Article - N - Focus As One of Factors To Increase of Training Effectiveness of Students On Dermatovenerologys Cycle

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Pedagogical sciences 21

FOCUS AS ONE OF FACTORS of improvement of quality of training of specialists

TO INCREASE OF TRAINING with the higher medical education at the expense of
EFFECTIVENESS OF STUDENTS more complete and deep assimilation of the main
ON DERMATOVENEROLOGY’S CYCLE knowledge by them and practical skills, for success-
Tsentilo S.V., Barkalova E.L. ful mastering all complex of training, organization-
National Medical University named M. Gorky, Donetsk, al and methodical events in the course of training
e-mail: and implementation of curricula exists with which.
During a cycle of a dermatovenerology, stu-
The main task of health care system is further dents receive basic knowledge and the practical
improvement of rendering of medical care to the skills, which will be necessary for further work as
population. It can be possible only under condi- the doctor of practical health care, seize skills and
tion of increase of standards of learning of medical methods of performance of scientific and practical
students. and research works, develop abilities to the scien-
Focus of educational process on a cycle of a tific analysis. Focus is the main point for success-
dermatovenerology is one of the main conditions of ful performance of all these kinds of activity. Only
receiving by students of profound and strong knowl- under condition of active, creative and purposeful
edge. Training of students is considerably limited involvement future doctors of practical health care
in time. For this short period students should teach can realize themselves most fully. The purposeful,
completely special knowledge and practical skills active involvement of students during training will
of the general dermatology: principles of inspec- allow to solve successfully professional, practical
tion of the patient with skin and venereal diseases; and scientific problems in the future work. Only
main patomorfology changes in cells of epidermis, active and purposeful studying of new knowledge
dermis and hypoderms; elements of rashes; general and professional skills guarantees successful per-
principles of patients treatment; and also to have formance of the main task – effectively to render
training on diagnostics, clinical current, differen- medical care to the population during the daily pro-
tial diagnostics and principles of treatment of skin fessional activity in medical institutions.
and venereal diseases. After finish of the cycle stu- Training of students is subordinated to a main
dents, according to conditions of Bolonsky system goal: to improvement of vocational training of fu-
of training, mast pass successfully of test control, ture doctors of practical health care, successful re-
which is check of quality the received knowledge ceive them knowledge and practical skills which
and practical skills. Such technique of carrying will be necessary in further work. The extensive
out occupations on a cycle of a dermatovenerol- experience of training of specialists with the higher
ogy promotes improvement of preparation not only medical education therefore it is necessary to com-
future doctors dermatovenerologysts of practical prehend and estimate problems of an intensification
health care, but also to expansion of knowledge of training of students more fully is now stored.
and practical skills of future doctors of any another Now, more than ever earlier, focus and an intensifi-
specialties. During training students broaden own cation of process of training is actual.
medical outlook, study a creative approach to the Thus, training starts to turn into special pur-
future profession of the doctor of practical health poseful activity, becomes more difficult and deep,
care, receive practical skills which are necessary becomes analyzing, difirentsirovanny and organ-
for independent improvement of the knowledge in ized. Development of focus does not occur in itself.
the future. They form bases of creative educational In it the teacher who will specially organize activity
activity, elements of a scientific approach to train- of students has great value, directs training process,
ing. As the result, students is forms very responsible points to sequence of carried-out actions, teaches
relation to training and requirement to continuous students to the system analysis. Work of the teach-
improvement of the professional knowledge and er is carried out during all training: in educational
practical skills, which will be necessary in everyday classrooms, during carrying out scientific confer-
activity of doctors of practical health care. ences, during survey of patients.
Successful use of such informative training of Training of students is the creative process
students and successful pass of modular control by directed on an intensification of receiving new
students becomes possible only under condition knowledge and practical abilities, and studying of
of purposeful implementation of all requirements a dermatovenerology is one of parts of this process.
of the educational program. For the solution of a Focus is only of the main conditions of receiv-
task on training of future doctors of practical health ing profound and strong professional knowledge.
care, higher educational institutions hold events for Learning efficiency and interest of students to new
improvement of educational programs for training knowledge depends on focus in training.
in student’s audiences and independent training,
optimization of the organisation of educational pro- The work is submitted to the International Sci-
cess, communication strengthening between Higher entific Conference «Science and education pressing
education institutions and establishments of practi- questions», Russia (Moscow), May, 21-24, 2013,
cal health care. Focus is one of the main conditions came to the editorial office оn 13.05.2013.


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