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Tony Stark had hard times after working 10 years with the company O’Grady. In order to cut
costs, he decided to close several of his operating groups. He is now working at Reece
Enterprise and had started to compare the past 10 years with the current situation at Reece. At
Reece, managers only reward people who have been working for long time whereas at
O’Grady managers reward people who have done a good job. At Reece, decision-making is
slow as it is very hard to get the signatures from the high level of management because they
are too busy as it was a bigger organization comparing to O’Grady. At O’Grady, the
management style is democratic. Managers are very supportive and they stay out of the way
and letting them work as a team. It is a modern organization and the organizational structure
is horizontal because the firm was decentralized, allowing its managers autonomy and
complete freedom. It was tough for Tony to fit in the organization because of his peers. His
peers had declined to play golf with him saying that they did not play but Tony found out that
they are making arrangements to play that Saturday. Tony was regarded as an outsider at
Reece. Tony felt like he had made a mistake in accepting Reece offer without finding out
about what he was getting into.

Analysis of problems

Tony felt puzzled because he found the new working environment was different from the
previous one and he had some problem fitting in and getting along with his peers so he
couldn’t be the part of the team. Reece was a bigger organization whilst O’ Grady was
structured much more bureaucratically. Additionally, top managers at Reece didn’t worry too
much about who did a good job.

Answer 1

The concepts and characteristics from the field of organizational behavior that this case
illustrates are perception, individual differences, motivated behavior and value of person.
Perception is when an individual dependably sorts out and translates what he sees as per his
lifetime of experience and collected worth. Individual difference is when a manager biased
towards colleagues and not treating everyone equally. It is a one on one approach not
statistical approach. Motivated behavior is caused by some motivation from managers. There
are two types of motivated employees and they are positive motivation and negative
motivation. The organization behavior between two firms was very different. O’Grady
ensured that individuals who worked there, their own objectives be met and widened their
point of view towards work from that point. The surroundings were in all respects agreeable
and socially mental. There was a great deal of opportunity given to the employees regarding
the work they did. However, in Reece there was reward dependent on to what extent they had
been there and they were just worried about the work being finished and not how it was made
or who completed a decent showing with regards to. Despite the fact that Reece was a
significantly more sorted out and organized association it neglected to rehearse a
decentralization. There was a requirement of three signatures from the higher authority
without which any decision making would not have proceeded and therefore made the entire
process really slow as reaching the top managers wasn’t easily accessible.

Answer 2

Tony Stark could look for another job and this time he could find more information about the
company so this will help him to overcome problems that he is facing now. He might not be
the only one who is facing problems so he should find ways to overcome his problems. This
could be done by interacting with employees by playing golf together and eating at restaurant
together like he does in his previous job. There might be some employees who might join
him. It takes time but it is not impossible. This change could be done by talking to the higher
authority level. Telling them that individuals don't have an occupation fulfillment nor are
they tamped up for the work, which would in the end lead to the defeat of the firm and further
shut down. This could be kept away from if basic leadership was made increasingly
productive and incorporative.

Answer 3

It’s not easy to find a “ideal” place. Place of ideal can make according to the goals and
objectives. It can't be stated that anybody can locate an ideal work environment, yet one can
make a spot where you work in a perfect world through hazard and reward systems. A perfect
workplace can only be made if one can make negative thing into positive thing. There can be
a possibility to find an ideal place only when you change and adjust to the new situation.

In conclusion, the problems that Tony Stark faced is all about adjustment and this is a
challenge for him to overcome these problems. It is conceivable to reduce the effect that
won't impact the conduct of your collaborator by making an enthusiastic partition choice
about the circumstance and getting positive help from others inside the organization.

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