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Nature of Indian Society

CIA 1 Component 1


Rishu Kumar Jalan


Indian society is a pluralistic society. Loaded with decent varieties of language, district,
religion and traditions. It is moving towards the modernization. The principle values of
Indian modernization model are communism, colonialism, patriotism, secularism,
industrialism, vote based system, singular opportunity and crucial rights. Tradition and
modernity in the Indian society caused many problems for Indian society. Raja Slam Mohan
Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Keshav Chandra Sen, Dayanand Saraswathi, Ranade, Tilak
and Gandhi are a portion of the notable names related with the change development to
destroy social shades of malice like Sati System, Limitations of Widow Remarriage, and
Distance. Since old occasions, the social structure of Indian culture has been based for the
most part on the hereditary principle. It was divided into the caste system, the class system,
the family, religion and the pluralism. The primary parts of social structure of Indian society
are the caste and the class system.


In India there are 22 languages. They are Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada,
Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi,
Tamil, Telegu, Urdu, Bodo, Santhali, Maithili and Dogri. There are around 1,652 languages
spoken in India. In these, Hindi is an official language. Most of individuals in India
communicates in Hindi followed by Bengali and Marathi. There is a least population of
individuals who communicates in Tamil. Indian culture is multi social society since Indian
culture acknowledged each religion and their way of life so individuals have various
languages according to their way of life. Example. Hindus communicating in Gujarati, a
Muslim is communicating in Hindi a Bengali has his own Bengali language and so on.

Caste System

The standing system partitions Hindus into four fundamental castes. They are the Brahmins,
Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Kshatriyas is the most noteworthy rank in India. An
offspring of Brahmin will consistently be a Brahmin. Brahmins would not acknowledge
sustenance or drink from the Shudras. The Kshatriyas and Vaisya caste had full rights to pray
however Shudras were not permitted to offer penances to the divine beings. There are maybe
in excess of 3000 jatis in India and there is nobody all-Indian system of positioning them
arranged by status. Individuals will attempt to wed their children and little girls to individuals
from their equivalent jati and will give their significant steadfastness to their jati. Various

towns are detached by caste and they may not go too far isolating them from the higher caste.
Access to better training, lodging and medicinal offices were not permitted in lower caste.
Besides four main castes include the Bhumika, Kayastha and the Rajput. Indeed, even today,
caste is considered as a significant segment of the social structure especially in country

Class System

A class contains a ton of people who offer similar status concerning parts like wealth, pay
and occupation. By and large, there are 3 class and they are upper, centre and low. High
society are less in no conversely with the other two while their status and refinement are
most. To keep up their status and position they marry among upper class. Lower class
individuals should need to wed higher class individuals where higher class individuals would
prefer not to wed lower class individuals. In towns, individuals wed an individual from
another town. This is on the grounds that individuals in a similar town treat each other as
their relatives.


The family is a cosy local gathering comprised of individuals identified with each other by
obligations of blood or by obligations of marriage. The family in India is commonly
portrayed as the patrilineal, patrilocal more distant family, regularly additionally called the
joint family. The matrilineal family has matrilineal plunge and matrilocal home. In Kerala,
the Nairs and in Meghalaya, the Khasis and the Garos have matrilineal family. The
fundamental element of the old joint family was that no individual from the family could
request any unmistakable extent of property. The arrangement of family units depended on
the accompanying angles: (1) size of the family unit, (2) connection relationship among the
individuals from a family, and (3) property relations inside the family unit. The Indian
cultural tradition gave importance to give birth to a son as a first child. People in the same
family followed the same occupation. There were no rights given to the child to decide
whether he will set up another business, do a job and continued the family business.


India is neither a religious state nor does it have a state religion. It is a common state being a
multi religious nation. It is a nation of cause for four noteworthy religions and they are

Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. Different religions incorporate Islam and
Christianity. It is to be sure very confounding to find that no Indian religion advocates
viciousness and eliteness, yet for the sake of different religions brutality frequently ejects in
various pieces of India. We routinely face the loss of human life and valuable assets due to
forceful and biotic conflicts between the powers of Hindu Communalism, Muslim
Communalism and Christian Communalism. Religion goes about as a deterrent for social
change. It is significantly trying to change the perspective of moderate people, for instance,
confinements on marriage costs. In spite of the way that Religion has negative impacts it is
unfeasible to have an overall population without a plan of religion. It has transformed into an
indispensable piece of a person's life.



Status of women

In antiquated Indian culture women were considered as second sex and their status was lower
than that of man. Women just assumed a job of a housewife and dealt with their youngsters,
Spouse and other relatives. In family, guardians gave more significance to guys and they stop
to send their little girls to class after they have achieved the time of adolescence. They
accepted that women are brought into the world just for assuming the job of housewife.

Educational heritage

In antiquated Indian culture, there was Gurukul arrangement of education. Understudies got
education in ashrams and they lived in hovels alongside their master. Master was considered
as their educator and they were called as Shishyas four or five years of their age they went to

take education in ashrams and they got education for nearly 19 or 20 years then they came
back to their home.


Indian society has its very own uniqueness as far as convictions, conventions, traditions,
protected right, standards, religion, stations and so on… Each society has its own history. It
acquires something from before and that impacts its present equivalent to Indian society has
its very own history. So as to comprehend Indian society we ought to understand each part of
Indian society including its social structure, standing structure, economy, Stratification and so
on individually which are as under. Indian society is a multi-religious society and each
religion has its very own significance in Indian society. Indian society is multi social society
since Indian society acknowledged each religion and their way of life so individuals have
various dialects according to their way of life.

Application about Indian Society in business

If I was a HR manager, I would recruit candidates from different cultures and religions. This
is because this will help me in having good network locally and internationally. Thus, it will
also be a message to people that there is no discrimination in my business. Recruiting from
every culture will benefit my business in having good communication. I would not need any
translators if my business expands all over the world. I could delicate that tasks to my
employees and this will increase their motivation as they will feel a sense of belonging.
Therefore, they might even work harder for the business. It will also benefit my business as
there will be no cost involved in hiring a translator. Decrease in expense will increase the
profit of the business.


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