tanq Cosi
18. If 2Sin2q + Cosq – 1 = 0, find the value of Cosq.
19. Find the image of DABC having vertices A(1, –2), B(3, 3) and C(5, 0) under an
enlargement about E[(0, 1), 2]. Also plot the object and images in graph.
20. Find the 60th percentile of the observations.
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
f 9 13 24 20 14
21. Find quartile deviation and its coefficient of the observations 15, 35, 25, 20, 30, 10.

342 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Group : D [4 × 5 = 20]
22. If f(x) = 3x – 2, range = {1, 4, 7, 10}, find the domain. Also show the function in arrow
23. Find the co-ordinate of a point which is equidistant from the points (–2, 0), (5, –1)
and (–1, 7).
Tani Coti
24. Prove that : + = Secq.Cosecq + 1
Coti – 1 Tani – 1
25. Find the co-ordinate of image of DABC having vertices A(–1, 1), B(2, 4) and C(3, –3)
under reflection about x + 2 = 0 followed by rotation about 180° with centre (0, 2).
Also plot the object and images in graph.

Proposed Syllabus with Grid for

Second Terminal Examination
S.N. Containts Topics K-1 U-2 A-4 HA-5 TQ TM Periods
1 Algebra i. Polynomial 2 2 2 1 7 19 6
ii. Sequence & Series
2 Matrices i. Multiplication 2 2 1 – 5 10 12
ii. Transpose
3 Co-ordinate i. Equation of Straight 2 2 2 1 7 19 20
Geometry line
ii. Perpendicular dis.
iii. Area of Triangle
4 Trigonometry i. Standard Angles 2 4 4 – 10 26 16
ii. Certain Angles
iii. Conversion of TR
5 Transformation i. Translation 1 2 1 1 5 14 10
ii. Enlargement
6 Statistics i. Quartile Deviation 1 1 1 1 4 12 12
ii. Mean Deviation
iii. Standard
7. First Term Review 6
Total Questions 10 13 11 4 38
Total Marks 10 26 44 20 100 80
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 343

Model Question Set for Second Terminal Examination
Group : A [10 × 1 = 10]
1. a. Define the term cartesian product A × B.
b. Evaluate / n (n + 1)

Find (A ) where A = < F

a b
2. a. T T
c d
If A = < F and I is an identity matrix of order 2 × 2, find IA.
1 2
3 –2
3. a. Write down the formula of finding perpendicular distance from a point to the
straight line.
b. If (1, 2) lies in the locus of equation 2x + my = 8, find the value of ‘m’.
4. a. Find the value of Tan(675)°
b. If 5SinA = 3, find the value of CosA.
What is the image of A(–2, 1) under translation about T = < F ?
5. a.
b. Write down the calculation formula of standard deviation and its C.V. by using
mean of the observations.

Group : B [13 × 2 = 26]

6. a. If (32x + 1, 16) = (27, 23x – 8), find the value of ‘x’ and ‘y’.
b. If Sn = 3n + 2, find the value of t5.

If A + B = < F and B = < F , find the matrix A and its transpose.

2 4 –1 2
3 –2 1 –4
Which matrix pre-multiplies to < F
2 0
7. a. Y
3 1
results the matrix [7 1]?
b. Find the equation of straight line AB
from the given diagram where OC = 2 B
units. C
8. a. Prove that the points (3, 4), (7, 7) and
(11, 10) are collinear points. 30°
X’ X
b. Find the central angle of a circle in A O
degrees having radius 8.4cm which
subtends by an arc of length 8.8 cm.
9. a. Prove that : Sec²q + Cosec²q = Tanq + Cotq.
1 – Tan30°
b. Prove that : 1 + Cot60° = 2 – 3
c. If Secq – Cosecq = 0, find the value of Cosecq.
10. a. Find the image of a point A(2, –3) under reflection about y = 0 followed by
rotation about +90° with centre (1, 2).
b. Find the reflection axis which transferred a point A(3, 5) to A’(1, 5)
c. If 25th percentile of the observations 24, 30, 2p+6, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72
respectively taken in order is 33, find the value of ‘p’.

344 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Group : C [11 × 4 = 44]
11. If f(x) = 2Sinx + 1, domain = {0°, 30°, 60°, 90°} find range. Also show the function in
arrow diagram.
12. If p(x) = 2x3 – 3x + 5 – x2 and q(x) = 3x3 + 5x – 2 + 3x2, answer the questions given
i. Find p(x) + q(x)
ii. Write down the degree of the polynomial obtained after addition.
iii. Write down the types of the polynomial according to degree.
13. If A = < F and B = < F , prove that (AB)T = BT AT.
3 2 2 –1
1 –1 3 1
14. Prove that the points P(2, 3), Q(2, –4) and R(9, –4) are the vertices of an isosceles
right angled triangle.
15. Find the points of trisection of the line joining the points (–5, –5) and (25, 10).
r 3r 5r 7r
16. Prove that : Sin2 16 + Sin2 16 + Sin2 16 + Sin2 16 = 2
17. Prove that : (3 – 2Sin2q)(3Tan2q – 1) = (3 + Tan2q)(4Sin2q – 1)
18. If 8Cosq + 15Sinq = 17, find the value of Cotq.
19. The angles of a triangle in degrees, grades and radians respectively are in the ratio
288:280:p. Find the angles of the triangle in degrees.
20. Find the centre of enlargement and scale factor which transform the points A(3, 3)
→ A’(5, 4), B(4, –1) → B’(7, –4) and C(6, 1) → C’(11, 0).
21. Find the mean deviation from median and its coefficient of:
x 12 18 24 30 36 40
f 3 7 12 15 8 5

Group : D [4 × 5 = 20]
22. Answer the questions given below by the study of given diagrams.

i) Add one more diagram in the given pattern.

ii) Calculate the nth term of the sequence of number of dots used there in the
iii) Write down in sigma notation.
23. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves in such a way that from the points
A(3, 0) and (–3, 0) as AP2 + BP2 = AB2.
24. Find the image of a triangle having vetices A(1, –2), B(3, 1) and C(5, –4) under a
translation AB followed by enlargement about E[(1, 2), –2]. Also plot them in graph.
25. Find the standard deviation and C.V. of :
x 15 24 33 42 51 60
f 3 5 8 12 9 3

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 345

Specification Grid for Final Examination
referred by CDC Nepal

S.N. Containts Topics K-1 U-2 A-4 HA-5 TQ TM Periods

1 Algebra i. Relation 2 3 2 1 8 21 33
ii. function
iii. Polynomial
iv. Sequence & Series
2 Limits & Limit & Continuity 1 – 1 – 2 5 10
3 Matrices i. Introduction 1 2 1 – 4 9 20
ii. Addition
iii. Multiplication
4 Co-ordinate i. Locus 2 2 1 1 6 15 30
Geometry ii. Section Formula
iii. Equation of
Straight line
iv. Area of Triangle
5 Trigonometry i. Measurement of 2 3 3 – 8 20 35
Angle (4)
ii. Trigonometric
iii. Conversion of TR
iv. Standard Angles
v. Certain Angles
vi. Compound Angle
6 Vector i. Introduction 1 2 – 1 4 10 12
ii. Vector Geometry
7 Transformation i. Reflection 1 – 1 1 3 10 18
ii. Rotation
iii. Translation
iv. Enlargement
8 Statistics i. Partition Values – 1 2 – 3 10 12
ii. Quartile Deviation
ii. Mean Deviation
iii. Standard
First Term Review 4
Second Term Review 4
Total Questions 10 13 11 4 38 34
Total Marks 10 26 44 20 100 170
K = Knowledge, U = Understanding, A = Application, HA = Higher ability

346 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

Model Question Set for Final Terminal Examination
Group : A [10 × 1 = 10]
1. a. If A × B = {(1, 3), (2, 4), (1, 4), (2, 3)} is the Cartesian product, find the sets A and
b. If an+1 = 2an+2 – an, a0 = 2 and a1 = 4, find the value of a2.
2. a. What is the limit value of the sequence 2.01, 2.001, 2.0001, 2.00001, ........ ?
Write down the transpose of a matrix A = < F . What type of matrix is it
2 1
1 3
according to its transpose?
3. a. What is centroid of a triangle? Write down the co-ordiante of it.
b. Find the slope and y-intercept of the straight line having equation 3 x – y = 3
4. a. Prove that Cos600° = – 2
b. If A + B =
4 , Prove that (1 + TanA)(1 + TanB) = 2
5. a. What do you mean by position vector of a point?
Find the image of a point (1, –2) under translation about T = < F .
Group : B [13 × 2 = 26]
6. a. If f(x + 2) = 3x – 1, find f(x) and f(2).
b. What must be subtracted from 2x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 1 to get x3 – 2x2 –3x + 2?
c. If R = {(x, y) : 2x + y = 9, x, y ∈ N}, find ‘R’ in ordered pairs.
7. a. If aij = 3i – 2j is the general element of a matrix, find the matrix of order 2 × 2 and
its transpose.

If A = < F , find the value of A2 – 3A + 5I where I is identity matrix of order

1 2
–1 3
2 × 2.
8. a. Find the equation of locus of a point which moves so that it is equidistant from
the points (1, 2) and (2, 1).
b. If area of triangle having vertices (1, m), (4, 5) and (–2, 3) is 18 square units, find
the value of ‘m’.
r 3r 5r 7r
9. a. Prove that : Cos 8 + Cos 8 + Cos 8 + Cos 8 = 0
b. If 1 – CosA = 2 , find the value of Cosec2A – Cot2A.
c. Find the radius of a circle where an arc of length 13.2cm subtends an angle of
30° at the centre of the circle.

If a = d n , find the magnitude and direction of a .

3 O
10. a.
b. Find OC in terms of a and b where c is the mid-point b
of AB.
c. If R X – X = 200 and ∑f = 20, find the mean deviation a B
and its coefficient where ∑X = 400.

PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX 347

Group : C [11 × 4 = 44]
11. If f(x) = 2x2 + 5x – 3, g(x) = x2 + 8x + 7 and f(x) = g(x), find the value of x.
12. If p(x) = x2 + 3x – 2 and q(x) = x + 3, find the value of p(x).q(x). Also divide the result
so formed by x – 2.
13. Complete the table given below with limit value.
x 0.9 0.99 0.999 0.9999 0.99999 ......................
x –1
f(x) =
x2 – 1 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..............

If A = < F, B = < F and C = < F , prove that A(B + C) = AB + AC.

2 1 1 –2 3 1
3 –1 2 3 1 2
15. Prove that y = mx + c as the equation of straight line.
16. The number of sides of two regular polygons are in the ratio 4:3 where difference of
their interior angles is 15°. find the number of sides of the polygons.
Cosq – Sinq + 1 1 – Sini
17. Prove that : =
Cosq + Sinq + 1 Cosi
Cos10° – Sin10°
18. Prove that : = Tan35°
Cos10° + Sin 10°
19. Find the image of triangle having vertice (–2, –1), (1, 3) and (3, –2) under an
enlargement about E[(1, –1), –2]. Also plot the object and image in graph.
20. Find 7th decile of the observations given below.
x 12 169 28 32 20 24 36
f 5 10 12 9 14 15 10
21. Find the standard deviation and its coefficient of:
x 15 20 25 30 35
f 6 8 12 10 4

Group : D [4 × 5 = 20]
22. Find the nth term of the sequence given below and write down in sigma notation.
1 2 3 4 5
– 2 + 3 – 5 + 8 – 12
23. Find the equation of straight line passes through a point
(1, 4) which cuts the line intercepted between the axes in A
the ratio 2:1. Also prove that it passes through the point
(4, –2).
24. Prove that PQ = 2 BC and PQ || BC from the adjoining P Q
25. If a point A(2, 1) is translated to A’(5, 3) with a translation
‘T’, find the value of ‘T’. Also find the image of points B C
B(3, –2) and C(5, 0) with T followed by rotation about
180° with centre (–2, 1) for DABC. Then plot the object and image in graph.

348 PRIME Opt. Maths Book - IX

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