Question 5

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Case Question ( What, How, Which) ( What are the factors of innovation capability influence
firms survival strategy in Covid 19?) ( Number of case question is dependent on your objective)

Activities of customer: During this pandemic if any organization wants to survive in the market
then activities of the customer is very important. Because if they are not active and usual to the
new norms and technologies that is required for covid 19 organization like hyper market cannot
survive. To meet the higher expectation customers should cooperate with the organization. Here
we are talking about ABC hyper market in Dhaka. In this situation the organization have to move
forward according to their needs. Like going online selling, purchasing or distributing. So if
customers of this brand cooperate with them they can survive in this situation. Marketers
Competitors and suppliers: to meet customers’ expectation ABC hyper market have to work
better than their competitors and suppliers. As we know that some of the brands are not available
in this shop whereas other competitors are going to take this chance to grab more customer. So
ABC hyper market should maintain a good relation with all the suppliers to get their desired
product so that they can provide a wide range of product variety. During this pandemic ABC
should look after what their competitors are introducing new in the market. According to their
activity they have to move forward. And suppliers needs to be active. As we are facing a
pandemic so the goods need to transferred easily from suppliers to customers. This can be a
strategy of affirms survival strategy in this covid 19 pandemic.
Labor market: for a firm’s economic growth labor market have a vital role. As we can see that
In this pandemic our workers cannot go outside for any kind of work. For a long time period they
were not able to work properly. For this reason, the labor market has a down shift. If ABC
company, make sure the environment of safe work zone they can make the best use of labor
sector. So the ABC company can go one step ahead to survive in the market. If ABC can
properly use the labor they can easily survive in the market.
Legal: By maintaining govt. regulation ABC company can meet the expectation of their
customers. Such as we can see that some marketers are going to open their restaurants and serve
them according to their needs. Their experience is getting better by the companies’ activity.
Competitive and economic conditions: in the hyper market sector there have many competitive
action between same company. But all of them are depends on the economy of the country. If the
economic condition is not good enough they cannot be successful in the market. As this is a
pandemic situation so our economic condition is stuck. It I not growing. So as a result market
will face slow growth. This factor is a key factor for the survival of ABC hyper market.
One of the main factor is technology in this situation. Because now a days every sector are going
online based. Each and every office are also going technology based. So to cope up with the new
normal company as well as consumers need to upgrade them. Suppose ABC hyper market wants
to seel their product via online platform they have to tech their customers about this new system.
As the customers can use the technology they can get a better experience and their expectation
level will higher. They will become loyal as before during this pandemic.

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