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Group Assignment Guideline (ISA1)

Subject : Report Writing Skills Marks: 15 Marks

Name of the Topic: secondary Data Faculty: Ms. Deepti Jog

I. Assignment Guideline:
Each group has to choose the topic of the study and identify the three scholarly articles
from the internet and prepare a report in the stated format for it.
The topic should be shown to me in the previous week in written form. Along with the
topic the group should explain in 2-3 lines as to what exactly they wish to do as a part
of the study. A hard copy should be submitted by the third week along with a class
presentation on the topic should be done in the class.
Presentation: Each group will be given 10 minutes to present their study findings
followed by 5 minutes Q&A.
Hard Copy: Hard copy will be submitted latest by 12th February 2020 by 5.00 pm. Late
submission and plagiarism will be penalized
II. Structure of the report
• Title : Title should be short and to the point (10-12 Words)
• Summary: This section should provide an overview of the entire study and should
be limited to 50-100 words.
• Introduction: This section should provide an introduction to all the relevant topics
discussed in the entire reports. The definitions of the required concepts should be
provided wherever necessary. (200-250 words)
• Body (Main Content): Should provide the findings of the research papers that are
reviewed that are relevant to the topic of the study. (300-350 words)
• Discussion: This section should provide the information on the groups
understanding of the topic and should be filtered from the main content. (100-150
• Conclusion: In this section, the major understanding of the group on the topic have
to be explained. Students can omit the mathematical analysis presented in the studies
that they are referring to and explain the theoretical understanding. (50-100 words)
• Recommendations: This section is optional and the group can provide their
suggestions on the topic of their study for the industry. (50-100 words)
• References: Three paper references in APA format should be provided in this
section. In case any additional web articles are referred to prepare this report, the
title and web link of the article can be provided. References should be stated in
alphabetical order.
• Appendices: Any attachments are to be provided at the end (Optional).

 Marks will be deducted for excessive grammatical errors
 Marks will be awarded for good style and flow of writing
 The length of the secondary report should be not more than 1000 words and
should fit within 5 pages.

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