Literacy Autobiography - 2

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Emily Gutierrez



7 July, 2021

Throughout the years literature hasn't been my favorite subject and being honest I haven't had the

best experiences with it. Although I did grow a lot throughout my high school education my

literature has very much improved. Throughout Middle School I hated reading I did not find

myself reading a book whatsoever but now it has been brought to my attention that there is many

ways to enjoy reading a book and some of these ways are finding an interest in what you like. In

high school I got to experience in the deepest thoughts of what a text actually means. now I do

believe that every book has a meaning and has an audience that can take something from it. I did

have trouble at first by name books that would grab my attention because that was a big impact

in my reading I wouldn't find it interesting therefore leading me not to want to read it. When

reading and writing I like to revise my work and make sure I put my best work into something

someone else's reading. I do believe that literature plays a big role in someone's vocabulary and

the way they portray things and speak.

Growing up reading was a big struggle for me and since reading has a big impact in your

vocabulary for years I have struggled with my writing as well. I am bilingual so not only did I

have to learn to read in English but in Spanish as well because I had to communicate with my

parents and teachers at the same time. My skills in reading lacked because not only did I not
have my parents that only spoke Spanish and couldn't help me improve in my reading but

because I had to do it on my own. Which was very difficult but reading every night helped me

improve my vocabulary in which was a big benefit to me because now I can say I can read and

write fluently in Spanish in English. As kids my parents would sit down and read with us that did

play a big role in my education because although they didn’t speak English they did try to read to

us in Spanish. I did have my older brother to help me through middle school therefore giving me

an advantage.

Living in a household where I can't seek for help was a struggle for me growing up my parents

didn't have the opportunity to further their education in order to teach me the needs. As my

parents did the most they could to help me in all my homework assignments they only

understood to a certain point because they only spoke Spanish. Realizing how my parents

struggle to try to communicate with their kids in English was a lesson for me as well because I

myself got to experience how I felt not knowing how to read and that played big impacted in my

life. My parents had it hard as well coming to a new country and not knowing how to

communicate with others because of their language. My older brother knew the struggle because

before I came around he experienced it and much worse knowing my parents wouldn’t be able to

help him in any school work either, although he overcame that I struggled a bit worse because I

wouldn’t seek for help. Growing up I was a shy person so I didn't feel comfortable asking my

teachers or peers for help. It was a struggle to me at one point where it was hard to understand

learning certain topics. I hated coming to school because nothing that the teacher taught me I

could remembered and literature had a lot to do with it. Towards the end of sixth grade is when I

knew I’ve been struggling a lot in reading couldn’t find myself reading a book.
Once I entered High School everything changed I did have my older brother who graduated and

was eligible to help me on my assignments. As well as I took an extra course in English and seek

help from my English teacher who was very good in explaining everything. Therefore I did find

the love of literature. My teacher did bring to my attention that there was different types of

literature's and the different meanings you can take from them. One of the lessons that impacted

me as a reader was the way everyone takes something from a piece of literature. A great example

of that was i’m happy to say one of my favorite books now that I have read is “The Hate You

Give” by Angie Thomas she portrays a very powerful meaning of how society now in days is

through that book that I took from it very well written. Books like that made me take into

consideration that reading books isn’t that bad.

Involving myself in different activities help me with my vocabulary as well there was a point in

my life where I did join several clubs in which not only helped me academically but also help me

communicate and contribute with others and have connections. Early age I joined M.E.S.A a

mathematics club in which our assignment was to robotic prosthetic arm under a certain amount

of budget. I believe this program how to me and my literacy. I’ve learned that there a lot more to

mathematics rather then numbers. Reading Contributes a lot to it as well. Experiencing how

literature is everywhere in the world any great benefit of learning how to read and write can help

you succeed. A great lesson that I have taken is that there's always room for improvement and

anything can be possible if you put your mind to it. I consider reading to be a good way in

relaxing yourself before going to bed its a great impact to the brain. Literature has helped me into

empowering myself to empathize with other people and has increased my vocabulary and

comprehension by improving my brain connectivity.

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