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DCN HRF/01/02

Interview Assessment Form

Applicant Details

Applicant Name Position Title

Date of Interview Department

Assessment Criteria
Below Meets Above
Personal Attrributes Unsatisfactory Expectation Expectation Expectation Outstanding

Interpersonal Skills
Active Listening, Communication, Conflict Management, Negotiation, Diplomacy

Professionalism, Body Language, Grooming, Physical Capability

Detail Oriented
Analytical, Observation Skills, Methodical Approach

Drive to Succeed, Continuous Improvement, Supersede standards, Work-drive, Execution

Taking Responsibility, Accountability

Below Meets Above

Position Fit Unsatisfactory Expectation Expectation Expectation Outstanding

Relevent Exposure, Ability to Perform Job Essentials, Competencies Demonstration

Formal Education, Degree, Professional Certifications

Leadership Skills for Managerial Positions

Inspiring Others, Decision Making Capability, Delegation & Empowerment Tick if not applicable

Below Meets Above

Organization Fit Unsatisfactory Expectation Expectation Expectation Outstanding

Integrity, Respect, Passion, Quality, Teamwork

Change, Agility & Acceptance

Perseverance, Adaptability, Resilience, Change Agent, Influence & Drive Change at work

Business Acumen
Understanding Business, Business Process Reengineering, Business Insight Tick if not applicable

Delivering Value for Money

Financial Savvy, Cost Optimization, Achieving Economies of Scale, Tech Savvy Tick if not applicable

Interviewer Comments

Overall Assessment
Unsatisfactory Below Expectation Meets Expectation Above Expectation Outstanding

Recommended to be employed Yes No

May be considered for employment in the future Yes No

Name of Interviewer Signature of Interviewer

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