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8.8, CALCULATION OF LENGTH OF BASE : TAPE CORRECTIONS After having. measured the leigh, the’ comect length of the base is calculated by applying the following corrections: 1 Correction for absolute. length 2. Correction for temperature, . 3, Correction for pull or tension 4. Correction for sag. 5. Correction for slope 6. Correction for alignment 7. Reduction to sea level. 8. Correction to measurement in vertical plane 1. Correction for Absolute Length If the absolute length (or actual length) of the tape or wire is not equal to its nominal ot designated length, a correction will have to be applied to the measured Jength of the line. If the absolute length of the tape is greater than the nominal or the designated length, the measured distance will be too short and the correction will be ~ additive. TAthe absolute length of the tape is lesser than the nominal or designated length, the measuit distance will be too great and the correction will be subtractive. ‘Thus, Gabe . 8.6) where C.=corrtction for absolute length L= measured length of the tine rection per tape length esignated length of the tape C, will be of the sume sign as that of . 2. Correction for Temperature If the temperature in the field is more than the temperature at which the ‘ape was standardised, the length of the tape increases, measured distance becomes less, and the correction is therefore, adduive. Similarly, if the temperature is Jess, tke length of the tape decreases, measured disance becomes. more and the correction is negative. The temperature correction is given by Ge a(Ta- TL 7) “where —«-=coefficiemt of thermal. expansion inewomonngmemmeanr-temperature inthe field during measurement To temperature during standardisation of the tape L= measured length. If, however, steel ard brass wires are used simultaneously, as in Jaderin’s Meibod, the corrections are given by 6 (ras = 1) of8.8 WL ai (ls- bs) wm (wea = 4b) olB.8 (0) To find the mew standard temperature 7,’ which will produce the nominal length of the tape or band Some times, a tape is not of standard or designated ngth at a given standard temperature ‘The tape/band will be of the designated length at a new standard temperature 7,'. Let the length at stamlard temperature T) be 1 62, where | is the designated length of the tape. Lat AT be the mumber of degrees of temperature. change required to change the length ofthe tape by = 81 ‘Then a= (+8) aar : 8 a (2ma° fa (Neglecting 8! which will’ be very small in comparison to 1) If Ty is the mew standard temperature at which the length of the tape will be exactly equal 10 its designated lengthy, we have tar Correction for Pull or Tension If the pull applied during measurement is more than the pull st which the tape was standardised, the length of the tape increases, measured distance becomes less, and the correction is positive. Similarly, if the pull is less, the length of the tape decreases, measured distance becomes more snd the correction is negative. If G is the correction for pull, we have (P-POL G=e 8.10) where P= Pull applied during measurement (N) Po= Standard pull (N) L= Measured length (en) A= Cross-sectional area of the tape (cm’) E = Young's -Modulus.-of- Blastciey(NZem") 4. Correction for Sag : When the tape is suetched on supports between two points, it takes the formt of a horizontal catenary. The horizontal distance will be less than the distance along the curve. The difference between horizontal distance ani the measured engin along catenary is called the Sag Correction. For the purpose of determining the correction, the curve may te assumed to be a parsbola FIG $14 SAG CORRECTION Let r= length of the pe (in mettes) suspended between A and B M-centre of the tape A= vertical sag of the tape at its centie w= weight of the tape per unit length (N/m) uv= Sag correction in metres for the length Cy= Sag correction in metres per tape length 1 Wi = wl = weight of the tape suspended between A and B 4; = horizontal length or span between A and B. ‘The relation between the curved length (J,) and the chord length (d,) of a very Hence Ca =dy~h= ‘The value of A can be found from statics [Fig. 8.14 (b)]. If the upe were cut at the centre (M), the exterior force at the point would be tension P. Considering the eqiilibrium of half the length, and taking momenss about A, we get s a wh dy wh di Pooh name i -) ‘Substituting the value of fh in (1), we get “ 8 lf wha és = Got? awe C= 5 CGE as or LS a aay Tf 1 is the total length of tape and it is suspended in n equal number of bays, fie Sag Correction (C:) per tape length is given by a Al) flue of can be found from stati:s [Fig. 8.14 (2)). If the pe were cut ire (M), the exterior force at the point would be tension P. Considering the qhilibrivm of half the length, and taking moments about A. we get wh Pah & a? 2 wh dr k note . =) Substituting the value of in (1), we get \. 8 Li whay _ d a Hwehy? awe Gn $F (ey = gp = LY (8.11) jg HU is the tou length of tape and it is suspended in m equal number of bays, ‘he Sag Correction (C.) per tape length is given by oe . ab (ot _ why Qu)? tw? an is C= 0 Cy = OY ee MP? 24 P? Din PE Dan PE = total weight of the tape ‘umber of equal spans P=pull applied ¥ L=tme total length messured and N= the mumber of whole length tepe then : Total Sag Correction =INC,-+ Sag Correction for any fractional tape length Note. Nommlly, the mass of the tape is given. Ja that case, the weight W (or W) is equal to mass xg, where the value of g is taken as 9.81. For example, if the Mats of tape is 0.8 kg, W =0.8 «9.81 ~ 7.848 N. 1 Tt should be noted that the Sag Corréction is always negative. If however, the tape was standardised on ctenary, and used on fot, he correction wil he equal 10 Sap Correction for stondard pall sag corecon ot the measured pull’, and will be poste the mesimed pull in the fld 1s more tn he standard pall : For example, lt the tape de standardised in catenary at 100 Ni pall 11 the pull applied in the fd i 120 N, the Sag Comecton wil be 2g. Comrcion for 100 N’ pull =Sag Correction for 120 N pull fe HM hw toate] ‘2 CQooy 24207 FL (100? (120° an is evden positive TF the pull split in the fied is 80 N, the Sag Conetion will be Aw} sty 1 and is etdently nepaive. eam Ber” Lao Gor 1, however the pull applied in the fied is cqual to the standard pull, no. Sop Comection is necesiary. See Example $.11 ‘Equation 8.12 gives the Sag Correction when the ends of the tpe ate at the sane level. If, however, the enti of the tape are mot at the same level, tut are at an inclination 6 with the horizontal, the Sag Comection given is by the formula, Gi Geos 0( 1+3tsne) 18.13 (a) when tension P is applied at the higher end to(1_™! a Ger 0 1M an) fa 0 ‘when tension P is appliot at the lower end. If, however, 0 is small, we can have Gi=C,c0s' 8 8.14) irrespective of whether the pull is applied at the higher end or at the lower end. It shonld bbe noted that equation 8.14 includes the corrections both for saz and slope, i.e. if equation 8.14 is used, separate correction for slope is not necessary. See Example 8.13. ‘Normal Tension. Normal tension is the pull which, when applied 1 the tape, ecules the correction due to pull and the correction due to sag. Thus, at normal tension or pull, ite effects of pull and sag are neutralised and no correction is necessary. The econ pt is Ge 22D ai a owl? WE ‘ ihe corte rome i concn fro ye OMY at) where P,= the normal puil spplicd in the fied Equating numerically the two, we got Pa= PO kw WE 24h TRIANGULATION a» (8.15) ‘The value of P, is to be determined by trial ant error with the help of the above equation.

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