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Bückeburg Carabiniers

 1 Origin and History

 2 Service during the War
 3 Uniform
o 3.1 Mounted Carabinier Uniform
 3.1.1 Privates
 3.1.2 NCOs
 3.1.3 Officers
 3.1.4 Musicians
o 3.2 Jäger (Foot Carabinier) Uniform
 3.2.1 Privates
 3.2.2 NCOs
 3.2.3 Officers
 3.2.4 Musicians
 4 Colours
 5 References

Origin and History

In 1753, a light corps of 18 mounted carabiniers was raised.

In 1754 the mounted carabiniers received a platoon of approx. 50 foot jägers (also called "foot carabiniers") as accompanying
infantry, to conduct the so-called "little war". For the most part, these foot jägers came from the count's forest staff, and were
distinguished by their dexterity and good shooting skills.

Count Wilhelm was a passionate rider, and he took on the training of his carabiniers himself. Everything he demanded of his riders,
he did himself, so that "from the beginning a spirit came into the corps that knew no impossibilities ... hung with the highest
enthusiasm on the beloved count, who understood everything himself ...".

By 1756, the “Squadron of Horse Carabiniers” had grown to 87 men, divided into the 1st (Leib) company and the 2nd company. The
light corps included the mounted Carabinier companies and a company of jägers (approx. 50 men).

The regimental inhaber was:

 from 1753: Count Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe

The mounted carabiniers were commanded by:

 from April 1757: Major Johann Casimir von Monkewitz, equerry of Count Wilhelm's stables

The foot jägers were commanded by:

 from 1754: von Buttlar

 from1760: von Lindau

Service during the War

According to the subsidies contract with Hanover, Count Wilhelm had to provide an infantry regiment and a few artillerymen to
serve the battalion guns. However, he was allowed to bring with him the 2 companies of his Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg
Grenadier-Garde and his Carabiniercorps (approx. 110 mounted carabiniers and 90 foot jägers), which would remain at his own
disposal. During the war Wilhelm held 25 of his mounted carabiniers at his personal disposal as a Leibkarabinier company. The
carabiniers were supplemented in terms of personnel mainly by selected soldiers from the other units.

Throughout the war, the unit was very active in scouting and skirmish duties and had the reputation neither to give nor to take
quarters. It was engaged at Bielefeld, Ritterhude, Orlephausen, Gildehaus, Rheinberg, Krefeld, Lutterberg, Lippstadt, Sandershausen,
Bergen and Minden.

On July 26, 1757, the mounted carabiniers were present at the Battle of Hastenbeck where they were detached to scout along the
Weser along with the Hanoverian Hussars (1 sqn) and Bock Dragoons (1 sqn).
On August 5, 1758, at the Combat of Mehr, about 40 men of the mounted carabiniers were part of Imhoff's force who repulsed the
French attempt directed against the Allied bridgehead at Rees.

In June 1759, the unit was part of the Allied Main Army under the command of the Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick. On July 1, during
the French offensive in West Germany, the unit was probably at Lippstadt when a French detachment under the Comte de Melfort
approached the town and summoned its commander. On July 18, the unit dispersed a French party near Lippstadt.


Description of the uniform of 1762 based on Wilmans' document kept in the Staatsarchiv Bückeburg.

Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Carabiniers between 1753 and 1759. - Source: Richard Knötel Uniformkunde

Uniform Details

blackened Spanish style steel helmets with a brown bearskin turban; on the front of the helmet was a green
shield with the inscription "Pulchrum Mori Succurrit In Extremis" (in danger lurks a fine death)

Neckstock red

black elk leather tunic without buttons

Collar black
Cuffs scarlet

Turnbacks scarlet

Breeches buff leather

Shoulderbelt black with buff border

Cartridge Box black

Leather Equipment
Scabbard black

Footgear black boots, later short black riding boots

Saddlecloth dark green

Horse Furniture
Sabretache black with Count Wilhelm's monogram and red edging

Troopers were armed with a straight steel hilted sword with black fist strap, two pistols and a rifled carbine. The carbine was slung
from the shoulder belt on a swivel hook. Troopers wore a blackened steel full cuirass and upper arm scales (these arm scales were
abolished in 1758 as being too restrictive and heavy). The black iron breastplate soon led to the nicknames 'Eisern' or 'Schwarzen

Troopers were mounted on black Spanish stallions.


NCOs wore the same uniform as troopers with the following distinctions:

 silver braid edging the cuffs


The officers carried a silver breast plate rather than a blackened plate with gold decoration around the outside and breast. Also carried
a gorget with the monogram W.


No known particularities.

Jäger (Foot Carabinier) Uniform

Düring mentions that the 50 foot carabiniers had the same uniform, but no armour, sabretache or sabre. They wore cloth breeches
instead of buff leather breeches, and black shoes with grey gaiters instead of riding boots. However, all other sources describe the
foot soldiers accompanying the mounted carabiniers as green-clad Jägers. We followed these other sources.


Uniform Details

Musketeer plain black tricorne with a small pewter button

Grenadier none

Neckstock black

dark green with 9 pewter buttons

Collar pale yellow

Shoulder Straps none
Lapels none

Cuffs pale yellow without buttons

Turnbacks dark green

Waistcoat pale yellow with pewter buttons

Breeches dark green

Gaiters none white knee covers instead

Waistbelt white

Cartridge Box black

Leather Equipment Bayonet Scabbard black

Scabbard none

Footgear black ankle boots

Troopers were armed with a rifle and a bayonet, and a pistol.


NCOs wore the same uniform as privates with the following distinctions:
 silver braid edging the collar and the cuffs


no information found


no information found


The Mounted Carabiniers initially had two standards: one "Leibstandarte" and one regimental standard. By 1755, only the first
company carried a standard. After this date, there are no mentions of standards.

The color of the regimental standard was red with a black border. Thereupon a silver "W" (for Wilhelm), beyond a silver count
crown. The crown had dark red cushions.

The standard was fixed to the flagpole with silver nails. The flagpole was black with a silver finial.

No colours are known for the Foot Jägers.


Düring, G. W. von, Geschichte des Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburgischen Karabinier- und Jäger-Korps. Berlin 1828 - online Google

Herzfeld, Karl: Das Truppenkorps des Reichsgrafen Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe, in: Die Zinnfigur, vol. 23, no. 6 (1974), pp.

Hübinger, Erich: Graf Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe und seine Wehr, Verlag Robert Noske, Borna-Leipzig 1937

Klein, Hans. H.: Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe, Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1982

Knötel, Richard: Farbiges Handbuch der Uniformkunde: Die Entwicklung der militärischen Tracht der deutschen Staaten, Österreich-
Ungarns und der Schweiz. Begründet von Prof. Richard Knötel. Grundlegend überarbeitet und bis zum Stand von 1937 fortgeführt
von Herbert Knötel d.J. und Herbert Sieg. Dem Stand der Forschung angepaßt und ergänzt von Ingo Pröper, überarbeitete
Neuauflage, Stuttgart 1985

Knötel, Richard, Uniformkunde, Lose Blätter zur Geschichte der Entwicklung der militärischen Tracht, Rathenow 1890-1921, vol. I,
plate 34, Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg. Karabiniers. 1753-58. 1759

Wilmans, M.: Anciennete von Seiner Hoch-Reichs-Gräflichen Erlauchten! des Regierenden Herrn Graffen zur Schaumburg-Lippe,
und Sternberg, Ritter des Königl-Preushen Grossen-Ordens, von Schwarzen Adler! General en Chef Seiner Königl. Maj. von
Portugal Combinirten Armée, Infanterie Regiment, Grenadier-Garde, Carabenier zu Pferd, und Jäger zu Füss, imgleichen Artillerie,
wie auch Ingenieur, und Mineur-Corps; Benebst denen Fahnen-Divisen, und Uniform, Bückeburg den 12. Juny 1762, Staatsarchiv
Bückeburg au F 1 A XXXV 18 Nr 73

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