1989 Twenty-One Years of Research Into The Management of R&D - RDM

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Twenty-one years of research into

the Management of R&D

Text of the keynote speech by

Alan Pearson, Director of the R&D Research Unit, at its
21st Anniversary Conference, July 1988

Was 1967 a special year? From our point of

view the answer must be YES, because this
was the start of the R&D Research Unit at
the Manchester Business School. It was set
up alongside the Programmes Analysis Unit
at Harwell - a group jointly supported by
the Ministry of Technology and the United
Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. Both
Units were dedicated to the promotion of
research and practice in the field of R&D
Looking back we can see ourselves at that
time as a product of the ‘White Heat of
Technology’ era - when expectations were
very high that technology, moving fast in
many directions, could, if harnessed properly,
solve many of the world’s economic, political
and social problems, and open up more
But the 1960s might better be thought of
not as the start of that era, but as the middle.
T h e late 1940s were a very important period
with the first stored programme computer
being developed at Manchester University. ALAN PEARSON
T h e 1950s saw the start of the space age,
with the launch of the first long-range
rockets and the putting of humans into orbit: credit cards, etc. etc. Most of these we now
the Russian sputnik will long be remembered. take for granted. W e no longer marvel at the
In the 60s we watched the development of changes which have been helped along,
the first passenger-carrying supersonic air- indeed stimulated, by science and technology.
liner - still in service now. Between 1969 But the targets are moving. There are still
and 1972 the US alone launched six manned infinitely many opportunities; improved
moon landings, and the ‘dash for Mars’ was a medical care, (both old and new diseases),
major talking point. In the 1980s we hear weather control, and air traffic control in
this cry again, with the encouraging possibil- Europe immediately spring to mind.
ity now of a joint US/USSR venture. In some cases money is a major require
But we must not get carried away on the ment for progress, in others changes in
magic carpet of ‘big’science and technology. attitudes, in some we need scientific break-
Over this period most of us have seen throughs. All this will be facilitated by better
changes on a smaller scale which have had a R&D management. If the past has been
significant impact on both our home and exciting, the present still is, and the future is
working lives. Colour television, home likely to be even more so.
computers, microwave ovens, compact disc Throughout its twenty-one years the R&D
players, lasers in medicine and in engineering, Research Unit here has remained active. Its

RX D Management 19,2, I989 99


directions have changed, people have come collaboration with l’lnstitut Europeen
and gone, but the overall philosophy has dAdministration des Affaires (INSEAD).
remained the same - to make an impact on Plans are already underway for the 1989
the theory and practice of management of conference to be held in Belgium, co-
research and development. The evidence is sponsored by the University of Ghent.
that we have had some success. We continue We believe that we have come quite a
to work with other academics in the field - long way in the first twenty-one years, and
Professors Arnie Cooper and Tom Allen an obvious question to ask today would
were early colleagues in the Unit and are appear to be ‘where now?’. Other people
still very active researchers in the field. They run conferences in related fields. Technology
have come here to give the plenary lectures is a current buzz-word in business schools
to the Conference. Visitors from academic and for consultants in strategy. Is there
and from industrial organisations have come anything left to do? I believe this question is
from almost all parts of the world, and have easily answered in the affirmative. Because
returned to continue their work in their own technology is being emphasised as an import-
countries. Many others have started their ant competitive weapon does not mean that
research careers here - some have remained we should be fooled into believing that
in Manchester, others have moved on to everything in the field of R&D management
other academic institutions, into industry, is now rosy and that it can be left to flourish
and to other countries. on its own. The evidence is almost directly
We have had an influence on fields as opposite to that view. Many of the people
diverse as project selection, creativity, entre- who talk about technology seem to think it
preneurship, and organisational climate. The is available for use as and when required.
first lectureships in Creativity and in Entre They pay little attention to the management
preneurship in Europe were awarded by the of the research and development, work
Manchester Business School to two people without which it could not be exploited.
whose research progressed through first Recent figures in the UK already show that
joining the Unit. The journal R&D Manage- expenditures on R&D are not in many cases
ment was started in 1970 as a vehicle for the keeping pace with inflation, and in some
exchange of views and to publish research cases are declining significantly. In addition,
results on all of these subjects. A major anyone who is in close contact with R&D
concern for us has always been our inter- laboratories - public or private sector,
action with practice, and our movement to home or abroad - cannot fail to be
being self-supporting started in 1971. The disturbed by the shortage of people with
Associate Membership Scheme was started appropriate skills and knowledge. Almost all
in 1972 and is still flourishing. projections of the availability of manpower
We linked forces with the International fall short of the projections of demand in the
Institute for the Management of Technology 1990s.
in Milan, and put on the first International One reason for this is the demographic
Conference on Technology Assessment in changes which will lead to a decline in the
Manchester. We have worked for many number of people leaving schools and
years with the Center for Creative Leadership universities in general. Of particular relevance
in Greensboro, North Carolina, on program- is the fact that the intake into university
mes designed to explore various aspects of courses in the sciences and engineering are
Leadership in R&D Management. In the not increasing, and in some areas the trend
mid-1970s we started a series of major is downward. Added to this is what appears
conferences which became annual events in to be an increasing loss of people from the
Manchester. More recently we were instru- field after both first degree and early/mid
mental in the formation of RADMA (R&D career. It is well known that about half the
Management Association) which, along with intake into business schools, worldwide, is
the journal, has become a sponsor of a series drawn from scientists and technologists who
of international conferences. The first of have more often than not left those fields to
these to be organised overseas was in 1987 go into consultancy and finance.
at Fontainebleau, and was promoted in We need to ask the question ‘where are
R&D Management 19,2, 1989
years of' research into [he management of R&D
T\~~entj~-otie 101
the resources to enable us to continue to cannot learn new skills - there are many
produce the quality and the quantity of examples of good research being done by
research and development that will be people who have switched fields at a later
needed to face the challenges of the next age. Motivation may be an issue, but this is
decade and of the next century'?' Two areas surely one that needs to be tackled by the
which are currently attracting much attention organisation. Many of these same retired
would seem to be worth focussing upon. persons certainly show high motivation in
The first is the role of women in other jobs - some clearly taking on a new
management. Those of us who come into lease of life after moving to a new organ-
contact with a wide variety of organisations isation. I would like to suggest, therefore,
do not need statistics to tell us that it is rare that one of the major challenges we face is
to meet women in senior positions - but I to attract more people, of a high quality and
was surprised to find that less than 5% of the from all groups in the population, into
participants in our R&D management research and development, and to make sure
courses, designed for project leaders and we retain and use their skills over a longer
middle managers, have been women. There period of time.
may be plausible reasons for this, but I This leads me to my final point. and to
cannot think of many that would stand up to provide my own answer to an earlier
examination. Various reports from other question. We do need more research into
professions - for example, doctors - report the management of research and develop-
an apparent bias against women moving into ment. We should be very grateful that other
senior positions - t h e reason often g'w e n people have picked up the importance of
being the hours of work and the problems of technology; that courses in this subject are
coping with two sets of responsibilities. This now being developed in almost every country
argument must surely be of less significance in the world; that economists, politicians,
in R&D, where the hours and even the sociologists, corporate strategists, etc. are
location of work may be of less importance, highlighting its importance on a daily basis.
particularly with the opportunities offered But we should be very careful that we don't
through new technology. If the will is there, let this new-found euphoria mask the fact
there must be a real opportunity to encourage that technology now is R&D yesterday, and
more women to enter our area, to remain in the great danger is that in many areas we are
it, and to return to it i f they have left for not putting enough effort into increasing the
domestic reasons. quantity and the quality of the basic and
The second trend which is highlighted is applied research which will open up future
that of early retirement. This has become a opportunities.
feature of the 1980s, and increasingly one There is still a long way to go before R&D
sees people in their fifties as well as early ceases to be a Cinderella discipline in
sixties being encouraged to leave research universities and a second-class functional
and development, presumably because the area in industry. Twenty-one years from now
organisations do not expect them to make I hope the message may be different, and
any further contribution. Again this is that the research and education which
surprising - there is very little evidence groups like our own are undertaking are
that suggests that creative outputs decline helping to promote a change in thinking and
significantly with age. and much evidence in attitudes.
that shows that experience can be a big
asset, particularly in respect of implementing
technology. It is also not true that people

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