EVS Part B 16 Mark Question

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3. Explain in detail about Human rights?

. Human right to freedom
2. Human right to property
3. Human right to freedom of religion
4. Human right to culture and education
5. Human right to constitutional remedies
6. Human right to equality
7. Human right against exploitation
8. Human right to food and environment
9. Human right to good health.
1. Human rights to freedom
Every citizen has the freedom to express his viewsfreely.
Citizens can assemble at any place to express theirviews.

They have freedom to form unions or associations.

They have freedom to build their houses whereverthey like.
They have full right to start any profession.
2. Human right to
Every human beings has the right to earnproperty.
3. Human right to freedom of religion

Every citizen has the freedom to choose theirreligion according to

his wishes.

All religions are equal before the law.

4. Human right to culture and education

All the citizens have equal rights both in culture and education.
The minority communities like
Christians, Muslims have their own
rights to conserve the culture, language, and to establish educational
institutions of their own choice.
A l l religions are equal before the law.
5. Human right to culture and education

All the citizens have

equal rights both in culture and education.
The minority communities like Christians, Muslims have their own
rights to conserve the culture, language, and to establish educational
institutions of their own choice.

6. Human right to constitutional remedies

I f a citizen is denied any of these fundamentalrights, he or she can go to
the court for
The court has the
power to protect the basic
rightsof the citizens.
7. Human right to equality
All citizens are equal before the law.
There is no any discrimination on grounds ofreligion, caste, sex (or)
place of birth.
All are given
equal opportunity for employment.
8. Human right against exploitation
Children should not be employed as labours.
Every citizen has the right to fight againstexploitation.
8. Human right to food and environment
All human beings have the
right to get sufficient healthyfood, safe drinking
water and healthy environment

9. Human right to good health

All human
beings have the right to have very goodphysical and mental
4. Explain the importance and methods of imparting valueeducation? (8marks)

It is nothing but learning about the particular thing through knowledge. We
can identify our values and ourselves with thehelp of knowledge and experience.
i) Formal education-Self related learning process.
ii) Value education - Analyze based on instruments.

ii) Value-based environment education- Based onenvironment.

T o improve the integral growth of human begins.

T o create attitudes and improvement towards sustainable lifestyle.

To increase awareness about our national history our cultural
heritage, constitutional rights, national integration, community
development and environment.

T o create and develop awareness about the valuesand their

significance and role.
To know about various living and non- livingorganisms and their
interaction with environment.
Types of values
Universal values-Importance of the humanconditions.
Cultural values-Right, wrong, good and bad.
Individual values-Individual personality andexperiences.
Global values-Human civilization.
Spiritual values-Self-restraint, discipline.
Methods of imparting value education:

It is a process of developing values to enable a pupil to have a clear picture
of a value- laten situation by means of his own narration of the situation.

It is a method in which a certain individual perceived asideal values is
presented to the learners as a model.
Role playing:
Acting out the true feelings of the actor/actors by takingthe role of
another person but without the risk of reprisals.

Problem solving:
I t is a method wherein a dilemma is presented to the learners asking them
what decisions they are going to take.

Studying biographies of great man:

This method makes use of the lives of the great man as thesubject matter for
trying to elicit their good deeds and thoughts worthy for emulation.
The understanding of environmental concerns and issues related to human health has
exploded during the last few years due to the sudden growth of information technology. The
computer age has turned the world around due to the incredible rapidity with which IT spreads
IT can do several tasks extremely rapidly, accurately and spread the information
through the world's networks of millions of computer systems. Information technology has
also increased the pace of discovery.
The capacity of establishing and maintaining worldwide databases has linked
environmental, researches around the globe. The advancement in computer, communication,
satellite and other technological developments have enabled engineers or environmentalists to
gather relevant information simultaneously from many sources.
The information is utilized for developing and early warning system and to forecast any
eventuality much earlier. A large amount of information is easily available through Remote
Sensing technology, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System
(GPS) that is being used for various environmental studies.
Ministry of Environment, Government of India has established a Environmental
Information System (ENVIS) in 1982. This has been established as a decentralized information
system network whose purpose collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of
environmental information to decision makers, policy makers, planners, scientists, engineers,
environmentalists, researchers and general public all over the country.
The ENVIS network has its focal point in the Environmental ministry along with
thirteen subject oriented centers, known as ENVIS Centers, set up in the various institutions,
organizations of the country in the priority areas of environment like pollution control, toxic
chemicals, energy and environment, enVironmentally sound and mangroves, corals and
lagoons, media and environment etc.
New communication links are particularly vital to make use of such information
Sources as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a computerbased system for gathering,
manipulating, and analyzing environmental data.
GIS databases are commonly established with information obtained from remote
surveys via satellite and a variety of atmospheric and ground level surveys. GIS software

packages and databases, which have almost unlimited applications, have a crucial relevance
for national and local environmental management and learning.
GIS allows for the simulation of hypothetical models of environmental management
and can demonstrate how subUe changes in one element of a landscape may have a powerful
effect elsewhere.
GIS is a tool to map Land use patterns and document change by studying digitized top
sheets and/or satellite imagery. Once this is done, an expert can ask a variety of questions which
the software can answer by producing maps which helps in land use planning.
Online healthcare information about Medicare and various related web sites guide
consumers to a wide variety of health information available including the full text of clinical
practice guidelines, and consumer brochures developed. A number of centers for disease
control & prevention are functioning and the public health service maintains their websites.
The Internet with its thousands of websites has made it very simple to get the
appropriate environmental information for any study or environmental management planning.
This not only assists scientists and students but is a powerful tool to help increase public
awareness about environmental issues.
Specialized software can analyze data for epidemiological studies, population dynamics
and a variety of key environmental concerns. The relationship between the environment and
health has been established due to the growing utilization of computer technology.
This looks at infection rates, morbidity or mortality and the etiology (causative factors)
of a disease. As our knowledge expands, computers wilt become increasingly efficient.


1. Unknown parameters can be stimulated by computer techniques
2. ElA(Environmental Impact Assessment) problems can be analyzed
3. Inventories of emission sources are compiled and maintained
4. Net-work analysis, statistical analysis and the status of environmental pollutions can
be high lighted
5. Comprehensive administrative system can be developed by using computer network
Remote sensing-Graphical Interface System are useful for coral reef mapping and ocean
resources. They are also useful to access the loss of biodiversity/hot spots etc.

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