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What’s a Real Friend?

What's a real friend?

Someone how brings out the best in you.
Someone how's always there for you. Even when times are tough.

Proverbs 18:24 says that they can stick closer than a brother. Now that’s a real friend!
Friends like that are hard to find. And if you worry too much about being liked by everyone, you
just make settle for less.

So what should you look for?

Well don’t judge a book by its cover! Look for what’s in the inside. Look for a friend you can
trust, a friend who forgives – someone who doesn’t hold your mistakes against you.

When it comes to friends, you good friend is better than a hundred “fake” ones.
To find a real friend you may have to look outside of your comfort zone. They may be where you
least expect. So be open minded, branch out.

Don’t you settle for a clone of yourself. Potencial friends could have hobbies and talents that you
dont have. It could be older or younger. They could be of a different backgound or culrute. So don’t
limit yourself. But remember, real friends must have good standarts.

Have you aver had a friend how took adavantage of you? Or talked behind your back? Or spread
lies about you? You deserve better than that! So watch out for toxic friends – toxic friends care only
about what they can get out of you. They tear you down because of the way you talk, the way you
look or even for your beliefes.

Real friend aren’t like that. They like you to be yourself, so you need to choose smart friends. Not
just book smart, but smart in life. They are the kind that stand for something, and they show it.
Proverbs 27:17 says that true frinds learn from eachother, just as iron sharpens iron. They even
make you a better person!
So how do get a friend like that? You can’t always expect people to reach out to you – you need to
take the initiative. Take the first step and start a conversation.

Wait! You do need to talk, but not just about yourself. Ask them questions, then listen, really listen.
You see listening is one of hte best giftis you can give a friend.

Now what? Now is time to put into some work. That’s right! Work – you have to work to make
this friendship grow. So be the kind of friend that’s loyal, how doesn’t hold a grudge, be there for
them - even when times get tough. When you do this, your frindship will really grow. Filipians 2:4
says to keep an eye not just on yourself but to take interest in others. Taking an interest in others is
what friendship is all about.

You know, you’re gonna meet a lot of people in life. It will be up to YOU to choose youre friends,
so choose wisely – choose real friends!

bring out - to make sth appear; to make sth easy to see or understand SYN: highlight

settle for sth - accept sth that is not exactly what you want but it is what is available

judge a book by its cover - used to say that you should not form an opinion about sth/sb from their
appearance only

hold sth against sb - to allow sth that sb has done to make you have a lower opinion of them

to be open minded - willing to listen, think about or accept diferent ideas

branch out - to start to do an activity that you have never done before

hobby - an activity you do for pleasure when you are not working

tear sb down - attack sb with words, to criticize

book smart - someone who is intelligent and very well educated

stand for something - support or represent sth, believe and defend sth you think is important

sharpen - to make sth shaper

sharp - having a fine edge or poin, especially of sth that can cut or make hole into sth

reach out to sb - to show that you are interested in them and/or want to help them

put into sth - to spend a particular amount of time doing something, or to make a particular amount
of effort in order to do something

hold a grudge - to have persistent and continual resentment or hurt feelings toward someone,
especially for some who has committed sth against you in the past

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